The Freshman 800

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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Riley is a little species of canine with only one wish in mind: to grow as large as can to the point of immobility.

Through his four years of college, he makes some shocking choices as well as navigating through the pros and cons of being morbidly obese. And his roommate, Robbie, will be there to offer as much support as he can. Well... in a matter of speaking.

Awesome! My first commission! This is so exciting for me that I finally get to do what I love for a living.

Someone from a different website (not going to reveal names because I don't want to get sued) asked me to write a story about their fursona reaching immobolity. That's right: immobility, being so fat to the point where you can't move. It was definitely a challenge, but in the end, I really love what I've written and I decided to share it with you all.





The red numbers flash before my feet. I'm surprised I can still see my feet. I have put on a bit of weight in the last couple months. My roommate told me at the beginning of the year, I was as thin as a twig. Now he's comparing me to an oversized marshmallow.

And he's right.

I go back into the bedroom and dive for my bed, burying my face in my pillow. "So, what does it say?" Robbie asks. I can hear the snicker in his smile, and not just because I'm a samoyed and have sensitive canine hearing. When you know someone like Robbie for long enough, you can just tell anything about him. I flip the bear off and he chuckles. "The number rose again, didn't it?"

I don't dare let him see the blush on my face. But I nod anyway. "I don't understand it either," I say. This is the same excuse that I had last time I gained weight. Secretly, I knew I was getting bigger and bigger. But I've heard of people getting ridiculed for how big they are. And no way was I ready for it.

And yet...

Images of stuffing my face with various fatty foods are burned into my brain. Every time I bring them back up in my memory, I can literally taste the sweet and tender taste of chicken or the sugary feeling of cake icing on my taste buds. I love food, there is nothing I can do about that; nothing I want to do about that.

As for my stomach, I will never ever tell Robbie that I really hope to be as big as him one day. Maybe even bigger. To the point where I'm immobilized and need to have someone take care of me. Hopefully this little blip of a belly I have now will only be the start of something much larger.

My ears flicker when I hear Robbie's bed creak from his shifting weight. "Hey, don't get upset. Being my size is nothing to be ashamed of." Rob is someone who always sticks with stereotypes. So, in my instances, wolves are typically jocks with 6-pack abs who are always trying to rape little foxes in the locker room. (That last one isn't true, but it is something that I've heard about around campus.) In his mind, me getting larger is something to laugh about. "Besides, you can always take that gym course next semester and lose the weight quickly."

"Yeah. I suppose." I am not going to do that. And in the way he was looking at me, I think Robbie knew that too.


Kenneth University.

Founded in 1905 in the middle of Nowhere, Ohio. Seriously, we're in the middle of nowhere. The next town from here is five miles up the highway. Our colors are white and beige, pretty much confirming the nothingness feeling.

The campus comprises of seven large buildings; one for each core subject, two for dorm rooms, and the last for extra courses and the main offices. My favorite area on campus is the lunch room. Not only for the food, but also I feel like it's the only place around here where I can truly be myself and not have to worry since there are dozens of other students that hang around. My preferred spot is the giant window that overlooks the parking lot of the Science building. It's always empty.

Unlike the most days, in which I come in the room, grab a quick $1.30 meal and sit down, today there were several posters scattered across the floor. A couple of vixens with too many earrings were doodling across the paper "Happy 20th Jason!".

I brush it off as nothing. I don't know anyone named Jason. I take my usual seat at the window and dig into a slightly burnt grilled ham and cheese sandwich.

As my thoughts wander to me being too overweight (I have to adjust my cargo shorts around my crotch so no one would notice), my ears flicker in the vixens' general direction when I hear them bring up the food for the party later tonight. "You remembered to order the pizzas, right Shelby?"

"Absolutely. Did you get the birthday cake taken care of?"

"You bet. I paid Gretchen to make one herself."

"You mean the ugly wolf with the deep voice?"

"Yes. But you've got to admit, she makes some tasty stuff."

A few moments later, a big wolf wearing a black button-up polo and jean shorts comes into the room carrying a large cooler. It looks heavy. She lets out a gasp when she sets it down as if she was straining. "Sorry it took me so long," she speaks. This must be Gretchen. Her voice is certainly deeper than any girl I've ever met before. "It took me several tries last night to get it right but I finally did it."

"You're a life saver," the vixen on the right says. Shelby, was it? "Everyone knows how much Jason loves ice cream cake."

Just hearing talk about food is making me hungry again. I throw away my trash and shove my shoulder into the exit door outside. The sun beats down on the sidewalk, my feet paws warming up with each step. The next two hours are filled with boring speeches and important homework messages that I cannot afford to forget to do. My eyes hurt and my brain throbs by the time classes end around 3pm.

Thank goodness. All I want to do right now is to collapse in my bed and do nothing.

I round the corner of the Mathematics building. Two green dumpsters sit near the exit like the ones in the back of every building. One of them still has the lid open. I can smell most of the rotten garbage inside. Plugging my nose, I reach up for the lid and I'm prepared to swing it down.

Until I see it.

Sitting on the top of the garbage is a chocolate cake. No joke. A full, untouched, dark chocolate cake about the size of a piece of paper and three inches thick. Luckily, the thing is protected by a plastic case.

I take a couple looks over my shoulder to make sure no one is looking. The last thing I need is for someone to label me as someone who digs food out of the garbage. It's bad enough I'm gaining weight. Luckily no one is even around to watch me. Before I think about what I'm doing, I stuff the cake into my backpack and speed walk as fast as I can back to my dorm.


