
Story by Melisune on SoFurry

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The soft cries of slaves curled up in the corner, the conversation between slaves and slavers cold and frightening. Numbers were given out and accepted. Dirt and straw covered the ground and gave a rustic smell to the darker room.

Triss D'Vichy had been wandering like he always was at this time of the night, though he'd kept close to this side for the most part, and for a reason. He was waiting to see if a certain someone would make a repeat performance two nights in a row, of showing up inside rather than some random place outside.

As the Husky's long stride rounds a corner of the pen, steel-blue's keep ever watchful, shifting this was and that, until finally landing on the one he was hoping would show. Leathery wings slip down to cloak his shoulders gently, ears perking atop his head at first, he then forcing them down and laid flat, eyes narrowing in almost an angry expression huffing softly as he walks over to Pavão, arms crossing in front of his chest, coming to stop in front of her, gazing down at her seated form, trying so hard to assume an angry air about him, lips pursing and then frowning as normally silken tones come out a bit deeper and more gruff, "You.. I have a bone to pick with you." His tail flicks from side to side.

Pavão blinks and looks up at him, sapphire hues widening in surprise. The peahens fingers stroked over her feathers worriedly, wondering if he had finally found something to be pissed at her about. Her body shook gently in nervousness, eye feathers of her rather odd masculine plumage giving faint rattle. Long locks of blue spilled over her bare ebony shoulders. "What did I do?" She hoped he was kidding, but if he wasn't she didn't want to piss him off by treating this like a joke.

Triss continues to glare down at Pav, eyes still narrowed, though ears slowly perk at the sound of her voice. His lips quiver as he tries to deepen the frown. His tail twitches and flails lightly, eyes starting to dance with mischief as they open just a bit more, his rumbling voice starting again, "Well! For one-" His lips turn completely, he starting to grin now, teeth glinting softly in the light, arms uncrossing as he moves forward, arms slipping about her as he straddles the exotic femme's lap, arms pulling her into a huge, tipping his muzzle to press it against her neck, chuckling softly, murmuring, "You are sitting here without me." He then slips away into the seat beside her, smirking.

Pavão wraps her arms around him as he straddles her lap. Lips curled into a small frown as she growled faintly in response. Eyes flickered angrily at his teasing. Taking a deep breath she buries her face into his neck, tongue flickering over the fur as she tried to keep from getting angry at him. Soft sigh caused her to relax, letting it drop. Hands rubbed over his sides before letting him go as he sat beside her. "Sorry."

Triss caught the sound of her growling, head canting to the side as he watches her, muzzle scrunching up, his tail slithering beside him to touch the top of her rump, then sliding up her back. Well she'd responded to his affection at least, but still. His head tilts to the side as his paw moves over and slips within whatever barrier of feathers presents itself, resting on the flesh of her thigh, his body leaning over against her side. The Husky tips muzzle to her ear, rubbing against it before tip of pink tongue is seen flicking over the rim, murmuring, "Aww, don't be mad, I was just playing. Aren't you happy to see me?" He makes a small pouty face, lower lip jutting slightly.

Pavão curls into him. "Of course I am. I just....don't......" She shakes her head and sighs, burying her face into his neck. "Never mind. I'm always glad to see you though." Looking up at him she tilts her head faintly. "How has your day been?" A small shiver ran up her spine as her feathers brushed against his fur, causing her body to puff out. Giving a muffled curse she sighed.

Triss grins softly at first as she agrees to the fact she is glad to see him, eyes lighting up some as body thrumms with a soft murr, that tail slithering along her back, stroking it, the paw on her thigh stroking still, kneading gently. He ponders thoughtfully at her question, not sure exactly how to answer, his free paw moving up to tap at his jawline lightly, glancing about the room with his cyan depths.

"My day has been a bit stressful, not the best. But not the worst. A whole lot better now though." He sticks his tongue out at her slightly before letting it retreat again, arching his brow at her curse, glancing over her body, look of concern on him. " Dear, what's wrong? And furthermore what can I do to help? Out with it!"

Pavão smiles faintly. "I'm a big feather poofball that's what's wrong." She moves back from him, pressing her arms against her head, making her look poofier. "And if you would like to help you could smooth down my feathers." She gives a teasing trill, arms moving around him once more. "Why is it better now?"

