Feral Heart - Day 3 (2/2)

Story by Lupex on SoFurry

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#6 of Feral Heart

The horny wolf has finally breached Marco's mind, leaving him a pawn to the canine instincts that drive him along a frisky adventure of lupine proportions with Lucas' husky.

This was a collab I did with FA: Tarus1111 !

First: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1220541

Previous: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1222789

Next: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1224888

"Clods of dirt and bits of decayed leaves leapt up until the air, disturbed from their rest by the pounding of the heavy paws. It was not the sickly moonlight that guided the beast. A deeper sense, incomprehensible to the human mind, raged in every scent and sound that constructed the paths upon which it ran along.

There was no feeling of content, nor satisfaction. There was instead the overwhelming pleasure of adhering to the whims that formed in the moment, driven by no thought, but pure instinct. It was a bolt of lightning, fickle, unpredictable and deadly.

In one moment, the earth flooded out before it, the next, the ripe scent of life, the smell soon blossoming out in intensity comparable to the sun's brightness. There was a sharp cry that rippled out, but it was quickly muffled as the blossoming flower contorted, life tainted. The following moment, wooden spears once more kept the shadow company.

Nothing could halt the unknown as it claimed dominion with every padded footfall."

Every night he dozed off to it, and in the morning things weren't the same. That book seemed to always be in his hands whenever things went awry. Whatever was happening, the book had to have the answers.

Clinging onto whatever he could to save his drowning confidence, Marco dashed upstairs to find his novel. Grabbing it from where he left it last, he immediately began turning through pages, wishing to uncover something in the similar narrative that could be his salvation, anything at all.

Desperation failed to aid him as page after page flipped by, words blurring into meaningless gibberish. Defeated, he was forced to conclude that he was incapable of accomplishing anything at the moment. It scared him. The fear swarmed in his mind, consuming his thoughts.

Sliding onto the floor, he started to pant as a rush of heat followed a moment of light-headedness. He had gotten himself so worked up that if he wasn't sick before, he sure felt so now. It was like a fever, but blazing across his body.

No longer thinking, he quickly tugged his workout shorts off, leaving him completely nude. As they came off, a comforting smell that he had become quite acquainted to rose up to him. Thoroughly panting at this point, he shifted his gaze down, shivering as he felt the cool floor meet the bottom of his scrotum. Past his still rigid erection, he was startled to find his testicles were visibly larger, and from the way they sagged onto the ground, much heavier to boot.

Automatically, his hand extended down, sweeping over the hairy surface, massaging it in a fog. They felt so tight. His other hand came down to assist, taking the other hefty ball in hand and rubbing it before trailing upward to the bundle of fluffy flesh that composed the base of his sheath. His mind started to relax, tension ebbing away as he jostled his large balls across the cool floor, revelling in the tingling warmth of them churning. His hand pulled up on the sheath, letting it slide past and back down his swelling knot, already slick with pre. He then swept his hand up, squelching against the hot wet red surface, wafting his musky scent up. Meanwhile, the hand fondling his balls cupped them from underneath, weighing them with bounces that splayed them out, filling his palm. Bringing the precum moistened hand up to his face, he took a sniff and licked from his wrist to his fingertips, falling into the scent of himself.

His full balls were already overly sensitive, begging to be emptied. His rapid pants sped even more as he went down on himself, dick large enough to accommodate both his hands. The one holding his balls dropped them back onto the floor, advancing upward until it was encircling his bulging knot, stroking over and down its girth whilst his other hand pulled from the knot up to the tapered tip, streams of pre flowing back over his fingers on every upward pump.

With every inch of dick flesh stimulated, it wasn't long before he fired his thick, creamy load, straight up and, because of his moving hands, back down everywhere, splattering his nude form and unmade bed beside him.

Lacking even a moment's pause, he swiftly lapped up the strands of semen with animalistic huffs, breathing in deeply as he slurped it all, cleaning off each digit like he had just finished a tasty meal.

