An Evening with Lesley

Story by Iron-K on SoFurry

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Written by Iron-K, 2009

"Kief's here!"

The snow leopard froze in surprise with one foot on the top step as he heard a high pitched shout from behind the door in front of him. As he looked up, it clicked open, and a mouse girl that he recognized as Stephi, one of his girlfriend's roommates, poked her head round the door.

She grinned at him as he hurried over, then she turned around to call back into the apartment. "Come on, girls, let's give them some privacy!"

There was a commotion from inside as she opened the door more fully, turning around away from him as he leaned to see past her. Through the door he caught a glimpse of his girlfriend Lesley, looking up from her seat amusedly through her large glasses at the sudden flurry of bags being hunted for and coats being put on.

"Wait, I need to change my shoes..." a voice came from somewhere in the chaos.

"No, come on!" Stephi clapped her hands together a couple of times as she moved forwards. "We said we'd clear out and leave them alone..."

After a few moments with the mouse girl tapping her foot as she watched them, Kief stepped aside as she led the troop of seven out and down the stairway, smiling back embarrassedly as he got a grin or wink from each of them as they passed by.

"Enjoy yourselves!" a voice called up from the lower floor as he stepped inside, followed by a chorus of giggling from the rest of the group. He laughed a little awkwardly in response, closing the door behind him, then turned around to face the blonde chipmunk girl on the couch as he sagged his shoulders.

"You survived," she smiled over at him, leaning her elbows over on the arm of the seat. "They don't really scare you all that much, do they?"

"When they're in a group they're a force to be reckoned with," he said, tugging off his coat and kicking his shoes off. "But I think I can cope with one..."

She watched him as he came over to the seating area and placed the gift bag he was carrying on the coffee table, pushing a couple of empty glasses gently aside. As he sat down beside her, he stretched his arm up and around her shoulder, hugging her against him as she twisted to put her hand around his other side.

"So we're alone for the evening?" he asked, rubbing his hand gently up and down the fur on her arm. She turned around further, pressing her cheek against his shoulder, and he rubbed his face against her hair, kissing her on the forehead.

"Yeah, Stephi's going to keep them away for a few hours," she said into his chest. "They think we just want to be left to cuddle..."

"From the looks I was getting I think they were expecting more than that!"

He felt her cheeks move as she smiled, and she wriggled against him a little. "You're not going to disappoint them, then, are you?" she asked, and moved her face away to grin up at him.

"Not at all," he answered, feeling a twitch at the thought of what they had planned for their time alone. He looked over to the bag sitting on the table in front of them, and stretched forwards, one arm still around her, to hook a finger under the ribbon-tied handle.

"Happy twenty-first," he announced, dangling it in front of her. She grinned excitedly and sat up straight away from him as she took it in both hands.

"Oh, what did you get me?" she asked as she put it on her lap and pulled the ribbon off, beginning to dig through the layer of crepe paper on the top. Kief watched her face closely, smiling but nervous - this was the first relationship he'd been in where he'd had to buy a birthday present, and had had to rely on friends for advice.

The chipmunk girl's eyes widened a little as she drew out a slim black box, turning it around in her hands to read the gold stamped lettering on the side, he was pleased to see her give a wide grin.

"I didn't know you knew anything about whisky," she said. Carefully, she put the box down on the sofa cushion in front of her, opened the top of it and pulled the dark square bottle gently out.

"Well, it was my dad that told me about this kind - and I found out it was brewed right next to where you live," he answered. "So I thought it would be something good for you to start on now you're 21..."

His girlfriend nodded. "The girls thought so, too, they got this to share round..." She leaned across to the table, where Kief had only just noticed the shape of the bottle standing among the little empty glasses.

"Oh, you're joking..." He felt his heart sink as she picked the half full bottle up from the coffee table with her other hand, putting them together in front of him underneath her grinning face to show him that they were the same.

"Don't worry, it's nice stuff! I can't have any more tonight, though..." She stretched across again to put the two bottles down on the table together, then faced him with a smile. "I love you. Thanks." She leaned forwards over the bag between them, hands on her knees, and their lips met in a kiss.

Kief pointed down as she leaned back into a sitting position again. "Well, there's something else in there as well - down at the bottom somewhere..." He gesticulated back towards the bag, and she looked down at it again, putting both hands in to push the paper aside.

"Soap," she giggled, taking the plastic bag with two balls of it out of the larger bag and holding it up, turning it around to look at the two different colors. "Did you think I would need it after tonight?"

Kief smiled, relaxing. "Maybe," he answered. "I take it that... stuff finally arrived?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Yeah," Lesley said with an enthusiastic nod. "It only came yesterday morning. Want to see it?"

"Sure," he replied. Lesley scrambled off the couch, gathering the things from the bag together and leaving them on the coffee table, and he hauled himself up as she headed for the closet next to the front door.

"We'll need this," she said, pulling a large plastic bucket out from the near corner and offering it to him. Kief nodded, taking it, and then followed her down the corridor. He watched her closely as she crossed her arms in front of her to take off her top, wriggling to get it over her head and then looking coyly back at him as she slung it over her shoulder.

