Secrets Ch. 13

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#13 of Secrets

Chapter 13

After the rest of the pack begins to move into the kitchen and getting plates of food I grab one for myself and quickly make a retreat up to my room. Once back up stairs with the door safely locked I take a seat on the foot of my bed and begin to eat in silence letting the last few minutes play over in my mind.

The kiss was probably one of the best I have ever had but with the heat of the moment now gone logic is once again revealing its depressing side. Setting the plate on the dresser I place my paws over my eyes and fall backwards on the bed with a groan, "God why am I so stupid. If he knew he would never want me."

Rubbing my eyes I just lay there until a soft knock comes from the door. With a groan I ask the ceiling, "Who is it?"

A muffled voice from the other side of the door answers, "It's Chase, can I come in? I want to talk."

I throw my arms to either side and give a silent snarl to the ceiling. The last thing I want to do right now is talk to him. There are other things I would rather do, but not talk.

After glaring in silence I sit back up and answer, "Fine, but only talk."

With a quiet click Chase opens the door and steps in before closing it again behind himself. Once inside I notice that he has a small plate with a slice of pie that he is holding out towards me slightly, "I noticed you didn't get a piece before you left. Figured I would bring you one before it was all gone."

I mutter my thanks and take the plate only to set it down beside my half finished dinner. For a moment he just stands there watching me letting the silence grow longer and longer before he finally asks, "Did I do something wrong?"

I look up at him with raised eyebrows, "Huh? What do you mean?"

He moves over to the chair that I keep by the window now and sits down before saying, "Well you left awfully quick from downstairs. I just thought that it must have been because of something that I did."

Letting out an exasperated sigh while considering my words, "It wasn't anything you did Chase. I just... I just don't understand why you are so insistent on trying to get something going between us. Over and over again I have told you that nothing good will come of it. That I am..."

He interrupts me saying, "That you will bring trouble on us, that only death, ruin, and disaster will follow. Yeah yeah yeah I know. You have said it many times and I keep telling you that we can take care of ourselves. As for why I would like something between us, well I thought it would be obvious."

I stare at him with a single raised eyebrow waiting for him to continue. Eventually he takes a deep breath and carries on, "Well to start you are a rather handsome wolf in my opinion. Then there is how smart you are and when you actually do talk you are rather fun to talk to. Plus I just like to be around you for some reason. I would like to think that perhaps given time we could even come to love one another."

My gaze hardens as I fix my gaze on him, "You think I am handsome? Even knowing this is not my natural form?"

He nods, "I do, granted when you first showed me your other form I was a bit taken aback..."

With a snort I say, "You were terrified, I could smell it and hear it."

His mouth opens to object but he pauses at my gaze before he sighs and relents, "Ok yes I was. But once I got over the initial shock I began to see the wolf inside and then your looks didn't matter near as much. Even began to look a bit... exotic even..."

As his voice trails off a little I cant help but let out a snort of laughter. Despite the fact that my nose tells me that he is telling the truth I cant help but find the idea of him seeing my demon form anything but monstrous laughable. All of my experience has taught me that the only ones who would even pretend to find someone like me attractive are either looking to gain something or are mad. But when I look in Chase's face I see neither deceit nor madness so maybe there is something else at work.

Biting back another snort I finally reply, "Sure... exotic, if thats what you want to call it."

He shrugs, "Well its as good of a word as any."

I get up with a slight huff and turn to the mirror only to see my demonic side reflected back at me with a smirk that I do not share. Looking at my reflection I swallow a hard lump and come to a decision. It is time I show him.

Without turning around I ask chase a very important question, "Why do you think I am handsome?"

I can almost hear his confusion as he ask, "What do you mean?"

Closing my eyes I try and explain, "I mean do you find my looks to be the reason you find me handsome or is it something else?"

For a moment he is quiet before replying, "Well thats part of it I suppose. I mean you are a very attractive wolf physically."

Slowly I nod, "Thought so. What if I told you that beauty was a lie? An illusion we tell others... and ourselves."

His chair creaks as he stands up and moves to stand behind me. As a paw runs down my side caressing me I cant help but let a small shiver run through my skin as I await his answer.

