Imperial Decree 1

Story by Javelin Chimera on SoFurry

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#1 of Imperial Decree

First part in a series of chapters about General Karsa and her abuse of power.

General Karsa discreetly adjusted her ornate pauldrons, her long black cape lightly brushing the ground behind her. She was relieved that the battles were formally finished, if only because it meant she no longer had to wear her full armor at all times. Now she could travel comfortably in her light chest plate and thong that left little of the rest of her body concealed. It was a much cooler way to spend the day in this mid-summer heat. The tiger fur covering was more than enough insulation in that sense. She had always considered the mandated modesty of war time a waste of time regardless.

Flanking her on either side were members of her personal guard of male tigers, another idea that she considered a waste of time. Karsa was more than capable of protecting herself. Only one foe had ever landed a blow on her in combat, leaving a long scar on the left side of her face so that she would never forget. That foe and his entire family line had been eradicated as a result. With that, Karsa had secured her place as a figurehead of the Empire for the rest of time. Still, she had to admit that the guard had its uses now and then.

The reason she was careful to show any form of discomfort stood before them. The old male rabbit was the mayor of this dirty backwoods village, no doubt chosen for such a position because of age alone. He certainly wasn't a warrior, visibly shaking with nervousness as he leaned against the door frame of a poorly built hut. He took a deep ragged breath and swallowed audibly as Karsa looked him up and down, her tail twitching behind her as though to show her irritation with his very existence.

"Mistress Karsa, everything has been prepared as your described," he managed. "They are waiting for you inside."

"Excellent," she said, pushing past him and forcing open the door. She looked back and smirked, solely to make the old man squirm. "You know full well what rides on this. Pray all goes well."

The old rabbit nodded as Karsa's guards pushed him away from the building, taking up position outside of the door. The regal tigress stepped into the dark of the hut and closed the door behind her.

The inside of the hut was extremely sparse, no doubt in the towns attempt to make it as possible for the General. A handful of candles were lit along the walls, providing was little illumination there was inside the small building. At the center of the room was a shoddy wooden bed. Likely the nicest bed in the entire village, Karsa imagined, but nothing compared to what she was used to in the capital for sure.

Sitting on the bed was the reason she was in the small town to begin with. With legs folder under her, a young female bunny rested on the edge of the bed. She wore only a modest, thin white dress, concealing much of her small frame. All of her fur that was visible was pitch black, shining sleekly in the candle light. Her long ears were folded back against her head as scared eyes took in Karsa's presence.

"Child," Karsa began, unclasping her pauldrons at her throat and letting them fall to the ground along with her cape. "Do you know who I am?"

The girl nodded meekly. "Y-yes... You are General Karsa of the Tigris Empire."

Karsa took a step forward, the claws of her paws clicking on the wooden floor. "Correct. You will refer to me as Mistress." She stopped, standing in front of the girl, looking down directly into her eyes. "Do you know why I'm here?"

The girls voice almost monotone as she answered, almost as if rattling off an answer that was drilled into her. "Our village now belongs to the Empire. As such, we can now be called upon to offer tribute, and must do so satisfactorily or risk the entire village being destroyed." She shrank back a little. "The messenger who came said you would be calling on us for tribute, and that you wanted 'the nicest girl in town.' I was chosen for tribute."

Karsa placed one of her feet on the edge of the bed and leaned forward, her clawed hand forcefully gripping the bunny girl's ears. The girl let out a surprised squeak as Karsa tilted the bunny's head back, her other clawed finger tracing along the girl's soft neck and throat.

"You belong to me now. And how does that make you feel, little bunny?"

"S-s-scared, Mistress-"

Karsa smile and growled softly. She could practically hear the girls speeding heartbeat. "You should be," she said, her hand wrapping around the rabbit's neck. "But, do everything that is asked of you, and to my satisfaction, and you family, your friends, your village... it will all be spared. Understood?"

"Yes Mistress," the girl whispered.

