Quieting The Virgin, Part Two

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#75 of Transformation Stories

Fresh off of his first blowjob, Lucas is floating on cloud nine, but in this story for Blue+Fox999, the same kitsune that gave him the oral treatment looks to bring him right back down to earth!

Because Aria never gave him permission to cum, the kitsune decides that he deserves a punishment, and before his eyes, the gorgeous, lithe female who gave him his first assisted orgasm begins shifting into a slim, tall male, complete with a dick that's bigger than his own!

Still trapped in magical bondage, Lucas watches and trembles with fear as Aria plans to take his virginity, but perhaps not in the way he expected!

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

P.S. We're running a Pokemon themed series of auctions! Go check it out! http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/8351411/

"You weren't supposed to cum, Lucas. That was a terrible mistake, on your part."

The poor husky wasn't aware of the risks and consequences that came along with his encounter, but then again, the entirety of his evening was completely unexpected.

It was weird enough when a leg popped through his wall, followed by the rest of a sensual body of a female kitsune. The night took a turn for the impossible when the vixen claimed that she was there to dominate the husky, and while she made good on her words when she tied his arms above his head, she never once gave him permission to reach his orgasm.

Needless to say, the virgin couldn't handle all of the pleasure that was being granted to him by the mischievous immortal, and as the last of his seed continued to drip down over her lower lip, he could see that his fate was sealed, even if he didn't know what Aria had in store for him yet.

"I was saving your maiden orgasm so that I could welcome it into my cunt...it's almost always a huge load when a virgin gets brought to release for the first time," Aria explained. She used the back of her paw to wipe the last strands of cum from her lips and then brushed the paw over Lucas' sheets, uncaring of the mess that she was creating, knowing that it would only get worse before the night was over. "Since you've wasted it, however, we might as well move on to doing something else for the first time, hm?"

Lucas was hesitant to admit that he'd never been given a blowjob before, and though it wasn't as immediate as the media portrayed, he was feeling a rather sudden boost of confidence, having just been orally pleasured for the first time by a downright gorgeous female. "I don't...d-don't know if I can get ready again that fast," Lucas paused, and then explained himself, as he tried to find an excuse for why he wasn't ready to penetrate Aria yet.

What he couldn't have known was just was level of mischief the kitsune was up to, and her words didn't completely erase the concern that he felt when he noticed Aria's body shifting slightly under the guise of her open kimono.

"It doesn't matter if you don't think you can get it up or not. I know a few tricks to help your cock get back to full strength in no time," Aria claimed, "But I don't know if you're going to like them."

"What if I don't want you to do use those tricks, then?"

"Then you shouldn't have defiled my mouth with your pathetic cum, Lucas."

Aria was a trickster in every sense of the word, and despite having just brought Lucas to the greatest peak of his earthly pleasures, she was content to mess with his head and keep him guessing, even as the kimono began to slink off of her shoulders. She straddled over one of Lucas' thighs, and cupped her paws under her breasts as she gazed down at him, wanting to confuse his mind and make him wonder if she was just being overly harsh, or if she really was of such a brutal nature.

"Do you like these, Lucas? Did you want to see your cum dripping down over them?"

If Lucas weren't gulping all over again and watching Aria's breasts with absolutely precision, he would have blurted out the obvious answer, but instead, a muttered "Yes" was all that escaped his lips, as he barely heard the words. Just barely into college and having just lived through his first real sexual experience, it wasn't surprising that Lucas was still obsessed with Aria's physical form, and just how beautiful it was to gaze upon.

When he confirmed her suspicions, however, his heart dropped into his stomach; her breasts were visibly getting smaller, as if he was watching the vixen go backwards through puberty. "You should have aimed for them when you had the chance, you poor fool. I don't know if I'll ever let you near them again..."

What were once full, supple breasts continued to shrink back, and perked, excited nipples dwindled away until they were scarcely visible through the underbelly of white and cream. Perfect, round lumps were flat as they could be after just the span of a couple of minutes, and Aria giggled as she straddled Lucas, leaving a stain of moisture upon his thigh that drew his attention there, just as she intended.

"I...I...d-don't get it," Lucas stumbled over his words as he saw shoulders growing wide and broad behind the flattened flesh upon Aria's chest, and her jawline began to widen just a little bit as thickness spread down from her shoulders, moving toward her torso so that her abdomen matched the expanse of her hips, robbing the subtle and sensual curvature they once held. "What are you doing? How...how is that even possible?!"

