Fawning Over You - Part 1

Story by MrChristopher on SoFurry

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Warning: This story contains Diapers, spanking, M/M, Non-Consensual themes and more kink than most diaper stories. This story may not be for everyone. So either Fap, or click the back button. P.S. If you enjoy this story, please leave a comment or sticky mess on your keyboard, I would love the feedback.

"What a dickbag," Oliver grumbled.

Ash had bailed on him three days in a row now. He hadn't even showed up for work. He called in sick every day for the last week and wouldn't return any of the Deer's messages. Oliver was not having a good day and his best friend's silent treatment wasn't helping.

When the two boys met in grade school Oliver was shy, timid and friendless. He was sure that was why he was naturally drawn to Ash's boisterous charisma. Both were considerably smaller than the rest of their classmates but Ash had a lot more courage then he did.

Because Oliver's father was a Bawean Deer, he almost always found himself looking up when he talked to his peers but because of his mother, until he grew his antlers, most furs mistook him for a White-Tail fawn. It wasn't that bad looking like his mother though. Oliver had a fine chestnut coat with striking green eyes and soft cream underbelly that ran from the tip of his muzzle all the way down to the inside of his legs and rump. He also inherited her side of the family's distinctly large antlers.

Ash was in the same boat. He had his mother's square cut muzzle, black facial mask and strong jaw. His eyes were a sharp jovial blue and he always looked so intelligent and self assured. He was in every way a handsome German Sheppard. That would be completely true if he hadn't inherited his father's oversized ears and Corgi size.

The two quickly become best friends and after a year Oliver adopted Ash's confidence which, despite their size, made the two quite the womanizers in Highschool.

But that was a long time ago. The two furs, only separated by a few months, were twenty-eight years old and now. It had been six months since Ash had landed Oliver a job working sales with him at CGEN pharmaceuticals. Both were ecstatic when it happened. This meant their schedules synced up for maximum workout and drinking time. Life was pretty routine for the two friends. At least it was.

The Deer had just had a particularly messy breakup with his girlfriend after she found him in their bed with a sexy little otter he had met at the Calico Club. How was he supposed to know she would be home early from her business weekend? To top that off, his dickhead rabbit manager reprimanded him twice this week for his behaviour. The rabbit even had the gall to threaten to send him to HR if he didn't stop harassing the woman around the office. He and Ash did it to be funny. It wasn't sexual harassment if it was funny, right?

_ _

"Hey Fucktard im leaving the gym, and ur sitting at home diddling yourself...you owe me a beer!" he sent the Corman Sheppard a text before throwing his phone in his locker and making his way to the communal showers.

Oliver took a deep breath and turned on the shower. The steam was already thick from the previous occupants and there was a faint, sweet smell in the air. He couldn't place the scent but it was pleasant and it sent a tingle of excitement to his brain. He let the water cascaded down his body; basking in it's warmth. The world seemed to slip away from him along with any worries he had.

"Good workout?" a smooth authoritative voice startled Oliver out of his euphoria.

Oliver turned to find a Stag looming over him. It almost hurt his neck to look up at the other fur. He was an Axis Deer. The smaller Deer could tell by his rufous coat and white spots. Like the smaller Deer, his chest, stomach, sheath and inner thighs were a soft cream colour. His antlers were large well formed and he had a black stripe running down his back giving him a very distinguished look. The smaller Deer was impressed by the definition of his muscles. Oliver had always considered himself to be well toned but this Stag looked like he was carved from marble.

Then his gaze fell upon he Stag's oversized sheathe making a lump form in the smaller Deer's throat. His head was waist level with the larger fur. There was another tingle in his head. Oliver quickly looked away.

"Uh, yeah," he said dismissively. He was sure he had never seen this Deer in the four years since he started there. "I haven't seen you around, are you new?"

"Oh no, I've been coming here for last couple months," he set down his shower bag, reached out and stroked Oliver's head, "looking for naughty boys,"

Oliver shivered. The tingling in his head grew at the Stag's touch and something told him to let him continue but he quickly found himself recoiling.

"Listen, I-I'm no fag," he said swatting away the hand and angling his antlers defensively, "Now you better leave before I mangle that oversized target of yours,"

He motioned his antlers towards the Stag's sheathe but that only made him chuckle. The Axis Deer quickly grabbed Oliver's antlers and got down on one knee. He grabbed Oliver's sheathe and started to massage it. The tingles exploded into static. He wanted to pull away, to tell him off again but the shock of excitement hard to think. The Stag's voice was the only thing that seemed to have any clarity.

