Red Light Ch 1

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#1 of Red Light

"Fresh college graduate Luis Santiago finds himself taking an unexpected career when the frustration of unemployment forces him to choose the unconventional."

This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function.

**I am alive people!

I apologize for not being able to post any stories for a while guys. It's mostly because I've been busy with life and whatnot. Ugh. Yeah, it's been crazy, but enough about that. I am back at it again with another story. Now before you guys ask, where's Just a Peek Chapter 2?! Well, as much as it pains me to say, that story will have to be put on hold because the writer I'm writing it with is also busy with life. Yeah, it sucks but it happens. Same goes for My Roommate is a Furry. I'm putting THAT story on hold mainly because I wanted to iron out the plot. I'm glad that the pilot was well received but I feel like I need to really know what I'm doing before I go full speed with that story.

That is why I am doing this in the meantime. I've been writing this story on and off for a while now and I'm really glad that I actually finished writing it for a change. I hope you guys like it.

Don't worry guys. I'll keep writing. I won't die that easily!

That said, I am open to suggestions as to what sexy situations Luis can get himself into in regards to this story. I'm making this story as a flexible one, so I'm open to suggestions in regards to what happens next. :3**

**Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking.

If you guys enjoyed the story, PLEASE, take the time to write feedback. It doesn't have to be long, just your thoughts on the story as a whole. Heck, favorite it! I'll appreciate everything you'll do. Share the stories to your friends. They'll probably like it too.

I'm also doing commissions now, so if you guys are interested in getting a story written from me, drop me a note either here or on FA and we can talk. I'm not the best, but I will do what I can.

If you like this story and want to see more, drop me a watch. Stories trickle down as they come and it only gets better from here on out. If you have a story idea, why not leave it in the comments and I might just write something inspired by it. I also have a request form if you guys prefer that.

Request Form:

If you feel inclined to, I also accept tips. You can drop any amount you would be willing to share at this link. LINK: Follow me over at Twitter for daily updates. Link in my profile. That's all for now. Happy fapping folks =3**

Disclaimer: This story should only be viewed by people of the ages of 18 and above due to its strong and heavy scenes that are M/M in nature. If you do meet the requirements and enjoy this sort of content, then by all means please, take off your pants, relax, and fap to your heart's content.

Red Light Chapter 1 by RVasil

Luis released a sigh as he sat in front of his computer. He stared blankly at the monitor in front of him as it played a video for one of the many channels he was subscribed to on YouTube. Currently, it was a gaming video and three people were on screen. One was playing and the other two would then make banter as the gameplay went on. Luis was half paying attention to it, his mind elsewhere. He would smile every now and then, hearing a well timed joke by the two comedians as the main guy playing flubbed his moves, making his character do something weird on screen.

No, the equine's mind was focused on a far more important manner. He was waiting for a call on his phone but as the day was coming to a close, not one had been returned.

"Ah damn it," he cursed to himself. The equine stood up, stretching in place as he walked across his room and towards the mini fridge to get something to eat or drink. He wanted--no, he needed to get his mind off things. He briefly stopped to look at his hanging wall calendar, taking note of the days he had left before things were going to get serious if he didn't get the ball rolling. A large red circle was drawn on the 15th day of the month.

"Three job interviews in one day and still nothing, Luis. What are you going to do?"

Even the fridge was beginning to run dry, with pitchers of water filling it and a few frozen foods that can be cooked just by heating them. It was only a few weeks ago when it seemed full, and that was because he managed to take some extra food from his parents who were kind enough to hand him their leftovers. At the rate that he was going, he was probably going to have to visit them again so as to not starve at all. Luis rubbed the sides of his face as he took a pitcher from the fridge and poured a glass of water for himself.

The job situation for the young equine was beginning to take its toll on him. He never imagined the piece of paper he worked so hard on for four years would actually be nothing more than dead weight to him. A degree in a field he thought would strike him gold only left him in mountains of debt he had no idea how to pay for. Suffice to say, things were looking a bit bleak for the once sprightly equine.

The night continued forward with no calls and Luis sank further and further into the hole he was in. Dinner didn't do much good to lighten up his mood. It was nothing more than a cup of instant noodles he managed to find lying around. At the very least though, he was thankful for the fact that it wasn't expired. He sat back down in front of his computer, checking his emails one more time for anything. Anything at all that could signal a light at the very end of this dark tunnel in his life.

