Haven - Part 1 - Introduction

Story by Yarro on SoFurry

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#1 of Haven

"Shh!! Be quiet Emmery", Violet shouted in a whisper, "If Mother Hazel catches us, we'll be kicked out of the Church, and you know that for sure!"

"Stop that nonsense, we've never been caught, and I doubt seriously that we will anytime soon. You need to loosen up my dear. Err... Not that way! See I mean..."

"You're making yourself look like an idiot, but you're cute when you're tongue tied." Violet leaned in a kissed Emmery on the forehead. "Now... How about I "loosen" those pants, hmm?"

"Oh goodness, I think that's a grand idea."

In the quiet woods of Edendale, there is a giant church called "Haven". In this church only a certain few are allowed; widows, widowers, and orphans. It was started by a young orphan fox named Ezekiel, who has long grown old and died, leaving the church to his eldest son Harold. Harold had no children of his own, as his wife died giving birth to their daughter. Harold stayed in Haven for quite some time, almost alone, except for all the followers of his father, and a few close friends. Then one day, a giant ship sailed into the Neil bay near the church, and tragedy had struck. An unknown disease had killed hundreds of the ships inhabitants, and was no loose in the country side. Hundreds upon hundreds came to Haven's doors, and begged for help. Harold, conflicted and confused, decided to break the rules, and let them in. After 2 or 3 seasons of hardship and recovery, ¾ of the creatures varying from bear to squirrel, had died, leaving widows, widowers, and of course, orphans. Seasons upon seasons passed, and many of those who had come on that ship, were leaving to have lives of their own, or just to adventure. Harold, sadly, had become quite ill, in the final seasons of his life, and passed the title "Father Haven" to a young squirrel named Abby. Abby came on the ship many seasons ago, and all of her family was killed. She also was sick, but was saved by the medical herbs Harold had prepared for her. They became quite close friends and almost decided to get married; but what would the congregation think of their leader, getting married in a place where love is not meant to be shown? Blasphemy! Rebellion! No, no. We can't have that now, can we?

Anyway, enough background. Abby decided that since she couldn't have the love of her life, then nobody else could either. A young fox couple was caught making love in the woods, and she banished them both out of the church, into the cold. You see, the church wasn't for worship; it was merely a hideaway for poor folk, mostly those who have lost everything and everyone in their lives. It gave them a 2nd chance, that they wouldn't have just roaming aimlessly around the woodlands. Abby soon became an evil, grouchy old squirrel, and most everyone hated her, except an older raccoon named Paw. He had come to like her a great deal. He tried to converse with her, but she would usually say she had better things to do, and children to check on. One day, he gave her a flower and told her she was beautiful. She smiled, took the flower and stomped on it. Paw's heart was ravaged, and something came over him. The rage that brewed inside of him, shown through his eyes, and Abby screamed. Paw covered her mouth and suffocated her. Many creatures came running, and saw Mother Haven laying on the ground, still.

"What happened Paw? Is she alright?"

"I'm afraid she's dead. I found her like this. And since I was her closest friend, I think that makes me Father Haven."

40 seasons of famine and fear came upon the church, as it seemed Father Haven Paw, would not die. His inhumanity towards other creatures was unmatched. He hired mercenaries in his old age, to fetch young woman, and rape them. Taking all the meager amounts of food that the farmers would bring in, and hoarding them for himself, and his mercenaries. Finally, one day in the cold winter's night, a stealthy assassin, slit his throat and ended his long, treacherous life.

Yadda yadda yadda, a new Mother Haven is assigned, and her name is Mother Hazel; A middle aged Kodiak bear, who likes to enforce the "No Affection, EVER!" The day she was crowned Mother Haven, 2 orphans, Emmery and Violet, were found outside in baskets. An otter was carrying them on her back and asked if she could leave them there.

"Twas a terrible thing it twas. Aye found them wrapped up in blankets, just laying there, crying their likkle eyes out. I couldn't just leave em there, and I knew yous was near by, so I was hoping you could help them."

Before Hazel could get a word in edge wise, the otter was off and gone. Hazel looked down at the two bundles of joy, actually two packages. One was a healthy male bear, with strange grey fur. And the other, a completely white female badger.

As the seasons grew on, the two grew up, and grew closer as well, spending every waking moment together. Many of the elders suspected they loved each other, but Mother Hazel wasn't going to let that happen. She split them apart, sending Emmery with the men to go harvest which lasted sometimes many seasons, and put Violet to work in the fields with the other woman. Both yearned for each other so, and they promised when he returned, that they would run away. But seasons past, and people came and went; but not Emmery. No one had seen any of the men who left that day many seasons ago. One day, in the middle of the night, Violet lay awake, and heard her door creak open. A familiar face appeared in the door, and she almost screamed, "Emmery my love!" Emmery was caught by surprise when she jumped into his arms and passionately kissed him on the lips.

"My love, where have you been for so long?"

"My dearest Violet, how I have missed you so. Come; let us go into the courtyard where we cannot be seen. We have much to talk about."

As Emmery and Violet dashed off into the night, Mother Hazel cast a weary eye on the two, as she saw them in the moonlight. "I don't understand young ones these days. All of them kissing and hugging, it drives me mad. There are strict rules, set back hundreds of season ago, yet they cannot abide by them. Maybe when they grow up, they'll understand the true meaning of love, and how to obey. Isn't that right Horris?" Hazel looked over her shoulder, where an older fox's arms and legs were spread in an "X", tied to the bed.

"Yes Madam!"