Somewhere Out There Act 6 - Ghost On The Dance Floor

Story by Dexdor on SoFurry

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#7 of Somewhere Out There

Friendly Warning

This short story contains many spoilers for the game: Angels With Scaly Wings

If you haven't played the game and do not want anything ruined for you beforehand (on Remy's and Lorem's end) it's for the best that you did not read this yet. However this one was made to be mostly Adine-Spoiler-Free. Including her dates (for the most part).

So if you don't care about the others mentioned above, feel free to jump into this one.

Phew, and act 6 complete! Once again about the 30 page mark as well. Due to the non-spoilers request, this was actually somewhat difficult to pull off. Let alone with someone who doesn't really have much for flaws (something I mentioned during Brave New World). I just hope I made it rather entertaining.

However, my only complaint about it is that I feel like the adultery kinda suffered. I'm getting slightly burnt out when it comes to the more mature content, so it's likely that the next one won't have it. It's also possible that Act 7 will be the last of this series as well, but we'll see. I've wanted to start up something new for about a month now, a series that will likely be adultery-free, but I wanted to finish up Somewhere Out There before I started on the new one (Memory's Fragment)

Still, not really much else to say about this. I hope I captured Adine's character well, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. The next one will be... Interesting. Once again; if you like what I'm doing here, feel free to check out my other series. I'd highly appreciate it

Angels With Scaly Wings © M. B. Saunders (of Radical Phi)

Somewhere Out There © Our Lady Peace

Ghost On The Dance Floor © Blink 182, cover by Scratch21 (Seriously, if you loved Blink, you'll love these guys)

Hard to believe the summer's almost over. Before we know it, it'll be time for The Last Song

Somewhere Out There - Ghost On The Dance Floor By Bartan Tirix

It was getting almost surreal, recognizing the common patterns through the days. Waking up holding onto something soft and white, regardless of how broken the bedding was. The warm rays of light slowly seeping into the room, completely blocked off to allow the males to sleep in. And the aroma of cinnamon that started to fill the air, only this time it was much fainter.

It just meant that the package needed to be changed soon. Hard to believe it's been over a month since the drake found his new pillow. Always warm, comfortable. Even when it came to the joints. Moving and embracing against his powerful heavy body. One that still longed for a form of chronomancy to just keep this moment tucked away to be relived again and again.

But the bear wasn't awake, just sleep-stroking. Something that made Bryce smile, and took advantage of before. Slowly moving those furred limbs and his own body climbing up. Letting those paws lightly stroke his slit and call that inner weapon out. Getting the dragon to purr loudly while fighting with himself to keep still. Keep contained and not wake the white one up just yet.

Even in slumbers, Bartan was amazing at this. Making the drake wonder if he was actually dreaming of a session, but the lack of a canine tool being displayed said otherwise. Though, a certain white sheath was starting to swell, and a smile over that half drunk-looking muzzle. "M'ou're going to regret this..." The bear mumbled.

"Don't ruin this for me, bear..." The earth dragon smirked brightly at him, knowing that the furball was awake, he started grinding over it. Allowing that fleshy definition of impressive draconica weaponry to pierce through the forest of white over and over. Hearing the bed creek and snap with the movements that he was lost in. Surreal... It was all surreal to him.

"Be careful you..." Bartan purred himself, now getting somewhat awake and just helping the brown one through his morning urges. Putting a little more paw-work into the motions as the spineful shaft rubbed against his own over several minutes. "You'll regret it Bryce..." The two shared a deep kiss, ignoring the time limit they had together.

"You keep saying that, bear..." The larger one half grumbled. "But I've yet to see it for myself. Maybe that's just what I need..." A deeper kiss as that flare climbed down the canine tool, it's lower column of spines nearly grasping that white pouch as it passed. Falling onto the base of that furred wolf-ish tail and prod forward a bit. Making the bear whimper a bit against them, but was too submissive from that pink tongue. "A little... Experience."

"Bryce..." Was all that Bartan could muster, nearly blushing from the attention and unable to keep his conviction for much longer. Every push against his tail cut such will in half, making him whimper until it-!

"And that was my morning-why are you laughing?" The bear playfully grumbled at the yellow wyvern, unable to keep her balance on her own. Leaning against the railings that followed the ocean docks. Watching her attempt to recover and fail a few times only brightened his smile. "And why I'm a little late. As stated before, I'm sorry-"

"A g-" Another series of loud laughs that started to get the attention of those visiting the area as well. "A good excuse-"

"I'd like to think so." He playfully and overdramatically sighed. "He's getting to the point where he knows how to get me to submit-are you alright? Seriously." Adine collapsed to the ground, nearly incapacitated with laughter. "Some gitty this morning, aren't you?"

"You-!" Chuckle after loud laugh as she started holding her side. Likely getting a cramp from it. "I wasn't... Expecting to hear...!"

"Really? Here I thought nearly everybody around here would know by now. My visit here has been quite 'Eventful' so far."

"I can... Only imagine-!"

"But yeah, my morning was a bit... Delayed. I still didn't get all of it out yet either, just enough to put my clothes on. But I didn't want to blow you off. Seriously, feel this. I'm still half full." He lightly lifted his shirt, one slightly tight around the belly and the wyvern struggled to coordinate her winged paw against the fur. Feeling it somewhat dense.

"I... Believe...!"

"Wonderful. So if you'll excuse me for a few minutes." More laughs, as he left the yellow dragon to recover. Coming back several minutes later to find her still on the ground, but at least breathing. Though started getting gitty again when she spotted him. "You'll get over it soon enough."

"It'll take me a bit though." A few deep breaths as Adine attempted to compose herself. "I just never hear anyone talk about that stuff around here."

"Yet everyone's pretty much naked. I guess that's just your natural instinct, I suppose."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if you're constantly seeing what everyone has to offer, in a way... Let alone, grown up in a society like this. Seeing them 'Exposed' I guess," A chuckle at his choice of word. "would either satisfy everyone's sex drives enough to not want to mount anything that moves." A few laughs that she was desperately trying to hold back. "Yet, if someone starts wearing clothes or something that covers such areas, they become more interesting."

"I can't say I've noticed."

"I know I have. I've never wanted to get under Zhong's apron so bad-" A burst of giggles. "Funny, Bryce reacted the same way. Same giggles too."

"S-stop...!" Bartan just smirked at her. "Please...!"

"Alright, alright. We'll change the subject for you to recover." A few moments of breaths and the dragon nodded to say she was ready. "You know where I can buy a new bed?" That broke her balance once again, giggling like a wyrmling. "It's a honest question, Adine! Preferably one with a more heavy duty frame. Maybe with a padded headboard-are you okay?" The bear shook his head, but couldn't help smiling himself. "Guess I'll ask around elsewhere. Maybe Sebastian knows, he knows everything." A playful glare at the yellow dragon as she started to recover. "Done?"

"For now, yes. But please, no more for a bit."

"Fair enough. What time did you have to pick up Amely?" Bartan looked at his watch, then showed her the time.

"In about ten minutes. It's not far from here."

"Let's walk then. I think Lorem is nearby as well, I'd like to stop there for a few too." Adine nodded at him as they started walking. "I believe it's his day off today. I lose track after a while."

"Well, you've been visiting a lot of people lately." A faint nod from the bear. "I'm guessing you like people?"

"I like dragons. Was far from this when I was living on the other side."

"Really?" A solid nod that time. "Surprising. You're almost always occupied everytime I see you. Either with that brown runner-"

"That would be Sebastian."

"Or the chief."

"Bryce." The yellow one made a noise in confirmation.

"So, are you two a thing then?" That made the bear chuckle.

"Would it be a bad thing if it were?"

"Not really. Remy told me that he learned there was a lot of discrimination towards many types of humans in their world."

"From the PDAs?"