"You're keen, aren't you?" he smiled back.

"Like you aren't!" She turned as they reached the door to her bedroom, right at the end of the corridor and opposite the larger of the two bathrooms, then turned the handle and scampered inside.

Kief followed her as she moved to the messy desk, draping her top over a stack of books on one side, and reached to her face to take off her glasses. The room was small like all of the student living spaces in the building - perhaps ten feet square, and had room for not much more than her desk, the bed along the wall next to it, a bookcase that had been crammed into the corner at the foot of the bed, and a wardrobe attached to the wall next to that. A few posters were stuck up on the walls, the biggest one being a large periodic table over the desk.

He turned to close the door behind him, as the chipmunk girl immediately pulled open the top drawer of the desk.

"Here it is," she said as she turned around, holding up a plastic packet with the gear-shaped Industrial Zone logo on the front. As he came forward she handed it to him, and he turned it over in his hand to look - the outer packet was already open, and contained a square pack of off-white powder, a little cardboard tube with a warning sign on it, and an instruction sheet that had been hastily refolded and squeezed back in alongside them.

"So... this is the real stuff, the kind I used to watch people getting covered in on Saturday mornings?" he asked, squeezing the pack a little and watching the cornstarch-like substance in the inner packet move under his thumb. "It's weird to see it like this. I always thought it was something... something that only happened on TV."

"Yeah, me too," she nodded. "I really hope this comes out the same!" She took the bucket from him, held it out in front of her as he tossed the pack into it, then placed it on the bed.

"Are you going to stay in those, or are you getting changed for it?" he asked, gesturing down at her jeans.

"Oh, definitely," she said. "I've got a costume you'll like... but you're going to have to turn around while I get into it..."

"Oh, all right..." He grinned, taking a last look at her in her white bra, and slowly but obediently turned around, clasping his hands behind his back.

He stared up at the wardrobe as he heard the sound of clothing being removed from behind him, resisting the urge to peek over his shoulder. On the left door, a souvenir from when she had been on Industrial Zone a year ago was tacked up - a poster showing a wireframe map of the complex the show was set in. He remembered asking her about being on the show, and being surprised when she told him that it really was built as a full set like that.

"You're going to have to take your stuff off, too - come on, get undressed!" He felt the chipmunk girl's hand brush against his back, then move down to gently tug on his tail.

Still looking up at the poster, he unbuttoned his own jeans and then pulled his T-shirt off over his head, stepping out of his crumpled trousers and then putting a hand out on the wardrobe to steady himself as he lifted his feet to take off his socks. He smiled to himself as he heard her whistle from behind him.

"Did you put those on specially?" she asked.

"Yeah," he nodded, his eyes still fixed on the opposite wall. He moved one hand down to the band of the tight white cotton briefs that he was wearing - he usually wore looser underwear and found these a little uncomfortable, particularly when he thought about what he was about to do to his girlfriend, but had dug them out of the back of his drawer because he knew she liked them.

He heard another desk drawer opening behind him. "We're going to need a book for questions, you could find one up there..."

Kief sidled over to the bookcase in the corner of the room, keeping his promise of not turning around. He looked it up and down, from the textbooks at the bottom to the lighter reading further up, and stretched up to grab a quiz book from the end of the top shelf.

As he stood on his tiptoes to get to it, he heard her purr from behind him, then jumped as he felt her hand grasp just below his tail.

"How come you're allowed to look and I'm not?" he chuckled, nearly glancing over his shoulder but stopping himself.

"I'm nearly done..." Curling his toes on the thin carpet, Kief rocked on the balls of his feet a little, closing his eyes as he waited and hearing the sound of a couple of hair clips being undone.

"Okay - you can look now!"

Kief opened his eyes and turned around. Lesley had got into the swimwear that she'd also been given after her appearance on IZ - a black bikini with the show's logo on the front of the tops and bottoms - and was now wearing her long blonde hair loose, two strips of it worn to the front and hanging down to the height of her chest.

"Damn, you're gorgeous," he whistled as he looked her up and down, then smiled as she shifted her hips to one side, one hand on the curve of them as she posed for him. Her grin broke into a giggle and she bounced forwards to wrap her arms around him, jiggling on her feet. He poked her head with his muzzle, making her look up, and kissed her on the lips.

"I'm going to have to get you out of that if we hang around much longer..." he said, his hands already reaching for the clasp at the back of her swimwear top.

Squeaking, the chipmunk girl ducked and wriggled out of the way, holding up a finger in front of her. "Okay," she said, then breathed out, tapping her hands on her thighs as she looked around a little awkwardly. "So... shall we do this?"

Kief smiled back at her, making sure to catch her eye. "Yeah," he nodded.

He shivered as Lesley squeaked in excitement, taking the book from his hands, and he stepped past her to pick up the foldout chair tucked under her desk. She closed and unplugged her laptop computer, then put the quiz book on top of it, picking them both up and tucking them under her arm. He moved around her again to grab the bucket with the pack inside.

"Is that all we need?" he asked. She nodded silently and stepped towards the door, poking her head around the frame and looking down the corridor both ways even though they both knew they were alone.

