Café Plaisir: In His Garden

Story by October_Flixard on SoFurry

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#27 of Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt

There he was. Nature's heart beat heavy in his chest, though his body didn't otherwise move. There, stalking around the perimeter of the garden, amongst the quietened, hushed plant life he was using for cover, was the figure of a great lupine Mightyena, rendered in deepest, darkest stormclouds. The aura of Eclipse drowned out the sight from the sky above in its terrible, majestic depths and roiling, biding, hinted potential fury... The eyes cracked with a lightning-esque intensity, as if he realised he was being observed...

Another short story written as part of the PWTY charity drive, this one for the great Dark Violet no less! Yes, the god of Plaisir his or her self bid me write of this little meeting, this waypoint on the path of fate at Plaisir...

It's a rather nice little story, I'm sure you'll agree, even if it leaves on with just a few chills and a phantom ache in the jaw.... z: )

Another step on the road to the three finale chapters! There'll be a few more released before it's time to show the end of October's Jaunt...


The Café Plaisir setting is currently run by the talented:

Dark_Violet to whom belongs Nature and Eclipse

Café Plaisir was originally created by: Palibakufun

To whom we're all ever grateful for this fun facility of filth.

Late night, in Café Plaisir's central garden, it's a strange atmosphere.

A well developed tree, covered in lazily hanging growths and moss, pleasantly spread its hanging shade throughout the space, gapping and diffusing the already soft light coming from all around.

Warm light came weakly from the windows and balconies enclosing on all four sides, through curtains and blinds, carrying the sounds of late night party and merriment... and it came from far above, a stark, bright field or column of natural, beautiful, almost unspoilt starlight, bathing the whole scene.

Where the tree didn't plunge it sparingly into shade, the inner garden was a meticulously groomed, beautiful sight, where the whitish and yellowish reflections danced over careful arrangements of grass, bush, plant and flower, elegant displays arranged with love and care, now sparkling with highlights and softly echoing their daytime colours... The nightbloomers were well mixed with the day, such that the garden was arranged to look sweet, at any time...

Arranged by him. This garden was here for all of the Café to enjoy and appreciate, but there was not a 'Mon that might disagree and even the shy, humble Lucario himself might admit that above all others in the Café, this spot was his. His little space. This was where they - and so many customers - came to see him.

Here, the shapely, feminine canine biped lounged supply, form-fittingly into the perfect spot in the branches of his tree, seeming almost a part of it, here, in the middle of his space, here, where he was more comfortable than anywhere else in all the world... (well... save a few... exceptional places and times... Well, at least this was his favourite place to be alone.) Here, where he could relax best of all...

All the same, he wasn't exactly relaxed. He was twitching. Restless, even. Staring at the stars, anxiously, hoping their magical twinkle might contain some secret message...

He had no idea how this was gonna go.

He'd had a vague idea at first... or at least an interest. Well, maybe he had something like a plan...

He was getting increasingly nervous about it, though. Increasingly uncertain...

He had been curious enough, interested enough, to set things in motion, though Nature worried that when he used his initiative, dramatic things tended to happen. He hoped this wasn't one of those times... He hoped... well, he wasn't sure what he hoped.

The door opened and his eyes widened, the star's glow seemed even more diffuse... and with the moon hidden by the Café, they seemed very bright, tonight...

Almost on cue, dark clouds began to blow over. The timing was so odd that he was left staring at the sight a little longer, his gaze lingering on the dark, spreading tendrils of stormcloud...

He was here. Nature couldn't hear him, but he could feel him.

For a moment, he closed his eyes, ignored his normal perceptions... reached out with his aurasight. There'd be no mistaking it then.

There he was. Nature's heart beat heavy in his chest, though his body didn't otherwise move. There, stalking around the perimeter of the garden, amongst the quietened, hushed plant life he was using for cover, was the figure of a great lupine Mightyena, rendered in deepest, darkest stormclouds. The aura of Eclipse drowned out the sight from the sky above in its terrible, majestic depths and roiling, biding, hinted potential fury... The eyes cracked with a lightning-esque intensity, as if he realised he was being observed...