"No new mail..." he muttered to himself, looking at the blank screen of GMail. After a brief moment of thinking quietly to himself, Luis shook his head and decided to just stop thinking about work stuff for the evening. He might as well just relax and hope for the best for tomorrow. For a single man like Luis, he didn't have much choices in regards to relaxing. It mostly involved three things: surfing the web, playing video games and pornography. The last of the three always made life a little bit more bearable, especially in his current state of affairs.

Luis sat back down the chair and opened up his internet browser, easily navigating to his favorite porn site. A wry smile etched itself onto his face as the webpage began to load, showing him various pornographic images of different actors in all sorts of poses, looking lustfully back at him. Luis navigated to the list of categories they had in the sidebar and clicked the "Gay" button. Immediately the page began to refresh. The images of the busty women were changed to now male actors, each posing in front of the camera, looking back at him with bedroom eyes and their boners pointed longingly at him.

Luis smiled, feeling his loins stir.

After a few minutes of searching, which frankly was the longest part in any ever masturbation session, Luis settled into watching a video by one of his all time favorite gay male actors. Lucian Fox was his name. Sunny yellow coat of fur and a white underbelly, the fox had a face that would make any woman fall for him, and in this case, any man as well. The way his green emerald eyes sparkled was enough to charm anyone to his good side. The video began to play, along with the cheesy porn music to accompany the credits as it presented its actors. Lucian was matched with a dragon this time, and the setting was of Lucian moving into an apartment with him and the dragon involved in some sexual hijinks.

Luis never really cared much for the plot, much like the majority of any other porn viewer, so he skipped the rest of the scenes and went straight to the good part. Lucian Fox, who was wearing a respectable button up white shirt and jeans earlier, was now wearing next to nothing. That was until the dragon ripped off the white underwear he wore and threw it to the side, before pushing Lucian onto the coffee table, knocking over a few of the card boxes stacked atop it.

The camera focused on the two horny men, making sure to get their good sides while things got heated. The dragon was sexy, with a capital S. Rippling muscles, broad shoulders and a well built frame. He was everything Luis wanted to be and more. His fellow co-star who was currently doing his best to wrap his mouth around the dragon's cock, which was equally appealing. Unlike the dragon who was a beefcake, Lucian on the other hand was anything but. He was muscular, sure, but not to the point of it being too much. He had a runner's frame to his entire body, that showed hints of maybe abs in his chest. Regardless of the their physiques however, Lucian and the dragon were both very easy on the eyes.

It didn't take long for Luis's boner to stand at attention, and the horse had to pause the video for a brief moment, if only to undress himself. Once fully in the nude and his stiff erection at hand, did Luis continue playing the video, stroking himself off right alongside it.

The rest of the evening continued onwards with the eventual end of it leaving Luis seated on his chair, slack jawed, his entire bare chest coated with his own cum with his horse cock resting on top of it, still dripping cum and making a mess onto the wooden floor below. Luis sighed, leaning over to grab a box of tissues and clean himself up. Tomorrow was going to be another day, and Luis could only hope that his job situation was going to get better. The porn video on the other hand was now playing its end credits and a video of the porn company owner, a pudgy bear with a well meaning smile on his face, popped up.

"Thank you for supporting After Dark Studios! We're currently looking for fresh talent to feature in our upcoming film projects. If you feel like you have what it takes stud, get in touch with our agents..."

Luis chuckled, closing the video. He threw the now cum soaked tissue over at the trash bin and stood up stretching. "Pornstars..." he mumbled to himself, turning off his PC. "I wonder..." True, much like any other male out there, the idea of being a pornstar had entered Luis's mind in one of his many male centric fantasies. He instinctively looked down and examined his now slowly softening equipment. He was well endowed by most standards, sure, but that was to be expected given the fact that he was a horse after all. That coupled with two orbs the size of tennis balls would probably make any guy, or girl, swoon over him, but to actually perform on camera? Luis wasn't so sure.

In the end, Luis flopped down unceremoniously onto the bed next to his desk, only bothering to put on some underwear for some sense of decency. Sleep came to him eventually, and he was grateful for it. He was going to need all the rest he could get for tomorrow's bout the against unemployment.

Morning came.

