Warm Summer Nights

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Finally finished this story, that I actually started a few months ago, but lost steam on. Hopefully you guys enjoy it, I had a blast writing it. Next on my list: get gud at writing smut

"Bryce, did you get that router configured?", asked Becca.

"Yeah, it's basically done." I said. "The only thing left to do is configure the DHCP reservations for the printers that I couldn't find."

"I can take care of that. I'll go ahead and take it and finish configuring it when I get onsite tomorrow.", she said.

I reached over and unplugged the router, then wound up the cables and handed it to Becca. She was my new boss, and an awesome one at that. My previous boss was a horrible one; he had no idea what he was doing, and the only reason he kept his job for so long was because he had the CEO in his pocket. Finally, after years of being an utter moron, he was fired and replaced by Becca. I MAY have celebrated with alcohol...

Becca was a cheetah that dressed sharp, and knew how to stand her ground in a male-based work environment. Before now, there had been a few other females that had tried to get a job in this department, but they were all chased away by some of the idiots that I worked with. This all changed when she arrived, she could not only take abuse from the horny males, but knew how to give it back in earnest.

"So, any plans for this vacation, or are you just planning on sitting on your tail all day killing space aliens?", she asked.

"For once, I'm not playing games. I'm actually going to be doing the furthest thing from gaming.", I replied.

"Oh?", she responded, her ears perking up.

"I'm taking my brother camping for the first time. We watched a movie a while back where a group of teenagers went camping, and he got all excited and asked if we could go camping. I honestly haven't been camping since I was a kid, so it actually sounded kinda fun. Sit in front of a fire, tell him scary stories, eat flame-grilled meat.", I said.

"Wait, was that the movie that came out a few months ago where the teenagers were all murdered in horrible ways by a crazy bastard that lived in the woods?", she said with a chuckle.

"That's the one.", I said.

"Weird, I figured that a kid wouldn't ever want to go into the woods after seeing something like that. Before I even saw a scary movie I was scared of the woods.", she said.

"Well, he didn't seem deterred by it, and was still adamant about going camping, so we'll see how he feels once he gets out there in the dark." With that, I got up and turned off my monitors, picked up my backpack, and started heading out towards the door to the hallway. I stopped with my paw on the door handle. "I would tell you to give me a call if you need any help with anything, but I won't have any cell reception for the next few days."

"Don't worry, I'll try not to bother you while you're on vacation.", she said, smiling. "You guys have fun, I'll make sure the building doesn't burn down while you're out. You just try not to burn up, snow leopards weren't made to be in the heat of the summers here." She waved goodbye as she walked out past me, turning back towards the offices.

I swung the door open and walked into the hallway, and into the elevator lobby.

[I need to remember to stop on the way home and get some food], I thought to myself.

I walked up to the front door of my house, 8 bags of groceries in my paws, and tried to open the front door while not dropping anything. Screw taking fewer bags in and heading back out for a second trip, I could get all of them in in one go! I felt the lock on the door open, and used my foot paw to fling the door open. I was greeted to cool air blasting past me, accompanied by the sounds of some video game on full blast.

I walked in, kicking the door closed behind me, and walked into the kitchen and set the groceries on the counter. I walked into the living room and saw Chris sitting on the couch, extremely focused on a boss fight.

"Oh hey, you're almost to the last level.", I said, messing up the fur on his head with my paw as I passed by. "When you finish that boss, come back and help me pack."

"OK.", he responded, not taking his eyes off of the screen.

I chuckled and walked through the living room and into my room, passing Chris' on the way. His room was an absolute mess, as per usual. I had already packed my things the previous night. I picked up the bag and walked into the living room, dropped it off in the entryway, and continued to the kitchen.

"Alright, I saved my game!", Chris shouted as he jumped off of the couch and ran back into his room. He was only gone for what seemed like a few seconds before he ran back through the living room and into the kitchen. He held up a lumpy backpack with one paw. "I packed all of my clothes!"

"Oh? Let's see what all you got.", I said, taking the backpack out of his paw. I tossed it on the counter and unzipped it. "Alright, you've got some jeans, a few shirts, some socks." As I called out each item, I placed it on the counter. "Looks like you're still missing your toothbrush, and underwear."

"Oh, dang!", he exclaimed, then hauled off back into his room, only to reappear once again within a few seconds, holding a few pairs of underwear to his chest with a single arm. "Here!"