Triss snorts softly and gives a soft bout of laughter at her answer, broad grin stretching over his muzzle now, sinking into her embrace and murring steadily, pressing closer to her, ears flicking forward at the sound of her trill, always enjoying such, his arms slipping about her as well once more. "It's better because I'm glad to be in your company yet again darling."

Chuckling softly, paws stroking along her sides, trying indeed to smooth out her mass of feathers, muzzle pressing to Pav's shoulder, nipping lightly, then sliding to her neck, nuzzling as he cuddles to her. "I'd smooth them all out, however it might look bad right here, wouldn't want you to get into any trouble." he grins wider, "And what do I get anyways?" giving a playful wink to his dear friend.

Pavão coos at the feeling of his paw over the feathers. "If you wish to we could go somewhere else." Smile graced her features as she snuggled against him. Hand ran over his back and reached for his tail, playing with it gently. "Lead on, I'll follow."

Triss sinks in closer to the femme at her cooing, pressing his muzzle along her jawline, nipping softly as he continues to murr, warm breath running over her skin, his paws still running through her feathers slowly. His eyes alight with mischief again, glad to see her smile once more, tail flicking against her touch as he nods. He slips up from his seat, reaching down to grasp her hand and help her to rise. "Mrrr well then...come with me sweetness." he then leads off down the hall.

Pavão smiles as she followed him. As they entered the room she looks around, smiling at the comfort in the room. Turning slowly to look all over, she stopped with her back to him. Head tilted up to look at the ceiling. Hips swayed slowly as she hummed to herself, almost wanting to dance.

Triss had turns about after closing the door and bolting it, glancing about quickly, then watching her, his eyes admiring. watching her look about the room, getting a sappy smile over his countenance, tail bouncing back and forth behind his leather covered rump, ears perking quickly to full attention to listen to her humming. As her hips sway, he can't help but look down, sending gaze to watching, the motion almost hypnotic, murr still rumbling through him. After a moment he gives a small grin, slipping up behind her, pressing his hips firmly to her from behind.

Muzzle goes to press against the side of her head while his arms glide about her middle wrapping her up closely, starting to sway with her, paws stroking her front at first, starting over the feathers covering her breasts, and sliding down along her curves, all the way down stomach to her waist, then starting over at the top, slowly pressing down her feathers at the front, then resting on her abdomen.

Pavão squirms happily as he presses up against her. Hips continue to sway. Shivering she closes her eyes. Speaking faintly, she thought of one of her favorite songs, wondering if she could possibly turn it on him. "Mr. Detective, you've been looking too hard You should've started looking in your own back yard..." Her voice was soft and sultry, seeming to fit more than the sad voice she usually sang with. "Lost and found Lost and found You've earned your salary Searching for Mallory Wanna play lost and found Well, then, here I am On the lam You've been assigned to find out where I've been And now you've found me in your bed And though my daddy said to turn me in Why don't I turn you on instead"

Triss D'Vichy kept his hips pressed to her, swaying along with the entire time, eyes closed to just heavy slits. As she begins to sing, in such an enticing voice, his murring only increases, pressing hips harder to her, grinding slowly while still swaying, his tail flicking up, fingertips pressing to her more, paws sliding up her body again until they could stroke softly along the mounds of her breasts, caressing them slowly, his own movements more in tune with hers, seductive, while also affected by her, she was definitely turning him on with the singing and dancing, and he loved it.

His paws slide down just under the lower swell of her breasts, rubbing her upper midsection while tilting his muzzle to the side and back of her neck, getting beyond her silken tresses, and slowly nibbling, "Mmn you sound wonderful." he says it in barely above a whisper.

Pavão smiles as she continues to sway against him. Arms slowly move around the back of his neck, nuzzling him gently. Giving a small wriggle against him she continues, tilting her head up to brush her lips against his. "Teasing lips..." Hands grabbed his paws, sliding them down her body to her inner thighs. "Pleasing thighs..." She gently pressed back against him "Easy on Private eyes."

Triss grins, pleased as she slips her arms about his neck, leaning head forward some, brushing his lips along her cheek, still moving with her, pressing ever more firmly against, her affect on him getting slightly obvious. Hell just the singing along was enough, but her movements, their closeness, bliss.

