Unwanted Desires

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[What is wrong with me?], I thought to myself, [Why am I thinking of her this way?]

I couldn't understand why I thought of my sister this way, I had never done so before, so what caused it now?

[Maybe I'm just tired after so much overtime at work, I mean I haven't pawed-off in almost two weeks!]

I pushed myself back from the table and wrapped up the remnants of my lunch, tossing them in the trash as I walked out of the restaurant. I was hoping that a little bit or R&R would allow me some time to ponder other things, and hopefully take my mind off of the recent events.

This all started a few days ago, when my sister, Krissys, was staying at my place for a bit while our father was away on a business trip. He didn't normally travel for his job, so when his boss told him he had to leave for a few days, they had to scramble to figure out where Krissys would stay while he was gone. Our mother had passed away a few years ago, so the only family Krissys had left was me. Luckily, I had moved out on my own after graduating college a few years back, and was more than happy to help them out.

It always felt awkward when I had to talk to my dad, even when it came to short, basic conversations. Our parents had divorced when I was about 11, and I stayed with my mom while growing up, so I never had much time to bond with him. Things worsened after they ended up hooking up one night and getting pregnant with Krissys. Over the next 12 years, we didn't communicate that much, with the primary reason to talk to each other being Krissys. There was the occasional emergency trip to pick her up from school, usually because our dad was being held up at work and couldn't find a way to escape for a brief moment. Or the very akward holidays where we had to visit each parent so neither would feel left out. Despite the vast ocean of distance between my parents, I had a very close relationship with Krissys.

It was the second night of her stay when it happened, and everything remained so vivid in my head.

"Oh hey, have you picked up any new movies since last time?", Krissys asked from across the living room.

"Yeah, actually. I picked up 3 new ones while I was picking up pizza a bit ago. I bought the new Exterminator, Jurassic Place, and uhh.... Damn. I always forget the name of this one." I scratched behind my right ear while I probed my brain. "Outerstellar! I knew I had the name in my head somewhere, just had to dig it out."

"Ooooh, let's watch Jurassic Place, I've been wanting to see that!"

"Aren't you a little young to be watching that?", I said playfully, turning around and sticking my tongue out at her.

"Age ain't nothing but a number!" She said proudly.

"Normally the only people who say that are 40, not 11." I responded. She put one paw on her hip and lifted the other, displaying a beautiful sign for a rare species of bird.

"I'm going to go take a shower, then we're watching that, whether you think I'm old enough to or not!", and with that she turned around and started walking down the hallway to the back half of the house.

"Oh hey, the guest shower doesn't have a shower head, you'll have to use the shower in my room.", I yelled at her, then pondered a bit at what I had just said. I didn't really treat it as my room; I spent almost every moment in the living room, my PC was in there, and I had a futon that I folded out each night to sleep on. The only reason I ever went back to that side of the house was to poop and shower (never in the reverse order!).

"Why is the shower head missing?", she asked.

"Long story.", I replied simply.

I could hear the sigh she released from across the house and chuckled. There was no long story behind it, I had just removed it to use temporarily while I replaced the broken one I had been using, but was feeling too lazy to waste the time on explaining it to her.

I walked over to my bookshelf and found the movie, tossed it on the couch, then headed into the kitchen to whip up some popcorn. I could hear the water running while Kris sang and showered.

"Oh shit!", I whispered under my breath. It just clicked in my head that I had left my 'toys' out on the shelf in my closet, and Kris might see them! I quickly ran to my room and headed straight into the closet, closing the door behind me.

There they were, sunbathing on a towel I had laid out to dry them on after their regular cleaning session. Looking at them, it hit me just how many I had amassed over the years; There were multiple with knots, some with very weird shapes, others with vibrators in them. I shook my head and quickly shoved them back into their home, a black plastic box that I had initially bought while I was still living at my mom's during college.

That was close, I really hope she didn't see them before she hopped into the shower. I cracked the closet door open, confirming that she was still in the bathroom before attempting to exit. It was then that I noticed the bathroom door was halfway open.

That girl, she'd forget her head if it wasn't attached to her body. I quietly crept over to the bathroom to close the door for her, but happened to catch a glimpse of her in the mirror before I could. She was bent over, back towards me, rubbing shampoo into her fur, slowly massaging the suds into her legs. The curtain for the shower was almost entirely transparent, with only the slightest bit being blurred out, nearly every detail of her body was visible to me. She straightened her back, poured some more shampoo into her hand, then started working on her midsection. She started humming Habanera while she worked on herself, her hands moved over her body in the most hypnotising way. She worked her way down from her chest, moving slowly over her stomach, then finally to her hips. She slipped a couple of digits from each paw down the crevices between her legs and let out a soft moan.