"How did you find these in that mess you call a room?", I asked as I packed his clothes back into his backpack.

"I know where everything is. It might not look clean to you, but I know how to find everything!", he said, pointing at my face in an epic manner, for some reason known only to him.

"Alright, as long as I don't start smelling mold coming out of there.", I responded, pushing his paw aside. "Take our backpacks into the car while I get the food ready." I handed him the car keys, which he snatched out of my paw and yanked his backpack off of the counter, then ran off into the living room.

I pulled a cooler out of the pantry and started packing our food for the trip in it, placing a few ice packs at the bottom first. I was bringing some hot dogs to grill, as well as lunch meat, a couple of steaks, some bread, and of course, chips and soda. I closed the lid and started taking it out to the car. By the time I got out to the car, Chris had already packed all of the bags and was sitting in the front passenger's seat. I tossed the cooler in the back seat with the rest of the stuff, then hopped in the driver's seat and started up the car.

"Alright, you ready to start our epic adventure!", I asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah!", he responded, throwing his paws into the air. "Gimme your phone, I want to listen to music on the way."

"Of course, can't start a camping trip without good tunes." I fetched my phone from my pocket and gave it to him. He plugged it into the car while I backed out of the driveway and started on our journey.

Most of the trip was uneventful. Chris listened to all of three songs for most of the trip, at least they were songs that I enjoyed. After an hour and a half of driving, we finally arrived at the camp site. It was a quiet little lake hidden in a forested valley. Not many people liked going to this place, as the fishing was terrible, and the lake itself was too small to do any water activities, other than swim. It was primary used by couple that wanted to get away from the world and have super kinky sex.

The car emitted a squeal as the breaks groaned in protest, but brought the car to a stop a few meters from the cabin. I had rented us a small wooden cabin for three days, and luckily it seemed that there weren't any other cabins within eyesight. Which was good, as I didn't want to have to filter out random furs fucking each other, or have to explain what they were doing was to Chris. The cabin itself was a small log cabin that was elevated above the ground by wooden supports, and was only about 30m², but was more than enough space for the two of us. The lake came up to nearly the front of the cabin, just below the deck.

"Alright, we're here.", I said as I stood up out of the car and stretched, my tail swishing back and forth a few times.

"Finally!", Chris said as he hopped out of the car and stretched himself, before running around to the back of the cabin and up the stairs, only to find out the door was locked.

"I've gotta unlock it first buddy", I chuckled. "Come get the cooler and I'll unlock the door."

I grabbed all three of our bags and walked up the stairs to the door of the cabin, unlocked it, and kicked it open. The door bounced against the wall lightly, but came to a stop as I tossed the bags on the only bed. I had tried to find a cabin with two beds, but they all had one a single one. It wasn't the end of the world, it just meant we'd have to share a bed, but Chris loved spreading out to take up as much space as he could.

"Oh wow, this place is cool", I heard Chris say from behind me. He padded over to the kitchen and put the cooler on the floor, then jogged up and flung himself onto the bed, making the bags fly in the air. Two of the bags came crashing down on the floor, and the third landed squarely on his chest, forcing an 'oof!' from him.

I chuckled and reach over to pull the bag off of him, tossing it on the floor.

"You ok, bud?", I asked, stifling a laugh.

"Yeah.", he said as he rolled off of the bed. "So, what are we going to do first?!" He asked as he bounced on the spot.

"First, seeing as it's going to get dark soon, we need to start up a fire so we can get some grub before bedtime." I reached down and grabbed a lighter from my bag, as well as the cooler from the kitchen, then headed out and down the steps and toward the campfire, Chris trodding happily behind me.

"Go get some branches from around the cabin while I work on getting the fire started." I quickly balled up some dry leaves, and tossed a few small twigs on top, then set it ablaze with the lighter. After a few minutes, and with help from Chris dropping off branches, the fire was going strong. Within a few more minutes, we had hot dogs on some straightened metal hangers grilling over the flames. We sat back in a couple of chairs that were left for us to use, or footpaws propped up on the edge of the stone campfire.

It was really nice just sitting there with no city sounds to distract us, just the crackling of the fire and the rustling of the trees as the wind blew over the tops of them.

"Are they done yet?", Chris asked, basically drooling as he poked at his.

"Yeah, I think they're cooked enough. Dig in.", I replied.

