Café Plaisir: Rain Reigned October

Story by October_Flixard on SoFurry

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#29 of Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt

He looked back the other way, now concerned, steadfastly not-looking at the Vaporeon frozen in an almost stalking position on the bar in front of him facing him, with a giant shit-eating grin- oh Fortuna, he had seen her. He was looking at her. "Hey, Redtales...~"

The last of the PWTW short stories, this was another for veteran Plaisir custome Guri... who has arranged this fateful occasion; The day Rain Flower got smart!

That Vaporeon has been stalking me for a while, trying to have her way over my hygeine and over me in general! Doesn't she know that Ninetales aren't for taming? Well, after bravely evading the dread, diminutive terror of the deep penetration for several weeks, alas, water and ice have combined their cunning to enact a terrible plan: Waiter Evaluation!

I'm worried... and I should be. o.o

The Café Plaisir setting is currently run by the talented: Dark Violet to whom belongs Rain Flower

Café Plaisir was originally created by: Palibakufun

To whom we're all ever grateful for this fun facility of filth.

October was surprised, to say the least, when the call came.

'Hey, Red! Look lively!' burst right into his head.

Slouched over a ventilator stack on the roof, snoozing, October jumped right up, the remnants of a smoke that had gone out on its own flying out of his maw. He didn't look around. He knew the feel of a telepathic message. It always, always set him on edge...

It was a dark, cool night and Chai was sleeping nearby. It had been a long day for both of them. The Umbreon of course, rested undisturbed.

'That's right, Red, believe it or not, this means you..!' said the soft voice, assertively, then added, in a puzzled tone, '...wait, what are you doing on the roof..?'

October frowned. His mood reflexively souring at the psychic intrusion... as ever, he didn't think of why, but he couldn't help but grumble, in reply, simply thinking really hard, 'Get out of my head... I don't take kindly to uninvited intrusion...' as his mood soured further, reflexively tapping the raw physical memory of something he wasn't thinking about...

The voice suddenly took on a strained quality, 'Hey, are you..?' it grew fainter, 'Hey, wait a minute here! ...How are you doing that..? Wait..!' fainter still, as October's mental state slid to a controlled, subconscious Dark-type state... '...Please!'

'Oh, now you show some manners,' thought October, distastefully.

'Arceus!' cursed the voice, 'Sorr-reey..! Mister smaller-red-Ninetales Sir!'

October frowned deeper, 'You know, I could probably find you if I tried...'

'October!' protested the voice, 'What's with the hostility, huh..? You realise we use Psychic types like me more or less like pagers, here, right..?'

'I don't have to like it,' thought October, 'and I need not put up with it. I could make myself undetectable...'

'...Yeah,' said the voice, 'Maybe you could. I don't know how you did that, but just maybe. If you did, I couldn't page you, though.'

'Oh, woe betide me,' thought October, sarcastically, smirking.

'...and woe betide the sweet piece of tail that just walked in the door and ordered you, Redtales.'

October physically winced at the name 'Redtales' and reflexively thought, 'Wheredidshehearthat?-Rain Flower!-ARGH!that-awfulevil...sneakylittle...cute-tailedgossip-!' before he detected the other Pokemon's mirth and managed to cut off his rampant stray thoughts.

Then the rest of it caught up with him and he sat up, raising an eyebrow, "Wait, what, someone ordered me..?" he said, curiously, aloud.

'That's-right-Redtales..~!" sang the mysterious voice, 'Why else would I be paging you outside of your shift, huh?'

* * *

October wandered downstairs in a bemused state, leaving the sleeping Chai where he lay.

Ordered..? That was the first that had happened. Honestly, he wasn't entirely sure how everything worked around here and had never given it much thought, but he had thought you had to be a bedroom Waiter for that..? All four of his professional encounters so far had been impromptu sort-of affairs arranged on the fly by whatever Supervisor had been on shift at the time...

Sadly, he thought to himself, with a sad smile, it was almost certainly a mistake. Perhaps on the menu or brochure or whatever it was they had, someone had mistaken him for Firenze... Perhaps it was the colouration..? Perhaps they saw the Italian name and thought, 'well that must be the red one, it's October I want.'

Whilst a part or two of him thought it might be amusing to be mistaken for Firenze, certain tails twitching amusedly, others hung a little lower, in the anticipation of having to correct a humiliating mistake. 'No, I'm the small one...'