What am I doing?! I moved away from the doorframe and leaned up against the wall, placing a paw on my chest. Why did I just look at her showering for so long? She's my sister!

I quickly walked out of the bedroom and back into the kitchen, then leaned over the counter while I tried to figure out what had just happened. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. What I had just done! There was also the undeniable hint of arousal inside of me, which is what disturbed me the most. Why was I so turned on at the sight of my sister showering?

Maybe my brain was just thinking about sex in general, and not about her specifically. Maybe that's why I was aroused! I thought to myself, trying to find some way to explain my emotions. I walked over to the couch and plopped down. Maybe watching this movie will help clear my head.

It didn't take long for Kris to finish her shower and walk back into the living room, wearing what looked like one of my larger shirts that didn't quite fit me properly. Her fur was far fluffier that it was earlier, making her look just slightly larger than she actually is.

"You ready to watch this movie?", I asked.

"Where's the popcorn?!", she responded.

"Oh right, I completely forgot about that. Let me toss a bag into the microwave real quick.", I said as I got up and walked back into the kitchen, "Grab one of the glass bowls from below the counter."

She opened up the cabinet next to the stove and pulled out one of the larger bowls I had stored down there. I grabbed the bag of popcorn that I had left on the counter earlier and tossed it in the microwave, putting it on high for 2 minutes.

"And now all that I need to be ready for the movie is some soda!" She opened the fridge and pulled a Mr. Pepper from the bottom of the door, "You want one?", she asked me.

"Of course, gotta have the sodey-water for movie night!" Sodey-water was Kris' name for soda when she was a kid. It made me laugh every time she said it, so it just became the name I used for soda quite often, even when she wasn't around.

"Dork.", she pulled a second one out and handed it to me.

The microwave started beeping, indicating that the popcorn was finished cooking. I pulled the bag out and emptied it into the bowl.

"Alright, pop the movie in and we can begin!", I said, walking back over to the couch and sitting down on the end. Kris pushed the movie into my CubeBox and grabbed the controller off of the shelf, plopping herself down right next to me. She piled all of the pillows and blankets into a ball and snuggled up into them, throwing her legs over my lap.

"Hey, watch the popcorn!", I shouted, lifting the bowl up just before her legs slammed into it. I snarled at her and put the bowl back down, this time in her lap.

"Mmm, fresh popcorn!" She reached a paw into the bowl and stuffed a pawful into her maw. I followed suit, stuffing a bunch into my mouth as well.

We sat in silence as the movie progressed, cleaning out the bowl quite quickly, before the plot had even been told. That always seemed to be the case, especially when went to the theaters. The snacks and soda were almost always gone by the time the commercials were through and the movie had started. At least this time we could skip the commercials, so the food made it further into the film before disappearing. Once the bowl was empty, I picked it up and placed on the end table and out of the way.

Kris slouched further down into my lap, folding her arms behind her head so she could still see the TV. I grinned and slouched further myself, using a foot to slide my desk chair closer so that I could prop my legs up on it. Just then I looked down and saw that her shirt had scrunched up her a ways, and noticed that she wasn't wearing anything beneath it, not even underwear! I gulped and forced myself to look back at the movie playing.

Oh no, not again. I hadn't even fully gotten the shower scene out of my head! To make things worse, I found myself getting aroused at the thought of seeing her body up close like this. My pants tightened as my arousal tried to make itself known to the outside world. I carefully looked over at her, and was relieved to see that she hadn't noticed yet.

What am I gonna do!? I've got an erection from looking at my sister's junk, and I can't get up to go get rid of it in privacy! I forced myself to pay attention to the movie, hoping that by focusing on something else I would be able to rid myself of this annoying erection. Luckily, it seemed to work. After about 10 minutes of ignoring everything but the digital world being displayed in front of me, my erection finally decided to part ways and leave me to the rest of the movie. It was at this point that the two main characters kissed each other.

"Kei, you ever kissed someone?", she blatantly asked, not taking her eyes off of the TV.

"Uhh... yeah. Why?", I responded nervously.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss someone. How accurate do you think the movies are?", it was at this point she managed to peel her eyes off of the movie and look over at me.

"Uhh, I g-guess accurate enough.", I stammered.

"...Do you think you could maybe possibly show me how to kiss?", she coyly asked.