"I think you misheard, I'm not looking for a boyfriend," He squeezed Oliver's emerging eliciting a stifled moan from him, I'm looking for naughty boy's and I think I found one,"

Oliver looked around the empty shower room and then towards the exit but his body couldn't muster the strength to run away. He knew this was wrong, but he felt so small; so malleable. The Stag dwarfed him, physically and emotionally. He whined.


"Poor baby, do you want Daddy to help you make a sticky mess?"

The words were caught in his throat. Every instinct told him to say no but the Deer couldn't stop himself as the Stag sat down on a nearby shower bench and pulled him onto his lap. The twenty-eight year old was rewarded with another shock of tingles as the Stag coaxed his needy erection to full mast.

"Such a naughty boy," the Stag's words clung in Oliver's head making him feel ashamed but doing nothing to lessen his excitement.

"This...isn't right," his breathing began to shallow as he was molested by the stranger.

The Stag grinned and cooed at him, "I can stop if you want me to,"

Oliver blushed but stayed quiet. His orgasm was starting to creep up in eager throbs. His brain was screaming at him to push away the hand and run but the other part, his carnal side, just wanted to cum. So, he did. The Deer had never cum so hard or so much in his life. It seemed like the spasms would never end but when they did the stranger scooped up the cum running down Oliver's shaft with his index and middle finger. He clicked his tongue disapprovingly.

"What's this? Did you make a sticky mess?" the Stag brought the mess to Oliver's lips, "Open up,"

The smell alone made him grimace. Like a mantra, the small Deer reminded himself he wasn't gay, that he should stop but his body wasn't his own. His ears flattened against his head when lips parted. He let out another whimper as the salty liquid was slathered on his tongue making him gag.

"She was right, you're perfect," He rubbed Oliver's stomach soothingly, "Now let's get you cleaned up,"

The stranger set the flustered Deer back on his feet and pulled a pair of gloves from his shower bag. Shortly after putting on the gloves, a shampoo bottle appeared from the bag as well. Oliver caught a glimpse of the soft blue bottle. It had a picture of a fawn on the front.

"I'm not a baby," he tried to step away but the Stag grabbed hold of him.

"Of course not," he poured the viscous liquid onto his head and started to massage it into his scalp, "You're a big boy and big boy's stay still for daddy,"

Oliver wanted to argue but the Stag's gyrating fingers made it difficult to form any thought. He simply enjoyed the feeling. The Stag continued to shampoo the smaller fur until his entire body was covered in the sweet-smelling liquid.

"Such a cutie," he admired Oliver's body while washing the suds from his fur. Oliver felt cleaner than he had in a long time. He wasn't sure how long he was being massaged by the larger fur but he didn't care. He was lost in elation. That was until he was startled out of his trance by two quick, sharp pricks on the top of his head followed by a loud clatter on the floor. Oliver's head followed the sound.

At first, he was confused. His coat was thinner, lighter and he didn't have any pubic fur around his sheathe anymore. His confusion turned to realization when he noticed the clumps of fur all over the ground. It was his fur. Then realization turned to horror when he noticed what else was missing.

"My Antlers!" He squealed as his hands shot up to find two nubs where his once proud rack resided. He rubbed his empty scalp in disbelief and for a moment he could think clearly.

"What did you do, you bastard!"

"Language!" the Stag boomed. He removed his gloves with an audible snap, "You're being a very bad boy!"

The words triggered something in Oliver. His ears flattened and his tail swung between his legs as he shied away from the larger fur. The Stag simply gave him a stern look, packed up his shower bag and took Oliver by the hand.

He led him past a few unconcerned furs and into one of the private bathroom reserved for families. The door had an Out of Order sign on it that the Stag promptly removed before they stepped inside. The room itself was large enough for three people to move comfortably. It had a simple stainless-steel sink and toilet as well as a changing table on the wall. A long, slatted bench stood opposite a full-length mirror. There was also a large blue duffle bag and two towels waiting for them.

After locking the door, The Stag wrapped Oliver in an oversized towel, turned him towards the mirror and started to dry him off. The towel had the same pleasant smell from the showers.

The tingles started again.

"Who's that?" the Stag pointed to their reflection.

Oliver gasped. He didn't realise just how small he would look without his antlers. He knew five year olds that were taller than him now. Along with the removal of his pubic fur, the strange shampoo had made his fur fluffier and somehow it had brought out his white fawn spots. If it wasn't for his adult sized sheathe he would look completely like a child.

"Is that you?" The Stag mouth curled into a handsome but mocking smile, "Is that Daddy's little baby fawn?"

"I'm an adult!" his voice cracked with anxiety.

"I don't know, are you sure?"

Oliver took a second look at himself. He thought he was sure but the lines between what he knew and what the Stag was saying were starting to blur and it made his head feel like it was stuffed with cotton.