I could not believe it either. An entire_chocolate cake just sitting in the dumpster! Didn't look touched. Whoever threw this out is an idiot because it is _such_a waste of a good dessert. I tuck the cake under my bed while I look in search of a fork. Robbie's classes don't end for an hour or two. And that bear is very good at sniffing out food (he once smelled cheese crumbs from my pocket). So if I want to enjoy this cake in peace, it needs to be done _now.

Only problem is, I don't have any plastic forks and real ones are all the way across campus in the lunch room. I'm too lazy to head back there.

Screw it.

I take off the protective case. Immediately, the pungent aroma of chocolate and sugar penetrates my nose. I dip a finger in and give it a taste. I close my eyes and shudder. "Soo good," I moan under my breath. The icing is just sweet enough that I continue to dip my finger in and lick it off.

I toss off my shirt and undo my pants, letting my belly hang at full extension. I lean back against the wall, the cake sitting between my thighs. Licking my lips, I growl, "It's on." I scoop a whole pawful of the dessert and shove it into my face, chewing and gulping down the rich, chocolatey goodness. All the while, pushing loose crumbs between my lips before they fall out of my hands.

The cake begins to fill my belly. I give it a few rubs, imagining how it'd look five times bigger; spilled out all over my lap, the excess weight pinning me down to the point of not being able to move.

My sheath begins to stir.

Another pawful of cake.


The cycle continues for thirty minutes until the cake is completely gone. In a desperate move, I grab the plate it was on and lick it clean. My stomach has bulged out. A yawn escapes my throat. Sugar crash. I throw the plate in the direction of the trash can, but miss. Eh. It'll be okay.

I lie down on my bed, giving my swollen, stuffed belly slow rubs. My erection throbs in my underwear. I have never been this turned on for a while. I wonder what Robbie would think if I found food pleasurable in a way. He'd probably laugh at me. Like he does every time I gain weight. He doesn't need to know about this, I decide. Better for him to stay in the dark about this.

I dream of finding more cake that night.


I sigh and lean against the counter.

My belly presses into the cold metal. Looking down at my stomach, I know that Robbie is going to tease me and tease me once I return to school from Spring Break. The numbers on the scale continued to grow, mostly during the summer. Before I knew it, I surpassed the 400-pound mark and am resting easily at around 460.

"Have you made a choice yet, sir?"

I snap back into reality. The bored looking rabbit behind the counter stands with an empty box in his paws. "Oh, yeah. Sorry," I say. I point out the two dozen donuts that I want and give him the cash. He doesn't say anything about my weight as I leave.

I head out to my car. A few teenagers who hang out behind the store most of the time snicker and point at me. My tail droops to the ground and a blush forms on my cheeks. With quite a bit of effort, I squeeze into the driver's seat and head out onto the road. As I drive, my belly sways and wobbles with every bump, turn and screeching halt. After leaving the town limits, the road takes me near the forest. An abandoned lot comes up to my left. I'm usually the only person out here.

Once I park, I work to take my shirt off. With my tiny car, I can't stretch my arms over my head all the way and have to lean to the side kind of. My belly spills out onto my lap the second I untuck my shirt. It bumps against the steering wheel. My love handles, which bare dozens of visible stretch marks, rub up against the door and the center console. I'm literally squeezed into my own car. I have to lift my belly to reach the button of my pants. When I get them down my legs and tug my underwear off, my cock is already starting to slip from its sheath.

Because of my size, my stomach is always rubbing my crotch and it's difficult to not get aroused. Once I'm butt-naked, I open up the box with 24 donuts in it and begin chowing down. Icing and crumbs stick to my paws and lips. A few bits fall onto my chest, but I'll worry about it later. I can feel my belly expand and harden up with each bite. Even with the seat all the way back, my stomach is wedged up against the steering wheel that I'm afraid it will honk somehow despite the car being turned off.

After my 10thpastry, the car starts getting stuffy and hot. I turn the key just so the A/C kicks in and starts blowing cold air. Sweat continues to bead down my forehead and underneath my stomach anyhow.

I continue to shove as much of the delicious pastries as I can into my mouth. A new scent hits me. Musk. My dick is throbbing hard right now. And I do mean hard. So much that it hurts a little bit.

With no one around to watch (double checked to make sure), I reach underneath my stomach. To my surprise, I notice a little fat pad growing just above my sheath. Have I really grown that much? I blush, but I love it. I grasp my hard cock and stroke fast as I eat. I picture in my mind someone sitting next to me forcing the rest of these donuts down my throat, telling me how much of a pig I'm getting with every bite. Then eventually I become too big to stop eating. I'd never be 100% full ever again. Food would then always have to be fed to me because my arms would get too thick and I'd get heavily exhausted just from moving them an inch. It already is a struggle to breathe when I walk. But the heaviness of my breathe only turns me on even more.


Oh god yes!

A howl escapes my muzzle as I shoot a load all over my stomach, getting a few drops on the wheel of the car. I quickly lick up what I can. I finish the rest of my treat and toss the box into the backseat. It takes me a while to get the seatbelt back on because I have to move the flab of my love handle to reach where it buckles in. Screw the clothes, the way home is mostly side streets.



A couple pics of me shirtless with donut icing all over my chest and belly has just been posted to Grommr. I found the website over the summer when I was trying to search up gay fat porn. (Hey, I have my hobbies, you have yours; don't judge me.) Simply put, Grommr is a website for overweight people (such as myself) who wish to either get larger or encourage others to put on some more pounds. I didn't start out with many followers. But the second I showed off my body, I was up to at least 250. I've met some really cool people online; including some fox half my size who offered to write me a story for a low price.

And then there's K9Lvr21.