"What!? No! You're my sister, I'm not showing you how to kiss anyone!", I nearly shouted.

"But, what if when I find my knight in shining armor, and I go to kiss him, and he's all 'Eww, you suck at kissing, I'm going to find someone else to be with!', and I'll be sad because I didn't know how!" During this, she had moved from a lying down position, to sitting on her knees and looking right into my eyes.

"I don't even know how to begin to respond to that question.", I said, looking back at the TV and pretending that she HADN'T just asked me that.

"....... please?", she leaned sideways so that her head was in the way of the TV, forcing me to look at her. "I promise that I won't tell anyone! You're my big-bro, I would never snitch on you!"

At this point my mind was a mess, I couldn't think straight enough to form an answer. I just sat there for a few seconds, looking down at my lap. I mean, I WAS aroused when I saw her naked in the shower. I WAS aroused when I saw her feeling herself up. And I WAS aroused when I caught an up-close glimpse of her girly bits. But, this was wrong! She was my little sister, and to top that off she was only 11!

"Look, I- not only would it be wrong, it's illegal.", I finally said.

"So... you do want to kiss me?", she asked, moving her head ever so slightly closer to mine.

"That's not what I said!", I stammered, "stop putting words in my mouth!"

"Come'on, Kei! I bet it'll be so much fun! I know you want to." She plopped herself down on my lap and looked at me in the saddest face she could possibly muster.

I couldn't deny it any longer, she was right. I DID want to kiss her. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, pull her close, press our lips together, and start exploring her mouth with my tongue. I had no idea why I suddenly felt this way about my younger sister, nothing like this had ever occurred before, but I couldn't deny that I felt this way now. I decided to try and keep it 'professional'; just show her the ropes, show her how people would normally kiss. Maybe she wasn't interested in me in the way that I thought she was. Maybe she genuinely just wanted to know how to kiss so that she could finally muster up the courage to ask a boy at her school out.

"Alright. I'll show you how to kiss. But you can't mention this to ANYONE! Understood?"

Her eyes lit up.

"Of course, I won't say a word!" She closed her mouth and made a zipping motion across it, then nodded at me, grinning from ear to ear.

"Alright, I guess the first thing to show you is what I guess is called the 'peck' kiss." I readjusted myself and sat up a bit to get my head to around the same level as her's. "You've probably already seen this in movies or tv shows, normally between two lovers. It's usually when they're leaving for work and they quickly kiss; they usually make a 'smooch' sound."

I hesitated for a moment when I thought about what was just about to happen. I was about to kiss my sister. On the lips. And not in a 'I love ya, sis!' sort of way, but in a 'I'll show you how lovers do it!' way.

"Alright, uhh.. just, close your eyes and pucker up your lips.", I said to her. She quickly snapped her eyes shut and puckered her lips, as ordered, leaning her head forward slightly.

I puckered my lips up and slowly leaned my head forward. I couldn't believe that I was about to kiss her! After what seemed like a much larger distance than it really was, our lips made contact. Her lips were much smaller than I was anticipating, and much warmer. For some reason I had it in my head that her lips would be larger, and much colder. I quickly made a 'smooch' noise and pulled my head back.

"That was it?", she asked. "That was nothing! I could do that in my sleep!"

"It's part of the reason why couples kiss this way. They can show each other their affection for each other, but keep it clean enough to be done in public."

"Simple enough. What's next!", she eagerly asked.

"I guess the next one is uhh... the french kiss." I gulped and blushed as I thought about it. This is the big one. This is where I would stick my tongue into my sister's mouth in a sexual manner. Suddenly I found myself becoming erect again.

"Ooh, that one sounds fancy! What's involved?", she asked inquisitively.

"Well, it's kind of a step-up from the 'peck' kiss. Once your lips meet, you don't pull away. Instead, you open your mouth a bit and stick your tongues into the other's mouth."

"Eww!!! That sounds grotey!" Her face squinched up initially, but then relaxed as she gave it a bit more thought. "Well, I guess it could be fun. Do you just stick your tongue in then back out, and it's done?"

"Well, no. You uhh... 'explore' each other's mouth with your tongues." I racked my brain trying to think of how to describe a french kiss to her. "People usually describe it by saying 'Our tongues danced with each other!', so I guess you could think of it that way."

"Alright, let's try it!", she closed her eyes and puckered her lips up once again, this time without instruction, leaning much further forward in anticipation.

"Just remember, you can't tell ANYONE about what's happening right now. Promise?", I said sternly.

