Café Plaisir: Customers Ahoy

Story by October_Flixard on SoFurry

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#28 of Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt

It was a busy day in Captivate, so busy in fact, that October was very glad that he was merely passing through. He was halfway across the room when he heard the rising wolf-whistle coming from directly behind him.

Another of the PWTW short stories, this one was forveteran Plaisir customer Guri, who couldn't wait to see a pomped up Ninetales take another little fall in pride for the sake of fun and charity!

...Which was admittedly quite a lot of fun to write. I've actually done quite a bit of work since for Guri and he's actually rather fun to work with, even if he seems to have a predeliction for seeing Ninetales embarrassed... (He's a wicked little gold dragon... I don't think he likes proud Foxes that are bigger than him.) ^.^

So yes! Please all enjoy this fun little story of October actually doing his damned job for once. The horror..!

More of that to come, as it happens. I'm personally afeared. z: )

The Café Plaisir setting is currently run by the talented: Dark Violet to whom belongs Ravage and Firenze

Also credited in this part:

Guri: to whom belongs Xander

Café Plaisir was originally created by: Palibakufun

To whom we're all ever grateful for this fun facility of filth.

It was a busy day in Captivate, so busy in fact, that October was very glad that he was merely passing through. There was no show on in the secondary stage-bar, so it appeared as though a tour bus had arrived and the place was packed from wall to wall with people and Pokemon, both floors. There were a lot of Customers, and a lot of Waiters busily working to keep them happy.

Out of his shift and very happy for it, October had been taking a shortcut on his way to a stairwell, feeling much refreshed for a post-shift nap and feeling just about ready for an easy evening on the roof, where he suspected he would already find Chai.

It hadn't been such a bad shift, all told. He was still crippled of course and of course, still getting no-where near the sympathy that he should be, because of course he wouldn't admit to the pain, (because also of course, he hadn't told anyone who hadn't worked it out what had happened.) This... of course, had included Mister Pouncer.

Well, a long, painful shift of gimping around at half speed thanks to his achey posterior (and being constantly teased by Chai for every inch of slack the Umbreon had helped him with) finally dealt with, October had been glad of his nap and now planned some sweet revenge against his Dark-type friend...

He was halfway across the room when he heard the rising wolf-whistle coming from directly behind him. He knew it was for him, in that way that Foxes do...

Instantly, with days of ache and teasing behind him, October was on the defensive. Planting his paws he turned his head and raised his tails up in an aggressive fan at once.

Looking over his shoulder, his ears pricked high, the Ninetales sighted the source of the whistle and narrowed his eyes.

A pair of sinister bipeds if there were ever such in this room, the Zoroark and Lucario leant against one of Captivate's booth partition walls, the tall Pokemon looking like a double act. Both tall and sneering, the dark Zoroark and menacing Lucario were both healthy specimens of their species and they were both making a point of looking at October's hindquarters, under his raised tails, not at his eyes...

"HEY!!!" barked the Ninetales, before he even meant to speak, October scowling indignantly, the fur prickling on his back.

The Zoroark met his eyes then, the big tall Dark-type Foxes' own sharp dichromatic red and blue eyes looking piercingly into his own, gauging...

It was the Lucario who spoke, however, "What..?" he said, grinning at the Ninetales over strong, folded arms, "Just calling out the sweet ass in the room... Don't be so shy of the compliment."

October put his ears back and showed his teeth as he spoke with harsh politeness, "I'm sorry, but; You're looking in the wrong place, Lucario... I am a top; and these hindquarters are NOT available..."

"That's what you say," said the grinning, fighting-type, "but I saw that sway."

October's eyes narrowed further even as he thought back to the way he was walking. He had of course, been hiding a limp and making more use of his back to spare his tortured rear. It had been a natural way to compensate, but as a result he had practically been 'twerking' as he'd strode...

Embarrassed, his ears went back further, but he held his snarl. "Listen, you..." he began.

"Cool it," said Ravage suddenly, looking first at October, then at the Lucario, quietening them both with a sharp look in his eyes, "...I'm sure October was just trying to show off his big red balls, right..?" He smiled, slowly, not unlike a snake, "Xander here didn't mean to cause offense. Of course, I understand, don't sweat it. You can't help having a beautiful ass any more then you can help being..." that smile grew, "...sensitive."

Mixed thoughts all flew up at once like a cloud of startled Pidove. The off-hand compliments, the sneaky vulpine delivery, the sly way in which Ravage was showing that Firenze probably had spoken to him, after all... and the patronising way in which he had defended October as a result, simultaneously showing disdain and understanding whilst alluding that he knew what ELSE had happened... Oh, Ravage was a Fox, alright...

