Spring in My Step: Chapter 14

Story by RedSkunk on SoFurry

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#14 of Spring in My Step

One of the longest installments yet, Collen learns of how deep the betrayal goes among the people he thought he knew.

"Hello Collen!"

It was He'ki. Shock came over me with a side of ire. She was part of the setup after all, and seeing her here was the last straw. I was tired of Nyanni and me being treated this way. Tired of being taken advantage of and tossed around.

With little hesitation I leapt forward towards He'ki. I wanted to tear her apart! Violence of action was the war cry that came to mind. Alas, I was stopped short by Katy's hands as she grabbed my ears just in time to save He'ki from a beating. If all else, I must hand it to Katy for her reflexes. She stopped me from engaging my target. He'ki was a bit tense, but after having seen Katy defend her from me she returned to her calm demeanor.

"Dr. Katy, is there anything you could prescribe him for his violent outbursts?" He'ki asked with her bullshit, good for nothing, smartass smile on her face. Needless to say, I felt the need to blame her entirely for my plight.

"I may have just the thing!" Katy reached down underneath the pin and opened a drawer, pulling me against the side of the pin with my ears as she tried to get as much reach as she could. She pulled out a pair of zip-ties. "He'ki, could you give me a hand with his legs?" Katy asked, He'ki cautiously pulled at one of my legs. Katy dropped the ties in the pin, then pulled my ears to lay me down on my back while using her other hand to grab both of my legs and force them together. I tried to resist but Katy's large size made it futile. He'ki, eager to help, rushed and grabbed a zip-tie that Katy had dropped and turned back to cinch my feet together.

"If you would just cooperate then you wouldn't have to be all tied up.." He'ki explained while hopping back to grab the other zip-tie. With my legs secure, Katy grabbed my both of my paws with her one free hand and held them together for the next tie. At this point I simply gave up resisting as there really was no use in it.

I turned to He'ki and said, "Why are you even here? What do you have to gain from all of this? An easy fuck you burrowless turncoat!?" He'ki looked up, pausing for a moment with her paws on the zip-tie about to cinch it closed.

"You don't know what it's like to be a mother. All I want is the best for my children. I want them to be smart, happy, and successful. If I were to mate with a regular male hare, they would not turn out smart at all. They would be a level down from what I am and they may not even be able to speak! So, what do I have to gain? Your beautiful DNA Collen! You were so in love with Nyanni, you wouldn't of given a cute bunny like myself the time of day... So this is my reward! Return you to the Burrow in exchange for a shot at you..." she said as she then cinched my paws together smiling. At that moment I was fully bound then Katy let go of my ears. I suppose what He'ki said did make some sense. Taking a moment to think about it from her perspective, she wouldn't be able to have intelligent kids. I hadn't seen any intelligent male rabbits since I discovered this burrow and perhaps there isn't any at all. Alas, this didn't condone their actions, this whole burrow is fucked and everyone in it completely disregards another's humanity; in the spirit of the term that would include all sentient beings. "After impregnating the other bunny you just made love to.." She winked, "Maybe you'll last a bit longer with me and give me a good time huh?"

"And how on Earth do you expect me to get turned on by you anyhow? I don't even want to look at you let alone fuck you!" the stern words flew out of my mouth without hesitation. I lay there on my back looking up at her while she stood before me, hands resting just past my stomach while my feet sit bound together.

He'ki looked towards the mad scientist and said, "Perhaps you could give us some alone time now?" Katy seemed to agree, gave a little smirk and walked out of the lab slowly closing the door behind her.

"So is this the part where you are really still on my side and we think of a way out of here?" I asked her. I was dead serious, and was hoping to be right. My heart started racing while I read her facial expression to attempt to predict her answer. She smiled! Perhaps I was right! The milliseconds passed like molasses. My freedom was but a quick cut of the zip-ties away.

"No, I'm getting the sperm that is owed to me! Now how do you want me? Missionary? Or do you want a good look at my tail and fuck me from behind? Hehe!" She giggled, enjoying every moment she could taunting me. She made a couple of different poses in front of me, trying to stimulate my imagination. First she placed her paws on her belly, moving them slowly to her small but still noticeable breasts hidden under her fur licking her lips. All the while her ears went from pointing to the sky, downward, flowing down her back. "Maybe that isn't what you want? Maybe a little of this?" She asked, this time she turned around, flexing her legs as much as she could to perk her butt outward lifting her tail upward nearly touching the tip of her ears that still lay against her back.

Unbeknownst to her, what she just showed me was tantalizing, and unbeknownst to me, my member was responding. Perhaps this was the best quality of this species, every single one of them had an gorgeous butt, with a tail that dots the top like a cherry on ice cream. Strong legs would get you there, and He'ki was well aware of her assets and made sure to put them on display.