Luis was roused from his slumber by the sound of activity happening outside. He was on the third floor of the apartment and was facing the driveway. Sleepily, he reached out to check his phone. The time told him it was 8am in the morning, and sadly, there were no messages waiting for him. Luis frowned. What a great way to start the morning. With a despondent sigh, he sat upright, giving a slight stretch before standing up entirely. Curiosity got the better of him and he decided to peek through the window to see what all the ruckus was about. A large van was parked in front of their apartment complex. Two workers were taking out boxes and were placing them at the side of the road. On the sidewalk was who he recognized as the landlord talking to someone he couldn't quite make out. Probably a new tenant or something. Luis paid them no heed however, idly scratching his back and heading to the bathroom to at least freshen up for the morning.

It was a few minutes later when he stepped out and looked far more presentable: Hair slicked back and combed, teeth brushed, and now wearing his normal everyday clothing. He could now hear the tell tale signs of someone moving heavy objects at the hall beyond his door. Luis smiled to himself at this: So the new tenant was going to be his neighbor. Luis only hoped that this one was actually going to be decent. The last dudebro was rather the noisy sort, and he was glad that the wannabe "streamer" decided to move to a bigger place after the donations to his stream flooded in on a larger scale.

Judging from the fact that they didn't have an elevator in this building, Luis figured that the tenant would have a bit of a tough time moving all the boxes he had out in the side of the road. The equine thought for a brief moment before deciding to help pitch in. Why not? He had time. Luis always prided himself in being a nice person, and this was one of those moments. Besides, he might as well be friendly with the guy. They were going to be neighbors after all.

A few minutes later, Luis was on the first floor walking towards his new neighbor. He seemed to be a fox, one who was clearly looking a bit worn down from all the moving. "Hey," he called out.

The fox's ears snapped in attention and the individual turned towards him. "Oh, uh, hi!" he replied.

"So you're the new tenant then?" Luis rhetorically asked. "The name's Luis." He reached a hand towards the man.

The fox smiled warmly at him, shaking it back. It was a firm handshake. "Zach, nice to meet you Luis."

"Likewise. Need some help?"

The fox visibly looked relieved. "Yes, thank you. I appreciate it." He moved over and arched his back, stretching for a brief moment. "I never imagined so much stuff." Zach groaned, rubbing his temple. "But really, Luis, thank you."

Luis chuckled and walked over to a box. "Don't thank me just yet. We still have work to do."

Luis spent the rest of the morning helping Zach moved into the apartment. Throughout the entire ordeal, the fox lamented the fact that the building didn't have an elevator but was very thankful to have a strong horse like Luis to help him move things around. The equine smiled, feeling happy to be praised. He didn't mind helping since he didn't have anything better to do. Sure, he was still waiting for a message, a call, anything really to pop up on his phone, but nothing ever came of it. Luis had just finished placing down a box onto the floor when Zach pointed this out.

"You keep looking at your phone. You're expecting someone?" Zach asked curiously.

Luis sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I guess you could say that." The two stepped out of the apartment and began walking down the stairs once more. "I'm waiting for a call from a potential employer." Zach cocked his head, prompting Luis to clarify. "I'm seeking work."

Zach nodded, the tufts of fur tied at the back of his head tapping against his shoulders. "I can only imagine how hard it is to be in your current position. Dare I ask, are you going to be alright?"

Luis's shoulders visibly slumped as he continued walking down the stairs. He felt crestfallen but was visibly trying to stay positive as he turned to face Zach once more. The fox's kind and vibrant demeanor was thankfully and surprisingly infectious enough to keep him from sinking. "I'm doing my best as I can. It's a bit tight right now, but eh. I'm sure things would look up."

Even as the words came from his mouth, Luis wasn't sure if he was just lying to himself or if he actually believed what he was saying. Unfazed, Zach walked over to one of the last boxes he had left at the roadside. Luis took the other remaining one and carried it in his arms. "What type of job are you looking for anyway?" Zach asked. "Office? Retail?"

"Anything at this point, really." The two went up back into the apartment complex and began to climb up the steps. Luis was thankful that the box he was carrying this time was far lighter compared to the ones earlier. "I was hoping that I was going to land a job because I've got this brand new spanking degree to flaunt around." The horse snorted. "In the end, all it gave me was crippling debt and depression." He laughed dryly at his own dark joke.

