Dinner's a Bitch!

Story by Serban on SoFurry

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My first story in far too long! A well made dinner, finely laid table, good dress sense, and a nice guy to chat and flirt with. What could go wrong?

Hey everyone!

My first story in a while. I don't get much time to focus on just writing, but I managed to polish off this ancient idea given to me by the always amazing Cheetahs. I've really tried hard on proofing and editing this one, although I don't think I'll ever find it perfect. But hopefully you will!

Dinner's A Bitch!

Well, Alex was an alright guy. For a human. Kinda' tall, slim built but not skinny, dark hair just a shade shy of black, and speckled greenish-blue eyes. They were probably the best bit of a human, always packed with so much colour, way more than the average dog, fox, or wolf. Well, save huskies. They had nice eyes sometimes. Nice fur too. But aside that, humans always looked the same. Elves too, for that matter. No fur was a bit strange, smooth skin all over, the way his legs worked seemed a bit off, plantigrade feet always a little bit too big and flat, and his ears were next to useless for conveying his mood.

And don't even start on not having a tail.

But, at least his heart was in the right place; Making dinner. That was something that guys didn't do all that often. Where Dahl was from, when you got a 'heat date' it was often just a frantic fuck back at their place if you were lucky, and an awkward goodbye after she hunted down her crumpled clothes and tried her best to scrub off the scent of wild sex before needing to rush out to work. And that was the best case. The spike in libido did terrible things to a girl, especially if she tried to put it off relieving it for too long.

Alex, much to her surprise, came off pretty sweet. Although, it was most likely because he didn't know she was in deep heat. Really deep heat. She'd probably have dropped her panties to her ankles and got to the floor right at the doorstep if he told her to, just to try and scratch the primal itch that stubbornly set itself in her belly and forced her mind onto thoughts that, to put it lightly, weren't exactly for everyday conversation. It was ingrained in her. Part of her. Luckily, for the sake of her dignity, he was playing romantic - although with mixed results.

"I guess it must be weird. Seeing, like, a different version of you." Gee, thanks. It was all Dahl could do not to roll her eyes at the unintentionally humiliating comment. She was an awakened. An anthro. A modded. A person with the body like an animal, an Alsatian to be precise, but one that had thumbs, a voice, walked upright, everything you needed to properly be considered a person. The big, boisterous, playful dog, that came bounding up the hall and nearly knocked her down as he let her into his apartment, was a feral Alsatian. An animal Alsatian. He'd just compared her to his fucking pet dog.

"Um, yeah. A bit strange. I guess." It wasn't really. Not like his mutt was some enslaved cousin of hers or had any sort of real intelligence, even if he did look a little on the big size. It was just a dog. Still, the only thing Dahl could do was humour him, rubbing a clearly hand-shaped paw through the thick fur on the back of her neck and forcing a grin onto her muzzle. It seemed to boost Alex's confidence a bit, the guy not seeming like he was really a heavy hitter with the ladies. He was dressed nice, a pair of well-fitting black jeans, smart leather shoes, and a dark blue shirt with a bit of a collar. Her sensitive canine nose could tell he'd had a proper shower and thank God laid off the perfume.

But as he led her through the hall of his apartment, she got the feeling he was a bit... Inexperienced. If not with the girls than definitely with awakened. There weren't many of her kind around these parts, especially the domestic sort. Sure, he was lacking some tact, but it was really the oomph, the confidence he was the one in control that he seemed to be a little short on here. Unlike the big dog nipping at her heels all the way to the dining room. Alex might not have known a bitch in heat but his dog sure did.

"Fox, leave the poor woman alone, you're such a pest sometimes!" There was some playful frustration in his voice, reprimanding the dog apparently named after the wrong animal as he went around the table he'd set up ready. Classy dinner for two. A chair at either end, enough room between them for food, drinks, candles, bottle of wine, flowers. He really had gone all out, even pulling a chair out for her and beckoning to sit. Fox could have probably taken a leaf out of his book when it came to etiquette, the dog bounding around her feet, wagging his tail so hard it smacked her legs, covering her stockings in dog fur - so no harm done, right? Looking down at the excitable mutt, it was hard to resist the impulse to start swishing her own tail in response, but the feeling it was going to give Alex the material for another joke of poor taste had her keeping it under strict control.

"Dogs, right?" Dahl took the seat, brushing some of the longer fur that you could call hair out of her eyes with the tips of her fingers, looking up at her date and, again, pulling the somewhat forced, awkward grin. "Always a handful when they get worked up." She put a bit more husk to her voice, sultry and deep, playing on her distinctly canine accent. Then she'd give him the wink. Totally worth it for the way his cheeks started to go red. That kinda' beat ears and tails any day.

"R-right." He was pretty cute, especially when he stuttered like that. Late twenties, bit of a soft face, looked just the sort for working in IT. Seeing him without a white shirt, dress pants and his neat little clip-on tie was almost unsettling. "I'll be right back, just - just a sec."