Stumbling up, he made his way to the washroom, still stinking of cum residue, heavy balls swaying liberally with each step. Upon entering, his already panting mouth began to salivate even more as the stuffy musk from the dried cum he had expelled earlier continued to permeate the room.

Dimly staring at the toilet, then back to his leaking flagpole, Marco realized he had a problem. He needed to pee now. Badly. After a second of staring, he let his instincts drive his body again and he descended onto his hands and knees. Predictably, his leg lifted up, giving his erection perfect aim as he relieved himself.

Marco was too far gone to question himself, rather, down near the ground, all the delicious smells were so much closer, and between the urination and scents, a new, foreign urge flared into his mind. As he finished, he gave himself a sniff, immensely satisfied with the strong, musky and sexual odor that he exuded. Coming back out of the bathroom, he realized just what the urge was: to mark his scent everywhere, to claim it all as his own. This was his territory.

Hopping onto the cum stained bed, Marco rolled around, matting his hairy body with his fresh, pearlescent liquid. He ground his musky cock against the sheets, rubbed the pillows under his damp armpits and wiped the moisture on his chest onto the blankets until his bedding smelled perfectly like his sweaty, bestial body.

Content, he half walked, half trotted around the house, lifting his leg on any markable object, unleashing scent markers throughout. Corners, furniture legs, any vertical object was met by a brief stream of urine. Towels, rugs and carpets got a pit-full of sweaty odor while the couch was also slathered with pre. Not even his parents' bed was spared from his marking as he tossed and turned in the sheets.

In no time at all, the whole house reeked of his scent, and content, he moved onto his back yard.

Once outside, he didn't bother standing back up, preferring to remain on all fours, where all the smells were more concentrated.

Suddenly, Marco heard a barking, followed by insistent whining at the gate to the yard, and he dropped his leg. Approaching, his nose immediately picked up the spicy scent of a dog.

Star. Star was here, and not at all caring how he identified her through smell, Marco instead focused on the feelings the smell triggered, sending his cock bouncing with need. As fast as he could, he unlatched the gate and Star sped in, whining at him and doing loops. Confused but still immensely horny, Marco bent down to pet Star, about to wonder why she was here, when she pounced on him, knocking him onto his back.

In seconds, her muzzle was buried in his damp crotch.

"S-strr..." Marco tried to say but the sentence dissolved into a growl as Star began to lap at his cock with her large flat tongue, quickly licking up the pre as fast as he could dribble it from the canine tip, "St-stah..." Marco's next attempt to speak changed into a moan midway as Star continued to tongue clean his groin, sweeping it dexterously around the turgid knot, over the dimpled tip and through the soaked fur at the base.

Abruptly, she stopped and leapt back with boundless energy, ears perked. Then she spun around, bowing her head away from him with her posterior raised, tail swishing wildly in an enticing display.

Marco stared hungrily, brown eyes clouded, at the puffed vulva. Instantly his balls felt twice as heavy, as a pressure escalated behind his navel, causing his dog dick to spurt out some pre. In a trance, he rolled off his back and crawled his way toward the presenting dog. Before he could reach it, she bounded a few feet away and taunted him again. Blinded by lust, Marco followed, picking up speed as his elbows and knees edged closer to alignment, heel stretching slightly as movement on his clawed toes became easier.

The game riled him up, further dredging out his rational thoughts. Finally, he caught up and wasted no time in grappling her with his arms, frantically thrusting with abandon. Marco needed the penetration badly. Star's eagerness seemed infectious as her wagging tail was soon joined by Marco's, as the fleshy nub extended farther, a plume of fur bursting free as it started to wag vigorously.

Marco let out a sigh that pitched into a dog-like whine as his engorged cock finally penetrated into her, warm, wet folds. Without hesitation, he thrusted back and forth, not even accustomed to the motions. Yet everything screamed how right it was, the sensation of entering her passage, the bumping of his knot against her, the bunching of his sheath and the slapping of his dense testes. The most perfect thing was the smell of Star in heat, pressed up against his hairy body.