"You sure you don't want to go to mine to do this?" he asked as she tiptoed across the corridor and pushed the bathroom door open. "My roommate's away until next week..." He followed her inside - the bathroom was fairly spacious compared to the bedrooms, with enough room for a full length bath in the corner opposite the sink and lavatory. At the end of the bath, with a countertop full of the various girls' bottles of shampoos and conditioners between them, was the stand-alone shower, a six foot tall cubicle open at the top.

She shook her head in answer to his question as he set the stuff he was carrying down on the bath mat. "You haven't got this!" she smiled, patting the side of the shower cubicle. Only the side that was visible from the bathroom door was frosted - probably a result of the landlord having made some cheap repairs himself - giving a clear view of the inside to anyone standing in front of it.

As Lesley put the computer and book down on the shelf behind the sink he got up, taking the foldout chair with him, and moved towards her. "Is this going to fit...?" he wondered aloud as he tugged the empty cubicle open, and lifted the chair inside carefully so as not to scrape the sides. He slowly folded it out, budging it up against the back wall, and watched as Lesley stepped inside.

"Yeah, it works great," she said as she sat down, looking up and skimming her feet on the bottom of the shower. He closed the door in front of her to make sure her legs had enough room, then opened it up again as she stood up.

"Okay, so... how do we make this stuff up, then?" he asked, turning around and stooping down to grab the plastic pack from inside the bucket. He reached in to the outer bag to take out the crumpled instruction sheet and shook it out to unfold it with one hand as Lesley came round and stood on her tiptoes to read it over his shoulder.

"Okay, Industrial Zone Gunge Kit - makes five gallons, it says we need a large bucket..." he pointed down at it, "the powder and coloring, and warm water."

Lesley took the bag from his left hand and took out the dark cardboard cylinder and pack of white granules as he skimmed the sheet. "It sounds simple enough," he said, and looked down as she held the pack over the bucket, ready to tear it open.

"Wait..." he said, making her look up as he stooped down to grab the bucket. "Has this had cleaning stuff in it?" He held it up and inspected the inside. "I don't want you to get a rash or anything..."

"It's fine." She stepped forward, stretching up to pull the bucket down from his face and took it from him. She held it up to her own face and sniffed it. "It's always rinsed out after we use it." She moved over to the bath and turned on the tap, then stuck the bucket under the flow of water and swilled it around for a few seconds before dumping it out and starting to fill it up again.

"I forgot, we need something to stir with," she called over her shoulder as steam began to rise from the tap.

"What can we use - something from the kitchen?"

"Yes..." She turned and tapped her fingers on the edge of the tub as she thought. "There should be a ladle somewhere - make sure it's clean!"

Kief nodded silently and stepped into the corridor again, after another instinctive look around the door at the empty flat. Resisting the urge to dash through to the bedroom and put his shirt back on, he quickly made his way through the front room into the kitchen area at the opposite end, and grabbed the large plastic ladle off the top of the pile of items in the sink. After running it under the tap and scrubbing it dry with the nearby dish towel, he made his way back to the bathroom.

"This?" he asked, holding it in front of him as he pushed the door open. Lesley was still leaning over the bath - with a smile, he walked forwards to grab her hips as he leaned over to watch her pouring the powder gently into the bucket inside. He reached around to hold the ladle out, squeezing her hip with his other hand.

"Yep," she confirmed, and wriggled forwards out of his grasp as he stooped to kiss her on the back, eyeing the clasp of her bikini top. "Want to get in? You're the one who's going to be using it..."

"All right..." Kief put his free hand on the edge of the bath and climbed into it, shuffling to get comfortable as he knelt down on the hard enamel. Lesley turned the taps again, putting one hand under the flow of water to check its temperature.

"All right, are you ready?" she asked above the noise of the running water. "It says you've got to stir it around as soon as the water starts..."

"Ready," he confirmed, brandishing the kitchen implement and stooping over the bucket as Lesley shoved it under the running faucet. Quickly, he leaned over and swirled the powder around as the water poured in, settling into a slower rhythm as it foamed up a little.

His girlfriend turned the water off when it reached the five gallon fill line, and he leaned over further to look into the bottom of the bucket as the bubbles cleared, a little surprised at what he saw.

"It's just clumping up into lumps at the bottom," he said, scooping up one of the soft white beads with the ladle. "Should it be doing that?"

Lesley wrinkled her brow and looked up and down the sheet. "Yeah... I think so," she said hesitantly. "Just keep stirring it in!"

He caught his breath and swirled the stuff around for another minute or so. The lumps dwindled as he tried to scrape them up off the bottom and break them up with the side of the ladle, aware that Lesley was looking on anxiously.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, suddenly feeling the liquid beginning to resist. "Something's definitely happening now..."

"Is it?" the chipmunk girl asked excitedly, hands on the side of the bath as she bent over to look at the still clear liquid. "Come on, keep going!" she added as he let go of the handle and leaned back on his knees for a second, shuffling uncomfortably on the dry bath surface.

