The Christina Situation : Chapter Two

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#2 of The Christina Situation

Chapter Two finds out what happened to Christina and sets the stage for her life changing incident.

Christina took a deep breath, when she tried to open her eyes she was met with a blinding white light. The air tasted funny, sharp and sterile. Everything hurt and her head felt like it had been smashed by a wrecking ball. After some time of just breathing and trying not to panic her ears perked up. She could hear a beeping noise. Blip, blip, blip, blip, blip it went. There was a dull buzzing mixed in there, maybe the sound of those long lights they had in the supermarket? She had to get an idea of where she was. With a soft grunt Christina opened her eyes, just a bit. After a moment she could make out shapes moving around, voices mumbling off in the distance. It was getting hard to stay awake and before long, she fell back in to a cold slumber.

The next time she came around, things were much clearer. In the dark room, she could hear a machine beeping and buzzing. All around her it stank of disinfectant and bleach, was she in the hospital? Christina shakily raised her paws, gently patting face. She found a mask there, as well as a tube running in her arm. Something bad must have happened, but she couldn't remember anything. The cheetah ran her paws down her front, finding herself wearing one of those hospital gowns. Had she had surgery? She didn't feel anything, but then, they would probably have her on morphine. She growled to herself and huffed. She felt so sore! She couldn't even sit up. After a while of sulking, she heard a noise. Someone talking? No... they were singing. She turned her head, looking at the door as the noise got closer. She could hear doors being opened and closed. The nurses must have been doing their rounds. Any second now she'd be able to find out what happened.

Finally the door opened and the nurse, a middle aged vixen stood in front of it. She let out a surprised yelp and ran off. Christina did not find this settling. A few moments later several sets of footsteps came running back and the lights were flicked on, blinding the poor cheetah again. She let out a childish mewl and covered her eyes, a bit startled.

"Do you have any idea how long she's been awake?" a woman with a funny accent said, feeling some hands on her head. The mask on her face was removed and the mystery hands began feeling at her skull and inside her mouth. They were.... huge. Christina opened her eyes, a Gazelle was looking her over and smiling. "My name is Dr Gerber" she said, letting go of Christina's head and resting her paws by her side. "You've been in a very bad accident and we suspect you may have suffered some brain damage as a result of your injuries. If you can understand me nod twice" she instructed. Christina felt cold when she heard that term, brain damage?! She gulped and nodded twice, quite slowly. She could hear the machine off to the side beeping quicker. The nurse was furiously scribbling away on a notepad, occasionally looking up. Dr Gerber was looking at Christina like a science experiment. "Hmm.. That's very good, can you tell me your name?" she asked, talking slowly and exaggerating her words to make them clearer.

Christina took a few deep breaths. Her throat felt horse, but she knew it was important to try. "Kuh... Christina..." she said, her voice quite and raspy. She calmed down a bit when the doctor and nurse smiled, feeling herself smile back. She looked around and scrunched up her face. Everything seemed huge, had she damaged her eyes? The doctor picked up on what was going on and cleared her throat. "Is something wrong Christina?" she asked, nudging the nurse to take more notes.

"Everything looks weird" Christina said, looking around the weird bed. It had bars that seemed almost 6 feet tall and the bed looked about twice as long as normal. The Doctor froze for a second, her face having a look of concentration. "That makes sense" she replied, moving around the side of the bed and dropping the bars. She used a pen light to look inside Christina's eyes, much to her discomfort. Then she muttered with the nurse while Christina tried to rub the flashing after effects away. "Call her parents" the nurse instructed, before turning back to Christina.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you some very... shocking news." she said calmly, with the sort of demeanour that only a seasoned professional had. Christina felt like her head was going to spin again, but the nurse injected something in to the tube in her arm. As soon as she'd done it, the room went steady. The doctor said a polite "thank you" then, pressed a button to raise one quarter of Christina's bed, helping her sit up. "You were very badly injured in the car crash, but thanks to the latest developments in regenerative medicine, you will be just fine" she said. Christina was sure she should have been panicking, but what ever she had been injected with was keeping her calm, if a bit dazed. She nodded and looked around, that still didn't explain everything. But she was glad to know she wasn't going to be a cripple.

The nurse put up two x-rays on a board, then cleared her throat again. "Now, the first of these, is the state you were in after we stabilised you September 9th. The next one is when the regenerative therapy concluded, November 21st..." The doctor paused for a moment, watching to see how Christina reacted. It took her a few minutes to do the math in her head, but she understood fully.

"I've been asleep for 3 months?" she asked, feeling numb. That was crazy, she'd missed all the parties, all her classes. Her parents would be worried sick, she'd never even stayed at a friends house overnight without calling them! The nurse started scribbling and the doctor nodded slowly.

