The Prologue Part 1

Story by Erios on SoFurry

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Erios the Story - The Prologue Part 1

This part contains sex between males and females and if you are under the legal age don't read or the censure agency will come and liquidate you as a pervert. Ohh I'm in trouble.

Comments and constructive criticism is appreciated. Now read and enjoy. The first part is an edit of my first story that I wasn't to pleased with so here it is.

It all started at the intensive care ward at the local hospital in Wolfbay. It was a regular Saturday afternoon. Nurses going all over the place to help patients, doctors walking from room to room looking at what to do. Down the corridor comes a police clad in the usual black uniform. He is a 6.2 feet long slender black jaguar with light blue eyes and a white scar over his left eye. He stops at the nurses desk.

"Hi my names Jack I'm looking for at patient that was brought in tonight"

The nurse, a cute little badger, turns to him, eying him appreciatively, and says

"What patient do you mean officer?"

"He was shot at the jeweler at Lupus street" Jack replied

The nurse quickly looks at the computer and turns back to Jack.

"Ooh, hes lying in room 7A, his name is Erinios Imatora and his wife is with him, she seams to bee pregnant in the fifth month or so"

"Thanks nurse" says Jack and smiles at the badger.

The badger smiles back "Tell me if you need any more help cutie" and winks at Jack.

Jack walks down the corridor to room 7A and knocks at door walking in. In the bed lies a wolf with

needles sticking out of his arms and machines beeping away behind him. [He is really cute] Jack thinks. Besides him sits a black wolf [She is also cute, concentrate on you work Jack don't thick with your cock]. Jack blushes a little.

"Hi my name is Jack, I was sent here to take down your story for evidence"

The wolf look at Jack with tired eyes and says with a low voice

"Cute little jaguar, take a chair and sit down"

Jack blushes more.

"He he"

"Don't be such a tease love. My name is Illiama and this is my fiance Erinios" says the woman with a worried voice.

"He he cough cough"

Jack takes a chair to the bed and pulls forth a pad a pen.

"Can you tell me what happened Mr Imatora"

"Call me Eri everyone else does"

"My fiances brother Illiam was visiting and cough I had asked him to help me chose a ring for the proposal that I would have done today. The ring still lies in my pocket if you want it dearest"

"Ooh Eri of course I will but don't think of that now we will deal with that later and don't think you can sneak out of it by dying or I will come and kill you!"

At this Eri chuckles a little and strokes away Illiamas tears.

"We went to the jeweler at Lupus street, cough we went in and started to look at some rings. I found a black diamond ring and had just payed for it and put it in my pocket when the doorbell rang. Illiam turns around cough and the man shots him right in the head. While I'm turning around the man shoots at me, the bullet graces my head. I fall down. cough Next he shoots the clerk at he counter. Then he turns to me again and sees that I'm still alive an says "This is for Raden Bondek" and shoots me twice in the chest cough then hearing another shot. I blank out after that. Next thing I remember is waking up here at the hospital. And I have no idea how I survived."

"A police officer was outside and when the shooting started he came in and shot the killer. You didn't recognize him?" Jack asked.

"No but that doesn't matter he was a mobster and cough cough I did recognize the name Raden Bondek"

Jack looks shocked and asks "Do you know this Raden Bondek character?"

"That's a more complicated cough story officer but I will tell you but it also is intertwined in my life story so here goes."

-Eri remebers-

I was an orphan my parents was murdered when I was 5 years old. I was sent to a uncle who didn't want me but only my money, my parents was very rich. He tried to kill me as he had my parents but he was found out by some local sheriff. After that I was sent to an orphanage in Ursus City. I was totally miserable but I coped with it and learned my lessons both in class and out of them. I had few friends because every so often they got adopted so it was hard to tie friendships I got one thou a mink called Luke who stayed at the orphanage to just before I was adopted.

When I was 9 two new kids came to the orphanage, two twin black wolfs, they where 3 years younger than me. That was Illiama and Illiam. They where shy and had only each other. At that time we had a bully that was a named Lars who was a black bear and he was large. He started to bully them the first day they where there. I snapped and 'spoke' to Lars and he decided to leave them alone. I was punished for that by the adults. I talked with Illiam and Illiama and they decided to adopt me in a makeshift ceremony as a bigger brother after a few weeks.

"And that was then I decided to marry Eri when I grew up" Illiama said with a smile stroking Eris cheek.

"Stubborn as ever, right darling?" Eris smiled back and started coughing and after a while continued the story.

It was much later I discovered that I loved them both but that comes later.

[Ooh what luck, wonder what he thinks of me] Jack thought quickly.

A few months later I was adopted by a couple of otters who wanted a bigger brother for their three year old pup. It was there I learned to love swimming.

I stayed with them for 3 years. During this time I had contact with Illiam and Illiama and they where adopted by a childless couple in Canis Town. In the letters I realized they liked them a lot.

During the first year with them I entered puberty and during this time I realized some stuff about my sexuality among other things that I was attracted to both girls and boys. I spoke to my stepparents about this and they was very understanding and explained much about this to me.

I even got a girlfriend called Linda, she was a slender built lab, and Lupinus knows what would have happened if not my uncle was released from prison. I don't know how he did it or how he found me and my family. I had walked in the park and with Linda we had kissed and decided to meat and mate later that evening but something was wrong when I got home, the smells and sounds was a bit of when I steeped through the door. Immediately my uncle jumped me and knocked me unconscious.