The fox lightly laughed with him. "I'm sure a nice guy like you would have his luck turned around sooner than later."

"Thank you. I just do my best," Luis replied, putting the box down. "I have tried everything there is though. Office, retail, gas stations, anything and everything."


"Everything that I can genuinely think of that I know I can do or at least try to do." The amount of restraint in Luis tone of voice to stop himself from sounding too frustrated was genuine. Even Zach could see that the stress was beginning to take its toll on his new found friend. "Well, I guess that's everything," Luis said, looking around. Zach's apartment was cluttered with boxes everywhere. How the poor fox could move around given how they were blocking the way and stacked upwards was anyone's guess.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Luis," Zach said reaching outwards to touch the guy's shoulder. "You're a good person, and you deserve better than this."

The equine smiled. "No, no, it's fine. It's the least I can do. Besides, one good deed might help turn things around for me, right?" Luis looked at Zach at that moment, eyeing the fox.

Looking at him now and up close, Zach was a fox in his late 20s to early 30s. He had bright orange fur common to foxes of his species, and had a white fur color underneath his neck. Brown eyes were hidden behind thinly rimmed glasses that almost gave Luis the impression that he was a librarian. Almost. Young and hip, he looked like a man that still had more fun experiences in store for his life. Despite himself, it made Luis feel jealous of Zach, seeing as it looked like this man knew where he was headed whilst Luis was lost without a paddle up at screwball creek. However, throughout the entire time he had been helping Zach moved in, there was something itching at the back of his mind that he couldn't put his finger on. Like, he couldn't shake this feeling that he had seen him before already.

"That you are." Zach said, before thinking for a brief moment then saying, "You know what, why don't you and I go out for a bite to eat?"

The proposition sidetracked Luis and he blinked. "Oh? What? No, no, that won't be necessary, Zach." Luis was lying. He was actually getting rather hungry, and the thought of where he was going to get a bite to eat was ironically eating at him. "That'd be too much of me."

"Too much? I feel like that's too little. Besides, I enjoy your company," Zach replied, even more chipper than usual. Then, as if right on cue, Luis's stomach growled, prompting the equine to laugh sheepishly. "Yeah, I have a feeling you're already agreeing with me without even answering yet."

The two laughed in unison. Luis had to admit, Zach was proving cool to be around. "Alright, alright, fine. Let's get something to eat."


The smell of morning coffee wafted in the air as Luis rested his back on the comfy chair. It was business as usual inside the local coffee shop with a fair amount of people inside. A few were on the tables, typing away at their laptops. Some were at the high chairs, looking up to watch the current news of the hour. It was something about the premier of a hit movie franchise or whatever. Luis didn't really pay much attention. His focus kept on Zach who was seated across from him handing him a club sandwich.

"Thank you," he replied, happily taking the gift.

"You're welcome. All in a day's work, if I do say so myself."

Luis ripped open the box and took a bite from the sandwich. He had to stop himself. He was actually savoring the flavor. This was probably the longest in a while he had gone not eating any "real food". Everything else he had been eating up to this point was cheap starch in crummy packaging, barely even nutritious. His tastebuds celebrated in his mouth, as if any food he could remember had never tasted so good. "This is great stuff," he mumbled, taking a sip of the cup of coffee Luis had bought for him.

Zach chuckled. "I'm glad you liked it." The fox was content in sipping his own cup of coffee, pleased that his companion was enjoying the meal. "If you're still hungry, I have an extra here with me."

The equine waved a dismissive hand at him. "Oh don't do that. I can only accept as much charity. You're way too kind to me at this point." Luis shook his head. "Please, no. that'd be too much."

"Alright, alright," Zach replied, putting the boxed sandwich down in front of them. He took another sip from his coffee before turning his attention to Luis. "So, Luis," he began, taking the equine's attention, "you mentioned that you were a college graduate right?" Luis nodded, prompting the fox to continue his question, "What degree did you graduate with?"

Luis placed the half of his sandwich back into the open container and answered. "I finished with a degree in Computer Science actually. Now before you ask, why didn't you get a job before you graduate, mind you I tried." Zach nodded in response. "It's just tough man. It's really tough. I did my best to get my feet in the door, get all these interviews setup, but I just got dealt a bad hand, I suppose."

"It happens to the best of us."