...and at the same time, he realised now that he remembered that Lucario. A few weeks ago, the cheeky sod had come up to him with a leash and started messing with the fur on his neck! If October had been one degree less surprised, ten degrees less ticklish and if the Lucario had been one degree slower there would have been some serious bite wounds to explain!

"...Niiiiiiiyne..." was the word, well, really more the indignant noise that boiled out of the Ninetales, as the sum of all of that. He turned away at once!

Sod all the rest of it, THAT was embarrassing. He started walking off to cut his losses before something dramatic happened. He knew he needed to start doing this more often, before he had a repair bill for the entire Café...

So he left the pair behind and started heading for the exit, determinedly NOT listening to them, lest he need to respond. ...Then he paused.

Wait a minute. When the place was as packed as this, they often put free drinks on... and he'd been told not to feel guilty about taking just one or two...

October suddenly smiled.

* * *

Across the room, others had noticed this little altercation and though most couldn't hear the words, many had indeed noticed the Ninetales' big, bouncing red balls and powerful, streamlined hindquarters and the way they had all been moving...

Two pairs of eyes in particular, in fact, looked upon each other with a combined sparkle of excitement and strain of apprehension... They both knew at once that this was the one they had been looking for... Under the table, two forepaws, green and brown, touched, clasped, grasping at one another for a final contact of security before at once, the two Pokemon hopped off of the comfortable lounge-couch and started skittering anxiously across the floor, around the isles of stage and seating, towards the bar...

* * *

October was perfecting a technique for snatching drinks glasses in passing without even raising much notice. Encouraged to develop the dexterity of his tails, long-stalked drinks glasses had been a convenient thing to practise upon; With two tails together at the tip, forming a little fork of floof at the end, one could indeed swiftly and deftly grasp a glass!

He was sipping his third drink, now, as he continued to stalk about the room, keeping in motion. He'd gotten distracted and drank the first one too quickly, he'd reasoned, so a third, just a third, would be most likely okay... then he'd grab one more and another for Chai, then he would be away...

This was fast becoming a swiftly improving day..! He was already humming along with the awful, cheesy background music they had playing and continuing his slouching, slinking (secretly limping) skulk all the way!

* * *

"The red Ninetales? ...October..?" asked Firenze, perhaps more questioningly than he meant to, the considerably larger and more dignified Ninetales raising his eyebrow, "Well, he isn't on-shift at the moment, but if he happens to be around it might just be possible-"

As he spoke, Firenze's eyes had already left the two to dart about the chaotic maelstrom of comings-and-goings that Captivate had suddenly become. Tonight was a very much an, 'all-hands-on-deck!' occasion and he sadly assumed that October would therefore be as far away from it as possible.

He was pleasantly surprised yet a little confused when his eyes landed upon a crimson Ninetales, practically making a spectacle of himself as he strode through the room.

October was moving at a slow and flowing gait, a low and smooth stalk as he slunk through the room as if hunting. He wasn't carrying himself with the upright pride of a Ninetales, but instead appeared something slightly more dangerous in his own, dubiously roguish way... He was subtle, yet quite a sight when you were watching him... and he was catching some attention, acknowledging most of it with just a sly smile and nod before moving on.

Firenze's eyes had to be deceiving him. It wasn't quite right, but... was October actually acting like a professional Waiter..? Firenze began to worry that something strange might be happening...

...but then he noted the subtle movements of October depositing an empty glass on a partition between seating lounges and pluck another from the upheld tray of a passing Minccino, the small, glamorously furred Waitress never noticing the absence...

Of course, it was entirely possible that October was just taking advantage of the situation to unwind, in such a way that it happened to look like he was working overtime.

Firenze suddenly smiled a very vulpine smile. Well; In light of recent events, it was only fair to give the smaller Ninetales the benefit of the doubt, surely..?

He looked down at the two Customers with a smile. "I don't imagine that should be too much of a problem," he said pleasantly, to the two hopeful faces, the warmth of his own smile growing with their own. "I shall just go and make sure..."

* * *

He'd had juuust about enough and he was neeearly done, October could see the exit and couldn't have been more than, oh, thirty seconds from it..?


When he heard his name being pronounced, he stopped with a jolt, but he started relaxing with embarrassing speed when he recognised the voice. His ears went back again, but he turned around with a smile.

Firenze had come to the closest point to him from behind the bar and the big, beautiful golden Ninetales, five feet tall and ever-magnificent, was smiling at him.

October quickly slid his drinks behind his back whilst he smiled. "Hello..!" he responded, pleasantly, trying not to look embarrassed. He was surprised he hadn't seen Firenze... he'd probably not have been drinking so much if he'd known he was here... He put on his best bluffing smile.

