Best of Three

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#47 of Commissions

Story for starring his two otter characters, Whitney and Ian having a little friendly contest. What could go wrong with two frisky, dominate otters trying to out do each other?

Whitney laughed, "I still can't believe just how much we STOMPED those fucking losers." The otter gal flopped backwards on the couch, bouncing off Ian's side in her sudden sprawl.

The other otter had to grab at his beer to keep from spilling it. "Hey, watch your fucking language! I thought you were some fucking genteel lady." He couldn't keep from laughing as well though, hand dropping to lay on Whitney's belly. Claws scratching at the dense, springy fur there. "I mean, what would your fucking mother say if she heard her precious daughter spewing such foul fucking language from her mouth?"

She arched into the scratches, ignoring how her cheek brushed against the crotch of his shorts. "She would say good fucking job kicking those loser's asses." The otter rolled her head and grinned up at him, "What she would ask about is what I'm doing with my head in a boy's lap and his hand practically on my tit."

Brows arched as Ian looked down at her. Of course her little cheek rub was getting him excited. How could it not? "Practically on your tit? Since when is this," his hand rolled a circle over her belly. "The same as," his hand darted up under her top until those dulled claws brushed over her bra, "This?" His hand cupped her clothed mound. While she wasn't the most well-endowed gal out there, he didn't mind. Both of the otters were sleek, their bodies long and lean with the build that only a swimmer could boast. The pair of them were the same age, separated only by a matter of months. He was a head taller than her, but she was pretty tall herself as is.

"That's my bra, silly."

"Well you said nearly on your breast. Not right on it."

She arched with a playful moan, reaching for his bottle. "True, well if you're gonna touch, give me a drink would you?" Ian tilted the drink down at the same time as she reached for it. Whitney held the bottle lightly as it tipped it, pouring it right into her open mouth until she tapped it back.

He angled the bottle back upright, "Well, if you're gonna get a drink, I might as well touch it." Deft fingers darting under the bra to cup that soft mound. A quiet little moan coming from Whitney as she swallowed down the mouthful of booze. "You know, people might start thinking things. You're here, my parents aren't, we're getting hammered, and now you're letting me totally touch boob. What are people gonna say?" Brows arched as he emptied the beer.

Whitney smirked up at him, "That you're gonna have to get another beer, sweet cheeks." She gasped as his fingers found her nipple. Which had already lifted to a lovely little point under even those light touches.

"What was that?" came the delighted purr as his finger pressed against her teat. This was nothing new. The two of them had gotten into some pretty heavy petting over the years. He knew that she'd had sex several times with other guys, but it was a little odd between them. As much as they'd stroked and teased and toyed, they'd never actually gone all the way.

It was fun though, watching how she squirmed as his fingers teased over her.

She arched and turned her head, bumping her nose against his shorts, "I said you're gonna need to get us both another beer." A giggle rolled up her throat as she nuzzled against him. "Now are you gonna get up, or do I have to start biting?"

He chuckled, "Fine, fine. I'm getting up." She sat up just enough to let him rise before dropping back and stretching out. There was plenty of beer in the fridge by the bar. Several types too. His folks liked their craft stuff, and he found a liking for certain types as well. There was some harder stuff put away in the cabinet, but there was a rule between him and his parents that he replaced whatever he drank. Besides, Whitney preferred beer and cock teasing to cocktails.

Grabbing a couple bottles, he turned just in time to catch a shirt to the face. Whitney's laugh coming a moment later as he shifted both bottles to one hand and pulled it off. "Getting cozy over there, are we?"

Whitney stretched her body as she shed her bra, revealing a pair of pert breasts and perky pink nipples. "Well, your folks are gone the whole weekend, right? Besides, you spilled beer on my top earlier, was starting to smell."

"I spilled? You were the one that grabbed at my beer while trying to do a headstand on the couch."

"Details, details." She waved it away, breasts bouncing as she waited for him on the couch. Ian only had a chance to sit down before she was pushing at his chest. The taller male laying down and kicking his feet up so she could lay half on top of him. He held the beers aside as she draped herself on him and wiggled down. Hands sliding under his shirt and easing it up. Ian shifted the beers to one hand and sat up enough to let her strip his shirt off before laying back. Nothing unusual there, it had become a kind of game between the two of them that they only wore as much clothing as the other person had on.