Still, despite his weariness, when October came to the Main Bar, he ensured his head and tails were held high. Might as well look good for it... and he was still pretty decent-looking after his recent bath. Might as well make the most!

The Main Bar was a hustle and bustle of activity as it ever was during the evening. None of the morning dreariness, here! Customers competed for chairs and drinks whilst Waiters competed for tips and Customers. Sexy Pokemon and a party atmosphere filled the space from wall to wall. Literally. Even a smoker like October could pick up a blended pheromonal arousal in the air...

There was a great deal to lewdly stare at; Plenty of hips, both feral and biped walking with a suggestive sway... It was hard to keep one's focus... and in fact, when his eyes caught on some girly Lucario hindquarters, across the room, it was only his whiskers brushing on a barstool that saved him from literally walking into the main bar...

He stopped suddenly with a wince and sat back, trying to make it look like he'd meant to stop sharply and snappily, flashing a roguish grin and realising right then that he had no idea who to flash it at. His eyes searched the bar.

The big grumpy Typhlosion, Jack, was frowning at him, nothing unusual there... There were a bunch of Human and Pokemon customers, looking at him, wary and curious, but certainly not with any recognition - or confusion, at the wrong-coloured Ninetales showing up... There were a few other waiters present, none giving him much more then a curious glance, occupied as they were with their current marks...

His confusion growing, he looked down the other way on the bar, his eyes tracking past something blue, with how still it was being, then shortly thereafter because he was consciously refusing to acknowledge that she had been there. None of the Human or Pokemon on that end of the bar looked like they were waiting for a crimson Ninetales, either...

He looked back the other way, now concerned, steadfastly not-looking at the Vaporeon frozen in an almost stalking position on the bar in front of him facing him, with a giant shit-eating grin- oh Fortuna, he had seen her. He was looking at her.

"Hey, Redtales...~" said the diminutive Vaporeon, that uncannily big grin of hers barely shifting.

For a Vaporeon about the size of a big housecat, poised like that, with her features twisted like that, her fins flared and a wicked, aquatic mammal sharpness about her features, with the lights catching on her shiny blue hide, she cut a surprisingly intimidating figure, from the top of the bar...

Of course, she was still laughably small compared to the Ninetales, but October had personally experienced and witnessed what this diminutive Water-type was capable of when she let the waterjet fly. He had been knocked on his back. By Fortuna, he had seem Prometheus, that Titan of an Arcaninetales, accidentally knocked on HIS ass. She was short tempered, impulsive and dangerously powerful for it...

Still, he didn't have to admit that. Especially here in the Main Bar, with everyone watching, when he had stuff to do!

"Hello, Rain Flower," said October, as politely as he could muster, his voice almost a growl even as he tried to make it smooth, "...Nice to... see you..."

Rain Flower's chuckle sounded like it came from an imp or sprite at first, until she apparently settled into some words, "...Sure, Redtales, you're happy to see me..."

October blinked. This was odd, even for Rain Flower. His wariness grew. He cocked his head as he regarded her, "...Ummm..." she started cackling again, he frowned and went on, "You seem to be in a good mood.. that's um... good..."

"Oh yeah," said Rain Flower, the Vaporeon still not budging, "I'm in a great mood! Look at you, Redtales! All clean and fluffy..! You look like a real Ninetales again!"

October frowned. His lack of hygiene had become something of a battle of wills between him and the entire Café, recently, which he had ultimately lost - though only because of Firenze! ...but before that, it had been Rain Flower's personal quest to forcibly wash him; Through the media of apparent sexual slavery based largely on her elemental military advantage and desire to get one over on Elegance, who had been previously trying to help him.

Of course in the end, he hadn't been so unhappy to get all of the ash and muck out of his fur, but now his once again fluffy and full coat of fur felt faintly embarrassing... He couldn't help but duck his head a bit, defensively...

"...Yup," said Rain Flower, as if sensing his sense of defeat, "...All cleaned up. No Joltik Minions to defend you. A pretty red Ninetales ready to start behaving himself..."

"...I never said that," said October, with a slight growl in his voice, "...Just because I'm clean doesn't mean I'm tame, Rain Flower..."

