Black Magic

Story by SkyeMcCloud on SoFurry

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written by Skye McCloud

Magic has always fascinated me, ever since I was a little boy. I wanted the ability to bend objects to my will, and force them to perform in new ways. I wanted to be able to read someone's mind, and to establish a mental link with another. I would scour the libraries for anything relating to magic, and hole myself up in my bedroom as I poured over the stacks of books. I wanted to expand my mind to a different level, so that I could better understand this world I was born into. So it should come to no surprise that as I got older magic was still very much an element of my life, and I became quite adept at it.

I didn't dare tell anyone about my talents, though. I feared myself being compared to typical practices of magic, and I feared people from various covens or cults approaching me. I just enjoyed a specific type of magic for my own personal usage, and desire. A lot of my craft dealt had a sexual nature about it; one time I animated a pair of pants and shirt to simulate sex with me. This is probably why I'm still single.


I have a story to share with you, and the impact it has had on my life. This happened about a year ago. I had just turned twenty-one, and wanted to celebrate my birthday by contracting a familiar. In doing so my life changed forever.

First off, let me tell you that the internet is a fascinating tool for those studying magic. While browsing one day I stumbled across the idea of obtaining a familiar; an animal spirit that partners up with you, and enhances your capabilities. The very idea of having a companion by my side that would enhance my own abilities was too good to simply pass up. It could be anything, but I immediately had a very specific idea in mind. I wanted a panther spirit.

My immediate trouble was one simple fact; I did not live anywhere near a place where panthers were abundant. A sleepy little town in Massachusetts is not exactly the middle of a jungle. We had a zoo, but I highly doubted that they'd take too kindly to me taking one of their panthers. So I began searching for a second-best solution.

I stumbled upon an interesting ritual that would allow me to create the shell of a panther, harness a lingering spirit, and then bind the spirit and shell to me. I was intrigued, and decided that this was the right idea for me. My plans set in motion that very afternoon.

The first step was to construct the shape of the animal out of a material that I found to be very sensual. This was easy; rubber always turned me on, and my closet had quite a selection of rubber clothing. I didn't want to ruin some of my favourite outfits, though, so I shopped around. I entered a little sex boutique in the city, and was immediately greeted with my answer. They sold sheets of latex; one could buy it in any size they wanted. I walked up to the counter, ignored the attendant's flirtations, and wound up buying several yards of black and blue rubber. And a few other little toys that I don't see the need to mention here.

Alright, I love the neon purple dildo I got that day. It glows in the dark.

I went home, and began constructing the rubber panther shell. I created the basic shape out of wire, and then covered it all with the rubber. The instructions stated that artistic perfection wasn't required for the ritual; so long as it represented what I desired, and so long as I poured my heart and soul into the creation process, the spirit would find its way to the shell. It took me a full day to get it just so, but once it was complete I was very proud of my work. It wasn't perfect, but my love went into it all. I was certain this would work.

The next few parts of the ritual had to be completed together. The first part was easy; I had to draw a ringed pentagram on the floor of a place I felt comfortable in. Naturally, I chose my bedroom. I had to then write on the floor within the pentagram what I desired most in a familiar, and what I disliked most about myself. I thought about this for a little while, and decided that I desired a sense of completion in a familiar, and that I disliked my own weak body. The next two parts would be the most difficult. I had to place the panther's shell in the pentagram, and sit myself before it. I was to meditate long and hard as a way to call out to the spirits of the world, to call out to the spirit of the animal I've constructed, and to beckon it to bind itself to the shell I had created. The ritual required that I be naked for this as a way to let the spirit know that I gave myself to it completely, and that I was not afraid. The final part was supposed to be quick; I would bind the completed shell/spirit's will to mine, and it would come alive as I envisioned it, and be my very own partner. That final part made the whole process worthwhile.