"It's getting difficult, I need a... blender, or something," he chuckled, rubbing his forearm, then took a breath and began heaving the increasingly thick mixture around the bucket again. "Does it say to do anything when it gets going?"

Lesley stood up straight again and held the sheet up in front of her. "Yeah, it says to add the coloring when all the lumps are gone - and there's a massive warning saying not to get it on anything else!" she said, turning it around and pointing towards the red box on the instructions.

"All right, I think we're there - stand back!" Lesley gave the little cardboard tube to him. "What do I do once it's in, do I stir it again or will that give us a green ladle? Can I have a look?"

Lesley passed the instructions over to him and he held the sheet in one hand as he skimmed them. "No... it looks like that's over with," he said, quietly relieved that the exertion was over. Putting the piece of paper to one side, he held the tube well away from himself, hovering it over the bucket before he pulled the top off. He looked inside for a moment, then sprinkled its contents over the glutinous liquid. The chipmunk girl fascinatedly crouched down to watch, the stuff forming little foaming bubbles as it dropped through the liquid and clouded it, rapidly turning it an opaque bright green.

"That's... intense stuff," he said, his head next to hers as they both watched the bubbles rise to the surface. "I bet it would have made a green patch on the bath if I'd spilled any..."

"Yes, that would have been hard to explain," Lesley giggled, taking the tube from him through the plastic wrapper before turning to put it in the bin.

He glanced to the sheet again. "And... we've got to leave it to stand for five minutes," he read off the bottom of the sheet. "So we should get the rest of the stuff set up..."

He stood up, and Lesley stepped away as he climbed out of the bath. He stood behind her to watch as she leaned over the sink, handing him the quiz book before opening up her laptop.

"It's not going to stain you all green as well, is it?" he asked, glancing back at the container as he thumbed through the pages.

"Well, I survived IZ with this color," Lesley smiled, raising one arm and turning it over to show her uniform brown fur. "It says it doesn't stain anything once it's in the water."

As she opened up a browser window and set the computer up to record, Kief turned away and looked at the counter between the bath and shower. After pressing down on it to make sure it was sturdy enough to take his weight, he put the book down on the corner of the bath and began moving the cluster of bottles and jars down to the floor beside it.

With the counter clear, he went back to the bath and peered down at the mixture in the bucket - the foam on the top had cleared away and it had turned into a smooth, thick liquid, with swirls of darker green where the color had mixed in more. He crouched down and slowly dipped his hand into it.

"Wow," he whistled as he dragged his hand around underneath the lukewarm liquid. It reminded him slightly of very thick custard, but it wasn't really like anything that he had felt before as the stuff glooped around his hand. He pulled it out of the liquid and shuddered as he watched it dribble in strings from his fingers. "Is this what the stuff on TV feels like?"

His girlfriend crouched down in front of him and reached into the bucket slowly, just dipping the tips of her fingers into the glop and eeping as she shook her hand a little. "Yeah, that's just like it!" she nodded. "Looks like you're good at this!"

"Beginner's luck," he answered, though not holding back a smile. "The coloring's all weird, though - I think I need to stir it again..."

"No, don't mix it in," Lesley grasped his arm as he reached for the ladle again. "I kind of like the... double colors." She got up, tracing her hand up his arm and grasping his other shoulder to massage him from behind as he reached for the bucket's handle.

"Oh, that feels good after the mixing..." he laughed.

"Can you still lift it okay?" she asked. He could feel that she was practically jumping with excitement.

"Yeah..." Kief took the bucket in both hands and heaved it upwards, taking care not to spill its glutinous contents as he shuffled over to the now clear counter. "No problem," he said, setting it down and turning back to her.

"I don't want you dropping it on to me, or... falling off when you're up there!" she smiled, rubbing one foot against her other leg and glancing up at the top of the shower.

"Yeah, that... wouldn't be good," he agreed. He picked it up again and moved it up and down to test its weight, sensing her nervousness. "Want to get in there?"

"You've got to put me in," she answered, a sly grin on her face as she poked him gently in the tummy. Twitching at the touch as she stroked her fingers down a little, he put his hands on her hips and stepped forwards for a kiss.

"Okay," he said after breaking off. "Then come over here..."

Walking past her but keeping her hand grasped in his, he walked her the few paces over to the shower, feeling her bouncing on her feet behind him. Guiding her over to the far side of the cubicle, he reached out towards the plastic handle and tugged the door open, slipping his other hand to her bottom to encourage her inside.

Wriggling a little against his hand, the chipmunk girl stepped into the clear box, flicking her tail as she turned around to sit on the foldout chair. As he closed the door on her with a click, he saw her look upwards for a moment as if there was already a tank above her, then back intently at him, her hands clasped tightly on her lap as she dragged her bare feet back and forth across the tiles.

"Okay, here we go..." He stepped towards the computer balanced on the sink, and made sure it had his girlfriend in the frame. He dragged the pointer over to the Record button. "What do you want me to do?" he asked over his shoulder.

"Just... present it!" Lesley replied. "Pretend I'm on IZ again or something."

"Okay, as long as this doesn't make it on to the net..." He took a breath, jabbed the button and then stepped back a little from the camera, swallowing.