She stretched across him as he laid back down, grabbing one of the beers. With a sharp twist, she popped the top off and took a long swig from it. He had to twist a bit to get his bottle open, since she was laying on top of one of his arms. Another thing he was familiar with and didn't mind.

The pair laid there for a moment, TV simply droning in the background as the pair sipped their victory beers. Whitney's hand trailing over his chest as his hand roamed along her back steadily. Fingers traced the edges of his Maori tattoo before dipping along his toned abs. It was one of those moments of calm and quiet that could almost be seen as a bit of domestic bliss. Half-naked otters, close friends, and relentless teases.

At nearly the same second, both of their hands dropped down. Ian's trailing along her back before diving into her pants to massage around the base of her tail. Whitney's dancing over his abs before readily slipping down the front of his shorts. He'd changed into a pair of cloth shorts as soon as he'd gotten in, Whitney showing up in a pair of tight yoga pants that she knew got him worked up. Now each of them rolled their bodies against the other's as hands roamed. His tracing along the base of her thick, powerful tail and nearly dipping down to ease between her cheeks before coming back up. Her hand moved down his front, petting over his already exposed cock and balls.

Soft little moans slipped free of both lips as they toyed with the other. His hand teasing the very edges of her slit before spreading her cheeks. Her fingers dancing over his length as it rapidly stiffened and pushed through the band of his shorts. Pointed tip peeking out a mere second or two before she started to push those shorts down.

"Somebody is eager," she crooned, hooking the band of his shorts under his balls. "And didn't wear any underwear either." Ian nuzzled the top of her head, watching as her hand slipped over his length. Playing with that nearly triangular tip, teasing around his crown, before sliding down that tapered, slightly curved length. Sleek, smooth, made to dive deep and spread a gal nicely by the time the base kissed their lips. She let her fingers slide over it, spreading precum down his length before reaching back up. Gently letting the webbing between her fingers rub across his tip.

"No you didn't. Expecting to get laid tonight?" She shifted against him, biting her bottom lip as his fingers scratched against the underside of her tail.

Whitney downed the rest of her beer in one gulp, dropping the now-empty bottle to the floor. "Well, maybe. Know any guys that would want to bang me?" She moved with all the swiftness and grace that she showed on the team. Body twisting within that small space between his side and the couch. Flipping around, she planted her yoga-clad crotch right on his face, thighs squeezing his head.

He arched, nuzzling into her crotch. "I know of a few that might." Teeth pricked at the thin fabric of those pants as he breathed in. There was something always so nice about the scent of a worked up gal. While he'd been with a few girls of different species, there was always something so nice about when he got to bury his nose in Whitney's cunny. Maybe it was nature. Could be instinct. Or maybe it was just because when he did eat her out, she was usually giving him a great blow job.

Teeth hooked against the fabric just enough to pull it away before he bit down and twisted his head. Making a hole big enough to get his fingers in before pulling. Yoga pants parting with a delightful rip, exposing the puffy lips of her aroused pussy to him. She gasped, arching towards him as he exposed her. Hand coming down her backside with a smack before spreading her folds so he could slide his tongue against her.

"Know any that won't ruin my pants?" she gasped, panting as her hips rolled smoothly against his face. She let him get a few licks ahead before leaning down and letting her tongue slide over his cock in turn. A quiet moan slipped from her as she tasted the male's precum. Salty and strong, coating her tongue with his flavor before she wrapped her lips around his head and began to bob. Tongue dancing back and forth across his flesh to coax out more of that delicious treat.

Another slap to her backside, prompting one in return from her, leaving his thigh stinging. "I wouldn't ruin them if you'd just wear shorts, you know." His tongue dove into her delicious cunt. Sweeping over her outer lips and across her folds before slipping in. "You just love how I stare at your ass in these." Ian let out a playful growl and nipped at her clit. Prompting a squeak and jump from her.

She pulled back with a huff, tongue flicking over his tip, "Gotta do something to get you riled up. Mister cool swim team lead." Teeth brushed lightly over his length as she dove back down. Arms resting on the couch as she braced feet. Body starting to roll with each head bob. Sleek frame arching and shifting as if she were swimming in the body. Head sliding down until her nose bumped against his balls. Breasts grinding into his abs, hips lifting to let him take a breath. As she pulled off his cock, her hips dropped quickly. Body smacking off his face as she ground her cunny against his muzzle. Legs wrapped around his head as she started to swim against him quickly.