"Yep. Even showed me several images, but they all looked the same to me." That made Bartan smirk.

"Funny, I said the same thing." The wyvern giggled a bit. "And I was called a Racist for it."

"But, aren't they the same thing?"

"They just live in different regions of the world, and apparently take so much pride in such. They do things a little differently, and are often stereotyped for it. But biologically; they the same. Aside from certain conditions and such, like around here. The difference between Bryce and Emera, Maverick and Remy, Anna and Sebby." The dragon giggled.


"Well, Seb is what I've been calling him lately. Not really sure if he likes it, so."

"It sounds like a pet name, or a gesture of affection." She chuckled a bit.

"That was the idea. I do like him."

"But you're with Bryce, aren't you? Let alone, already have multiple...?"

"Husbands? Yes. Opened relationship, even have a wife." Another series of giggles. "Is that so unheard of in your world?"

"Quite. I can't say it doesn't exist, but..." Another few chuckles from both of them. "I had no idea humans were so-"

"No-no-no, humans are so fixed on their genophobic ways, they almost mate-for-life."

"Meaning? Just keep with one?"

"Sometimes they divorce, but it's all some big expense. Something I never understood the point to."

"What do you mean?"

"They have this idea of mating, as in the act of being together, not always sex." Another series of giggles. "But they call it Marriage; basically holding a grand celebration called a Wedding to show off their wealth. If you want to throw a party, fine, but this got ridiculously pricey. Especially when they couldn't afford it well to begin with." Half a grumble from the bear. "It never made any sense to me: to basically pay for a legal document as if to claim ownership of someone, and if they didn't want them anymore, they need to pay in order to break that legal agreement."

"...What?" Adine's frilled ears perked as her head tilted a bit.

"My thoughts exactly." The bear grumbled. "If you want to have a little party celebrating your time together, then have the party. If you want to wear a dress or clothing, say wonderful things about each other and their future, have a massive cake-"

"I do like cake."

"Everybody likes cake. But as soon as you call it a Wedding, expect the pricing for all those things to double or triple. Just because it's a '_ Wedding _'." The wyvern laughed at Bartan's tone.

"I'm pretty sure there's a few things I'm misunderstanding."

"Yet, if you knew, you'd still be just as lost. It's just something I never understood myself. My mates never had that, because it wasn't needed." A breath as the bear looked out in the distance. "I've been mated three times, all of them are still in my family. We never needed any of that, because it never made sense to us enough to claim it was a Need."

"It does sound a bit strange. We've never had such a thing here, but I never really thought about it until you mentioned it."

"Probably due to the lack of commercialism here. Another thing I greatly do not miss."


"Think advertising drastically. I get that people need to display products or offerings, but humans overdid it."

"We do have a few commercial breaks during public tv shows." The yellow one pondered.

"Yeah, I seen a few. Again; not nearly as bad as the other side used to be. Let alone where I grew up."

"What was so different?"

"Well, for one they tended to use sex as a form of grabbing attention." She giggled at the fact.

"Are you serious? What if children seen it?"

"Actually, I mean either the 'pinnacle' of males or females, or at least what society would deem as perfection. Granted, it was all clean, and usually clothed. That didn't stop them from showing so much flesh. Remember when I mentioned Zhong before?"

"You mean with the apron?" They chuckled.

"Yeah, they had a similar marketing strategy. Keep everything a mystery in order to keep your attention and make you curious. Nearly saying 'If you buy enough of our product then you could be like him!' Or 'Wear this type of clothing and the females won't be able to keep their hands off you!' It was..." A grumble from the bear, but the dragon chuckled.

"How odd."

"They are an odd species. And it wasn't any better growing up with these things. Especially if you never found them appealing in the slightest. Yet, everywhere you went, there it was: dozens upon dozens of mannequins posing as real people, in a city obsessed with flesh." A deep breath from Bartan as he tended to the space between his eyes. Overlooking the orphanage ahead of them.

"Well, we do show some of our kind in our ads, but..."

"They're not nearly as bad. You don't claim that one species of dragon to be superior to another. I've seen earth, wyverns, runners in those commercials. Bigger dragons, smaller ones, some adults, some children. Here, it's all real. There..." Another breath.

"Does it bother you that much?"

"Yes and no. I mean, it bothers me a lot, but..." Another breath as he overlooked the yellow wyvern. "Can I confess something, Adine?"


"I detest children." She giggled at him. "I've never liked them. Well... At least human ones, and I've heard wyrmlings are little terrors."

"They're not nearly as bad as you're lead to believe. Most of them are well behaved, especially here."

"They seem to be. I've only met a few though, perhaps their parents are just being protective." A breath from the white one. "I can say I blame them after what's happened lately."

"Yeah... Even I'm still a little spooked. But most wyrmlings are oblivious to it, so they won't fear you." A noise in confirmation from Bartan. "Why don't you like children?"

"I guess they became so bratty over in the other world. And the way our society worked; you needed to give up something in order to raise them. There wasn't enough time for a full-time job and the ability to raise children, kinda like your situation." A faint nod from her, one that was almost sad. "They're expensive to have, and therefore no longer the blessing people made it out to be. Something I never understood."

"They're not that bad."

"Again, I am basing my experiences from a more human-like world as well. Why would you possibly make a lifetime commitment raising a pet that slowly learns to talk, breaks your stuff, eating your food, and just end up adding stress to your life? Top it all off, they grow up blaming you with everything that's wrong with their existence." His tone made the dragon chuckle. "Maybe I'm just old and to the point where I think nearly every generation below me are ungrateful and spoiled."

"You do look old."

"You never seen a polar bear in your life, so you don't count." Adine laughed at him, even getting the white one to smile at it.

"But you were probably the same way growing up, yes?"

"I won't lie to you and say that I wasn't a little bit. But I at least attempted to give something back. Growing up in a poor family, I ended up making a lot of sacrifices so that others could have more. I gave up my meals, my health, my holidays, my education, my future so they could have one." A sad look from those red eyes.

"I understand some of it though. Wanting to pass everything you learned down to another that's willing to listen and learn. Perhaps memories and objects, having the time for them and growing a bond between you..." A breath from Bartan. "But the way things were set up in that world, there was no good left in it."

"It's much different here, don't worry. Though..." Adine sadly smiled at him, almost gesturing the orphanage. "They've have a hard life, and in return..."

"They grow up faster. Learn to appreciate what they're given." They nodded, waving to a smaller pink and white runner. Color patterns that reminded the bear of a cow, with Remy-like horns. "Did you ever get a chance to talk to Remy yet?"

"Oh, yes. It makes a lot more sense now." Adine shyly mumbled. "I still can't believe it, really. Let alone, why I didn't see it sooner."

"Well, she is still a third of Anna as well, so I don't blame you." A double take from the wyvern.

"What?" A noise in question from the white one. "Anna...? The one you saved from the trial?"

"Yes, Amely is basically her clone." A bit of a sad look. "Not to be confused with mother. Anna holds no feelings towards her, don't worry."

"So she'll...?"

"She'll never be able to take Amely away from Remy or even you. If you chose to eventually adopt her."

"I-I don't feel it's my place anymore. I'm pretty sure he'll..." A paw on her shoulder and those pink-red eyes gazed into his. "I guess I didn't expect anyone to take her, and now it feels like..."

"You'll be able to visit her, probably take her for a night or two at a time. Remy trusts you, and you do know Amely better than he does, Adine." A sad smile from her. "He's admitted it to me, questioned if it was better for you to adopt her instead."


"Yes." They started walking again, meeting the young runner half way as a worker they waved at them. "What do you think of Remy?"

"Remy...?" A nod from Bartan. "Too shy, really. Perhaps it's not the best place to say it, but I always found him a bit spineless." The bear chuckled. "But Amelia always seemed to like him." Her attention turned to the wyrmling. "Amely, it's good to see you. You remember Bartan, right?"