"W... welcome back to... Race Against Time," he stuttered, making a name up on the spot. "Before the break, Stephi was in the lead, so she got to send Lesley to the gunge tank." He paused again at the awkward sound of the words, and glanced back at his girlfriend, who was giggling at the mention of her flatmate's name.

He continued, relaxing a little as he stepped out of the shot. "So Lesley, you've got to get five questions right in one minute to escape from there without getting gunged - are you ready?"

"Yep," she nodded.

"All right!" Reaching to his watch, he quickly set a timer for one minute and started it, then flipped the book open at a random page and read out the first question.

"In computers, commonly known as a 'bit', what's the full name of the smallest possible piece of data?"

"Binary digit," Lesley's voice came immediately.

Kief looked back down at the book, then fumbled to look for the answers. "Correct," he said eventually and turned back to the page he had been on, skimming up and down to find ones that he thought she was less likely to know.

"In chess..." he started, then hesitated as he read the rest of the question. "List all the piece names in alphabetical order," he improvised, one hand out towards her.

Lesley raised her eyebrows, tapping her hands on top of her knees as she made another glance up at the ceiling. "Bishop," she started. "King, knight..." Her right hand was up in front of her as she counted off the pieces she had listed. "Pawn, queen, rook," she finished.

Kief nodded. "Yeah," he said - he was fairly sure that she had got them all. "What's... 56 times 13?" he tried, putting the book down to his side.

"What?" she asked back. He repeated the question, and she closed her eyes in thought, clasping her hands in front of her and tapping two fingers together. He looked at his watch, his own heart beginning to race as he watched time running out.

"Is it 728?" the chipmunk girl spoke up. She was beginning to bounce a little in the seat anxiously.

"I've no idea," he shrugged. "Maybe! Yes, I'll give you that..." He looked down at the quiz book again. "What building is shown on the tails side of the new..." He flipped to the front of the book, checking the date on it. "On the front of the '91 dollar?"

At her silence, he looked up from the book, watching the chipmunk girl rock a little from side to side.

"I don't know," she said eventually, biting her lip as she looked back at him. He smiled - he was certain that she knew the answer but wanted to make sure she didn't finish the game successfully. At that moment, his watch beeped from his left hand.

"Oh, and that noise means that you've just run out of time - so that means..." He put what he was carrying down and grabbed the edge of the bath to climb into it, looking over at Lesley as she pointed forwards.

"Do the siren!" she whispered, waving her outstretched finger over at the computer as she squirmed anxiously on the seat.

"Oh, yeah..." Hurriedly he stepped out of the bath again and stepped to the laptop, clicking past the recording window to the video behind it. He read the title - "Leslie gunged on Sat-AM Live" - and looked at the shot of the nervous raccoon boy in the cylindrical gunge tank. He grinned to himself as he remembered the first time when his girlfriend had nervously admitted to him that she used to listen to this clip imagining that it was her in there, then hit the Play button and turned around as the end of a cheer from the studio audience filled the room.

"Leslie, you've just run out of time, so I'm afraid you're getting the gunge!" the female host's voice came from behind him as he hurried back to the bathtub. "Start the countdown, everyone - ten..."

As the countdown continued, Kief quickly but carefully climbed from the bath up on to the counter, hauling the large bucket of gunge up by its handle and then grabbing it as he heaved it to head height, balancing its lip on the top edge of the shower. Inside, Lesley bounced excitedly, her eyes closed and hands clasped between her thighs.

"Three... two... one..."

Another cheer went up from the computer as a repeating klaxon hooted, signaling the raccoon boy getting doused by the show's gunge machine. Carefully, Kief tipped the bucket a little forward, twitching as he saw a dribble of the slime fall from the spout. Moving it further to try to pour it into the middle, he let too much slop out at once, and heard a squeak from Lesley as the heavy wave of gunge splurged over her just as he settled it into a constant downpour.

Concentrating on watching the mixed dark and light slime gloop in a wide column out of the bucket and balancing it as it got lighter, he felt his heart pounding as he listened to the constant thick slapping and splattering noises coming from below, imagining the chipmunk girl wriggling underneath the sloppy downpour. As he felt the bucket beginning to run out he tipped it forwards more, eventually glancing down for a moment but not seeing much more than the green-streaked wall of the cubicle.

Finally he turned the bucket over fully, holding it over the open top as he felt the gunge slither over his hands and stretching up to peer over the top of the cubicle as drizzles of gunge poured down from the edges of the bucket. His eyes widened as he looked down - most of the bottom half of the shower was painted in a bright mixture of green, drips of the slime slithering down from where some of it had splashed on to the showerhead. His gaze followed the drips down on to the chipmunk girl's head, which was coated in a round smooth helmet of the stuff and with streaks of the mixture oozing in fingers down her back and shoulders. She was sitting in place with her shoulders shaking in giggles, holding her messy hands up in front of her.

"Leslie, are you okay?" the voice from the video asked as the cheering of the audience died down, and he watched his girlfriend pick her head up and nod as if responding to her.