He's a bear; one of the most typical fat people on the planet. (Over two-thirds of the people on Grommr are bears. Less than 10% are canines.) He lives in the same city that I do. We've been talking about meeting up for months, but of course, we have to do it carefully. We want to meet in a public place. He suggested the café on campus once Spring Break lets out. There aren't very many bears at the college I go to so this will be very exciting. As for how I'm going to make it happen around Robbie, I have no idea. That bear can sniff out emotions as well as food.

So the day I head back to campus, I head straight for the café, which sits opposite of the library. The fox behind the counter perks up once he sees me. "Can I help you with anything, sir?"

"Nah. I'm just here to meet someone." He nods and goes on wiping the countertop down. I take a seat at a corner table, feeling giddy. I'm not the best when it comes to meeting new people. On the first day of 9th grade, I freaked out and ditched class for most of the day. So as for what direction this meeting will take place, I have no idea.

K9Lvr21 said in our PM's that he really wants to take me to his dorm room, tie me down to his bed and blow me up like a balloon until I reach half a ton. I also shared one of my fantasies: that he would strip me down and fondle and grope my fat body, telling me how much of a slob I've become and how I cannot stay away from food. And it's true; I ate five PB+J sandwiches before my dinner last night. Five. And not just a little, I slathered as much peanut butter and jelly as I could on each slice.

What really drew us together is when he started to message me and we both struck up out interest in cars. For me, I prefer anything small; that I need to really squeeze to fit in. K9Lvr21 really enjoys bigger vehicles; especially his new green truck that he got as a birthday present.

Another thing that I found we have in common is that we both go to Kenneth University. I was more excited when I found out that we were in the same grade together. It made me feel as if I had found another friend here on campus. I'm not exactly what people would call "extrovert"; I keep to myself all the time. That's how I coasted through Freshman year. Hopefully things this year will be a bit different.

A large brown figure in a blue sweatshirt with the hoodie drawn up takes the seat across from me. I perk up and take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Are you K9Lvr21?" I ask.

"Wait... Riley?" The hood comes down. Starting at me are the set of eyes I was hoping to avoid today. Robbie. I have to do a double take. Robbie is the one I've been messaging the whole time? The same guy that has been harassing me about my weight since the moment we met. _He's_they guy I've been talking to about bloating up to immobility with. My cheeks turn rosy pink. Because now Rob knows my deepest darkest secret. "How did I now know it was you the whole time?"

"I don't know," I mutter. This is not going as I had hoped.

"I had no idea that you had an interest in gaining weight on purpose." I try to shush him since we're out in public. Things are already bad enough, I don't need this guy blurting out my secret for everyone to hear.

I sink down in my chair seat, embarrassed. "Look, can we... talk about this in our dorm room."

"Sure." We get up and walk back there in silence. On the way, my legs feel like Jell-O. However, this makes me rethink about who Robbie is as a person. Has he only been teasing me to be a jerk, or was he doing it because it turned me on a little?

Once I unlock the door to our dorm room, Robbie gently pushes me in. "Take your shirt off."

"W-What?" I stutter.

"You heard me."

I did hear him. My paws move of their own volition, untucking my white t-shirt out of the waist of my jeans. Right as my belly is freed and hangs down to its usual spot on my thighs, Robbie comes up to me and starts to grab my stomach.

I yelp. He covers my mouth with his paw. My heartbeat begins to race as he growls softly, "You should have told me that you love this sort of thing... piggy." He puts a lot of emphasis on the end of that word. Suddenly, my chest becomes a little heavier than it normally is. His large paws come to rest on my chest, grabbing as hard as he can on my moobs.


When I try to move, the bear's grip on me tightens, sending sharp pains through my body. Then I'm being pushes against the wall, his paws on either side of my head. "This is one of the fantasies you talk about, right? Being pinned down and used by a fatter boy?" His lips come to mine in a deep and forceful kiss. He tugs on my lower lip, sucks on my tongue like a lollipop, and grinds his bigger belly into mine. He pulls back. "That's over 700 pounds right there." He slaps his own gut. Watching it ripple along with the heated kiss makes my sheath go numb and my dick swell up.

Next thing I know, I'm being forced onto my knees. I comply like a good bitch, looking up to see his smirking face. "Feeling hungry, fat ass?" he asks next. I whimper and nod. "I want to hear you say it."

"Please feed me, daddy," I beg. "I want stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey."

"That's what I like to hear." Robbie strides over to his bed and lifts up his mattress. Underneath is a whole stash of food I've never noticed before. There are whole bags of mini donuts, family sized bags of potato chips, and anything else fattening and tasty.

Grabbing one pack of sour cream chips, he walks up to me, opens the bag, grabs a pawful of them and holds them to my mouth. "Eat, bitch." I open my muzzle and he fits as many as he can in my mouth. The sour-y taste hits me hard and I shiver. But after that, the taste of onions floods my taste buds. After I swallow, he holds his fingers out to me. "Lick them clean." I blush, even though I would love to do such a thing.

He grasps my head and presses a finger between my lips. "I said _lick._Put that puppy tongue of yours to good use." His finger rests on the crook of my bottom lip. I lap at the chip dust that is stuck to his paw. Feeling risky, I close my whole muzzle around his finger and suck on it. Robbie's paw tastes amazing, addicting even. I don't think I can get enough.

Daddy gives me more chips. Then more. My belly slowly becomes full. But I notice that it's taking a lot longer to fill me up than normal. So when the bag is completely empty 15 minutes later, I whimper and beg for more food. "Still hungry, fat ass?" Daddy asks. He tosses aside the empty bag in favor of a powdered donut bag. "Lie down on the bed this time."

