
Story by lokidragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Crossroads

<--authors note--->

This is my first story ever submitted to anything please be kind, and let me know of your comments and suggenesetions and such. If i hear lots back i'll write sooner, but i hope you enjoy it. No there is not much yiff, but i figured there is enough of that on here.


Crossroads PT.1

It's difficult to be a young dragon; these day's standing at the crossroads of life. So many

choices to be made, always unsure which ones are the right ones, he thought to himself as

he filled out his college application getting ready to start on his path to adulthood. He

looked around, his mind in a dull haze from a day of filling out applications.

He chuckles lightly to himself as he mused at the difficulty of the other decision that has

filled his mind these last few months. A short experience with a young virile male tiger

who, suddenly made 'the moves' on the dragon that subsequently made him question his

sexuality. You see, young Loki was never really had much self esteem, always very shy

and always kept to himself. He never had the consideration of liking other males that is,

until that party where that anonymous Tiger crawled up to him in a drunken haze and

gave him a passionate kiss that would ignite the night's sky. After that moment his mind

did almost nothing but buzz about the possibilities about being bisexual or even gay. He

shook his head looking at his almost blank application and picked up his pencil again,

thinking to himself. "Ok, back to this"

He picked up the pen, and started to fill out the application, the only thing filled out so far

his name: Loki. Looking down at the application, the dragon decides to start choosing

the class's he felt would not only give him a taste of the what the Junior College would

have to offer, but would also be compatable with his his work schedule. Mostly forced to

choose the 101 class's due to his excess of slacking off back in the olden days of high


Being 3 years out of school and just starting to learn again was a big challenge for him,

but one he wanted to overcome in order to obtain a better job, more money which would

lead him to fulfill his dreams.

The young dragon sighed as he looked over his application and handed it into the student

worker. A young cute cheerleader type of vixen who chuckled a bit as she looked over

his choices of class's. He hung his head in shame and embarrassment blushing softly as

he was given a receipt, and confirmation of class's quickly stuffing both into his

backpack almost embarrassed at his choices of class's.

This small activity ending his current day's objectives, Loki decides to go back home and

enjoy the online realm, where he is not laughed at for being a bit less intellectual then

some snooty vixen slut working at the junior college registration, but a safe place where

he is smart, cute, and even sweet at times.

Dropping his backpack in the back of his black pickup he speeds off (as is his fashion of

driving, which some refer to as 'just flying low'). He quickly and pads down the

burbandy white carpet to his small dank cave of a room in his parents somewhat suburbia

domical and boots up his cream colored pc, with a server case which he built himself. He

run's to the bathroom as he hears the fan from the computer whirling as he rush's into the

nearby bathroom. He takes a quick wiz in the unfinished bathroom (which seems to be a

residual birthday gift for the last 3 years). As he wash's his claws he looks into the

mirror, and sees a ruby colored scaly dragon with emerald green eyes (that he has been

told are very soul-full) staring blankly back at him. He sighs a bit into the mirror as he

goes back into his room and logs into his online world of friends.

The golden aol messenger pops up with a few quick instant messages here and there, he

lays in his bed, the monitor from the pc lighting his room. Chatting to the various wolfs,

felines, and fox's (among others) that seem to ether want to get in his pants since his

recent announcement to them of his sexual status, or that want to whine about there


He boots up the online role playing world and as he waits for it to load, He thinks about

how he feels conflicted about so much lately. A sharp contract to when he was a young

drake. There was no misconceptions back then, about whom he was, what he would

become. No underlying worries about how his current decisions would affect him or

others in the future, no worries about bills, chores, or other 'grown up' things.

As the muck program connects to the servers he sighs a bit longing for the small embrace

of someone that would be like what that tiger had initially showed him. A flair of

passion; if, even for a short while.

Connected at last, he quickly goes to his usual hangout, a seethly bar, waving to a fur

here and a fur there, chatting for a bit, responding to instant messesages now and again.