"Pretty much. Graduation day came and went, and yeah, I was happy that I was standing there with this piece of paper I worked so hard to get for four years. But in my mind I was worried, worried because I didn't know what I was going to do with myself anymore. Certainly I didn't give up. Threw my resume at whoever was accepting, but as you can see, none of them seem remotely interested in me."

"Well, I am," Zach replied with a coy smile.

Luis blushed lightly. "I'm glad at least I'm of some use to someone." He laughed. "How about you?" Luis decided to change the subject. "What brings you to this part of town?"

Zach took another sip from his coffee. "The sights, the sounds," his eyes darted towards Luis, "the people. I wanted to get away from the city. It was getting a bit too...crowded. This place is a nice in between. Not too far from the city to be in the middle of nowhere, and not too close to the city to be filled with nothing but traffic."

"I guess that's one thing we have going for us." He took a bite from his sandwich. "What do you do anyway?" Zach's brow rose. "For a living."

The fox fixed his posture on the chair. "I work in production."

"What? Like a movie crew or something?"

"Something like that."

"And here I thought you were an actor."

Zach chuckled lightly, smiling at Luis. "What gave you that idea?"

"The good looks, the charm. You seem like the complete package." The equine tapped his chin. "I guess it's because you just remind me of on actor I've seen before."

"I assure you, whoever this guy is, I'm more charming than he is."

Now it was Luis's turn to laugh. "With the amount of time I've spent with you, I'll most likely agree with you."

After drinking the last of his coffee, Zach placed the empty paper cup onto the table and clasped his hand. "So, Luis, what's the plan now then?"

The equine hung his head low and shook his head. "I genuinely don't know. I've tried every place I know. I've thrown my resume at every retail place, every fast food joint, hell, I even applied as a sanitary engineer."

"That sounds fancy."

"It's a fancy way of saying janitorial duties."


"Yeah..." The equine let out a dejected sigh. The amount of the patrons in the coffee shop were beginning to lessen as everyone headed out to do the rest of their errands. Luis and Zach were left to themselves at the corner of the shop. "It's even got to that point where I was beginning to think of doing crazy things just for the hell of it."

Luis's line of dialogue immediately caught Zach's attention. "Wait, are you telling me that you're suicidal?"

"What? No!" Luis chuckled, waving his hands at him. "No, of course not."

"Okay. Good. I'd rather not see the first friend I made around here actually disappear on me. But go ahead, you were saying? What do you mean by crazy things?"

Luis's mind flashed back to the porn video he watched the night before, and the resulting message it told him right after the video ended. He thought for a brief moment before shrugging to himself. They were both adults here anyway. "Well, I was watching a porn video last night." Zach's brow immediately rose but he didn't say anything, letting Luis continue his story. "At the very end of the video, the guy, I think was the owner of the studio, was looking for actors."

Zach reclined back on the chair, placing his hand on the bottom of his chin in a thoughtful manner. His eyes twinkled in response to hearing the statement, and his ears twitched slightly. "Oh. I see. So you're thinking of applying then?"

Luis looked at Zach with a sheepish smile. "I guess? I mean..." He motioned to himself. "At this point, what do I have to lose?" He then laughed upon hearing himself say those words out loud. "This entire thing sounded so much better in my head. This is stupid."

"It's not stupid."

Luis turned to look at Zach who was looking at him intently. There was a certain fire behind his eyes. "I mean, you said it yourself, right? You have nothing to lose. Why not go try for it? Who knows. You might get accepted." The fox sat upright in his chair. "I heard they pay well."

The equine looked conflicted. He had to admit, the entire premise was stroking his masculine ego. Luis Santiago, Pornstar. It had a nice ring to it, or so his horny teenage self would have said to himself years ago. "I don't even know how to audition, let alone own a decent camera to take pictures with."

Zach glanced at the table and saw the phone Luis owned. "I think your phone is decent enough for some audition pictures."

Luis's looked at Zach skeptically. "And you would know all about audition pictures, huh?"

Zach shrugged. The fox's eyes then looked him over as he said, "You have the build of a good looking and healthy guy." He nodded as Luis looked down at himself in disbelief and then said, "I say you have more going for you than you think."

Luis couldn't stop himself from frowning and averting his eyes, "I can't tell whether you're encouraging me, hitting on me, or just teasing me at this point."

The fox grinned. "And to that statement, I say: Yes." He chuckled lightly, even as Luis did not react as if lost in thought, then added, "So what do you think?"

