Chapter 4: a new face and the telling of the past

Story by Aldain on SoFurry

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#4 of The Adventures of Yuji Saotome

A New Life and Love

Chapter 4: a new face and the telling of the past

Well Lucious had called it; the three came out of Stars bedroom looking quite like the cat that ate the canary and all smiles. Lucious just laughed out loud" I am glad I did not take that bet with Lucy. I thought you might have waited till you all left but then again you are soul bound to each other I can see that in your aura's and I can tell Yuji loves you both very much. You had our blessings a few months ago." All three of the youngsters turned beet red in embarrassment. Then Yuji spoke up" they are worth it to me Lucious I know they will always be the parts that complete me. I and Ranko know all about the fights and arguments. Times we could not be together cause we were born into the same family as brother and sister but that never stopped us from being close either our love is on a level that survives all boundaries because we know we will be there in the next life" he wrapped his arms around the girls and held them both to him as they clung onto him. "Ok I think we had best get cleaned up since it is early and ash should be here in a few hours"

Yuji grinned at that "well if we have a few hours we best get our morning sparring done so we do not lose our edge" Ranko raised an eyebrow and looked over to Star" why do I have a bad suspicion we are about to get schooled Star" Star looked back to Ranko" that depends on exactly where you are at training wise Ranko, me and Yuji Spar very heavy since my species is a steel type, I know you're a dark type but adding fighting type moves to add to your fighting capabilities. You see Yuji is going to become a pokemon trainer today. Dad invited ash over since he can get all the records Yuji has thankfully his human parents did name him Yuji so it saves from having to chance his first name. his last name will be what he always held to his heart the Saotome name" Ranko got misty eyed and smiled" he took my name you see, Ranma was my brother, twin to be exact. Yuji and I had fallen in love when I met him trying to cheer me up and as he put it "Get a life" "she laughed "he was right you see I had died at childbirth but my brother kept me close to him never letting go the torture he was put through by my father was monstrous especially the Nekoken but he was not the only idiot that did that to his children. Yuji was put through nearly the same type of training Ranma had only he spent most of his youth at a Tibetan shrine to be cured of the Nekoken he had gotten a water curse that turned him into a lion so that set his mind off only the monks were able to calm him down and they helped cure his mind. I being part of my brothers' soul helped him cope with the Nekoken. It was the only thing I could do to help him. But as time went one he found his soul mate in Akane and the rings given to them, that and his impulsive behavior at times the rings were able to create a new body for him and he let me stay in his body that was female. Well it was a chance to do more than just talk and be with my brother again but I also brought a terrible loneliness. That was the most interesting power of those rings that they had. The rings of love and harmony gave me a life so to speak but it left a large hole in me that took Yuji to fill. Mom was ecstatic and so was Ranma. The days and centuries to follow, yes star your going to live a very long life as are me and Yuji, and who ever else joins us. It took a bit to get used to that I was not the only one that loved him. There were many others at last count seven mates total and we are all to meet here for a fun adventure, no it never is an easy mission but I can say it will e a fun one with you and the others but I only knew of you Star, I think it fits you better than nova right now, just as I am Ranko Saotome, you are Starsha Saotome and will always be" Ranko reached over and hugged Starsha, Starsha smiled and returned the hug with all the affection one does with your mate.

Ranko had it right about being schooled, she knew she had fallen behind a bit but now they were back together and they could rise together once more" damnit Yuji I had you last time guess it is your turn to help me get back to standard" she said with a grin taking his hand to help her up" I am glad you convinced Happosii to teach you the full school, I think that was ranmas challenge to become grandmaster of the style I am glad you remember all of it"

Yuji grinned" I am just glad Dad helped me write all of it down; it is the founding of a new style here in Unova. No one has ever heard of Anything Goes, so it is a fresh start with a clean background no matter how perverted the originator was" Ranko got started in a fit of giggles" oh dear god I remember that damn little troll was always peeping on me bad enough the groping" she shivered then Yuji chuckled" hey Ranko you most likely will have another evolution that will be unexpected like Star. That should give you a more anthro form that give us the ability to have children here when the time comes right now we are 14 so we have plenty of time before we start our family" he turned a bit red but was genuinely smiling.