Nature took a deep breath. Eclipse had such a tremendous pressure... his aura was so formidable, he felt like he couldn't move. It wasn't the first time he had seen it of course... and he had been awe-striking then, for sure...

...but this time, the Mightyena was here for him. Just to fight off paralysis, Nature swallowed.

Right at that moment, Eclipse turned right towards him, his profile narrowing, his aura appearing even deeper, seeming to billow outwards, facing him. That apparent focus was frightening...

It grew as he approached.

A deep, voice snapped him back to reality, though the gruffness carried on the tone of the storm; "You know I'm here..."

The starlit sky was almost entirely swallowed by the clouds. The branches above were darker, yet somehow sharper, in the Lucario's wide eyes.

"Uh-huh," said Nature, softly, remembering to breathe again.

Eclipse stopped a few meters short of the tree, staring, apparently waiting for him to get down. Nature fought to get himself to do so, to get his wits back around him. He had things he meant to say, to ask...

"Strange way of getting my attention," said Eclipse, in a quiet, curious tone, "Interesting that you're making it official..."

Clenching a paw into a fist just to focus, Nature spoke, "...I... I wanted your time, I wasn't sure how else to get your attention..."

"...So you bought and paid for it..." said Eclipse, smiling slowly, though his big, dark eyes revealed nothing, appearing pleasant and ominous all at once, the smile of a guarded Wolf... "I wonder why..."

Nature raised himself slightly and with a light movement, hopped down from the tree to land gracefully. Mostly. He felt a little shaky. He looked at the Mightyena.

Huge and nearly as stormcloud dark as his aura, the reality of Eclipse was no less formidable. Nature was taller than him, but the huge Mightyena seemed far more massive, built powerfully, even by the standards of his kind. His large, brooding features were buried in the darkness of his all-black facial markings, which only made his big, red and yellow eyes seem all the sharper.

"...Folks 'round here," began Eclipse, starting to move, turning to one side, beginning to stalk and circle, "Don't seem to have much issue messin' with their co-workers. They don't charge each other, as a rule, either..."

His tone sounded... kind of irritable. Was he taking offense at the offer..? Oh no... That wasn't what he wanted... He definitely didn't want to admit he had gotten the idea after hearing Rain Flower bragging about hiring October...

Nature's worries weren't well timed, either. With the way the big Mightyena was stalking around him, he was quite naturally nervous; He couldn't help but twist to follow the Mightyena's movements and a now amused look in those fearsome eyes told him that Eclipse didn't need aurasight to sense HIS nerves...

He was playing with him.

Nature kept fighting for focus, "...I hope you don't mind," he said, softly, "I... it's just... I thought it might be nice... and you're maybe not... the most..." his voice almost choked off as Eclipse looked at him, "...approachable..."

Eclipse's sudden smile, as he came back around in front, was as big as it was ominous, "Awwww... really..? You don't find me..." he grinned, slightly, hinting his massive fangs in the moonlightl, "...approachable..? One of Café Plaisir's..." his eyes met Nature's, his own big and amused as he growled, "...happy little family..?"

"Y-You're as much a part of this place as I am," said Nature, softly, "but I don't really know you very well at all..." he lowered his muzzle, about to the next part, but Eclipse cut him off.

"You know you can find me in the woods at night..." said Eclipse, "or I could find you. Outside the safety of the Café..."

"Know you, here," said Nature, suddenly, nervously, getting what he was going to say and about to say suddenly mixed up.

Eclipse frowned at him.

Nature, slightly flustered, took a deep breath and spelled it out as best he could, "I was wanting to get to know you... here."

Eclipse paused a few seconds, mulled on that, stopped in front of him, side-on... He looked around at the garden, then at the Lucario, standing awkwardly, with his paws together and hips cocked...