Firenze was smiling pleasantly, "Nice to see you, October! Especially at a time like this when we need all the help we can get!" That smile grew as the majestic Ninetales tilted his head slightly, looking just the right amount of ever-so-slightly coy... "I wonder if our 'chat' the other night has had an influence, after all..."

'Oh, you beast,' thought October, 'buttering me up like that, working my pride and teasing me to do better. If you weren't so beautiful I'd thoroughly defy you for trying to manipulate me, Firenze...'

Of course, he actually just stood there and chuckled, with a big, silly smile, with his ears back and distractedly said, "...Well... I'd like to think so... certainly..!"

"I'd like to think so too, October..." said Firenze, lowering his tone of voice, slightly, leaning in, closer, prompting October to prick his ears and listen as he went on, "...because tonight, we're understaffed and you've come in at just the right time and in just the right manner to take the pressure off... Why; You've already attracted some active interest..!"

"I have..?" said October, with amusing surprise on his face, which turned immediately to guarded suspicion, as he began casting glances across the room, "...Who or... whom..?"

Firenze rose a curious eyebrow at that, briefly looking to see if he could spot what October was looking at. He couldn't, so he went on. "A couple," said Firenze, October growled, ever-so softly, but the big Foxes' sensitive ears caught it and Firenze's brow fell fractionally, "Who were rather entranced by your entrance..." another growl, another drop, then a slight chuckle (at the unintended pun) which was met with re-raise of the eyebrow, "...and whilst you're still as-yet unevaluated," huffing growl, "once again, I'm willing to trust you, especially as I consider this well within your capabilities..."

"...You do..?" asked October, sounding apprehensive and suspicious, his tails sinking down, low behind him.

"I do..." said Firenze, curiously, "After all, you're frankly earning a reputation for your efforts in 'getting along' with Eeveelutions around here, to the extent it could be called a specialisation..." his smile was big, his tone praising, "Employees and Customers alike! Even Acre, a local celebrity no less, as a feather in your cap!"

From suspicion, October's expression slowly slid, from a brief look of outright relief, to a smile... Of course, this was the most obvious and transparent attempt at appealing to his vanity and dominant's pride that he believed Firenze capable of. It was specifically calculated to get him to do what the bigger Ninetales and Head Supervisor wanted... but because it was Firenze asking like that, October was soon smiling broadly, his muzzle and tails held high in a prideful manner. He felt like a sucker, but he felt like a happy sucker with his chest ruff and tails all floofed out.

"Think you could handle two at once..?" asked Firenze, in an encouraging tone, almost like he was asking October to go fetch a stick.

October didn't leap up and yap, but instead smirked slowly whilst raising his own eyebrow, letting his face alone say, 'Yeah, you've got me,' whilst his mouth said, "Indeed I could," in a warm, growling tone.

"Wonderful~" said Firenze, happily, "You'll find them waiting for you on the other side of the bar. Green and brown, you can't miss them!"

October nodded his acknowledgement and Firenze immediately turned away, looking towards the clamouring mass waiting for attention at the middle of the bar. October let him get to it as he set about circumnavigating that clump of people and Pokemon... it didn't take long to pick and slink his way...

He looked about... he saw them, they saw him... His ears and tails all picked up with interest...

Firenze was right, you really couldn't miss them. In a room like this, filled with the exotic and attractive Pokemon of Plaisir, in their own unique and understated way, they stood out. He approached slowly, with a curious smile.

The slight green one seemed to back nervously against the shorter, stockier brown one... and he saw one forepaw land atop another, the toes grasping for mutual comfort as the two brushed together, anxiously defensive at the approach of the larger Pokemon, though their big eyes were wide and excited. It was adorable...

The closer and taller of the two was a real rarity... bright green fur... Of course, most Pokemon had many variations within their species, beyond the most common and 'standard' colourations, but each had a particularly rare variant of particular peculiarity. This Espeon was in fact one such 'Shiny.' She was beautiful, too. Graceful, light, girlish... Elegant and very pleasing to the eye...

The one she was pushed up against was another peculiarity, though not quite as rare. He had boyish looks, despite his relative stockiness. You could see he was healthy despite the thick pile of soft brown fur... He was nearly as big as an adult Eeveelution, but not quite. October had to admit, much as he'd heard of adult Eevees who hadn't naturally evolved around puberty, it was odd to actually see one, in the floof, as it were... and he was very floofy. With longer fur, he'd even formed a kind of 'fringe' that hung over his eyes. He was cute!

Unusual, interesting and cute... When it came to the customer lottery, October felt as though he had just won some kind of jackpot. He could have ran right back to Firenze and given him a big affectionate lick. Instead, however...

"Greetings," said the Ninetales, a bright, growlish purr in his voice, pulling up beside the two, showing his profile and raising his tails impressively, "I'm October and it's a pleasure to meet the pair of you."