When at last his knot slipped in, he couldn't suppress another whine of satisfaction, echoed by his mate. Enthralled, he persisted in his jerky movements, emphatically stimulating the area behind his knot until he came, flooding Star's womb with his seed and his mind with euphoria.

With a content sigh, Marco swung his left leg over the panting husky with their butts touching before leaning his front down to rest on his arms. Immense satisfaction filled him and he was happy, tied to his mate, knowing that his knot would ensure her fertilization.

However, as the pheromones faded somewhat, dim guilt replaced the elation. The suppressed human in him bubbled back up. He was physically stuck inside a female dog, which belonged to his friend, no less, and he had enjoyed it so much.

As much as he hated himself at the moment, he couldn't deny how much he had loved it, too. The treasured book he had been reading came to mind and he gulped, knowing without a doubt now what he was becoming. He turned back to look at Star, who was still standing, unlike himself, relaxing as she gazed back lovingly.

It wasn't as though he were hurting anyone, Marco thought. The werewolf that he was reading about shouldn't be antagonized for trying to build a family. Perhaps it was lonely. Like Marco. And becoming a werewolf wasn't inherently bad, he rationalized this with a glance at his toned biceps.

Several quiet, peaceful minutes passed before Marco felt himself slipping out of Star, a slimy mess of semen flowing back down and out of her vagina. Instinctively, he spun around lapped it up, cleaning off the husky's genitals as his cock retreated back into his sheath a bit. His lengthier tongue dug into the wet, sticky folds, and though he thought he was pushing his head in farther, it was instead extending out on its own, growing into a stubby muzzle.

Star on her part, didn't move, letting Marco drink in the satisfying smell of dog heat smothered in his salty cum. With every sniff deep into the anal glands, it became increasingly clear and defined.

Standing back up, he found himself feeling awkward and quickly, he went back down onto all fours, comforted by his lower stance. Star seemed pleased by this as well, which Marco noted. Now that all his territory was marked, he felt he needed more, to claim more for himself. But poking his head out the open gate, dozens of human smells sent warning signs into his mind. He was holed up in his small house, and that didn't sit right with him. He had to get out.

Going back inside the wonderfully smelling house, Marco was delighted to find Star trailing after his steps, never straying too far from him. Marco focused, trying to think. A place where he would be free. A couple of blocks over, there was a wooded civil parkland. He and Lucas used to go exploring there when they were younger, but nowadays just stayed in the developed area for picnics. Eagerly, he went to his front door, falling once on his way there. As he rose up to reach the doorknob, he realized that he couldn't possibly walk outside like this.

Reluctantly, he sniffed out his sweaty hoodie and workout shorts and put them back on, already panting from the extra layers. His back felt so itchy against the fabric, and he scratched at the fur that had grown there. If he had difficulty wearing clothing before, he was incompatible with the very idea at this point. It was hot, stuffy, and restricted his malformed body. Stumbling onto two feet, he threw the hood on, tucked his hands into the pockets and stepped outside.

Fully dressed with Star at his side, a bit more human thought crept back into Marco's mind. Careful not to fall over now that he wasn't fully biped, he made his way as fast as possible, with the singular idea of getting to the woods driving his movements. Even though he was barefoot, he found that it wasn't bothering him too much, if that was any consolation.

Only a few short steps later did a new problem spring in his way. His larger, sagging balls rubbed against his restrictive shorts, teasing him and bringing his cock back out, tenting the already strained clothing. If that wasn't enough, he could smell every point that the neighborhood dogs had marked as their own and he found it quite difficult not to cover the scent with his own.

Somehow, the two made good distance without any issues, but as the park came into view, the sound of shoes pounding on the pavement ahead grabbed Marco's attention. Immediately, he looked around for a place to hide. Fortunately for him, a hedge of bushes was just to his right, surrounding a baseball field. Leaping in, with Star crawling in too, he stayed still, hoping against odds that whomever he heard hadn't seen him. Even though he was now shaded in the bush, he was getting even hotter with all the clothing on, and crouched down, he could smell himself with arousingly intense clarity, making the situation worse.