"Here..." repeated the Mightyena, in an amused, but low, growling tone, "In a tidy little garden, full of flowers and adored from all these windows. In this cute little place, tame and pretty and groomed..."

Nature blushed, his ears went back a bit, in embarrassment.

"...It's got you written all over it..." said the Mightyena, sniffing around, "Like you're welcoming me to your lap, on your throne," he nodded to the tree, then looked about, grandly, "Surrounded by your adoring subjects. Plaisir's little Prince, Nature..." he smiled at the Lucario...

Embarrassed, flushing, Nature stuttered and found himself without a voice and uncertain, caught off balance by Eclipse's teasing...

"...and now he wants to HIRE me. Is this the paw of the sweeter, nicer Plaisir, reaching out to me..?" asked Eclipse, with a wicked, Wolven smirk...

Nature almost, stuttered, then fought words words and focus alike, but neither was coming. Sentences were born, matured and died for lack of confidence or certainty one after the other. He was teasing him? Why? Did he do this with all his customers..?

He ended up standing still and doing nothing as his mind worked, ears still back, still stood oddly, himself looking coy and confused as he looked over the amused visage of the fearsome Mightyena, somehow feeling like all the answers were obvious and he just wasn't, 'getting things...' As if intuition alone should tell him all he needed to know about Eclipse.

Well, his intuition had cold core of fear in his guts spreading out to an excited tingle in his twitchy limbs, making him off balance... anxious... excited.

It was hard to concentrate.

Eclipse chuckled, deeply, "What's the matter boy..? Isn't this what we do around here..? Exchange words, get to know each other, tease each other a bit..? Ain't that the chummy thing to do..?"

Nature physically stumbled as he verbally untangled himself, then began to speak, softly but quickly, "...I'm sorry, I... I wanted to get you better, but ...I'm not so good with teasing. Maybe that's what you and October do, but I just don't get it, I'm curious-"

Eclipse growled, suddenly and deeply, a dark frown forming. There was a sense of his aura rippling with wrath. Nature's eyes widened. Right, that was a bad word to say... that already answered some of his questions...

"There's not much teasing about what's going on there, boy," said Eclipse, darkly, "and it's no business of the likes of you."

Nature blinked again... That sounded serious. The look in the Mightyena's eyes told him that the matter WAS serious. That left him with one question on that matter, "...What'll you do with him, if you catch him..?"

Eclipse's frown darkened. Suddenly he was advancing. His poise, his aura was so genuinely threatening that the Lucario was driven to move back, but with his legs crossed, he ended up falling backwards into the tree trunk. Eclipse stopped, just in front of him, very close...

"Since you're not good with teasing..." said the Mightyena slowly, "I'm gonna cut this 'banter' and spell it out. Here in Plaisir, there's two worlds. Yours, with friends and parties and happy, safe fun... then there's the world me and THAT Ninetales inhabit." He leant in closer, leering right over the reclined-back Lucario to almost push his nose to Nature's. "You don't belong, there."

Suddenly, Eclipse smiled. It seemed genuine. That was what was most haunting about it. "You belong right here!" he said, almost cheerfully, rearing back and then giving the Lucario a rough and patronising pat on the belly with a heavy forepaw that almost winded him, then gestured expansively, "So don't you worry your pretty little face about any of that, little Prince."

Nature's eyes were not relaxed. Nature's eyes were full of worry... and uncertainty.

Lately he'd taken an interest in the Mightyena. More than he was letting on. He'd gone as far as to follow the Mightyena into the woods and use his aurasight to spy from afar...

Some of the things he'd seen... Of course, he'd always assumed it was a game, roleplay, like most things around here... Yet he remembered Vermont's expression, the genuine terror in the Glameow's aura... but of course, Vermont himself seemingly hadn't reported anything, two weeks later, so Nature had reassured himself... and since then, he had seen them do it again... and again...

Nature had been reassured enough to arrange this meeting... and curious.

Even now, to his own utmost horror, he found that curiosity wasn't anywhere near as dissuaded as it rationally ought to be. Nature's intuition and rationality often seemed to have this dissonance...