As their lips meet, his lids close, savoring the touch, ears tucking back a little, then grinning as the song continues, letting her guide his paws however she wishes, dull claws trailing her body, coming to rest at her soft inner thighs. At this point he gives a soft moan from her teasing, nearly melting against her, fingers stroking the soft surface, sliding up to brush the lips of her sex teasingly while still swaying with her, wondering if there was more, but even if not he was enjoying the warmth, and toying lightly with her most intimate of areas, murmuring, "So pleasing..." in response.

Pavão shivers and turns to face him suddenly, body pressing against his as she forces him onto the bed. If he sat she would straddle his lap and lean over him, hips grinding playfully against his. "If you're not celibate We could raise hell a bit Why don't you call my bluff? Don't resist You won't know what you've missed You'll never tame me But you can claim me At the lost and found..." The end of the song, followed by her pressing herself against him until he would hopefully lay down, kissing him deeply.

Triss widens his eyes some as the lovely one turns to face him, thinking they'd stand together like this a moment, not expecting to be pushed to the bed, and so going easily, flopping down on his butt at the edge, her straddling his lap, his hands seeking out her sides, caressing and gripping those cherished curves. Triss gives a small gasp as she starts to grind against him, letting out a soft moan, feeling her heat wash over the crotch of his pants, her words playing to his mind and imagination, ears still taking it in, enhancing the moment.

He nods slowly in response to her words, his tongue running over his lips. The male is easily pushed back just melting again as her lips press in desire against his, his muzzle parting somewhat to allow the action, tongue flicking over her lips and along her own tongue as he wraps his arms about her, grinding his hips up on her as he gives another light moan, paw sliding down over her rump and up again. Yeah he wanted her now.

Pavão slowly kisses his down his body as her fingers unfasten his pants. Trailing the kisses over his hips as she slides them off, hands caressing his thighs. Tongue flickered over his exposed sheath gently. Eyes looked up at him, watching his face silently as her tongue continues to dart and run over him.

Triss writhes gently under her as she kisses her way down his bare chest and stomach, paws moving to stroke over her blue tresses, along her cheeks, her neck, shoulders, anything he could. Breath catches again as she unfastens and removes the pants, groaning softly in anticipation of her attention, his tail flicking lightly between his legs as thighs part just a bit, spread out naked in front of her.

As he feels her slick tongue darting over his thick sheath, he squirms a little, murr thick in his throat, grinning and watching her, the tip of his length easily sliding free, and continuing, slow inch by inch at any continued attention, throbbing gently before her eyes. He murmurs softly to her, "Good, sweet Pav." encouraging her to do her worst.

Pavão lets her tongue spiral around his length, suckling around the tip. She slowly moves up his body, brushing her body against him, letting him slide between her breasts then against her feathers until her hips were even with his. Soft kiss brushed against his lips as she sat up, pressing down on him gently. Lifting herself some she places the tip of him against her waiting slit, pressing just enough to pop the head into her.

Triss gives a heavy shiver as her tongue works along his soon fully hard shaft, hips squirming a little. Oh but she was a busy little tease, sliding up him again, his gaze on her, watching hungrily, hot desire reflected in his eyes, muzzle parted just a little. His paws slide along her form as she crawls up, moving to press her breasts together as she slides him between them, almost wanting to take her in that way a bit more... but another time, there was something more important eagerly awaiting him.

He returns the kisses, stroking her cheeks, gazing adoringly on her as she presses that hot slit to his sensitive flesh, it jumping just a little against her, gasping softly as she presses the head in, his hips bucking against her, causing it to nearly pop out only to press in the same amount. He growls softly, watching her, wanting to feel her impaled, though he knew she'd do it her way this time, for now.

Pavão smiles and runs her hands over his stomach, fingers playing with the nipple rings. In one fluid quick and hard motion she takes him all the way in her, not stopping until she feels his hips against her own. A loud moan escapes her as she squirms, shivering faintly. Walls clench tightly and squeeze around him at the sudden intrusion. Leaning down she nibbles over his neck.

Triss gives a small shiver, smirking up at her as she plays with the piercings, chest heaving softly with deepening breaths. As the femme takes him fully into her, his body jerks up just a little in surprise at the intense feelings that overtake him, groaning as he presses up into her slick folds, biting his lower lip, looking up at her, rolling hips against her, feeling her tightness, and giving out what was almost a coo of his own, head canting to the side to allow her access to his neck, nipping the edge of her ear and growling encouragingly, paws scraping fingertips down her sides, hips, and outer thighs, "Mmmore..." he whimpers softly.