I sat before the shell, and let my mind expand beyond its boundaries. My internal voice sang out to any panther spirit that would heed my call. The hours crept by, but my determination never faltered. However, as the night dragged on, my tired mind began wandering about. I was in a state of transcendence that I had never achieved before. I imagined myself not just finding the panther spirit, but becoming it. My body was wrapped up in a cocoon of rubber, and I emerged as a beautiful black panther. I don't know when and how it happened, but at some point I began stroking myself off at the idea of becoming one with the rubber panther I wanted by my side. My hands pumped hard on my cock, and tendrils of drool slipped away from my slack-jawed mouth. I knew what was going on, but I just continued to do it anyway. I thought of myself as this sexy black rubber kitty, with shiny skin, and a raging hard-on. Before I could control myself I found my cock spewing out a pool of spunk on the ground, directly in the center of the pentagram.

In my moment of ecstasy I made the mistake to go ahead and recite the final incantation that would bind the shell to me. The problem was the spirit had not arrived to meld with the shell; I literally uttered a spell that would bind the physical object with my being. I quickly regained my focus, and realized what I had done. But everything that followed seemed to happen all at once; I didn't even have time to act, or object.

The shell I had created melted in a moment, and the liquid seeped around the floor marking until it covered it completely. A bit of latex rose up from the ground, and molded itself into a panther's cock. It was entrancing watching it happen, but suddenly it flew up from the pool and lodged itself directly into my mouth. The latex sealed itself around my face; the cock was practically choking me! I tried to gasp for air, but I couldn't find an opening. I tried to pull it off of my face, but it wouldn't budge at all. In my desperation I began breathing through my nose, and tried my best not to gag on the immense rubber cock.

More latex flew up at me from the edges of the circular pool; rubber cuffs were attached to my wrists, ankles, and even my neck. Thick rubber chains were attached to them, and I could feel them all reeling my body into the pool, forcing me to comply and lay down in the rubber. The center of the puddle exploded around my waist for a moment, and I could feel a sensation around my crotch and ass; it felt like a pair of rubber briefs had suddenly materialized on my lower body. I'd be ashamed to admit that I couldn't stop myself from getting hard again at the awkward situation, but I'm not. I loved the feeling.

Time drifted by as I laid there in the latex pool, completely subdued and helpless. I squirmed my body as much as I could, but I was firmly held down, and unable to do anything. The rubber around me bubbled and churned slightly, and would splash over my naked body. My cock was rock-hard the entire time; the rubber briefs had practically melded around my penis, and I swear to you the rubber was alive and stimulating it just enough to keep me horny, but unable to cum. My mind begged for something to happen; I didn't want to be stuck like this forever!

My prayers were finally answered in a roundabout way. I had nearly given up hope of ever being released from my captivity, and submitted myself to a lifetime of self-inflicted torture. But a figure suddenly stood before me, and smiled sweetly. It was a transparent panther. I looked at it in amazement, but then wondered what was going to happen next. It rose onto its hind paws, and instantly took on the shape of an anthropomorphic version of himself. He knelt before my prone body, and sniffed all around me, as a predator would do to its prey. He traced his tongue over my lithe frame, and paused as he came to my rubber-clad crotch. He inhaled for a moment, and licked my hard-on once. He smiled at me once again before placing a paw on my forehead, and stroked my hair briefly.

You wish for completion, and you dislike your body. Why?

I felt the words invade my mind in a foreign tongue. The words sounded feline, and I knew they were coming from the spirit. I couldn't speak, but I tried to convey my answer anyway. I thought of how frail I felt, and how performing magic always made me feel wonderful, and strong. Even doing the most mundane of tasks with nothing but my own willpower made me feel like I had a purpose. I wanted to feel that sense of completion throughout my very core. I also wanted to be released from the bondage I had inflicted upon myself, so I was only happy to comply with whatever he had in store for me.

Then I will bind myself to you. I will complete you, and help you. I will become one with you.

He tenderly nuzzled against my face, and pressed his translucent body against mine. Though he was a spirit I could feel his beautiful fur rubbing against my bare skin. My eyes grew wide as an understanding enveloped me; I may have rushed the ritual, but it was going to happen anyway.

He knelt before me, and loosened the chains that bound my hands and feet to the ground. He didn't remove them, but I could move my limbs freely now. I still couldn't move my head too much, though. My first instinct should have been to remove the rubber cock from my mouth, but I didn't. I let the spirit guide me to the answers I sought.