When I woke up I was tied to a chair. I recognize the basement of our house. In front of me was my stepparents tied to two chairs and on a table between us lay my little brother very still. By the smell and look of him I deduced that he was dead and he had obviously been tortured. My mother cried and my father just sat there looking with a fierce look on his face at my uncle.

"Good your awoken, I didn't want you to miss this"

Said my uncle as he drew a knife and cut my fathers throat. I cried out "Nooo you bastard". The blood spewed and soon his head tipped down. He then walked towards my mother and started to torture her. This torture continued for hours as it seemed but it must only been about 15 minutes. Then he also cut her throat. Then he turned towards me

"This is what happens when you become friends with someone or get a family".

I cried and tried to get free but to no avail. Their was a ring at the doorbell and my uncle went upstairs. Soon he came back with Linda crying a little. "Linda" I cried out at the same time she saw my parents and my brother and screamed of terror.

"Who is this then" said my uncle "Ooh yes this is your little girlfriend, lets see what we can do whit her then." he continued with a evil grin and a laugh.

My uncle threw her on a old mattress and started to rape her and hit her over and over again. Then it all happened so fast. My uncle stood up and drew a gun to shot Linda when the top door was kicked in and her father, who was a police officer, came through the door and told my uncle to drop the gun but he was so enraged that he pointed the gun at Linda's father who shot him. He then came down the stairs to comfort Linda and untie me. Linda didn't want me to hug her and she told me she didn't want to see me anymore. I was sent back to the orphanage.

It wasn't long before a man came and took me home. It was Raden, he was a tall black bear. He told me to get upstairs and to a bedroom. It had only one large bed, a chair and a large mirror and no windows. It was late so I undressed and went to bed. Later that night Raden came in nude to the bedroom and looked at me when I asked what he wanted he looked strangely at me and tore the bedsheets of and raped me right there.

I tried to struggle then he hit me over and over again until I surrendered and then just continued. When he was done he left me and locked the door. I crawled into a ball and cried. The next couple of days he raped me over and over again. When a couple of weeks had gone by I was allowed to leave my room sometimes.

One night some strange men visited him and I eavesdropped and what they talked about made me realize that he was a high ranking mobster. I sneaked back to my room and as usual he came in that night and raped me again. He had obviously seen me because he threatened to kill me if I ever told anyone about what I had seen.

It was a few weeks after that incident that he started to take home some friends that he invited to rape me also. He sat in the chair while his friends raped me and made me give them blowjobs. A few days before my thirteenth birthday I got a hold of a knife. I was able to hid it in the bed. On my birthday he visited me and said he now would give me my birthday present. He started to rape me and when he orgasmed I stabbed him four or five times. He fell on his back and moaned and yelled of pain. I don't know how I did it but my rage must have given me more strength then usual because I overwhelmed him. Then I sat on him and started to cut him he yelled out for every cut and it felt so good and finally I cut his penis off and showed it in his mouth. He screamed so loud and then I sat down in the chair and saw him bleed out. After that I fell asleep and was awoken from police sirens almost 15 min later. They broke down the door and arrested me for murder.

Luckily for me the officer that interviewed me was Linda's dad and when I told him the story he told me that I had done the right thing and thou I was to be released I had to run because Raden had been a mobster.

When I asked how Linda was he just looked at me and said that she had killed herself 5 week after the incident. I just sat down and starting crying. I was thirteen and had lost everyone I had cared about. Linda's dad drove me to the train and gave me some money.

The next couple of years I roamed around from coast to coast never staying in the same place very long taking small jobs where I could. I studied computers in distance tuition and I also took a degree in computer science and programing. It was close to being found some times but somehow I was always tipped of about the mobsters and moved on in time.

I had some contact with Illiam and Illiama thru letters and the infrequent phone call.

Eventually it seemed as the mobster gave up and when I turned 18 I decided to visit Canis Town and I came into town and went into the local diner and who did I meet if not Illiam. He recognized me almost instantly.

It was a happy time I spent there with them and with their friends and we even found Luke from the orphanage after he had bean attacked by some homophobes. I thought my troubles had vanished. I took a job at a small computer firm at Canis Town. At first I lived at Illiam and Illiama's parents, two loving Great Danes, who treated me as their long lost son mostly because of their children's story's about me and that they said they had adopted me in some sense as a big brother.

Eventually I moved out and got a nice apartment and I started dating Illiama and even thou I loved and told him so Illiam he said he was straight but he also was curious so we three experimented a little. The years went by and when I turned 22 I was offered a programing job at Wolfsoft Entertainment here in Wolfbay. We moved here and six months later Illiama was pregnant that was five months ago and now you know my story.

-Eri stops telling his story-

During this story Eri coughs a little but when he finishes he has a coughing attack and spits out a large phlegm.

Without thinking Jack burst out "So your also bi?"

"Yes I am he he cough"

"Sorry you are so damn cute I couldn't resist it"

Then a black jaguar doctor enters the room "I need to make some... Jake is that you"

Jack turns around and looks at the jaguar with a astounded look on his face.

"Peter what are you doing here and what are you doing in that outfit" Jack turns his head towards Eri "Ooh.... lets talk outside"

Jack and Peter steps outside and goes into a empty room.

"What really are you doing here? Peter are you here to kill him?"

"I was ordered by our father to do this as anthromane and as discreet as possible! The assassin was really dumb to do what he did and in the way he did."

"You will kill Eri because he killed Raden?"

"Yes! And because our father told me to."

"But you don't know the hole story why he killed Raden do you!"

"What do you mean?"

"He was raped over and over again by Raden and his friends for almost a hole year. And if not the Family's code of honor has changed that is still forbidden. Do you want to hear the story or do you still want to kill him?"