"Oh, Arceus, he's a Brit!" said the Espeon, quickly and quietly, but October caught it with a smirk.

"Oooh," said one, as the pair of them recoiled a little, shared a look and then giggled together in a coy and adorable manner.

October's smile grew and he happily posed for them.

The Eevee spoke first, his smile bright, "Thanks for accepting us! The big Ninetales behind the bar said you weren't on duty at the moment!"

"Not a problem in the slightest," said October, pleasantly, "As if one could miss as fine a couple as the pair of you..."

They both giggled. The Espeon most of all, "...Shut up..!" she said, giggling mirthfully, forepaw over her mouth whilst a blush shone through her green fur, "...In fact, no don't, keep talking..."

The Eevee smirked at her.

October smiled pleasantly, "I can keep talking if you wish, but perhaps it's best if we discuss first how exactly I can be of service..."

They both giggled again, most adorably, their big eyes seeming sparkly until the Eevee spoke up, "...Oh man, don't make us say it..."

"...Say what..?" asked October, perking an ear...

The Espeon's blush deepened and she actually looked somewhat embarrassed. The Eevee, noticing this, frowned slightly, then smiled at October. "You know," he said, " know, what you sell here..?"

"...What we..?" began October and then it clicked. Oh, they were shy, that was just adorable. "Ahhh... the very first profession... and that for which this place is known, eh..?"

The Eevee nodded his big ears out wide, "Uh, something like that, yeah, um..."

October's smile grew, along with his confidence, "...Well, I'm sure we can discuss it further in more private quarters... all is sorted out behind the bar, yes..?"

"We discussed it with the big Ninetales, yeah, made the deposit and all..." said the Eevee, "Umm... so... that would be great... uhh... yeah, go ahead and lead on..!"

Smiling, October looked over towards the bar until he'd caught Firenze's attention. He waved a tail until the Ninetales caught the hint and tossed over the key. Using a trick he'd picked up from another Ninetales, he caught the key along the length of a tail, arresting the small object in its floof as he folded the tail over it. It was somewhat more dignified than taking it in his mouth and being unable to talk.

Smoothly, he put a tail on each of the shoulders of the two Eeveelutions and gently coaxed them to follow as he began to move towards the exit.

To his surprise, the Eevee jumped and made a noise of distress. Pausing, October looked around questioningly.

"...Hey..!" said the smaller, brown Pokemon, looking nervous, "You're not trying to curse me, are ya?"

October couldn't suppress a snicker, then smiled with good humour... "...That's not how I roll, cutie. Firstly; Foul and subtle curses are just not my style... Had you actually offended my tails you would find their justice rather more instant..." he left it at that, gaining a curious look... "Secondly, that was by my permission and invitation. Which is a rather important distinction..."

"...Right," said the Eevee, "So... no curse?"

"No curse," said October, with a reassuring smile. "At least, not unless you ask nicely."

Choosing this time to beckon instead with his tails, he lead the two on. The Espeon started giggling, madly. "...We're really doing this..!" she said, excitedly.

"We really are," confirmed October with a chuckle, leading them out into the hallways of Plaisir.

Even outside of Captivate, the Café was fairly busy, with people and Pokemon coming and going, most especially to and from the guest rooms.

Worse, they had to make their way through the chaos of the Main Bar, which was utterly packed. October kept his two charges close to his sides with his tails, protectively. There were no complaints about curses, this time, as October used his tails and larger presence to see them through.

Things had barely quietened down by the time they were on their way upstairs. Finally though, it become peaceful enough to speak again as October lead them finally towards their room.

"...I'm really nervous about this," said the Espeon, suddenly.

"We're really nervous," said the Eevee.

"Yeah, we're really nervous," said the Espeon, with a giggle.

October smiled at them. "Nervous..? Oh, really..? Well there's no need to be nervous. I'll be sure to take good care of you both..."

The Espeon giggled, again.

The Eevee smiled at her, then at October, looking indeed somewhat apprehensive, himself, "We've never done anything like this before... with anyone else, I mean..."

The Espeon nodded, briefly stopping her giggles.

Suddenly all the more interested, October smiled warmly, "Really now..? Well, I thank you for your trust and for the honour of your having chosen me. I promise you'll both have a memorable time..." He meant what he said as well. For to be entrusted such was a privilege in his own sight.

He really had seemingly won some kind of lottery. He really would have to ensure he did a good job, indeed...

They were soon enough at the door. Then soon after through it and into a pleasant, purple-themed little room, much the same as many others on this floor. With just the required amenities and an acceptable level of cleanliness.

"Not bad," said the Espeon, walking off and hopping up to look out of the window, whilst the Eevee anxiously looked over at the bed.