Within a second, Chris had yanked his away from the fire and was already trying to devour the still hot meat. He stuck one dog in his maw, leaving it sticking straight out the front while he started pulling the second dog off of the coat hanger. As he did this, I felt my pants tighten a bit, forcing me to look away.

[Come on brain, don't do this now!], I thought to myself. I mean, yeah, I was aroused by cubs, and even had a small stash of cub porn hidden away at my place, but this was my little brother! I shook my head and tried to dismiss the thought, focusing instead on the food.

I quickly ate my hot dogs, then tossed the metal wire on the ground next to the campfire. A few seconds later, Chris tossed his as well, still munching on his last dog.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm stuffed.", I said, sliding down in my chair a bit.

"Yeah, any time I get meat is awesome!", he said, pushing himself up as he tucked his legs underneath him and sat back down.

"You know, the last time I went camping like this was when I was just a bit older than you. This was back when we used to live out in the country, and every now and then we would go out and grill like this next to the creek, then camp under the stars if the night was clear.", I stared up at the night sky, enjoying being able to see the stars once again.

"Oh yeah, you and mom lived out in the country before I was born.", Chris said. "Do you miss being out there?"

"A bit, but honestly I love not having to deal with poisonous wildlife and being able to get fast food at 3 in the morning." This elicited a laugh from Chris. "You probably would have liked it out there, we had a massive backyard that was literally the size of a state park."

Chris hopped out of his chair and walked over to me, then plopped himself down in my lap. I sat up a little bit in my chair as he did so and wrapped my arms around him.

"I do miss the camping though, that was fun." I said as I patted his head. "Especially this one night when mom let me and your sister stay out by ourselves. We stayed up really late while I told her scary stories from movies that she hadn't seen. And later that night, after your sister had fallen asleep, I snuck out an-Err... I uhh... snuck out and went swimming in the creek by myself."

I was so nostalgic over that story that I had forgotten who I was talking to. There was no way I could tell Chris what I ACTUALLY had snuck off to do, which was fuck the neighbors donkey until my balls were so sore that I could barely walk straight.

"You swam at night? Isn't that dangerous?" Luckily, it seemed that Chris didn't notice my slip up.

"Yeah, it was pretty stupid, but I was a kid." My heart started to beat a little faster as really happened that night played through my head. I could feel my shaft starting to poke out of my sheath.

"Did you skinny-dip?!", he asked, practically leaping out of my lap.

"No, but now I wish that I had, it would have made the story much better." I chuckled nervously as I could feel myself heating up. Between the memories of that night, and Chris bouncing around in my lap, my brain had started to focus on a single thing.

"Hey, I think it's about time we head inside for the night", I said, standing up and forcing Chris out of my lap. I quickly turned around before he could see the tent forming in my pants and adjusted myself, tucking my erection into my waist.

"Aww, really? But I'm not tired yet!", he said with a pouty face.

"Yeah, but tomorrow we can have a bunch of fun. We can go swimming, or maybe hike around the lake.", I said as I made my way up to the cabin. Chris sighed and followed behind me.

The cabin was mostly dark, except the one very weak light in the kitchen which just barely lit up the bed. I let out a sigh at this realization and sat down on the bed, not too worried that he would see my 'issue'. Chris launched himself over the bags and onto the bed, making me bounce a little as he landed.

"You're gonna break the bed if you keep doing that ya know, or your head." He shrugged and started ripping off his clothes. My eyes opened a bit as I remembered that he liked to sleep in his underwear, same as me. "You do know that we have to share this bed, right?"

"Yeah.", he responded as he pulled off his pants and tossed them onto the floor.

"You uhh, don't mind sleeping next to me? In your underwear?", I asked. He shook his head, then slipped under the covers.

"We're brothers, it's ok right?", he said.

"I guess so, but you have to stay on your side of the bed, deal?" I stuck out one paw. He reached out from under the covers and shook it.

"Deal! ...maybe.", he giggled and quickly ducked under the covers. I sighed and resigned myself to just focusing on getting to sleep. It was a warm night, so there was no way I would be able to sleep with my clothes on, so I undressed myself. Once I had stripped down to my underwear, I pulled the covers up and slid under them.

"Alright, night Chris. We'll have a bunch of fun tomorrow", I said as I rolled onto my side, facing away from him so that he wouldn't accidentally bump into my now fully exposed shaft.