Not to be left out of it, Ian arched towards her. Body hunching before his leg lifted and wrapped around her head in return. Keeping her trapped as he began to thrust against her muzzle. Soft slurping noises growing louder as she sucked and slurped noisily. Hands grabbed those toned thighs of hers, kneading them as he buried his face against her. Tongue flicking and driving into her. Rolling against her tunnel as she drove it against his face.

The pair raced to see who could make their partner cum first. Doing whatever they could to slip that much further ahead. She ran her fingers over his balls before slipping her hand down to his taint. Massaging there in a way that made him squirm. Likewise, he was sucking on her clit. Fingers slipping around the tight grasp of her thigh to delve into her. Pumping in and out of her tunnel as he abused her pearl.

Lithe forms rolled and twisted on the couch before falling off with a thud. Neither missing a beat. Licking, nipping, sucking, slurping, spanking, pulling. They did everything they could to get the other to finish.

Thighs tightened and body arched, Whitney burying a squeak into his groin as the tsunami of her climax crashed against her. Tail trembled and hips drove forward, Ian driving a throaty moan into her as his cannon blasted cream down her gullet. Hands grabbing at shaking hips and pulling the other close as tongues bathed private flesh. Trying to get every last drop from the other.

Bodies rolled smoothly as the pair rode out their climaxes. Bodies rolling slowly as tongues bathed over tender flesh. Light enough to not over-stimulate the other, but working in the right way to keep them nice and worked up.

The pair knew each other well enough that they pulled away at about the same time. Whitney getting up to get out of her pants as Ian slipped back onto the couch, shorts dropping away as he did so. She rejoined him on the couch, tucked against his side again as she let her fingers trace over his toned abs. "So, I clearly won that one." She stretched against him with a churr, "The taste of your cum was too much and set me off."

Ian snorted, "Yeah, likely story. Your moan of orgasmic bliss, mouth vibrating around my cock as you covered my face in your sweet honey is what brought forth my climax." Fingers pinched his nipple, drawing a yelp. "Tie then?"

"Only if you want to get really kinky." She grinned and shifted on top of him. Thighs sliding over his hips as she sat up. "Speaking of which, you want some fuck?" Ian's ears perked in surprise as she asked him that. They'd teased back and forth about it a lot but never went beyond just a hand or blow job. Of course there was nothing strange about her grinding on him either.

"What's the occasion?" his voice rolled with a lusty murr as his fingers stroked over her thighs.

Hips rolled slowly, grinding her warm, wet pussy lips against him. Whitney breathed out a soft huff, "Well, I saw you talking with a couple guys in suits and looking pretty excited." It was his turn to huff as her folds teased against his crown. "Kinda like that, but not." Leaning in, she stretched her body out as best she could. "Figured it was some scouts or something wanting to talk to you again." She swept her tongue over his lips, cleaning some of the juices that had ended up there. "So thought we might celebrate."

"They were scouts," he licked over her lips in return, whiskers tickling each other. Body lifting towards her, precum spilling against her bare pussy. "Offered me a scholarship to an American school." That made her pull back and look down at him, her expression oddly unreadable.

"So," she started, "Gonna be moving from Middle Earth up to the States within a few months. Probably gonna be busy looking for a place up there, the flights, all that."

Ian slumped back a bit, fingers still petting over her thighs. "Yeah, it's gonna be a big thing. But you know I've been wanting to head up there for school."

Whitney's nails scratched through his belly fur gently. "Well, that certain changes things doesn't it?" Leaning in close, she pressed her body tight to his, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her lips tickled his ear, "I am going to fuck your brains out, Captain." She uttered a playful growl and bit at his ear as her hips pressed firmly against his. Tail rolling against his balls before she began to grind harder. Any wilting he might have experienced was gone in a flash, cock raging against her belly. "We have all weekend to fuck around all we want."

Ian twisted on the couch, throwing her against the seat as he hunched over. A growl coming from him as he arched over her, hunching towards her bare slit. He huffed, lips almost touching hers as her thighs wrapped tight around his waist, pulling him towards her. "I was wondering why you started the BJ so fast. Horndog was wanting some of the real action tonight."