Pavão flickers her tongue against his throat, biting faintly in mock dominance. She lets go and brushes her lips against his as she slowly rides him, then picks a pace that ends with her impaling herself on him and grinding against him before lifting herself up once more. "As you wish." She smiles as she watches him, watching his reaction.

Triss lets out another small growl as he feels the graze of her bite at his tender throat, hips pushing hard against her, raising them both up, then crashing back down. His lips eagerly join hers as she starts to ride him, feeling her silky walls clenching and sliding up and down over his member. Ears tuck back at her answer, steel-blue's watching her lustfully, roaming over her fine lithe body.

As she rises up on him again, thinking she was going to keep him in suspense, her grabs and holds her hips, keeping her where she was up in the air, slid decently far up his cock, giving a small grunt before thrusting fast multiple times, pounding up into her repeatedly, still holding her up, he the only one moving, hips pressing together each up thrust, happening so fast, panting softly, then finally letting her go, grinning wickedly as he shivers, letting her continue as she was.

Pavão squirms as she smirks down at him, sapphire hues glinting with mischief, happy to find that lust in his own eyes. As he held her up she moaned loudly with each thrust. When he left her to her own devices she picked up the pace, as if he hadn't stopped. It caused her to squirm pleasurably, soft pants hinting orgasm was close.

Triss definitely had that lust, he always had it when he was with her in such an intimate way. A few soft growls mixed with whimpers issues from parted jaws as he watches her go to work on his senses, body jerking as she works up and down on him repeatedly, such a smooth ride, slipping up and down, impaling herself over and over. He was panting himself of course, but watching her, noting her increased activity, it didn't take much to figure out she was getting somewhere.

The Husky reaches up, fingers digging into her back a little to pull her body down against his, legs slipping back, feet planting down on the bed so knees stick up, angling enough to help pump into her quickly, moaning low against her ear, "Ooh yes, give it baby, cum for me sweetness." he nearly groans it all, trying to match her pace, feeling somewhat closer himself, but not yet.

Pavão tilts her head back as her body shudders against him, hips bucking against him wildly as moan after moan escapes her. Walls clench around him, wanting him to orgasm as well. Lips brush against his as she pants, another moan given.

Triss groans softly again, body writhing against hers as he tries to keep them pressed closely together, feeling her walls clenching him, trying to squeeze and stroke him to release inside of her. His tail flicks about wildly as he approaches his release, growling again, giving a couple soft grunts as hips work harder against her, lips pressing tightly to hers as he kisses her deeply.

As the kiss deepens, he reaches his climax, hot seed spilling deep inside of her, legs dropping flat, paws moving her hold her hips in place, wanting her to take every drop inside of her body, grinding into her slowly as his length spasms.

Pavão trills and coos happily as she lays flat against him, kissing and rubbing herself against him in any way possible. Tongue darts out over his lips then down to his shoulder as she grooms happily. She clenches her muscles a few times playfully, causing it to go a bit tighter than her body would naturally go.

Triss convulses and shivers softly, groaning a little with each little squeeze of her muscles, paws flexing digits against her hips. As her tongue passes over his lips, he captures it between, suckling slowly, murring softly and contentedly as he lays there, then letting her lick and groom, he trying to curb his panting, tail flopping tiredly as he grumbles, "Merf... Amazing as always... Now to clean you up or not." he snickers, teasingly, giving a suggestive and teasing wink.

Pavão winces slightly as she slips off of him, curling up against his side as she rests her head on his shoulder. Faint kisses were given to his neck. "Please don't. I'll just want to do you all over again and I'm too tired too."

Triss smirks at this, shivering again and giving a small whimper as she moves from him, he slipping out of her, murring softly. Head tilts a little to allow the kisses, pressing his muzzle under her chin and nuzzling. Despite what she says however, a paw does dart down between her thighs, two fingers seeking out her slit and pressing into it, gliding up and away, coated in their combined juices. He murrs softly as tongue darts out over fingers quickly, then pressing them inside his maw to clean off thoroughly, chuckling after and snuggling.

Pavão gives a stifled groan of exhausted pleasure as her hand rests on his chest. "Mmm I'm the tease?" Scooting close she nuzzles his cheek and yawns, closing her eyes and going limp in his arms.