"Yeah, yeah. I promise! I told you, you're my big-bro, I'd never snitch on you!" She quickly snapped back into her pre-kiss pose, eagerly awaiting the next step.

"Alright, here goes..." I leaned forward and tilted my head slightly, preparing myself both mentally and physically for what was about to happen. Our lips touched once again but this time, neither of us pulled away. I slowly opened my mouth and pushed my tongue forward, her lips yielding shortly once she realized what was happening. My mind exploded with euphoria as our tongues connected. I never realized that someone could be as turned on as I was at this very moment! I slid a paw behind her tush and pulled her into me, grinding my hips upward as my tongue reached further into her. She moaned softly as we continued to kiss, rotating our heads every so often to get a new angle. I couldn't get enough of her. It was so wrong, but at the same time so very right!

A minute later, I managed to pull my head back, our lips parting with a string of saliva connecting us for a second before snapping.

"Big bro...", she said, partly out of breath. "That felt really good, and my stomach is all tingly now."

I didn't respond, all that I could do was look down at my crotch, at the massive erection that was now seeping through my pants. I couldn't believe that I was so turned on by what just happened.

"So uhh... that's the french kiss." I said, my mind not even focusing on what I had just said.

"Show me more!", she said, bouncing on my lap, "Show me more types of kisses! Are there any others that make me feel better than the french one?"

"Well, not really, I mean there are others, but uhh...", I honestly couldn't think of any other versions of the kiss that I could show her, at least not one where both of us kept our clothes on.

"But wha-", she asked, scooching further up my lap until she bumped into my throbbing erection. "Kei, what's in your pants?"

"It's a uhh...", I racked my brain trying to come up with something quick. I mean, I couldn't just tell her that it was my erect penis. "My-my, I think that's my phone, I forgot that I had left it in my pocket"

I cringed as my mouth finished uttering the last word, that was such a lame excuse, she would never believe it. But maybe, just maybe she wouldn't realize that I was lying to her and she doesn't actually know what an erection is. I mean, I'm pretty sure she knows what the male genitalia looks like, but hopefully not how it works.

"Nu-uh! It's your penis!", she said through a huge grin. She reached down and placed her paw on it. "Why is yours so big though, the others that I've seen are always so small."

"Wait, the others that you've seen?", I said, quickly snapping out of my trance. "What others have you seen?"

"Well, I saw dad naked when he was in the bathtub once, but he shooed me out so fast that I couldn't get a good look.", she said, "Then there was Chris at school."

"Chris at school?", I said, raising an eyebrow. "Why was Chris at school showing you his junk?"

"He didn't really show me it, I snuck into the boy's restroom and saw him while he was peeing."

"Why did you sneak into the boy's restroom?" I felt like we were playing 20 questions, each one getting me closer to the information I wanted.

"Well... I wanted to try peeing in the boy's restroom, see if it was any better than the girl's." It was at that moment that I was reminded that she was indeed my sister, which made me chuckle out loud.

"Why's that funny", she asked, cocking her head to the side.

"I did the exact same thing when I was a kid, a few times actually. I don't really know why I wanted to pee in the girl's bathroom so badly, I just did."

"Wait, you've done it too?", she asked, leaning closer to me.

"Yeah...", I said, scratching the back of my head. "3 times actually."

"Ha! That's my big bro!" She reached out and hugged me tightly, I don't know why that made her so happy, but it did. "Now tell me why your penis is so much larger than everyone else's!"

I cursed silently. I had hoped she had forgotten about that, but she has an amazing level of focus for her age.

"Well, it's uhh..." I just couldn't figure out how to explain this to her. Kissing was one thing, but an erection? There was no way I could explain this to her in a kid-friendly manner.

But I was quickly reminded of the fact that we had just french-kissed each other, maybe explaining this to her wouldn't be as terrible of an idea as I first thought. I sucked in a huge breath and let it out slowly, preparing myself for what I was about to explain to her.

"Alright, yes, you were right. That's my penis.", I was blushing so much that if I was hairless, people would think I was sunburned. "It uhh, it came out of my sheath when I was kissing you."

She leaned back on my lap, looking at me with a confused face. "Kissing me made your penis get bigger?"

"I'm going to assume that you've heard of sex before, right?", I asked.

"Yes! Oh wait, was that a form of sex?", she cocked her head slightly to the side.

"No, it got bigger because my brain was thinking about sex." I couldn't believe that I was telling my sister that I was aroused at the thought of having sex with her.

"You... you want to have sex with me?"

"I-yes.", I felt so ashamed of what I had just said. "I don't know why I feel this way, but I do."