"Hey troublemaker. Have you been taken care of Remy?" The smaller one nodded, hugging the wyvern. "Good. He needs looking after."

"You know Remy too?"

"Very well, yes." The furred one smiled, shaking her pink paw and giving it a playful kiss.

"He knows Remy very _very_well." Adine giggled. "As well as many others in town. You could say he's gotten around."

"You know Vara too, don't you?" The bear nodded at Amely.

"I'm the one who found her."

"Really?" The furred one nodded at Amely. "I like her."

"I like her too. Not fond of the pink and green look, myself, but." A giggle from the two.

"You don't like pink?" The little one asked.

"Not really. It's fine on dragons, don't get me wrong. But it looks very silly on bears." The females giggled again.

"Can we paint him pink?" A double take from Bartan only increased the yellow dragon's laughter.

"She's just learning how to use her paws well. I've been using painting as a form of practice, she's really gotten good with it." A playful lick from Adine to the runner. "But I'm not sure if Bartan would appreciate being pink."

"It's a little hard to wash out of fur."

"Though, you can get some assistance with that, I'm sure." A devious smile from the wyvern.

"True, true." A breath from the male. "What the heck. Let me read the paint bottle first to make sure it's washable, then we'll see." A chirp from the smaller one.

"Way to take one for the team." The bear shook his head a bit. "You wanted to see Lorem while we were around here?"

"Right, just wanted to step by for a bit, if you don't mind."

"Not at all. I've always wanted to look at the apartments around there anyway."

"Thinking of moving?"

"Maybe a bit closer, yes. I'm..." Adine went a little quiet, looking at the wyrmling. "I'm still a little uncomfortable about... What happened."

"I understand. You are safe though, you know that."

"Yes, but for how long? That's the question. At any given time..."

"True, but how is that different from even now?" An unsettling look from her. "It's just something you have to learn to live with. Back before you guys had peace, that's how your kind lived, isn't it?"

"I suppose." She pondered. "I guess I've just taken that safe feeling for granted." She suddenly giggled a bit. "Amely, stop chewing on my leg."

"Back at it again, is she?"

"Adine is tasty!"

"Really now? I suppose I should have a bite sometime too." Bartan teased. "What are her best spots, Amely?"

"Stop it, you guys." The wyvern chuckled.

"Legs. Paws down."

"Good to know. I bet it tastes like chicken." The two dragons looked at him and tilted their heads.

"Like what?"

"What's a chicken?" Adine asked.

"It's a small bird that was basically flightless. Sadly, they were often harvested in huge quantities for food."

"Oh... We have a few animals like that as well."

"Domesticated, I assume?"

"I think so."

"Domestication meaning; being breed or changing to become better for your kind. Be it to produce more wool for clothing-that dragons rarely wear to begin with. So that's a bad example." The two giggled at him. "Let's try another one: milk. Be it to produce more milk at a time so you can make more cheese, or other types of food. Allowing for better production overall."

"Okay, I understand. Though it's no real life for the animals."

"I hear you. But from what I've seen, they're alright here. On the other side though..."

"Much worse?"

"Much worse. Or, they used to be. Overpopulation was always a big issue with humans, and attempting to gather enough food for all of them was quite the task. Often enough, corners were cut in order to make that production faster." An exhale from the bear's muzzle. "Chickens specifically suffered greatly. Being concentrated into large cramped barns, unable to see the light of day. Being constantly fed and forced to lay eggs, or eventually..." A sad look at the younger female, tilting her head a bit as if to not quite follow where he was going.

"That sounds awful. Why would the farmers do such a thing?"

"Demands. But it wasn't up to the farmers, they only looked after the chickens and raised them. Having the space and given the equipment to do so. It was the companies that owned the livestock, and forced such rules on the farmers. If they ever tried to speak out against it, it would be the end of their career." A sad look from the yellow one. "But eventually, regulations were finally given to them, let alone a freedom of speech. The companies were punished, and forced better regulations for such things. Let alone made an example of. Still, goes to show you how little that species tends to care for others. They barely seem to care for their own."

"How terrible..."

"You can see why I like this place so much better, let alone why I decided to stay here." A quiet nod from her as they stopped in front of an apartment building. "I know many people are saddened with the decision we made to dismantle the portal, but trust me when I say it's for the best." Another nod that turned into chuckles.

"That tickles, Amely." At least the little one was there to lighten the mood. "Do you feel like a flight?" The runner chirped at her.

"At least say hi to Lorem first." A smiling nod from the wyvern as they approached the door. Ringing the bell and waiting a few moments, almost being able to hear the smaller dragon flutter up and grab hold of a door hook to look through the small hole. Soon unlocking and opening it.

"Oh, hi guys!"

"Hey Lorem. You remember Adine." A solid nod from the smaller blue one.

"Of course! How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Doing fine here. Come in!" He lead the way inside. "Can I get you anything?"

"Actually, I'm going to take Amely here for a small flight. Bartan just wanted to talk to you a bit while we were here."

"No problem, it was great seeing you."

"Likewise." She looked at the bear. "I'll be back, say ten minutes?"

"More than enough time. Be careful out there, and no stunts." A giggle from the wyvern as she shut the door. Letting the two males smile at each other for a moment.

"Can I get you anything? Tea perhaps?"

"That sounds wonderful, thanks." Bartan sat down on the couch. "I feel like we haven't spent enough time with each other. I hope you don't mind me stopping by."

"Not at all, I was just working on my game. I was about to take a break anyway." A nod from the white one.

"How's that coming along?"

"It's been..." A breath from the smaller wyrm. "A bit stressful, honestly. And..."

"Tedious?" A bit of a grumble from Lorem. "That's programming for you."

"I know. There's some days I love doing it, other days I have to force myself to work. Lately, it's been the ladder."

"Anything I can do to help?"

"You could tell me you've been lying to me about humans and give me some better information." The dragon joked, even getting the white one to chuckle.

"I wish I could. But you wanted the truth." Another deep sigh from Lorem, and the bear exhaled. Getting up to walk over to the smaller one. Kneeling down and hugging him as the blue one whimpered a bit. "Days like that, you need a hug."

"I-I think this is a bit more than a hug, Bartan." He half joked.

"I could make it a bit more, but ten minutes is kinda a short time limit." A louder whimper that time. "I'm joking, but not against the suggestion if you're feeling up to it sometime."

"You've already offered... If you don't recall."

"Probably. I lose track from time to time." A rub against his back before the bear let go. Chuckling at that pink blush across Lorem's muzzle. "There's no need to feel embarrassed about it."

"A-again, something you've said before. And..." A noise in question. "I've been considering it... Just-"

"It's not easy to submit yourself, that's fine. If you'd rather do it in the comfort of your own place, I can rearrange that. It would be good practice for me anyway."


"I'm considering opening up a brothel or even provide a service of sorts. Be it I invite others to my place, or I travel to theirs for whatever reason." Another whimper made Bartan smile. "It's not always about sex, Lorem."

"It's not?"

"Not all the time. I can do many things to help others relax. Sometimes just the idea of companionship is enough for people to heal or relieve stress." A deep breath from the smaller one as the pot started to whistle. "Just think about it a bit more, you'll be glad that you did." Another breath.

"I... I think I will. Just not right now."

"I've got this afternoon off if you'd rather me come by then."

"That's probably not the greatest idea. Ipsum gets off work in a few hours, and he's got the night planned in his room." He offered the white one a cup of tea and they carried it over to the couch. The wyrm not expecting the bear to sit on the same one he was. "And I..."

"You're afraid of making too much noise?" Another whimper as that blush grew a little deeper. "It's fine, Lorem. It's better to let it out than to contain it. I get the feeling that might be some of your issue."

