Breaking in Modruk part 5

Story by Logan Ice on SoFurry

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#5 of Breaking in Modruk

The male sprawled out on the bed was a familiar one. Another orc, only this time he wasn't some interchangeable green skin, like one of the others in the house. Danny recognized the stud well. In fact he watched him every Monday night.

"Yo-you're WFW mega star and longest holder of the WFW ultra champion belt the Jungle Beast!" Danny said loudly. He kind of felt bad for just blurting out the obvious but he was reeling with shock.

Logan smirked. From what Max had said downstairs the orc had no choice but to come up and follow orders. "Well I've gotta give it to my bro, you are a big fan, aren't ya?"

_ _

OH HOLY SHIT! You even sound like him!! How can you be here though? What's going on?

A million thoughts whizzed by in Danny's head, that the "my bro" comment seemed unnoticed. He could only nod in reply. The orc looked exactly how he did on TV, big strong, that mane of hair around his head. The heavily built orc had a hand propped up behind his head, while the other had a lit blunt he'd gotten from the night stand. The orc seemed to leer at the human, and Danny became painfully aware at his own nudity. His hands suddenly cupped over his privates, but the orc just gave a smirk.

Thus far being nude hadn't come as an issue before, but now the lad wasn't sure if he should be. The famous tusked warrior, lying right before him wasn't, in a manner of speaking at least. Most of his muscled toned complexion was relaxed out on the bed in all its glory. The only article of clothing he had was a black leather jockstrap. The fat outline of package underneath seemed to fit tight in the material, like it was a size too small. The green skin was utterly calm, which seemed a little intimidating. He let out another puff of smoke.

Then large orc pulled his arm from out under his head and gently patted the bedside next to him. "Come ere, an try this." The orc said in his gruff voice.

This is all too surreal.

"A-are you for real," Danny found himself asking.

"Oh yea, he is." Darren and Seymour came from the inside of the bathroom. Both patted Danny on the back. "Have fun you two," The rhino added and made his way for the door. The gorilla followed in tow, but stopped at the door way. He turned to Logan and chuckled. "The slut's been very cooperative. Make sure you reward him, alright?" The gorilla turned to Danny. The lad saw him give a wink then stepped out and turned down the hall, leaving the human alone with the well known wrestler.

"As real is ever," the orc leaned up and took another puff before he sat up and stretched out his arms. He heard the elbows popping at the joints. Those flawless muscles, bulging biceps, toned triceps, the way those pectorals were cut and defined. The orc was just like he was on television.

"Well come here." He said a bit suddenly.

_ _

Me come to you? Like touch you?

_ _

Danny jumped a bit, and the orc sat fully up on the bed. Kicking out his broad feet, the orc propped himself up with a hand behind him. The other hand he motioned with a finger for the human to get closer, and then extended out his hand. Danny eyed the offered mitt. Still keeping a hand on his package he reached and with a timid hand he grasped the orc's offer. The warm fingers held fast and the human was half yanked onto the bed with the orc. Swiftly he was guided in, Danny moving closer to his television idol.

I'm going to wake up any minute now.

His mind raced as the orc let a large mitt rubbed the human's naked side. Danny shivered as the hand was warm against his cold skin. Quickly Danny was slid in the orc's broad lap, legs spread around either side of the orc's waist and their stomachs pressed softly. From here Danny could smell the larger male's raw scent. The orc's skin was firm, and hot against Danny's. The lad felt his temperature rise from it.

"Mr. Beast," Danny said, but the green skin suddenly exhaled through his nose and the thick smoke washed over the lad's face.

"The name's Logan." The green skin said with a light air of annoyance. He raised an eyebrow. "Was, told you was a fan. You is, aren't you?"

Eagerly Danny nodded and breathed softly. The orc was intoxicating, musk and the stench of sex just rolled off his hero's frame. "I am, I just dunno." Logan raised an arm up, and Danny felt it slide over his back, hugging in close. His beefy frame pressed close. "All of this is happening so fast!"

The orc raised an eyebrow.

"I've been kidnapped by a bunch of horny creatures and been continuously molested for the past day and a half. And now you're here?" Danny looked up quizzically. "How is all of this even possible?"

"Guh, well yer right a lot has gone down. An yuh should know this ain't acceptable." Logan grunted and grasped at the human's hand. He plucked the wrist away Danny had kept over his crotch. The orc's tightly kept bulge now openly mashed against the human's own hairless groin. Logan grasped the blunt from his lips. The human's eyes narrowed, watching the orc give a final exhale before offering it over. "Heh, I think you need to relax."

Danny's eyes widened. He had never drunk alcohol, or smoked cigarettes before, much less actual drugs. On an occasion or two he was offered by some of his college friends, that's how he knew what Logan was smoking now, but had been too nervous to accept. But now sitting here, in the broad lap of one of his icons, plus the weekend he was having, now was not the time to let inhibitions hold him back.

With uneven fingers he accepted the blunt. The end the orc was sucking on was covered in spittle. Putting it between his lips, Danny couldn't help but enjoy the wet taste. Never having done this before, Danny wasn't sure what exactly to do. He let out a short exhale, then puckered his lips and drew in on the blunt hard and fast. The feel of hot smoke suddenly filling his lungs caught the human off guard. It was like a burning knife had stabbed his throat. Instantly he was viciously coughing.