Heels dug against his tail as she arched with a moaning growl of her own. "We've been dancing around the fucking issue so much. Figured one of us had better man up." She arched, hand grabbing the back of his head as she brought herself in for a kiss.

The instant her fingers curled through his hair, his found hers as well. Lips meeting in a heated kiss as the otters moaned. Tongues bashing against each other in the rush to invade the other's mouth. Powerful tails slapped against each other as they rolled privates against each other. Whitney's free hand wiggled between their bodies until it touched his length Petting it with her fingertips before trying to nudge it down to her waiting entrance.

Ian broke the kiss with a huff, cheeks flushed as he looked down at her. "I'll show you a man..." Hips trembled, caught between wanting to slam in and knowing what was needed. A low growl clawed up his throat as he leaned in to bite at her neck. "Let me grab something first."

Somehow he managed to wiggle his body away from hers. "One sec." He gave her lips a quick kiss, followed by a nip, before racing up the stairs. This wasn't the first time he'd had sex, and certainly not the first time he'd had a girl over. As such, he kept a box of condoms in his bedroom all the time. Although he was certain that this time, he set a new record for getting up to his room. On top of nearly ripping the handle off the drawer when it dared to stick even a little. He took a breath and calmed himself as he dumped out the packs, pulling one off the chain.

Just as his fingers were getting ready to open the pack, a hand slipped over his arm. Whitney took the condom from him, spun him around, and shoved him back onto his bed all in one motion.

She was over him before he even finished his bounce. Condom held between two fingers as her thighs slipped over his hips again. Whitney smiled down at him, lit only with the hallway's light as she lifted her hips up. "I don't think we'll be needing this." She winked at him, tossing the condom over her shoulder as she sat down on his cock.

The pair gasped as he warm, slick tunnel spread around his girth. Gripping it lovingly as her outer petals rolled against his sheath.

He huffed, grabbing at her hips and holding her there as she buried his cock deep within her body. "Wait, wait..." Ian groaned, length throbbing within her tightness as she ground against him. "Shouldn't we wear a condom? Don't want to knock you up and ruin your chances at a scholarship." He looked at her, spotting that grin she had. "Right?"

Whitney leaned forward and licked his lips, moving her hips as best she could within his grip. "If you're going to America for college, then I want something to remember you by." She tried to bounce, but his grip didn't let up.

The otteress let out a huff and leaned back. "Alright, how about we make a bet? I bet I can make you cum inside me. If I win, then this weekend we fuck whenever we want, bareback." Tongue rolled against her lips, hand idly tracing her belly as she thought about her best friend, a certifiable stud, pumping his tasty cum deep into her without any form of protection. It hadn't been long after she started messing around with guys, and watching plenty of porn, that she found out about her particular enjoyment of breeding. She'd never let any guy even get close to going bare in her, not without some protection. Always intending to coax Ian into being the one to do it. No better time like the present though. "If you can pull out before, then we'll wear a condom all weekend. And no pulling out and jerking off while you hold me down either."

Oh fuck she was good. Even with just those hips rolls she was getting him really worked up. His cock twitching inside her, begging him to let it go bare. He'd been inside a couple girls without a condom before, but only a little bit of testing the waters before wrapping up. "Not good enough."

"Not good enough? Are you scared I'll win?" Strong legs shoved off the bed, lifting herself up before his hands inadvertent jerked her back down with the resounding smack of flesh on flesh.

He shook his head, "Not at all." He huffed, relaxing his grip a little as lust began to take over. Body starting to roll to meet her grinding pushes. His mind raced to come up with something. As great as a weekend of sex with her would be, there was a part of him that really wanted to challenge her in return. "Ah, I got it." His grip loosened and legs shifted to start thrusting against her now. She moaned, hands resting on his chest as she started to ride him in turn. "You win, I fuck you bareback any time you want. Even fly you up stateside once I'm settled for more if you want." She perked her ears, panting down at him as her hips slapped his steadily. "I win, you become my slave." Now her pace slowed. "All weekend long, you snap to what I say, yes master, no master, the works." He grinned, "And if you like it, I'll fly you up for more."

Whitney's hips stilled long enough that Ian was worried he might have stepped over some unspoken line. He knew her very well and knew that she never let anyone, much less any guy, order her around. It was something that chaffed at her. Strong willed as she was, probably would never agree on it. Dull claws scratched against his belly idly as she shifted. Body lifting slowly, wet lips gliding over his flesh until he only just rested inside. She leaned forward, throwing him into her shadow.