"And you're still okay with me being...?"

"Yes." A stroke along that Cyan neck. "Perfectly fine with it." A faint nod from him, and Bartan could tell the dragon was still nervous about it. "What about tomorrow?"

"I..." A swallow. "I work until the afternoon."

"Can you make it to my place then? I should be around."

"...Yeah. Yeah, okay." The blue one shyly smiled, taking a sip out of his tea and watching the bear do the same. Purring at its wonderful taste. "Good?"

"Absolutely amazing. You should open a teashop sometime, you'd make a fortune." A chuckle from the smaller one. "Maybe if this Brothel idea comes around, you could open a side-bar for items like this."

"I don't think I'd have the stock for anything large like a business. Just enough for me, Ipsum, and maybe a guest or two." A soft smile from the furred one. "If I ever got another job, it would probably be gardening."

"I can see you being very good at that, and it would complement your computer workspace as well."

"I'd like to think so." A gesture towards his computer. "This just takes so long, that I begin to feel restless after a while."

"That could be due to something else though." A shy nod at the furred one, feeling that paw wrap behind his back and rest on his side.

"You're... Quite suggestive about this, aren't you?"

"I know when I can heal others, let alone others I really care about." A slightly saddened look from those golden eyes. "I know, I know. It seems like I barely know you, but trust me-"

"A-actually..." The younger dragon leaned into the bear. "This feels... Right. Somehow, and I can't explain it... But ever since I told you, it's felt like I've known you as well."


"M-maybe this is out of line but..." A slight whimper from Lorem as his gaze trailed down the bear. "I somehow picture you... And..." A gesture to go on, and the wyrm took a breath. "Do you taste like fruit?" A laugh from the white one and he gave the smaller one a lick.

"Yes. Yes I do. It's a wonder you knew that."

"I can't explain it, but..." A small blue paw on the bear's chest. "I feel like we've done this before. And that's why it feels... Right." A slow and content nod from Bartan as he smiled at the blue dragon. "Yet, I can't help but feel worried..." A soft paw stroked under Lorem's chin.

"You don't need to be. I would never reject you, Lorem." A deep look into those brown circles as that blue muzzle inched closer. Seeing the white one meet halfway and the dragon gave it a soft kiss. Taking his time to study that red tongue with his own, slipping between two sets of fangs and taking deep breaths. Loving the lingering taste of that tea between them, and continuing for a few moments. Taking notice long before at the swelling slit and the peak of a pink weapon starting to display between the smaller one's hind legs.

That is, until the flaps of wings were starting to be heard outside the door. Getting Lorem to whimper loudly in embarrassment and attempt to shield himself in case the door suddenly flew opened. Getting the bear to chuckle. "It's alright, I'm sure she'll just stay out there for a bit longer." A knock on the door made Bartan toss his muzzle. "I'll be right with you, Adine." He half called, hearing a few childish giggles from the other side.

Another gaze on the smaller dragon, still hiding his body with those cyan wings. Blushing uncontrollably as those eyes shifted back at the bear's from time to time. "I-I'm... Sorry. I shouldn't-" A furred paw against his neck silenced him, once again getting lost into those brown circles.

"Don't be." The white one smiled calmly, sliding that paw between those wings slowly. Giving him plenty of time to tell the bear to stop as it stroked his scaly white belly, then over his growing tool. Softly studying it for a moment without taking his eyes off of the dragon's golden ones. Then that paw reached a little deeper, at the second slit. Already slightly puffed and welcoming to such bold attention. "I'm not." A shy smile from the young wyrm and the bear kissed him softly for a moment. Going in for another one after that. "I need to go though, can you wait until tomorrow?"

"Y-yes." Another shy smile.

"Excellent. I'll see you then." Another drink of that tea and Bartan purred loudly. "Seriously, absolutely amazing." Another kiss, this time on the bridge of Lorem's muzzle, as he got a lick from that pink tongue. "Thank you for the tea, Lorem. And for the affection, as short as it was." A quick, almost nervous nod from him. "One question though:" A sudden noise in question. "Crafting Paint does wash out, right?"

"Usually, yes. I know if it gets wet, it runs right off."

"Excellent." His blue ears perked at such a strange question. "Rest well tonight. I'll take care of everything tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." Lorem said, taking a breath as the bear moved towards the door. Giving a wave, as the dragon kept himself covered up, just in case. Opening the door and greeting the wyvern nearby looking over the area a bit.

"What do you think of the place?" Bartan asked her.

"It's pretty nice looking, but I think every apartment here is occupied." Adine answered, hearing the wyrmling whimper a bit.

"I take it Amely was looking forward to you being within walking distance, huh?"

"Yes, but oh well. I'll talk to the landlord later to make sure, maybe someone is looking to move soon."

"Does that happen often around here?" The bear asked, as they started walking again.

"A bit often. Sometimes people get transferred or need to move for different jobs. Sometimes it's the thought of the fields being greener, if you understand that saying."

"Very much so. They had something very close to it: the grass is greener. Though, it definitely is in your world compared."

"I can only imagine." She gave a bit of a sad look, and a white paw touched the side of her neck.

"They chose this, Adine. Pitying them will only allow you vulnerability for them to claim everything you have."

"Is that why you had the portal dismantled?"

"Yes. Because I was afraid of them coming back through it with ambitions of conquest."

"But they made a peace offering. Why would they...?"

"This generation made one, yes. But when the ones further down the line are tired of all the brown fields and bronze skylines..." A deep breath from Bartan. "They will turn this place into a warzone, if ever given the opportunity. That's why I never wanted anyone to be taken through it to their side either. The lands are not healthy enough."

"But how did they get that way? Through wars?"

"Yes. From the fallouts and aftermaths of their weapons. It's a bit complicated and a long story, but they brought this on themselves. They were lucky enough to find some help, but it's not worth leaving that doorway opened. No matter how curious your kind might get, you cannot expect anything but selfishness from that species." A sad look from the wyvern, and the small runner as well. Regardless if she understood or not.

The bear sighed, continuing. "I know you wanted great things from humans, Lorem did as well. From what I've seen, many dragons here are possibly lead to believe that they're supernatural or gods... Maybe that's not far from the truth, but they are equipped with horrible instincts. Ones that will only leave this beautiful world in ruins. Like they've done with so many others, like they've done with their very own."

"That just seems so..." A paw on her neck again. "I guess I believed many great things about them, that it's hard to believe. I almost don't want to, but after hearing about Reza..."

"I know. Not all of them are bad. Usually the ones with rough upbringings learn the true value of kindness and how it can change the world. I've known quite a few of them myself, but they all end up being screwed over by their own kind. At some point, I wanted to move all of them away from such things, on a brand new planet for them to start over. Bring back The Village, if you know what I mean."


"The act of helping others around you, without being asked. Nor without expecting anything in return, but the same kindness. You treat each other as equals, and look after one another. It's not Complicated, yet humans just can't bring themselves..." Another breath. "The portal isn't destroyed, Adine. It can run again, it can function again once it's put back together. However, I'm here to save your species from them. Maybe that wasn't part of the human's plans, but if you really don't believe me..." He shrugged. "Your kind can always see it for yourselves. I won't stop you." A sad look from those red eyes.

With a deep breath, he entered the building. Walking down the areas and halls he knew so well, trying his best to ignore the strange looks and pretend that nothing was different. Nodding and paying greetings to those he knew, regardless of their double-takes and shocked looks as he made his way to the office. Knocking a couple of times, and not getting a response. Usually meaning that the drake was elsewhere on duty, no matter. Opening the door into the dim room and seeing a shadow move at the desk. Raising his clumped fur up a bit until he hit the lightswitch, getting the earth dragon to slightly grunt at the light. "Oh, I thought you were out."