"Ha-ha, got a too big a pull there, eh human?" Logan said His voice bemused. His hand stayed on Danny's back while the other took away the lit blunt. He observed it before shaking his head knowingly. "Yuh jus bout' sucked half the thing down. Yuh ever smoked before?"

Danny tried shaking his head. His face was red. It felt like he was trying to cough up a lung. "Fuck, I-I'm sorry." He said after catching his breath.

"For what?

"Well I guess I can't smoke." Danny said with a slight blush.

The orc openly scoffed. He pushed his meaty chest more firmly against the human's own. "Oh you can," he corrected. "Jus newcomers need to be eased into it. You ever take a shotgun before?"

Danny shook his head. The larger green skin grinned a bit, and then held the blunt to his lips, finger and thumb. With a slow inhale Danny watched. The orc's other hand drew up, and Danny felt the mitt slide right behind the base of his head. Logan, after getting a lungful pulled the blunt back. He held in the smoke and grinned. Danny saw wisps of white uncurl from the corners of his mouth. Then firmly the hold on Danny's head got stronger, and the orc bore himself on down.

The human blinked as the orc's fat lips connected with his for a sudden open mouthed kiss. Much similar like Hanks earlier, the orc's tusks imperfectly sealed around his lips, and for a second time Danny squirmed, being forced to take in the larger brute's slithering tongue. Delicately Logan rubbed it against the inside of his mouth, but not much more. From the corners of Danny's eyes he saw smoke creep around their connected lips and instantly he got the idea. Danny breathed in, and more heavily Logan exhaled, seeing the human was cooperating.

The second inhale of the smoke was quite interesting. It felt like the orc was breathing for the human, making his lungs expand with the shared contents. The smoke this time didn't affect Danny much, and the lad was pleasantly surprised to feel only a gentle tingle sensation in his gullet. When the orc's lips finally parted, Danny breathed out and saw the white fumes escape into the air.

"There now ya look like a natural." The orc said with a pleased tone. Danny blushed and nodded.

For a second time the orc brought the blunt to his lips and pulled his toke, before again sharing it on down to the lad. Danny was ready for it this time and fully accepted the orc's embrace, licking the male's lips and breathing in mutually while the orc exhaled. After Logan finished their kiss lingered for a few moments Danny gasped.

Slowly it seemed to creep up on the human. Danny had never smoked weed before. He wasn't sure of the effects or what to expect. It first affected him. Making his head slightly dizzy and his body was getting warmer. He was getting heavier, like his body was made of lead.

The orc seemed to make note of this and chuckled. "Already, eh?" Affectionately he rubbed at the lad's frame, over his shoulders while the other hand gently teased the human's nipples. Danny could only seem to endure as the feelings began to intensify.

"Oh, looks like someone is enjoying himself now." Logan mused. His voice sounded richer. The human didn't quite notice what he had meant until the orc's hand traveled down the lad's smooth chubby stomach, and grasped at the completely shaven cock. Danny gasped from the bolt of pleasure the warm green fingers brought when they enclosed around it. The human was erect, very erect and lovingly Logan let his large mitt slowly stroke the silky pole, causing Danny to openly gasp.

Danny was no match for the orc's lustful ambitions. They shared one hot shotgun blast after another, and swapped saliva until blunt between the orc's lips was now like a small nub. A final time Logan heavily breathed in, causing the lit end to light up. The hand behind the lad's head left to pluck the decimated blunt away. Quickly he discarded it on the side nightstand, next to a few fresh ones and turned back to the lad. When their lips connected, this time Danny threw his arms around the Logan's neck and held tight for their final embrace.

The human's mind was becoming a whirlwind of mixed thought and bliss. When he exhaled, he did so facing the orc's frame. The smoke cascaded down to the beast's strong chest, and with a stupefied expression Danny gazed over the orc's strong form. Beaded gems of sweat began to collect on the green skin's frame. "Looks tasty," was all his floating mind could mutter. Before he knew what he was doing the human mashed his face down, licking and sucking the bodily secretions.

From above the orc chuckled. Leaning back he watched the human bob his head up and down on his hairy chest. The lips felt delicate, but the lad was persistent trying to devour the orc's taste all he could. The orc slowly shook his head with a bemused grin and grabbed the human by the hair, easing him on backwards.

"You've done quite enough to please the males in this house. I think its time the favor gets returned to you."

Danny wasn't sure exactly what the orc meant, his mind was swimming. He did feel disappointed that the tasty beast wouldn't let him lick anymore. Even more so the human whimpered, confused as the orc began to slide Danny off his lap. Completely disoriented lad plopped down on the bed and the orc crawled forward on his hands and knees to him. He grinned bearing his tusks wide. It made him look dark and mischievous.

Danny was sure it was meant to be playful but he couldn't help but smile back nervously. From his warped mindset the orc advanced like some predator stalking his prey and Danny scooted backwards feigning nervousness, until he came to the edge of the bed.

"No where to run now, lad," Logan said with a sly voice..