"You're on."

She slammed down with a gasp, arching over him. Throwing her head back, she let out an animalistic call as she quickly picked up the pace. Hands falling to chest as she tried to put her whole body into it. Ian arched under her, gasping as she launched from zero to sixty in an instant. He planted his heels in the bed and began to pound against her in return. Tails slapping each other and the bed as the otters began to really dig into each other.

A hand slipped around her head, pulling her into another kiss. Tongues lashing as they struggled between kissing, moaning, and needing to breathe. Soon enough breathing started to lose out Hips smashing against each other. Breasts pressing tightly to chest. Hands pawing over each other's form as their motions became faster and more frantic.

Ian heaved. Throwing both of them over. Neither dared miss a pace as they writhed on the bed. Winding up on top, he dropped a hand to her hip. Claws digging against her rear as he pulled her into his thrusts. Never one to be passive, she threw a leg around him and drew him in, inviting him deeper. Pants getting heavier and harder. Stomachs tightening as grunting, squeaking groans filled the air. The heavy scent of sex flooding the room now.

He'd had great sex before. He'd had passionate sex. He'd even had a quickie here and there. Never in his life had he experienced something like this. Every one of the girls he'd been with had been more than eager to have a good fuck. Eager didn't begin to describe Whitney. Wild would be a far better term. Savage. The kisses soon turning to nips and bites. He wasn't sure who started it, just that he felt her teeth digging into his collarbone, so he responded with a bite to her neck.

A squeal tore through the bedroom. Claws digging into his shoulders as she jerked up against him. The noise cut off almost immediately as she buried her face into his shoulder. Teeth digging in as her walls grabbed at him. Juices squirting around his cock as muscles clamped and pulled.

There was no resisting. Not as both legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him in. Ian jerked forward, biting at his own pillow as his world exploded. Tail slapping against hers, balls jumping as his load was fired deep into her core. Whitney's muffled squealing turning into a pleased moan as she felt him trembling against her. Body shaking against him, she drove her hips upwards. "Yesyesyesyesyesyes," came the muffled chant as her body trembled. Riding out the waves of a second peak right on the heels of her first.

Ian collapsed against her. There was nothing else he could do. Every well toned, muscle in his body quivering with exertion. It was hard to tell how long they'd been going, but the pair of them were panting and gasping for breath. Utterly drained after the wildest sex either had ever experienced.

After a minute or two, he somehow willed his body into moving. Arms shaking as he slipped off her. Whitney's legs slipping free as he eased out. Just laying on her back as cum leaked along her tail and to the bed. He dropped next to her with a huff. Sweat matting their pelts as the pair laid there on their backs. Bodies humming with pleasure as the otters recovered.

Heads rolled to look at each other at nearly the same moment. Eyes glittering within the dim bedroom light. "So," Ian huffed, "best of three?"

Pearly white teeth glinted in the darkness, "You're on, buddy." She shifted slowly, heaving her body up before laying with her head on his chest. "Holy fuck, where did you learn to screw like that?" A little whimper came from her. "I am going to be limping by the end of this weekend." She took a deep breath and shivered. "I think we're going to need some water."

"I can agree there."

They laid there in each other's arms as they tried to recover.

"Well, are you going to get us some water?" She nuzzled into his neck, whiskers twitching before she planted a little bite on his collarbone again.

He retorted with a bite to her ear, "I just fucked your brains out. You go get the water."

"Yeah, but I won that one."

"True, but I got the beers, so it's your turn."

A grumble was buried into his neck as she nuzzled into it before twisting around, "Fine." Whitney tumbled out of the bed, landing on all fours. She stood up and sauntered to the door. Tail held high enough to show off the trail of cum that dripped from her. Or at least she tried, her legs wobbling after a couple steps. Tail dropped as she caught herself on door jam. He chuckled and laid back, crossing arms behind his head as he waited for her to return with the waters.

He was in the middle of a stretch, eyes closed, when a bottle came flying in to land square on his stomach. Ian jumped with a grunt, grabbing it before his privates were assaulted by the cold. "Got your water," came the too-sweet tease from Whitney as she dropped onto the bed beside him. Rather than reply and push her buttons a bit more, he simply cracked the bottle and leaned back to take a deep swig. The pair knew too well about the importance of staying hydrated. She took a deep draw off her own bottle before sliding into bed with him. Hand petting over his chest as his arm wrapped loosely around her back.