The footsteps got closer, and he could make out a jogger approaching down the sidewalk, holding the a Border Collie's leash. Miraculously, it seemed he hadn't seen Marco ducking in. However, as they approached, the Border Collie paused, causing the pale skinned owner to follow suit. Marco had spoken too soon.

"Gotta go here, Dash? Come on, you can stop when I'm done this circuit."

Dash ignored his owner and inspected the bushes near Marco and Star. Marco could smell that it was a male dog and for some odd reason, this specific fact both bothered and intrigued him. After a while of sniffing, the owner tugged on the leash. "Come on, go already."

Impatient, he walked back, and crouched down next to the dog, gently pulling on its collar. "If you don't need to go, then let's keep going." The man ruffled the dog's head. Meanwhile, Marco was pouring sweat, huffing in his own musk, trying his best not to be noticed and not to move despite the raging attention his groin was demanding.

About to rise up, the jogger hesitated, hands still on the dog's head. "Go..." he mumbled absentmindedly. "Come on Dashy boy... Mff." The Border Collie instead sat down and licked its owner on the cheek. Marco bit his lip as he spotted and smelled the unmistakably red tip peeking free from the dog's sheath. He watched as the jogger reached down, adjusting his shorts. The dog followed the hand, promptly pressing its nose into its owner's crotch.

"Eh, stop.. Stop that Dash!"

It was like watching a porno right in front of him. One that he didn't even know he liked. At this point, the front of his shorts was dark with all the pre that had soaked it. Star, who had been politely still the entire time shuffled over a bit, licking at the damp spot, which felt amazing at that very moment.

The jogger dropped to one knee from his crouch, exposing the bulge that his dog was investigating. At the same time, his other hand previously resting on the dog's head had begun to pet in slower, languid motions, scratching behind the drooped ears, digging into the neck fur, tracing down the shoulder and onto the fuzzy pink belly. Dash's red rocket crept farther from its sheath, a bead of pre spurting out.

"Goodness Dash, since when did you smell so good for once?" he muttered, scritching at the dog's belly. The dog replied with a lick to the man's groin, prompting the bulge to twitch and the owner to let out a soft moan. Marco could barely hold back his breathing as it came out faster and faster. Star retracted her head before poking it underneath Marco's upraised knee, digging her nose into his heavy ballsack. Licking all over his crotch, the husky's tongue shoved the damp fabric all over the sensitive flesh, compounding Marco's lust addled mind.

His knot bloated as he cummed into the workout shorts, covering his hairy crotch with his thick seed and filling the air around him almost immediately with his dense musk.

Dash stopped poking his owner and instead turned its attention back to the bushes. Unabashed, the jogger took his shirt off. "When did it get so hot?" he wondered aloud. His breaths became deeper as he too started pulling in the smell. Curiously, the jogger brought his t-shirt up to his face, and giving it a sniff, broke into a groggy smile. Not to be left out, the Border Collie turned its attention back to the owner, pushing its muzzle next to his shirt.

"That's a good boy, Dash," the owner slurred absently as he placed his arm around his dog again, hand dangling down to its belly. "That's a very good boy." The hand drifted lower still as he sniffed at Marco's musk and then back to his own sweaty shirt until it brushed his dog's nearly fully exposed cock, getting some pre onto his fingers. As if this caused the dog to notice its erection for the first time, it ducked down, licking first at its human's fingers before lapping at its cock. "Mmm," the jogger sighed, leaning into his dog. The hand went farther still until it was gently groping at the bundled, fluffy sheath of his dog. Dash looked back at its owner, and licked him for the attention, strands of pre mixed saliva sticking to his face.

Recovering from his orgasm, Marco remained unflaggingly hard as he watched his handiwork. He was still stuck here and he was only getting hornier by the minute. A distant voice whispered in his head, and through his clouded thoughts, presented itself as an escape plan. Silently, he removed his cum stained shorts. Unable to resist giving it a good whiff first, which Star joined in on. He placed it on his nose, drooling over the smell of his own cum before carefully pushing it away from himself, closer to the outside of the bush.