Suddenly Eclipse was chuckling, darkly.

Nature flushed, staring at the Mightyena, questioningly. How had he moved so quickly to mirth..?

Eclipse lead Nature's gaze down the lines of his slender torso... to where the Lucario's least feminine feature was poking out. Quite boldly at that.

"...and this," said Eclipse, chuckling and raising a paw, putting the rough pads on Nature's hardening flesh, "Is exactly part o' what I was saying." Snickering, he battered it roughly against Nature's belly a few times before letting go, "Penny for your fuckin' thoughts, boy..."

Nature's eyes widened again. He didn't want to think about what he was just thinking about, especially when this was happening.

"Some part of you fuckin' loves it boy, doesn't it..?" said Eclipse, "...the thought of terrible things..."

Nature tried to speak, but a slightly indignant, "...Mmmff..!" was the only thing that came out.

Suddenly, Eclipse's forepaw was over the protruding metallic spike on nature's chest, grabbing it like a convenient handle. With a sickening lurch of acceleration, the Mightyena pulled the Lucario down to his knees with ease. Nature gritted his teeth again the impact then just as quickly found his muzzle being pushed down against his chest, trapped, his eyes widening and looking up, his vision filled by Mightyena snout, blurred and doubled... and nothing else clear at all but the sight of those big, deep yellow and red eyes, the split pupil wide open with a hungry excitement, seeming like portals to some deep, savage darkness...

"Well," growled the Mightyena, "You paid for me... and I'm right here. Time you got your show..."

With his muzzle trapped against his chest, Nature couldn't answer even if he wanted to...

Eclipse put a paw on the back of Nature's head and continued holding it down before he took his muzzle away with a smile. He rose, keeping the unresisting, limp Lucario trapped...

Nature's eyes widened again, but this time not so much in fear or uncertainty.

Eclipse sheath was filling... and it was already an impressive sight. Almost as impressive as those balls, up close. Eclipse's big, grey, fuzzy balls were excessively large for a Mightyena... looking plump, solid and formidable...

With little more than a chuckle, Eclipse shoved sheath and balls right onto Nature's face, all but smothering the feminine Lucario, burying his delicate features in the bulky, musky, fuzzy and dominating presence of the Mightyena's genitals.

Right now, the sky WAS Eclipse. Nature could see nothing else and all the world might as well have been Eclipse's junk at that moment. That scent... as canine musk went, it didn't get more masculine than Eclipse... that feel... as the sheath, pressed over from muzzle to brow, grew in physical movements of blood that felt almost geological... well, astronomical, in the scale of his current universe...

Then that universe shifted, pushing roughly against his face, pushing that sheath over his brow and the two massive balls right up against his eyes, then pulling back again, letting him see again, his eyes focussed on nothing but Eclipse as he grew...

This kept up... and it was a while before Nature noticed that Eclipse was chuckling. That was about when Nature realised he had been gasping quickly and pawing at himself. He let go of his own swollen cock in embarrassment.

"You really do love being used like a damn convenience, don't'cha, boy..?" said the Mightyena, teasingly. He didn't give Nature much of a chance to reply. He just kept making use of his face...

Somewhat trapped in the detailed contours of Eclipse's junk, especially as that shaft grew enough to began to free... solid Mightyena maleflesh spilling out onto his brow, Nature's response was a slightly high pitched huff that descended into a moan.

"Yup," said Eclipse, "You're an honest boy, I'll give you that. For the most part, anyway. Fitting for our little Prince..."

He pulled back suddenly, taking the paw away, lifting his hips and untrapping the Lucario. He didn't move far, though... a now half-hard, already-massive Mightyena malehood slid-point first from Nature's brow to the point of his muzzle, leaving a trail of pre all the way...

"Well, Prince..." said Eclipse, "here's my fuckin' tribute."