"I'll stay right here. No wandering off." Dahl teased as he hurried out of the door, likely just a little hotter under that collar. Putting her amber eyes down to meet Fox's, she'd try and crack an uneasy joke of her own. "Pretty sure this guy would chase me down, anyway." She kind of wished he'd told her he'd got a dog. Would have been nice to, well, be prepared for all the trouble. For the few minutes it was going to take for Alex to dash off, ready up, and serve the food, his loyal friend Fox was all too happy to keep a close eye on his date. A bitch in heat, right here! He'd never been happier. The moment his owner was out of the room, he went right for lapping at her ankles, tugging her shoes and stockings, his forepaws lowered, head cocked and tail spinning like an electric fan simply at the thought of having another dog to "play" with.

Trying to entice her to come and tousle with him, he nipped at her legs under the tablecloth, bounding back when she tried to swat him out of her personal space, always retreating just out of range of her paw or foot, flopping onto the laminate with a substantial thud and making a few rolls of his heavy body. He'd then watch for a moment, panting like he was out in the park on a summer's day, thumping the floor with his uncontrollable tail, before he went right back for the legs again. "Gah, behave yourself, mutt." Dahl groaned, giving the annoying feral a firm swat on the nose. Unfortunately, talking to animals, even of her own 'kind' was not in her skillset, even if the awakened stars on reality TV tried to make their kind out to be some magical shamans of nature.

Eventually, Fox would get the message and start to calm down. She wasn't giving him the cues he expected from a bitch so deep in her heat. Maybe she wasn't in the mood at the moment? Had he done something wrong? It was a little disheartening for the poor mutt, reduced to sadly looking up at her with his sad brown eyes and making a few attention-seeking whines. But - she was giving the cues of a person. Maybe she'd want to dish out a bit of fuss? This time, he slowly scooted closer, keeping calmer and more respectful. Instead of leaping around like a bolt of furred lightning, he went to try and rest his head on her lap, nuzzling at her belly in an attempt to get some softer lovin'.

Like this, he wasn't so bad. Dahl still tried to shift her dress up a little so she didn't get his fur all over the front of it. Her pelt was trimmed a bit, to give her body a little definition, show her curves a little better and flaunt the flatter belly she'd been working so hard to get in time for summer. Having it cut made it less noticeable when strands came out on her clothes and tended to only really stick to the inside. Fox wasn't trimmed, his naturally shaggy coat still having that naturally coarse and bristly texture as she ran her fingers between his ears and down the back of his neck, letting the beastly boy keep his chin on her thigh.

He was looking like he enjoyed it, calming down all that more at the reward of a good petting; his panting slowed down, tail idly beating the laminate floor as he sat obediently beside her. Seemed he wasn't totally yampy after all.

"That's better, you mad dog." Dahl wasn't sure if her soft, almost whispered words were aimed at him - or herself. Dinner date. What was she thinking? "Good boy. Good, crazy dog." Despite the fact he'd stilled, it hadn't changed the feral's mood in the slightest. Fox still had that desire gnawing away at him, especially when he was so close to the source of all those erotic pheromones that were filling her panties. Without any warning, he tilted his head just a little further down and gave her inner thigh a long lick, his big, broad tongue crossing the bare expanse between her sheer black stockings and her underwear.

Dahl jolted up in her seat like she'd been electrocuted, throwing the dog's head out of her lap and yanking her dress down back to try and protect her modesty. Her paw came up, finger pointed accusingly at the randy mutt, ready to hiss a few scolding words and give him a good piece of her mind. The naughty dog was saved his reprimand, however, as Alex took that moment to reappear, now laden with plates of hot, home-cooked food and a bottle of red wine. Yelling at his dog for giving her leg a saucy lick was probably going to make her look a little crazy. Especially to a human.

"Everything good?" He'd got a calm, upbeat tone to his voice - maybe because the cooking had gone well, or maybe just because Dahl was an attractive girl sitting at his table. It could well have been both. Her finely attuned awakened nose caught the smell of hot, fresh, food; moist and tender beef, roasted carrot and parsnip, seasoned fried rice... It had saliva starting to already flood the underside of her tongue like some kind of Pavlovian experiment. He really was doing his best, and she didn't want to put a dampener on his mood by admitting his damn dog was trying to molest her. That was just going to be awkward for everyone involved.

"Yeah, that looks fantastic." Flicking her ears back up to 'happy and eager' as the plate was set down in front of her, Dahl turned her paw to pick up a fork, poking and prodding through the food while he poured some wine. Not the finest, but definitely good enough. While they ate, the idle and casual conversation was pretty nice; nothing too deep, nothing too debated, just friendly talking - with a bit of flirting, of course. He was a pretty nice guy, and it made for a pleasant change, considering by now she'd usually got their dick on her tongue and sliding towards the back of her throat, instead of pieces of prime cut beef. It really added to the anticipation, her mouth not the only thing watering as they got closer and closer to clearing their plates. It was getting to the point where damp was hardly the word for her underwear. Wet? Soaked? Sodden? Most likely flooded as her heat just kept kicking up notch after notch, knowing it was going to be so, so, worth it when they got to the bedroom.

For the most of it, Fox was pretty well behaved, lying down beside the table, ears swivelling to and fro as he tried to keep in the loop of a conversation he couldn't understand. The dog didn't need to be in her lap to know she was slowly gushing in her panties, his senses more than attuned enough to intercept the signals her body tried to send to Alex. The animal instinct of his brain was swimming in her arousal, his acute feral senses drinking up her intoxicating pheromones. It was torture to the poor dog and it soon became too much to bear; Fox carefully lifting himself up and slinking quietly under the table, pawpads silent on the laminate floor, the randy mutt hoping she might be in the mood to play now.