The jogger, of course, was distracted with his sweaty t-shirt pressed to his face. The reaction was faster than Marco expected. The man's fondling gained some vigour, beginning to rub at Dash's pre slick knot. For its part, Dash nuzzled its owner's straining bulge, licking at it more and more, before noticing the intensively potent musk wafting from Marco's shorts. Without hesitation, it poked its head into the bushes and predictably retrieved the dark gray shorts, sniffing rapidly. Like a dutiful dog, it placed it right in front of its owner, who had let go of the shirt in his hand as he picked up on the enhanced odor. Preferring it instantly over his own body odor, the jogger snatched up the shorts, eying it like a starving man. With a cautious huff of the rank air, he suddenly dug his face into it, feverishly absorbing Marco's musk, lathering the soaked shorts on his face like a wash cloth. After a second, he noticed the warm, alabaster liquid dripping onto his hands. Giving it too a testing sniff, he was soon slurping it off his fingers. Almost automatically, he inverted the pair of shorts, enthusiastically soaking up the intense smell of cum, sweat and pheromones with his nose and tongue.

Soon, all the cum strands were gone, and craving more, the jogger took a breath, gathering the scents around him. Dash, who had been prodding at his master's shorts again whimpered softly. In a trancelike state, the owner placed both hands onto the Border Collie, stroking its fur before trailing downward, rubbing down the fuzzy belly and around the leaking shaft.

"That's a very good boy," he said with emphasis on the last word. "A good, big boy..."

With each hand gripping and massaging the dog's two small, fuzzy balls, he brought down his mouth, slurping at the pre that glistened on his dog's bright red cock, periodically inhaling Marco's musky stench from the stained shorts. Dash remained sitting, panting in content as his owner blew him.

Star was getting antsy, tail beating as she and Marco watched the two in silent fascination. Something about his control over others pleased Marco extensively as his own cock watered the dirt below him with his precum.

The jogger was bobbing his head emphatically, sucking off every drop of canine pre before abruptly sputtering back as globs of dog cum spilled from his mouth. A rapid darkening in his own workout shorts clued Marco into the man's own release. Completely overwhelmed and spent, Dash flopped down, still shooting some cum out, and rested on its paws as its owner fell on top, preoccupied by his orgasm.

Discretely, Marco started inching his way out, and even when he had emerged from the bush, exuding his hypnotic musk, the jogger didn't move, still gleefully and astonishingly unaware.

Amazed and lustier than ever, Marce made a mad dash down the remaining block before heading straight into the denser part of the forest as Star happily tagged along.

With a final glance back, he saw the jogger come to his senses, mystifyingly still unnoticed after what he had just done. Putting his shirt back on, the jogger hefted his spent Border Collie into his arms and ran off, out of sight surprisingly swiftly. Marco noticed with a smirk that his pair of shorts was nowhere to be found.

At last in the forest, Marco chucked his hoodie with relief, his hairy body matted down by sweat so thick it nearly made him cum on the spot again as he dropped back onto all fours. Star had followed him everywhere, like he was truly in charge. Subconsciously, his mind brought up memories from his book, and he puffed out his chest with pride. He was her Alpha. He needed to get even stronger. Lust jogger still fresh in his mind, Marco grinned confidently. All that was holding him back now was his own mind. He just wanted so desperately to liberate himself.

Despite not being the best at on all fours, he moved around freely, sniffing at trees, and marking his territory while Star followed him around. Feeling more free than he had ever felt before, Marco advanced deeper into the woods where the human scents died.

Together, he and Star bounded about, chasing after animals, and rolling around in the dirt, laden with earthy smells. Deeper he went, farther than he had ever gone with Lucas. It was so easy to lose himself, and even though he fell a lot, it was less tiring as time passed. If anything, invigoration filled his every step with the passing time. So far from traces of humanity, Marco easily secluded himself from pesky human thoughts. Replacing them, he felt a wild excitement with Star at his side. He could create his very own pack, surrounded by fealty as they claimed the forest for him.