Then at once the orc lunged forward. The powerful frame didn't collide with the human as the lad seemed to think. Instead the brute's hairy head went straight between the Danny's legs, and that broad maw wrapped around the human's pink cock. Danny's eyes went wide as his erect maleness was suddenly engulfed in a slurping wet mouth. A sudden wave of fear shot through the human's mind. Instinctively Danny tried to close his legs, but Logan's broad mitts clasped around each of his upper thighs, and firmly held them apart, forcing the human's loins to be fully exposed. He felt the wet tongue slide over the tender underside of his cock, and swirl around the tip causing jolts of pleasure.

Oh my fucking gaw- oh shit... this ... awesome!

Danny had never received head before. He had heard his friends at college talk about. He recalled one awkward moment when he was bull shitting with a circle of his friends, and each of them one after another explaining in vivid and gross detail how they had received their first/best/worst blowjob. Danny was humiliated at how each story that went around the room seemed to get more outrageous and lurid. When his turn finally came, to save face, he made up some situation that was so bland and feeble he was sure no one would believe him. If he had to go back now, to that moment he'd have a story that'd trump them all.

The human's spine quivered in raw delight as the orc's working maw worked on his meat. Those sealed lips took the law's cock to the root; Danny could feel the hot breath was over his smooth groin. It was unlike any other feeling. When the lad had kissed Hank, and even Logan a few seconds ago their lips couldn't seal perfectly, but the orc now seemed to have done a good enough job on his member. The sucking maw created a tight vacuum on the skin, and burying his lips easily to the hilt, Danny's cock tip bumped into the moist tissue from the back of the orc's throat.

"Oh yea, feels so good." Danny said with a trembling voice. Looking down at the top of Logan's head, it was like there were 3 of them slowly rotating around each other. The drug was making everything feel more intense

The orc's broad tongue slathered all along the underside of his meat, it was like a large worm that worked up and down the tender skin, then twirled around it, over and over. Then those sealed lips pulled up Danny looked down to see his whole groin and exposed shaft absolutely covered in saliva. Drops well from the orc's lips and fell on his pink skin as Danny felt the male's hot breath wash over his loins.

In all this the human wasn't sure what exactly else to do. His body quaked in the raw gratification the orc forced on his heated groin. A trembling hand lifted up and gently he rested it atop Logan's head, fingers stroking into the dark hair, a move that made Logan pause. Danny then heard it, the orc begin to audibly growl, causing vibrations to ripple down the shaft of his meat. Up until now Danny had not felt the slightest hint of teeth, but the orc squeezed his jaws some and the lad felt them graze his shaft softly.


_ _

Immediately the human lifted off his hand and more slowly the orc resumed lowering his face again to the hilt on the human's rigid manhood. Logan kept up his slow movements, until Danny felt a gentle tingling in his ball sack. Heavier he breathed, and knew what was coming.

"I'm- I'm getting close, Mr. Beast- erm Logan. I'm gonna shoot." Danny said between panting breaths.

It was at those comments that the orc pulled himself off completely, a raised a bit from the spittle lathered cock. Danny whimpered some. The need to climax was strong but now without the warm maw around his cock, it need slowly, agonizingly died down.

"Sorry but yuh can't shoot jus yet." Logan said. His face was still between Danny's legs hovering over his groin. Danny wasn't sure what to expect next. He just nodded, when he suddenly heard it. The green beast began to sharply inhale though his nose, long and hard. The sickening sound of mucus collecting into the back of the male's throat collected, when with a loud spitting sound the orc let the slimy contents that collected flow from his lips and gently coat on down Danny's rigid human cock.

Danny watched with amazement, curious what the orc had planned. When a good load of extra goop had covered his meat the orc began to back off. Logan's heavy frame lifted up from his all fours position, and Danny watched the muscled stud crawl back to the head of the bed. The lad followed forward a bit, as Logan turned himself on his back, and did something the human would never have expected. The orc raised a mitt to his face and spit another glob of slime onto his palm, then reaching down his abdomen.

Danny's wide eyed gaze locked in with Logan's smirking expression, right before the orc raised both his legs upwards, broad feet holding in the air, fat soles facing Danny. The orc's musky and perfectly shaped ass became exposed and upturned, and the slimed up mitt meet traveled down between his thighs and dove between the tight dark green cleft.

Up above Logan's own thick cock pulsed heavily inside the jockstrap. The package was tented now, and Danny could see the underside of the fleshy ball sack. The pheromones from it rose thick in the air, and lazily the orc rubbed his hand up and down over it.

"Hehehe, you like what yer seein bub?"

Danny could only dumbly nod as the large hand liberally applied the wet spittle to the deep looking ass cheeks. The orc's other hand reached around and gripped a rump cheek, spreading it apart. The orc's backside fully exposed, Danny saw the thick fingers travel over the tight puckered. Openly Logan poked at it. The entrance, a darker round ring of green flesh seemed to blossom open, and he saw the pushing finger sink between the pulsing walls. Logan gave a pained expression, grimacing from it, but onwards he buried his finger to the knuckle and gave it a slow twist.

I'm being propositioned for sex by one of the hottest hunk on television.

_ _

The human didn't need to be edged on any further. His cock was quaking, and Logan was making himself all to appealing. Crawling upwards, the human moved forward, drawing himself up to the orc's exposed backside. Danny wasn't sure how to proceed, when he came close, kneeling before Logan. But the orc shuffled backwards, and the lad's 7inchs of meat pressed int oteh warm cleft, sandwiching between them.