"Can we hike up to the top of the mountain?", he asked, a hint of excitement in his words.

"Mountain? Oh, you mean the large hill behind us? Sure." I could practically feel the excitement dripping off of him. He had wanted to go hiking ever since he saw that movie.

I sighed again and tried to get my mind off of everything. Off of that night I spent hopping fences. Off of Chris and the fact that he was almost naked right next to me. Off of the fact that my erection was not going away, and was in fact now staining the front of my underwear with pre-cum. For what seemed like an eternity, I tried to calm my mind and fall asleep, but my dick wasn't going to be ignored, it demanded attention.

I carefully peered over my shoulder at Chris, and watched him for a few seconds. He was sleeping on his back, his chest slowly rising and falling. I could see the outline of his tiny package through the thin blankets. I swallowed deeply and turned away.

[Alright, he's asleep], I thought to myself.

I carefully slid out of bed, keeping my back to Chris the entire time. Once I was out of bed, I crept over to the door, and very, very slowly opened it. Thankfully, the door didn't creak and let me slip into the night without a sound. I walked around the cabin and over to the shoreline, stopping behind one of the columns supporting the place. I quickly slid my underwear down below my crotch and looked down. My barbed dick was sticking straight up into the warm night air, pre-cum smeared all over the tip.

I reached a paw down and wrapped it around my shaft, letting out a soft sigh as I would finally be able to take care of this. I used the pre as lube and coated my shaft with it, before slowly stroking myself. I continued to pump my paw over my dick for a few minutes, before the sound of a twig breaking snapped me back to reality. My ears had already swivelled to the source before I could rotate my head, but when I did I froze in terror. Chris was standing behind one of the columns a ways behind me. When he noticed that he had been seen, he let out a squeak and quickly ran back up the stairs and inside, a loud thud following a short second later.

I cursed myself under my breath and pulled my underwear up, before chasing after him. When I got to top of the stairs and walked in, I saw what had made the loud thud. He had flung the door open and it slammed into the wall, leaving a dent in the drywall. I looked around the inside of the cabin, letting my eyes adjusting to the darkness, before finally spotting a lump of blankets on the opposite side of the bed from me.

I closed the door behind me and padded over to the ball of blankets that was obviously Chris, and sat down next to him. I wrapped my left arm around him, but held my tongue for a second, trying to figure out what I was going to tell him. I didn't hear him crying or anything, he was just silent under the blanket, not moving.

"Hey bud, I'm sorry that you had to see that.", I paused for another few seconds, then reached a paw down and lifted the blanket up a bit, revealing two white, rounded snow leopard ears. "I uhh... do you happen to have any idea what I was doing?"

Thinking about it, he was at the age where he might know what was going on, and even might be going through it himself. I saw him nod his head silently, and felt both happy and sad at it. At least I wouldn't have to explain to him what I was doing, but that meant he already knew what I was doing!

"I'm so sorry, I should have been able to control myself.", I let out a heavy sigh and leaned back against the bed. We sat in silence for a minute, I honestly couldn't think of what to say next.

"It's ok..." I heard him say from underneath the covers. "The teachers at school told us about it, and that everyone does it."

I felt a huge weight fall off of me as I heard him say that, I was afraid he was going to freak out and start crying to go home, which would have lead to all sorts of other, even less fun conversations with other people. I felt him sit up a bit, then lean over to rest his head on me.

"I've been doing it myself lately. I was going to wait until you were asleep to do it, but then you got up and left, so I was about to do it, but then was wondering what you were doing. Then you caught me and I got scared, I didn't know what you were going to say." He folded his ears a bit as he said this.

"You know that I'll always love you, you're my little bro." I leaned down and kissed the top of his head. We sat in silence for a few more minutes, and I allowed myself to purr softly, which seemed to relax Chris a bit.

"Are you going to finish?" he asked, finally breaking the silence. My heart skipped a beat when he said this.

"I uhh... no. I don't want to startle you anymore than I already have tonight." I said, now nervous.

"It's ok. I don't mind." he said, looking up at me.

I had no idea how to respond. Part of me really wanted to finish what I had started, and another part of me wanted to take it a step further, but I hesitated.

"I don't know, I might later." I responded, not wanting to let the question be lost to silence. There was another long pause from Chris.

"If you do do it... can I join you?", he asked.

[Ok, now he's either fucking with me, or he's actually serious.]