"Nah, I'm-" A sharp double take from Bryce, as he overlooked the now rather colorful bear. His coat now plastered with paints of mostly pink and yellow. Often splashes of green here and there. "Did a paintshop explode on you or something?"

"Yep." The serious answer made the dragon chuckle a bit as Bartan sighed. "Wyrmlings."

"Are you sure? I want to say you fell into the middle of a Happy Hatchlings reunion orgy." A noise in question from the furred one. "An old wyrmling's show. They were all different colors-"

"So, like Care Bears?" A long stare from Bryce.

"Everything is bears with you, isn't it?" A chuckle from Bartan as he set a package on the large desk. "What's this?"

"I decided to get you a late snack while I was in town. Been spending the day with Adine and little Amely, hence the tie-dye look."

"You sure you didn't get licked by a rainbow? Maybe something a little more?"

"Positive. Though that is on my to-do list." The two shared a chuckle as the bear started opening the small meal. "How are you feeling?" A loud groan from the drake. "Sounds about right."

"Please don't say it."

"I won't, I won't. I know what it's like, draggy." Half a groan. "See, that was a joke, because you're feeling dragged out."

"I think I would've preferred an 'I Told You So' over a pun."

"I love you too." The brown one chuckled, nudging those paws a bit. "Alright, alright. I've almost got it ready for you."

"Not what I was implying." A lick on that colorful tasted like regret. "Feh, that takes me back."

"At least it's lead free." A noise in question as the colorful one came around the desk and hugged the large dragon, giving him what he initially asked for. "On the other side, a long time ago, paints used to have lead in them. Poisoning a lot of children that often..."

"I'm starting to believe you on how stupid humans were." A tight embrace and a kiss. Getting the bear to make a bit of a face, now he could taste the paint. "Thank you for this, Bartan."

"You're welcome. Anything I can do to make it better?" A sly look and smirk from Bryce.

"I can think of a few things." A snout toss from that white muzzle, stripped with green like Adine's.

"You sure? You might regret that as well."

"I have tomorrow off, so we can do whatever tonight." A head shake but a smile from the bear as he started to kneel down under the desk. Giving the dragon an easier position to eat. Nearly clawing at the wood surface when that muzzle touched his swelling slit and that tongue penetrated it slightly. Slipping inside and coating his growing member with a pleasant lubricant. Making Bryce purr loudly at it. "Ohhh, you..."

Several breaths as he carefully ate. Unable to just breathe through his muzzle as that white one went to work. Nearly playing the earth dragon with his paws and red appendage, even getting that tail to flutter a bit and scrape the walls. Though, keeping in mind that brown one was still eating, so no sudden spikes in pleasure, in case he choked. But the slower he did it, the louder the drake would purr. At one point leaning his plated chest on the desk and nearly making it vibrate loudly.

The space underneath was cramped, yes, but big enough for the bear to take shelter in. Even when that weapon was growing to its full length, Bartan could still get enough room to withdraw it from his own maw. Doing so once in a while to lick and tease the tip before taking it once again. Drawing the fluids inside the fleshy shaft and using it to paint the outside of it. Almost entranced by such movements, that neither of them heard the door knock. Surprising Bryce a bit when the beige runner walked in, but only for a moment. "Hey Bryce? Do you have anymore T-11 forums-?"

"Hmm?" The drake made a noise in question as his muzzle was full with food, getting a suspicious look from Sebastian.

"Everything okay?" Getting a solid nod from the earth dragon, and sighing after a moment of study. Closing the door behind him. "Hi Bartan."

A moment of silence, and a faint sound of a lick. "Hey Sebby." The bear answered from under the desk, getting the runner to toss his muzzle.

"Really Bryce? At work?"

"I-it wasn't my idea!" He grumbled.

"Actually, it kinda was."

"Stay out of this, bear." Another grumble that was in more joke form. "You have work to do."

"Yes, sir!" He replied rather happily, leaving the two dragons to just stare at each other for a moment.

"...The T-11's are in the third box from the bottom." A gesture next to the shelf, but still not getting relief from Sebastian's glare. Eventually hearing the chief whimper a bit.

"You have a problem Bryce."

"It's not a problem if it's not interfering with my work. I'm just taking a break and he happened to be under my desk, is all." The stare was impressive for not blinking. "...I may have suggested it."

"But I accepted it, so I'm to blame as well."

"Well, you both have a problem." The beige one sighed, shaking his head a bit.

"You could always join us again."

"I don't mind in the slightest, Sebby."

"Guys." A half a grumble. "We're on duty. If it was five-to, then whatever. But we're still on the clock for a few hours." A sigh from Bryce.

"You're right. It won't happen again." That glare returned, setting those dull amethyst eyes on fire and making the drake whimper a bit. "Promise." It didn't let up. "If it happens again, you'll get a bonus."

"If we're caught, that is."

"Bear, you have work to do."

"Bryce." Sebastian grumbled.

"Sebby is right, I think Adine should be back here any minute."

"Don't ruin this for me, Bartan."

"You'll live, and you can have the rest tonight. I really shouldn't keep her waiting anyway." A loud growl from the brown dragon as his chair was pushed back. Feeling a few more strokes against his weapon as the bear kissed him. "I'll take care of this tonight, alright?"

"Well, your pants better be off by the time I get home."

"They will." Another kiss. "Oh, about tomorrow, I've rearranged a session at the apartment."

"Another one?" The two dragons asked at the same time, getting a couple of blank stares at the beige one. "...I'm not keeping an eye on you."

"My very own Peeping Tom." Bartan joked.

"You always wanted one of those."

"It's true." Again, Sebastian answered with the bear, getting another questionable stare as the runner slowly stepped over to the box, gathered a pawful of papers then left the room.

"I worry about him sometimes." Bryce mumbled.

"He could use a hobby." The two chuckled a bit, sharing another kiss. "So, you don't mind?"

"It's not about me having to share you, don't worry."

"I'm not." Bartan smiled at him, stroking that scarred muzzle.

"But when are you going to start charging for these visits?" A faint breath from the colorful one. "The government is only going to pay for your expenses for less than two weeks, and that was them being generous."

"I know, I know. I just..." A nudge from the earth drake. "It's their first time, and I..."

"That's fine, bear. Just keep in mind that you're going to have to start earning some money on your own." Another small kiss, as Bryce rolled over a sweetbun for Bartan to take. "You're definitely worth paying whatever for, as long as it doesn't bankrupt people."

"You say that as if my sessions are addicting." They chuckled.

"Maybe they are a little. But maybe I'm just addicted to bears."

"And orange juice." A playful purr from the dragon.

"Get out of my office before I suck you dry."

"Yes Sir!" Another kiss that went much deeper than Bryce was expecting. Even feeling a paw against his weapon again, returning all the urges that he just got rid of.

"Damnit bear!" He half growled when Bartan broke the kiss and started out the office.

The wyvern landed outside the building, her ears perking up to a sudden yell. Making her and everyone inside the building worry until they seen the laughing bear with a sweetbun. Leaving the building and splitting the thing in half. "All done? You still impress me on how fast you are, Adine." He said, offering her the half and she took it.

"Thanks, and yep. It doesn't take flyers long to get to places."

"I suppose that's why you're so good for your job. Overqualified, one might say."

"Oh stop." She giggled, looking back at the station. "Everything alright in there?"

"Yeah, I just teased him a little too much. Something he'll get vengeance for tonight." The wyvern laughed. "I do need to stop doing it so much though. He's not getting harder to please, but it's becoming more frequent."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"One could argue. To this day, I'm still not sure about females, but when males usually release, they start getting tired and drowsy." Another series of giggles from her.

"Oh my."

"Yeah, and it's effecting his performance at work, I'm afraid. It's something they all need to learn at some point or another."