Struggling to my feet, I limp over to my bed and flop down on my back. He climbs in after me. The metal foundation of the bed squeaks in protest to this much weight on it. Looking from this view, Robbie is absolutely bigger than me. His belly completely covers my crotch and some of my own stomach. I try to reach up for him, but he slaps my paw away.

"What are you trying to do?" he asks playfully. "Trying to play with this?" He wobbles his gut. The bed creaks. The weight shifts around on me, warming up my body. It even jiggles on top of my sheath, which doesn't help how hard I'm getting. Robbie must notice my erection as well because his evil grin returns and he says, "Oh, a certain puppy is enjoying this, isn't he?" I cannot get an answer out before he scoots back and tears off my jeans with incredible strength.

"You like this?" I nod. "Hm... perhaps I should help you get off. But not just yet." He scoots back into his spot, covering my erection with his belly. I gasp, his heavy and warm gut rubbing against my dick. "You want off? You eat for me."

Robbie rips open the bag of donuts and proceeds to stuff one into my mouth. Right as I chew it and swallow, he stuffs another one in. As he feeds me, he plays with his belly, the friction between my foreskin and his underbelly rousing me even further. I take over eating, pushing as many mini donuts into my muzzle as I can. I can feel the food swishing around my belly, ready to be stored as fat to make me even heavier. The sight of his belly wobbling around, slapping against my crotch, drives me towards my climax.

The slapping sound becomes wet. I'm close. Precum dibbles all over the underside of his stomach. "You ready to come for daddy?" he asks.

"Oh please, sir," I moan. I try to thrust up into a fat fold of his. I close my eyes, picturing doing this at 800 pounds. Hell, even 900 pounds. Will Daddy let me fuck his belly every time we play like this?

So much blubber.

So much food.

I spill over the edge.

Howling, I shoot a thick load without thinking. The room fills immediately with the scent of canine musk. When the last of my cum drips out, I break out in a sweat all over, panting hard. My body feels 100 pounds heavier.

Robbie smiles, satisfied, and climbs off me. "Is that what you were hoping for?" I gather up any energy I can muster and nod.

"Sorry I got cum all over you."

"It's all right." He goes into the bathroom and comes back wiping under his belly with a towel. "To be honest, you're not the first to do that." He throws the towel to the ground, probably going to forget about it for a week.

I struggle to sit up. "Really? You like all this kinky stuff?"

"Yep. Move over." He climbs back into bed with me. Only this time, he's right in front of me, wrapping an arm around me to pull me in for a cuddle. "I've been teasing you about your weight since we met because I find it hot. You used to be so skinny." Just reminding me makes my blush return to my face. "And now... you're about half my size. More than that even."

"I couldn't help myself. So much fattening food around me to tempt me. How can I resist?" He pulls me in closer and I end up pressing an ear to his chest. His steady heartbeat floods my ear drums.

Robbie chuckles. "I understand completely." He nuzzles in between my ears, causing me to giggle. "Ticklish, I presume?"

"Yeah." I smile. Curiously, I reach out and try to wrap my arm around him. My paw can barely reach his back. "You've gotten really big too, haven't you?"

Robbie nods. "Yes I have. But bears naturally get much larger around my age. When I was a kid, it was normal for me to have midnight snacks. They usually varied in the number of calories; so one day I'd be eating chips, the next I'm scarfing down a whole pie. But how come you want to get so huge?"

"Because I love the thought of being super fat: The large belly, soft chest, the heavy breathing, and the excuse to eat tons of food at once. I love it." It turns me on a little even, I did not add. At this point, it was obvious about my feelings towards obesity.

His paws gently stroke my back. My tail thumps against the wall. "But why would you want to be immobile, if I may ask?"

It's hard to look at him in the eyes for this answer. "Well, I like thinking about someone blowing me up like a blimp; that I'd have no choice but to depend on them for food, which I would need tremendous amounts of."

"So it's the thrill of being very soft and blubbery?"

"Pretty much. I really hope to accomplish that one day."

Robbie rubs my belly, driving several murrs out of me. "Maybe I will help you out with that, little pup." He leans in to kiss me again.


Crap! I'm so late!

When I look at my alarm clock and it said 10:04am, I realize I was already past the bell for my English class. I am going to be in so much trouble for showing up tardy. But there is no time to sit around and worry about it. I throw off my covers then sway my weight over so I can get to my feet, which I have not seen in a while unless I'm looking in a full body mirror like the one in the bathroom. When I'm standing in front of it, I see exactly why the scale previously said 815 pounds. My stomach has widened out a lot in the past year and it hangs lower now; down to my knees.

I step into custom-made basketball shorts, which are the only kind of pants that will fit me, and step into my shoes. My shoes are slip-ons. I can no longer reach my toes to tie my shoes. Every time I try, my humongous belly gets in the way and my fingertips will only end up at my waistline. Next is my shirt. Although I ordered the largest shirt size that they have on Amazon, the shirt doesn't fit me all the way. Even when Robbie helps tug the hem down, it still leaves an inch or two of my stomach exposed.

"Don't worry," Robbie once said. "They don't care whether the clothes fit or not, they just don't want you to show up naked." And it's true. In my math class, there's this polar bear about my size who always purposely leaves his shirt up to where his navel is showing in case he needs "to scratch down there". I don't really see the logic in that but nobody argues.

Once I have my schoolbag swung over my shoulder, I open the dorm room and start walking towards my next class.

"Walking", however, might not the best term to describe it. _Waddling_would be more appropriate. Every time I move one step, my belly sways over to the other side of my body. It is extremely difficult to move; I'm panting hard and I'm not even out of the dorm building yet.

