Learning new customs

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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Set between books 7 and 8. Temeraire decides to show Maximus something he learned during the time he was in China.


Warning: The following story contains scenes of sexual intercourse between two male feral dragons...Then again....that's why you're here, right?

The herd of cows looked up and scattered in panic as the massive black shape landed close to them. It was a massive black dragon with blue dots adorning his wings. He had a ruff around his head and two long fleshy whiskers protruding from his upper lips. Next to him, a larger dragon landed. This one had red scales with an orange underbelly and two horns on his forehead. Temeraire chuckled at the panicked cows and stretched his joints with a groan as he and Maximus headed towards the nearby lake to drink thirstily after three hours of patrol. It had been two months after they reached the truce with the Incan dragons. The rest of the British contingent had gone to negotiate more treaties and establish an alliance with as much south American empires as possible. Maximus had to stay behind to recover from the wounds he sustained when they tried to steal two French ships to send the Tswana dragons and humans back to Africa. Temeraire stayed both to guard the outpost and because Lawrence was planning a trip to China on board the Potentate. "You are going to love China, they have a most interesting cuisine. You haven't really seen what Gong Su can do with proper spices. And the dragon city...There's all kinds of books and scrolls and..." Temeraire's enthusiastic rant was interrupted by a pained grunt and he turned to see Maximus lifting his right forepaw. The muscles under the orange scales tense and twitching. "Nngh!, don't worry, It's just a cramp" Temeraire walked next to Maximus and placed a paw on the tense shoulder. "Lay on your side, let me help you with that." Temeraire placed both paws on the large dragon's shoulder, looking for the muscle edges and rubbing them with the tips of his claws carefully. "I told you it was too soon for such a long flight. The wounds closed, but the muscles are still recovering. Lift your arm." Temeraire said, examining a tender scar on the red dragon's chest, close to the armpit. "Yes, and they need exercise to get back in shape. After a month grounded, I feel like a cow." The celestial dragon chuckled as he continued examining and massaging the strong muscles. Maximus groaned again, this time in delight as he smiled and closed his eyes. "Mmmh! Where did you learn that?" "I learned a lot about dragon anatomy in China, they have full compendiums about that. Most dragons know how to give a proper massage. Lay on your stomach and spread your wings, I'll show you" Maximus complied and Temeraire pressed his paws against the base of the wings, moving them in circles firmly. Maximus practically melted as one of his most sensitive areas was worked. "Y...you should teach Lily how to do that, and I want to learn too." Temeraire's paws moved dexterously to the base of the copper regal's neck. Temeraire was around 3/4 of Maximus' size, so he almost had to climb on top of the red dragon to reach certain areas. "Of course... I was meaning to ask you... Are you and Lily together?...as mates?" Temeraire moved now to Maximus' middle and lower back, grunting as the hard muscles fought against his massaging paws. "Something like that, we are not heart bonded or anything. We just enjoy eachother's company, and we mate like oversized rabbits. What about you and Iskierka?" Temeraire laughed and instructed Maximus to lay on his back to work on his legs. "Most certainly not. Even if she has been rather...insistent. We only did it once...four times in a row...She is very vigorous" Maximus growled in slight frustration as Temeraire held his right calf in both paws, squeezing tightly. "That's a record I intend to break once Lily returns. We used to mate twice a day before coming here. Then we had to held off for eight months traveling here...and then i get shot at and add two more months to my sentence." As he was working on the muscled leg, Temeraire had a clear view of Maximus' crotch. The leathery lips of the red dragon's genital slit were slightly coated in moisture. Below the slit, two round bulges signaled the copper regal's half hidden testicles swollen and full of seed. The dragon's musk became stronger as soon as they started talking about females. The poor big guy was definitely pent up. Maximus followed Temeraire's gaze and the scales on his cheeks turned slightly purple. "I don't suppose you learned how to deal with horniness and no females around when you were in