The spirit materialized a little more, and began scooping some of the latex with his paws. He carefully molded my feet into rubber paws of my own; he kneaded, and shaped the material into his own vision. I tried to lift my head up to see, but he just smiled at me, and cooed a little, and continued to work on my body. He took more of the rubbery material from the pool, and molded my hands into paws as well. My hands went numb for a moment; they weren't just being coated by rubber. He was turning them into rubber. I struggled to get up, and moaned into the rubber cock, my instincts fearing such a dramatic change, but I was stricken down by the spirit's will. He knew I wanted this despite my moment of apprehension. I flopped back to the ground, causing some more latex to splash around my body, and felt every desire to fight the transformation vanish from my mind. There was really no arguing it, anyway; I was shackled to the ground.

He trailed liquid latex up along my legs, and arms, turning them into rubber as well. He took extra care in defining them; he expanded their mass slightly, and worked hard to ensure that I didn't have unsightly limbs. He then poured more onto my chest, ripping it slightly, and defining my abs. He wasn't turning me into some bodybuilder's type, but just some extra definition. I could feel the changes down to my very core, and found myself anticipating more of it. I could feel power already surging through this new form.

He slipped down the rubber briefs to rest at my ankles. He poured more latex over my crotch, and reshaped, and remolded my cock into a typical feline's crotch. I gasped at the feeling; it was odd, different, but still felt so natural. My cock was tucked away in a rubber sheath, and my balls hung out from my crotch just so. He tickled my balls slightly, and my dick shyly peeked out from its sheath. He smiled, and leaned down to coax it out further. He licked, and suckled on my crotch; my cock invaded his mouth, and dribbled with pre-cum. But he wouldn't let me release. I could hear his intentions in my mind; he just wanted to keep me open and honest for the process.

He lifted my legs up in the air; I could see the work he had done to them. Beautiful, sleek, muscular, and with the supple shine of latex. The latex briefs I had been wearing dangled around my ankles slightly, clinging desperately so as not to fall down towards my knees. I found myself gawking, but I didn't have too much time to look. He teased and caressed my ass, and applied more liquid latex to it. He then massaged the small of my back for a few moments before warning me that the next part will feel like a shock. I braced myself, and was rewarded with a surging sensation that felt like I was being pulled inside out. But after a moment he held up a tail. Not just any tail. My tail. I gawked at the appendage. I actually had a tail now. It was sleek, shiny, and looked a little fluffy despite being made out of rubber. I nearly cried.

He then took advantage of the moment. He cooed at me a little while kneeling between my legs. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I could feel it. A pert feline cock entered my asshole, and began pumping lightly. My senses scrambled as I felt him invading me, pumping his member into my ass. Rubber was churning around me at such a rapid pace; it licked up along my asscheeks, and transformed them into rubber as well. I didn't know what to think, but I let it all happen. He was a glorious lover.

I felt the latex trickling over my face, stealing my human identity from me. It seeped into my pores, and melded with my skin. My brain addled on as its cells warped into microscopic rubber fibers, causing my body to convulse into itself. The feeling of bliss that invaded my rubber mind overwhelmed me; I wanted nothing more than to feel rubber, to experience rubber, and to be rubber. My teeth gripped against the rubber cock that rested there; I could feel the rubber surrounding my mouth slowly transforming into a muzzle. I wanted more of this power, more of these sensations; I begged the spirit to fuck me harder!

The spirit smiled lovingly as he grunted a bit, his cock grinding against the walls of my anus, sending volts of ecstasy coursing through my body. I tried to moan, and let my lover know I wanted him harder, but I couldn't. He received nothing more than a few muffled mewls in response to his own undertaking. I couldn't stand the wait, but finally he just pounded my ass hard, his head thrusting itself upon my prostate. Much to my surprise and pleasure I squirted out stream upon stream of rubber from my cock. Finally he was letting me release all of the sensations I had been experiencing. I was so very grateful; I sighed against my gag with all of the content I could muster.

He leaned over, and began playing with the latex that had trickled about my face. He scooped up the rubber cream I had splashed about, and molded it onto my face, reshaping it into his own likeness. He then allowed the rubber gag to fall out of my mouth onto the floor, leaving me with a fun memento of the experience. He then pulled himself up to me, kissed my maw gently, and unshackled my bonds.