Aria kept a giggle behind the back of her paw as she lifted it to her muzzle, but her voice was changing throughout the giggle, turning deeper and heavier with each breath she took. "I told you that we have all kinds of powers that you wouldn't understand, mortal. I just happen to reserve my powers for punishing those who don't appreciate a wonderful gift...in other words, you blew your chance to lose your virginity in the way that you might have liked."

The trail of damp, feminine juices that spilled over Lucas' thigh finally came to an end as the nub of her clit grew outward, and the husky was quick to notice the wiggling. A small notch appeared in the tip of the tiny, sensitive spot, and it quickly elongated, stretching out in millimeters at first. The process was just the right pace for Lucas to watch in horror and come to understand what Aria was growing, and the wrinkled flesh of her labia began multiplying and sticking to itself as it bulged and grew outward, until the trapped canine was sure that he felt two consecutive lumps drop down and settle on the muscles of his leg.

A glans grew out upon the tip of the kitsune's newly formed cock, and it began to shift around, starting as little more than a plain, bland rod, but Aria quickly fixed the same, as she remembered what her vulpine length was supposed to look like. The tip ended up tapering off dramatically, but within the sheath that began to form and contain the base, Lucas could see a heavy, swollen bulb forming, and he gritted his teeth and shook nervously. He might have been foolish, but there was no mistaking Aria's change of body, or her intentions.

"You can call me Darian, in this form," he murmured, and a thick, masculine drawl covered up what was once a teasing, sensual voice of femininity. "You had the chance to share your first time with a beautiful, wondrous female, but you blew it...and your punishment for that will be every bit as painful for you as it is enjoyable for me."

Lucas widened his eyes in shock at the fully transformed kitsune and began thrashing his arms about wildly against the headboard, hoping that it might break him free of what was just a simple, silk band. It felt as if it should have been rather easy, but the more he struggled, the tighter it felt he was strapped to the bed, and he knew that whatever magic Darian was using to enchant the band to keep it in place, there was no way that he could break free from it.

He thought to cry out for help, but he didn't want to be seen in such a position, and he felt his throat drying out as the tip of a vulpine cock began drooling and spitting precum over his fur in simply impressive quantities, no doubt a skill that Darian could only manage thanks to his magical abilities.

"But...w-wouldn't we need to prepare? Don't you have to get all warmed up and everything?" Lucas asked, figuring that his only chance to escape the encounter unscathed was to appeal to Darian's sympathy, in the hopes that the kitsune might change his mind about his decision.

The kitsune wasn't showing any signs of responding to that. "You know that females need to be warmed up too, right? Or were you just planning on entering me dry?" Darian asked, even though Lucas was well aware of how wet the kitsune was in his female form. "That would have been awfully rude...you're lucky that I'm more merciful than that."

Displaying a strength that betrayed the slim, lithe body that Darian currently held, the kitsune gripped Lucas by the thick, heavy flesh of his thighs. The husky thought he could fight back just by relaxing his weight, but it was to no avail, and as if the air itself was keeping his legs suspended, he could only watch as they kicked back over his torso and splayed out to either side, leaving his tailhole exposed, thanks to the curled shape of his tail.

Treating Lucas with no respect whatsoever, Darian admired the spread of his tight, warm pucker, the taut flesh of his sack stretched thin over his balls, and the wiggling, squirming tip of his bright, pink length against his white sheath as it continued to hang around, despite his recent orgasm. "I dunno if I'm gonna fit in here!" Darian exclaimed, taunting Lucas and forcing him to worry all over again, as a thicker, rigid pawtip settled down against the exposed orifice and began circling over it. Impossible amounts of precum spilled from the tip of Darian's cock like water from a faucet, and it began pooling in the birth of the husky's asshole, until the swirling of a thumb began pushing it inside.

If he'd been more appreciative of the wonderful gift that he was given, Lucas might have been the one doing the stretching, rather than being stretched, but it was too late for him to earn that right, and Darian refused to back down. He could even see the length of Lucas' cock beginning to emerge once again from the lewd, forbidden attention, and the kitsune snickered as he easily pressed his thumb inside of the tight, yet relaxed passage.

"I thought you were straight, Lucas..." he murmured, as he began pumping his thumb against the inner muscles of the husky, working them and relaxing them with a mere touch.