china?" Temeraire blinked and stopped his massage, not sure if Maximus was serious, or if the answer would distress him. He knew British culture was...reserved about certain aspects of life. "Would you be surprised if I tell you I did?" Temeraire let go of Maximus' leg, sitting on his haunches. Maximus rolled to lay on his side, listening intently. "In China, when male dragons are pent up, they relieve themselves using their hands, their mouths...and sometimes the help of other males." Temeraire wanted to see Maximus' reaction. The larger male seemed to ponder on this for a few seconds, then his expression brightened. "Oh! You mean like captains Granby and Little?" Now it was the celestial's turn to be surprised. "I think almost every dragon knows about them. They always go to the dragon stables when they want to have intimacy. Humans can be...dumb sometimes" Temeraire sighed in relief, thankful that dragons were much more open minded than humans. "So, how do two male dragons relieve eachother? I know Granby and Little do it, but i don't know how they do it. We always give them their privacy." Temeraire felt his own slit twitching at the idea of mating with Maximus. He placed a paw over the muscled red rump and his clear blue eyes locked with Maximus' honey colored ones. "Lay on your back again, and spread your legs" Maximus did as Temeraire asked, watching with interest as the black dragon moved between his legs. Temeraire placed a claw on each leg, lowering his snout until his nose touched Maximus' slit. He inhaled deeply and shuddered as he took in the copper's arousing musk. Temeraire nuzzled the swollen slit lovingly for a few seconds before letting his tongue out and giving the hot, leathery slit a few licks. Maximus sighed at the strange sensation. Lily was never too interested in foreplay. Mating with her was mount, thrust, climax, repeat, maybe a few playful nibbles in between, and that was it. It never occurred to them to use their hands or mouths, or to focus on other parts of their bodies. Both dragons moaned as Temeraire's tongue slid inside the warm and tight slit. The celestial felt his member throbbing and peeking out of his own slit at the taste of the fleshy tunnel. His tongue touched something hot and throbbing inside the slit and he pressed harder, moving his paws to spread Maximus' slit and practically burying his snout in it. Maximus could feel the fleshy tongue pressing against his needy member, teasing it and coating it in saliva, mixing it with his own natural lubricants. He wondered for a second if Temeraire's cock would feel the same as his tongue. The celestial dragon pulled his tongue out, finally allowing Maximus' penis to emerge coated in a mix of precum and saliva. Temeraire licked his lips, pressing them against the base, slowly licking his way down to the round orbs bellow, bathing them in warm breath before licking the soft and tasty scales protecting the sensitive testicles. "Mmmghh! That feels...wait...what are you...? Ooohh!" Temeraire slid his tongue inside the other male's tailhole, causing Maximus' blush to deepen. Temeraire pushed his tongue as deep as he could, curling it inside the virgin passage, stretching it and lubing it with his saliva. One of his claws finally grasped Maximus' needy erection. The size difference made it a little intimidating as Temeraire couldn't fully wrap his claw around the thick base and the throbbing organ was easily the length of his forearm. Temeraire pulled his tongue to examine Maximus' penis closer. Other than the size difference, it was similar to his own. A thick fleshy shaft with a knot at the base, a spade shaped glans and three ridges on the underside. Temeraire grinned at Maximus' pleasured expression. The larger male had his tongue out and was panting lightly "How?...what was that?...I never imagined my tailhole would feel like that" "That...was just what is known as foreplay, we haven't even started the real mating." The smaller male moved on top of Maximus until their members were rubbing together. Temeraire started nibbling and licking all over Maximus' broad and muscled chest. His claws reaching and teasing Maximus' wing membranes near the base. "My brother taught me all the places that can arouse a male's body" "Your b...brother? Aah!" Maximus shuddered as Temeraire's cock tip pressed against his genital slit, just barely slipping inside. "Yes, Lung Tien Chuan. My twin brother. He's the one that taught me all about male pleasure" Temeraire grinned, wrapping his tail around Maximus', moving little higher so the red dragon's cock would rub against his tailhole. "He would make me climax again and again before he even touched my cock. He would enter my tailhole with cock, tongue, tail or claws. He