I didn't have time to say thank you; he quickly absorbed himself into me. At that moment I didn't know if I'd ever feel his presence again. Loneliness overwhelmed for an instant before I realized I was free of the bondage I had endured.

I gasped as I finally moved my own body. The shackles were gone, and the latex pool had completely dissipated. The only reminder of the ritual was a very startling one; my body had changed completely. I got up, and ran to the bathroom so I could look at myself. It's human nature to do so when faced with such a drastic change. Sure enough my handsome human face had been replaced with shiny, supple black rubber. My eyes remained the same beautiful shades of green, but every other feature had changed; I looked like an anthropomorphic panther in every way imaginable.

I ran back to my bedroom and threw myself upon the bed, burying my face into the pillows. 'What have I done, what have I done?' I asked myself over and over again, uncertain of the future that awaited me. I had changed myself drastically, and the world was an unforgiving void when it came to such abstract ideas. How would I live my life now?


I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew I was opening my eyes to morning light. My first instinct was to panic once more, but there was a calming presence about. It was soothing, and reassuring. I looked down at myself, and saw my human form once again. Was last night a dream?

No, it wasn't a dream. I could feel it wasn't. My body was still sleek and muscular, though human. The definition the spirit had given me lingered on, but the actual feline features were absent. I trudged to the bathroom, and glanced in the mirror. Same old me, only I could see the extra definition in my shoulders, and chest. It was stunning to say the least. I then stepped over to the toilet, and pulled down my rubber briefs (I was still wearing those?), and revealed to myself the ultimate proof that last night wasn't just a dream. My cock and balls were still feline-shaped. Still sheathed. And really weird-looking, because it just doesn't look natural on a human.

"What the hell is going on?" I dead-panned into the air, expecting silence in return.

This is what you wanted.

I blinked, mostly surprised to hear a response, but then recognizing the voice. I could feel it coming from inside of me. "Alright, smart ass, how do I go to the bathroom with this kind of dick?"


Sure enough, the voice inside my head was right. Just let it build up, aim, release. Yeah, why am I describing this?

I finished my business, and returned to my bedroom. I had no idea what was going on. I still had the muscular body gifted upon me from last night, but I was human. I didn't know what to think, or expect. Regardless of what, I had to get some clothes on. I pointed at the closet, and willed the doors open, but the sensation was more than I could have imagined. I felt liquid latex surging throughout my body, and exploding around me to cocoon me in the familiar form I had been granted the night prior. Within a moment my day's outfit flew out at me, folded in mid-air, and neatly landed upon my bed in a small pile, but more importantly I stood there as a beautiful, sleek, shiny rubber panther.

"What the hell?" I stated in absolute befuddlement as I stared at the panther form I had become.

I'll always be with you. And now, your magic is enhanced by my presence.

"But now I'm a panther again!" I cried out halfheartedly. Truthfully I loved the new form, but I had to be realistic.

You have the power tenfold to will this appearance away, and return to your human form.

"Well, what if I don't want to?" I exclaimed in defiance. I wouldn't be some slave to a voice in my head! But I received no response, so I decided it was best to will away the feline body. Within moments I returned to my human form, got dressed, and hoped the voice in my head wouldn't suddenly turn me into a panther at random. That might have been a little embarrassing.


It's been a year since I obtained my familiar, although in a very roundabout way. My magic has never been stronger, and I've never enjoyed life more. It took some control, and getting used to, and a lot of embarrassing mistakes, but over time I've gotten used to my transformations. I've even been able to control them. I can now shift into my panther form at will, rather than just whenever I cast a spell, and I've been able to control myself from changing when I do cast something. All in all it's been a gratifying experience, and one with a lot less weird screams from people who see an anthropomorphic panther suddenly appear (though that did distract from the actual magic I was performing).

These days I find myself living life more often as a panther. I don't have a real reason beyond being comfortable as one, though it gets awkward when there are humans about. I hate having to go get dressed when someone knocks at the door... such a chore to will clothes to appear on my naked form. But for the most part I'm free to live my life in my new panther skin.

And while I still love my neon purple dildo that glows in the dark, I prefer the rubber dildo that I got to keep from that evening. The voice in my head tells me so.