Eventually his voice breaks the silence as he answers, "Looks always fade in time, thats why there must be more to a relationship than just how good someone looks. But I must say, you do look good Ebony."

Letting out a resigned sigh I finally open my eyes and see my reflection back to normal with Chase standing behind me his nose slowly running down my neck taking in my scent. Ignoring his attempts to distract me I pull away slightly, "Your not listening to me."

With a shrug I push him off and step away keeping my back to him as he speaks, "Im listening Eb, but your not really making much sense."

I rub my eyes for a moment then turn and look at him, "I'm trying to tell you that I have been lying all this time."

The look on his face changes rapidly from amusement, to indignation, to anger as he speaks in a low growl, "What do you mean you have been lying to me Ebony? You told me that you would not keep any secrets from me that would threaten me or my pack."

I dismiss his complaints with a wave of a paw, "To that I have never lied. Nothing I have kept secret from you has been a danger to you or your pack. No this is more... personal."

The fire in his eyes dies down to a smolder as they narrow and look closer at me, "How so?"

My mouth opens and closes as I try to find the words to explain one of my more personal secrets but they don't come. Instead I lower my head and look away with some shame and say, "It is easier to just show you."

Turning my back to him once again I grab the bottom of my shirt and pull it off over my head exposing my back to him for the first time since I regained consciousness after my battle with Agerex. With Chase's full attention on me I mutter under my breath a few words in old demonic tongue. Almost instantly I feel the illusion I've held cast on myself for so long begin to burn away.

At first it feels like a warm wash is flowing over my fur but it soon turns to a burning sensation as my true visage is exposed for the first time in I don't know how many years. Even with my eyes closed I know what Chase is seeing as I hear him take in a sudden sharp breath. I turn my head slightly so that I can see the mirror reflect my back.

All across it it looks as though my hair is falling out only to be replaced with dozens of scars each over a foot long and of varying widths. Over and over again the scars expose themselves spreading from my back around to my sides. Looking down I seen more, smaller scars begin to spread almost like a spiders web across my chest. The largest of the ones blossoms near my heart while the largest on my back starts at the base of my neck and travels nearly the entire length of my spine.

I close my eyes as I feel the ones on my face begin to appear. Even without seeing them I feel the claw marks across my muzzle feel light for the first time as the rip in my right ear once again becomes visible. As the last of the scars become visible I once again open my eyes and look at the mirror. Staring back at me is a face that I have not seen in a very long time. A face that I had hoped I would have forgotten, thought I will never escape it.

With a heavy heart I turn fully and face Chase full on so that he can see full depth of my secret. As I look at him I see the last of his anger fade away like smoke only to be replaced with the one thing I hate to see more than all else on another's face... Pity.

With a snort of disgust I move away turning my back to him as I cross my arms, "don't look at me like that. I don't want your pity."

I hear his breathing as he moves closer. Then his paw touches gently on my shoulder. Out of reflex I shrug it off expecting him to leave, instead he does something I have never experienced or expected.

He wraps his arms around me from behind in a strong hug as he buries his nose in my neck and whispers, "Im sorry Eb. I didn't mean...."

Letting out a sigh I reply, "don't be sorry. Just be honest. How you could you ever consider this handsome?"

He lets go of his hug and turns me around to face him. With his right paw he traces the scars along my chest moving slowly upwards till he reaches my face. There he traces the claw marks on my muzzle before drifting his fingers up to my ear.

Finally he looks back into my eyes and says, "If looks were all I cared about then I would have never tried to kiss you that night after you first woke up. I have known all along there was much more to you than a pretty face."

His gaze travels along my face again, "Besides, I kinda like the one on your muzzle. It makes you look more... Dangerous."

Growling I step back from him and glare, "Dangerous? You think I want to look more dangerous? As it is I could destroy you in a moment, tear you to shreds, leave you as nothing more than a pile of torn flesh and broken bones. And you think I would want to look MORE dangerous?"

For a split second fear flashes deep in his eyes only to be replaced with a cold stern look, "If that is the attitude you have when someone tries to be a friend and perhaps more then you will die a lonely death indeed."