Carefully, he crouched down and put the bucket down next to him, then crawled backward off the countertop and into the bath. He kept his eyes on the green-painted near wall of the cubicle as he stepped back to the floor, watching the stuff slither slowly down the inside.

He caught Lesley's eye as he came round to the front of the shower, where less of the gunge had painted the front. Hurriedly, he stepped around to the other side and opened the shower door.

"Wow..." he laughed, staring at the messy scene in front of him. Lesley was completely covered in green gunge, her soaking hair hanging forward and framing her giggling face with drops of the mixture slithering down her tummy and into her lap. The sides and back of the shower cubicle had been painted with the slime, forming arch patterns on the perspex where it had splattered in a dome shape off her head, and beads of the stuff were still rolling slowly downwards over the slimy layer.

He remembered about the camera, and stepped around the door to give it a clear view of the gungy chipmunk girl. "Are you okay?" he repeated the question from the video, unable to hold back laughter as she nodded. He bent down so that their faces were level and gave her a small kiss, their lips just barely touching.

"Stay in there, I'm going to play it back," he laughed, waving his hand at her as she dragged one messy hand across her forehead, straightening up and blinking her eyes open as she flicked the collected slime to the floor. He stepped across to where the laptop was propped on the sink, wiping the green drops on his fingers on his other palm, then stopped the recording and hit the Play button.

Smiling as he stepped backwards to stand beside the gungy shower cubicle, he glanced between the excited clean chipmunk girl on the screen and the messy one beside him as the video went through the questions round they had just played. As she laughed, cringing, as the time ran out, he saw a flash of his own hand in the frame and then heard the announcer's voice that had been on the video they played in the background.

He watched tensely as the audience in the video counted down, and as the gunge tank siren finally went off, the bikini-clad chipmunk girl looked up, then squeezed her eyes closed and quickly faced forwards. A heavy drizzle fell from the top of the cubicle and she instinctively twitched to the side, one side of her face already painted in green as her shoulder went under the downpour. He just saw her nervous smile break into a grin before a large wave of the mixed green stuff came down to splurge across her head and shoulders, a squeak coming up from behind the bright curtain of gunge.

"Hey, that looks just like it did on IZ..." he smiled, listening to the klaxon noise that had come from the video as the downpour of gunge settled into a steady flow. The green gloop broke off Lesley's head and splattered outwards in a twitching dome shape as she wriggled underneath it. Waves of it spewed outwards to coat the cubicle's walls and slop into her lap, a couple of drops flying forwards and forming large splatter marks on the front of the shower door.

Kief twitched, reaching down to adjust the band of his briefs uncomfortably as his messy girlfriend came into view again - the green slime from above was running out, and turned into a thin drizzle pouring on to the back of her gunge-coated hair before breaking into a rain of gooey droplets. Slowly, the chipmunk girl raised herself up under the weight of the sloppy layer she was coated with, bringing two fingers up to part her hair as the two shades of gunge slithered down around her shoulders.

"Looks like I got you good..." Kief shivered, and turned back to her as on-screen he climbed down from the pouring position. The chipmunk girl looked up at him, biting her lip as she smiled, the gunge still oozing and dripping from all over her hair and fur. A drizzle fell on to her nose from her fringe, and she blinked as it slithered around her muzzle.

"Want to come out of there?" he grinned.

"I don't think I can walk..." she said, shoulders shaking as she demonstrated by sliding her slippery feet against the floor of the shower, kicking them through the thin layer of slime on the tiles and then holding them up in front of her as the gunge drizzled from her toes. "You'll have to carry me!"

"Where to?" he asked. "Want me to run the bath?"

"No..." she shook her head. She wriggled herself on the seat, whimpering under her breath. "Get... get my camp bag out and spread it on the bed!"

Kief raised his eyebrows, then realized what she was thinking. "Where is it?" he stuttered.

"It's under the bed - go!"

Kief nodded, and hurried out of the bathroom, across the corridor back into her room. Hurriedly, he ducked and felt around underneath the bed for the waterproof pouch, pulled it out and unzipped it, shaking it out to its full size as he pulled the pillows and covers off and bundled them into the corner of the room. He stretched over to spread the opened sleeping bag out so that it covered the whole bed, then made for the door again, glancing over his shoulder once to make sure it was staying on.

Breathlessly, he pushed open the door of the bathroom again and came forwards, twitching as he looked round the messy open shower door. The chipmunk girl had taken her bikini top off, and she was holding it out with one finger as she looked down at herself. As he approached, she looked up at him and he quickly raised his eyes to her face.

Seeing where he was looking, she grinned and tossed her top out of the shower, then brought her hands up to her gunge-soaked shoulders and slithered them down her chest, cupping her breasts with her hands and pushing them up and together from underneath. Kief whimpered as he watched the slime dripping from the tips of her nipples.

He came forward quickly and put his hand behind her back, gasping a little as his arm touched the slippery cool slime on her fur. Leaning down to slip his other arm under her knees, he turned as he hauled her up into his arms and out of the cubicle.