Nature was deeply embarrassed about the teasing, but the flushing need that went right through his body easily overrode it. Huffing, flushing, he reached for that growing, mighty member and grasped it in his paws, staring fixedly upon it as he came to terms with the solid growing reality of it in his grasp... and it was still growing... With a dangerous point and a bulging shaft, that throbbed all the way to the chunky knobs of a hefty knot that seemed stolen from an Arcanine, Eclipse's brutal member wasn't the longest at Plaisir, but it became as thick as any of 'em at the base.

Without another word, Nature began to stroke it, rubbing the top of his muzzle under it as if to catch the spots Eclipse himself had missed, to ensure that this magnificent testament to masculinity was properly worshipped even as he obsessively took in the details of its form...

Paws stroked slowly, tenderly, massaging that male flesh and trying to take in every detail he hadn't already had pressed into him. Then, unable to resist taking a taste any longer, the Lucario's tongue flicked out, starting first at the underside of the bulges that would grow fully into Eclipse's knot and along the male-tasting, throbbing underside, trailing slowly along the increasingly massive cock towards the tip...

"Well well," said Eclipse, chuckling, "I think he likes it... the way he's courtin' it, like that..."

Nature had nothing to say to that, Nature's attention was full of cock. He'd worked his way around to the front of it, now the massive thing was staring him in the face... a massive, slightly tapered length of lupine lance that was already thicker than his neck...

Bringing his paws forward, he cradled the crown and respectfully, moved forward to lightly lick the tip, as if he were sweetly licking a friend on the nose... Saying, '...Hi...'

As if in response, Eclipse's massive cock bulged and shot pre at him. Nature caught in on his muzzle with a mischievously delighted smile...

"Well, shucks," said Eclipse, good-naturedly, though his voice still had a growling, almost purrish edge, "No wonder they all love you so much, little Prince... No wonder they adore you..."

Every time the blush had started to fade from Nature's face, Eclipse had gone and put it right back again. The Mightyena chuckled. "Of course," he said, "This ain't right, is it..?"

The way he put that had Nature pause and look up in puzzlement. The Mightyena was smirking at him.

"After all," said Eclipse, "This might be your Garden, but I'm not the Customer here, am I..?"

Nature blinked, now wondering what he was getting at.

"Of course," said Eclipse, "It's very rude of me I'm..." he teased Nature's tone of voice with the way he said it, "...sorry." Then grinned, "You're treatin' me and it's me that's gotta be treatin' YOU."

Nature opened his mouth to question what the Mightyena meant. Suddenly there was a paw on the back of his head, pushing it back... then Eclipse was ramming himself at the Lucario's open maw.

His aim wasn't exact and Nature's maw wasn't exactly open. Eclipse shoved in roughly and Nature's eyes widened as he felt flesh pass against his teeth..! Trained to exactly NEVER do that, he got a fright and instinctively worried he'd done something wrong, but it wasn't his doing.

He was uttering a strangled yelp as Eclipse plugged his maw up completely, cutting off the noise - he had been trying to apologise. He tried to pull back immediately, wanting by reflex to apologise, to check on his mistake!

Yet the one who had actually caused the injury didn't seem in the least phased by it. A most satisfied growl rumbled from the huge Mightyena above, as if the act of dominance dulled any sense of pain...

Taking Nature's struggles the wrong way, he growled and pushed in harder, drawing another muffled moan out of the Lucario, quickly cut off.

Eclipse's growl became a chuckle, then slid back to a growl. He began to move his hips.

Not ready for this in the slightest, not in the right position and not relaxed at all, Nature was literally lifted from the ground by his maw, wrapped around the Mightyena's oversized, roughly-shoving cock and bumped back into the tree, then pulled forward again by that overly tight, uncomfortable fit as the Mightyena himself moved.

Nature struggled to react to move, to get involved at all in pleasing the Mightyena - or even to let himself breathe or get comfortable.

Eclipse wasn't interested in the slightest. Powerful hips drove a massive cock into the Lucario's maw stretching him painfully and and banging at the back of his throat, leaving the impression of his pointed tip.