He turns and stomps heavy footed towards the door. When his hand is on the handle I finally speak, "When all you have experienced for most of your life is fear and hatred it becomes very hard to open your heart because of the chance of more pain."

His movements freeze in place with only his ears turning slightly to show that he is listening so I continue, "Each of these scars represents a part of my past that I wish had never happened. Some because of the pain I endured in their creation, others because of the pain I caused with their birth. All of them I regret and wish I could remove but know that I cant."

I turn my back to him and lean forward against the wall banging my head on it slightly leaving the room in silence. Taking a deep breath I continue, "Every scar carries with it a story that haunts what dreams I have and threatens to break what sanity I have left. That is part of why I never remain in one place longer than I dare. The threats I keep telling you about are not just threats from outside but from within as well."

Soft foot falls move close beside me followed soon by the soft caress of a paw along the side of my muzzle, "Eb... I'm sorry for upsetting you. I didn't know."

I allow myself a moment to enjoy his touch before saying, "You didn't know. You had no way of knowing."

As I lean into his touch more Chase moves closer to me pressing his muzzle into my neck whispering, "You don't have to carry your burden alone anymore. I have offered you a home, a family, a friend, and even love. All you have to do is take it."

My heart beats loudly in my chest for several long moments before I turn and look him in the eyes. Without thinking about it, without hesitating, I listen to my heart for the first time in a very very long time and do what it wants me to do.

As our lips meet for the second time today I have no desire to break away. Slowly at first we enjoy this kiss secure in the unspoken understanding that this time it wont be ran away from or interrupted.

Gradually the kiss begins to grow in passion and desire and soon I find that my paws have begun to move of their own accord again as they move across Chase's body. Over and over again I trace the paths of his muscles beneath his fur and clothes and find myself wanting more.

With great reluctance I pull away from his hungry lips and try to focus on getting my hands under his shirt in an effort to remove it. My attempts are thwarted however by his constantly trying to reignite the kiss by licking at the tip of my nose or along the side of my muzzle. His hands are constantly rubbing their own paths through my own exposed fur tripping up my arms in their assignment.

Eventually I manage to get him to hold off long enough for me to pull his shirt up over his head and throw it to the side where it lands on the floor with a soft thump. Once the offending garment is well out of reach he pushes back into the kiss with a fervor I've rarely seen off the battlefield. His desire is of such strength I find myself pushed backwards a couple of step only to have my legs catch on the foot of the bed.

As I fall backwards with surprise I manage to keep hold of Chase and pull him along with me, never once breaking the wonderful, passionate, kiss I am learning to love so much. With him laying on top of me now there is nothing disguising the hard lump hidden within his pants. A fact that he is all to eager to share with me by grinding against my own crotch and exposing my equally aroused state.

Hungrily I move my paws down his back and slide them inside his pants griping firmly the taut globes of flesh hidden just behind his tail and knead them trying to convey all of my desire. As I do so he lets out a moan of pleasure and pulls his head back before looking down at me with a wide smile, "Someone is sure having fun back there."

I smile back as I buck up into his groin while pulling with my paws causing him to let loose another long groan as I say, "I don't hear any complaining now do you?"

By way of answer he just grins more as he sits up while straddling my waist and begins to unbutton his pants and pull them off. Almost the instant he has released the button on his pants I am treated by a rather tasty looking surprise. Standing at attention, newly freed from the confining cloth, is a bright red tapered cock complete with a rather hefty knot. His entire length of flesh has freed itself from his sheath which is folded up at its base right above two rather full looking nuts nestled safely in their furry sack.

Quickly he pulls his pants the rest of the way off and throws them to the side to join with his shirt. As he towers above me I cant help but lick my lips as I take in his nude form for the first time and realize that it is now mine to do with as I please.

I continue to stare as he leans forward and rests his paws on either side of my body and licks my nose saying, "Does the big bad demon see something he likes?"

Stealing another glance downward I'm only able to nod once before he continues, "Well thats good, but I think its rather unfair if your the only one who gets to see what he wants."

With that he moves down lower making sure to drag his cock along my abdomen and crotch before he begins to undo my own pants and works to pull them off. I lift my backside off the bed long enough for him to pull them down and off my feet in one fast stroke, throwing them to hit the opposite wall before falling to a crumpled heap.