She moved then, walking right up to the edge of the bar and leaning over at him, smirking, "Oh yeah..?" she said teasingly, "How's it feel under your red tails, Red Tales? Feel like you're gonna start behaving yourself?"

October's ears went back at once and his temperature raised. At first in embarrassment, for he had indeed been nursing a considerable ache back there for some time, but then in growing anger. The air above his head shimmered with his flush... "It wasn't like that-" he began.

"Sure it wasn't," said Rain Flower, suddenly twisting her head around in an exaggerated attempt to look coy, that brought her level and then behind with October's cocked head, "and you're not getting your big chance because of it, either, huh..? Must be some mistake..."

"Big chance..?" said October, with a confused frown, cocking his head the other way and briefly amusing himself with upside-down Rain Flower.

She smiled at him, appearing upside down, then leant in, almost like she was lunging for his neck, which was faintly worrying.... "Big chance, Redtales~!" she sang cocking her head coyly, hanging off the edge of the bar in a strange posture.

October inched back, "...You know what, you are freaking me out, Rain Flower. I can't believe I'm admitting it, but honestly; You are... and I'm waiting for a Customer... I think... I don't have time for your..." he struggled for a word for what Rain Flower represented to him... "Your..."

Rain Flower giggled and drew back, "What'samatter, Redtales, don'tcha get a bit of showmanship? I used to be a star, you know!"

"You might have mentioned," he muttered under his breath.

"...and you're the type to show off to a customer," said Rain Flower, "just like a little, pointier Prometheus..! You should be takin' notes on acting sexy..."

October jolted at the comparison and though aghast, he held his grimace... "Perhaps another time," he said politely, hoping to cut the rambling Vaporeon off, "After all, I've got this Customer and-"

Rain Flower giggled again, a high, trilling sound that cut off conversation immediately around them for a few long seconds. Then she was grinning crazily at him, again, "Yeah, you've got THIS Customer, Redtales...~" she said, slowly singing it.

October paused and looked around again, with a frown. "What Customer..?" he asked, still seeing no-one really looking at him but Rain Flower, "Are they invisible..?"

Rain Flower tutted, rolled her eyes and shoulders, a very animate creature, "THIS Customer, Redtales..."

There was a brief pause. October paused, looked around. Really he was shaking his head, trying to stop the penny from dropping. It seemed to drop with an almost audible, 'thunk!' He looked sharply at Rain Flower. "You can't mean..?"

With a big slow smile across her features, she looked like the cat who had eaten the proverbial canary. "That's right, Redtales," she had a predatory glint in her deep, dark eyes, "You're looking right at her."

He cocked his head, "Wait a minute, you work here! You can't-"

"I've got money, Redtales," said Rain Flower with a grin, "In fact, I work pretty hard, here, harder then you. I've got more money then I care about, more then I can count! Turns out the Café's happy to take a little of it back! We serve anyone, here! Even me!"

October's head tilted further... that made a disturbing amount of sense. Rain Flower was VERY active, here, almost a quantum presence at the Café. She never left, in fact. She took clients morning, noon and night. In fact, it occurred to him right then that this odd little Vaporeon could be Café Plaisir's single most productive Waiter...

"That's right," said the victorious-looking Vaporeon, drawing herself up to her full height with a leering grin, "I bought your ass!"

"...Seriously..?" said October, eyebrow raised high, "...Seriously...?" he repeated it a few more times, as she grinned, "...but hang on a minute here, Rain Flower. You seem to be forgetting that I have the right to refuse..."

Rain Flower frowned at him, then... or seemed to, her smile was still in place, her tail suddenly high, "Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Refuse Rain Flower, again? Just because you don't wanna get bossed around by a girl?" She leant over at him, again, "Well, not this time! Not when you'd be letting Firenze down... I know you don't wanna let Firenze down, do ya..?"

October paused, then... and blinked, looked aside, not wanting to admit that he didn't... but he wondered where she was going with this...

Her smirk grew, "I had to pull strings to get ya, Redtales, because you're not on the menu. This is your big chance because I'm gonna be telling Firenze all about it to start your..." she frowned, suddenly, "Evalyou... evalion... your..."

October frowned back, "My what..?"

Rain Flower shrugged it off, then grinned again, "You're gonna fuck me properly, Redtales!" she declared, "...and Firenze's gonna hear all about whether you did a good job..!" then she let it hang for a bit, pausing before adding, "...and you don't wanna disappoint him, do ya..?"