"Big bro.", she was looking directly into my eyes with that oh-so soft face of hers.

We sat in silent for a few seconds, each of us trying to figure out what was going on. Today had started out as such a normal day, we were hanging out and getting ready to watch a movie. Now, we had just finished kissing each other and were talking about having sex.

"Well now you have to tell me what sex is, then maybe we can have sex together!", she said excitedly.

"Look, we can't have sex, it's illegal!", but my brain wasn't thinking that way, I wanted her. Badly.

"So, I see you speeding all the time when you're in your car. Isn't that against the rules?", she crossed her arms.

"Well, yeah it is, but on a very different level."

"But as long as no one sees us, and we don't tell anyone, they can't find out!", she bounced on my lap, moving closer to me once again. "If no one finds out, it never happened!"

"You watch way too much TV." I sighed. "Alright, I'll tell you what sex is, and if you still want to try it after, I'll... we can try it."

"Really?!" She said excitedly.

"Yeah. Ok, so the first thing that you're going to need to do is get off of me so I can show you something."

"Ok!" she quickly rolled off of me and set on the couch, eagerly awaiting what was to come. I stood up and looked back at her.

"I know I keep saying this, but you CANNOT tell ANYONE what is about to happen! Got it? You could get in trouble, and I could have my life ruined if anyone finds out." I looked down at her in as stern a manner as I could muster while sporting a massive erection.

"Not a soul will know!" She zipped her lips once again and smiled up at me.

"Ok, I'm going to show you what a guy's bits look like." I unbuttoned my pants and slowly started unzipping my fly. I still couldn't believe where the day had taken me, I was so nervous about being naked in front of my little sister, but at the same time so very turned on. I finished undoing my pants and slid them down my legs, taking care not to mess up the fur on my tail too much. I straightened back up and pulled my shirt off, tossing it on the ground on top of my pants. I then stuck a couple of fingers in the waist of my underwear and slid my paws back and forth, before finally sliding them down my legs and tossing them on the pile. Straightening up, I looked over at my sister, silently letting her take it all in.

"So uhh, this is what our junk looks like." My erection was stiffer than it had ever been in my life, with pre already drooling out of the tip and down the shaft. Her mouth dropped open and she slid herself toward me.

"Can I, can I touch it?", she asked, looking up at me with wide eyes.


She focused her attention on my throbbing shaft and reached a paw forward, touching the tip with a single digit. I let out a soft gasp as the sensation of someone else touching me hit home. She traced around my shaft for a bit, before finally reaching out and grabbing it, squeezing gently. I moaned, louder this time, and jerked my hips forward.

"Woah, you ok?", she asked, looking back up at me.

"I'm fine, really good. Just uhh, keep doing that.", I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as she grinned and squeezed a bit harder. She continued to play with my shaft, using two hands after a bit. After a few minutes, she let go and reach down to my furry sack, gently squeezing them. She rolled them around in her paws, tracing around them with her thumbs. m.

"Careful, don't squeeze too hard, they're sensitive.", I said.

"I know, it's why I always threaten to punch the other boys in the crotch when they pick on me!" She continued her massage, slowly working them over. Suddenly, she closed her eyes and stuck her nose right into my sack and took a deep breath. She exhaled raggedly, opening her eyes and looking back up at me. "That smells weird, but also really good. And my stomach is tingling again, more than before. What's going on?"

"You're probably getting aroused.", I said.

"If your penis gets bigger when that happens, what go girls do?", she asked.

"Well, your uhh... your girl parts get wet." I said nervously.

"Can you, can you show me?" She asked, looking up at me.

My heart jumped into my throat. I was going to have to have her get naked as well to show her what I was talking about. Just the thought and image of that caused me to feel a mixture of shame, arousal, and adrenaline.

"You're going to need to take your clothes off if you want me to."

She looked taken back for a second, but quickly shook it off and started ripping her clothes off.

It only took her a brief moment to shred the few pieces of clothing she did have on and toss them on just about every piece of furniture in the room. I immediately looked down at her vag and couldn't look away. It was like a TV in a waiting room, no matter what I did, I couldn't look away.

"Ok, go ahead and sit back down on the couch." I said shakily. She plopped down on the couch and looked back up at me eagerly.

"Alright, spread your legs a little bit." She awkwardly spread her legs out. I squatted down in front of her and put my paws on her knees. I was finally able to get a closer look at her naked, and couldn't believe the level of arousal I was feeling.