"Hmm..... This changes some stuff. I better hear him out and report back to dad so hi may take a decision about what to do. Damn it this complicates thing."

"I better get in and explain some things to them before you go in! OK?"

"That's fine. Do you like this guy?"

"I have just met him but yes I like him!"

"That maybe will help dad decide what to do to!"

"I will come out and get you!"

Jack steps in the room and sits down on the chair.

"Eri I have to explain some stuff to you. Firstly that person was my brother and he is not a doctor he is a made man"

"Ooh shit"

"Don't worry. Our dad is a director of the mob. He is one of four that decides what the hole organization shall do. He is also the director of the Eurosian continent. My brother had a mission to kill you and make it look like an accident. But I told him why you killed Raden, what he did is forbidden in the code of the Family, and now he wants to hear your story so dad has all the fact to decide what to do with you!"

"OK. But one question?"

"Right, what about me you mean?"


"Well I decided to brake with the family and go my own way and become a cop. Daddy respects my decision but most of the Family thinks I have betrayed them but will not do anything to me because of dad if I don't get in the way somehow."

Jack went outside and got Peter so he could hear Eris story.

Peter hears thru the hole story and he grows more and more angry by the minute. When Eri is finished with the story Peter rises from the chair and hits the wall with his paw.

"Okay calm down Peter."

"Its fine! I will just ring dad and tell him about this and I will return when they have decided"

About five hours later, during witch Eri, Jack and Illiama have a small talk, Peter returned with a smile on his face

"Dad and the council decided that Erinios had the right to kill Raden and no revenge is authorized."

"cough cough That's great, does that mean I don't need to hide anymore?"

"Yes you are free of the bounty from the Family even from Raden's family"

Then another doctor comes in. This on is a beaver and says "Are you all family?"

"Yes cough they are!"

"OK I have looked at all the X-rays and you have severe damages to you lungs and heart. You even have damages to your liver. We will have to see if the damages will get worse or if you will pull thru. We will just have to wait and see."

Peter left with the doctor and had a chat with him.

"I want you to do anything for him that you can money is no problem!"

"I will take you to our economic department! Come with me."

Inside the room Eri turned to Jack.

"Jack what do you think cough of me?"

"Hmm... I think I love you and if you remember I think you are cute?"

"What about Illiama?"

Jack blushes and says "I think she is beautiful"

"Jack can you promise me something?"

"If I can!"

"If I don't make it cough will you take care of Illiama and our cub as it would be your own?"

"Yes if she wants to!"

"If that happens I will gladly take your help. But if Eri makes it I still want you to help us and I think Eri loves you to if I'm not mistaken!"

This time it was Eris turn to blush

"Yes I do! Don't you think he reminds you of Luke!"

"Yes now that you mention it."

Illiama is looking at Jack with a wondering face.

"OK I will have to leave now! Will you come with me Jack.We can come back tomorrow?"

"OK but I must go in to the station and make the report about what I have learned!"

"One thing how old are you Jack" says Eri looking at Jack

"Ooh I am 19 just out of the academy" say a little confused.

Jack and Illiama drove to the station where Jack took an half hour to wright down the report. Then he drove Illiama home to her and Eris house in the suburbs.

The next day Jack was off duty and he rang Illiama to see when he should pick her up.

"Hello Jack how are you?"

"A little nervous to be frank. I just called to ask you when I could pick you up."

"Ooh can you come by in an hour."

"Okay see you then."

Jack hung up the phone and got into the shower and rinsed himself off and then went to the full-size dryer to dry of the water. Jack thought that it was a real good investment even thou it cost a bundle.

Jack went to the bedroom and took on the clothes he put out this morning. It was his favorite boxers with a elk named Helge on them, black baggy cargo pants, a black t-shirt with his favorite band, the Hellkittens, and his official Hellkittens gold chain in the shape off a small paw. I also picked up his MP3 player with his favorite music.

Jack went into the kitchen and quickly threw the micro pizza in the micro and then eating it quick. He puts on his black long leather coat and walks out to the car it's a sunny day with no clouds in sight. He is about to enter it when he is stopped by the neighbor ms. Carmichel an elderly fox.

"Hi there Jack do you remember that you promised to come over and help me with some stuff as soon as you could. Also I would like to introduce you to my grandchild Rupert, you know he is also gay?"

"OK ms Carmichel I will come over tomorrow if that's fine." Jack said with a little sigh at that last remark.

"I told you to call me Bessy, and I will just ring Rupert to confirm."

Jack entered the car quickly to avoid any more questions and drove down the street and turn towards the highway that lead to Toro Hills suburbs. When he drove up to the house of Eri and Illiama she was waiting on the porch. She had black jeans on and a red t-shirt. The t-shirt was really tight so you could see her every feature. Jack just stared at her first with open maw.

"He he you can close your muzzle now Jack. I see you like Hellkittens do you?"

"Yes I'm the president of the official fan club here in Wolfbay!"

"Oh I work for their manager as an assistant, maybe we can go see them when they play here in Wolfbay next month?"

"That would be great I have front row places for me and three friends."

"Then I will try to fix backstage passes for you and them. What are they called?"

"They are called Uni, Zeke and Portia. They are my best friends and we have a band together. Uni plays the bass, Zeke plays the guitar and Portia sings, I play the drums. Zeke and Portia has been a couple since fifth grade. Me and Uni have fooled around a bit but nothing serious."

"What's it called?"

"The band is called Blue Paws, mostly as a joke that I am a cop."