Dahl nearly choked on a mouthful of meat when his muzzle jammed straight between her legs, bypassing any sort of gentle build up as he went right for her main course. If her panties weren't drenched before, they were now, as his big, broad tongue lapped against them, firmly pushing the fabric into her slit, spreading her spade-shaped lips apart just a little so that the only thing stopping his tongue slurping against the soft, wet flesh of her pussy was a barrier of thin, soggy lace. He brushed all the way up from her taint to her clit, the tip of his tongue catching right against the sensitive little bud, dragging it backwards hard enough to strike her with otherworldly pleasure, before he dived down for another taste.

Her back slammed against the cushion of the seat with the muffled thump of fur on leather, while her legs immediately kicked out on an impulse of their own, knees hitting the underside of the table hard enough to rattle everything on it, while her stocking-wrapped toes curled in so much the soles of her shoes felt ready to snap. Dahl went so stiff it felt like her muscles had been turned to wood, fork falling from her spasming paw while a shocked whine-moan slipped out of her muzzle. Her face was the picture of surprise - ears pinned back, mouth dropped open, her bright amber eyes feeling like they'd just stretched as wide as the plate set out before her.

"F-Fuck!" The curse just fell out of her as a tense shudder leapt up her spine, both her paws jolting down to grab the unruly feral's muzzle and wrangle him backwards, taking his thrashing tongue away from her swollen clit.

"Did he scare you?" Alex was more amused than anything, having no idea what had just happened between his date's thighs. He just saw Fox having a bit of a sneak, creeping under the table, probably trying to find dropped scraps or something. "It can be a bit of a shock when he comes out of nowhere." Taking a gentle sip of his wine, the glass nearly empty, he was still behaving like it was the most normal thing in the world, even giving her a bit of a chuckle. "He's a bit over-friendly sometimes. Had him since I was a boy, all the way from a puppy. Used to people and getting pampered."

Damn right! Over-friendly! As Dahl tried to get over her sharp little fit, Fox kept trying to butt his nose back to her slit, his hot, humid breath pushing through the gaps in her fingers as he kept sniffing for her addictive scent even as she was fighting him off.

"E-Er y-yeah, he - he is being friendly." It was hard to concentrate on the both of them, the dog not even pausing his relentless assault until she shoved her knees together and lifted them up, blocking access to the treasurebox between her legs. Even then, he just went lower, trying to push under her thighs and ass, enjoying this new game of find the taste. "I-It's a - a bit distracting..." She'd groan, almost anxiously - worried that she was going to end up being his dog's dinner right there in front of him. The last thing she wanted to do was accidentally slip out an unstoppable moan. If he was this bad with his understanding of awakened, how would he react to his date letting his dog get frisky with her?

But no matter how hard she tried, Dahl just couldn't get the damn dog away. He kept thrashing around under the table, stepping on her feet, pawing her shins, trying to lick her crotch and playfully butting her paws away with his forehead, assuming she was just playing hard to get; teasing him. Alex didn't really seem to get the message and just gave a look of confusion, lightly shrugging his shoulders

"Oh? I guess I could put him out." Was that a tone of sadness in his murmur? What was with this guy? Didn't he know nothing spoils a romantic dinner date like, oh, I don't know, your dog trying to eat something of his own under the table?

"Yes, please. That'd be a - more convenient." It was difficult to cover up her annoyance, the words huffed through gritted teeth. He was a nice guy, well, probably. Maybe. Most guys were nice when you'd got a heat so scorching it could turn a bucket of water to steam. But, although he had put effort into the dinner, his personality was a little dry, as if he didn't know where he was really going with this. For a moment, it almost felt like he was using his dog as his wingman. Probably under the impression that the more at-ease he looked with his pet, the better he was going to treat her. After all, Alsatians were all the same, two legs or four, right?

"C'mon Fox," He sighed, slipping out from his chair and reaching under the table, grabbing the dog by the collar and giving a heave. Fox sure as hell didn't want to budge, the eager mutt putting all of his weight forwards as he kept going for Dahl's 'sweet spot' beneath the tablecloth, fighting enough to make the strain show in Alex's face. After a moment, he let go, the dog nearly getting another taste of pussy as his muzzle jerked forwards between Dahl's legs, only stopped by her paws making a barrier over her crotch, all the dog getting being a lick of the back of her hand.

Bringing out the "big guns", Alex rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, showing off arms that, while they weren't bad, weren't exactly the visage of someone that lifted. Groping back down under the table, he caught hold of the dog's collar again, gripping tight. "Ahggh, he must -unf- really like you." He couldn't stop the grunts breaking up his words, Fox forcing him to use all of his might to even inch the dog back a foot. The dining room would be filled with the sound of heavy muscle, thick fur and scrabbling claws getting dragged across the hard laminate floor as Alex just about managed to wrestle Fox out from under the table and towards the door, the unruly mutt fighting to get back to that heavenly scent, until he was shoved out of the dining room door.