"Do you know what I see?" The Stag tickled Oliver's tummy, "I see a Daddy and his little fawn who's a bit too big for his britches,"

Nothing about that sounded right. He wasn't Oliver's Daddy and Oliver wasn't a little kid.

"I'm not a fawn..." he whined.

"You are, can't you see it?" he pulled the towel off Oliver and started to fondle his sheathe again, "You're a naughty little faun who needs to learn not to question adults,"

"But, I'm a big deer," his voice waivered as jolts of pleasure shot through his body.

"Really?" he pulled Oliver close to his chest and nuzzled him, "Big Adult Deer don't get to make special stickies with Daddy,"

The tingles in his head turned to a childish panic, "But I want to make stickies!"

"Then why don't you tell Daddy who his special little guy is?"

Oliver was torn. He was slipping further and further into the strange hold that this Stranger had over him. His adult voice fading away with every contradiction.

"I am," Oliver mumbled shyly; followed by a moan as the Stag gently brushed his emerging shaft.

"Are you going to listen to Daddy?"


"Yes, what?" he let go of his aching cock.

"Yes daddy!" he cried humping the air but finding no friction.

"There's Daddy's special guy," he felt the overeager fawn tug his hand back towards his crotch; but much to Oliver's dismay, the Stag turned away from him to rummage through his duffle bag.

"But Daddy!" the fawn stomped his foot; his erection wobbled absurdly, "Stickies!"

"Hush now," he picked up the fussy adult and placed him on the smooth plastic changing station, "With the language you used earlier, you're lucky I don't spank your bum,"

"But I want-

Daddy shushed him and pushed him flat against the table. The tingles in Oliver's head started to dance as the Stag rubbed his tummy. He pulled the safety strap across Oliver's chest and grabbed something from his bag.

"Please Daddy..." The fawn's request was cut short when he realised the Stag was unfolding a thick, crinkly disposable diaper. His needy cock had been his central focus so it hadn't occurred to him what was really going on. Oliver felt his emotions bubble up from his chest and his adult facade melt away.

"I'll be good!" tears welled in his eyes as Daddy placed the soft padded under his bottom, "Imma Big Boy!"

"Of course, you're a big boy," he replied in a syrupy tone as he applied a generous amount of baby powder to the fussy boy's deflating erection, "but you're also Daddy's sweet baby fawn,"

"I dun wanna be a baby fawn!" Oliver sobbed.

Daddy sighed and reached back into the duffle bag. The Deer felt something being pushed between his lips. He wanted to clench his jaw shut but instead he opened his mouth and soon found himself suckling on a rubber teat.

"Cranky babies get their Nummy," Daddy said, securing the diaper snugly around his waist and admiring his handiwork. Thickly padded and squirming on the table his new fawn would learn his place quickly.

Daddy undid the safety strap and set the fawn back on his feet. The diaper made sure that standing up was awkward for the suckling, whimpering fawn. It pushed his legs too far apart and made him waddle when he walked. He brought his hand down to touch the smooth plastic exterior. Pictures of frolicking cubs were emblazoned on the front of the diaper; each one personally mocking him with a smile.

"You look so cute in your puffy baby pants,"

Oliver stared, mortified, at his new underpants trying to make an escape plan but he couldn't put two thoughts together. When he finally looked up Daddy was tying his shoes and already wearing slim fit jeans and a black V-neck that read, "#1 Dad". Daddy packed away his duffle bag and threw it over his shoulder before unlocking the door.

"Come on Buddy," he grabbed Oliver's hand and before he could protest Daddy pulled him out into the communal changeroom. The fawn's fur bristled when he saw the room had filled up. The regular crowd had arrived; many he recognised but no one seemed to recognise him. Oliver wasn't sure if he wanted them to. The fawn looked down at his diaper then up at Daddy.

"I don't wanna go with you!" he yelled spitting out his "Nummy" and attracting the attention of a few bemused furs, "I don't have pants!"

"We don't have any dry pants for you Baby," Daddy made sure everyone close by could hear him,

"I'm not a Baby! I dun have accidents!" Oliver blushed furiously as the words poured out of him. The other furs around him were watching the scene unfold. Some were annoyed; others sympathetic.

"I think somebody needs a nap," Daddy picked up the pacifier, brushed it off and placed it back in Oliver's mouth, "Don't worry, Daddy will carry his sleepy boy,"

Oliver let out an exasperated whine when Daddy lifted him up and rested the boy's head on his shoulder. He started to hum a familiar tune and Oliver found himself being lulled to sleep like a toddler. As Daddy made his way out of the changeroom, the fawn couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and the last thing he remembered before falling asleep was being buckled into the back of a car.