Eyes narrowed with a pleased chitter as her fingers traced over his abs. Just savoring the presence as he downed most of the bottle. "So," he began as he turned to put the water aside, "What made you want me to go bareback?"

Her ears ticked back a little, the inner shells going bright red. "Well, we both know you have your particular tastes in porn and things, I have my particular likes. This is something I've been wanting to try, and figured this was gonna be the best opportunity." Her hand dipped down and began to stroke over his cock. Thumb and fingers gliding up and down his flesh. Naturally, it quickly responded to the touches and her presence by rapidly lifting against the touch. "Watching cream pie after cream pie on porn is nice, once you get around those stupid porn screams. And the accidental ones..."

She bit her lip with a soft moan, legs wrapping around his thigh as she arched against him slowly. Grinding across his thigh with a soft huff. His hand was sliding around her tail again, prompting her to arch. Caught between wanting to grind against him and push against those teasing fingers. "And then the ones that follow the girl for the next few months... Mmmf."

Whitney shifted to straddle him again, but Ian was quicker on the draw this time. With the same swift agility that made him captain of the swim team, he wound up on top of Whitney. The pair of them wrestled often in the pools after training. Part of their teasing play and just roughhousing for fun too. While not able to move as freely in the bed, the concept was close enough.

He let out a low growl and nipped at her neck, grinding into her backside. "Oh no, you've had your chance on top." Claws scraped over her hips as he jerked her hips up. Her thick, rudder tail sliding against his thigh as her body was hiked up, his raging cock finding her slit ready and wet already.

Ian let out a growl, answered by a squealing gasp from Whitney when he powered deep into her. Pressing her front down, she shoved her hips up and back. Body slamming into his hard enough to lift the taller male. Her toes dug into the mattress as she showed him that just because she was on bottom, didn't mean he was entirely in control. Grabbing at his pillow, she buried her face into it to bury another cry as his cock jabbed against her g-spot with his next pound.

Oh it was good. It felt better than any sex he'd ever had in his life. The feeling of Whitney bucking and grinding against him with every time he so much as thought of moving. As many times as they'd swam together, they could almost read each other's movements. Now it was damn near prophetic as they twisted and turned. Whitney trying to turn, Ian grabbing and wrenching her back onto all fours. Her legs would lash and try to wrap around him. He'd trap her thighs, pressing them together with his as he jack hammered her. Short, fast jabs that threatened to drive her into the mattress should her body fail her. Muscles shook under the strain as she fought to keep up with him.

Ian wrapped arms around her waist, hugging her tight to him as he hammered down into her. It was only a matter of moments before his abs began to burn. That familiar ache of an intense swim starting to race through his body. Neither of them were marathon runners, they were swimmers. Meant for a quick dash, a rest, then to pick up again after a rest. Not that she was making things any easier. Not as she squealed into the pillow, hips driving back with short slams as her orgasm crashed through her. Walls grabbing at him.

He pried his mouth from its hold on her scruff, "Shame I can't bust in you, but I'm not gonna lose." He had to slow to brace himself as he pulled back.

That moment was all she needed. Even as her own orgasmic bliss continued to crash through her body, she sprang. Body twisting while her hips drove into his. Caught off balance, he was thrown sideways. Her body staying tight to his as she moved with him. Back slamming into his chest as the pair bounced off the mattress. Soft as it might be, it was still enough to drive the breath from their lungs.

Even that moment of gasping and laying there was enough for the otters to get their second wind.

Whitney lurched up, bracing hands and feet on the bed. Hips slamming into Ian's body, tail smacking off his chest, as she began to ride him as if there were no tomorrow. Huffs and pants filled the bedroom's air as the pair worked. Ian's hands falling to her hips as he tried to control her. Make her slow down or stop or anything. It was nearly impossible to get her to stop once she got rolling. He was finding it hard to get himself to stop as well. Body meeting each of her bounces with a hard slam. Balls bouncing off her as they tightened, threatening to spill his load at any second.

"Gonna..." Whitney gasped, "FUCK!" Came the squeal as she hit a second peak in as many minutes. The repeated jabbing of his cock against her g-spot proving to be too much. Her entire body seizing into a frantic series of bucks as she screamed her joy for all to hear.