October was left speechless. Not a common event. Caught between embarrassment and frustration, pride and humiliation, he was stuck standing still with his maw open as he considered the horrifying possibility that there was no way of talking his way out of this and that Rain Flower was right...

He was so distracted by this that he barely felt her jumping onto his back and tramp around on him like a cat inspecting its bedding, chuckling. He looked around at her with wide eyes.

She smiled back at him, digging her claws in, "We've got a room all ready in the guest quarters." Suddenly she swung her long, fin-ended tail downwards, loudly thwacking the indignant yelping Ninetales on the behind. "Now, mush!"

It stung, profusely... he was NOT as recovered as he hoped. He whined softly, then cursed himself for the embarrassing noise.

"Awww, Redtales..." said Rain Flower, in mock softness, "You wuss. I didn't pay for a wuss! Buck up and let's go fuck..!"

Wide-eyed, he started walking, with a triumphant Vaporeon riding him proudly across the Café floor, cackling and mussing his mane and drawing as much attention as she could all the way...

"I caught a Redtales..!"

* * *

She clawed his back the whole way up the stairs and chuckled all the way to the guest room. Even as October unlocked the door and went inside, turned on the lights with a tail and assessed the room. Yep, standard bed room. Oh wonderful, this one was themed with blue furniture, because of course it was...

The room was standard and pleasant, with a decent window view and basic amenities, like many others at Plaisir. Like most guest rooms at Plaisir, it was dominated by its very most-used component; The large, soft, welcoming bed...

Rain Flower went oddly quiet as October closed the door softly, with a tail. He found the silence instantly and very uncomfortably awkward... it lingered and his eyebrow slowly raised.

Then she poked him on the back, several times.

October eventually remembered the premise that he was some kind of professional who worked here and knew what he was doing. "Umm, here we are, madam," he said politely, warming up towards pleasant, "Pleased to be your transportation today, is there anything more I can do for you..?"

Rain Flower laughed again, starting somewhere with an evil, throaty noise, becoming, "Muahahahah..." and transforming, through some bizarre Vaporeon magic, into a sweet and pleasant giggle. "Why yes, Mister October Redtales, your Customer would like you to walk her to the bed so that she might alight..."

October muttered on his breath, "I'll alight you, alright..." as he walked the cackling Vaporeon across the room, then grunted as she suddenly ran up his neck, stamped on his ear and threw herself onto the bed, with a high, trilling and annoyingly cute laugh.

October was left to stand there and ready his best smile, putting all of his growing wrath away in a dark, dark place he called his first tail as she chuckled.

"My-own-Redtales-Waiter!" declared Rain Flower, happily, then she sprang to sit up, "Alright! Get me things, Redtales!"

October hunched his shoulders down and drew his head up. "Things..?" he repeated. Oh no, was she really gonna do this...

"Yup, things, room service!" declared Rain Flower, "Go, get me things..! Stuff! Cheesey snacks! Can-oh-pays! Drinks with like, fruit and umbrellas in them and crap!"

He huffed and nodded, "Very well... Madam," he said with a hint of a growl...

He turned and headed for the door.

Rain Flower verily squealed with glee, when he did.

It took a while to find those things at this hour, in Plaisir, but he bloody did it. He had to steal the Canopés from Captivate and the cocktail he negotiated from a mocking Jack, but the cheesey snacks required a vending machine and currency he did not have.

Still, he remembered his predicament and considered that now at least he had a constructive outlet for his frustration.

The graceful-looking Ninetales gracelessly, but powerfully head-butted the vending machine until it yielded the damn cheesy snacks. He left everything but as many cheesey snacks as he could grab for lucky passers by.

Stopping for only one cigarette, outside, he returned with tails festooned with items and a smile. Perhaps it was delirium.

When he returned, the TV was on, blaring some inanity. October frowned. Apart from as an occasional travel guide (much of it was corrupted subconscious dimensional leak-through,) he HATED Television. It was so monotonous...

Noticing him, Rain Flower squealed with delight, "OhmyArceus, hegotthethings!"

October's eyes were hooded in a resigned frown, "Yes... I got the things...!"

"Give me the things..!"