Jack and Illiama talked all the way to the hospital. They walked out of the elevator and walked past the nurses station when the badger from the previous day called out

"Ms Pawdear?"


"Your fiance is taking some test and will be taken down in half an hour you can wait in his room if you want to."

"OK thanks."

Jack and Illiama steeped in to the room and sat down at the chairs at the window.

Jack starts talking after a moment of silence.

"I'm really happy to have found you and Eri!"

"You are really a fine catch you know that don't you Jack" said Illiama and puts her paw on his leg.

"Ooh I don't know I have had my problems with both girls and boys to make a connection and take it further than just casual sex."

"What do you mean? Will you tell me?"

Jack thinks about it for a while and then starts to tell his story

-Jack starts telling-

My first real love was a girl in second grade I really liked her and I thought she liked me to and I took it really serious not as most kits at that age. We were going out for two months before I found out she was also dating a guy from the sprint team. I got really mad and cough them behind the school kissing. I pulled him up and called him a bastard. We started to fight and I punched him out with one blow.

The teachers took us to the principal and we were suspended for one week.

When I come back I told the girl that it was over between us she just laughed me right in my face and said I was sweet but no keeper.

Later that week the coach of the fighting club approached me and told me he seen my fight and that I was a natural at it and asked me if I would like to try out for the team. I did and I thought it was really fun. I took to lupus paw witch is a form of defensive martial art sport with some really cool moves. I trained during the next couple of years.

Even thou I didn't get any steady girlfriends I dated a few but broke of after a few weeks max a month when I realized they were only in it to have a sport jock not that they liked me. I started to notice my fellow teammates as well but didn't really heed it any attention.

I never had any close friends mostly because of my fathers businesses I didn't want to take most of them home.

One day there came a new boy to school, a snow white fox. He was almost immediately tagged by the schools bully's. I saved him from them and we became friends. This was after midterm of our fourth grade. His name was Eric and he and his family just moved to town.

There were his father and his two younger brothers, their mother had died when she was giving birth to the twin boys.

I invited him home to me and he said he must ask his father first. I told Eric we could drive him home after school. He agreed and after school my fathers men picked us up and when Eric saw the car he just blinked and asked if I was rich or something, I just said I was not but my father was. He just shook his head in awe and got in the car and we drove him home. Fathers men staid outside to wait us in. When Eric's father came home he was surprised at finding Eric and me in the living room. He was glad thou that Eric had found a friend so fast at this school.

Eric asked his father if he could visit me.

He agreed but asked if he should pick him up or if we would drive him home. Eric looked at me and I suggested he could sleep over and we drive him to school in the morning. Eric's dad agreed. Eric ran up to his room and quickly packed his things in a bag.

Eric and I jumped in the car and drove home to me. We played some video games and watched our favorite TV shows. Then it was time to go to bed.

We spent more time together me protecting him against the bully's they started to tease me but they soon regretted that. During the summer we went everywhere together. And I realized I liked him the same way I liked a girl when I woke in the middle of the night after a passionate dream about Eric and me with a hard on. I was shocked at first. Then I decided to go for it without thinking about it and the consequences and if Eric liked me in the same way.

We were going on a camping trip and shared a tent. We were out in the bush for a week and even thou I hinted at it nothing had happened so I decided that last night that something should happen so when we got to bed I leaned over to Eric and said

"I love you" and kissed him gently on his muzzle.

He looked at me shocked and just froze stiff and looked at me and yelled

"What the hell are you doing you fucking queer?"

He then ran out of the tent. When I saw him the next morning he wouldn't look at me and during the hole trip home he didn't say a word to me and when he came home he just said we weren't friends anymore. That was awful but not as awful as what happened to me when I got back to school. Eric had told everyone that I was a fag and that I had tried to kiss him.

The principal called me to his office and talked to me about what I had done and told me that it would be best for all if I could take the day off and go home.

Then the coach called me to his office and asked me if I was gay.

I answered truthfully that I liked both girls and boys.

He then looked at me and said he couldn't have a fag on the team and said I wasn't welcomed at the training sessions.

I went home crying and when my father found me in the library he asked me why I was home already. I told my father why I was home. He first looked at me in a strange way then when I came to the part with the coach he just got angry. He called the school and took me out of it and put me in a private school a week later.

I was a little sad on my first day but when it was time for lunch I entered the dining hall and I was looking for a seat when a male fox, who sat alone, saw me and offered me a seat at his table. That is Zeke in a nutshell, he cant stand seeing someone lost. We started talking and soon we where joined by a black female dragon, that was Portia. She and Zeke were dating and she told me that she lived at Zeke's parents because her mother didn't approve of her choice of boyfriend and that his parents where more openminded. She always wore purple clothes even then but more dresses then now. She also had two golden earrings. Zeke is a male red haired fox with the usual white chest and red fur, black ears, black paws and the white tip on their tail. We where talking when a bunny came over and introduced himself as Uni. Uni is a silver haired male bunny who has dyed a blue streak from his throat and down. At that moment I didn't see how far it went. He was obliviously friends with Zeke and Portia. I soon realized that he was hitting on me and when I looked over at Zeke he was rolling his eyes at Uni. He told Uni to stop embarrassing himself. I just looked at Uni leaned in and gave him a kiss. Both Zeke and Portia dropped their maws as did Uni's and I french kissed him. The whole dinning hall erupted as they saw two guys kiss. This was my first real kiss. As we stopped Uni looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. They asked me if I was a into guys. I told them the truth and also what had happened at my old school. They accepted me and from that moment we where friends.