Going outside is a nightmare. Other students stop what they're doing when they see me and they snicker, point, laugh. Look at that fat pup who can't control himself. Can you believe they still let that fatty go here? How has he not destroyed furniture yet? Hey fatty! How about you stuff your muzzle in someone else's food? Hungry again? For the third time this hour?

Every step I take, another comment is made. Another finger is pointed in my direction. And another snicker hidden behind their books.

It's humiliating.

My heart feels about ready to explode with embarrassment. Unfortunately, I have to suck it up and go to class.

Entering the English building, things start to look up a little bit. The adults here never really comment on my size; just give a glance over of my body and then resume back to what they were doing.

A blast of cold air rushes over me. The air conditioning must have kicked on. Sweet relief. If only for a second. Then I turn my attention back to going to class.

As most fat people dread, my class is on the second floor. Because of my weight, stairs would probably kill me. Normally, I take the elevator, which only have a 1000-pound limit. So whenever students see me in the elevator, they have to wait until I get off so they don't exceed the limit.

I call down the elevator. As I wait, two tigers with large biceps pass by me. One whispers, "Fatty needs to lay off the donuts." His friend laughs. My blush returns with a vengeance.

The door open. I waddle in sideways. The first time I had to use the elevator, I tried to walk in normally and I got stuck. I press the second floor and wait. Once the doors close, I can hear the elevator struggling to lift as it pulls me up. Please work. I don't want to plummet two stories to the basement.

Luckily, the machine hard me and the doors opened on the second floor.

Just down the hall to my right is my English class. My teacher, Mr. Valdez, was in the middle of talking about starting a new book when I burst into the class, sweaty and exhausted. The whole class looks up at me. More sneering laughs. At least these ones sound like they're trying to be discreet. "I'm sorry I'm late," I say/pant.

"You're fine, Riley." Though I could see an annoyed look on my teacher's face. The arctic fox points at my chair. "Just take a seat."

I can feel all eyes on me as I cross the room and sit down in my chair.

_My_chair. The old chairs are not able to support my weight. I had one special ordered for every class that I'm in. It set me back about $300. I plop my fat ass down onto the seat, my belly pressed up to the built-in table that for some reason people find "useful". I fish out my pencil in notebook from my bag, trying my best to keep my head down.

Mr. Valdez clears his throat. "Now, as I was saying, you guys have to read up to at least chapter four by Friday." I zone out after that. Books are not something I'm very interested in. Sadly, though, I have no choice in the matter because I need this class to get my degree.

The teacher writes the chapter requirements up on the board, saying how much we have to read in what time. I quickly scribble them down since Mr. Valdez hardly keeps anything up on the board for so long.

My fingers choose a bad time to become sweaty. I can't tell if it's from the teasing or from the fact that I was late to class, but my pencil slips from my grasp and falls to the floor. Instinctively, I reach down to grab it. I stop several inches short as my belly is completely in the way. The kid next to me, some fox with bright orange fur, snatches it from the ground and hands it over to me. "Thank you," I whisper. He gives a nod of acknowledgement.

As class continues and minutes tick by, my ass becomes a bit sore from the chair. The seat isn't big enough yet somehow strong enough to support me. Occasionally, I grab a pawful of my stomach and just rub it. Lately, this has become a relaxing habit of mine. I shift a bit in my seat so my butt doesn't go numb. Every time, my chair gives an audible squeak or creak.

Then it happens.

The morning feeling catches back up to me and I yawn, stretching my arms and legs as I do. I hear a snap and the chair collapses. I land on the ground with a loud THUD. Pain immediately laces up my legs and back. But nothing is as more humiliating as the laughter that bursts out from the class; the kind of laughter that even the teacher cannot stop. Light flashes from the room. Someone is taking pictures.

Mr. Valdez grabs my paw and helps me to my feet. After a minute, I race/waddle out of the room as fast as I can. I drown out the teacher's scolding the other students. Tears flood my eyes while I head for the elevator bank and head back downstairs. Nothing will ever compare to the amount of shame I had just experienced. For the thirty seconds I'm in the elevator riding back down, I let the tears flood.


"I want to come home. I can't do this anymore."

The waterworks will not stop. I can still hear the taunting of the other kids. My phone sits propped up against a soda can. My mother's face on the screen via Skype.

She sighs. "Riles, it isn't as bad as you think it is."

"They laughed at me. They all laughed at me. I can never show my face around here again. And now I don't have a seat for my English class. Plus, if this one just broke, what's to stop the other ones from doing the same thing? I want to go home."

Once again, she tries to reassure me. "Riley, you know that I have never bothered you about your weight and that I've said that you can make your own choices as an adult... but maybe it's time you lose some of it."

I slam my paw on the table. "No! I don't want to!" I shout. Someone from the other side of the wall yells at me to keep it down. "I've worked so hard for the past three years to look like this; I'm not ready to throw it away."

Mom takes a minute to think to herself. She says, "Okay. Well, we can't just pull you out of school, sweetie. We already paid for your tuition. Leave now and you wasted over ten thousand dollars for nothing." I put my head in my paws. I know that she's right. I don't want to drop out but I don't want to deal with those mean kids again. "Unless..."

I perk up. My tail comes alive, wagging fast. "Unless?" I repeat.

"Unless we can get you signed up for an online program. Same classes; only on the computer. You're a Junior now, you can qualify for online courses." She pulls up her laptop and types away at the keyboard. My spirits are a little higher now. If I don't have to stay here at this college for my classes, I can still get my degree and I don't have to deal with these people ever again. "Looks like you qualify, son." I'm about to get up and do a happy dance (not literally; my weight prevents that), but then she adds, "But you have to finish this year first. Think you can hang on for two more months?"

