Search for the Kindred Chapter 2

Story by LuciaEvaDamora on SoFurry

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Chapter 2


I always knew when Eva left for The Sanctuary. Every time she left, she would leave trace amounts of her Elementia that I was only able to sense of her earth magic. The others seem they wouldn't have known she had left if Eva has said nothing to them.

"I will only be gone for about a week!" Eva had called down the hall.

"More like a month." I grumbled to myself. Since I use earth magic, I like to take care of plants and animals that need my help. I grew an indoor garden, keeping it alive with earth magic. Though it would sustain them for so long until they eventually died. The plants still needed water and sunlight to grow, which I provide. I realized I was still in my PJ's, so I changed into clothes to start tending my garden.

Obsidians garden was huge, for an inside one. It was arraigned in a square. Herbs and flowering plants on the left, vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes and peppers, on the right. On the back wall grew apple and peach trees, baring its fruit. I walked through each section checking for any dying or plants need of water. I spotted some of my herbs in need of water and my magic. In the middle of the square garden was an island that help gardening tools and other such things. I grabbed a water pail and started to water the dying plant. After watering the herb, I coaxed earth magic to my hands. They started to glow with a soft golden light. I moved my hand to touch the plant. In an instant, the dying leaves started to grow and become green again as the golden light pulsed though it. Earth magic was also used to rejuvenate and heal plants, animals, and injuries to humans. Though healing with my magic doesn't work on Immortals such and Eva. Instead, they can heal their own wounds. After all, they are made of the elements themselves. Eva was made of all four while the other Immortals where usually one or two, and sometimes very rarely, three. This was Eva's third time going to The Sanctuary, though she never talked about what happens there.

"There you go." I muttered softly to the plant, as I moved my hand away from it. I willed my magic to cease, and it did.

"Obsidian!" Amber called form the living room. "Tell Aquamarine that Eva left for The Sanctuary!"

"Sure!" I replied. I left my door to knock on my girlfriend's door. But, before I had the chance to raise my hand, she said, "Come it love." Without a moment of hesitation, I opened the door to see her floating in a sitting position in the water.

"How did you-" She cut me off.

"I sensed you at my door." She said calmly. Usually, if you spoke under water, it would sound muffled. But her voice was crystal clear.

"Right." I said, a little embarrassed that I forgot that she can do that. "Amber told me to tell you that Eva as left to go to The Sanctuary."

"Again? This has got to be her what, third time?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Will she ever tell us what she does in there?"

"Probably not, given that she hasn't done it before whenever she came back."

"I suppose you're right, again." She chuckled. "Well thank you for informing me."

"Of course, my sweet." I left her room to go to mine when I just remembered to check on my carnivorous plants in the back of my garden, behind the back wall. No one knew about them except for me, not even Eva.

Once inside my secret back garden, I checked to see if I need food for my plants.

"Damn!" I cursed softly. I didn't have any flies for crickets to feed the carnivores.

"Well, I have to go out then." I left my secret garden, making sure that the door was hidden and locked in case if it was ever found.

As I walked out the door, I called to Amber and Moonstone, still cuddling on the couch, "I'm leaving, be back soon."

"Ok." Were their responses. I walked through the door and closed it, and started to walk in the direction of my favorite shop to go to, Herbal Healings.

I went inside the shop to see the usual counter with the cashier, and the shelves lines with plants and other such things. I immediately went to the Carnivorous section. Found the favorite food to my Venus Flytraps and some Drosera capensis. A plant that traps insects with its sticky nectar to entice their prey, then roles them up to extract its nutrients. I grabbed a small cage of both flies and crickets, and headed over to the cashier for purchase.

"That will be seven-fifty please." The cashier, a human of all things, said casually.

"Here." I said fishing out eight dollars from my pocket. "Keep the change."

"Fine." He said putting a metal box. "Here is your receipt."

"Thanks." I said as he handed the piece of paper. I pocketed it. I walked out of the store with my bag full of plant food.

I opened the door and Moonstone said, "Your back."

"I'm just going to my room to tend to my plants." I said casually.

"Ok. Me and Amber are going to the store to buy dinner."

"Alright, see you in a couple of hours."

"Tell Aquamarine too, if you will"

"Sure." I replied as Amber followed Moonstone outside. I headed to my room to drop my bag before telling Aquamarine. But before I did, I decided to feed my plants first.

After that, I went to see my girlfriend. I opened the door to see her in the same position she was in earlier. "Amber and Moonstone went to get some diner."


"Just wanted to tell you."

"Ok" She said again. She was still mediating in her room. She seemed to do that all the time whenever Eva was gone.

After an hour or two, Amber and Moonstone came back, Amber already started to cook dinner. This time it was chicken with spicy seasonings for Amber and me, and another chicken with green beans for our girlfriends. Dinner was always great, especially when Amber cooks, he loves to cook, for someone who likes technology so much. After dinner cleaned up the dishes, I always took this part of the job when Eva goes to The Sanctuary. This is going to be a very long month.