"Restraint you mean?" A noise in confirmation from the bear as they ate their snacks. "How did you pay for this, anyway?"

"I didn't steal it, if that's what you mean."

"N-no, I wasn't implying..." A smirk from his muzzle told Adine he was joking.

"The government is still paying for me, but only for about a week."

"So you'll be looking for work then?"

"Kinda. I was thinking about starting a Brothel or becoming a Companion."


"Back in my younger days, there was a show called Firefly that had such occupations. That's where I got the idea; more or less tending to people how they wish."

"So, sex?" She whispered, giggling.

"If that's what they're looking for, yes. I wouldn't mind in the slightest. But it can go much deeper than that."

"How so?"

"Well, massages, companionship, even just listening to them. Though, one of the problems in the show that the job comes across is that clients will often fall in love with the Companion." Some laughter from her. "I've done it enough around here to see a business potential. I just need to get my prices and a form of scheduling down packed, but I'm only going to start locally for now." A large smirk from Bartan as he waited for the yellow one to recover. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine."

"I'm curious to why you find this so entertaining." Some giggles.

"Maybe it's just the thought of it, I'm not sure. No one really talks about their sex lives around here."

"As long as it's not shunned, then I suppose it's fine."

"It's not, at least not in private. In public where you could possibly..."

"Demean someone?" A slight shrug from her. "I could see people being embarrassed or judged that way, but there's nothing shameful about what I'm doing."

"Shameful? I don't think it's about that."

"I could see it in a human society. The idea of such things being lower in class."


"As in, social class. Usually when it comes to how much wealth a family would have. But let's not talk about humans again." A chuckle from her. "I feel like I've been yapping about them all day."

"Well, they are an interesting subject."

"More like depressing." The bear grumbled, getting the dragon to giggle a bit.

"It's definitely an eye opener, but there must be some positive stuff about them."

"You're better off saving that subject for Remy instead. Believe it or not, I'm quite the pessimist."

"Are you?"

"Towards humans, yes." A chuckle that time as they approached the apartment. "By any chance would you like a session?" That chuckle grew into laughs as Adine tried to calm herself down. "It's an honest question, love."

"Oh my... I'm not sure."

"Remember, it doesn't have to be about sex. I could show you what else I'm offering."

"That lonely without Bryce, are you?"

"Well, I do have an hour or so until he comes back. Rushing it a bit, but." He shrugged. "Think of it as a trial run, so you can offer my services if the subjects ever comes around."

"Well... When you put it like that..." She pondered, almost worried about it.

"It's entirely up to you, rules and all." Another few moments of pondering as she looked towards the sky.

"Why not? I like trying new things."

"You won't regret it." He opened the door, getting her to double take at it for a moment.

"That... Wasn't locked?"

"Nope." A strange look and he invited her inside. Getting the wyvern to overlook the area that was almost familiar to her.

"It's a nice place."

"And cleaned up, just for you." A nervous chuckle as he moved into the bedroom, seeing it still broken and once again throwing the dragon into a gigglefit. "No, I wasn't joking about the bed. It's still comfortable though."

"I'm sure it is." She overlooked it for a moment, then back at him. Once again a bit nervous. "So...?"

"What would you like done?"

"I'm not sure. I don't think I'll take your..."

"Adultery services?" A chuckle at the name. "That's fine. Let me try something then. Lay on your back, with your head towards the bottom here." A bit of a worried look, but Adine did so. Keeping her eye on the colorful male as he stayed around her head. "Alright, relax. I'm just going to start with your neck and jaw. If you're ever uncomfortable, tell me, alright Adine?"

"Alright." Those pink-red eyes were still a bit nervous, but curious as well. Her rather large frilled ears perking in order to pick up every moment that her eyes couldn't see. Loud clicks came from her yellow scales as soon as that fur was felt at the tip of her chin and jaw, sending a shiver down her spine and through her tail a bit.

Soft strokes against the frame of her snout, then smooth strokes over the spaces inbetween. Moving at a slow pace as if to control the dragon's very breaths. Focusing around her eyes and the bridge of her muzzle for several minutes until the female was almost asleep. Then moving down further against her neck, never breaking contact with those scales.

The harder presses into the side of her neck made the wyvern begin to purr, being cautious about the ears and softly petting behind them. As well as her fin as well, a series of vertical spines with the same tarp as her ears between the gaps. Starting with a bright red, and morphing into a deep blue the lower it got. Having more durability that one would expect, but the paws didn't pay too much attention towards the mane itself.

However, at the base of them is where such attention was needed. Motioning Adine to lay her head sideways and really stroke down that fin. Letting her breathe deeply and fill the room with purrs as those white paws worked on her creases within the scales. Nearly turning into tiny folds, like he seen clearly from the much older dragons around. Bartan did question at what age would they actually do such things, but it was difficult to make assumptions with just a few dragons. Even Bryce seemed to have these along the back of his neck as well.

Still, they were the bear's focus for a long while before he started to move further down. The small folds within the scales becoming less and less frequent to the point where he could focus on her collar for a bit. Moving with her breaths and nearly making them into moans. Then occasionally whimpers of pain around the shoulders. "Are these sore?"

"I... Have a few rough landings every once in a while. I guess they didn't get enough time to heal up, whereas I still need to work."

"I see." A few more motions to study the joints and the colorful furred one pondered. "I'll have to get behind you in order to tend to this. It seems the soreness is in the back."

"So, want me to lay on my front?"

"If you don't mind." The dragon shook her head, moving around to do so and feeling for those soft paws once again. Getting a bit of pain at first, but soon that ache was like vapor; thrown into the air and disappeared. Allowing the makeshift inner bandage to finally relax a bit and become replaced. With it, the purrs returned as he tended to the other side. Getting nearly the same reaction, but knowing it was for the better this time around.

The motions were nearly enough to put Adine into a slumber, though starting to tickle as the bear went lower. Having to move across the bed to tend to the back end, and once again almost making her nervous. Wondering how far would Bartan go? What would he attempt? Would he find that ticklish spot of hers-? There it was. A bit of a giggling whimper as a paw tended to her lower side. Nearly causing her tail to flail about, scratching the wall with the crescent moon shape at the very end. "The wallpaper needs replacing anyway." The bear joked.

"S-sorry..." She mumbled. "That spot is..."

"Don't worry about it." The wyvern barely seen his gesture at the corner of her eye, pointing towards the wall that was clearly damaged and stained with something she couldn't quite place. Staring at it for a few moments trying to figure it out. "You can do it." Those frilled ears perked as her head tilted, then a sudden whimper from her. "There you go."

"Did... You...?" She almost burst into giggles.

"Well, it wasn't my doing, but I was the cause of it. If that makes any sense." Some laughter as Adine shook her head. Trying to relax again and stay still as those paws traced over her ticklish area. "Don't restrain yourself. Let it go, I'm safe from your tail." He informed her, allowing that yellow appendage to be set free and squirm wildly from such reflexes. Though marking the wall quite a bit, that tickle slowly started going away. Getting used to the attention and allow the area to relax.

Then there was the haunches that started to worry her once again. The flexible joints that were more dense than expected, especially for a flyer. Still, those paws helped them relax quite well, as well as tended to the base of her tail. Getting a few whimpers when they got too close to under her tail. "Does it make you that nervous?" Bartan casually asked, still working on her tail a bit.

"A... Little." The dragon confessed. "I guess I'm just wondering if you're going to try something or not."

"Do you want me to?" Again, a rather casual, soft question. One that didn't distract the furred one from his work. But a few deep breaths later, she looked away from the bear.

"...Yes." Adine admitted. Once again not feeling those paws stop, not even for a moment. Only getting a noise in confirmation as excitement fulfilled her. The white brushes tending down to the end of her tail then slowly move back up, increasing such thrill as they climbed. Reaching her haunches once again and splitting up to reach under her tail. Easily finding that slit as her lower back got a few kisses.