...and so he did! Quickly resolved, did the spectacle of Rain Flower at rest, resplendently relaxed with an oversized cocktail glass trapped between her forelegs, bigger than her head, as wide as her frills, an odd, green colour and an umbrella and fruit and crap. Cheesey snacks were arrayed about her front end, whilst the canopés were messily discarded on the floor, nearby. Pretty much as soon as she'd tasted one, the whole silver platter had gone off the edge of the bed with a casual and contemptuous push of the paw.

"Eew," she had said, "I thought that rich crap would be great, but that's just crap. Weird, huh? That rich crap is just crap? Like, so often..?"

"Well, that much is true," agreed October, having been to (and ruined) a few fancy parties, himself, "Madam was wise, in choosing herself some cheesey snacks."

Rain Flower actually tore her eyes away from the television set and smirked at him, "Y'know, y'could have said that in like, 'Good call, Cheesey Snacks,' but you said all those words. You are like a pointier, littler Prometheus. Maybe you and him would be cute-"

October could help but cut her off with a growl, "...Why do people keep trying to get me under him? I couldn't take that if I wanted to..! Blast it, I am not a bottom!"

Rain Flower snickered, "You're cute when you're flustered, Redtales... and you need some practise if you're still limping this long after Firenze..."

October flushed, his ears went back...

"...but whatever," said Rain Flower, shaking her head from side to side, "I don't want you cute and flustered, I want you to get on this bed and get behind me..."

Then October blinked, paused and when she smirked at him for his coyness, hopped up onto the bed, the displacement of the Ninetales bouncing the Vaporeon slightly as he trotted over behind her.

She kept smirking over her shoulder at him, though he paid less and less attention to it.

Her back end was spread out, her hindlegs and long, thick swimming tail arrayed like a lounging trident.

Despite her compact size, Rain Flower was quite full and nicely proportioned... so say; She had graceful lines, tight hips and a positively bulging tailbase and booty. Vaporeon specials, certainly, but particularly pronounced...

Indeed, these very same hindquarters had driven October to distraction on the very first night he had arrived at Plaisir... and they did so, once again. His temperature raised a little as he felt himself stirring... As embarrassing as it was for it to come so easily..

Rain Flower noticed, too... slowly, she started to raise that thick, muscular tail... his eyes remained fastened as she revealed her blue sex and hole... "Huh," she said, "So you do like me. I was startin' to wonder if you were just drunk or just a drunk-straight gay or like-"

October growled, "No, you're quite lovely," he admitted, cutting her off before she digressed.

"Hmph!" said the Vaporeon, irritably, "Wouldn't think it from the way you've been fightin' me, Redtales!" She started making lewd movements with her hips, swaying them from side to side and raising them.

October's growling raised in pitch, along with his body temperature. It was quite the show. He felt himself growing inside his sheath. Still, he fought for concentration, "...It was your motivation that didn't appeal, Rain Flower," he had to admit, "I have my pride and I don't like being brought to heel..."

The swaying of Rain Flower's hips increased as they raised from the bed, making more of a show of her femininity... "You don't seem to mind right now..." she said, softly, "In fact, I bet you'd just love to fuck me, right now..." Then she began to move her hips back and forth, perfectly mimicking the act of fornication... Her sex glistened, looking quite ready...

"Umm..." was October's only response, at first, then he couldn't help but growl deeply as he grew, "Well... oh fuck, yes..."

With a satisfied little trilling giggle, Rain Flower flopped her hips back down onto the bed and turned her head back to the TV. "Well then," said Rain Flower, shaking her head from side to side as she spoke, "You'd better treat me nice and rub my paws and back and stuff and tell me how pretty I am and things!"

October slumped as if gravity had increased in a localised area around him. "...Seriously..?" he asked.

Rain Flower grinned back at him. "Yep." Then started stuffing her face with cheesey snacks.

Oh, the indignity of it, thought October... no respect in the slightest... was she doing this to test him? To be cruel..? Was that entirely more foresight and planning then she was capable of..? Did it matter when he knew very well that he would just have to do it..? No.

So, he had huffed and he'd puffed and he'd ultimately settled down behind her, in the perfect position to stare at her ass whilst she sat and watched obnoxious, terrible television about celebrity events that he hadn't the slightest interest in.

She chattered constantly, too. "She is such a bitch! You can totally see it! I know a bitch when I see one and she is so- Hey! That guy! I like that guy..! ... ...I think he should work in porn! ...Maybe he should at least come here..."