Like me? No shit, Dahl thought, watching him having to virtually slam the door in the dog's nose to keep him out. Was the rowdy mutt always this uncontrollable?

"So, uh... Are you usually good with animals? I mean, they're probably more connected to you?" Wow, Romeo. It was almost close to getting him strike two, but after feeling that stupid dog tongue Dahl was gushing hard enough to put out a house fire. She'd would let his 'you're a dog' commentaries slide for now. At least until after a rough and tumble in his bedroom.

"Not usually. Seems your dog is the exception." She sighed, trying not to look too fazed by the comment, but still having a little bit of salt in her tone. Just a pinch.

But hollow conversations aside - Dear Lord had Fox's tonguework got her horny! To the point that her heart was pounding so hard in her chest she could feel it thumping madly against everything else, the lust seeming to come with a dizzying spike in the pressure of her blood. As unwanted as it was, it had felt damn good. Being in heat made her so sensitive, both body and mind, whether she wanted to be or not. Really, it was all she could do not to hound down her food as quickly as possible and jump on him right here and now - or maybe ask to skip dessert? Then again, he'd been pretty nice, save the odd ill thought out comment. She didn't want to look like a total slut, did she? Alex might not have had the greatest social cues for dealing with awakened, but he was still good enough. For a human.

So, as the good food was eagerly demolished, Dahl grimaced and bore the itch, grinding her legs together and gripping her knife and fork tight enough to almost fuse them into her pawpads, trying to do anything to distract herself from the madness taking her over. She was glad Alex was on the other side of the table, not able to see her tail wagging faster and faster the closer he got to finishing his meal, until they were both eventually sitting satisfied with empty plates.

"I-uh, I'll get dessert done." He was back to a better mood, and really, so was she. Yeah, the affair with the dog had been awkward, but now it had just left Dahl dripping onto her seat, the black, lacy Devil's Bitch panties she'd decided to wear for the day leaving damp streaks on the leather upholstery of his fancy dinner chairs. Yeah, just hurry up so we can fuck.

"Sure, I can't wait." I really, really can't. At this rate, they might not even make it to the bedroom. He was hardly out of his seat before her paw started sneaking under the table and she was slumping back in her seat, tail helicoptering behind her. Her ears barely caught him opening the dining room door, instead fixated on the sheer amount of wetness dripping down her thighs and coating her short pubic fur. Dahl didn't think she'd ever been so desperate for a screw in her life, fertility apparently deciding to throw it all into overdrive. Not a problem - not like humans and awakened could breed together. Soon, she was pulling her panties aside a little, running the dark pads of her thick, animalistic fingers, up and down her slit, making the occasional pit-stop at her clit and giving it a gentle roll-over. Her head tilted back and she let her eyes flicker closed, quietly starting to masturbate, whispering justifications under her breath. "Just need to ease a teeny bit of this pressure. Or I'll go mad."

Out in the hall, the pitter patter of restless paws followed Alex into the kitchen, carrying a set of perked ears and propelled by a spinning tail set right on the hindquarters, while a sharp, wet sniffer at the front was snooping around in the hope there would be scraps, or treats, or some other form of tasty snack he might be able to sink his teeth into.

"Out the way, Fox, can't you see I'm busy?" That left Alex to try and balance plates on his hands while trying to keep the dog from getting under his feet with strategically placed steps - getting bowled over and landing in an explosion of crockery and leftovers wasn't going to impress his hot date, that much was for sure. And without the sweet scent of canine cunt to keep him interested, a few shoves of the shoe would make it pretty obvious the human wasn't going to be dishing out some treats anytime soon.

Fox decided to take his leave - well, after a few stern pokes from his owner's foot, the one that promptly made sure to kick the kitchen door shut behind that wagging tail. But where else was there for a dog to go? Bedroom? Maybe. Office? Boring. Or - Dining room! The door was open just a crack, allowing enough of that arousing aroma to seep out and entice Fox's sensitive nose, hinting at a quest that could only be completed with the quietest of paws and the sneakiest of snouts. He didn't want to get swatted on the nose or dragged away from his new friend again. Yeah. Friend.

The whole room was thick with the scent of wet bitch, stirred up by frantic fingers as Dahl sat back in her seat and feverishly rubbed one off, hammering her fingerpads over her burning little bliss-button. Part of her almost wanted to get caught, to have Alex come in and be just shocked at how aroused he'd made her, how thirsty she was for sex. To have him come and grab her by the scruff, hold her down against the table, bend her over and give her the only kind of satisfaction that could properly douse the cravings of her heat. Cock. Real cock. Maybe he'd even push her face into that dessert he was making, yank on her tail, hold her headfur and tell her how much of a slutty little whore she was being. The fantasy brought a big grin to her face, although it was one hidden by the paw wrapped around her muzzle making sure that Alex wasn't going to hear any errant moans slipping from his lusty date.