As though not wanting to be out done my own rock hard appendage springs free and stands at attention seeking to impress the wolf who just freed it from its prison. Leaning down Chase wraps a paw around my jet black cock and slowly explores the unique ridges running along the top of it.

With a mischievous look in his eyes he glances towards my face saying, "Well well looks like you had another little secret hiding down here. What ever shall we do about it?"

Before I can answer however he quickly sticks out his tongue and and traces a path from the base of my knot all the way up to the tip where a large drop of pre has formed. As the jolt of lighting sent from my crotch makes its way to my brain I cant help but reach my paws up to his shoulders and let out a moan of desire for him to continue.

Even without coherent words Chase understands what it is that I want is and is all to eager to oblige. Without wasting a moment he quickly takes most of my member into his warm wet maw and gives a powerful suck along the length that convinces me that he is trying to pull all of me down his throat in one go.

Eagerly he goes up and down my cock sucking and licking every inch of it slowly driving me mad with desire and need. Before I can reach a climax though he pulls off letting the cool air touch my warm, wet flesh again and looks up at me, "Did you enjoy that?"

I look down towards him with what must be a somewhat goofy grin and say, "It was amazing."

Smiling he replies, "Good, cause I know someone who is getting tired of being ignored."

For a moment I am not sure what he is referring to but he quickly answers my question by rotating his body so that his own cock is now poised directly above my muzzle while mine points upwards to him.

He gives a quick nod and says, "Start sucking."

Not caring weather it was a request or a command I eagerly open my mouth and take in as much of his flesh as I can. The taste and musky smell filling my senses is one that I have only dreamed of for a long time and will relish for a longer time still.

As I run my tongue along the bottom of his cock I feel it begin to pulse slightly as spurts of pre splash into the back of my mouth. Enjoying the semi sweet taste ignites a hunger for more causing me to grab onto his hips with my free paws and try and pull him deeper into my mouth.

His knot presses up against my nose while the tip of his cock tickles the back of my throat. Hungrily I suck harder and harder causing him to moan loudly around my cock which in turns triggers a moan of my own. The vicious cycle escalates so fast that I barely have time to try and warn him of my release.

Fighting hard against my instincts I barely managed to avoid thrusting up into his mouth as my balls contract hard sending rope after rope of my seed deep into Chase's throat causing him to gag slightly and pull off. As he does so his own cock begins to spasm hard in my mouth and I feel the salty flood of cum fill my cheeks.

Try as I might I fail to swallow all of it as a small trickle manages to escape the side of my mouth as he pulls away from me falling onto his back panting. For several long moments we both lay there panting hard at our exertion as we ride the waves of our afterglow back down to earth.

Eventually Chase gets back enough energy to spin his body around so that we are both turned the same way on the bed as he lays next to me grinning happily, "That was well worth the wait I think."

I barely have the strength to nod as he leans forward and licks the remainder of his seed off the side of my mouth before pulling close beside me and wrapping his arms around me saying softly, "I don't care about scars or looks, Ebony. Thats only the surface. It is what is on the inside that maters most to me. And I can honestly say that what was inside of you left a very nice taste in my mouth."

A loud groan escapes my mouth at his horrible joke causing him to laugh like a kid before he pulls me in for another kiss. This time we simply enjoy the kiss and feel no need to do more.

Secrets Ch. 14

Chapter 14 Several hours later I am laying there staring up at the ceiling with Chase laying next me sleeping with his head resting on my shoulder. Shifting my gaze I look down at him and study his face. His eyelids twitch and shift as his eyes...

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Secrets Ch. 12

Chapter 12 "A... app.... app..le apple p..i... pie. Apple pie." Jake looks up at me from the cook book that I have been using with a look of pride on his face. I nod at him, "Thats right." His tail starts wagging rapidly behind him as he asks, "Is...

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Secrets Ch. 11

Chapter 11 Back in my room I rummage around the drawers and eventually find a piece of paper and a pencil to make my list while I sit down on the side of the bed. As I am writing down the spices and other ingredients that I could use for future meals...

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