We decided to form the band almost immediately because we all liked hard-rock music. I like Hellkittens and so do Zeke, Portia likes Ground Force and Uni off course likes Paw Off the gay rock band.

The name was first had was U Have Paw but when I joined the police academy we decided to change it to Blue Paws instead.

I enlisted in the fighting team of the school. It went really well for me and our couch was really good martial arts expert.

After three month the team were going to a school tournament and when we got to the final I met my former schools champion. Before I hadn't been able to defeat him so he was overconfident and told me that a fag like me couldn't possible defeat him. But I had learned some stuff and tricks from my new coach so I defeated him easily. I bent over him and told him that now he could say he was defeated by a fag to.

I meet a girl called Yesera who was a pink weasel we started dating and just before our graduation from the sixth grade we decided to mate.

We had found a barn in the woods and went there we made out and kissed before undressing. I was naked and so was so was she. This was the first time I had seen her totally undressed and it was a standing joke amongst us that I ask if she was pink everywhere and she answer that I must wait and see. So it was natural that my first comment was

"Ooh you ARE pink everywhere except around your navel which is white"

She then jumped me and hugged me and replied "I love you so much my big black cat" I purred her right in her ear and put her softly down on the hay. I remember that she smelled of honey and flowers all mixed in with her smell of arousal.

Then I lay down beside her and just started to kiss her and fondle her, I sucked on her soft small boobs and started to fondle her on her belly and going lower and lower, she just moaned and shuddered a little but that changed when I reached her privates and starting to lick her clit and going around her thighs doing that for a while. She moaned louder and louder and then got her first orgasm that I had done to her.

When the orgasm had stopped she turned to me and asked what I was to do next. I told her it was time for me to get my fun with her with a smirk on my muzzle.

She looked at me and told me to get on with it. My then five inch penis was starting to get rock hard and I started first by kissing her and licking up her love fluids and then when she was moaning again I leaned over her and slowly inserted my penis in her vagina, she continued to moan and squirm and when I started to feel a resistance I lowered my head and whispered in her ear

"This may hurt a bit" and then I bit her in her shoulder, to distract her, and at the same time pushed my self in the hole way. She screamed out a little in pain. I remained there for a little while to get her used to the feeling. Then she told me to continue, I started to thrust myself into her with more and more force and when I finally couldn't take it anymore I heard her cry out in ecstasy and at the moment I let go and forced my penis in one last time and released my load of warm cum in her womb.

We then slumped together as our mutual orgasms faded slowly out. She looked at me and said

"Ooh I love you so much hon. We are now mates!" I looked at her and said

"And you are my bitch. I love you to and I will always be here for you at least for the next couple of hours!" The last said with a big smirk on my face. She looked at me with a big smirk on her own muzzle and said

"Ooh you big rascal so you just used me for some yiffing then" I replied "Of course dear shall we continue then?"

The next couple of days we where together every time we could. My father just smiled at us when he saw us. On the day of our graduation I picked her up in a car that my oldest brother drove.

His name was Michel. When we were nearing the school I was kissing Yesera but suddenly I see a bright light and hear a deafening sound and everything goes blank.

The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital. I'm confused and no one is to see. When my head clears I ring the bell besides the bed. About 30 seconds later a avian nurse comes in the room.

"Your finally awake I see Mr. Hayden."

"Finally... What do you mean by finally?"

"You have been unconscious for two week now mostly because we had to sedate you during the operation after the car crash."

"What car crash"

"The car you was in was crashed into by a car driven by a drunk driver. You were lucky to have survived!"

"Survived??... What happened to Yesera and Michel"

"I don't know if I should tell you that now but let the doctor tell you."

"You know I don't care! You must tell me what happened to them or I will go crazy thinking about it!"

"Hmm.. Your right. I'm sorry hon but they both died in the crash!"

I started crying and the nurse sat down on the bed besides me and pulls me into a hug and I cried against her chest. After awhile she pulls free and tells me she must call my parents so they can come and visit me here. The next couple of days I realize that even thou I lost my mate and my brother I had come out of the crash relatively well with only two broken legs, a broken arm, some bruises and scars (That's this scar amongst others Jake says and points at a scar over his left eye), and a swelling of blood in my brain that they had to operate.

So during the summer I laid mostly in bed but my friends visited me almost every day. I came back to school in a wheelchair but after a month I got rid of it and started to train my arms and legs again. It was lucky that I was so fit before. Gradually I regained my strength but I was depressed and even thou I did good in classes my friends saw that I didn't feel to good so they discussed it with my father who decided that something must be done. They finally made me talk to them and I explained why I was so down, that Yesera was my mate and that we decided to get married as soon as it was legal. Gradually I also get out of the depression but something was different. I didn't feel the same way about women. I realized that I didn't want to feel for them to spoil my memories of Yesera. I started to date some guys and during this period I'm just out for one-night stands. I don't care who I screw or who is screwing me even some women. But sometimes it went bad. I even took some drugs.

After a particular messy event I slept over at Uni and in the night he visits me in bed and that was the first really good event I had got since my mating with Yesera. Afterward I just lay in his arms and cried and asked him to forgive me. He said that he would always be here for me if I wanted some comfort but that he didn't want a relation with me. That was in our eight grade.

I patched things up with my friends and dad and realized I had to get a grip on myself or become on of those scary ads about AIDS, VD's or drugs. It took some doing but I got through even thou I get some calls from some guys even now. I even started to like woman again. During this time I fooled around with Uni some times.

The next year during the ninth grade I found a great guy called Ray and that was what he was, an ray in my life. Ray was a sleek gray otter in the swimming team. He was always playful and made practical jokes on me every so often. It was a happy time in our life. I decided after the ninth grade to study more sports mainly martial art and swimming to be able to be near my otter but also some math, science and chemistry. And as an extra course music.