For a moment, Dahl seemed more like a cat than a dog, as she jumped straight up in her seat for the second time this evening, as well as hissing from out behind her clenched teeth and the palmpad of her paw. Caught by surprise, mid-masturbation, it was impossible to stop herself seizing up and writhing in her chair, knees coming up and hitting the underside of the table, her head lurching forwards and both her paws lunging down to grab the dog's head as tight as she could. This time it was no subtle thump. The blinding pain of her knees smacking into hard wood, amongst the clinking of glasses nearly losing their footing from the shockwave sent across the tabletop, was enough to stun her just long enough for Fox to push through her grab and firmly plant his muzzle right into her defenseless crotch.

He didn't hold back, washing his tongue all over her slit in a swirling vortex of slick muscle, not a shred of a delicate touch in sight, only a frantic, clumsy bestial eating, treating her cunt like the bottom of a jar of peanut butter. His greedytongue spread her folds and forced them open, bared everything she had to him, squishing her button with every lashing and sending the heated awakened bitch into spasms of carnal pleasure, no matter how filthy it was to have a feral licking her out. No matter how much she wanted, how much she needed to grab him by the ears and shove his head out of her crotch, it was just too fucking good! Instead, she found herself whimpering and keeping an almost crushing grip on his ears, holding them like a handle in her conflicted struggling, her mind trying to somehow justify the fact a feral was the one giving her sweet, blessed relief.

"Fuck, fuck, I'm letting a dog eat me, holy shit." Dahl realised she'd dropped to a real new low right here - and it felt amazing. With her panties already taken down to her knees, there was nothing protecting her tender pussy from the assault of the dog's tongue, lashing over her in a slobbering frenzy, even going as far as to slip into her lusttunnel and give it pulse after pulse of fleshy dog tongue, drawing the taste from her fertile depths down into Fox's hungry mouth and replacing it with the copious, lubricating drool of a voracious alsatian mutt. Alex was still screwing around in the kitchen, right? Fuck it!

With him out of the picture for hopefully a few more minutes, she practically tore down her panties with a single paw, letting them dangle loosely off of one ankle like a sopping black flag to advertise her heat. So what? He'd probably find it sexy if she'd tore off her lacy undies in unbridled anticipation, right? Shifting in her seat, she spread her legs, putting each foot on the corners of the table, giving the excited dog full reign of her womanhood, spread before him in a full erotic display of feminine juice and sexual need. She just hoped Alex wasn't going to catch any of her moans from the kitchen, as she clutched the dog by its head, urging him to keep licking, keep ruthlessly devouring her lovelips with that gluttonous tongue, each wide stroke rubbing every nerve in her itching petals.

She was so close to a climax, so close to releasing herself right at the table, breaking the cage all over her date's fucking pet's muzzle! "G-g-go on, F-F-Fox y-you-!" The anthro alsatian was quite the sight: curled toes and quivering thighs, lifted ears with a rolling eyes, frantic breathing while she bit down on her lip and tried to wrestle the loud puffs venting from her nose under control. Letting go of his ears, before she broke them off, her paws instead went for the edge of the seat, crushing so hard the leather cover would make a loud creak from the pressure of her fingers alone. Legs spread, she just let him go all out. Plunge her fuckhole, ravage her lips, batter her clit, build her up, and up, and up! The glaring radiance of an approaching orgasm, the breathless heaving of her chest, the crackling pop as every joint in her body stretched out and - nothing?!

With a snort of satisfaction, the dog stopped licking, turning its tongue to his chops instead and leaving her right on the fluttering edge of cumming but without the precious tongue to throw her over. She was left stuttering, gasping for air like she was caught in some kind of orgasmic hyperventilation, so close to heaven but before she could reach it, she was hurled down to the ground. Her twitching fingers went loose, enough that Fox could slip free of her grasp and leave her on the precipice, trotting out from under the table and going to sit beside her, panting eagerly and looking up with those glossy, brown eyes, wondering if he'd done a good job while Dahl just felt like she'd had a bucket of icy cold water dumped down over her head.

"No-nononono, good doggy, k-keep going! F-f-fuck!" Dahl grappled with the feeling of unfulfillment, the need now to get the proper climax denied to her, that tongue just so much better than anything her fingers and palm could ever hope to conjure up. Could she wait for Alex? Through dessert? Like hell! She just needed one, one teeny little orgasm to tide her over, one real release. Sure - sure Fox was a feral but - but - nobody was going to find out. Turning in her seat and patting her thighs, she tried to get his attention to return to her yearning nethers, but he just wasn't getting the message. Instead, he was circling excitedly around the chair, wagging his restless tail. "Gaah, c-c'mon, just li-lick a little more!"

Not even considering how she'd explain herself if Alex came back in, she pushed her chair all the way out and slid down onto the floor, sitting and beckoning to her wet cunt, hoping it was going to spike his interest. No. Nothing. "Please, stupid dog just - a bit - more?" She'd whimper, scooting towards him, almost laying herself down as she exposed herself, hoping he was going to regain his appetite soon. She could've used her fingers and pushed herself over that orgasmic edge, but now she'd had a taste of that tongue, she didn't want to settle for anything less. He bent down towards her a little, but instead of licking her exposed twat, he just nudged her knees and thighs. The appetizer had been delicious, but he was hankering on getting to his own main course.