"Fer a human you've got such a sexy cock. I need yuh ta give it ta me. Ya know what ta do, right?" Logan asked. His voice was a bit soft, and his eyes closed. He seemed to be preparing himself.

Danny nodded. "Ye-yes, sir."

The orc's thighs pressed up, against the human's chest, knees over either of his shoulders. Pulling back his groin, from the heated ass, Danny's cock till fell and took aim. He maneuvered inwards letting his tip find the orc's heated muscled ring, but suddenly he was stopped. The hand that had been spreading out his rump cheek suddenly grasped the human's member, and Logan opened his eyes, looking squarely at Danny.

"You are ta look right at me, and concentrate on the task at hand. Yuh got it slut?" Logan seemed to bark out firmly.

In his hazed and lust fogged state, Danny could only nod. Breathing in he pushed forward his groin, and pressed his tip toe the orc's back door. There was only a few moments of resistance, then the red tip pressed its way on in. In that moment, Danny felt total bliss.

To say the beastly orc's insides were tight was one thing but that just wouldn't do justice. No words could describe the feeling of the fleshy walls of the green skin's pucker clamping down on his glands, the warmth suction the inside bowels seemed to possess drawing in or the feel of the clamping, squishing insides as they morphed around the shape of human's virginal cock.

Danny's eyes rolled to the top of his as he drew himself forward feeling the warmth surround more and more of his meat. From blow the orc huffed, and breathed out slowly taking it all in. He took each inch all with stride, and the lad didn't stop until he hit flush, his balls heavy, pressed against Logan's meaty backside. There for a few moments he just stayed reveling in the feeling.

Danny gave a heated sigh and slowly pulled himself out a little bit. From below the orc groaned out loudly, and the legs on either side of the human's head tightened up. The lad was slow about it, and once half his member was exposed and free he slowly began to draw himself in again, the orc's ass almost gobbling down his tool.

Likely Danny slowly humped into the bottoming orc, lost in his delusional word of sexual lusts when Logan lowered his legs from either side of the human's neck. Danny blinked on down as the hot powerful thighs clamped down on his lower waist now. The orc's mitts let go of his large member and Danny felt himself pulled towards the male's powerful chest in a loving embrace. The lad continued thrusting on into the heated male and to two now chest to chest grinded up into each other like lovers.

"Remember now," Logan said. He breathed out each word. "Yuh are to remain concentrating on me. This all ends and we let ya go right now if you look back."

The human wrapped his arms around the Logan's sides, and buried himself fully, hilting in, he felt the orc's heavy jockstrap into his stomach. He wanted more than anything to finish now with this stud and was about to say so when suddenly he felt it.

Logan's heavy mitts wrapped around his back, they were accounted for, but Danny felt another warm mitt press on his shoulder, then another at his side. The human's eyes widened as he felt the wall of heat over his back. There was another unseen body behind him. Danny's eyes went wide, and Logan furrowed his brow, silently warning the human to keep still.

The newcomer's frame pressed in, pushing his chest down on the lad's, pinning him to Logan. It didn't seem that big, almost the size of the human's. Gently it eased on in and Danny felt the male's thick cock press between his ass cheeks. Danny tied to push forwards' but fully hilted inside Logan's rump there was nowhere to go. He was about to lose another cherry.

The newcomer's hand on Danny's shoulder suddenly left, and from behind the lad heard a hawking spitting sound. Logan's hands which stayed on the human's back gently lowered and each large mitt grabbed a globe of the human's rump cheeks and spread them firmly apart.

_ _

He's working with who ever is behind me...

_ _

Then felt it as those naturally lubed fingers pressed between the human's own ass cheeks and lubed it all up. The lad gritted his teeth as a few of the fingers centered in on the lad's anal ring, but none entered. Instead the hand went back up to hold onto the Human's side. The two males holding the human between them aided each other..

Danny felt the male's heavy knees press between his legs from behind. The human had no choice but to spread them out wide as the male crawled between his legs. Logan meanwhile uncurled his own thighs from Danny's backside. With patience he held them out as Danny felt the body get into position, the male's sturdy frame pressing against his back, and that cock nuzzling its way up against his virginity, threatening to take it away. Once secure Logan clamped his thighs back down, wrapping his legs around both, Danny's and the stranger's forms.

The human was sandwiched. Buried and inside one beefy body while another smaller closed in from behind. Danny's eyes were shut tight, as the pressing body from behind seemed to pause. Logan leaned on up, and gave a slowly lick. The wet tongue traveled up from Danny's chin all the way up the side of the lad's face.

"Are yuh ready?" The gruff voice asked?

There was a pause, before Danny answered, "Fuck yea."

Two things happened at once. Logan's powerful maw launched forward and collected the human's maw in his own. The orc shoved his tongue deeply inside the human's mouth to surely help muffle the scream from what was to come next.