"Oh, we go to some lengths to make sure these quarters are comfortable..." said October, deciding not to add, 'you have literally no idea how heavy these bedclothes can get..!'

"Comfortable..." said the Eevee, looking off into space, chuckling faintly, as if at some private joke.

"Yes," said October, "comfort..." then put a few of his tails to work. The first, he put onto the Eevee's back and began stroking with it. Surprised at first, the male seemed to relax at the warmth and gently moving softness. " here to be found... if you want it..."

Two more tails moved to the Eevee's shoulders and began a similar treatment around there. Thick floof mixed with thick floof and the Eevee was all but buried, smiling and starting to laugh.

"Hey..!" said the Espeon, "Don't get started without me! Where's mine, hmmm..?" she leapt down from the window and its nighttime forest view and strode over to where October was still tail-rubbing the softly growling, almost-purring Eevee.

October chuckled pleasantly, "Worry not! There's plenty to spare!" and immediately brought another trio of tails into service with the Espeon.

She poised herself expectantly and then when the floofy appendages engulfed her torso, rolled herself into the contact with a lithe push...

Interesting... thought October, looking over his charges even as he rubbed them, with three semi-autonomous limbs apiece, it was a pleasant and simple activity and he was immediately getting a feel for the pair of them.

The green Espeon's movements were supple and supplicative, rolling with his tails as if she were caught in a flowing tide and going limp to be carried along with it...

The Eevee seemed as robust as he looked, with some fair normal-type strength behind him... his body was firm under the floof, he was fit and healthy, indeed... and for the most part he enjoyed the attention as much as the Espeon...

Of course, then it was time to adjust that rubbing and move it to places slightly... more private.

First came the rump, two tails per hindquarters. They both made surprised noises at the same time; October listened keenly for the tones, felt for the reactions... The Espeon liked having her butt rubbed... the male, not quite so much. Well, shame, but he couldn't be too greedy. ...Then he slunk a tail each down lower... Now that had positive results on both sides.

Looking between them, he saw that both had some shyness remaining about them, yet for both of them, that shyness was melting before the caress of soft crimson and black fur.... October smiled, pleased...

"...Oh..." said the Espeon, "That's..." and then she didn't seem to have much more to say, just opened her mouth, slightly.

The Eevee looked somewhat embarrassed to be enjoying himself, so it was he that October gave a very dirty smirk. He looked all the more embarrassed at first, until the Ninetales teased, "...No, cursing you is definitely NOT what I'm doing with my tails right now..." he chuckled dirtily, such that it infected the Eevee with a smile, "I'll only curse if you fail to appreciate the blessing of fine fox-fur..."

"Heh," said the Eevee, "well alright, sir..."

October had to smirk. 'Sir..?' He assumed he'd said just for rhyming purposes, but all the same, odd to be called that... "Well, very good then..." he said, chuckling lightly...

"Mmmm," said the Espeon, suddenly, her breath and voice heavy with arousal, the scene beginning to fill the air... "Dammit, I was right, wasn't I..?"

"You were..." said the Eevee, softly, huffing, similarly excited.

"Right..?" asked October.

"Mmmm... mm-hmm..!" breathed the green Espeon, "I said we should try branching out with a professional, first...!"

October had to chuckle at that, "A professional, eh..? Well, you came to the right place..." He first intensified the treatment, then stopped it entirely, leaving the two confused Eeveelutions standing awkwardly, looking at him with confusion as he began moving. He grinned, impishly, "...and right now your professional is insisting that the next right place is this bed."

He hopped up onto the bed, turned around and sat waiting for them. After a couple of seconds pause, he used a couple of tails to pat the bed on either side of himself whilst looking between them.

"So here it is, huh..?" asked the Eevee.

The Espeon giggled...

"Come along..." encouraged October, with a grin. Of course, he knew they would come. They were determined to do this... and if there was one thing he knew about Eeveelutions so far was that when they set their mind to doing something, they generally got around to it. They had a can-do spirit that was hard to deny...

So he wasn't too surprised when the Eevee came and jumped up onto the bed with him... with a look on his face like he was expecting a reward for being brave. October gave it to him, returning fuzzy tail-based affection to the Pokemon, most particularly letting his ever-furtive fourth tail go straight for the Pokemon's prominent particulars.

October paid a little attention, himself, as the tail swirled about that growing, canine-style meat... apparently the Eevee was well-endowed... though the sight was quickly obscured by a teasing, black tail-tip...

The Eevee smiled, though that smile was quickly hidden by brown and crimson floof spilling over the Eevee's fringe when October's fifth tail petted him there.