The constant brushes against her sex was exactly what she suddenly longed for. Not penetrating them instantly that she almost thought the male would do, but take time to study how her body would react. Letting those lower lips get used to the feeling of dull claws and soft brushes. Focusing equally along the outside and surrounding areas as the lightly puffing slit, tending to all the small creases barely felt below the scales.

It was a much different experience than the wyvern could ever imagine, nearly expecting to feel vulnerable towards the Outsider. Instead, she was relaxed. Floating in a warm bath of bliss as those paws kept at it for several moments. "Adine." Bartan calmly got her attention, as if to wake her from a deep slumber. "Can you lay on your back for me, dear?" It took a few moments for her to respond as he slowed his movements. Getting a slightly nervous look from those red eyes, but there was no judgment from his own. Just patience.

She carefully rolled over and watched him move those paws over her belly a bit. Tending to the areas between it and her sex before those paws eventually parted. One focusing on those lower lips, while the other tended to her leg. Covering areas that were missed, including the calf and paw itself. Putting a little more strength into the grip of her lower claw, but it still felt wonderful. Getting the yellow one to relax and close her eyes once again. Purring loudly as he continued over to the other side.

"Would you like me to continue?" He asked, seeing the female respond in a very slow nod. One that was nearly floating with the brightest smile. Feeling that tongue start licking at her belly a bit before inching down, explaining without words what the colorful bear had in mind. Giving the dragon time to process and possibly object, but she was far too deep in the sea of pleasure to consider such a thing.

That first contact echoed through her body, and every lick afterword sent wave after wave. Lapping at it and seeing a familiar twitch in her hind legs, quickly taking his shirt off and setting it on the floor before they clawed into his shoulder out of instinct. Not that he minded, nor distracted the bear from his work. Slowly easing that slit opened to the point where it was welcoming the appendage. Submitting to the warm breaths he exhaled over them and lapped against each lip for several minutes, eventually getting a bit of a squirm and a jolt of wetness.

Eventually, that tongue went in deeper, getting a sharp breath from the wyvern and a few more struggles as that tail flailed around the best it could. Making out every movement of that appendage inside her, and lapping at a nearby barrier. Studying it for a bit until it found a small opening to work on. Getting the protective membrane to slowly relax and become easier to move before focusing a bit more in the front of her sex.

The two were so involved in such motions that they didn't even hear the door open, barely slam shut. "Bear, those pants better be off or I'm ripping them off!" Bryce growled, getting the furred one to whimper, then start declothing himself. Hardly believing that him and Adine were at this for so long, but those thoughts were interrupted when the drake tossed the bear on the bed. Pulling the half-off trousers down with one fluid motion before mounting the colorful one with a half erect tool. Shoving it under that tail as he yelped, still not even noticing that the wyvern was in the room and surprising her greatly.

"Bryce-!" Bartan whimpered, but couldn't fight against the sudden motions as the earth dragon shoved everything he currently had into the bear. Letting it grow bigger and bigger inside him as the brown one purred loudly at the feeling. Giving a few thrusts for good measure before taking a breath, then double taking at the yellow dragon.

"Oh. Hi Adine." She giggled at him loudly while trying to cover her lower half up a bit. "When did you get here?"

"Quite a while ago, apparently." The wyvern laughed.

"Y-yeah... We were... Kinda in the middle..." Bartan started, breathing heavily as a certain shaft pulsed deeper by the moment.

"Well, I warned you. Your fault that you lost track of time." The drake snorted, giving a few more thrusts before returning to Adine. "Sorry for interrupting your session. This bear has been nothing more than a big tease all morning."

"Oh, I know. He's told me stories." She was surprisingly less nervous about this, and more enthralled about watching the two males.

"You don't mind if I borrow him for a bit then, do you?"

"N-not at all. As..." A noise in question from the brown one. "As long as I can..."

"Watch? I don't care." He pleasantly answered before Bartan could even get a mumble out. Feeling that thick tool start sliding in an out of his tailhole with ease and getting the bear to almost growl against it.

"Easy! This is why we don't just jump into sessions like this, dragon."

"Oh, you want a little wetness, is that it?" Bryce teased, giving a full thrust and squirting several jolts into the bear. Slowly retreating his tool completely out after before slipping it back inside. "Better, bear?" All he got were purrs, making the earth dragon smirk. Going through the motions a bit before gazing at the female, practically holding her snout shut to stop from becoming flabbergasted. "What was he doing with you? One of his Famous massages?"

"Bryce..." Bartan growled.

"She didn't pay for it, I'm guessing. So I'm allowed to ask." Another bit of laughter from Adine.

"It's fine, Bartan. And yes, he was giving me a massage, then..." A bit of blushing.

"That tongue works wonders, doesn't it?" The larger male purred, licking at the furball and instantly regretting when his pink tongue almost turned more pink. "Your afternoon Arts & Crafts session has tormented me since." A chuckle from her.

"It was half his idea."

"Like... Hell...!" Bartan hissed, whimpering against the movements as that weapon reached its full density. The yellow one almost being able to see its movement through the bear's belly, then noticing his odd looking mating tool. Almost tilting her head at it, trying to figure out what it was before it clicked in.

"That's..." Adine half whimpered, still blushing a bit. "New..." A noise in question from the drake as he followed her gesture.

"New is right. I never seen anything like it until this bear."

"I'm right here, guys." The furred one half grumbled, yelping at the sudden full thrust from the larger dragon.

"You've been forbidden to talk until you're spoken to." Bryce playfully purred, lapping at one of his round ears and making them flick a bit. "Actually..." Those golden eyes glanced over at the wyvern. "Let's put that muzzle to work, shall we?" He almost asked the yellow one, seeing her blush a bit before uncovering herself. Lifting the bear with a single paw and placing him over Adine's tail before pushing that furred maw into her sex. Seeing Bartan start lapping at it almost immediately. "Good bear. A sentence rarely said lately." He snorted.

"I gotta..." A few licks into those yellow and pink lips. "Keep things interesting somehow-"

"You mean new reasons for me to punish you. Quite the disobedient wyrmling wannabe we have here, I'm telling you." The female chuckled at that between her breaths. Soon feeling rather comfortable, especially in front of another person that was currently mounting the Outsider. One that did seem rather experienced though, and possibly not his first three-way.

For dozens of minutes, the three were constantly in the motions set by the drake. Sliding that thick tool in and out of the bear, who was leaking constantly over the bed while lapping at the wyvern. Softly gnawing at her sex very carefully once in a while and feeling those hind legs around his shoulders and neck. Something he kept forgetting about her kind until they needed to grip something.

With a deep growl, a few thick sprays were felt inside the furred one, making him whimper and squirt an equally large jolt over Adine's yellow tail. Going in for a full thrust and pushing Bartan up her body, almost making the wyvern yelp a bit and try to move back. "No- I'm not trying to make him...!" Bryce grumbled, struggling to hold back. But she tried to remain still as the two climbed over her; his furred belly nearly against hers, but his tool still not penetrating her in the slightest.

A few more thrusts and the earth dragon roared, shaking the walls a little bit and clearly overpowering the bear's own one as well. Then thick pulses were starting to be felt against her yellow middle as the furred one grunted. Spraying himself between her legs, but she finally noticed it. His own belly pressing up against hers, bloating with every breath and growl from Bryce as he filled up the colorful one. Just like he explained to Adine this morning.

Several deep breaths between the two males before the larger one started moving them off the wyvern. Her red eyes unable to be taken off that now round belly, much larger than it was even this morning. "How...?" She started to ask, still not really noticing the mess around her pelvis as she moved to carefully touch the furred middle.