would fuck my slit, or my mouth..." Temeraire felt a splash of precum hitting his tailhole and growled softly, reaching to lick Maximus' lips. "And then i would do the same to him" The celestial dragon moved his hips backwards and both males shuddered as the hard spire of flesh pressed firmly against the tight, black tailhole. Maximus gave a short thrust just as temeraire relaxed his hole. The thick, arrow shaped cock head slipped inside, causing Temeraire to gasp and clench his tailhole, placing both claws on the strong, red chest. Maximus blushed and stopped, even if his entire body was trembling with need and anticipation. "S...sorry" Temeraire gritted his teeth for a few seconds, finally relaxing his tailhole again and leaning over to nibble at Max' lips reassuringly. "It's ok...nngh!...just let me adjust first...ooouugh!...you're huge" Maximus continued blushing, but chuckled at the praise, rubbing Temeraire's sides. The black dragon started moving slowly up and down. Taking more and more of Maximus' cock with each downstroke. He nodded at Maximus again and the red dragon resumed humping his hips. "Nnnff!...so tight...are you sure you're alright?" Temeraire's own member had reached full hardness and was bouncing up and down, dribbling precum over Maximus' toned stomach. "Never been better" moaned the black dragon. Temeraire could feel the soft, fleshy barbs and ridges rubbing against his prostate and the still swelling knot pressing insistently against his entrance. He knew it was probably not a good idea, but lust was definitely dominating over reason right now. He grabbed Maximus' paws and placed them on his hips. "Push your knot in" Before Maximus could protest, temeraire pressed himself against the knot, causing the copper red to instinctively hump his hips. Both males roared when the thick knot popped in. The intense pressure against his prostate caused Temeraire to shudder and spurt a thick glob of precum. Maximis started humping his strong hips, gritting his teeth at the intense feeling of his knot moving in and out of the tight ring of flesh. Temeraire had never taken a cock that size before, and Maximus had never been in such a tight hole. So it was natural that both males lasted only a couple minutes of vigorous mating. Temeraire's creamy seed splattering all over Maximus' chest and face. The red dragon was too busy riding his own climax to notice the other male's cum on his face. Temeraire's orgasmic contractions effectively milking the larger male. Both dragons shook and moaned for a good thirty seconds. Temeraire leaned to lick a few lines of cum from Maximus' neck as the red dragon licked what he could reach around his lips. "It tastes...unusual. I think I like it" Temeraire smiled, squeezing around Maximus' still hard member, feeling the substantial load trapped inside due to the thick knot. "I am sure you can go at least one more time my friend" said Temeraire hopefully. Maximus licked the black dragon's neck and rubbed the base of his wings lovingly. "If the rest of the experience will feel as nice as this, three more times before i start feeling tired." They continued licking and caressing eachother as they waited for Maximus' knot to shrink enough to let him start thrusting again. "What in the blazes of hell is this!?" They both turned to see two humans standing right at the entrance of the clearing. Said humans being no others than their captains, Lawrence and Barkley. Both humans almost as red as Maximus' scales. "Maximus! What in the devil's horns are you doing?" asked Berkley. "Well, what does it look like? Me and Temeraire are having a nice and pleasant mating, which you promptly interrupted." Said Maximus matter of factly. "I can see...i mean...you are...and Temeraire is..."stuttered Berkley, who then turned to look at Lawrence for answers. "I think this calls for a few glasses of wine" said Lawrence placing a hand on Berkley's shoulder. "Come on, I'll tell you about some customs of the chinese dragons" Then he turned to the dragons. Both humans let out an audible gasp and both dragons moaned when Maximus' knot slipped out of Temeraire's tailhole, still half swollen and followed by a torrent of seed. "We...uuhhh...big...ahem...We'll leave you chaps to your fun...ummm. Make sure you take a nice bath afterwards...in the ocean, or a river. Also...make sure..." Maximus decided they had waited enough, so he spread his legs to give them a good view and started thrusting his hips again, causing Temeraire to arch his back and moan. Lawrence got the hint and stopped talking. Him and Berkley started walking away. Temeraire noticed the older captain giving them one last look and grinning lightly. After the humans disappeared, maximus stopped thrusting, remaining