Ian snarled, huffed, balls tightening more. He could feel his climax rolling up his body. Every muscle tightening as his cock leapt within those gripping, welcoming walls. "Me..."

Hips dropped as hers lifted. Slick length being pushed out by that squeezing tunnel. Ian dropped and rolled his body as Whitney dropped. Hands grabbing tight to her hips and pulling her against him, trapping her there. It was just in time too. Hot cum blasting across her belly as he held himself there. "Too!" came the panting moan from the male as he dropped his head. A low chitter came rolling up his throat as his length pulsed, painting his seed across her belly.

zWhitney shifted with a whimper, fingers reaching down to grab his cock. Trying to rock her hips to guide him back into her.

Back arched as she rolled, looking at him upside down with a huff. "Now I've got to wash all this off, you know." She gave up on trying to push him back in, and instead just let her fingers run through the mess. Lifting her hand, she licked at what she gathered up with a quiet chirp.

He chuckled, "I think we're both going to need a shower before long."

She arched with a yawn, head resting on his chest before sliding to lay down on him. "And a good sleep." Normally, he'd be able to go much more. And she certainly would be able to stay up half the night. But after the meet, the post-game party, splitting off from everyone to come back here, drinking, rough housing, and now this? Yeah, both of their eyes were starting to get heavy.

"Mhmm," he agreed,yawning widely as she slipped off him and padded to the bathroom. Rather than try to compete, he went down the hall to his parent's bath. Cleaning up with a cloth and using the toilet before coming back.

He was just fixing the bed sheets, and wondering how a pillow ended up so far across the room, when Whitney slipped back in. Fur damp from her own clean up. "So," she chittered, "Can we agree no sex while the other is sleeping?" Whitney slid between the covers as he was working on tucking the sheet back in. "Would be cheating for our contest."

"Sounds good to me," came the agreement as he gave up and just joined her. Arms and legs twining around each other as she pressed to him. There, in the darkness of the room, they gazed into each other's eyes for a moment. As one, their heads tilted slowly before pressing in. The kiss slower than the one before. Mouths opening slowly to deepen. Tongues slowly, almost shyly, sliding out to glide over one another. Hands roamed up and down backs and sides, learning each other anew even as legs and toes met, brushed, intertwined, and parted.

They held the embrace for a moment before pulling apart. A quiet chitter slipping from the pair as they settled down within each other's arms.

Whitney woke the next morning with a yawn and a blink. Wasn't the first time she'd woke up in a different bed, staring at a different ceiling. It took a couple seconds for her to remember where she was. A smile crossing her lips as she stretched out, hand falling on empty bed. She patted around a moment before sitting up and blinking sleepily. The bed was empty, sheets and covers tousled up and some tossed to the floor, but empty nonetheless. Well, really doubted that Ian would've ditched her. Especially not since it was his place.

Sleek form arched into a stretch as she groaned. Ears perking as some noise drifted through the open bedroom door. Her nose twitching, picking up the scent of breakfast over the lingering scents of sex that hovered in the bedroom. Normally, she'd be all for a shower, but her grumbling stomach prompted her to give that a pass today. Besides, maybe she could tempt Ian into joining her with one.

Tempt or drag him into one. Either would work.

Downstairs, she found him in the kitchen just as he was puling some pancakes off a griddle. "Smells good," came the low purr as she pressed her bare chest to his equally bare back. She pressed her lips to his neck with a gentle little kiss. "Cooking breakfast, wearing an apron, how domestic of you." He leaned back against her with a chuckle.

"Well, really didn't want any hot oil splashing on anything delicate." Her hand slipped up under the apron and fondled his privates with a low purr. "Like that," came the huff. Ian arched towards her, hips pressing to her hands. She rolled her breasts into his back and breathed out a soft murmur.

Both hands were working over him now. Fondling over his balls slowly as if to weigh them. "Feels like the boys are nice and recharged," she smiled and nipped his shoulder. Hand roaming up to find his pole standing at full attention. "And good morning, Sarge." Fingers teased over his tip, drawing huffs as she put her dulled claws to use. Teasing his crown and making his hips jerk.

He let out a low groan, "Sarge?" Feet shuffled as she backed up, drawing him with her.