October looked up for that. It was some kind of horse... type... Rapidash...? It was ridiculously groomed. He didn't care. He concentrated on the task at paw. Giving a Vaporeon a paw-rub and massage... Fortunately, October had developed quite a decent dexterity with his paws, so his pads bad pressed into the tender blue flesh of the Vaporeon with just the right amount of tender force...

On she had went on chattering, until she paused, with an, "Mmmf..." she had commented, "Your paws are getting warm..." she sniffed the air, "Damn, you're getting randy..."

October, who had at that moment been massaging her shoulders with one paw and teasing a hindpaw with the other, couldn't help but sniff in the direction of those still beautifully presented hindquarters... "Yes," he had commented, "...and so are you..."

"Nyahh... yeah..." she had said, softly... drawing a raised eyebrow and perked ear from October; She really made that sound..?

October raised an eyebrow further, "...but first the massage, yes..? ...and more words on madam's soft and glossy sheen that entices the eyes into her voluptuous curves, like the soft depths of deep waters..?"

She made a noise and raised her hips a little further...

Smirking he continued on, "...and such curves indeed, that awaken my inner fires that I might sample them... at least, one hopes..."

Rain Flower made a trilling, delighted noise, then said, "...I don't know half the fuck of what you just said, Redtales, but you better keep saying nice things about my ass~!"

October reared up, then, presenting himself. Of course at this point he was ready and presenting, his member full, large and erect. A fairly hefty length of shining, black vulpine meat, tapered, pointed and dripping prodigiously with pre...

Rain Flower might a high pitched, keening noise at the sight....

"Perhaps I'd prefer to speak with actions..." said October, softly.

Rain Flower made a confused, 'merp?' noise.

"...One would prefer to-"

She made the noise again.

"...Let's fuck, you'll see," he said, barely containing a sigh.

"Hhhhmmmm..." said Rain Flower, throatily, "I'd like to.. yeah... but... nooo...." she grinned wickedly at him as she drew out the words, "You made me wait, Redtales. Even though you wanted to fuck me. Now it's your turn..."

October groaned, "Really..? We're doing this..?"

Rain Flower hooded her eyes, "Better than that."

He pricked her ears.

She raised her tail, higher, then slowly brought the finned end towards October's face. He felt pretty ridiculous with his face getting covered by Rain Flower's fin, so he moved with the gentle pressure... moved back... was pushed down...

He had a feeling he knew where this was going. He was not wrong. By the time the tail came away, he was looking right at Rain Flower's back end, his nose almost inserted into Rain Flower's deep blue, dripping wet, surprisingly tight-lined, surprisingly hungry looking sex... Now THAT was a hefty dose of pheromones...

Rain Flower patted him on the head with her fin, chuckling, "Now I know better then anyone that you can get complaints from like, some lame customers who like, want foreplay first but they don't say anything, because you're already fucking them... so that's what we're doing. Go to town until I say stop, Redtales..."

He whimpered, softly, wondering when that might be.

"Go to town~" she repeated, teasingly.

He had moved in at once to a very musky, very peculiar tasting Vaporeon... He hadn't kept his tongue outside of her for long, she wouldn't let him. He ended up with a near mawful of Vaporeon butt as she gradually pushed back onto his tongue...

She was slick with juices and very internally mobile... There wasn't a single part of Rain Flower that didn't seem to move and grip at his hot and lapping tongue... and when she moaned, she seemed to do so with her whole body. When she moaned. She was still watching the TV, enjoying and yammering away about it whilst she enjoyed herself... At least he was distracted, this time!

She seemed insatiable. October wasn't exactly good at this, but she didn't exactly seem to care. As his jaw and tongue began to tire, she just picked up the slack herself.

He wasn't sure how long he was at it. In fact, it was kind of hard to breathe like this. If he wasn't delirious before...

In fact, he was going numb at an alarming rate, getting dizzier, faster then he should... he had to wonder if her Water-type aura was playing a role...

Starting to worry, he pulled back and gasped for air... heaving for breath, groaning, with his face dripping of Rain Flower's drooled juices... He had barely realised it happening, but she had practically covered his front end... and it was steaming off of him, slowly...