My high hopes have dropped. Not that much, however. I have been putting up the teasing since Freshman year with Robbie. It wasn't until this_year that the other student body members started to do the same thing. Seven long months of _"You sure that's enough?", "The gym is that way, in case you didn't know", or "Look at the fat pup!". Two more months would probably kill me.

But if I can tough it out... I'll only have to be here eight more weeks. I can move back home and keep all my weight.




When the two months come rolling around, most of my stuff is packed up, ready to move out. All of my briefcases with my clothes, books, and electronics are stacked up in front of my bed. On the last day of school, the day before I move back out to live with my mom, Robbie comes into the room just after dinnertime smelling heavily of pasta and garlic. "I completely wiped out an entire section of an All-You-Can-Eat." He tops off his sentence with a burp. When he looks down and sees my stuff packed up, he says, "I guess I'll be seeing you in a few months, huh?"

I look down at the floor, twiddling my thumbs together. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that." The bear takes a seat across from me in his bed. Out of all the things I'm going to miss about Kenneth University, it's Robbie. Sure, he was a jerk from the beginning, but it all turned out to be fake. We had some good times together; some sexual, some normal. So it pains me greatly when I say, "I'm not coming back."

A look of confusion crosses his face. I expected that. "What do you mean you're not coming back? Are you dropping out or something?"

"No! No," I explain, "I signed up to take my last year of college online. Which means I won't be needing to come back here anymore."

For a second, Robbie truly looks speechless. (That is an accomplishment in itself.) "So... am I ever going to see you again?"

"You will once I graduate. That is... if I haven't become truly immobile. I'm still hoping to aim for it, though."

"I see." We cannot even look at each other, knowing this might be the last time we see each other for over a year. I sit there, staring at everything except Robbie; the walls, the floor, my oversized gut.

When we lock eyes again, Robbie breaks the silence. "I'm really going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too."

My ex-roommate gets up from his bed and takes a seat next to me. "No... I mean I'm really going to miss you." His fingers find my paw and intertwines them with my fingers. The gentle and caring touch brings tears to my eyes as it hits me how much I've always liked Robbie.

"I'll miss you too." We lean into each other and kiss. Not like most of the kisses we've had in the past where it's basically a tongue battle between our mouths; but a real kiss. A slow, passionate kiss. Neither of us wants to pull the other way. So instead, we press closer as much as our fat stomachs will allow. (Which isn't much.) I can feel his paws trying to grope my gut. It takes only a miniscule second to realize he's trying to pull me in for a tighter hug.

Robbie pulls back in time to let out a large belch. "Oops, excuse me."

I chuckle and punch him in the shoulder.

"What time do you have to leave?" he asks.

I look over at my alarm clock. "Tomorrow morning at around eight-ish." Mom said she would be here as soon as she woke up. Knowing her, she will take an hour to get ready to leave; make sure she wakes up for the two-hour drive. "Why do you ask?"

He shrugs. "We've been dating on and off for almost two years now. Maybe perhaps we... could make love?"

Robbie doesn't know this, but I've been dreading _and_waiting for the day he asked that. I haven't gotten off in months because my belly makes that really difficult. At the same time, the idea of sex is a little scary to me. I've never done anything like with another person before.

But my opinion of Robbie has changed since I met him three years ago. And I care for him.

I lean in and whisper in his ear, "Yes please" before kissing him on the cheek.


By the time dark falls that night, me and Robbie have everything that we need ready. We closed the curtains, dimmed the lights, and set up several scented candles on the table between our beds. For an extra touch, Robbie went out and bought roses, which he scattered the pedals across the floor.

I'm lying in bed, naked, with my blanket covering me. Robbie told me to wait for him to return for us to begin the fun. I'm literally shaking with excitement. We're actually going to do this. And what an appropriate time to do this, too.

Robbie comes through the door a moment later, wearing nothing but a white bathrobe specifically designed for bears. "You ready for me, darling?" he asks. I nod eagerly. He unties then slips the robe off, revealing his completely naked body. I've always imagined what he looked like without clothes on. Just as I imagined: full, rounded belly; two large butt cheeks like pillow cases stuffed with marshmallow sauce; and to top it all off, his fatpad, which covers his sheath for the most part. I want to reach out and grab it; it looks big enough to fit within both of my paws. But the real prize is the intoxicating aroma from underneath the pad...

I uncover myself and blush. Nobody except my mother has seen me without clothes on. Showing off my body to Robbie, though, feels completely normal. And yet, I cannot hide the flush in my cheeks.

He smiles. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's been growing a pad." He reaches out with one of his big paws and grabs me underneath my stomach. "I love it when someone's fat pad completely covers their erection."

His big warm paws begin to grope and play with my fat pad. My blubber rubs all over my sheath. I can feel my dick slide out, hardening up the more Robbie plays with my fat.

I gasp. His fingers find then grasp my cock. "Does the little pup love this?" Dominance overtakes his voice. Despite being the same weight, I feel smaller, less powerful. And I love it. "Hm, how about I try this?" His face disappears in my crotch.

I feel his lips around my shaft and I moan.

My weight holds me down when I try to thrust into his warm mouth. His tongue stroke on the underside of the shaft and I shudder. "Ohhhhh fuck!" I moan. His lips tighten, sucking on it hard. My dick twitches in his mouth, my climax approach ever so slowly with every dip of his head and flicker of his tongue.