I swallowed loudly and thought about it for a second. I mean, it had been a fantasy of mine for a while now, and of all people to do it with, he would be the best. He loves to keep secrets, he's basically one giant walking secret at this point, he trusts me since I'm his big brother, and I bet he'd be willing to go a step further. After a couple of seconds, I finally answered him.

"Al-alright." I said, half choking on the words. "But you can't tell anyone about this, ok?"

He threw the blanket off of his shoulders and spun around. "Ok!"

I looked around the cabin, half expecting someone to jump out and start shouting that I was a horrible person, but quickly realized that my brain was just trying to play tricks on me. When I looked back at Chris, he had already stripped and was standing in front of me, completely naked. My eyes widened as I looked down as his package, his little pink cock already half out of his sheath, and his cute, white furry balls hanging below. I couldn't take my eyes away.

"You ok?", he asked after a couple of seconds. I shook my head and looked up at him.

"Yeah, just uhh..." I trailed off without even completing my sentence. I lifted myself up with my paws and sat on the bed, following suit and pulling my underwear off and kicking it to the floor. It felt really weird to be naked in front of Chris like this, but also so very arousing at the same time. My cock was already back out of my sheath, standing proud and dripping more pre. I felt something on my cock and looked down to see that Chris had wrapped one of his paws around it.

"Oh wow, yours is so much bigger than mine." He was staring at my crotch with wide eyes. I let out a quick gasp at the sudden sensation of his small paw around my member.

"Nnf~! That's just because I'm so much older than you." He continued to squeeze my shaft, before finally letting go and sitting down next to me, wrapping his paws around his cock instead. He quickly started to stroke himself, laying on his back.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm, it reminded me of myself when I was his age and first found out how awesome pawing off was. I couldn't help but watch him as he pawed himself off. He had his right paw wrapped around his tiny cock, furiously pumping it, and his left paw above his head, gripping the bedsheets tightly. As he got closer to orgasm, his toes started to curl up and his head pushed back into the bed a bit, before he finally let out a half squeak, half moan as he came. A couple of small shots of cum shot out of the tip of his barbed member and landed on his chest, getting lost in his white fur. After he had shot his load onto his chest, he relaxed his whole body and slumped onto the bed, letting out a soft sigh.

"Hey, you didn't cum!", he said, rolling onto his side to look over at me.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I was uhh... I couldn't help but watch you." I could see him blush under his fur, and I could feel myself blush after blurting that out.

"My teachers also talked about sex, and that it happened between two furs who love each other." He looked down at the bed and started tracing the stitching in the fabric with a single digit. "They said that sex between two guys was when one put his penis inside the butt of the other... do you think we could try that?"

Somehow, my heart stopped, and managed to start itself back up a second later. I couldn't believe that my little brother had just asked if I wanted to have sex with him. Of course I did! Well, my dick wanted to, my brain still wasn't fully sure if I should. I stopped and thought about it for a second.

[Sex is just sex, right? There's no reason it has to get romantic, and there's no harm in having fun with someone who's underage if they initiate it, and even enjoy it... right?]

I grinned and slid back a bit on the bed, then leaned back and rested on my elbows.

"Alright, if I'm going to do this, we need to get prepared", I said.

"Ok!", he practically shouted.

"First, come here", I lied down fully on the bed and patted my chest. "Sit right here, with your back facing my head."

He crawled over to me and did as he was asked, lifting his leg and straddling my chest, facing away from me. I purred a bit and reached a paw up, placing it on his back.

"Alright, now just lean down and keep your knees bent", as I said this, I pushed against his back gently. He took the hint and leaned forward, his muzzle now right above my shaft, still painfully erect. I grabbed his waist with both paws and pulled him toward my head a little, so that his tail was right above my chin.

"If we're going to have sex, I need to make sure both you and I are lubed up so that I don't hurt you." I reached a paw down and pointed toward my cock. "I want you to start licking me, and I'll start licking you."

"Ok- wait." He quickly cut himself off before finishing the 'k'. "You're going to lick my tailhole?"

"Yeah, I need to make sure you're lubed up." I said, lifting his tail up. I was greeted by a glorious sight: his tight, pink pucker.

"Doesn't that taste gross?", he asked, leaning over to look at me.