It was a silly idea in hindsight, rolling onto her hands and knees, spreading her legs apart and wiggling her ass like a feral, waggling her tail seductively and trying to urge the dog to lick her again; just a few more lashes of that Godly tongue, just to get her over the edge. It worked! He'd lunge forwards and stick his nose right into her sodden twat, drawing a needy groan from the depths of her throat. But no tongue? Fox wanted her ready and whimpering - he didn't want to get her off. Yet. There was an itch in his sheath he just needed to get scratched, the pulsing, tapered tip of his pinkish canine cock starting to poke out of the fuzzy tube and drip with anticipation.

Instead of the fantastic lapping tongue of a feral dog, Dahl found herself getting his heavy weight landing on her back instead, his forepaws wrapping around her waist and holding her tight, while his back legs quickly shifted to line up his haunches with her rear, dripping precum onto the furry rump presented before it. Why Dahl was surprised he took up the offer of a presented bitch was anyone's guess, but the sudden mounting was enough to make her nearly yelp loud enough to alert Alex in the other room, her eyes widening as she immediately tried to shove herself to her feet, only to find the stocky feral dog was more than a match for her lighter built frame.

"F-Fuck, Fox! Off!" She didn't want to yell - the last thing she needed was Alex coming in thinking she needed help with something and getting his eyes on her with his dog mounted and ready to go, her knickers down her ankles, and her dress hiked around her hips. If he was bad enough before with his view of her kind, trying to screw his damn pet the moment he left the room wasn't going to do much for her image now, was it? Although maybe that pride was her mistake. Fox might've been a feral, but he was big, strong, horny, and probably felt he was owed a reward for all his hard work helping out with her problem.

It didn't take too much thinking for him to use the wetness coming from the naked slit she'd presented to him as a guide, the short pink head slowly growing from his sheath into her sodden moundfur, grinding around until it slid up and down the split spade of her cunt, the point flicking her clit on and off like a little switch.

"G-get off you stupid dog!" There was desperation in Dahl's growl as she lifted one of her paws, grabbing him by the 'ankle' and trying to pry him off, but it was no use. He was locked tight around her, no way he was letting go until he got a piece of the action. Just a little shift upwards and the stubby tip of his cock found the opening he'd already well prepared with his thorough foreplay; slick, glistening, waiting for a male to come and quench the inferno smouldering inside of it.

Any trace of the tameness in the dog had vanished - replaced now by the dominant and horny feral Fox that would let out a low growl as she struggled to try and get him off of her. He just needed to stay on - Just for a moment. The second his sensitive tip slipped against the smooth, wet, flower of her folds and found the entrance waiting, aching, for his touch, he exploded into motion, ramming forwards in a flurry of frantic humping, instinct driving him straight into merciless fucklust. His few hit-and-misses would make a loud squelching as he pummelled her lips and clit, before his tip managed to squeeze neatly inside, not stopping for anything as his haunches kept on like a jackhammer. "Fffuu-ck!" The head of his meaty drill pressing against the slick walls of her lovetunnel was enough to stun Dahl from the sensation alone, leaving her shivering on the floor as he made his entry into her vulnerable body - and it didn't stay 'just the tip' for long.

"S-stupid do-oh-ooh!" She felt him immediately start growing, the thick feral fuckstick engorging with every eager thrust into her dripping fuckhole, inch after inch of veiny, contoured, flesh reaching down into her depths, pistoning backwards and forwards, dragging against her lubricated walls with a fluid, blissful friction. It only took seconds before Dahl found herself being pounded with a fully fledged feral dog dick - probably way bigger than Alex's. "Idiot m-m-mutt!" Holding herself up with her paws, struggling to bear the bulky feral alsatian's weight, Dahl found herself in a losing battle with her urges. Fox needed to get off of her; this was wrong! And gross! But the animal in her was reacting. The lustful creature that lived in the back of her mind and set those gnawing feelings down in her belly was begging, pleading, screaming to keep going and just let him.

Her tail had lifted and her ears set back, tongue starting to loll out of her mouth in a frantic pant, while her back arched up to meet his chest. She'd let herself go untended for too long, let herself build up and grow the pressure in her loins, knowing it would make the release so much better. And now, it came to bite her in the ass. "Go on, s-screw me! Fast! Get it over with!" Dahl gave in, half-growling half-whining, raising her rump to him and shoving her paw between her legs. Parting her fingers, she put one either side of his cock, able to feel every bit of the steel-solid length drawing back between them, holding still only for a fraction of a second, just long enough to feel his beating pulse through the taut skin, before he rammed forwards with so much force that her juices splattered all over her pawpads.

Dahl was being sensible - well, as sensible as you could be letting a feral dog fuck you. The last thing she wanted was him getting his knot in before she could shove him off. Just - just give him a few thrusts, wait until he gets distracted then throw him off. That was the plan. "Go on, stu-stu-stupid dog, f-f-fuck me!" She didn't have to tell him twice. With frantic, feral energy, Fox showed his new playmate just what he'd got; rutting away at a rabid pace right there on the dining room floor as if he was trying to get a speed record - over and done with before his owner got back to see he'd stolen his "bitch". It felt like he was spearing right into the urge to be fucked that drove Dahl in a heat like this, bringing sweet, sweet relief to the carnal craving in the core of her soul. She didn't want it, she tried to struggle against it, but. It was heavenly. If his tongue was good, having that oversized knotted knob viciously pounding her like this was enlightenment, easily starting to bring her up to that orgasm she'd ran just shy of, sparks flooding her vision and long, muscle-melting shudders rolling down her nerves from neck to navel, standing all of her fur on end and giving her tingling goosebumps.

