A New Life and Love: The Adventures of Yuji Saotome

Story by Aldain on SoFurry

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#1 of The Adventures of Yuji Saotome

wish i knew who drew the pic i use for yuji. the credit for the art work goes to them.

Disclaimer i do not own pokemon or ranma 1/2 this is fan fiction from the many roleplaying adventures i have had with yuji over the years

A New Life and Love: The Adventures of Yuji Saotome.

A time for rebirth, Skuld had mentioned that he would be reborn after his last mission where he sacrificed his life so to save a dimension from being enslaved by a tyrant. Thankfully that mission was finished, Ranko he knew would find love again he only hoped she would be with him in this life when her time was up.

The world took notice when a baby was born with a strange aura not normal as most would think it in the pokemon realm but he was to be needed in the years ahead; fate had a special plan in mind for this little fellow. For you see this was Yuji being reborn into a new life. In 6 years time he would have full recall of his past life. Thus is was every time and world he was born on since helping out Skuld correct timelines that were causing bugs in the heavenly computer. It took Ranko and himself to straighten out many problems on different worlds and t be born onto a world with knowledge of your past lives and experiences sort of prepares you for the future but only if you started really young and had really intense to insane training. Yuji in the world he came from was elder brother to Ranma Saotome, yes my brother got into a lot of shit growing up but the old man did not help matters much and made things quite worse if left to his own devices. Thankfully Yuji perfected the old mans crazy training and helped his brother over come his fears and doubts to make his a defender of his home realm. As for me well sometimes I find a world where I still existed. And I have seen many dimensions some where I was killed by my father early on in life and my brother had to take the brunt of that world. Others something tragic had happened but enough about my past. This is the story of my new life and the adventures that seem to follow me where ever I go you see one of the many curses I have had to deal with is the "you will live in interesting times" curse the others I gathers over the centuries have been merged or are no longer a curse. As for my brother well turning into a girl with cold water was not as bad as he thought. When he was cured his cursed form took the shape of his sister Ranko. Now I know what you're thinking Ranko was not always my sister in all realms. But our souls are tied together as soul mates and have been even before this grand adventure had taken place. Now you got me rambling let us get on with the story maybe one day I will tell you the stories of my past lives or how things came to be now, but that is for another time.

For Yuji growing up was hard, his parents in this world were killed by the infamous team rocket sending there car off the road into a tree killing both of them leaving Yuji alive but orphaned, a young Rilou and her parents were close by and took Yuji in as they felt no child should grow up with out a family. The young Rilou's name was Starsha and she and Yuji had become fast friends in the next two years to follow. The other odd thing his adopted parents knew was he could speak with pokemon and understand them as if he was talking to a human. It was at that point Startsha's parents knew this boy was special, and he had to be protected so they moved to a more secluded area away from those from team rocket. Unfortunately moving to Unova was good for a short time the rise of team plasma did not help matters much either as they had found out about Yuji's special ability or want to find and recruit him for their cause.

At the age of six as Skuld had done many times before he began to recall everything from his past lives and adventures him shared this with Starsha. There was not anything he hid from her she was his best friend and they always helped each other through even the hardest times. Yuji had begun a very harsh training regime with her she was a fighting type and he was a martial artist that knew everything in his past life now he had to build his strength again he had the knowledge and wisdom he gained over the past 500 years but this body was new and did not have the training that nut job of a father put him through." Star, this is going to take quite a few years of dedicated training think of a six year old with the know how of a master martial artist and Ki user" Yuji said, star looked at him puzzled as she knew of aura but did not know of Ki" what is this Ki you speak of Yuji" Yuji smiled and said" that star is what you call aura, that means we are going to only get stronger as we train together as I do know many ways of reaching our full potential" he said with a smile and a soft blush, yes he was young but the years they had been friends only strengthened their bond even more as their friendship became something more.

Star's parents were a bit concerned but knew they could not hold there adopted son back the world did have plans for him else why did he have the knowledge he did even though it did not mean a lot since it was another realm as Yuji called it. They waited till he was at least 14 before letting him set out on the journey every child goes on when they come of age, being a trainer they would know their daughter will be well cared for and loved. They watched over the training years star's father Lucious at least got both Yuji and star started in there training when they were younger, no matter how harsh the training was Yuji seemed to thrive as he was the first to create and aura sphere and it was also odd he could handle the one on one sparring sessions with Lucious his Ki grew in leaps and bounds with the meditation he remembered from his former life, when asked by Lucious what style he was using Yuji chuckled" well it is my family's style called Anything goes though I should call is something else here, although no one has ever heard of it and should those following me think it is nothing then are they not in for a very rude awakening when I unleash it upon them. I have no idea what my mission here will be but Skuld obviously wanted me to be in top form by 15 so lets keep going I have not had a family I have been able to care about in a long time and both you and Lucy have taken me in become my parents even when I got all my memories back you stayed with me and helped me grow stronger. I wish there were people like you in the world I was originally born in" Lucious smiled at this and gave him a hug and said" well you got a year to go before you can begin your quest and I would be honored if you took Starsha with you as you have trained her far more than I have she has surpassed all my expectations in these past few years and I can see your bond with her you think her more than your sister don't you Yuji?"

Yuji blushed beet red did not matter what world fathers just love to embarrass their sons" yes father I do find I am falling in love with her" his father smiled" I know son, she is not your real sister even though we raised you together you were soul mates from the start but to young to understand" Yuji raised his eyebrows" Ranko?????" Lucious nodded his head" it is possible from what you have told me and what we heard you talking to Starsha about. There is no doubt in my mind your aura's are intertwined on such a deep level that Starsha just has not woken up yet like you were or maybe she wanted to fall in love with you again in this life and chose not to have her memories awoken in this life. Your birthdays are only a few weeks apart and you and she are nearly the same age. I am going to ask a friend of mine help get you registered as a pokemon trainer. I know I have gone on about trainers but you have a different perspective since we helped raise you with Starsha and you both will look out for each other so I doubt you will turn out like those other trainers that only think about themselves"

Yuji knew he would never force a pokemon to do anything against his will and lord help those that do in Yuji's sight it would be a painful lesson he would be happy to dish out" your right father I do have the correct mindset to treat all fairly. Though I maybe very rough on team rocket and plasma should I ever meet them" Lucious smiled and knew his children would be ok 7 years of training and Yuji sparing with the other pokemon in the forest he made many friends in pokemon and some trainers, those that had met him had the highest respect for him as he never was harsh to them and helped them excel beyond themselves"