"Not sure..." Bryce panted. "He's just been able to..."

"Still here, guys..." It got the dragons to smile. "Same story... About why my... is orange."

"Orange?" She questioned, now looking at his canine-like tool more closely. Noticing a constant stream of translucent liquids flowing out of it. "That's not normal, is it?"

"Not in the slightest." The drake answered, nuzzling his stuffed bear. "It even tastes better." That one was a grumble.

"Tastes?" The female giggled at them. "Oh my."

"Try it." Another set of giggles. "I'm serious, he's actually pretty good. I'll try it first if you want." She nodded in agreement, and he reached down with somewhat clumsy claws. Stroking Bartan as he whimpered a bit and squirted onto that brown paw, allowing transportation for that thick pink tongue to lick it off. Purring loudly at its juicy taste. "I wish I had a jar of this. This would be worthy of putting on toast. None of this peanut butter and brown sugar craziness." Another series of giggles from Adine. "Your turn."

She took a breath and a very small sample from her thigh. Overlooking it for a moment and making a face before licking it off, morphing that look into one of curiousness as those red eyes looked at the two. "That's... Very different, isn't it?"

"Very." Bryce answered her, once again almost grumbling and perking the wyvern's ears. "He has a bad habit of stroking me off with that tongue, then force feeding-" She burst into laughs. "It's not funny!" A toss from that brown muzzle, then nudging the bear. "You never told me what was up with that."

"That's because it's a confusing story." Bartan grumbled a bit, another nudge from the drake.

"Talk, or I'm going to see if I can fit another load into you." A whimper from the furred one as he took a moment to study his own belly.

"Sad part is, I think I can." An eyebrow from Bryce, as the bear sighed. "Alright. But bathroom first."

"Fiiiiine." The earth dragon playfully grumbled, getting laughed at by the female once again as they started to crawl into the nearby shower room. "You're not getting off so easy, Adine. You painted him, you're helping washing this junk out of his fur."

"Ugh, fine." She played along, unable to help herself from just laughed at it. Especially when the loud plop was heard to relieve the bear from the weapon. "I swear, you two..."

"Quite the eventful evening isn't it?" Bartan grumbled, hearing the water start and feel a brown muzzle start teasing him. "And it's about to get even stranger."

"Just tell it how it is, bear." Bryce said, licking at the canine weapon and making the furred one whimper, let alone the female double take. "I want a bit more." He said, laying down and muzzling the fleshy tower as that belly started to drain out. A series of giggles got his attention. "Wou hap worr pu bo." He said with his maw occupied, perking those ears for a moment and looking at the bear for a translation.

"You have work to do. That's what he said."

"Okay, okay. Sheesh."

"Well, he does have a habit of licking me a lot."

"That's because you're tasty, at least some parts of you are." That even got Bartan to chuckle. "Speaking of which..." A nudge from that yellow snout.

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." A deep breath from the bear as the drake muzzled him and the wyvern washed the color out of his fur. "Several months ago, I was... Forcefully invited to a party."

"Forcefully invited...?" Adine asked.

"More like kidnapped and taken by a pair of wyrmlings." A series of giggles. "And you wonder why I don't like them. Anyway... And this is where it gets weird."

"Ou wep it, wou." A pet on the drake's head.

"That party was being hosted by me." A couple of noises in question. "By the future version of me, who went by the same name: Bartan."


"I'm not really sure, but this isn't the first time we met. He's so different from me that it won't cause a paradox or anything, allowing us to meet, make contact-"

"Haw pex?" A snout toss from the bear.

"Yes, have sex. And he's the one that... Changed me, so I could satisfy others more."

"Why though?" The two males looked at the wyvern and she chuckled. "Not that it's a bad thing, but."

"Well, towards the end of that party, there was a Sex Shuffle." Adine burst into laughs. "Yes, think being paired up with a mystery guest and having a session. Whereas my package was rather bland and boring, Bartan gave me a lesser version of his."

"Wephine weswer." A look in question from the two and Bryce rolled his eyes. Drawing out what he could to make the bear hiss before taking his muzzle off the tool. "Define lesser."

"Aside from size difference? One that wouldn't cause you to become a balloon of pure orange release from pre alone." Looks of disbelief. "He was a six-legged, pure white wolfish furball with a bear's head. _Strange_itself is an understatement."

"You sure you weren't dreaming this?"

"Positive, draggy. Unless you can come up with another reason why I taste like oranges." His head tilted in a shrug as he went back to work. "From that, the release changes you a bit." A loud whimper of concern as Bryce withdrew his maw from the canine tool and spit out what little he had gathered. Giving Bartan a look in shock. "It's going to turn you into a furbee."

"...A what-?" "- It's Not Going To Turn You Into A _ Furbee _ !" The bear hissed at him, chuckling. "But it makes..." An awkward grunt. "_Consumers_more durable."

"Durable how?"

"Think... Stretchy. Hence..." A few taps on the bear's own belly, now nearly deflated. "That's how..."

"So, would I...?" The drake asked.

"I'm not sure how much you could take. But it's nothing harmful, and I think it only really works for sessions of pleasure. So don't go trying to chug down a fire hydrant or something." A chuckle from the male dragon. "But that's where it comes from."

"So, where do you come from?" Adine asked, not really getting a response from Bartan.

"You often referred to the other side as Reza's world, not your own. Is yours...?"

"It's no longer around, guys. It's not something I really want to talk about." The two nodded in agreement. "How's the color looking?"

"It's almost out, really."

"Alright, I can get the rest if you want, Adine. I know it's not too easy for you."

"Easier for her than for me." Bryce snorted.

"You sure?" A nod from Bartan. "Alright. I do have work in the morning, so I shouldn't stay too much longer."

"You could always sleep here if you like." The drake offered.

"It's alright. Besides, I'm pretty sure you two have plans." A lick on the bear's cheek. "Thanks for the massage, bear."

"You're very welcome. Thanks for being brave enough to try it." A giggle from her. "I'll see you later, Adine. It was a fun day."

"Though, next date, expect to be shafted." A chuckle from the three. "Later Adine." Bryce nudged her a bit as she stepped out and dried herself off. "We need to think of moving you somewhere else."

"You got a place in mind?" Bartan purred at him.

"I was thinking my place, to be honest."

"I've never actually been there. I know of your temporarily sleeping quarters, but."

"That's turned into this place, to be honest." The drake snorted. "Maybe tomorrow while you're busy with that session, I'll look into fixing up my area a bit more. It was too big for just me there, hence the move."

"It does sound rather lovely." They shared a kiss and a deep breath. "I feel tired." The bear admitted.


"I'm not sure what it is. Just all of a sudden..." A bit of a crossed look from Bryce.

"You're starting to worry me, bear. You should get checked out."

"You realize that there isn't a doctor here for my kind."

"That doesn't mean that they won't find something." A nudge from the brown dragon. "I'm just concerned, is all."

"I know..." A few pets over that scarred muzzle.

"Truth be told, I am a little as well..."

Somewhere Out There Act 7 - The Last Song

**Somewhere Out There - The Last Song** By Bartan Tirix ~~~~~~ It was cool, borderline cold through the apartment. Even under the warm blankets. Like the sun was missing and the bed lacked its main source of body warmth. Yet, he could still feel...

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Somewhere Out There Act 5 - Brave New World

**Somewhere Out There - Brave New World** By Bartan Tirix The morning was rather dark for being so late, nearly mimicking the atmosphere of winter in the very end of summer. Not that very many of them minded, especially the amount that were hungover...

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Somewhere Out There - Short Story Of A Lonely Guy

**Somewhere Out There - Short Story Of A Lonely Guy** By Dexdor A thick light slowly crept into the room. Invading the once again messy apartment minute by minute. The glow climbing up the bedding that was accompanied by two, sleeping soundly in...

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