The General's hand moved down, her claws digging into the light fabric as she gripped the neck of the girl's dress and forcefully ripped the entire garment from her body. Karsa stepped back, drinking in the sight of her prey's lithe body, her fur flawlessly black from ear to toe. The tigress untied the little clothing she was wearing, kicking it to the floor next to her cape. She sighed, running her hands through the white fur on her own large breasts and soft stomach. This was how a beautiful, powerful tigress deserved to be at all times, Karsa thought, completely free for all to witness.

"On your knees," Karsa said sternly, snapping her fingers and pointing to the ground.

The girl rushed to comply, sitting on her heels in front of the General. Karsa stepped close, lifting one leg over the girl's should, her paw braced on the edge of the bed once more. She looked down, showing her teeth to the girl with a grin.

"Service your Mistress, toy."

Trembling, the bunny placed her hands gingerly on Karsa hips and leaned forward. The tigress let out a soft moan as the girl's tongue started to explore Karsa's fur and pussy lips. It was quickly very clear that the girl had zero experience pleasuring another female orally, but Karsa was surprised at how quickly the rabbit seemed to pick up on the subtle clues of pleasurable sounds and body movements. Karsa closed her eyes, purring as the girl did her best to impress her new mistress.

After a few minutes, the tigress pulled the rabbits head away and pushed her back onto the bed. Karsa was pleased to see that the fur of the girl's mouth and chin was sleek from her juices. Karsa knelt down at the edge of the bed, putting the girls legs over the tigress's shoulders.

"Allow me to demonstrate," she said with a growl to the wide-eyed bunny.

Karsa was surprised to see that the girl's pussy was already engorged and dripping, clearly having enjoyed having her face buried in her mistress's muff. Karsa dug her claws into the bunny's fur along her tummy and side as she leaned in, tongue probing the girl's sensitive slit. The girl gasped at first, then squealed as Karsa slurped on her clit, holding her down as her body tried to arch from the sudden pleasure. It wasn't long before the rabbit was moaning loudly, muscles spasming as she sprayed her juices into Karsa's mouth in orgasm.

The tigress didn't let up for a moment, taking it a step further in order to torture the young bunny with pleasure. Still suckling on the bunny's clit, Karsa pushed a thick furred finger into the girl's pussy, exploring her insides. The bunny couldn't help but squeal and moan as the finger probed, and then became two fingers, pushing deep and stretching her. The exploring fingers combined with Karsa's flickering tongue on her clit proved to be too much, driving the bunny girl to a second, more powerful climax.

Karsa sat back, admiring the results of her work so far. The bunny's eyes were mostly closed as she breathed heavily, her tummy rising and falling with each breath, her thighs twitching with leftover muscle spams. The tigress stood, lifting one of the bunny's legs and moving to straddle the other so that their labia were touching, clits pressed together. Karsa starting to grind against her little toy, purring audibly, running her claws through the bunny's soft fur and cupping her small breasts.

"M-mistress!" she gasped breathily, incapable of forming much more of a thought between her loud moans.

Karsa reveled in the view and feel of the small rabbit's body as she forced her to cum again and again, each time coming closer to climax herself. Suddenly picking up speed, her back too finally arched in ecstasy. With a loud roar, the tigress had a powerful orgasm, soaking the bunny's fur with even more fluids. Karsa's claws kneaded into the girl's skin as the tigress came down, eliciting small yelps.

After a few moments of basking in the afterglow, Karsa stood and stretched, her tail flicking in satisfaction. She moved to her clothing and began to dress.

"I'm not sure what it is, little toy, but I like you. Your village is safe... for now." Karsa finished slipping her few bits of clothing back on, clasping her pauldrons back into place. "You shall remain here. I expect you to practice your technique for next time. I will return, without warning, and I expect you to have improved. Understood?"

"Yes Mistress!" the girl replied, visibly relieved as the door closed behind the exiting tigress.