My otter took his swimming very seriously but took some other classes as well as he planed to study to be a doctor.

The band trained and we got some small gigs at restaurants and special weddings and such.

I didn't really decide until the start of our twelfth grade when we got a visit from a police officer talking about the opportunity's with joining the police force. When I told my otter he just looked at me and asked me what my family thought about that. It was then I realized that to become a cop I needed to put myself apart from my family.

So I went home to talk to father and the only thing he told me was that I always walked my own path and never thought how tough it was going to be on me and that he would always support me whatever path I took and respect my decision and also gave me an bank account with a large sum attached to it.

I enrolled in the Police academy on an extended curriculum of three years to learn as much as possible about forensics and forensic examination that was what I wanted to do. It was at my second year that my otter and me got a terrible news, he had leukemia. I asked for a leave of abstinence from the academy to be with my boyfriend and it was granted. He struggled for a hole year before he died in my arms and the last thing he told me was to go back to school an realize my dreams and continue my life.

So I did after a visit to talk (and yiff) with Uni and became the top of my class. I was assigned to the homicide squad here in Wolfbay ,witch is a real honor, a month ago. To take down the rapport about the shooting of your brother and Eri was my first assignment by my self.

That's my hole dating life and some important stuff and even thou I have had two big loves in my life, and that I am really thankful of, the rest has been if not disasters then very close except of Uni.

-Jack stops telling-

During the story Jack had been looking out the window fiddling around with his paws and finally at the end he stops and lowers his head and looks at his paws with a sad look on his face.

"But you said you were 19 but you must be (Illiama counts at her fingers)... 22 years old"

"Ooh I forgot that we count our years a little different in our family I always says it wrong if I don't think first, we don't count the first three years because of the high mortality that we had in the old days and old tradition is the worst to break it was really funny at my birthdays at first before everyone got used to it"

"Oh come here" Illiama leans in and give Jack a long hug

"You are always welcome in our home and hearts Jack even thou you are older!"

When they break the hug Jack doesn't realize what he does and leans towards Illiama and presses his lips against hers and kisses her passionately until a few seconds later he realizes what he is doing and breaks away

"Why did you do that it was wonderful!"

"But you are married and..."

To stop his ranting Illiama leans in and starts the kiss again. They look their muzzles together in a warm and passionate kiss when suddenly they hear a cough from the door.

They stop and look towards the door where Eri sits in a wheelchair with a nurse behind him looking surprised. Jack bows his head in shame and blushes

"Oh don't let me stop you that was a really nice show you put up"

"It was all my fault I didn't mean to but it just happened Mr Imatora"

"Relax Jack I have no problem with you kissing my fiance if you also kisses me in the same way, and haven't I told you to call me Eri."

Jack looks puzzled at Eri at first then rises from the chair and walks towards Eri at a fast pace and plants his muzzle against Eris who first looks shocked and then closes his eyes and just lets it happen. After a while they stops kissing and Eri turns to his wife.

"He is really good but we have to train him a little more don't you think my dear"

"Yes I agree"

Jack sits down in his chair with a smile on his muzzle.

Eri pulls forth a third chair and sits between them. The nurse taking the wheelchair with her shaking her head on the way out muttering to herself,

They start talking about interests and hobby's.

Jack tells about his band and job. That he is president of Hellkittens local fan club in Wolfbay and about what he and Illiama talked about earlier. He tells them that he also writes and composes most of the bands songs.

Illiama talked about her her job as assistant to Hellkittens manager, her love for plants and her pretty normal upbringing (except the experimentation with Eri and her brother). The education that she has as a gardener and florist in the background. She also tells that she and Illiam was from poor upbringings and that they where taken care of by the social services because there parents couldn't.

Eri talked about his work at Wolfsoft Entertainment as a game programmer. That he liked to paint and draw pictures. Here Illiama said that he was really good too.

Then they asked if they could listen to some of his bands songs.

Jack pulls forth his MP3 player and goes through the playlist until he finds what he seeks. He gives Eri and Illiama the earplugs and presses play.

After the song is finished both Eri and Illiama tells Jack how great that they think the music is.

Illiama asks if she can take the music to show her boss. Jack says he need to talk to the band first.

They talked about everything and it was decided that Jack would help Illiama out and that they would see where it went from there.

When they went home Illiama kissed Eri goodbye and so did Jack.

Jack drove Illiama home and told her he was busy the next day but that they could meet Wednesday. Illiama thanked him with another passionate kiss and went indoors.

The next day Jack woke up at 06:00 as usual but with a giddy feeling in his stomach. He showered and dried of in his dryer. He then went in to the bedroom and takes on his uniform and walks down to the kitchen and eats his breakfast of milk and cereals and some wholegrain sandwiches with some cheese. After he was done and had washed the plates is was 07:18 and he went out to his car and started it and drove the way to the police station.

He came in at 07:55 and almost immediately the comments came. "Hello fag got any booty yet" "The queens department have an opening" and many many others. Jack just ignored them and went to his desk where a message from the chief lay that told him to come up to him immediately on his arrival to the station. So Jack went up to the chief and their waited an ICI (International Crime Investigation) agent for him with the chief. They started to ask him about his father and his business. Jack told them he was never involved in any of his fathers businesses and that he had broken with his family but still talked to his family. They accepted his story and asked why he kept this a secret. Jack told them he talked to Commandant Pitcher at the academy and he told him if I didn't do anything wrong that my family was one thing and my career was another thing. They nodded in unison and said to Jack to go back to his desk and act as normal.