Precum dribbles onto his tongue. I whine and beg to be released. I can feel it; the warm hot seed flooding through my shaft ready to burst.

I grip the bedsheets.

Oh god!

_ Ahhhh...._

The first jet shoots directly down his throat. Robbie coughs a bit, but keeps it down. He takes his mouth off, allowing the rest of my load to cover his muzzle and cheek. When I get a good look, Robbie's face is more white than brown. My cheeks turn bright red. The bear chuckles, his belly bouncing some, and says, "That was tasty. But I was really in the mood for a facial. You know what I'm in the mood for now?" It's an effort to shake my head. "Canine butt..."

Robbie grabs ahold of me and rolls me over onto my stomach. After I get over the fact that I have to be rolled, I try to look at Robbie but he's no longer there. The bed creaks as a huge weight suddenly climbs in right behind me. My thin tail sways in excitement.

Something cold presses between my flabby buttcheeks and I yelp. "Sorry. I usually keep my lube in the fridge," Robbie says. "Usually it makes it feel better; since you're a virgin and all."

"It's okay," I say with a hint of seduction in my voice. To add to it, I give my big tush a little shake, eager for him to fill me up himself. "Ready for you, honey." (No pun intended.)

I feel a slight push on my tailhole. It penetrates deep. A sharp pain erupts from my ass and I cry out. "Hush little one," Robbie shushes. "I have to get you stretched out first. You're so tight and warm. I'll bet you're ready for Daddy's cock, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes sir!" A second finger slides in right next to the first one. Soon enough, the pain starts to fade, replaced with a new feeling. A good one. And it feels so good. "This feels amazing!" He chuckles then starts to wiggle his fingers around. This time, only a few spikes of pain lace my insides before they're replaced with the good feeling of pleasure.

"I think my little pup is ready for me." Robbie pulls his fingers out of me. The bed creaks as he positions himself behind me. I spread my legs. The bear rests his fat belly on my back; it feels as if it's holding me down in addition to the rest of my weight. "I love you..."

He graps my hips and thrusts.

Fuck. Fuck! FUCK!

His dick stretches me open wider than his fingers did. It is a lot bigger than it looks. My insides feel as if on fire. Beads of sweat drip down my forehead. I cannot keep the scream from escaping my throat. Slowly, he pulls his cock out of me; temporary relieved. "It's going to hurt, baby, but it'll get better."

And it does.

Robbie slowly yet firmly rams his cock into me. Each time, I cry out with an audible yelp of pain. Yet as it goes on, the pain goes away like he said. Replaced with an exotic feeling, an addicting one. His feels too good inside of me. "Don't stop, Daddy," I beg.

He picks up his pace, setting himself a faster rhythm. The bed shakes. His fat jiggles all over on top of me. His sweat soaks into my fur. Our musk combines, and when it hits my sensitive nose, I cannot help but fall under its hypnotic and erotic scent.

"Take it, baby; take my fat cock!"

I can feel him fucking me faster. My walls opening further for him, inviting him in. I need his load. I want Daddy to fill me up like a good bitch pup then fatten me up more so he can use my fat rolls and hump me all day.

His cock begins to twitch; a sign of him spiraling closer to his climax.

"Please, Daddy; I want you so bad!"

The heat returns and it floods inside of me. Daddy roars at the top of his lungs. My ass feels like it's on fire; my insides thicker. Is this what it's like to have cum in me? If so, I like it.

Robbie pulls out slowly. My hole feels as if it's gaping right now and it probably is. He collapses on the bed next to me, our breaths matching as we pant from our orgasms. "Did you enjoy your first time, little pup?"

I look over and smile at him. "Yeah. I really did."

He kisses me on the nose. "We should probably get some sleep. You've got a big day for you tomorrow."

I did not want to be reminded of the fact that I probably was never going to see Robbie again for at least a year. And it sucks. Right when we start developing a sexual relationship, we're going to be split apart. If only for the year.

But for now, I just relax in his flabby arms, trying to catch some Z's.


"Wake up, hun. I brought you some breakfast."

My mother's voice coaxes me out of my slumber. I yawn and rub my eyes. On the nightstand next to my bed, she has set down a big McDonald's bag. From the smell alone, I know there are some pancakes, hash browns, and several bacon burgers. Some of my favorites.

I sit up the best that I can against the headboard and smile up at her. "Thanks mom."

"Anything for you, sweetie. Now I've got an important business meeting so I'll be gone for an hour. You think you can handle yourself while I'm gone?"

"Yeah. I appreciate the help." She kisses my forehead and leaves my room.

Seizing the moment, I turn on the television and open the bag containing my breakfast. I lay out all seven burgers (I was right!) and two whole containers with pancakes and syrup in them. My mother is awfully nice. I only asked for one and she gave me two. She knows how much I love eating and how I wish to only get bigger and bigger. Right after I moved back home, I went to my old bedroom to find she has gotten me a reinforced bed able to support 1500 pounds. I told her that I won't go over 1000 for health reasons but she said, "You never know."

While I'm woofing down the burger like it's nothing, I take a very good look at my body. My belly has gotten massive. Some of it spills over the side of the bed. I can only see my belly button if I crane my neck to the side and see where my fur dips down into the navel. They say that thick thighs save lives. Whoever said that hasn't seem mine yet. My thighs are huge; swollen with fat that refused to go to my stomach.

I said goodbye to wearing pants around the 900-pound mark. Shirts, on the other hand, are easier to manage. Sure, they keep me warm. The downside is that they can barely reach halfway down my stomach. Don't even get me started on underwear. Or the bathroom situation. (Just look those up on the internet.)