The Mightyena grabbed him by the back of his neck, firmly. With crude paws, the dully-clawed grip was NOT delicate. It was a crude, feral handling that started to pull Nature away from the tree - just in time too, he was starting to get dizzy...

Eclipse, fucking his face ruthlessly, chuckled, "Hope the Prince likes MY treatment..."

The blushing 'Prince' was pulled along like a puppet, as if he had no will of his own, being used... all the things he wanted to do disappearing, buried under the storm of the Mightyena's own desire.

Still, Eclipse's thrusts began to deepen, hurt a little less, as he was tilted forward to receive that cock properly... One of Nature's paws fell forward to support himself at this angle, the other at his own cock, throbbing needily against the grass, wanting immediate attention...

"Right here on his throne..." growled Eclipse...

Nature was set up properly now and he was able to relax himself, as he had practised... but Eclipse didn't make it easy on him in the slightest. That cock was huge and still growing, it was massive and Eclipse was using it on him as brutally and harshly as he could, the massive wolf-like Pokemon's whole savagely powerful body driving it into his throat, deeper and deeper, harder and harder, using the Lucario without the slightest care of whether he could take it or not. Nature was dimly grateful that he could...

Pre and saliva drooled from the Lucario's maw, like the eager orifice it was being used as. Eclipse's massive shaft could be seen mostly now by its profile, rubbing back and forth, protruding from Nature's throat...

He awaited the moment of climax.

It came with a sudden brutality and growling, chuckling snarl as Eclipse suddenly rammed his knot at the Lucario's muzzle.

Even Nature had to widen his eyes at this, felt a stretch around his prepared jaw as his muzzle strained at the massive, five-inch knot... Again, fangs scraped... but Eclipse didn't care... and soon, neither did Nature.

Eclipse's cock swelled so hard that Nature's jaw was strained.. and he came so hard the Lucario was jolted, once, twice...

...and then suddenly the Mightyena pulled back, hard, jamming a paw roughly on Nature's back to hold him down.

The knot was pulled back out as rudely as it was shoved in. The cock pulled out of his throat, carelessly, forcing the Lucario to take a deep heave of breath even as his throat and maw were coated in growing sheets of thick, musky Mightyena cum...

He gagged, coughed and spluttered, things going down the wrong way, respiratory panic setting in... a whole bunch of things he thought he'd gotten too good to have happen to him, anymore.

The Mightyena'd gotten him blushing again... his ears and cheeks were beetroot, even as the Mightyena quite deliberately painted them with the continuing dribbles of his mean-spirited climax.

Heady with pleasure, with pain, with humiliation, with newfound breath, Nature himself noisily spattered into the ground between his thighs.

Hunched over, beneath the great beast, cumming pitifully, with seed running from his face and maw, still gasping and cocking and wheezing, treated so rudely... treated so harshly by the Mightyena...

His tail began to wag.

Eclipse didn't see that, though. The Mightyena had already turned away, started leaving.

Nature tried to move after him, gasping, falling onto his front..

"Let that be a lesson to you," said the Mightyena, not looking around, "You belong in here, Nature, not out there. Leave the woods and all the Dark things in it for those that do. All these happy, lovely Pokemon that adore you so would be pretty fuckin' miserable if something... awful, were to happen..."

"...Wait..." Nature just about managed to gasp, but Eclipse wasn't listening. The arrogant Mightyena, ultimately miscomprehending Nature at the last, however, did not wait. He was through the door and gone whilst Nature was still trying to catch his breath.

He stared at the door for some time, then fell back against the tree, without the energy to climb back up it, for the time being.

He looked up... The sky was beginning to clear, again... he closed his eyes, trying to reflect, despite the rippling chaos...

Already, he had more questions for the Mightyena. He was more disturbed and exhilarated than ever...

Curious and impulsive, Nature was already determined, almost compelled... he would find his answers... and he would follow the Mightyena a while longer, until he did... wherever it lead. He couldn't help himself.

His eyes opened to the sky again, filled with the sparkling wonder...