"So, when girls get aroused, they usually get wet-" I reached my paw forward and pointed at her slit. "-here."

"Why does it do that?", she asked, cocking her head to the side.

"So my penis would be able to slid into you more easily." She looked back up at me with wide eyes.

"Wait, you're supposed to put your penis inside of me, in there?", she looked down and pointed to her slit. "That looks like it wouldn't fit, is sex supposed to hurt?"

"It can, but normally people are closer in age, so size isn't too much of an issue.", I still couldn't take my eyes off of her beautiful slit, it was just so mesmerizing. I leaned down and stuck my nose right next to it and took a deep breath, just as she had done to me. Immediately my hormones raged even more than they already were, I needed her so badly.

"So, we can try it out, if-if you wanted." I stammered.

She didn't say anything, she just shook her head and looked down at my dripping member. She was just as entranced by my junk as I was with hers. I walked over to the TV and reached behind it, pulling out a bottle of lube that I kept stashed there for whenever I pawed off, and went back over to the couch. I sat down with my back against the arm and beckoned her over to me.

"We'll take it slow at first, I'll just use my fingers to get you warmed up." I could almost see her blushing under her fur, she crawled over on top of me and I situated her so that she was sitting on my thighs. I flipped the bottle of lube open and squirted a decent amount onto my first two digits.

"Alright, if you feel uncomfortable at any time, just let me know and we'll stop, OK?"

"OK." She had suddenly turned into a girl of few words.

I took my un-lubed paw and lifted her up until she was sitting up on her knees, her crotch just above my waist. I reached over and gently placed the two lubed digits onto her slit. It was so much warmer than I ever would have thought. I traced around her entrance, taking my time so that I could examine every detail. Once I felt she was lubed up well enough, I pushed a digit against her entrance, which gave with very little resistance.

She gasped as the furry intruder penetrated her in a place that she had never been penetrated before.

"You OK?", I asked, pausing my paw as I looked up at her.

"Yeah, keep going.", she responded.

I grinned and resumed, slowly sliding my digit deeper into her. She was so tight, and the heat was absolutely astonishing! Slowly, knuckle after knuckle slid in until my digit was as far in as I could. I slid it back out, then pushed it back in slowly. She gasped as my digit penetrated her once again. It was easy to tell that she was thoroughly enjoying the attention I was giving her. I kept sliding my digit in and out, slowly picking up speed. After a few minutes of this, it felt like she was loose enough for me to fit the second digit in. I pulled my fingers out, which was followed by her sighing at the sudden emptiness. I then squirted more lube onto them and pushed two fingers against her entrance this time. With a little resistance than before, they slid in. She moaned as she was opened up wider and fell forward, placing her paws on my chest. I pushed them further into her, slowly working them back and forth ever so slightly until I had fully penetrated her once again.

At this point, she was panting, her eyes closed and head hanging down. I started pumping my fingers into her, forcing her to balance herself better. I could feel her getting tighter as I continued to finger-fuck her.

"Kei, my stomach is starting to feel funny..." she breathily said.

"It's OK, you're just getting closer to an orgasm." I started pounding my fingers into her, with her pushing back and getting tighter and tighter. She was so close to an orgasm, and I couldn't believe how turned on I was at this thought. Her vaginal walls started contracting softly, slowly working up in intensity before she finally started squeaking, then let out a sharp gasp as her vaginal walls clamped down on my fingers. Pulse after pulse of muscle and flesh pushed her clear cum out onto my paw, all the while she panted and moaned as she road out her very first orgasm. She continued to squirt for nearly a solid minute before finally winding down. Once she contractions had stopped, I pulled my digits out with a very satisfying 'pop'. She sat down between my legs and finally opened her eyes to look up at me.

"That felt amazing, what was that?"

"That was an orgasm, pretty awesome, huh?", I said with a huge grin.

"I've never felt that way in my life!" She flopped down on my chest and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you for showing me that, big bro."

I blushed. I couldn't believe that I had just finger-fucked my little sister into an orgasm, and that both of us were so happy about it. I looked over at the TV and realized that the movie had finished, and probably a long time ago.

"Well, wanna restart the movie?", I asked.

"Yeah!" She snuggled into my chest as I grabbed the controller and started the movie back over from the start. We watched in silence for a few minutes before she sat up and looked at me.

"You gave me an orgasm, but you didn't get one after. Did you want me to help you like you helped me?", she asked. My heart skipped a beat. As much as I would have loved to let her do so, I had to fight the urge. She had just seen so much, and I didn't want to overwhelm her.

"Maybe next time."