hilted inside the smaller black dragon. "Do you think we're in trouble?" asked Maximus. Temeraire leaned to lick the red dragon's chin. "Not likely. Lawrence and Berkley will just have a long talk. Lawrence knows how it is with Chinese dragons." Temeraire smiled and squeezed around the hard cock, feeling only the knot had deflated halfways. Maximus got the hint and started thrusting again, feeling his seed being pushed out of Temeraire by his thrusts. Temeraire growled in pleasure and wrapped his arms around Maximus' strong body. The copper regal was bigger than any male in China. Temeraire continued riding Maximus for a few more minutes before placing both paws in Maximus' shoulders and lifting himself until he felt the thick and hard organ slipping out of his stretched hole. "Why did you stop?" asked Maximus between slight pants and letting his tongue out. "I want to try another position." said the black dragon moving to lay on his back with his legs spread. "I want you to do the humping" Maximus rolled on his side, staring curiously at Temeraire's crotch, noticing their members were slightly different, but not much. He noticed the throbbing, swollen, cum covered tailhole. Reaching with a hand to touch it, surprised at how something so small and tight looking could fit something so large. "Wasn't it painful?" he asked, sliding a finger inside the fleshy pucker. "A little at first. A bit more when the knot went in, but...nnngh!...the pleasure easily overshadows any pain" Maximus pulled the finger out, lowering his head and giving the cummy hole a few licks. "Mmmh! Perhaps later you can mount me. I'm curious to know how it feels." That idea caused Temeraire's cock to jump and squirt precum over his stomach. He would definitely love to take his big friend's anal virginity. Maximus continued licking, curious of another male's taste. He pressed his snout against the base of Temeraire's cock, nuzzling the sensitive knot and inhaling deeply, feeling his own maleness throb at the arousing scent. Temeraire gasped when he felt Maximus' warm and soft tongue sliding inside his genital slit, touching the hidden, sensitive base of his member. Maximus slurped noisily at the mixed seed that made its way into the warm folds after their first climax. A few thick drops of clear precum dribbled from Temeraire's cock over Maximus' red snout. The red dragon pulled his tongue from the hot slit and moved lower, sniffing around the slightly gaping, cum filled hole. Maximus pressed his tongue against it, scoping his own semen out and slurping noisily. "You...aahhh!---like the taste of seed?" asked temeraire, spreading his legs wider. "I love it. Lily sometimes lets me lick her clean after we mate" said Maximus between licks, pushing his long and thick tongue inside Temeraire's hole. "nngh!...Max...mount me again. I want it badly." Maximus pulled his tongue out, licking his lips and moving up until his massive cock was rubbing against Temeraire's tailhole and taint. The black dragon nodded and Maximus positioned the tip against the black pucker. Both dragons growled when Maximus penetrated Temeraire for the second time. The nw angle causing the thick cock to rub against Temeraire's prostate and inner testicles even harder. "So...big" Temeraire whispered between pants. Maximus wrapped his arms around the black dragon's shoulders, bringing them closer together and raising his rump, giving more length to his thrusts. "I want to try something, just follow my lead" Said Temeraire moving a hand to the back of Maximus' head. They presed their lips together. Temeraire let his tongue out and slid it inside the red dragon's mouth, teaching Maximus how to kiss properly for a full ten minutes as the dragon's thrusts became shorter, but never stopped. They finally broke the kiss and Maximus stared drunkenly into Temeraire's beautiful blue eyes. He started licking all over the black scaled face, making Temeraire shudder and moan when his warm tongue touched his facial tendrils. Maximus realized how sensitive they were and grinned. He caught a tendril between his lips, lovingly sucking and nobbling on it. He remembered what Temeraire did earlier and moved his paws between the black dragon's wings, gently scratching at the base. All that, plus the erection moving in and out of his tight passage drove Temeraire over the edge again. He held tightly onto Maximus' muscled arms, clenching hard around the thick pole inside him and coating their fronts with his second load. Maximus let go of Temeraire's tendril, shuddering and growling as he fought his climax. His cock throbbed powerfully inside Temeraire, but didn't release more than copious drops of milky precum. "You...did you?..."asked temeraire between