Offering advice to people he has never met in real life. Growing more disconnected with

everything and everyone the more he stays online talking with others, listening to how

much fun they are having or pretending to have online with each other. How everyone is

madly in love with each other online,

Never knowing true love himself he wrinkles his snout and blahs watching everyone

interact with each other all playfully and gleefully, staying out of it, as every time he tries

to interact everyone eather yells at him for grammatical errors, or just tries to boink him.

Growing a bit bored with this he looks at the clock and realizes that quite a few hours

have passed. He stretches out on his bed and sighs a bit, feeling malcontent with not ever

seeing anyone anymore since his discovery of online friends and mucks. He looks up at

his ceiling and seeing the glow in the dark stars he had put up as a kid. Grinning stupidly

to himself, he pops in a movie.

He reach's over and logs off the worlds and says his good by's to his online friends.

Deciding to spend his attention, on the currently playing movie.

He had used to always want to be a famous film director (or just someone famous for that

matter). Someone people would remember. He flicks his tail enjoying the film smiling.

A short movie that depects this epic struggle for love, and the pride and duty of ones

country. He then quickly jumps up after the movie runs it's course, and yawns deciding

he needs to get out of the house. He picks up the cordless phone and calling a few friends

who are predictably busy

The dragon thinks to himself and says "fuck it" and decides to head to the mall and read

for a bit. As he throws on his leather jacket, wearing one of his many video game t-shirts

he had gotten for free at a job at the local video game store, and a pair of black wore out

jeans. The dragon sighs again as he pulls up to the mall, "really wanted some company

tonight" he mutters to himself as he turns off the ignition. He parks , and heads for the

center court. A place called 'the pit'.

The pit is a central place; with blue carpeting, and different sections of rows where you

could sit, or where the mall could put on some elaborate show in order to draw more

attention to the mall. There was also a large glass elevator that would take people too lazy

or dehabilitated to walk up one flight of stars from floor one to floor two. On Friday and

Saturday nights it seemed to be a thug hangout with packs of wolfs and hyena's seemed

to enjoy hanging out and acting cooler then he ever could act. But being Monday they

were unlikely to show up.

Loki pulls out his book, Tonight's selection would be an old book by c.s. Lewis. Resting

his back along the steps to read it.

For some reason he always didn't' feel alone when he read in public. Perhaps it was that

there were people around him shopping, grinning, and having fun, shopping and such.

For some odd reason just seemed to rub off on him.

As he opens his book to read he looks up his ears twiting as he hears the various sounds

that accompy any mall. Sounds that were all too familiar to him as he had worked in a

store in the mall for well over 6 years now. Wearing the stupid uniforms smiling to the

stupid customers and getting his paycheck that always seemed smaller then he feel he

deserved. But that is why he wanted to go to college. To begin his journey on becoming

a better dragon.

He is upto his fourth or fifth chapter when he hears someone sit next to him. He doesn't'

look up as he figures it is just someone ether wanting attention, or just someone who

wants to mess with him, or perhaps someone who just someone who wanted a quick rest.

He feels a tap on the shoulder, The dragon looks back over his shoulder to the source of

the tapping and he sees a young lion smiling at him shyly on the row just above his "um,

excuse me, I don't mean to prod, but I had just go that book last week and haven't started

to read it yet is any good?" He ask's with a sincere tone.

The dragon pauses. Looks up at the feline and raises one eyebrow as he responds in a

hurried manner "yea it's good" and goes back to reading, feeling satisfied answering the

felines question and that he must even now be on his way to do whatever he needs to do.

There was that familiar tapping again the dragon looks back more quickly this time

almost annoyed "excuse me, I don't mean to bug ya, but are you waiting for someone?

you seem to have been here for a bit" The dragon a bit more surprised answers cautiously

"no, I'm just reading"

The lion ahhs his eyes wide and nodding, the dragon waits for a second before trying to

turn around before the lion hops down to join him on his row not saying anything at first,

but just looking at the dragon. The dragon opening the book back up "I'm sorry I'm just

bored, and my ride is late"

The dragon looks up with a fake smile this time "oh no it's fine, I know how that is".