Now that caught both star and Ranko off guard. "We could get pregnant?" they spoke in eerie unison. That made Yuji blink and laugh a bit" from what I gather from Basts plan yes seem we are going to give the anthro's we find a place to call home and there are quite a few from what I am gathering from the times I have headed into town" Ranko chuckled then laughed" oh my I am part of a Pride I see" Yuji blushed" it seems that was but considering we will be founding a nation of our own I think we can let things work out the way Arceus wished her children to be and let hem be happy and free"

A half hour later the three emerged from the bathing pool, Yuji had made some leather top and shorts for Starsha she had a more human figure now without her vest and shorts she had when she evolved into a lucario. Ranko had not yet had her final evolution to give her the Anthro form so her modesty was covered though she did make one cute Zoroark Yuji thought to himself and got himself mentally ready to give a brief synapses of what he remembered ash did at least deserve to know what was going on considering Yuji had a pendant around his neck made from the innards of a pokeball. This kept him from being captured himself he was going to be registered to himself. He shook his head in humor of it all as he and the girls sat down in the den where ash and Lucious were talking, and ash had brought a guest a young pink haired human girl wit a Riolu sitting right beside her with its arm around her.

Lucious smiled as they walked in and nodded to star" looks like Yuji's workmanship paid off who knew the art of leatherwork would pay off for him as one of the many skills he has shown us" Yuji laughed" I can not even begin to count all the years Lucious. I just rather say lifetime's worth of experiences wrapped into one. Some I remember if I need them others I do not even bother since they would not be needed still have to say I am rather shocked and have been for some years." Ash at that point said" why would you be shocked Yuji?" he asked as he gave me a box about the size of a boot box" I would have to say it was rather surprising to hear the story of you growing up. Reincarnation after what I have seen growing up is very possible as a matter of a favor Yuji will you take amber here with you" ash smiled as he introduced Amber "and her partner Onyx the Riolu" amber was a bit nervous she looked about.

"Well how do you think she will fare living off the land as a martial arts student" Yuji asked this very Sensei like and even amber picked that up, this boy was not much older than her and she learned everything her mother Maylene could teach her. Yuji saw in internal conflict in her eyes" I see, you are a martial artist are you not Amber. Don't say anything yet you have to hear my story before you can truly understand why I say that" he smiled to her" the road of a martial artist-"was all he got out before amber finished his statement"- is fraught with peril" Yuji did a spit take at that" no way the only ones I ever told that line my father in law would always say was to Ranko and angel."

Amber eyes opened really wide when she heard angel" how do you know my online name, and why do you know Nintaku's words" at this Ranko busted out in giggles saying video game pen pals. Yuji the knew exactly where this was leading but for the life of him could not figure out how a video game had wrote him back he thought it was an AI but seeing amber he knew he found his old pen pal in his first life here on this world" this is going to sound really weird but her goes cause I am Nintaku, Amber you were my pen pal on a video game I played when I was growing up in my first life where I was married to Ranko. I was then as I still practice today anything goes martial arts"

That was all the proof more that amber needed that this was indeed her friend she wrote back and forth too" but how are you young I knew you were in your twenties and was thankful for your support and help I lost track of you about a year ago" that made Yuji shake his head" I knew Skuld said those lessons about learning space time would be helpful but I can not explain how a video game opened a link between worlds but I am not going to complain to be able to meet my friend from online in real life. Ok now were to start"

Yuji sat back as he concentrated bringing his aura up like a screen behind him to show his memories" they say seeing is believing, I figured it would be best to show you in short detail just how long I have been around. Images played in the aura behind him showing his video game and two of the many messages amber had sent back and forth to him now she was confused how and why would this happen, unless they were meant to meet in her future. This made her a little giddy she had a chance to excel especially seeing how he was doing this she could feel the Ki energy flowing, Onyx was flat out flabbergasted seeing a human use aura like the way he was if anything he had to learn from Yuji to be a better partner for Amber. She was the first face he saw when he hatched and he loved her with all his being.