"Romantic," she giggled, relaxing in his arms. She squeaked as he hefted her up a little more, adjusting his grip as he could feel her sliding. The gunge clinging to her gave her fur a weird slick feeling, not sticky but extremely slippery.

As he approached the bathroom door she stretched her arms up around his neck, closing her eyes as she craned her neck up to kiss him. He rolled his head slightly with hers, but kept his eyes open as he carefully maneuvered around the bathroom door, back across the corridor and into her bedroom.

He kicked the door closed behind him, and she turned to look at her waterproof-covered bed as he carried her towards it. Gently, her lowered her down and she rolled out of his arms on to the surface, shaking her wet hair out of her face and then looking up at him sweetly as he looked down at his hands, eventually wiping them on his legs.

As he straightened up again, Lesley panted as she put a slimy hand out to push herself up into a sitting position, beckoning him with her other hand.

He shivered again as he looked down at her. "You are... gorgeous, you know that?" he asked, shaking his head. He moved his hands up to the band of his briefs and slipped them down the way, carefully lifting them over his extended length before dropping them to the floor and stepping out of them towards her.

"Even covered in all this?" Lesley asked with a laugh, holding her hands out to her sides. She squeaked as he came forwards and kissed her eagerly, shuffling backwards a little and then collapsing sideways with him so that they were lying beside each other.

"Oh, especially covered in all this," he panted between kisses, running his hand over her slippery hip and pressing closer to her.

His girlfriend wriggled closer as well, moving against him and then moaning softly as he pushed further to slither himself on top of her. This time they kissed more deeply, her hands moving up to grasp his shoulders and then raising one hand further to cup his chin.

Slowly, wriggling his head out of her grasp, he pulled away and she rested her head back on the bed. He crawled backwards away from her face as he moved his muzzle down her neck, between her breasts and then to her tummy, planting small kisses all the way. Reaching her navel, he came up to wipe the slime off his lips, then dipped back down, took hold of her sides, and hooked his teeth into the top of her bikini bottoms.

"Whoa," the chipmunk girl gasped, immediately looking up and propping herself up on her elbows again, then quickly moving her hands down to help slip the bottoms off her hips. He slid his hands along her legs to grip her calves as he wriggled further back, his eyes moving from her face down to the cleft now exposed between her legs.

Feeling himself throbbing, he quickly came forwards again, dropping her legs to his sides, and as their faces met in a kiss again she dragged them up to tuck them next to her, her toes brushing against his upper legs. Eagerly, he wriggled his hips just a little upwards.

She gasped as she felt his tip slide inside her, and he pushed firmly and quickly forwards - this was the wettest he'd ever felt her. He looked into her eyes as she bit her lip and squirmed underneath him, a little pang of surprise on her face as he felt himself move into place.

He purred as he felt her warmth surrounding him, and began moving back and forth on top of her, trying to hold himself back and move slowly. Ducking down, he kissed her on the lips, touching her tongue with his as she circled her hips slowly along with his thrusting. He leaned over and moved to her cheek, then curled down to kiss and drag his tongue across her nipple, hesitating just slightly at the bitter taste of the slime clinging to her fur.

He wriggled and propped himself up a little, slithering his hands down to her hips and looking down at her face, her eyes closed and mouth hanging open slightly. As he watched she brought both her hands away from his sides, moving her elbows out to bring her hands up to squeeze her breasts, moving her thumbs in circles around her nipples. She gasped a little louder as he sped up as he watched her.

Kief lowered his head again, nuzzling the side of his muzzle against the chipmunk girl's cheek and rubbing in small circles, smiling as she gently kissed the side of his head. He felt her legs move up from their tucked position and then wrap around him, his tail catching between her toes. With a smile he slipped his hands around from her slimy hips, grasping her bottom and squeezing gently. He glanced to the side for a moment, making Lesley realize what he was thinking.

"Am I going on top?" she whispered in his ear, wriggling underneath him and wrapping her legs tighter around his back in preparation.

"You are..." Kief looked aside again to make sure they wouldn't hit the wall, and then shifted his weight over to the right. The chipmunk girl eeped as he slithered off her, clasping her firmly as they rolled so they were side by side, and then struggled to push him the rest of the way over to complete the turn.

Kief shifted his grasp back to her hips, grinning as she wriggled to settle on top of him, then gasped as he felt a brief uncomfortable grinding and sudden coldness between his legs. Lesley squeaked and raised herself up a little on her hands and knees.

"You've slipped out," she smiled, bowing her head to look down between her legs. He twitched as her messy hair spilled forward and splatted against his chest.

"Well, you're kind of slippery all over..." he chuckled, lifting his hands up from her slimy fur and wriggling his fingers. She smiled back, stretching up the way and bringing one hand up to push her slick hair behind her back. Whimpering at the sight of the naked, gungy chipmunk girl straddling him, he put his hands up to cup her breasts, squeezing as he felt her hard nipples underneath his palms.

"Come on, get back on top of me..." he grinned, slithering his hands up to her shoulders and pushing her down. Instead of going straight down she came forwards to rest her hands either side of his head, wriggling slowly and brushing her slimy breasts against his chest fur.