It wasn't long, however, before hunger stirred itself awake and Marco found himself going from chasing animals to hunting them. Star, being a domesticated dog couldn't help, so he focused on getting them both fed. As soon as he caught a scent, he would chase after it, only to find the source long gone. Even when he spotted one, he couldn't reach it quickly enough. No matter how hard he tried chasing after it, his odd half-bipedal, half-quadruped form made it impossible to catch anything.

Futile attempt followed futile attempt until he was both hungry and frustrated with himself. Marco wanted so desperately to lose himself to the canine inside him so that he could rid himself of the clumsy body and inhibiting mind. Slumping angrily against a tree, he looked down at his densely muscled body, covered with so much hair that he realized it was foolish to think of it as such at this point. Sweeping a hand through the coat, the density of the layers confirmed it was fur.

Clenching his fists in irritation, he noticed that his hands had tough callouses on them, a prelude to the paw pads that he had already felt long ago on his feet. He was close, yet not there quite yet.

Star, who had been thrilled the entire day, sensed Marco's sadness and rested on his knee, letting him know she didn't mind being hungry. Marco grumbled anyway, disappointed in himself and wanting his changes to get rid of his weak excuse of a body. This wasn't what an Alpha should be.

Going with the one thing he knew best, Marco gripped the base of his sheath, pulling down the fluffy skin to expose the rest of his turgid cock. Taking out his anger through masturbation, Marco focused on the instincts that flowed through his mind. As he squeezed his knot and rubbed at his scrotum, the tip of his cock was greeted by Star's rough tongue, assisting in Marco's efforts. Marco lifted his splayed feet in pleasure, beginning to pant.

As he did so, an idea came to him. Licking his lips, he bent down, bringing his head toward his crimson rod. With ease, his stubby muzzle bumped right into the tapered tip. Star gave his face an appreciative lick. Excited, Marco sniffed, drinking in his odor, thick from the dried cum that still matted the fur around his crotch. Bringing his own tongue along his knot, he encircled its girth before flattening it around the shaft and dragging up, collecting all the musky pre until he slurped right at the tip. Marco then stuffed the length into his maw, savouring the salty sour taste in his own hot mouth. Recalling the jogger, he bobbed his head up and down, lips sealed as tight as as he could, imagining a tight opening being penetrated while he lapped at the musky surface. Star soon joined again, cleaning his tight testes and cum tainted fur. Marco growled in pleasure, feeling in control once more, as he blasted his load down his own throat.

After swallowing the initial torrent of salty musk, he stopped, letting it fill his mouth. A grin spread as much as it could while his mouth was held around the head of his cock. Savouring the taste of his seed, he somehow noticed that it was different from what it had been this morning. The potency of the flavour and its sticky consistency flowed down his tongue as he released his cock, white strands connecting his mouth to that sliding down his shaft. With a quick lick around his face, his large tongue cleaned up the mess while Star polished off his dick.

Warmth radiated from within him as he gulped down the last of his semen. His beard had lengthened to the point of being a mane of fur that extended down his neck and around his head, joining with his overgrown mop of hair. Now that he was refreshed, a surge of confidence took over.

With paw pad muffled steps, he advanced, nose down, light on his hands as he isolated the smell of a rodent, sitting vulnerable in the midst of two trees. When it came into sight, Marco leapt forward, urging his bulging muscles to push him faster. The rabbit bursted into action, zooming away like a brown bullet. Though his human vision would have lost it from the motion alone, Marco's werewolf vision and heightened smell denied its escape. Star let out a bark of encouragement and Marco kicked, soaring ahead, pointed teeth bared as he crashed in front of it in a braced position. The rabbit attempted to kick back and change directions but Marco chomped down with his short muzzle and grabbed it by the neck.

Lupine instincts seized him and in seconds the morsel lay half eaten before him. After his portion was taken, he nudged it over to Star, who inspected it curiously before following her Alpha.