October smiled over at the Espeon, so enthusiastic before, now standing, looking shy on her own. "Aren't you going to come and join us..?" he asked in a low yet pleasant growl and beckoning her with sixth, which was twitching in its anticipation of completing the symmetry with contact to her particulars... To further encourage this, October did two things, first, he got fourth to pull back a little, presenting the Eevee's hardening cock to the Espeon, then October spread his own hindlegs, so that the Espeon's gaze might be drawn to the considerably larger vulpine member that was growing free of its sheath, quite matching October's big fuzzy red balls for prominence on the crimson Ninetales' form, big and black and shiny, tapered like a stake.

With two cocks presented to her, October thought the Espeon might be drawn, but instead she shyly giggled and even retreated a pace.

"Oh c'mon," said the Eevee, "This was your idea..."

"I know..!" she said, "...but... and wow look at the size of that..."

October smiled the smile of the prideful. Of course as much as he liked the praise, at the same time, working here, he also knew that they were showing yet more adorable naivety. Whilst a good size for a normal-sized Ninetales, October happened to know that this place was full of pocket-bursting monsters...

"...Well..." said the Eevee, "We've already paid the deposit..."

"Yeah, I know... and... well, you wanted to try this, too!" said the Espeon, "...Maybe I just wanna watch, at first..!"

"Watch..." said the Eevee, quietly, "dammit Mila, you and your porn-obsession..."

The Espeon giggled, with just a hint of wickedness about the sound...

Now that had October curious. He had assumed that with two males and one female, the course of events was likely to take predictable turns, the male had seemed mostly heterosexual... at least by Eevee standards.

Not that he wasn't prepared to deal with that...

"Dear Customers;" addressed October, "I am at both of your service, for whatever you may desire..." He gave the male's member another corkscrewing tail-stroking, "Whenever you desire it. If this beautiful Espeon desires a show, they shall have it..." He looked with a growing smile at the Eevee, "What do you say, willing to work with me, here..?"

He looked into the Eevee's eyes expectantly. As anticipated, the Eevee took the cue to be brave, once again. He nodded!

October's smile grew quickly, becoming slightly sinister, "...Excellent..." he leant in closer to the Eevee, " how would you like to do that..? It could be as soft as more tail-play..." he teased there, "...or as rough as finding out if you enjoy being beneath a bigger male..." he had a toothy grin, by then...

The Eevee's eyes were wide, he looked adorably intimidated, so October ratcheted it down to a pleasant smile. Sweet enough to keep the Eevee off-balance, anyway...

"Mmmf, no..." said the Espeon, blushing brightly, across the room, "No, that's not what I wanna see. I mean, yeah, that would be HOT..." she trailed off.

The Eevee whined with such pitifulness that October couldn't help but want to dominate him all the harder... but mainly, he couldn't help but sympathise, somewhat. He could already tell that like himself, being dominated really wasn't the Eevee's thing.

The Espeon seemed to be struggling to go on, apparently embarrassed by what was on her mind.

"Speak your mind," said October, boldly, "For this is no place to be shy... nor am I easy to shock."

All the same, she said it quietly, "...Like, we picked you because..." then trailed off again.

October smiled and said, "Go on..." softly..

The Espeon took a deep breath, "I think the idea of a larger male serving us is really hot. I wanna see you please my mate... and I wanna watch... and then you can please me, maybe..?"

October's eyebrow raised, but he kept his smile... A larger male, serving them, eh..? Please her mate..? Scary words for October, who prized his dominant's position... yet, he didn't lose his nerve or his resolve.

Recently he had been roughly shown that a submission position didn't necessarily have to come with a submissive attitude... and whilst he had no interest in having this overgrown Eevee anywhere near his already tortured behind, he was pretty sure he could work around that...

So he smiled at the Eevee, "Seems like a reasonable request... care to make it happen with me..?" he asked pleasantly, looking in the Eevee's eyes.

The Eevee looked shy, nervous, but... quietly determined. Ahh, you had to give them credit, in all their forms...

October decided to take 'pleasing her mate' into his own initiative, immediately turning and sinking down low. The Eevee was surprised, but made no move to oppose the larger Fox... as October went straight in for the kill, first jabbing his hot, pointy nose right onto the Eevee's generously sized cock...

The Eevee gasped at the feel of him and October had to smirk. This wasn't a speciality of his, but he had been practising - on himself, at least. The Eevee's masculinity was impressive, but he was quite certain he could handle it. Even the Eevee's masculine musk was adorable and he started lapping, right away...

The hot tongue worked its magic and the Eevee was soon gasping, "Oh... Arceus... fuck..!"

The Espeon practically squealed with delight...

He paused, just to tease, "...So..." he asked the Eevee, "Do YOU like being served by a larger male..?" He went back to licking before the smaller male answered.