Still, he was more focussed on the precious taste of oxygen, at that moment... so he inhaled deeply, breathing heartily of the vaporised vaporeon juices... it had a heady effect.... He felt like he was choking on her libido and burning it for heat at once. Perhaps it was just oxygen deprivation making him dizzy, but he could NOT think about much else other then fucking...

Still, he huffed and kept his place, flattened at the back of the bed. Vaguely, he remembered that he was trying hard... for approval... or pride or something... and...

A tail-fine patted him on the head. "Told you I knew how to handle Fire-types!" said Rain Flower, victoriously, "Alright!" she said, starting to wave her hips in time to her words, "Now, you, can-fuck-me!"

October blinked several times and brightened, smiling. He could see clearly now. He had done as he was asked. He had followed her crazy rules. Now he was going to fuck that Vaporeon...

He rose at first like an undead creature, smoothly rising from the grave... A menacing light in his green eyes... Rain Flower looked back at him with a smirk.

"Ohohoh yeah, you look ready," said Rain Flower, smirking, "I always wondered if you'd be rougher then Firenze..."

The looming Ninetales heard, but didn't quite acknowledge the words as he reached out with his forepaws and grabbed the Vaporeon firmly by the hips, his claws out... She squeaked cutely as he dragged her across the bed... underneath him, to where a long, pointed, throbbing vulpine cock was impatiently waiting...

Rain Flower stared at the cock she was being dragged towards and giggled at a high pitch. He didn't stop pulling until it was pressed up against her thick tailbase, dripping onto the muscular tail.

"Mmmmm..." moaned the Vaporeon, "damn that's a cute Ninetales dick..."

"Cute..?" said October, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, cute!" said Rain Flower, bluntly, "Now take the compliment and put it in me!"

"Hmmph!" said October, "Well I suppose I bloody well will then, wont I..?"

"Well I suppose you bloody well should!" she said, mockingly.

He moved back his hips and repositioned, aiming himself. It... wasn't a huge target so he was bumping around a little... Rain Flower quickly and greedily adjusted, curling herself onto the pointed tip... she moaned... October gasped... It was one thing to taste the moisture... Fire met water and was quenched... there was even a soft hissing... then Rain Flower moaned... "Oooh, ...fuck..! You're real hot..!" He moved to pull back, but the Vaporeon shoved herself back onto him with a surprisingly aggressive growl, "Oh! You're gettin' in there..!"

He gasped... she was tight! How was she so tight? ...After all he had heard! Suddenly this seemed inadvisable... dumb! She seemed so small, under him... suddenly her words were filtering through... was he being less of a gentleman than Firenze..?

October fought just about the hardest battle of his life not to put all of his pent up, blue-balled, oxygen-deprived, backdraughting fire into pounding the little Vaporeon stupid. He fought to move in slow, controlled movements, carefully testing her limits, making sure she was lubricated... which of course she was, but he was desperate to do this properly...

Rain Flower moaned beneath him, "Huh! Nya...! Hff, you tease..! Fuck me, properly..!"

Still fighting for control, October moved his hips slowly, seemingly stretching the Vaporeon with each careful movement... "I am being..." he grumbled, "...Proper..?"

"Nrrrf...! No!" gasped Rain Flower, "I live next door to you, October! I've heard you fucking that Umbreon! Now gimmie that hot rod like you give it to him..!"

October raised an eyebrow, "CHAI likes it rough," he said, "Perhaps a little too rough..." Despite his words or perhaps to prove them, then Ninetales pushed in a little harder.

The Vaporeon moaned and shuddered, taking it all and moving weirdly... on the inside, seeming to crawl and ripple in texture over his cock.. He gasped and pushed in harder.... the Vaporeon was slick and yielding all the way... and loud, very, very loud...

"NO-ONE takes cock like RAIN FLOWER!" she declared.

He thrust in right up to the knot, barely but forcibly being made to believe the Vaporeon's words... of only he could utter a response himself other then hot, lustful growls...

She was something different, alright. He realised her trick at once... as she moved and shifted on the inside, to accommodate him... the sneaky girl... using her semi-viscous nature to be as accommodating as she needed to be... but realising it and feeling it were two very different things... and the feeling of it had him sagging over and growling in heartfelt pleasure as his lust and temperature soared...

A strange tingling started, too... They both moaned.

"What's that..?" muttered October.