The body that pressed down from behind made his grip stronger. He rubbed his chest firmly down on the human's back and eased forward his hips. It was a few moments of this, and Danny thought his pucker would never give way. Despite Logan's heavy kiss, forcing his tongue with free reign deep inside his mouth, Danny couldn't help but instinctively try to clench up. It was all to no avail though. After a firm thrust male's fat tip forced its way on in, past the tightly clamping muscled star, and Danny screamed, muffed from the kiss as the male from behind let out a loud pleasured groan.

Oh fuck it hurts!

Danny's back arched as the fat cock tip popped its way inside him. His own pelvis mashed his cock inside Logan's guts, which to his credit clamped down as well. The bottoming orc's anal muscles flexed around the human's shaft, and in this moment of agony, Logan was mixing it with pleasure as well.

Danny squeezed Logan's frame hard as the body from behind closed on in. The human's eyes bugged out as the pressing frame forced inch after painful inch of that thick cock into his bowels. The stranger was persistent, but paused after only half his member buried inside Danny's trembling form. Mercifully he held the position letting the Danny adjust to the thick rod. A minute seemed to tick by before Danny started to consciously relax his anal muscles and the male, feeling this continued on down, not stopping until he was hilted where he again paused. Logan's lips let go from Danny's mouth, and there all three rested for a brief moment, locked together.

A wet mouth came down and nibbled on the back of Danny's neck. Danny could feel tusks. It was another orc. Logan moved in as well, pushing his head in the side of the human's neck. Gently he bit down, causing only a little bit of pain before relenting and licking at the area. He grinned at Danny's quaking face and found another spot to nip down on, then another. Teasingly he gave the human little love bites while the body behind him was holding a moment or two longer. Then before long the stranger pulled himself out.

Danny winced. The pull out was slow, and those pressing hips left his ass. The hands on his hips also seemed to pull and Danny's own member began to slide out from Logan's upturned rump. But both bodies went like this for only a few inches before the frame behind the human sliced forward, hilting again. Logan let out a groan from the sudden fullness and buried his hairy face inside the lad's neck and again the body from behind the human controlled their mutual pull out and quick paced thrust.

Danny's mind became spinning again as the lust and bliss from the experience began to mount. With each thrust from the three sweating frames, he endured the pain. What was once near excruciating was now lessening with each moment. The human's mind was now free to concentrate on other things, like how Logan's silky tight innards seemed to perfectly grasp his meat, like a hungry animal, how amazing it felt to have their strong male bodies slide and grind up against each other, joined by cock and orifice and how the air was pungent and rank with their raw musk's of sex and sweat.

The beat of their bodies slamming into each other sped up. More openly Danny leaned down, and much like how the orc feasted on the sweat that poured down his neck, Danny too leaned in to feast at the underside of the large orc's chin. He dragged his tongue over the beads of sweat that seemed to spill out, from the hairline that started at the orc's ear down, traveling at how it connected around his chin where Logan's longer goatee was at.

They fucked, hard bodies slamming into each other, large fat tools sawing into tight holes until Danny began to feel it. That tingling sensation welled up fast within his ball sack. The accumulation of their union had come. Danny was still being pile driven deep inside Logan's greedily sucking ass, when he let out a loud moan of guttural pleasure. Danny felt it like a bolt of lighting that spread from the tips of his toes, and up his spine. In that moment all he knew was pleasure as his cock throbbed wildly inside Logan's bowels. The thrusting body from behind wasn't that far behind, and while the human was in mid climax, the stranger matched the human's groans with his own. He held still, and Danny felt the cock pulse inside his bowels feeding the human his own essence as well.

When both groaning male's finally calmed, Danny slumped forward, on top of Logan's chest. The body doing likewise on the lad's back. Their frames were drenched with sweat.

_ _

God that was intense. I've never came so hard in my life!

_ _

"I brought you to the light Danny." The human perked up as the voice spoke behind. The voice, that familiar voice was soft. Danny knew it. "And I'm never letting you go."

The human pushed back against the bed and tried to slide himself up from Logan's embrace. The larger orc, Danny saw was smirking, with a knowing grin. The orc grabbed the human under the arms and helped him ease upwards. The body from behind moving out of the way slowly was letting his hips pull out. Danny felt that log slide free from his backside with a wet squelching sound. He felt empty again and freed he pulled his own spent shaft from Logan's backside.

Neither male stopped the human as he slid himself out from between their bodies, and off the bed. Danny turned around. He knew who belonged to that voice, and turned to see his suspicions correctly assumed.

Max Mortlock!

_ _

The smaller orc was a familiar one. He and Danny shared the same floor at the dorms. In fact their rooms were almost next to each other. Danny felt almost embarrassed now, as both orc's looked back at him. Their faces almost a spitting image of the other, their skin tone the same. They were relaxed but it never occurred to Danny before.

"I - you... you, did you?"

"Set this whole thing up?" Max offered. He raised an eyebrow, and chuckled to Logan. The larger orc seemed to hold a serious face. His expression fixed on Danny's as if waiting to read the human's reaction.

"I did." The smaller orc responded nonchalant. He leaned forward and gave a sly grin. "And you loved it."

Danny blinked. A mixture of emotions coursed through his mind, nervousness, anger, confusion. He must have shown it because Logan frowned some and give Max a small kick with his bare foot at the orc's side. Max acked and nudged Logan on back before sliding off the bed. He held out a hand for Danny, but the human this was becoming just too much for the human. He backed away.