It was later that evening when Luis was once again by himself, sitting on his chair in front of his computer. He glanced at the clock and noted that it was already nearing 9pm. No job texted him, no email received, not even a single phone call decided to grace his cellphone. Luis was practically left out to dry. On the bright side however, having Zach as company kept his impending depression at bay. The fox had been nice enough to let him stick around while he decided to get himself settled into his apartment. All the while, Luis was still mulling over his options in regards to the whole pornographic advert.

The equine let out a deep sigh before shaking his head. "Fine," he muttered to himself. "Why the hell not?"

He opened up his browser page and typed in the porn company's name into the search bar. A few minutes later, he landed onto the main page of the site. To his surprise, he realized it was clean and unobtrusive with just a few tasteful nude pictures of the actors and...actresses? He always thought AfterDark was a gay centered studio. Regardless, he scrolled over to the careers page, gave it a snort, and clicked it. A few moments later, the page finished loading and there was the familiar video of the company owner he saw yesterday. It was playing at the side next to a list outlining the requirements they expected for the aspiring actors.

Luis began to read them with growing curiosity. "For males..." he muttered. The requirements...were surprisingly lenient. He was expecting them to blatantly mention that men needed to be hung and had to at least be packing seven inches, but there was none of that there. These seemed fair and simple: "Looking for people who are confident in their own bodies and aren't afraid to perform on camera..." There were a few obvious requirements such as being a local resident, a certificate for a clean bill of health including STD testing, being physically fit and able and whatnot...but other than that, everything was fine and swell, all the way up to...

"Please send raw unedited pictures into the email listed below, along with personal contact details, and we'll get back to you if we like what he see."

The equine leaned back in his chair. "Sounds...simple enough." His eyes darted back to his phone which was lying next to the keyboard. He hesitated for one more brief moment before shaking his head. "Ah, fuck it. If I don't do this now I'll never ever do it."

Luis stood up and began to undress himself. He had to admit, he was a bit nervous about what he was going to do. He had to admit, the entire ordeal was exciting. "I can see why people do it then..." he mumbled to himself taking off his jockstrap before sitting back down his chair. The cool faux leather of the office chair he sat on was cool against the skin of his bum. His heart was already picking up speed and he hadn't even started yet. He let out a light chuckle at the way he was feeling. He was getting worked up over the sheer fact that he was going to send some nude pictures of himself.

"Okay, Luis, let's do this before I change my mind."

Finding good porn material wasn't that hard. He already had something in mind which was perfect for the occasion. It only took a few minutes of browsing but eventually, he landed on a page which loaded the porn video he was looking for. It was titled "Fire in the Foxhole". Yes, even Luis rolled his eyes at the title. It was an adult series that starred his favorite porn artist, Lucian Fox, as a soldier in the army. Just like before, Luis didn't really paid much attention to the plot, and the dialogue just went in one ear and out the other. He was mostly focused on the eye candy on screen.

Lucian was working with a tiger this time, a large hulking feline whose shirt was clearly a size too small for him. The horse was convinced that if he decided to flex, his entire shirt would just rip to pieces. Suffice to say, the feline was equally impressive at his lower half. The impression his bulge left against his pants left little to the imagination. Luis felt his manhood stirring already, mouth watering at the prospect of him seeing that monster cock.

His wish was granted in a few moments as the 'action' finally began on screen. Lucian and the tiger, who Luis realized was Rex from the actor overlay, practically threw themselves at each other, clothes being haphazardly removed in the process. Rex was immediately in full control, pushing Lucian towards the corner of the room and pressing him fully against the wall. A whine escaped from the fox, but that only served to spur the heat between them further. The beefy tiger's hands roamed all over Lucian's body, the camera making sure to fully showcase Rex gripping Lucian's buttcheeks and spreading them fully for the camera. That hot vulpine tail hole was fully visible, and the winking star had Luis biting his lips.

The equine's cock was now at full mast and he was slowly stroking himself off to the fantastic show happening in front of him. He could tell there was a surprising amount of chemistry between Rex and Lucian. They worked well with each other. Each time the camera panned to give a quick shot of the actors faces, they always had this look they were giving to each other that gave off the sense of lustful desire, and a hint of something more. Luis couldn't help but feel jealous, and even more so upon seeing Rex reveal the tool he was hiding in his pants.