Yuji continued to play images of the wars, fights and battles not all very pleasant but the span of 3 hours Amber, Ash, Lucious, Lucy, Ranko and Star knew a lot more about Yuji than they thought they did." I have trained and learned every life to be a master of my style by 15 took 200 years just to fix my fathers screw ups but in the long run I have earned my title as grandmaster of the anything goes school of martial arts. On every world I have been on I leave that school behind to carry on and continue the traditions I taught them." He took a sip of water from his skin and looked over to amber and saw her Ki reserves as well as what looked like slight raises on the back of her hands. Ash chuckled and smiled" Yuji that was amazing in itself. If you become the trainer you strive to be then I have no doubt you will have the greatest adventure like I did with pikachu, speaking of which, where is that little rascal at. Pikachu I want you to meet some new friends." It was about that time the little yellow electric mouse poked his head out the door stuffing his face with berries. Seeing this broke most out in giggles as the little fellow turned red most hear {pikapi pi pika piak} Yuji and amber heard" I told you I was hungry walking here" Yuji laughed out loud at this" he said he told you he was hungry before you left for here this morning"

Now that took ash back a bit since no one had truly ever understood pokemon before" you understood him Yuji" he nodded" and by the giggles still coming from amber she did to" ash nodded "that was the main reason I brought amber to you so she could learn without being made fun of" that made amber cringe she loved to work with the pokemon more than the humans since the understood them "I know that feeling, dealt with that in Accumula Town. The wild child as they called me since I looked like I lived in the wild. But I think they will freak out when they see me in my anthro form" as he shifted into his anthro form amber jump slightly then leaned forward touching yujis arm" that feels weird but cool at the same time my father is my mothers lucario" this shocked ash as he heard of the hybrids but most hid there origins, with yuji's revelations and showing his anthro form helped her overcome some of that fear.

Yuji smiled and looked to amber" no worries Amber you are safe with us here and besides I get time to spend with my pen pal and friend I have not talked to in a long time and I can tell you it is good to make friends here" he gave her a soft hug and a smile" besides I think onyx might like to learn as well. You noticed that star and Ranko can speak common but right now onyx can't but he can learn it and I can bet he talks up a storm" Yuji chuckled as onyx blushed" no worries little man. You and amber are more than welcome to come with us, but I will tell you I am a hard teacher but I think you both will do fine" he looked back over to amber before she gave him a big hug and held him for a bit before letting go as ash cleared his throat" I did bring two starters but they are not from Unova, professor juniper said it would be a week before she got resupplied so I brought some from other regions. Yuji I brought you torchic, she is a feisty one but has a love for learning. Amber you have the Frokie he is a very laid back but a playful little fellow" ash gave each the pokeball holding the pokemon ash spoke of. Yuji being himself let the little torchic out in which she looked about seeing Yuji and everyone started chirping and talking [oh my I am glad to be out and about. Wish I did not have to stay cooped up in that ball all the time] Yuji laughed at this "well little one unless it is necessary for you to be there I can keep you out of the ball"

The morning of shock was all over [you can understand me, are you my trainer?] Yuji smiled "yup and I think the name Solara fits you best, welcome to your new home Solara." The little chic ran up and hugged Yuji's leg [thank you master] Yuji shook his head" no dear one not master but Yuji, you are my friend and I do not keep friends as slaves. You are free to follow what you want to do, being raise by Lucious the Lucario taught me that even though trainers do befriend their pokemon I think capturing them against their will is wrong. I will have a team that want to join me of their own free will" that being said gave the little chic something to think about her trainer wanted to know how she felt and what she wanted. This was very rare but always welcome to any pokemon.

The Frokie being let out by amber actually hugged her [thank you I was getting a cramp I have been in there quite a while now] amber let out a soft giggle " well your safe now, I want you to meet onyx and I think I am going to name you Hikaru" the little Frokie was puzzled by the name she smiled" as Yuji told me in his letters it mean to shine, and since you are my first pokemon as a trainer you are my light to shine the way forward" Yuji smiled at this Amber was going to be fine now and even better she was with friends.