A Fresh Beginning: Chap 3

Story by OneBadMamaJama on SoFurry

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#3 of Sha'Ria and Raj

The story continues! A little bit harsher this time, but hey, remember, no one's really hurt at the end of the day. :)

The past few weeks had been a bit of a whirlwind for the once proud sorcerer rat (for loose definitions of "proud" and "sorceror"). He thought he could bide his time at the dragoness's place, earn some credit for being well behaved, then skip town and maybe even take some gemstones or gold back with him and try and rebuild his reputation. For that matter, he figured Sha'Ria would have wanted to get him out of her lair as quickly as possible.

No such luck.

In a shocking twist of fate, it turned out that big dragoness kinda liked having a ratty punching bag at home. If she had a bad day, she took it out on Raj's nuts. If she got into an argument at the market, she'd play out the scene with his nads taking what she wanted to do to them. If she was bored, she'd kick his plums around to bide the time. Bad weather outside, gotta stay in? Might as well slap and squeeze Raj's jewels until it clears up outside. Oh sure, she never set out to pop his balls when they were "playing" (and she always treated it like that, like it was just casual fun), but if she did? So what! Raj mostly considered himself lucky that she "only" burst his berries a few times since he moved in.

On the plus side, there was the sex. Oh lord, the sex. Sha'Ria always got horny as all hell after scrambling Raj's eggs, and the rat was MUCH less averse to that. They'd fuck in every possible position until one of them passed out in a wheezing mess wherever in the lair they happened to be doing it. On tables, on the bed, on the floor, didn't matter. It almost made the daily rackings worth it. Aaaaaalmost.

Raj huffed, sitting on his bed. He had a bed now, and that was nice. Though it did sort of cement the fact that he was going to be staying there for a while. The main issue was this damn leash. Whenever Sha'Ria was out, she had a little metal collar on a chain that she used to make sure he didn't run away.

Oh yeah, and the collar was around his nuts. Her little joke.

The rat grumbled and groused, fiddling with his balls, looking down at his lap. It was a heavy iron ring slung around the neck of his scrotum, it weighed his testes down when he walked around with what room the chain allowed him, and well, it was just plain embarrassing. Okay, sure, maybe he would have tried to run away before, but not any more!

Raj pushed his balls into the little collar ring a bit, wincing. Try as he might, they just wouldn't fit through. Not even close. He sulked.

Then... an idea came to him.

Raj looked at the far wall of the lair where Sha'Ria had his pendant hung up on the wall. The one that let him repair his balls if they popped. She'd put it over there so he couldn't reach it, but maybe... if he just...

The rat shook his head. No way. He couldn't. Could he?

Swallowing, the rodent sat on the floor and spread his legs, letting his droopy yambag plop down on the hard stone. If he could do it QUICK, he could get out of it and then when Sha'Ria got home she'd see he didn't try and run off, and then no more collar.

He just had to be fast.

Raj held his nuts down with one hand and raised his other as high as he could.

"Okay... one... two..."

Sha'Ria walked with damn near a skip in her step as she made her way home from the market. It was a quicker trip than she'd anticipated, but then she didn't need too many supplies that day. It was a good day all around, really. The sun was shining, she got a great bargain on some fresh produce, and there was a rat at home that she was gonna fuck into next week. She was in such a good mood, she might only punt his gonads around a LITTLE before fucking!

Just as she was approaching the entrance to her lair, a screech rang out that almost made her drop the small bag she was carrying. Sha'Ria knew that sound, it was the noise a dumb little rat made when his balls were getting beaten. But she was still out here! Someone must have broken in, Raj was trying to fend them off! Picking up her pace, the curvy red dragoness dashed inside to investigate!

Bare feet quickly carrying her inside, what she saw made her stop in place. No intruder, no thief. Just Raj curled up on the floor, moaning and wailing, cradling his visibly swollen nuts in his hands. Sha'Ria stared, baffled.

"What the hell is going... on..."

It took a moment, but she started to put it together. Raj's bruised balls, his chain stretched out as far as it can go... right in the direction of his pendant on the wall.

The rat stared up at her, eyes big and wide. He was in a lot of trouble, and he knew it.

"Oh my GOD!!" Sha'Ria said, bursting out in laughter. "Are you KIDDING me?? You seriously tried to... you were trying to..."

Somehow, getting laughed at was worse than anger! Raj was in PAIN, didn't she see that? His balls were swollen and bruised, he was nearly in tears, how could that be funny?

The big dragoness squatted down next to Raj's nude body and pushed at him. "Okay, let me take a look at the damage here," she said, not giving him much choice as she ****** him onto his back and pulled his hands away from his nuts. "Boy, you did a number on these, didn't ya?" she said, cupping Raj's nads and giving them a jostle. Sure enough, the twins were looking pretty dark colored, with the left one noticeably bigger than the right.

Sha'Ria made a big dramatic siiiiiigh. "You boys. I swear. Okay, listen..." she said, swinging a thick leg over the prone rodent so she was aaaaalmost sitting on his face, her tail nicely obscuring his head. "First off, there's no way a guy is gonna be able to pop his own nuts. Like, there's just no way."

"Can... can I just... mmnf!"

The dragoness shifted her weight back, her rump settling directly on the rat's face then. Given that all she was wearing was a minimal loincloth of sorts, Raj was immediately up close and personal with her nethers. Normally this would be a good thing, but...