Rex's army fatigues soon dropped to the floor, leaving the tiger fully nude for everyone to see. His massive stiff erection immediately caught Luis's attention and he was unable to tear his eyes away from it. It was as thick as his forearm, long as half of his thigh, and overall a throbbing veiny sight to behold. Luis mouth watered at the sight of it.

True to form, Lucian wasted no time stuffing his mouth with the monster cock that was staring back at him. Even someone of his caliber who had years of experience doing this sort of thing had trouble taking such a girthy moist pleasure pole down. But surely enough, he took his time, and before long that fox was making his way down half of the length. A clear visible bulge could be seen travelling down his neck, and it gave Luis reason to gulp. Amazing...if he tried to do something like that, he'd probably choke to death.

Eventually, Lucian's mouth fully engulfed the cock and the tiger let out a lustful moan, rearing his head back and muttering curses under his breath. As he watched, the horse's hands began to pick up pace, jerking himself at a more moderate pace. His own cock was leaking pre, dripping down his stiff pole. His eyes briefly darted back to the screen, then back to his own, before smirking. His ego swelled slightly as he realized he was almost as big as Rex on screen. There was never a day that went by that he wasn't happy to be born as a horse.

As the video began to play in front of him, he took his phone at the side and tapped on screen, accessing the camera app. He thought that maybe sending two sets of pictures would be a good idea, one of him still clean, hard and throbbing, and the second showing him messy and spent. It took a little bit of maneuvering for him to fully get his cock into frame but he succeeded. A few snaps later, pictures of his erect cock along with his sweaty frame were saved to his phone. A few were just candid, and a few others showed his hand gripping it to give his diameter a frame of reference. He allowed a smile, feeling pleased with himself.

Standing up, Luis walked over to the full body mirror he had at the side, and posed in front of it. His large tube of a dick pointed slightly downwards, being weighed down by its sheer length and girth. Luis grinned, taking a full nude body picture of himself. Even though he was unemployed, the equine did his best not to let himself go. He had some fat, but it was in all the right places, thankfully enough. Then a thought crossed his mind. He might as well take pics of his ass. Who knows, the studio might be interested in it. He turned around and did his best to frame his ample equine backside perfectly, tail up in at least one photo to show off that tight prominent doughnut-shaped tail hole of his. It was a bit tough, but a few minutes later, he got the pictures he needed.

Walking back to his chair, he sat back down and focused his attention to cranking his shaft once again. Lucian and Rex had now moved on from the oral sex and were now at the cusp of going "straight" to penetration. Lucian's back was still to the wall, his entire body being lifted and supported by the strong tiger. Rex lined up his cock onto the fox's waiting backside and gently lowered his partner. A look of ecstasy crossed Lucian's face as the pole split him in two.

Luis bit his lips. He wanted nothing more than to be in Lucian's position at that current moment. With some careful maneuvering, he propped up his leg on the chair, giving him enough access to his own backside. Using his free hand, he carefully lowered it and began to prod himself with one finger. It took a bit of effort, but thanks to the pre that was now copiously flowing from his erect meat, it made things easier. Luis and Lucian moaned almost in sync with each other, as the equine timed his finger entering him as the same speed with Rex's thrusts. Luis could only imagine how amazing it would have felt like to have such a thing enter him, despite that he probably wouldn't be able to walk or sit down for a few days.

Inevitably, the two lovers on screen began to pick up the pace. Before long, Lucian was bouncing on Rex's cock, the sound of skin slapping against one another reverberating across the room. The fox released a few gasps and yips of pleasure, hanging onto Rex for support and dear life. Rex's physical prowess was on full display, the tiger able to maintain and increase his speed of thrusts whilst standing up and supporting both him and Lucian against the wall. Sweat glistened from his forehead and dripped down his strong body.

This continued on for a few minutes, the camera cutting back and forth between close ups and wide shots of the two, making sure to get the best angle for viewing experience. Luis was right up front, enjoying every single moment of it. By this point, he now had two and was making his way to three fingers to push deep into his ass. It was straining his wrist, but he didn't care. The hard throbbing of his cock said it all.