Jack went down to his desk. Until lunch he just read and typed rapports. On his lunch he went to his bank to start discussing about him selling his home. It took 30 minutes then he went to a food joint where Uni worked. When he walked in the door he was immediately rushed by his friend and given a huge hug.

"What's up bro"

"Much but can we talk about that tonight when you and the band comes by at my place. I just have 30 minutes to eat before I need to be back at the precinct."

"OK what do you need"

"One of your special hamburgers would be great."

"Ooh all between the buns then?"

"He he sort of"

"No problem it will just be a minute! One special hamburger to go with all the trimmings for my boy here."

After 5 minutes the hamburger is ready.

"See you at 20:00 then bro."

"See you but do were more clothes this time! My neighbors was really scared by you!"

"He he will do."

Jack gets the bag and leaves the food joint to eat the hamburger on the way to the precinct.

He throws the bag and the wrapper in a garbage can outside and is about to enter when the doors open and he is almost rundown by a fleeing perp. He just steps aside and and puts out his right leg and trips him and then pounces on him and pins him down until the other cops come and get him.

He then went to his desk and started to read the rapports that had accumulated at his desk during his lunch break. After an hour a captain came up to his desk and reached out his paw and introduced himself as Paul. He was a slender built cheetah.

"Good job with that perp that tried to escape where did you learn that move."

"I have trained Lupus Paw since the second grade and one of my teachers was also into some others martial arts so I picked up some stuff from them to."

"Really? What level are you?"

"I'm a second black belt!"

"What luck I'm only a purple level myself, did you know we have a group here at the precinct that trains every Wednesday. You are welcome then if you want to"

"Sorry I'm busy this Wednesday but next Wednesday I can come."

"OK see you then. Its in the gym here!"

"OK then"

The cheetah went away and the rest of the day was uneventful. When the day was over he went to the gym for an hour and trained some running. He then hit the showers and dried off and went home. There he changed his uniform into his everyday clothes, a black t-shirt and his blue jeans.

He then went over to ms Carmichel and knocked on her door. It opened and their stood a young red male fox that wore a green t-shirt with the print 'I'm not gay' and blue jeans. Jacks only comment was "Nice t-shirt"

"Thanks I made it just for today to make grandma realize I'm not gay. Your my date I take it?"

"He he I guess so. Did she get the message? I'm Jack by the way."

"No she still thinks I'm gay because I don't have had any girlfriends."

"Ooh how old are you?"

"I'm seventeen"

"Ooh ms Bessy never learns she have tried to find me an date after she discovered I was bisexual. But she is a sweet old lady so I help her out when I can."

"Ooh were is my manners come in. Grandma Jacks here."

"The dinner is soon done take him into the living room and he can help you setup the TV and change the light bulbs in the chandelier. Then hang up the painting of me and grandpa. Then we will eat and after that you could help me get out the old sofa from the basement. Talk amongst yourself pups."

Jack and Rupert went on to change the light bulbs and programing the TV and put up the painting and was finished when Bessy brought in the food. It was casserole and it was smelling real nice.

They sat down and at the diner table and talked a little amongst themselves and after a while Jack and Rupert discovered that even thou they had almost nothing in common other than that they both loved Hellkittens.

After the meal they took the sofa up from the basement and put it out on the driveway to be picked up tomorrow by the garbage men.

Jack said goodby to Bessy and Rupert and exchanged phone numbers and went home after that.

After an hour the band came over. As usual Uni was first and he had on his black leather pants and a black t-shirt that he almost immediately took of when he got in. Uni was still totally silver colored with golden eyes and the blue streak was clearly seen going from just under his muzzle and into his pants. Jack knew for a fact that it went down to his crotch and stopping at his tail hole. Uni was the smallest of the band only 5.6 feet long but under the fur you could see that his washboard abs. He also was strong and fit. As before mentioned he worked at a diner in Wolfbay.

The next that came thru the door was Portia the black dragon almost 10 feet tall and it was luck that the houses in the neighborhood was built to house even dragons so the rooms was almost 12 feet high. She wore as usual her purple dress with slits for her black wings that look like a cape when folded back. She had a golden ring in her left ear. She worked as a secretary working on her law degree. She was a little slim but with shiny scales and black horns. Her eyes glowed with a red glow. She had been disowned by her mother and her clan because of her relationship with Zeke who was last thru the doors. He was a 5.8 feet red fox with the usual white stripe from the underside of his muzzle down thru his chest and ending at his black tipped hind legs. He also the typical red pointed ears with black tips and the white tipped tail. He had almost black eyes. He had his golden ring in his right ear to show that he was a dragons mate. He had on blue jeans and a blue shirt and a black vest with a blue printed paw on the left side. He worked at a clothes manufacturer so he made all our stage clothes.

They sat down at the kitchen table and Jack told them about Eri and Illiama and of Illiamas offer to show their music for Hellkittens manager but Jack didn't tell them about the backstage passes.

All thought it was a great idea and they would support Jack if he wanted to move in with them only comment was from Portia that was a little sad that the house wasn't built for dragons.

They where vary happy for him and that they hoped it would work out. After that they went down to the cellar and trained for two hours. Then they went home.

The days was slow and uneventful and Jack longed to see Eri and Illiama again at the end of the workday.

After work he rang her and he asked if he should pick her up. She said that visiting hours wasn't until 18:00 and that she promised Eri to be in by 19:00 because she had some stuff to take care off but that she needed help from Jack before that if he would like to. He said he could be at her place in 30 minutes.