"Ahhh ha!!! So that's the kinda boy you are... don't be embarrassed. I don't mean to brag but my ass is the best if I do say so myself." Crap, she noticed me... I was speechless. Its a tall claim to say she had the absolute best of anything, but it would definitely be a competition if her butt was among the competitors.

"If you want it that way, then lying down just won't work." She said. He'ki stopped posing and walked around me. I kept my eyes on her just as she passed my head. She grabbed my ears and pulling on them as hard as she could, she dragged me slowly to the side of the pin. Confused and feeling semi-helpful and wanting to stop the pain in my ears, I pushed with my legs to prop myself up against the side as she pulled up on my ears.

"I'm still not interested He'ki... why don't you just call Katy back in here." I said. He'ki smiled back in disbelief. Her expression claimed that she knew something I did not. It had a whiff of arrogance to it as well, something not too uncommon for her.

"I'm not worried about what you want Collen, I'm worried about what your poor wittle wee wee wants..." he'ki said, as her speech suddenly devolved into baby talk as she peered at my dick, poking the tip trying to get a response. Finally, she turned around, showing me what my inner demons wanted. She squatted down so that her rear was level with my waist and pressed herself against me. "You know, there is something that you may not fully understand about your new form yet." He'ki whispered, whipping her ears in my face leaning back into me, "Rabbits are incredibly horny by nature, and you sir, are no different. You'll take me whether that brain of yours agrees or not... hehe"

Damn, when shes right, shes right. While my own fur seemed coarse, and matted, hers was unbelievably soft and smooth. My member was following her whims while she rubbed her butt up and down it, making sure that her tail tickled the tip when her ass reached the bottom. In my human form, there would be no way I could keep up with this pace of constant sex. I had already had two handjobs from Katy, a teasing by Milly, and raped a feral bunny. I should be running on empty right about now but somehow He'ki knew what buttons to push. As my heart beat faster, my shaft stiffened to meet He'ki's soft furry butt.

"I see you're ready now, didn't I tell you?" He'ki explained. She reached between her legs and guided me to her soft wet nethers rubbing me against herself, much too slowly than I had hoped. Once she had just the tip inside she pulled her paws off and turned her upper body to the right to try and face me. "Now, if you want to go faster or slower, you just signal me with a good tug on this" She pulled my still tied paws to grab her tail. She was clearly a wild one who liked it a bit rough. I obliged and grabbed it. It too was covered in soft fur, but still somewhat firm as the fur was so dense. It did make a great handle for what we were about to do. He'ki turned back around and started to bob up and down on me. Slowly at first, giving her pussy time to take in this far above average sized rabbit cock.

As much as I consciously hated He'ki, again the overwhelming feeling of lustful attraction was conquering my mind. Her moves were a smooth as silk, and her method drove me even wilder. With every slow dip she made with her hips, I made only minute progress into her. It was as though my dick was being led by a carrot on a stick, trying to get closer but not quite reaching as far as I wanted. I then remembered her instructions on how to operate her tail, to which I immediately held tighter and tried to pull on her next drop.

"Ooohh... do you forgive me baby? She asked.

"For what?"

"For returning you to the burrow? Ahh.... For helping turn you into a little fuck bunny..." she said.

"ahhh...I just...I can't..." I muttered, trailing off and slurring my words. At that moment she held perfectly still, bracing her self still with her powerful legs rendering her tail useless. I tried to pull on it to get bring her down on me but her legs were orders of magnitude stronger than my feeble arms. I instead tried to thrust myself up to her but she quickly responded by lifting herself up just enough to keep the respective position of my maypole and her velvet glove intact.

"If you really want to continue, I want to hear you forgive me..." She begged with a cute effeminate voice. I delayed to respond as my conscious mind battled with my instinct, but He'ki knew just how to bring my instinct the reigns of victory. Making a sudden and brief dip of her hips she kicked my instinct into overdrive.

"Yes, yes I forgive you! Please!!" I shouted across the room. For a second I was worried that my voice may of carried down the hall and into the lab where Nyanni was kept. I wanted to keep what was happening a secret. Even if Nyanni already had a good idea about what was already happening, I didn't want her to have to live through the anxiety.

"Good boy! OK lets keep going..." He'ki responded bringing the prize she was withholding back down on me. It felt as though I was finally able to breathe again. With a gasp she took me back inside her. I immediately grabbed her tail, this time with a purpose, I didn't want her to take it out again.

Why He'ki demanded forgiveness was a bit mysterious. Did she regret what she did? Then again she is basically forcing herself on me. I can't quite pin down her motivations. She clearly had worked out some sort of deal with Dr. Katy, and perhaps even the rest of the burrow. Given the display we were given by the Abyss and the rest of the group on the surface, it seems implausible that He'ki is a full flung member of the burrow again. It would also be kind of risky for Dr. Katy to be associating herself with He'ki after seeing how strict the burrow can be with their citizens.