Wanting to have a big finish, Rex grinned, taking hold of Lucian's body and carried him over to the nearby bed. He placed the fox flat on his back and climbed on top of him, giving him the perfect leverage before continuing his barrage of thrusts. The camera took this all in and showed the tiger's thick cock pistoning in and out of the moaning fox. It was proving too much to bear, even for Luis for whom it took everything he had not to cum right then and there. The equine cursed under his breath. Just a few more strokes and he was going to blow.

The camera panned over to Lucian as the fox's tongue was lolling out of sheer bliss. Luis was envious of Lucian at that current moment. He wanted nothing more than to be under Rex's strong arms, and have the tiger's hips pounding away at him. Luis continued the fantasy in his head, leaning backwards and syncing his fingering with the pounding. Even he himself was nearing his full limit.

Luis cursed under his breath. He closed his eyes and began to just imagine the fingers in his ass as the big thick cock of Rex. The equine licked his lips, breathing heavily. Sweat dripped down from his face, both from the sheer concentration and wanton lust. The sounds of the extremely hot video in front of him were drowned out and it was just him and his fantasy at that current moment of time. He was like a car driving faster than the speed limit, about to drive off the cliff towards pure and utter bliss.

It was coming...he couldn't stop it now even if someone were to walk in on him...! The equine cursed loudly, arching his back as he was quite literally a few strokes away from cloud nine.

Then without warning, his fantasy of having Rex pounding away at him was replaced with a familiar looking orange fox instead. It took him a moment to realize what his mind did, but his body acted seemingly of its own accord. In that instant, it was like the gear had shifted into overdrive. His cock throbbed painfully, and with a loud whinny the horse began to spurt white hot cum all over. His chest was splatted with streaks of his own cum, and some even made it up to the bottom of his neck. His balls felt like they were going to be emptied for all their worth! The fingers he had jammed up into ass and pressing into his prostate were being squeezed so tightly by that vice like grip of his clenching doughnut, and Luis's eyes blanked out for a moment or so, seeing nothing but stars in the darkness. A long-drawn trembling moan escaped his lips as he rode out his intense orgasm.

At the end of it all, the equine was left panting, spent and completely exhausted. His mind was a haze at that moment, finally able to have that moment of clarity commonly felt after having blasted all that tension away all over him. His eyes drifted to his desk and saw his phone next to his keyboard. Still breathing hard, he thought about it for a brief moment...and then he shrugged and grabbed his phone.

"Yeah, why not. What's the worst that could happen..."

He opened up his camera app and began to frame himself properly in front of the screen. In his now more rational thinking mindset, there really were no downsides to sending the pictures. At the very least, his mind told him in his euphoria, someone would see him hard and cumming. What harm was there in that?

Framing himself properly, he took a few pictures of himself covered in cum with his now semi-erect member resting on his chest. Surely anyone who would see these would have to be impressed with what he took. Or at least, that's what Luis's ego told himself. Regardless, Luis spent the next few minutes wiping himself down and cleaning the cum off him. It tasted sweet to boot, sweeter than he could ever remember it being. Afterwards, he connected the phone to his PC and began to construct the email that he was going to send.

"So pictures..." He stammered as he attached the compressed file into the email. "There we go. Personal details..." Luis began typing up his contact details and a few sentences describing who he was and whatnot. It wasn't necessarily vital, but he felt compelled to do so, seeing as the email would feel empty without it.

After holding in a deep breath that felt like forever...he clicked "Send". Breathing out hard, Luis leaned back in his chair once sent, taking in what he had just done. "Well, here's to hoping that this one would actually call me back or something. At this point, I'd choose being a porn star over being unemployed. At least then I'll be doing what I love and making money out of it."

He chuckled to himself, turning off his PC and heading towards his bed. He could only imagine how weird it would be to explain to his family that he was making money as a adult film star. Then he shook his head. Nah, he'd just keep it low profile at best. He didn't exactly want to deal with that conversation and the drama that would inevitably be behind it.

As he rested his head on his pillows and closed his eyes, his mind drifted back to what had happened earlier. What brought him over the edge...ultimately it hadn't been the amazing porno he was masturbating to.


It was his fantasy of Zach on top, pounding away at him, and that was when it all clicked for him. The reason Zach looked familiar was because he reminded him of Lucian. The resemblance was uncanny. It didn't matter to him that Lucian was such a power bottom himself...or did it?

"I mean...he is cute after all..."

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he drifted off to sleep, feeling that things were going to turn for the better for tomorrow.