"No, stop now."

Danny stopped mid-stride as Max's jovial tone suddenly got firm.

"You're in no danger." Max said. "I've made sure of that. You're with friends, you always were."

The orc slide himself fully off and closed the gap between him and the quivering human. Danny felt the orc's friendly hands pull him in, and he was embraced in a sweaty hug by his college peer. For some reason any negative emotions melted away.

Max rubbed Danny's back then gently released the human and guided back to the bed. Both the human and the orc crawled back on. Logan made room, and Danny saw his face become a bit more relaxed. The larger orc reached a hand up and cupped it under Danny's chin who smiled back a bit. Then silent the larger orc grunted and lowered his hand. He reached for the night stand and grabbed a fresh blunt. He lit it and gave a deep inhale. Danny turned back to Max. He always thought the green skin was cute.

He'd catch glances of him in the shower; he was popular in the dorms, well amongst the non-humans anyway. Danny always thought the orc was cute. Plus the Mohawk was really cute. But a few things ate away at the human's gut.

"You set all this up." Danny said slowly.

Max responded with only a nod. Logan once with a few puffs passed the blunt on over and the smaller orc accepted it. Max too a slow toke while Danny continued.

"Who is everyone?"

The orc chuckled. "Guess there's no keeping secrets now. About half are from bro's work." Danny looked back to Logan.

Members of the WFW were here?

_ _

_ _ "A bunch of the younger guys are from the dorms," Max went on.

Guys from college are here too?

_ _

_ _ "And there are a few business owners." Danny tilted his head and Max answered. "Those three mini orcs own a private night club, kind of exclusive. Big Hank manages security there."

Max gave a small shrug and handed the blunt over to Danny. He shook his head though, and Max gave a worried look before handing it back to Logan.

"You don't want a hit?" The orc sounded disappointed. "Or maybe you want a shotgun, eh?" His voice suddenly sounded a bit clever.

How does he know about that? Was he watching?

The human shook off the notion. "No, no hit yet. But I do want to ask one thing. Why?"

Max grinned wide. "Because I like you and I wanted you."

Danny let that sink in but shook his head. "If you had just asked me out I most definitely said yes, but all this," Danny gestures around the room.

"You're fine now though, aren't you?"

"Yes but, kidnapping and all this secrecy. I was terrified!"

For another moment Max fell silent. Then he moved forward, crawling towards Danny. A quick shove and the human fell backwards on the bed, lying next to Logan's ever watching form. The larger orc pulled the human into the crook of his arm, and held tight around his shoulders. Max crawled up alongside the human, pulling close to Danny's other side.

"You want to know why?" He leaned himself up and looked down at the human. "Oh how to give thee all the reasons..." Rising up a hand he lifted a finger as if to count off. "First you are not at all discrete in your bathroom ogling's whenever I have to shower, other guys on the floor can vouch. You get all flustered whenever I or any other hunky nonhuman stud tries to talk to you. It's because I've found the BDSM magazines you've got hidden under your pillow, in your sock drawer and closet. Oh and you remember when you had to have your computer fixed when it got a virus? I was the lab technician that had to work on it when that happened, and cleaned your system all up. An you know what I was able to find?" Max teased. "An entire cache non-human smut, to fill up a library, AND you're all too devoted fandom with WFW wrestling. Again that cache of smut on the computer, I know about that folder that's just devoted to this big guy right here."

Max gave his older brother a light prod, and Logan chuckled. But Danny didn't share their optimism. He looked between the two, blushing fiercely. He felt his face burn from embarrassment at how easily the orc seemed to know every dirty fetish and fantasy he had, and had used it all against him. Danny shut his eyes tight. Max looked down at the semi-distressed human, and gave a caring look. Leaning in, Max nuzzled his lips on Danny's forehead.

"Or maybe it's because you're a gem, Danny."

The human opened his eyes a bit. "A what, a gem?"

"A diamond in the rough," Max said slowly. "You see you're not like most humans or really any human I've ever met."

Danny let this sink in. "How am-"

"Because you're not an asshole bigot for starters," Max cut in. He was serious. "Nonhumans are not treated well in society." The orc spoke slowly. "Every human I encounter at campus treats me like I'm garbage. I'm the younger brother of a multi millionaire superstar, I've got a perfect grade point average and a full scholarship but without fail everyone pinky I see looks at me like I'm vermin that doesn't deserve the breath the same air they do." Max gave a heated sigh. "I get that from every human, everyone, but you. Don't you see?"

The human felt both the orc's gently slide their hands over his body. Logan's large hand reached down to cup his groin, the meaty hand coaxing his cock back to life. Max rubbed a hand over the human's chest, playing with his nipples a little bit.

"Your acceptance with the furry community, your purity and genuine belief in equality, I've seen it. I've seen how you are with others, how you are with me. Combined with your nasty awesome sexual quirks and the fact that you're damn cute," Max winked causing Danny to blush something fierce.

"I couldn't let you go. And I won't. Danny I want you. I wanted to break you out of your shell. That's why I did all this. I did it because I know you'd love every second of it. I did it because I want you to be mine."

"I want to be with you too." Danny felt himself saying back. It made the orc pause and smile back, broad.