Other than these... minor setbacks, being immobile isn't that bad. Since coming home and starting my Senior Year in college, me and mother have gotten really close. We spend as much time as we can together. Sometimes she'll get some new movies for us to watch; some action, some rom-com. It's only fair that we do a mix of both of our interests. Or when she really gets in a good mood, and these are my favorite times, she'll take the time to prepare a large meal for the family. Dad sadly works the night shift so he sleeps for most of the day. But every now and then I'll see him. He'll say hey, I'll say what's up. Me and him aren't as close. At least he doesn't get on my case about being a half ton.

I can't thank my parents enough for this, though. They love me so much. All they want is to see me happy. At the same time, I don't want them to think that I don't appreciate their support in this decision and their help. Most nights, I'm up until midnight thinking that I will never be able to repay them for all that they've done.

The rest of my breakfast is completely down; into my stomach. It takes me a bit to realize this. That's just how it is nowadays: I get a meal and I eat without even thinking about it. After letting out a large burp, I throw away my trash in the can beside my bed.

My weekend routine then comes into play. I eat, play video games for a couple hours, then read some of my online textbooks so I don't fall behind in my studies. I try to dedicate at least six hours to focus on school; two in the morning, two after lunch, then two before I go to bed. This way I don't feel overwhelmed.

Right as I'm starting to get victorious in my video game, my laptop pings me a message on Skype. Since walking is basically no longer an option, I talk mostly on the phone or on video chat. I dart my eyes over to the screen to see who it is.


I pause my game and type out a response.

Hey. Is it okay if we video chat? I'm in the middle of a game.

Sure. No problem. Just give me a moment. Parents r home.

_ _ Turning my attention back to the game, I make sure to keep one eye on the screen for when his call comes up. Five minutes later, my laptop chimes that creepy tune that indicates someone wants to video chat. I tap the answer button.

Robbie's face appears on my computer screen. I pause my game again. "Hey there, pup. How's life?" he asks. The bear is wearing a tight red unitard that I'm guessing is actually his pajamas.

"Things are great," I reply. "Was actually doing some homework before you rang."

"Are you sure you weren't playing that new wrestling game that came out last week?" He still gives that intimidating glare. A blush forms on my face. "I knew it." He chuckles. "So, how's your little weight gain thing going?"

I smile. If I could feel my tail, I'm sure it'd be wagging right now. "Great! I recently hit 1045 last week."

"Cool. What's it like being that big? Mind if I see the whole thing?"

"Sure. Give me one second." I grab the laptop and hold it over me so the camera can capture as much of my body as it can. After I'm positive Robbie's had a good look, I set my computer back down on my belly, which I use as a table a lot. His mouth is gaping when I see him again. I giggle. "Speechless, I assume?"

Robbie nods. "Yeah. And trust me when I say it's very difficult to do that. Words cannot describe... how sexy you have become. I wish you were here with me on the college campus. My new roommate is a complete asshole."

"What's wrong with him."

He groans. "He snores. Loud. He only takes showers once a week. And he's always trying to ask for money out of me, even though I keep telling him no. And every time, I always tell him-" Rob turns around and shouts, "-TO GET A FUCKING JOB!"

"Yikes. Sorry I had to put you through that. If I had known..."

Robbie holds a paw up. "Don't worry about it. At least I will get to see you after graduation here real soon."

"Yeah." Our conversation falls silent. Me and Robbie haven't got to talk face to face since we had sex right before I left to come home last year. There are only a few more months of the school year left before I will be able to see him again. Even then, that might be hard. I haven't left my bed, this room as a matter of fact, since I started teetering towards the thousand-pound ballpark.

Robbie sighs and looks over his shoulder. "Look, pup, I've gotta head off. Going to take care of some homework then go to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"


"I love you."

A smile spreads across my face. I do my best to hold back the waterworks as I say, "I love you too, Rob." He blows me a kiss and signs off. It still warms my heart whenever he says that to me. Our relationship, all though a bit rocky, is something that I hope will only grow into more and more as our lives go on.

Robbie messages me one more time before I sign off.

Thought you'd might want to check this out. <3 u little pup

There's a link with his message to something on Amazon. When I click it, a picture of a large wheelchair pops up. I'm about to pass it off as a mistake when I see more of the info about it at the bottom of the page. Triple-padded seats, motorized wheels, a cup and shopping bag holder. I can't seem to figure out why Robbie would send a link to something like this until I read that the weight limit is 1200 pounds.

I might be able to fit in that chair...

Could I really become mobile again?

The thought intrigues me, even though being immobile is something I've been working hard to achieve for the past four years. Should I try to get it? It costs $400 is what bugs me. I'm already asking so much out of my mother just from my size alone. To make her get this chair for me would seem wrong. Besides, no clothes fit me. So unless I want to be in public naked all the time (which I don't), maybe it isn't in my best interest to get it.

"I'm home!" Mom calls out when she comes through the front door. "And I got you a special treat!" I hear her toss her keys on the countertop. She comes into my room with two boxes in her paws. One of them is powdered mini donuts and the other a bag of cinnamon rolls.

Robbie used to feed me donuts...

I clear my throat. "Actually, is it okay if I just have the donuts? I'm not feeling that hungry right now."

Mom clearly doesn't believe me from the pause in her response, but finally says, "Sure thing, kiddo." She leaves the box on the table next to me, offers a bright smile, and saunters out to leave me to eat alone.

My belly growls. I scarf down the entire box, getting white powder all over my cheeks and chest.

I message back to Robbie that I appreciate the link to the chair, but I will not be getting it.

I don't want to seem greedy, after all.