Lucas couldn't help flattening his ears against his head. His cheeks were burning under a full coat of black and white fur, and his eyes winced shut as he expected a terrible pressure and pain to come with the penetration...but the pressure was mild, at worst, and there was no pain to speak of.

He wasn't questioning his own sexuality, but he certainly questioned what the kitsune was doing to his body as a second digit began massaging around his anus, hoping to relax it a little further.

"I a-am straight, Darian," he replied, his voice dripping with venom as he tried to act as if he wasn't quietly enjoying the attention he received. "So you'd b-better not-

Caught off guard by the shock of a powerful sensation, Lucas never finished his protest. Instead, his mouth hung open with silent awe as Darian bounded right in between his suspended legs and lined the tip of his vulpine member up with the hole that Lucas never dared to explore.

"You can make whatever claims you want, Lucas," Darian assured him, as he kissed the very tip of his cock to the slightly stretched, drooling entrance. "But straight guys can enjoy having things shoved up their asses, too...how about I show you what I mean?"

A rapid shake of the head and a silent plea for mercy weren't enough to stop Darian, who pumped his hips in a quick jab, stuffing the slim, tapered tip of his manhood into the waiting asshole of the bonded husky. Lucas threw his head back and flinched, but the pain that followed was akin to entering a hot tub: a quick, startling burn quickly gave way to a pleasant warmth that radiated out from the point of contact and spread across the whole of his wide, firm ass, and it only grew from there, as another inch sank into his waiting body.

It might have been the silver medal of the two options presented to him, but Lucas was trying not to complain as he tilted his head up and watched as a tall, thin fox began thrusting gently from the hip, introducing a little bit more of his flesh into the husky with each pass. "That's not...hnf... not so bad, Darian," Lucas finally admitted it, and it brought a wry grin to the kitsune's muzzle as he picked up the pace just slightly, never moving faster than the husky could handle, and never thrusting deep enough for his balls to swing forth and tap against those of the husky.

Darian was sure that his captive partner could handle that, and as the number of times that he pushed forward began to build, he was struggling to keep his sack from swinging forth, but he stayed in full control of the pace for as long as he could, and even offered one little point of mercy to Lucas, as he reached forth and wrapped his paw around the base of the husky's pulsing flesh.

"Is this r-really gonna make me cum?" Lucas asked, and though he meant to keep the thought to himself, it ended up slipping past his muzzle as his body bounced from the fox that plowed into his haunches. Though it wasn't any thicker than his own, the kitsune was blessed with a longer cock, and it meant that the husky could watch the bright, pinkish-red flesh of the same disappear inside of his asshole each time that there was a thrust, until the pace became too rapid for him to see, or to handle.

Cum was already beginning to pour off of the tip of his once-drained tool, and Lucas tilted his head back and tried to resist the sensation, as Darian pumped the base of one cock, and pounded in with his own. His knot finally emerged from the fuzzy prison of the sheath that held it, and Lucas, just before crying out in orgasmic delight, felt his voice robbed from him, replaced with a whimpering squeak as the fox speared his once virgin tailhole with a knot that was simply a hint too big for it.

"T-told you," Darian muttered through gritted fangs, barely able to speak in the midst of his pleasure, "That I w-was gonna make it hurt."

The pleasure of orgasm was just enough to keep Lucas from breaking, and the odd sensation of cum pouring across his inner muscles, as if his insides were swimming, kept him from focusing on the pressure and discomfort of being so completely stuffed with a bulbous, pulsing knot. His legs quivered in the air, and his arms tensed up against their bondage, but it was his member that was the star of the show, as he sprayed ejaculate straight up into the air, only for the mess to fall back down on his own tummy and crotch, making a terrible mess of himself, and the bedspread in the process.

All of the pain, all of the pressure, and all of the pleasure were fading far more rapidly than Lucas expected, however, and he felt a sudden emptiness within as the knot deflated and pulled free from his asshole quicker than it should have been able to. The silk band around his arms disappeared, and they fell limp at his sides as he looked up and watched as Darian began shifting back into Aria, all while fading back into the wall of his bedroom, right where she came from in the first place.

It was terribly strange for Lucas, to say the very least, but he quickly came to realize why she'd made such a sudden exit, as his head turned to the door. He was still covered with his own cum, his cock was throbbing in the air, his asshole was stretched and leaking, and his whole bed was riddled with seed...

"Ha...h-hi, Mom and Dad...listen; you're never gonna believe this, but..."