The Eevee huffed, "...Hey..." he said, "...honestly... I wanted to see you go to town on green-lips, over there... but the truth is my sweet mate, Mila is scared of your huge dick..."

The Espeon stuck her tongue out at him.

October chuckled and rewarded the Eevee's honesty by opening his maw and exhaling hot breath along his length... the normal-type moaned...

"Mmmf..!" protested the Espeon, "Yeah well, you're just doing this so we can order that Vaporeon chick, in the morning. You can't hide shit from me, Ford."

Ford huffed, "Yeah well, that's fair, right..? One for you, one for me..?" his smile gry more sly, "It's not like we're not gonna be sharing..."

"Anyway," said Mila, "You're way into the big red bastard, you think he's just as pretty as he is scary..."

Chuckling, October decided that he had no further need to tease the Eevee himself, since this 'Mila' was doing it just fine, for him.

He would please this male alright... and he was sure he could do it quickly. He had paid attention to some of Chai's tricks... and after a recent conversation with Firenze, he was sure he could find pride in performing well. Oral was an active skill, after all. Perhaps he could dominate the Eevee with pleasure...

October all but threw himself onto the Eevee's hard cock, his maw open at just the right angle. It was hard to 'suck' a cock with cleft lips and vulpine chops... unless you shoved it in just right. You just had to use the tongue, form a seal, deeper in... then it was just a case of using a feral-form's thick neck-muscle, meant for delivering deadly bites, to deliver some red-hot reciprocal pleasure...

So as soon as the Eevee's rod was squelching into position, tasting richly of his masculinity as October found his fit, the Ninetales was quickly working it. Using his narrow muzzle, long tongue, the thick saliva of a fire-type and the volcanic heat of his maw, October knew he would get a reaction...

...and what a reaction. Ford groaned, then worried his dull claws upon October's back. He tried to speak, several times, but he was overcome with pleasure and merely uttered whining, incomprehensible noises.

"Fuck... yeah..." said Mila, the Espeon panting as though she were touching herself, "Big bad Fox... please my mate... like a big strong bitch... fff..."

October had to raise an amused eyebrow at that. 'Ahh, the things we come out with when we're horny...' he thought, choosing not to take offense at the use of the word 'bitch...'

Well, this bitch had that fuzzy brown bastard moaning like he was melting from the inside. He started to paw at October's back more rapidly. October smirked and kept on going...

"Oh yeah... oh yeah..." muttered Mila, "Shit, he can't say it, but he's fuckin'... yeah, keep doin' it, you big red bastard... Oh yeah! Oh yeah..!"

Ford whimpered something, "You dirty bitch!" he cried, "You're in my head already...!?"

"Mmmf!" cried the Espeon, "We're a couple! Fuck his big bad face, for me..! ...or I'll let him fuck your ass..!"

The Eevee whimpered in distress... then suddenly found his resolve with the Espeon's help. A cartoonish image of an eyes-bulging Eevee underneath a positively evil looking October was broadcast so hard that October picked it up, too. Suddenly, the paws on October's back tightened and the Eevee came to life, pumping his cock at October's maw.

Taken by surprise, October had to angle and adjust quickly to take the assault.

"Fuck yes..!" cried the Espeon, "Fuck him!"

The Eevee's lust was explosive... and backed by an impressive amount of strength. Normal types were ever a surprise, that way... super-strong and tough, with powerful, colourless life-force in their aura, that made him resistant to October's heat and teeth alike. Just enough, anyway, for him to be as rough and careless as he was.

Thoroughly used and close to gagging, October was pleased when he felt the Eevee's cock beginning to swell... he could have breathed a sigh of relief... except right then, Ford cried out and the Eevee's strong little hips drove in, HARD...

The Eevee's knot was not to scale. October found himself with his eyes as wide as his maw was stuck; There was a throbbing rock of Eevee cock jamming open his maw and quickly the taste of cum... and the feel of it, running down his throat... He had to swallow fast... and keep swallowing!

Ford's knot was stuck behind his fangs and there was literally no way for the Ninetales to get it out without seriously hurting the Eevee. He was stuck..! He fought desperately not to panic! October hated, HATED having his freedom restricted...!

...but all he could do right now was take the smaller Pokemon's seed, swallowing desperately as the normal type apparently gave his all...

He barely noticed Mila jumping onto the bed, so focussed was he on his current predicament. Didn't notice the Espeon running around, getting something from the bedside drawer...

Dammit! When would this little monster stop cumming..? How long had it been for him!? October needed to breathe..!

"Fuckyesfuckyesfuckyes!" gasped Mila, behind him.

October was still paying almost all of his attention to his current task and wondering if he could alert the Eevee to his predicament, right up until the moment he felt dainty paws land upon his hips, grabbing them, roughly.

Then he made a surprised gurgle.