She leaned her face down towards him, his hands slipping around her back as she put her mouth to his ear. "You wanna get behind?" she purred, sending a shiver through him. She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him sweetly.

"Yeah..." he nodded. "Anything for the birthday girl..."

She watched him continue to nod, making him wait a little before wriggling up again and swinging her leg away. He pushed himself off the side of the bed and turned around as she got into position on all fours, looking back over her shoulder and swaying her bottom gently in the air. Both of them had been virgins when they met, and it had taken them a few tries to get used to this position at first, but he knew it was now her favorite.

Shivering, he crawled back on to the bed behind her, running his hands over her backside and then slipping one down between her legs. He flicked his fingers against her dripping clitoris, getting up on to his knees and shifting his hips into position as she gave a prolonged, loud moan.

"Get..." she started, squeaking as he stroked his fingers faster, and shook her head. "Get... my vibe..." she panted, leaning heavily on one hand and waving towards her bedside cabinet with the other.

Kief froze for a moment as he tried to resist the temptation to thrust back into her. Shaking, he shifted away, shuffling quickly off the bed to the side and ducking down to open the top drawer with his slightly sticky fingers. He pulled the small metallic bead out by one of its straps, then hurriedly moved back to the bed, tying one loop around her left leg.

The chipmunk girl whimpered as he wriggled the vibrator into position, lifting one hand off the slippery waterproof surface and stretching down underneath her to hold it firmly in place as he tightened the two straps coming off it to wrap around her legs. As he moved his hands away, she returned her hand to the bed, visibly shaking as he reached down and flicked the little switch.

"Aah!" Lesley immediately cried out, flopping her head down and panting as the vibrator sent waves through her, twitching her backside in little thrusts. Quickly, Kief shuffled back on to the bed on his knees, grasping her hips to hold them in place, then moved one hand to the base of his penis, guiding himself gently down a little before firmly pushing upwards to easily slide into her. He swallowed as he listened to her loud whimpering as he moved back into place and she ground her hips eagerly backwards against his.

He slipped his hands around to her front, trying to move up to grab her breasts before changing his mind and clasping his hands around her bucking hips, feeling her tail thumping against his tummy as she squeaked every time he thrust into her. He already felt himself reaching climax, and whimpered a little himself as he listened to her squeaks and screams, the walls of her vagina slipping quickly against his length. Squeezing her hips, he thrust eagerly into her as she parted her knees just a little further, pushing him deeper inside.

"Lesley... aah!" he grunted as he felt his length twitch and tingle. As she gasped breathlessly in response, rubbing her hips up against him, the image of her getting splattered in the shower came back into his head, and he pounded firmly against her, grabbing her sides and holding her right against him as he twitched uncontrollably, wriggling forward as he climaxed inside her.

He stayed frozen in that position for a few seconds, feeling the walls of her entrance gently pulsing with him as he gradually slid his slippery hands off Lesley's hips, listening to her heavy breathing underneath him. Blinking his eyes open and shaking his head a little to clear the spots dancing in his vision, he watched as she picked her head up, slithering a little forwards off him and stretching out flat on the bed, wriggling from side to side. Giving her bottom a last gentle slap, he shuffled sideways, collapsing on to the slimy surface next to her as she wearily picked her head up, turning to look at him with one eye.

"Wow," he panted, and closed his eyes, exhausted. He breathed out heavily, then blinked his eyes half open again as he suddenly felt her cold hand rubbing his cheek.

"You're not going to fall asleep, are you?" she asked, smiling as she propped her head up on her arm. She glanced down the way again as she unhooked the vibrator from herself with her other hand.

He shook his head and opened his mouth, then smiled. "Actually, maybe," he said. "Though this stuff... might get cold after a while..."

Wearily, he slithered around to lie on his back and lifted his head to look down along himself - after rubbing up against the gungy chipmunk girl he was almost as coated in the green stuff as she was. He watched as she reached her hand over, playfully drawing wavy patterns in the slime on his chest with one finger.

"Well, I hate to get you up..." she started, budging up the bed and kissing him on the nose, "but we've got a lot of clearing up to do..."

"Oh, the shower...!" He put a palm to his forehead, rubbing his eyes and waking up suddenly as he remembered the state they'd left it in. "And the bathroom floor can't look good... how long before the others are back?"

"Don't know," she grinned down at him. "It looks like we're going to have another race against time tonight..."


CONFESSION Written by Iron-K A dreaded moment for anyone with a private fetish - having to confess it to your partner without knowing how they'll react! It's also one of my shortest stories (which given their usual length isn't saying much, it's...

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Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 2 - Midgame (Special Guest)

INDUSTRIAL ZONE - SERIES 3 EPISODE 2 Midgame Written by Iron-K When I started the midgame section of IZ two episodes ago, I had always intended it to be used on a couple of furry "celebrities" as well as a chance just to get people other than...

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Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 2 - Round 2

The sixth IZ continues... and makes up for the relative cleanliness of the first round :) Again, a couple of new games and a couple of revivals. --- INDUSTRIAL ZONE - SERIES 3 EPISODE 2 Round 2 Written by Iron-K With her flashlight...

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