"Do you know what a Modruk is?"

Logan was in mid-puff with the blunt when he suddenly started coughing violently; apparently the word had meant something and triggered a strong reaction. But neither Danny nor Max seemed to pay attention. Danny did shake his head though. "N-no I don't."

"It means you would belong to me." The smaller orc said. His tone was completely serious, and slowly Danny felt himself nod. "Yea? I think I'd like that."


In his relaxed grasp was a fresh can of beer. Max leaned against the dew covered banister on the outside deck, and over looked the vast forest that stretched out for miles before him. Just over the treetops pink rays of the sun because to cut away the black sky that was over head. The orc gave a relaxed sigh, as the cool morning air kissed his bare skin. The morning was crisp, and without a close in the sky. Today was the beginning of a brand new day.

From behind Max could hear the sliding glass door open, and the heavy pat of someone walking out. The door shut and a body walked up to the balcony. Max looked and grunted as Seymour with a cigar between his lips leaned with the orc, looking out into the forest. It was a while before he spoke.

"Hank is making a few of those wolves lick the kid's feet." The gorilla said. He chuckled. "The human was all for it. You were right Max; you were right about every fucking thing. Damn, that kid liked just about everything that happened tonight."

Max only raised his beer up for another sip. He knew because he was there; as soon as he and Logan got Danny off of the bed, and led the human down stairs the party got into full swing. The kid was apprehensive about it at first, but when he walked into the living room, all the studs had given the kid a round of applause. The human was so cute when he was embarrassed, and boy did they goad Danny until his face was bright red. They clapped, hooted, jeered making the human feel right at home, welcoming him into their lustful, raunchy little family. Then they descended upon him. Max could still see the look on his Danny's shocked face as the group pulled him into their loving debauchery. The orc could've have been prouder seeing his Modruk please so many. For hours mitts groped the human's flesh, tongues lapped at his skin and he was shared between thrusting bodies. All with Danny's pure consent, as all made sure he very willingly gave in

"Does he know everything was filmed? That you intend to make a profit from him?" The gorilla asked.

Max huffed and shook his head.

"That was just to get everyone going and all riled up. Of course I'm not going to expose Danny like that or use him for a profit." The orc paused. "Unless he wants me too of course, then I'll consider it. The real reason I had everything taped because I knew that would keep everyone from going upstairs and bothering the kid when they should've have. Plus its good to recount, ya know, fond memories we can visit back too."

The gorilla looked unconvinced and Max held up his hands in self defense. "Look, I know for a fact exhibitionism is a huge kink for my Modruk."

Seymour grunted and turned back towards the glowing sunrise. "About that, look I'm no orc, I know that this "Modruk" business is over my head. What is it exactly that Danny is now? Because whatever it is, Logan is pissed."

"Modruk means Danny is mine, at least he will be." Max said

"He's not now?"

The orc grunted and took a gulp of beer. "Logan says there's a ceremony for it to become official."

The gorilla scratched his chin. "It seems to be that it'd just be a lot easier if you asked the human out. Ya know. Like on a date, and be boyfriends."

Max shook his head. "Uh-uh, no can do. Boyfriends you can break up with or cheat on and more likely than not, eventually lose. A Modruk, now that's permanent. Logan says I'm not capable of making that type of commitment, but I am. I've never been more ready or one hundred percent sure about anything like this before. I can go the distance."

"But can the human?"

The small orc paused and looked at the gorilla. Seymour was still looking towards the beginning sun rise. The hushed forest down below was slowly starting to wake with the chirping of birds, and more orange and pink rays of light bathed the sky from over the horizon. The primate spoke softly, "No matter how well everything you planned went down, you still forced it all on Danny. Mind you it was hot as shit, I won't lie. But you drugged him, fucked him stupid and in a sense asked him something that was maybe a little beyond him to fully comprehend. You know?"

Max let the words sink in. Lifting up his can he chugged the remaining contents and turned pace back into the house. Seymour had nothing else to say as he went. The orc opened the sliding door, and took a whiff of the room.

_Damn, its rank. Logan is going to make me clean all this up too, shit. _

Max left the door open give air out the place. Inside much of the party was zonked out. Bodies of males covered in their own bodily fluids laid across the house. Many were snoring heavily. The brutes had again all cuddled up next to each other, random limbs splayed over brute's chests or faces. One final nap before Logan was sure to kick them out. It was Sunday morning and the weekend already felt over.

Max stepped over a body to make his way to the kitchen. He opened up the refrigerator which looked ransacked by now. Almost all its contents had been gobbled away through out the night by over 50 hungry beasts with the munchies. Still though there were a few items, including fresh bottled water one of which he grabbed.

Stepping back over the sleeping body again the young orc made his way to the den area and opened the door. A waft of thick hookah smoke hit him right in the face. In the lower room the half the inhabitants were still awake. Both stems of the ornate hookah passed between lips, the remnants from the herbs up top almost depleted.