His hind legs barely touched the ground as he jackhammered into her so hard and loud Alex would surely hear his own dog's fuckstick pummeling the woman he was trying to win for himself, or the fuzzy nuts clapping against her mound in a steady drumbeat that echoed across the dining room. Dahl had to jam her paw into her muzzle and bite, just to shut herself up. To muffle her high, urgent. needy whines as the animal fucked her raw on the dining room floor. Like that, there was no way she could hold herself up. One paw acting as a gag, the other taking knot defence, leaving her with her chin on the laminate floor and her ass up in the air, tail raised, presenting herself to her horny brute of a lover. "S-Shit! Fucking pound me, I'm your - fucking - bitch!" Had she lost her mind? Had she really dropped so low? Enjoying getting fucked silly by a feral while her date made her dessert in the next room over?

"Oh, God, F-Fox, Y-Y-Yess!" This time, Fox wasn't stopping. He wasn't gonna' leave her high and dry. It started with a single, squeezing spark of pleasure in the muscles of her belly, a flashing strobe that seemed to only get more and more intense with every fraction of a second that went by, until it was a blinding lightning storm of bliss, sending powerful bolts into her muscles. Everything this dazzling light touched seemed to turn to jelly, her thighs wobbling so much the only things holding them up were her bones alone, while her back slumped down like she'd just been drained of all her energy, stupefied by a taste of paradise she just couldn't handle. Her eyes whited out for a moment, only able to show a blur that gradually became more and more pink as they rolled into the back of her head, joined by a sudden numbness that spread all through her arms, like anesthetic flowing through her veins, sending them limp and floppy. The only thing she could feel through her skin was a bizarre, distant pain as she bit down on her paw to keep herself from howling like some kind of mindless feral.

That wasn't the only thing she felt though. Knot. Fox's big, rounded dickmeat, almost the size of her fist. It was a battering ram, crashing against the delicate folds that lined the gateway to her body, intent on plundering the fertile treasures that lay within. In the throes of her uncontrollable orgasm, her fingers relaxed and slipped, her paw unable to stop itself twisting and contracting as her muscles ran wild. It was all the feral alsatian needed to finish things like nature intended. With a heavy slam forwards, he'd work his knot against her stretchy spade-shaped opening, forcing it to squelch around his huge girth. The feeling of her fuckhole getting pried apart by the massive bulging breedingball was almost enough to send Dahl into a frenzied howl, needing all her self-control to just bite down on her paw and whimper out of the corner of her mouth, the sound bringing with it a thin string of drool.

"F-fuck, o-off now, F-Fox!" But her stuttered plea was all too little, all too late. She'd had her time in the light, Fox wanted it too. What was the point in having at a bitch if you didn't get to finish? "Off boy! F-Fox! Fox!" She just couldn't stop him. Her arms and legs didn't want to respond, heat having turned a simple much-needed orgasm into a paralytic nuclear blast of pleasure, leaving her with an afterglow that burned like radioactive fallout, refusing to fade from her body as it bathed her in euphoria.

The feral's furious pace slowed, but he wasn't giving up, putting all his strength into his loins. Through the fog of overloaded sensations, Dahl could feel him thumping, forcing, fighting to get his bloated bulb into her body while she could do nothing but frantically try and remember how to work her arms. A heavy, sloppy pop marked his knot pushing through the point of no return, pulling her netherlips open like a rubber band, holding there for just a second before being quickly engulfed by the insatiable insides. It was like a key made for a lock, hitting all the right spots simultaneously.

"N-no-knotting! Don't cum, d-don't jizz in me!" Even with all her strength, all her willpower to grasp up with her twitching paw, by the time her pads closed around hot, hard, slippery cockmeat, all she could get was the throbbing root, still jerking back and forth as the feral kept up his relentless rutting, working his bulge deeper and deeper. With her unruly heat taking the driver's seat, Dahl was forced to feel even greater pleasure as her hormones rewarded her, as the primal part of her brain patted her on the head and called her a good bitch, flooding her system with blissful endorphins as she let her fertile cunt get knotted by a proper male.

"D-Damn m-m-mutt!" She half-croaked, half-whined, groping around the root of his malehood, feeling for any part that might give. It wouldn't be an issue if he was wearing a condom or they did birth control she was able to use but - unfortunately for her - Fox was riding bareback and like hell was he going to stop. The feral was no lightweight, no lover that came to a shuddering halt as he spewed his seed. Not at all. She'd feel the thick pulse travel through that root even though he kept ramming forwards, his big, hanging plums lifting up and shuddering in their furry sack, while they smacked against the back of the paw desperately trying to find a way to unstick the firm tie between them. "G-get oooh-ff!"