At any rate, all this intrigue just made me lose focus of my what was bouncing up and down on me. He'ki had a really powerful set of legs, allowing her to make even more rapid bounces up and down. A sudden urge hit me, making me want to grab her butt. I let go of her tail and tried to move both of my paws to each cheek. The tie securing my paws stopped me, so I was forced to settle with just one cheek at a time. I grabbed the right cheek, gave it a healthy squeeze, then glided my paws over the left to do the same as though I were a taking precise measurements, paying close attention that my grabs were perfectly symmetrical. He'ki looked over her right shoulder again and took notice of my struggle. Needless to say she was flattered that I had taken an interest in her body. He'ki stopped pounding my hips with hers and slowly began to turn around, taking care not to let my shaft catch even the slightest breeze outside. Her right leg swung over my hips and rubbed across my stomach and bound paws. Now He'ki was facing me with a look that I dare say drew and eerie resemblance to love. With love must come trust, and with that He'ki used one of her claws to pry apart the zip tie mechanism and release my paws.

"There you go, my body is yours to explore now.... go on, leave no stone unturned!" She said softly at first ending with a confident shout. Now that she was facing me, it seemed mandatory that I feel up her chest. Being partially human, even in the slightest, one could barely tell He'ki was anything but a rabbit. But underneath that soft fur on her chest lay two supple and soft breasts with nipples as erect as I was. As I grabbed them, He'ki looked up into the air and closed her eyes. She put her paws on top of mine, forcing my paws against her chest even harder then moving them around as if to instruct me on how she needed me to do it. I followed course and pressed against them more firmly. He'ki uttered a soft moan of approval, but my paws weren't just interested in her breasts, they wanted to continue what they started earlier. They made their way back down to either side of her wide hips. Something about her ass was so fascinating and enticing that her breasts became secondary in my mind. I reached my paws around her backside nearly able to touch her tail. He'ki gentle placed her head on top of mine, consumed with pleasure and closing herself over me. Her warmth relaxed me, encouraging me to strengthen my embrace around her. Our fur was rubbing and sliding across each other like some primal lubricant.

He'ki must of felt it before I had noticed, my shaft started to get rigid in an effort to fully envelope the space inside her. "Are you gonna cum baby?!...aahh..." He'ki cried and as if on cue she sped up her bouncing pace. A tiny sliver of my mind didn't want to cum inside her and resisted. An image of He'ki also pregnant with my child would ruin my relationship with Nyanni. I tried to hold myself back but not enough to go the extra mile and escape her pussy's grasp on me. "Go ahead baby..." He'ki moaned once more, resting her lips on my ears, wrapping her arms around my head and pressing me against her chest.

He'ki's clutches made me feel safe enough to throw caution to the wind despite my better judgment. For the majority of our encounter he'ki had done all the work, but as if brought to life through some arcane magic my hips began to thrust upward. I grabbed at her fur as tightly as my paws could and forced her down on me, pumping my seed into her and forcefully as I could.

As my thrusts gradually became weaker, He'ki leaned back pushed my head gently away from her chest and looked down at me, "Collen...you are something else... you truly have a gift for this..." I didn't feel like I did much, though she may just be referring to the size of my member compared to my body size. Dr. Katy must have been thinking about herself when she neglected to modify the genes regulating my penis size. It wasn't as long as it was before but for a rabbit it was a bit out of proportion.

Just as we were finishing, the door to the lab burst open with a loud metal on metal bang along with the sounds of hard shopping cart style wheels rolling across a rough floor. "Is everyone OK!? Who's hungry!?" It was the quack doctor making her way in, with a sense of timing that had to of been staged. Her cart was full of cabbage and cucumber with a bowl of water. She rolled the cage next to the pin and started to unload a few pieces in the pin for me and He'ki. Then put the bowl down next to our still entwined bodies. I looked up at her and she down back at me and gave me a wink, just to let me know that we had done exactly what she had both expected and wanted. Though having sex with He'ki felt good, knowing that I had done something according to someones plan made me feel awfully used which took away form the experience. I quickly shuffled myself out from under He'ki who also seemed surprised she didn't get a "thank you" from me. Reality hit me much like it often does after an orgasm. I started to consider my actions and how they would effect Nyanni if she were to find out. He'ki did seem a bit emotional at the end of that, my only hope would be that He'ki and Nyanni never meet lest He'ki spill her heart out and make Nyanni jealous. "Curse this form and its over active sex drive" I thought to myself, passing the blame for my actions to something, anything else but myself.