"Well, 73 days to be precise" the nurse told her, flicking on the first x-ray. It was a horror show. Both legs were missing, as well as half the hip, one whole arm was gone and it barely had a socket left. All the ribs were covered in breaks and there was even a fracture in the arm.

Christina felt the room starting to spin again, but tried to keep calm. The first x-ray went dark and the doctor started talking, but Christina couldn't hear what she was saying. The next x-ray lit up and showed.... a baby? Christina looked down and pulled at her gown, trying to rip it off. Where her legs still there? She didn't understand. She felt herself vomit and go cold, before passing out again.

Christina came too again, she didn't know when. The mask was back on and she could hear voices. She opened her eyes and mewled, seeing a face she recognised. A loud cry filled her ears and felt arms wrap around her. It was her mother, she was... crying?

"Thank God you're alive" the feline cried out, her voice sounding hoarse from crying. Christina's mother held her tight for what seemed like forever, then gave her some space. Truth be told, Christina cried too. She'd never been so scared in her life and just having her mum near by made it feel like she wasn't about to die for the first time she could remember. While the two were sharing an emotional moment, another nurse walked in; this time a young greyhound. He looked familiar but Christina couldn't put her finger on it. He was pushing a trolly and the smell of it made the girls's mouth water. She hadn't realised how hungry she was until just now.

Christina's thoughts of a meal were snapped back to reality just as her mother told the nurse something.

"No it's fine, I'll handle all that" she told the young man, who responded by awkwardly rubbing his neck. He set a few things down on the table next to the bed, outside of Christina's sight.

"The thing is, she's technically an adult still, so you have to let her make that sort of decision herself" he replied. "If she even wants help that is" he added. Christina had no idea what they were talking about, but she knew she was sick of laying in bed. She grunted and tried to sit up, her arms trembling as she inched her way up. The nurse watched her and raised her bed up a little, he was a bit busy arguing with her mother, but not enough to fail to notice Christina's attempts at a better view point.

"Listen to me, she is my child and I'll look after her. I don't want some strange boy seeing her with no clothes on!" Her mother exclaimed. Christina immediately got an idea for what they were talking about. She fumbled with the mask and pulled it off, so glad to breath normal air instead of that oxygen rich stuff.

"Mum" she said hoarsely, trying to tug at her sleeve. The nurse just rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, saying something about getting a doctor. The older cheetah looked down and wiped the tears from her eyes. "What's the matter sweetheart, what's wrong?" she asked, smiling down at Christina.

"I'm hungry, is there some food around here?" she asked, turning her attention to the table and trying to reach for it. Her mother gently pushed her back and grabbed something from the top. "I'll get it dear, don't move to much. You need to sit there and get your strength back." She told Christina. Without any sort of delicacy she held out a toddler cup, pushing the spout against Christina's muzzle. "Look, the nurse brought you some milk, drink this for now" she said, tilting the cup up. Some of odd tasting drink immediately going down the wrong tube and making her choke. Her mother squeaked and practically threw the cup across the room, before leaning Christina over and rubbing her back.

At this moment the Doctor ran in, the same one that Christina had seen during the night. Christina cleared her lungs and squirmed, trying to push her mother away. It was the doctor shouting that finally calmed everything down. "Mrs Parker! Leave your daughter alone and see me outside" she barked, her voice making Christina's ear go flat against her skull. Her mother opened her mouth to argue, but the good doctor cut her off. "You've made a huge mess of the floor and despite what you seem to think, your daughter is not a baby." Dr Gerber growled at Christina's mum.

"The brain damage she has suffered only slightly affects her motor-neuro functions. She will, with time and physical therapy, recover. She will be no different from her peers. Now please wait outside so the nurse can clean up and do his job" She ordered. Christina watched as her mother burst in to tears again and was led out, trembling and insisting that Christina was her baby.

The nurse closed the door and shook his head, quickly mopping up the spilt drink from the floor. "I'll see if there's anything else on the trolly for you miss" he said, putting Christina at ease. She needed some time to process what was going on. While she sat and recounted what had happened he finished cleaning up, then got her another cup from the trolly outside. She held her paws out for it and shakily tried to line it up with her mouth. She had to go slowly and she felt like she might drop it at one point, but she thankfully managed to get it in the right place and took a very well earned drink. She would have believed it was liquid gold, it tasted so good. After a few moments of drinking the nurse pulled it away and chuckled.

"Slow down, you'll be sick if you over do it" he told her. She smiled and wiped her muzzle with the bed sheets. It wasn't dignified, but she didn't really care.

"Uh, what were my mum and you arguing about?" she asked, watching the nurse unfold what looked like a disposable blanket and lay it on top of the dresser opposite the bed.