Scrubbing his fangs clean, Marco set about again, excitement boiling through his blood as he scented out a new prey. Low breaths. Light steps. Explode. The thrill of speeding after the helpless creatures filled him with a sense of immeasurable pride and strength such as he'd never known before. The raw power as he seized the rabbit between his teeth and took his fill of the feast caught under his own power was intoxicating. Once again leaving the rest of it to his mate, Marco grinned viciously, crimson hare blood painting his sinister smile. Eying all that red with a sated hunger, a new thirst returned for him to slake as he plopped down, focusing on something else that was red.

Kicking his nearly completely fur encased leg up high, he leaned down, sniffing at his crotch and the crimson head peeking from his sheath. The hunt had gotten him all riled up. Marco huffed, blowing onto the end with warm, enticing breaths. Slipping his tongue into the sheath, he poked through the pliable skin, teasing his cock from within its own covering. As the sheath retreated, he moved his head lower, wrapping his jaw around the meat and let his tongue flick about, brushing off the pre and smearing it across the surface, drenching the furry sheath with saliva.

As he indulged in himself, his feet continued to lengthen, the toes widening to complement the dark paw pads that were upon them. His tail beat back and forth, throwing off his developing scent as his innards shifted, anus advancing underneath the wagging tail while his cock bulged with girth in his mouth, testes aching with pressure as they enlarged. Star perked up, picking up on Marco's horny signature. She stepped behind him and stuck her nose under the batting appendage, prodding the scent filled anal sacs and tasting them avidly. Marco let out a growl of pleasure as the action sent off pre spurting down his throat. He backed off his cock, leaning the side of his half-muzzle against it, just to appreciate his smell. Letting his tongue droop out the side of his mouth and drag along the length as his head moved down to nestle his nose between his balls, inhaling deeply of their odor.

His tongue drew a line down the middle of the scrotum, before he stretched down farther and engulfed the two sagging orbs into his maw. They were so large, stuffing his mouth with their volume.

Star focused her attention on the puckering backdoor, lapping up from the bottom and pressing up into the hole and up to the base of the tail, lavishing her efforts into pleasuring her Alpha.

The pre leaking out of Marco's cock now coated the top of his head where the crimson rod leaned against as its owner suckled his pendulous testicles. His tongue roved around the circumference of each, juggling their weight around his hot maw as the loose ballsack allowed them to splay about. He pulled back gently, letting them tug in return, before rolling them about his mouth, flopping the dense spheres back and forth. With them cradled in his tongue's large surface area, he opened his jaw and let them roll off, slapping back to the forest floor with a soft splat. Once again, he poked his nose between the churning balls, nuzzling them around as his cheek rubbed his tumescent knot, coating the skin in sticky precum.

Star, unable to resist curiosity, drove her own canine tongue into Marco's passage. It tickled inside of him. Marco slipped his mouth back over his pecker, swallowing it down to his limit, where the tapered tip encroached upon the back of his throat and his lips kissed the start of his knot. He pulled back, cleaning up all the pre that had spilt on its surface and opened his mouth with a sigh, pink tongue flopping out of his mouth as the entire opening dripped cock fluids. Aggressively, he came back down, shaking his head from side to side, rubbing the tip around his cheeks and swaying the tip like a bestial metronome.

Sucking hard to create a vacuum of pressure, Marco urged the release that escalated in his groin, pulling in as he sucked up to the tip of his dog bone before bobbing back down to repeat the process, yanking the ache along until his bloated knot puffed out more, followed by his girth as an eruption of cum unleashed onto his face, followed by another, which he caught, wide mouthed and tongue sticking out to catch it all. Soon his face was painted white, wolf seed dripping down to get soaked into the fur around his neck.

Star walked back around and rapidly went about assisting her Alpha in gulping down the salty mess. Marco was aglow. Intensely content, he dropped his leg and dropped to his side, joined by a joyful husky.

Together, they passed out in sweet bliss.