"Not in the slightest! The taste of a snep's tailhole is rumored to be one of the great wonders of the world", I leaned forward and dragged my tongue across his pucker and paused, listening for his reaction. All that he did was gasp and push his rear towards me. I took this as a sign to continue. I leaned forward again and buried my nose under his tail, inhaling his scent. I flicked my tongue across his pucker once more, making him gasp again. I grinned and started licking him in earnest, covering every bit of the fur and skin around and on his pucker with my saliva. He just sat there, not moving while I worked on his rear.

Once I felt the outside was lubed up enough, I pressed my tongue against his tailhole, slipping it inside of him after a second of resistance. This caused him to moan as my tongue invaded him in a way that he had never felt before. I pushed my tongue as deep as I could get it into him, savoring the taste of him. I slurped and licked as deeply and as thoroughly as I could, making sure I coated every bit of his tailhole, both inside and out.

After a few seconds of this, he snapped out of his trance and leaned down, wrapping a paw around the base of my cock. He sniffed at it, then gave it a quick lick, taking a bit of the pre with him as he did so. He must have enjoyed the taste, because he quickly went back to licking the tip, cleaning every bit of it off. Once he was sure it was clean, he opened his maw and sank the first bit of my cock in his mouth. I moaned into his rear as I felt his warm mouth start to slide onto my needy cock. I had had blow jobs before, but all of them were bland and didn't excite me at all. But now, for some reason, I was hornier than I could remember, and the feeling of just his mouth on me was almost enough to drive me over the edge.

He sank a bit more of me into his muzzle, but when my cock pressed at the back of his throat, he stopped, unsure of what to do next. I didn't say anything, as I knew he wouldn't be able to get any more in, and just let him lap at the top of my cock. He started to wiggle his tongue around in his mouth, trying to figure out what he should do next. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at his inexperience. I mean, he was only 10, what more could I expect? I pulled my tongue out of his tailhole, a string of saliva connecting me to him for a few seconds before breaking.

"I think that's enough, you should be good now." He pulled himself off of my cock and looked back at me.

"That was really fun, is the rest of sex as fun as that?", he asked.

"Oh, it's even more fun", I replied, grinning from ear to ear. "Spin back around and sit in my lap."

As he got off of my and started to spin around, I sat up in the bed, letting my legs dangle off of the edge. He said back down in my lap, his legs folded up underneath him. I leaned back just a bit and reached down to grab his rear.

"The next part is a bit different from the first. It might hurt a bit for you at first, but it'll start feeling amazing after a few minutes." He nodded and sat up a bit, and I slid underneath him so that my cock was directly underneath that delicious pucker of his. "What I want you to do is lean against me, and lower yourself down."

He nodded again and did as he was told, slowly lowering himself. I used a paw to guide myself toward his entrance. When he felt my cock poke against his tailhole, he paused for a second.

"It's ok, just take your time." I said, kissing his neck lightly.

He resumed lowering himself again, this time slower than before. I could feel his well lubed tailhole yielding as the tip of my cock pushed into him. Then suddenly, he sank down a little bit further, almost halfway onto my cock before stopping himself. He sucked in air through his teeth, but didn't move.

"You ok?", I asked, leaning back a bit to look at his face. He was obviously in a little bit of pain, but not enough to stop him. He nodded and wrapped his arms around me, sinking his nose into my neck. He just sat there for a few minutes while I held him up, not wanting him to go any further until he was ready.

Finally, he let go of my neck and leaned back just a bit, looking at me and giving me a small nod. I took this as a sign to continue for him. I lifted him up off of me just a bit, then let him sink back down, a bit more of my cock sliding into his tailhole. I heard a small moan escape from his muzzle as his prostate was massaged by my cock. I continued to lift him up until just the tip was remaining in him, and let him slowly fall back down, each time sliding more of me into his tight, warm tailhole. After what seemed like an eternity, I felt his rump rest against my legs, and I slid my paws out from under him, letting him sink the last bit onto me. He let out another gasp as I fully hilted myself in him.

I looked down at the wondrous sight, not fully believing what was happening. Chris was fully impaled on my cock, and it was the best feeling in the world. Before now, I had always been a bottom, always in Chris' position. So being able to sink my cock into another fur was a new experience for me. Fucking a cub, and my brother no less, was making this even sweeter.