pants. "No. I'm not done yet, and i hope neither are you" Maximus moved his claws from Temeraire's back, moving one of them to rub the black scales coated in cum. Temereire felt his tired and sensitive member retreating into his slit. He grabbed Maximus' cum covered claw and brought it to his face, licking his own seed as they shared another few minutes of tender kisses and caresses. Maximus remained hard and throbbing inside Temeraire as he continued cleaning the black scales with his tongue. "I have an idea...pull out" The red dragon tilted his head, but slowly pulled his cock out, causing them both to groan. Temeraire pressed their bodies together again, feeling the thick flesh brush against his taint and swollen genital slit. Maxinus understood what Temeraire wanted to do and his cock throbbed even harder, spurting rope of precum directly over the throbbing slit lips. "Are you sure? It's going to be a tight fit." "mmmrrr...I'm counting on it" Temeraire growled softly and nibbled Maximus' lips. The larger dragon shuddered, unable to resist any longer, pressing his cock inside the warm slit. Both dragons moaned through gritted teeth as their cock heads rubbed together inside the warm and tight fleshy pocket. Temeraire let out a cute whimper as a little more of Maximus' cock sunk in and stretched his slit even more. "Are you ok?" asked the larger male. "nnnfh!...I'm fine, just go slow...this feel so good" Temeraire relaxed and licked Maximus' chin. The red dragon continued pushing until their genital slits kissed and Temeraire held both members inside. Temeraire's entire body shuddered and the black dragon was letting out small gasps and whimpers that sounded adorable for a creature his size. Maximus waited patiently, caressing the black dragon's wings and sides, nuzzling his neck and face, making sure the male under him was comfortable. It seemed the large, red dragon was a very tender lover. Temeraire returned the licks and nodded after a few moments. "Go for it" Maximus smiled and raised his rump slowly, causing both dragons to growl at the overwhelming feeling of their members rubbing together in the warm pocket of flesh. Maximus only pulled halfway out, feeling Temeraire's cock throbbing and fighting to get harder and push him out. He denied the needy organ by pushing himself back in all the way. He started humping his hips, slowly feeling Temeraire's legs spasming. It brought an intense submissive feeling to temeraire. His cock desperately trying to harden and slip free, being overpowered by another harder, larger member, being pushed back inside his body, being taken by his front like a female. Maximuys was experiencing exactly the opposite and just as intensely. The feeling and thought of using his cock to push another male to submission, the feeling of the other member trying to fight against his, being pushed back over and over again. It was exhilarating for the both of them. Both members were dribbling precum constantly. It filled Temeraire's slit only to be pumped out by Maximus' cock, making a mess on their lower bodies and filling the clearing with lewd, squelching sounds and the air around them with their heavy and masculine musk. "I can't...I...Maximus!" Temeraire roared and wrapped his arms around Maximus' torso, holding onto the sensitive base of the red dragon's wings as every muscle in his body tensed and his half hard cock throbbed, flooding his slit with wave after wave of warm, sticky seed. Maximus' roar came two seconds later, muffled as he bit into Temeraire's shoulder. The first spurt causing the celestial's overstuffed slit to bulge before the folds finally gave in and the contained seed erupted in heavy squirts, coating their lower bodies. "F...uugh...pull out...pull out" Begged Temeraire as his over sensitive member was still being rubbed inside his slit. Maximus pulled out, causing both males to gasp. Temeraire's member finally slipped free to rest against his stomach, still pulsing weakly and dribbling the last of his seed. Maximus' cock resting against it. Maximus was panting heavily, licking the small punctures left by his teeth on Temeraire's shoulders as the celestial dragon let go of his wings and instead caressed the strong muscles of his back and flanks. "Are you alright?" finally asked Maximus "I'm sorry about the mating bite. I wasn't too rough, was I?" Temeraire moaned and gave Maximus' face a few loving licks. "You were perfect Max, absolutely perfect" Maximus smiled and rolled them to lay on their side, enjoying a few more minutes of licks and caresses before going to look for a river. After their bath he was going to ask Temeraire to mount him.

Guard my Heart. A Zootopia short

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