"Quiet!" she snapped, giving his already aching nuts a hard slap, which just left him moaning and groaning right up against her ass. Sha'Ria paused a moment, enjoying that feeling.

"All right, second, looks like you were, what, just trying to punch them to pulp? Sheesh." She shook her head, wrapping one hand around the neck of his sack. "Unless you're really strong, you can just punch... and punch... and punch all day and you won't be getting anywhere!"

As she spoke, the dragoness illustrated exactly what she meant, pounding down on Raj's tenderized nuts with meaty slaps, over and over again. It made for a howling rat, doing his darn best to scream in agony, but all of it was getting muffled by Sha'Ria's curvy backside. A backside which was starting to kinda squirm and grind right down on his face. She was getting off from it! Granted, this wasn't exactly news any more, but it did not bode well.

"No, that'll never work. See, what you WANT to do," she explained, taking each of Raj's bloated, aching testicles in her hands, getting her grip all nicely positioned. Raj whimpered pathetically, already in a fog of pain and that familiar nausea making his stomach tie up in a horrible agonized knot. "What you WANT to do is really squeeeeeeze on them!"

There was nothing Raj could do to stop Sha'Ria as she started clamping her hands down on his balls, fingers pressing into tender nut meat with a terrifying amount of pressure. This was the first time since that fateful night she captured him where she was aiming to rupture his ratmakers outright! No playtime, no busting and fucking, she was just determined to crack them in her hands!

More than that, it was clear she was enjoying herself quiiiite a bit. Raj could feel her dripping onto his chin and down his neck, she was pressing down most of her weight on him, and her voice was getting extra breathy. "Rrrh," she murmured. "And really push 'em into each other, too!"

One fat rat nut in her left hand, one in her right, Sha'Ria started grinding the two against each other, making Raj shriek and thrash underneath her, and all that did was encourage the dragoness further! She started rocking more on top of him, big toes curling behind his head, giving those ratty eggs all she had!

"That way... they'll just..."

Then, squish. They didn't go at the same time, first the left jewel went to mush in her strong fingers, then the right, and Raj let fly with the kind of pathetic squeak of a scream that only a rat getting neutered could muster. He kicked and writhed on the floor beneath her, and Sha'Ria kept going with her own movements for a moment longer until she felt satisfied, sitting up (which just put more weight on Raj's face) to examine her handiwork. A grin spread on her face.

"Huh, if I didn't know better I'd think you were starting to like this!" she said, curling down to lick up the bit of goop that had gotten wrung out of Raj's gonads before they gave way.

"Oh! Right. And now..." she continued, scooping up Raj's floppy, mushy pouch, and unceremoniously pushed it through the ring that was clasped around it. "Boop! Right on through. Okay, up on your feet, let's go get that pendant!"

Raj just lied there, sobbing and mewling, curling up around his purple nutsack now that he was able to. Sha'Ria put her foot on his shoulder and pushed.

"C'mon! That was the next part of the plan right? You were gonna go and get your pendant? So let's go!"

Even breathing was agony, but Raj managed (with a bit of help) to get up on his feet. Each step made his pulverized scrotum swing and sway, the thing feeling like it weighed a ton. He waddled, ever so carefully, across the room to the wall, next to the big cast iron stove, and took his pendant off of its hook.

Sha'Ria waved at him. "Go on! Say the thing!"

Barely conscious, Raj croaked the words. "Testiculum... reparum..."

A few seconds later, the rat had a fresh, new pair of balls, and Raj instantly felt a LOT better. He whoofed out a big lungful of air and panted quietly, rubbing his balls gratefully.

Grinning crookedly, Sha'Ria crossed her arms, giving her tits a nice lift. "Okay, did we learn our lesson?"

Raj nodded, ears red, embarrassed. "I just... I don't like that I have to stay on that leash!"

The dragoness snickered. "That's fair. No more leash. But that means I'm keeping the pendant while I'm out. I don't want you getting into trouble while I'm gone, got it?"

Not entirely pleased with things, but glad that she didn't seem too angry with him, the rat nodded. Despite himself, he dabbed up some of the juices on his chin and licked them off of his fingers, and even managed a grin of his own.

"Good," the curvy female said, satisfied.

Then, with no warning, Sha'Ria stepped forward, swinging a muscled leg up in between Raj's thighs, the top of her wide foot making a loud SMACK against his freshly-repaired nuts with a kick hard enough to lift him off the floor!

As he lay there, moaning and curling up around his once-again injured testes, Sha'Ria bent down and tweaked his ear. "NEXT time, think about ASKING me. You'll save yourself a nutting. Now get up, I need some help with dinner, AND you got me all worked up and horny."

Raj just whimpered. He had a long night ahead of him.

A Fresh Beginning: Chap 4

Sha'Ria bounced her way into the cave, quite the extra spring in her step (a comical but charming look given her size), and held one hand up to her mouth. "Oh Raaaaaaj!" she said in a sing-song voice. The rat, clad in a pair of loose fitting pants...

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A Fresh Beginning, Chap 2

It's crazy how much things can change after a simple question. After Sha'Ria caught up with Raj and dragged him back to her cave, which involved a lot of kicking and screaming and convincing the rat that she hadn't gone back on their deal (okay, she...

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A Fresh Beginning: Chap 1

Raj skulked along through the woods, muttering to himself. It had been a long week. Getting his nads stomped into jelly was only the start of his problems. After making his way back to the village (well, getting carried), he had to convince the old...

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