I let him adjust to my size for a few moments, before wrapping my arms around him and standing up. He blinked, not sure what was going on, but then quickly realized what I was doing. I spun around and leaned down, placing him on the bed on his back, my cock still buried deep in him. He lied on his back and I placed my paws on his knees and pushed them back a bit so his rump was sticking out and up.

"If you ever want me to stop, just say so. I don't want to hurt you, I want you to experience something amazing, something that I've been able to experience and want to share with you." I leaned back down and gave his nose a lick. He nodded quietly, but didn't say anything. I leaned back up and looked down, pulling myself out of him entirely by accident, which caused my cock to pop up and fling some of the saliva/pre mixture into the air. I grinned and reach down with a paw, aligning myself with his pucker once more, then sank myself into him, much faster this time.

The sensation was amazing. I could feel my barbs sliding along his tight walls as he stretched to accommodate me once more. The warmth of his tailhole was almost indescribable, even a bitch in heat had never felt this hot.

I grunted as I felt my crotch slide up against his rear, only leaving it there for a second before pulling back out nearly to the tip, then sliding back in. My barbs raked at his insides, causing him to moan quite loudly. I leaned over him and placed both of my paws at his sides; I couldn't hold back any more. After watching all of that cub porn, being horny as hell for an entire night, then being cut off in the middle of pawing, it was more than I could take.

I started to slam myself into his tailhole, almost as hard as I could. I could hear him squeak underneath me, occasionally letting out a grunt when I slammed into him a little harder than normal. After a few moments, I could feel him tightening around my shaft, and knew he was close to his second orgasm of the night. I honestly wouldn't last much longer anyway, so I continued to fuck him. I could feel that familiar warmth starting to build up inside of me, so I leaned down and licked his jowls as I readied myself.

Before I could cum, I felt his anal muscles start to clench up, then spasm. He let out a loud moan as he started to orgasm, cum spraying all over his chest, some of it even reaching his muzzle. As his muscles clenched and relaxed, he was inadvertently milking my cock, which sent me over the edge. I buried my cock in him as deep as I could get it before it started twitching, then spraying cum. Stars clouded my vision as I orgasmed, my cock coating the inside his tailhole with my seed. I grunted as I continued to spray inside of him, my hips automatically thrusting forward with each squirt.

When my orgasm finally died down, I opened my eyes and looked down at Chris. His mouth was agape and he was starting right back at me. I smiled, then leaned down and kissed him on the lips lightly.

"Ohh wow, I- I. That was amazing!" He finally stuttered. He looked down at his chest, at the mess that he had made. Even though it was white cum on white fur, it was still obvious just how much of it there was. It was actually quite impressive how much he had sprayed, given his age.

I still was mostly speechless, and just laughed lightly. I had no feeling below my waist for the first minute or so, so I just stood there, my shaft still buried deep in him. Once I had finally regained sensation in my legs, I pulled my cock out of him. Cum oozed out and dripped down his stretched hole, and onto the bed. I squatted down and buried my nose against his pucker, licking up the mess that I had made. He giggled at this and spread his legs as much as he could, granting me better access. I pushed my tongue in him once again, trying to get at every drop of cum that I could.

Once I was sure his tailhole was spotless, and that I had enough of it in my maw, I stood back up and leaned over him, planting my muzzle against his. He rotated his head a bit and opened his muzzle, letting mine slide over his. I opened my mouth and let the cum that I had slurped up drizzle into his waiting maw, my tongue darting forward and wrapping itself around his. He wrapped his paws around my neck and kissed me back, lapping at the cum we now shared. I moaned and bucked my hips forward subconsciously, I don't think I could have gotten hornier than that moment. Here I was, swapping cum with a kiss, with my 10 year old brother, that I had just fucked so hard that I came stars.

We continued kissing for a minute or two, before I finally pulled myself away, reluctantly. I stared down at him and gazed into his grey eyes, and he smiled back up at me. I rolled off of him and onto my back, letting out a huge sigh. He crawled over to me and slid up against my side, and I wrapped my arm around his neck.

"We need to do this more often", he said, smiling up at me.

"I couldn't agree more.", I responded, "But, like I said earlier, we need to keep this a secret between just us."

"ok! It'll be our secret!", he nuzzle into my chest and let out a tiny sigh.

Tomorrow was definitely going to be an interesting day. Now that I had a little brother that I could fuck whenever he felt up to it, I was sure that the rest of this camping trip was going to be spent indoors instead of being outside, not fucking each other.