The feline smiling a bit "I work here at the mall, and my parents always take forever

picking me up, I can't wait to drive" The dragon laughs a bit "where do you work?" he

asks' not putting down his book this time, staring at the words, but not really reading

them when the lion responds "oh at EB" .

The dragon's ears twitch a bit and he finally puts down his book and chuckles a bit

realizing it's feutal trying to read his book with this feline by him. He shakes his head a

bit realizing what the lion just said "wait did you just say EB?" the lion nodding in


Loki just giggles a bit, the feline with a seemingly confused look on his face. The dragon

grins "oh it's nothing, I used to work for Satan too" he says with a warm grin and a wink.

The feline's tail then started to wag like it just woken up to an electrical shock. "really?

Which one? Who was the manager? How long ago?"

The dragon answered all of the felines questions, and more. The two chatting more and

more . The two talking about everything from video games, to computers, to movies, to

how much school sucked as they both were out of it (the feline who seemed to have been

dubbed Brad not quite out of senior high quite as long as Loki). Loki suddenly looks at

his watch and realizes that time has flew by way of a couple of hours.

"What happened to your ride?" he ask's the kitten, who seemed to have almost forgotten

about getting home, his face dropping a bit. "shit, I completely forgot about that". He

stands up "be right back, gotta call em". Loki reach's in his leather jacket and offers

Brad his cell phone to which brad accepted and dialed the number, yelling to the person

on the other end "you forgot? What do you mean you can't do it now? But I'm stuck

here" his face growing more and more discontent and pathetic "I guess I can wait till you

get done" the feline says the dragons ears flickering a bit, as he was eavesdropping on the

conversation. "I'll give ya a ride if you want" the feline quickly ends his talk on the

phone, his mood seemed to have quickly shifted "no it's all right I got a ride now, never

mind" with those words the lion snaps the cell phone shut "awesome you're a lifesaver,

stupid parents forgot about me, they are out at the bar and won't be done playing pool for

another couple of hours, and I just got the new final fantasy that I've been dying to check

out." Loki perks up as Brad holds up the new game in all its' glory "dude. you gotta show

that to me" brad nods "payback for the ride, you ready?" Loki ask's to which brad nods

again quickly. The pair get up and walk out to the truck.

The drive to brads house was short. The two chatting away non-stop. Loki couldn't help

but grin at this funny, and cute lion that occupied his passenger seat, dressed in a black

hoodie, and jeans with his tail sticking out the back. His fur was golden, and very soft

looking. The lions eyes were powerful, and yet soft with a hue of brown. Loki seemed

to blush a bit as they were driving, for admiring this feline, hoping that Brad didn't notice

and think he was some kinda perv, or 'fag'

As they arrived at the house brad lead the way into his small delapadated house, which

seemed to be under some sort of construction. As they both ran to Brads room, the duo

flopped down on the floor, tore open the packing of the poor game case, and booted up

the game they were both infatuated with. Loki, however seemed to grown more

infatuated with Brad then with the game, and was also growing more uncomfortable with

this. The dragon thought "Brad isn't gay, and even if he is, he wouldn't like me. I just

met this guy, I know almost nothing about him I should go". "well I should be getting

going thanks for showing me the introduction I might pick that up from your store later"

Just as loki put his arms back to get up and leave he accidentally put his claw on top of

Brads paw blushing a bit, time seemed to have froze as he looked over to brad, caught

like a deer in headlights, he heisted for just one second. Never feeling such soft fur. He

snaps out of it as he sees brad muzzle coming towards him. He closes his eyes as he feels

brads lips on his own, a soft purrr rumbling through the air.

What is going on? He wonders to himself.

Pt 2 might be commign soon