"Oh" he said, walking over and lowering the bars of her bed. "I'm suppose to help you change your incon pad if you need the help" he told her, noticing the look of confusion on her face as soon as the words left his mouth. "your uh..." he started, rubbing the back of his neck before he whispered. "your nappy."

Christina froze up and slowly pushed her blanket off, then pulled front of her gown up. When her gaze looked down at the puffy, white thing poking out from underneath she let out a gasp and said a few words that her parents definitely would not have agreed with. The nurse struggled not to laugh, just about hiding a smirk. It wasn't funny, but the reaction caught him off guard.

"Oh my god, this is so gross! Take it off, take it off, take it off!" she squealed, waving her paws about in panic and crying. She wanted to get up, run away and hide. Never to show her face again to humanity, but the only movement she could get from her legs was the off frantic kick.

"Okay, okay. Christina" the nurse said, holding her paws and looking her in the face. "I'll help you get cleaned up, you're only wearing it because you've been completely unconscious for a long time" he reminded her, quickly adding "if you'd like the help that is" He was talking slowly and calmly, trying not to escalate the situation. She stopped crying almost instantly, getting the feeling he'd be as good as Dr Geber one day. She sniffled and pulled her paws free, using them to wipe the tears from her eyes.

Christina looked both ways, reminding herself no one was watching then looked up and nodded. "Okay" she told him, holding her arms out to be picked up. The nurse took all the leads stuck to her chest off and switched the heart monitor off when it made a long beep. Then he lifted her up and gently cuddled her before walking over to the dresser. Christina clung on for dear life, sniffling to herself. It was the first time since she'd woken up that anyone had asked her permission for anything. Christina was willing to bet he didn't even realise how much that meant to her. After a while, she didn't know how long, he gently rubbed her back.

"Christina, come on, we need to get you changed" he said gently. She sniffled and relaxed her grip, letting him sit her down on changing pad he'd laid out and take her gown off. She looked at her fur in astonishment, stroking over it and feeling how fluffy it was. She couldn't remember it ever being this soft. A soft ripping noise caught her attention and twisted a bit, the nurse had already started. He carefully pulled loose the tab above her tail that fastened the back of the nappy, then laid Christina back and gave her a teddy bear when she looked up at him startled. "I swiped it from the store room for you" he told her, whispering. She couldn't help but giggle and nuzzle the small white teddy bear, it was just the thing to help calm her down.

While she looked away he undid the two tabs on the side, trying to work as quickly as possible without startling her. He knew this would be an unusual experience for the girl. Christina felt a cold rush of air on her private parts when he pulled the nappy away, eliciting a squeak and a reactionary kick. The nurse didn't seem phased though. Before Christina could even utter an apology, he did. "Sorry, I know it's a bit cold in here. I'll try to be quick" he told her, pulling the wet nappy away and using a baby wipe to clean between her legs. Christina pressed them together and the nurse grabbed her ankles, lifting them up and raising her bottom off the surface of the changing pad. A few moments later she felt another baby wipe run between her butt cheeks, eliciting another squeak and a tug from her. She bit down on the poor teddy bear's ear and shivered. The used wipes and wet nappy were soon balled up and put in a little plastic bag while Christina got used to the cold air.

"we're almost done" the nurse said, unfolding another one of the baby nappies in front of her. It was a little white thing with a yellow strip across the front and a smaller yellow line running down the middle. Very clinical looking.

Christina just sighed and looked away again while the nurse again lifted her up by the ankles. He slipped the dry nappy under her bottom and then picked something up. The cheetah couldn't see what he was doing, but she could smell it. She buried her face in to the plush toy as the smell of talcum powder hit her nose. At the very least, she would smell nice.

"There we go" the nurse said, as set her back down and spread her legs. Another dash of powder and he folded the nappy over, quickly fastening the tabs across the front nice and snug. It left Christina feeling relieved, she wasn't wet, didn't smell and admittedly, they felt quite comfortable.

"Thank you" Christina said shyly as she was sat up, wobbling just a little bit. The nurse pulled the back of her nappy up a little and fastened the tab on the back, smiling when he was thanked.

"Don't worry about it, part of the job" he told her, gently helping her in to another gown and then back in to her bed. "Your dad was waiting in the hallway for you I think" he told her as he pulled the bars up. "Want me to let him in?" he asked. Christina went wide eyed and she could barely contain her self as she shouted.


The Christina Situation : Chapter One

(A short 860ish words to kick things off in this babyfur adventure! Chapter One is just setting up the main character as well as hinting about the sort of home life she has. The real fun will start with Chapter Two! Hopefully things won't look too...

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