"Dunno," said Rain Flower, "Feels good. Fuck me."

"Yes, Madam," said October, with a smirk.

...and so they set about it, at once and with a feral pleasure, with October pounding into the Vaporeon with quickly decreasing caution. Rain Flower proved true to her word... As large, seemingly oversized vulpine meat pounded in, the Vaporeon bucked her hips wildly to meet it... The noise and the mess was obscene... and the tingling... but neither of them much cared.

Rain Flower and October had built up a lot of tension towards each other... and it came out, now.

"Oh yeah...!" cried Rain Flower, over the din of slapping hips and growling Ninetales, "Fuck yes..!"

This Vaporeon had caused him a fair bit of trouble. This Vaporeon had beaten him about... now that fury powered his hips, delivering mighty thrusts into the moaning creature.

She goaded him on, all the way. Moaning, then thrusting her hips back at him, smirking and snarking, to get harder thrusts, "Big strong Fox... Mmmf! ...gonna give me all he's got, ah! Hmmm..? Ah! Littlest! Eeek! Nine-ah-tales! Mmf! Gonna show me what heEEEEEe's got, soon, huh..?"

Growling, he reared back, using his tails for counterbalance as he pulled the Vaporeon up by both forepaws around the waist, grabbed her chest and tail with a couple of tails each and growling all the while, started using the Vaporeon like a fuckable sex toy, pulling her up and down...

It didn't stop the taunting for long. Well, not very long. Her high pitched moans eventually found resolution, "Mmf! Not bad! Not baaaaAaaad! Mmmf! You're like, way hotter then you should be, you've got like, no control... It's kinda fun... MmmMMmm! So! When you gonna get serious, huh..?" He could scarcely believe it she was chattering like this with the way he was handling her. What was it going to take..?

Growling, he let himself pitch forward and buried her under his crimson floof, literally pinning her to the bed, then pounding away with brutally with his hips, driving his growling, bulging, heating cock into the Vaporeon, her cries now muffled, beneath him. "I am October," he gasped, deliriously, "and I will destroy you for your... peskiness..!"

"Fuck yes!" she cried, as he started driving the knot in.

She wanted it; She accepted it greedily. It burst into her like the cork stopper of a bottle of port... squeaking and all. October's eyes went wide and suddenly he was exploding, into her... gasping, moaning, flopping down, as if that furious buildup of energy had suddenly been perfectly caught and contained... yet he was exploding furiously.

She was moaning happily, as the hot seed flooded in. Rain Flower sounded like she was in a world of personal heaven... October could still scarcely believe she was fitting it all, despite the fact, but complained not at all for the perfectly sized receptacle the seemingly elastic, delicious-feeling Vaporeon had become. She had built his fury up to a molten peak - then quenched it, fully, after all...

Filling the Vaporeon until she felt fit to burst... October expended himself so fully and ended up relaxed completely that he was left almost as a crimson throw-rug, across the bed...

It took him a while to notice the noises of complaint coming from beneath him.

Wincing, he rolled to one side and let a gasping Rain Flower breathe...

"...Arceus-fucking-dammit, Redtales!" swore the Vaporeon, "If that wasn't a good warm up I'd be hosing your ass down, right now..!"

October blinked, then raised an eyebrow at the Vaporeon, "...Warm up..?" he asked.

Rain Flower grinned at him, not looking the slightest bit tired. "Warm up..." she confirmed, with a smile.

October groaned, then closed his eyes, hoping to summon a magical well of hidden strength.

He would indeed find and use such a thing that night... and much more besides. For Rain Flower was not as easily pleased as that. October was her slave for the night, after all, fully booked... and she made sure to get her money's worth. It turned into a daze, in the end...

She wanted everything... and got it all. A crimson one over which to lord... Waited upon, pussy and paw... her every whim, catered for... her every need; A personal whore.

They had been from one end the room to another and done everything a pair of mis-scaled Pokemon could do. The might of the Ninetales had been expended; She had took him, drank him and ridden him the last of him dry. A wicked, pleased smirk in her big purple eyes.

When he was finally dropping off, sometime around the time he was due for work, "Not bad Redtales," she said, when he was finally flopped, slumped to one side and half on-top, "I guess you get to pass, you dirty red ass. I'll be callin' on you again now you know who's the boss. I might like you yet... or at least your knot!"