He drove from the station to Illiamas and Eris home. He parked the car and steeped out and walked to the door and rang on the doorbell. A sweet sound of small bells rang a familiar tune he couldn't really place. Illiama opened the door and invited him in. When he entered the home he almost tripped on his feet as Illiama took of her clothes and went up the stairs to the second floor. Showing of her toned build and lean legs.

"You said you would help me are you a liar or are you gonna help me out here?"

"I just was surprised of it that's all."

"By what my dear?"

"The sudden change of pace. I thought we were going to wait for Eri to do this?"

"I talked about it with him and we agreed that I would mate with you today and Eri when he comes home from the hospital if you still want to that is?"

Jack took a long look at the fit and muscled beautiful black wolf with the brown stripes on her back and her length of 6 feet, he caught a small hint of cinnamon in the the smells she let out.

"Ooh yes I think I might help you with that darling!"

Jack followed her into the master bedroom on the top floor. It was tastefully decorated in dark colors and a very large bed [Big enough for four] Jack thought. The bed was of dark wood and had dark red sheets. In front of the windows hang dark red drapes. The wallpaper was also dark red. The only thing that wasn't red was the floor witch was black hardwood and the ceiling that was painted black also.

"Take of your clothes and lets get comfortable my dear!"

Jack striped down to his boxers then comes a comment from Illiama

"What is that?"

"It's my Helge boxers it's my favorite cartoon series!"

"Never seen that one before must be really good then?"

"Yes it is"

(Feel free to search the web for either Helge the elk or Hälge as he is called in Swedish, don't now if you can see that last spelling its special to some Nordic languages.)

Jack put his clothes at a nice pile on the chair and enters the bed where Illiama is waiting for him.

"We will start with some small exercises!"

Illiama explains as she crawls down to his legs and takes a whiff at his groin. She starts to lick his nutsack and taking his balls in her mouth and sucking and licking them, Jack moans and purrs of pleasure as she continues. She takes small lick at his star shaped tail hole and Jack start to moan even more as his dick comes out of its hiding place a little at first but more and more when Illiama starts to lick his member and putting it in her muzzle. She continues to suck it until it as all appeared all seven and one half inches of it and a beautiful black dick it is. Then she uses her tongue to caress the underside of his member while she takes it all into her muzzle again. Jack just moans and bucks his hips into her eager muzzle soon he feels a tingling sensation in his balls "Oh I'm.. " he says just before releasing a massive load in the muzzle of Illiama. She swallows what she can of the sweat and tangy tasting cum but its to much and some spills out of her muzzle on to the cock and groin of Jack when he stops spurting.

"That wont do, we must clean you up" says Illiama and uses her tongue expertly to clean of the remaining cum. Jack just moans and groans at the attention shes giving him.

"Now its my turn to be satisfied!"

Jack immediately turns his full attention to Illiama and starts by giving her a real long passionate kiss, he stretches out his tongue and she opens her muzzle to let it in and gets a treat when he gets a taste of his own semen, they play around with their tongues for awhile then Jack turns his head and locks there muzzle in an even more passionate kiss then before it seems to last for over 15 minutes but it is only a minute before they have to release their lock and gasp for air. After a few seconds Jack continues his journey of discovering Illiamas body. He nuzzles and sucks her breast taking in her fresh smell and goes down further and further making her moan louder and louder.

He then hits the piece de resistance, her privates. He starts to examine them with his tongue first circling the outside making Illiama moan and groan. He then puts his rough tongue inside her and starts caressing the inside of the vagina. He picks up her special taste and smell and starts moaning and purring himself sending shivers through his tongue and making it vibrate both on her inside and on the outside where it touches her most sacred parts. She than starts to convulse and orgasms violently and spurts out her love fluids that tastes wonderful.

When the orgasm fades down she turns to Jack panting "Now its time for you to put that thing of yours into me!"

"But wont that hurt the pup?"

"Don't be silly you cant penetrate the womb when I'm pregnant!"

With that Jack leans over and inserts his member in her inviting opening. As he presses forth he realizes he cant enter the womb as a resistance stops him just short of it. He start pumping and he feels Illiamas walls pressing and caressing him at every thrust. He soon finds that he cant hold I back anymore but he wants Illiama to orgasm with him so he holds back and takes it slow and kisses her gently and make some small love bites at her neck and when she cries out "I'm cumming"

then he fells her cervical walls tighten around his shaft and he presses in one last time and releases his load at the same time as she cums. Jack slumps over Illiama and whispers panting with every word in her ears "That was wonderful you are so good"

"You to hon" Says Illiama also panting "But we have to get ready for the hospital and we really need to take a shower"

"Can we just lay here fore a minute or two before"

"We can and I want to" Says Illiama as she kisses Jack softly on his chin.

After a while they steps off the bed and Jack follows Illiama to the shower where they step in and shower together and kissing and fondling each other. When they are done in the showers they start to dry themselves off with towels and Illiama pats Jack on the ass and sighs "What a wonderful ass you got Eri will be thrilled at it" "You think so do you" says Jack just smirking.

They get dressed and get ready to get to the car when suddenly Jacks phone rings.

"Jack Hayden here"

"Jack its Peter"

"Hello Peter what is it you sound anxious"

"Jack dad has been shot, he is alive but he is unconscious. It was one of Raden's men. They have broken with the Family this means war but I wanted to warn you because they may be after your friend"


"Jack are your ther?"


"Jack say something!!"

"Peter I must go I have a bad feeling and you know how that is!"

"Call me later and we will talk."