In one of the chairs sat Darren. His legs were spread out wide while a lustful Clint, one third of the small orcs mouthed as much tattooed rhino meat into his maw as he could. The little guy's head bobbed on the length, with low slurping sounds while the pachyderm guided by holding his hands atop the orc's head. Lowly he muttered his approval at the cock sucking beastie. More amusing Max thought was that under each of the rhino's broad feet lay Ace and Bull. The two other small orcs were practically covered by each respective giant sole. They humped their cocks at the grinding heel while arms wrapped around each foot, and mouths suckled at the toes. Max must have walked in at the right moment, because not a few moments later Darren's body began to jerk. The pachyderm grunted loudly, and Max saw the grayish pink cock base pump loads of creamy fluid into Clint's hungry gullet. Expertly the small orc swallowed each drop.

As the hookah passed between lips the orc's who had just taken their toke would turn to another orc or furry to shotgun in the same manner Logan had done to Danny earlier in the night. Yes another interesting about his little Modruk. Danny being a WFW fan was not something the orc would have ever expected. The human had indeed kept an entire laundry list of mega star wrestlers, but there was an entire fold filled to the tune of well over a hundred pictures of just his older brother Logan. After that the younger orc knew his human as definitely going to have some up close and personal time with his favorite TV hero. Logan and Danny were popular amongst those in the house too. Max remembered the murmurs and general approval at how seductive it appeared as the house watched live from down stairs. When the human and Logan had come down, many congratulated his older brother on the sexy show.

Max couldn't help but chuckle.

Logan was not the willing participant he had made himself out to be and which everyone saw. After his brother forced Max to suck his cock in such a degrading way the younger green skin leaned up and whispered to Logan that he had "incriminating" footage of the older orc being a foot whore to half a dozen of the house's studs.

Poor Logan, always wanting some big asshole male to spear your ass and feed you their nasty feet... your pride just gets in the way too damn much.

_ _

_ _ It was that same pride Max had used to manipulate his older bro. He threatened with showing the videos to Logan's work buddies if hey didn't do exactly as Max said. The thrilled/pissed look on Logan's face was priceless. Before Logan had gone upstairs and "willingly" game himself to the human, Max had made sure his brother wore a small nifty blue tooth hidden under his thick mane of hair, directing a private channel to the younger brother. Max watched from below from the various angles on the flat screen TV while he whispered specific instructions to his brother via his cell phone. Yes Logan had threatened Max with death for the trickery, but the younger orc could tell Logan liked the human enough to possibly spare his own life.

Speaking of the human, my lovely Modruk...

_ _

Max saw Danny half asleep on the couch. The human was cushioned up against the monstrous form of the largest orc in the house, Hank. The behemoth green skin had draped an arm over the human's frame, pulling him close to his side, and Danny who looked like he was dozing off cuddled close too. The giant orc sipped a beer while below a few wolves lapped at both Hank and Danny's feet. The few black and one white canine's lapped their broad tongues over the pink and green toes while their furred hands gently messaged the foot and sole. Max observed for a bit as Hank traded stern looks at the licking foot sluts below, to a more protective one at the human at his side.

It was almost too adorable, but Max wanted what was his. He walked up, around the crowded brutes sitting on the floor to where Hank and Danny relaxed. Once he got up close...

"Hey," Max said in a quiet voice.

Hank looked up with a grunt. On the few occasions Max met with the larger orc, they seemed to be on good terms. But now the large orc seemed to glare at Max, a much intimidating prospect. He looked stern and Max knew at once that Hank shared the same skeptical hesitance and anger that Logan had over Max claiming Danny as his Modruk. The smaller orc held his ground.

"I'd like what is mine." Max said with utter defiance. Hank's eyes widened, and he bared his tusks menacingly. The show of anger didn't progress from there though as a weak voice spoke out.


Danny sat up. He looked bleary and disheveled. The human's eyes were blood shot. Max knew all the pot on such a new comer must still have been affecting his mind. The orc knelt down before his prize and offered the water bottle, which Danny accepted with weak hands. Just as Max had expected the countless males sharing his body and passionate thrusts of love and lust Danny had endured had taken its toll and sapped the human of his strength. The lad chugged the bottle straight though, and when he finished he let out a small burp. "Thanks you much."

_Damn you're so incredibly cute like this. _

Max reached hand over and rubbed the side of Danny's face. Then reaching forward he grasped the human under the arms and lifted up. Hank sighed, a hint of reluctance as he lifted his arm to allow. The human may have been weak but he was still able to stand up, though the orc had to help quite a bit. Max made Danny hold around his shoulders, while the orc wrapped an arm snug around the human's side. The brutes around the room made way as the two climbed out of the den and made their way to the stairs.

The orc was slow climbing up so Danny wouldn't fall and together they made their way to Max's own room. It was just further down than the guest room they had been using to make their little show case. Max's room was similar even with its own bathroom, though a bit smaller. The bed was big though, and easing the human onto it Danny laid down without question. The orc walked to the window shades and drew them tight, blocking out the mornings light then climbed atop the bed to join his sexy human Modruk. Possessively the green male pulled the pink skinned one to his chest, the orc spooning closely.

For a while they stayed close like that, Max just listening to the soft human's breathing. Occasionally he'd rub a hand over Danny's meaty chest, then down the slightly chubby tummy.

"Max," Danny's voice said. It was a barely audible whisper.

The orc leaned close and licked the back of his human's neck. "What is it Modruk?"

"I am so totally going to grow back my pubes."