She was out of time. It wasn't often she could actually feel the finish inside her, but this time it was clear as day. Her stuffed walls were like slick, taut, elastic clinging tight around him; clutching the monstrous bulge and anchoring him in place while they clenched and milked, doing their best to drain him in the greatest betrayal of her life. The whole length of his massive shaft was beating inside her like a giant, throbbing heart. It went from knot to tip, every contraction spraying spunk into her depths like a punctured pipe, forced out with a pressure so high it bubbled and boiled against her walls. His steaming fluids rushed forwards, spreading and sloshing as it headed down to fill her readied chamber, expanding like a balloon ready to burst as he kept pumping; more, more, more!

Fox was making sure every drop of his puppy-batter splattered as deep as it could go, pooling up and squelching around him as he constantly muscled himself further and further in, not planning on stopping until his tubes ran dry and his balls were empty.

"Y-you fucking c-came! Gahhh! Y-you stupid a-ahh-animal!" Inside, she just knew her receptive cervix was getting drenched at point-blank with potent dog cum, greedily drinking it in and allowing millions of his little swimmers up towards her ovaries, like a giant shoal of tiny fish, relentless as they navigated through tubes and tracts, getting ever closer to her cluster of defenceless, fertile, eggs where they were sure to bind and breathe new life.

"Unngh, I'm - I'm gonna burst. So. Big. So. Huge. Hggghnn." Moaning on her paws and knees as someone's dog gave her a fucking litter. God, she really was at rock bottom. She closed her fingers around the root of the fat knot tying them together, sliding along and following it through the gaping lips of her thoroughly bursting hole until her pads were pressing against the throbbing bulge, still being shunted back and forth by fits of the feral's eager humping, every stroke of his hips making a loud, sticky sucking as it squished his jizz against her slick, constricting muscles. She gave it a press, feeling how firm it was, the pressure of her touch rewarding her with another long squirt of hot male-goop bubbling in her depths; like she'd just squeezed a sports-bottle in her paw. "Y-you're fucking breeding me - I'm not your bitch, oh shit, I'm gonna' get pups..."

Her panting had grown as loud as his, Fox's tongue drooling onto her forehead, sending little trails down the side of her muzzle, dripping down onto the laminate floor below. There was already an obvious pool between her legs, her own wetness leaking like a sprinkler with each shove that knot made in her stretched canal. "Fuck, I can feel all that jizz." Her exhausted words came with a touch of madness, the awakened still riding the blessing of climax, the constant pleasure of his ever-shifting cock making it no easier to calm her mind. As her fingers slipped back, they stopped at her clit, the soft pads feeling like heaven as they pushed down on the swollen, needy bean, bringing back echoes, aftershocks of the orgasm that tore through her system. "I'm - hnnngh - I'm gonna' c-c-cum on a feral - while - I'm getting - b-b-bred with a-a-animals. I'm gonna' get a litter from my date's dog."

Her fingers would start to move quicker, circling around and sometimes glancing that swollen root, cranking up her pleasure once more. Her feet would twist, her toes not seeming to know if they wanted to stretch out or curl in, while her shins kept lifting off of the ground. What was going on? How had this happened? One moment she was there enjoying dinner with Alex and the next she was a roaring ball of urges and need, letting herself be licked and - and ending up fucked by his pet dog. All of this and more only served to spike her arousal, kick up her heat another notch, fuelled by the messy injection of spunk now coursing through her womb. She was an animal. A real animal, on her chin, head down, ass up, submitting to a dominant beast, like she needed.



Alex's voice seemed to cut right through the haze of her orgasm like the lemon zest cut through the mild creamy flavour of the New Tarin Vanilla Cheesecake he held in his hands. Her paw froze, still holding her button down, while her amber eyes cleared of their clouded gaze, slowly lifting up to look towards the dining room door. She hadn't heard his footsteps. How long had he been watching, seeing her get dicked by his own dog? Pounded and puppied by his own pet? Had he heard? What did she just say? Oh, God. The look on his face. This was definitely not the rabid, lustful finale that he'd probably hoped their date would end with.

The only thing punctuating the silence between their stares was Fox's eager panting, looking up at his owner with what had to be the feral equivalent of a beaming grin. He'd shot! He'd scored! He'd got a bitch of his own and stuffed her full of his pedigree pups! And of course, there was the gentle drip, drip, drip of mixed wetness, her own juices and the oozing trickles of frothing goop that even his massive meatplug couldn't contain, drooling down her folds, along the edges of her fingers and forming a pearly slick in the shadow beneath their connected bodies.

She had to think of something, anything, to say to the poor guy, if not for his own feelings than to try and preserve some of her own dignity. With her long, black ears folded back in embarrassment, her fur raised up on end and her face burning below it, Dahl finally mustered up the strength to look back up at Alex. She was struggling for the words to properly try and explain herself, to try and come up with something that would clear the air, explain away everything of this misunderstanding. Well, that was her plan. Her brain, on the other hand, couldn't quite handle the sheer awkwardness of the situation, deciding to leave for lunch now and throw this job to sheer instinct, all too eager to handle the pressure and panic by picking the first thing that came into her mind and launching it out of her muzzle with as much sincerity as possible. No matter how utterly lousy it was.

"Does this mean I can't stay for dessert?"

Hope you enjoyed!

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Or, if you want to get right to it, why not try some of my older (less thoroughly edited) stories?

[Old Gods and Wild Wolves


Rutted in the Rabbit Hole!

Trapped In the Doggy Door!