"Ohyeah, you big red bastard," gasped Mila, "You served my little Ford good, now you've got me feeling more dominant than I ever have in my life..!"

October's eyes went wider, his ears went back. No... wait... what..? What was she..?

"Not often I get to use this..." said the Espeon, suddenly pushing something up against... his hindquarters...

October suddenly thought back. He had assumed the Espeon was a she... of course, he hadn't seen any balls, from behind... but then, he hadn't looked too hard, down there. He had mostly stared at the Espeon's hips and ass, naturally.

There was always the possibility, however incredible, that this Espeon was not just a Shiny variant, but also an ovaried hermaphrodite... of course, what were the odds of that..? It had to be statistically impossible...

Exactly how his luck tended to run. October tried to make some noise of protest, but he was as gagged as he was trapped.

A thin, pointy dick pressed right up against his tight black star, under his tails... October's ears went back, he gurgled a whimper.

Sie rammed in hard, spearing him several inches, right away. October cried out, despite to gag, then had to swallow and wheeze around the obstruction, desperately...

The Espeon was not well endowed, but October was almost virgin tight. At least, he had just about healed back to that after his recent encounter with a certain gigantic Ninetales, the only one he'd trusted... An encounter that had left him very, VERY sore... So that effeminate dick felt more like a girthy foreleg.

October would have cried and whimpered like a bitch, if he wasn't gagged by a cute Eevee's cock...

Sie didn't let up, starting to work hirself, straight away. Sie was using lube, thank all the gods, thought October, but that barely made much difference to him, as sie slammed ferociously and carelessly into freshly-healed injuries...

...and sie got harder... and harder... and harder...

One thing, October reflected, he had noted once before, was that good subs tended to get the wrong idea about how well unskilled subs could take cock... and knew even less about how to properly deliver it to them.

Mila couldn't have been doing more to hurt him if sie was trying, but the Espeon didn't realise in the slightest. Sie was far too caught up in base emotions for hir psychic abilities to tip her off and that lust was driving hir body to be as wild and rough as any other feral-form Pokemon...

He couldn't protest, couldn't fight, couldn't do anything but gurgle around the Eevee.

The Espeon had to be pretty agile, because those hips sped up to a furious pace... then suddenly slammed in hard.

Thin, clear cum exploded into October's ass from a slender, pointed dick.... but it felt like a flood coming out of a treetrunk...

October whined, finally having enough breath to do so...

"Bigredbitch, fuckyes," panted the Espeon, flopped onto October's back, stroking his hips and ass feverishly with hir forepaws and jabbering, "Yes! Yes! Ifuckedyougood, hotNinetales ass is-amazing..~!"

Just about getting over the stunned realisation of it all, October's indignance started to rise... along with his fiery temperature.

"...Aw fuck," said Ford, suddenly, "...and then he heats up even more for us, you were right, Mila, this Ninetales is amazing..!"

"Mmm-hmm..!" said the gasping, bucking Espeon, "...and we fucked him good..! I love you, Ford..!"

"I love you too, Mila..!" said the Eevee, his voice overcome with emotion.

They practically lunged at each other's faces.

October took a deep breath through his nose and let it out, slowly. Well, here he was, in pain, out of breath, stuck between two adorable Eeveelution's cocks... whilst they made out over his back.

Funny thing about Café Plaisir... you never did know how things were going to end up.

Suddenly the kiss broke, wetly and audibly.

"Ford, you pervert..! You really think we should..." said the Espeon, "...well alright, it's your money..."

October dreaded to think...

...but he need not have.

In the end, they all got what they wanted. For it turned out that whilst Mila loved the thought of taming a bigger Pokemon, she liked the idea of it turning on her, even better...

So Ford got to watch a genuinely vengeful Ninetales go to town on his mate, after all. October was only too happy to put on a 'convincing' performance and Ford stroked himself shamelessly as he watched big shiny black dick distending the slim pussy of his pretty, hermaphroditic, mate. Sie made some impressively high pitched noises as that insanely hot and hefty stake stretched her, the impression actually showing on her lower abdomen as he mercilessly drove his tapered, thickening girth deeper and deeper...

Grinning wickedly, his tails waving like fire, holding the wailing Espeon down, October paid hir back for the sore ass and more... and he was all set, getting ready to erupt and even the score...

Perhaps there was something to this, after all, thought October... as he drove ferociously into the smaller Pokemon... he had been good, done his job, held his tongue and set nothing on fire... and things were working out for him, after all..! Perhaps if he-

...something brown and fluffy landed on his behind.

"One more surprise..." said Ford, the strong little Eevee roughly handling the Ninetales' hips into position, pressing right up against his rear...

On second thought, maybe he should have let them think his tails were cursed.

...and he braced himself.