"Yes," a touch had him turn and lean against the counter. Dropping, she flicked the apron up enough to lean in and run her tongue over his length. "He's always standing at attention when his Commander is in front of him."

A low huff slipped from his mouth, "Let me get the apron off first." He fumbled with the ties as her mouth wrapped around his cock. Eyes darted towards the cooling breakfast before leaning back. Fuck it, they could have a cooled breakfast. Back arched as he reached down, stroking her head as he arched into her eager mouth.

Whitney gently scraped her teeth against his flesh and pulled back with a smirk. "Nah uh, that's not where this is going." She grinned and moved past him to hop up onto the kitchen counter.

Ian was on her in a flash, feeling her thighs wrap around his to draw him in. "Sure sure it's gonna go in here?" Hips arch, grinding his cock against her. Petals already warm and slick, wanting him deep. Arms wrapped around his neck as she leaned in to kiss him. Tongues met and flicked as Ian slipped in with a breathless gasp. "Could go outside, you know."

"Nah," she panted, "Only one place it's going to go." Heels dug into his back, driving against him.

"You so sure?" Came the response as he grabbed her ass, dragging it off the counter so he could dig harder into her.

"Are you?" she growled playfully. Heels digging into his back as she braced her hands on the counter. Arching and pushing towards him as the sound of bodies colliding began to fill the kitchen. Loud smacks, grunts, growls, and gasps filled the air. Corded muscle flexed and agile bodies rolled. A twist changed the angle, driving him into that special spot. Walls clamped and rolled, prompting a quick double-thrust against her. Twined growls came from the otters as they both dove for one another in a heated kiss.

Whitney was nearly lifted off the counter as she pulled herself up. Body flexing as she began to ride him. Ian's strong legs flexed and drove him into her, doing the best he could to fuck her even as he supported her in this position.

They didn't hold it long before her ass came back down on the counter. Whitney leaning back more as he hunched over her. The kiss broke with a near feral gasp from her, head rocking back. His head dropped to her breast. Teeth biting at the proud nipple. Holding it in place so his lips could wrap around it. She grabbed a handful of hair, unable to articulate anything more than throaty moans and prowls. Thighs wrapping tighter around his body as she drove her hips into him.

Ian was as caught up in the moment as she was. Slamming as deep as he could. Claws digging at her hips, drawing her into him. Each roll, every push challenging and welcoming at the same time. A low growl came from him as he began to draw further, slowing his pace, but increasing the force behind each drive.

Her moans were turned to grunts, body driving against him. This pace was easier to match, but the sheer force. Holy fuck it was intoxicating!

Even as hands moved over her hips, he started to pull back further. Cock threatening to slip out with each pull as he snarled around her breast. Ian shifted and pulled out, cock sliding across her stretched folds. He rolled against her, teasing her with being so close yet so far. The hand frantically unwound from his hair and darted down, grabbing his cock to guide it back in. Legs wrapped tighter around him, pulling tight as he tried to jerk away.

It became a tug of war. Ian delivering a few hard thrusts before trying to slide out the instant her legs might have relaxed. Whitney pulling tight against him, hand furiously rubbing over her clit even as her fingers worked to keep him within her walls.

"Ah fuck!"


Voices rose in unison as the pair peaked. Walls grabbing, cock stiffening, balls leaping as hot strands of cum shot from the eager length. Bodies trembling as they breathed out deep huffs, riding out their near simultaneous orgasms. They were pressed tight to each other, hands digging into pelts as their bodies hummed with pure bliss.

Almost in unison, they pulled away and looked down their bodies.

"Best three out of five?"

Spoils of War

Tongue rolled from his maw slowly as Axse settled in the throne room. The great naga looked over the room slowly. A smirk rolled over his features as he let out a thrum, very pleased with himself. Raising an army hadn't been hard. Was never hard to get...

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"Ow!" came the snarl from Sasha as her hide was pinched. "Be careful would you?" The pearlescent female huffed and rubbed the sore spot. Cal's laugh whispered over her neck, the obsidian black male brushing his lips over her neck slowly. "Apologies,...

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At the Moutain Pass

Nanna breathed out a relieved sigh when she finally saw town. The corgi's legs were aching from days on the roads. She'd been out and about in the wilds for a couple weeks now. Should've bought that horse when she had a chance. Didn't matter that it...

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