Rose League School Pt. 1: Release and Recompense

Story by nathan400 on SoFurry

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A game I started. This was my first time as GM, and things do get better later. For now, we're just setting the stage.

Megan Mabry is played by/belongs to Machine Elf (

Jacob "Drake" McAllister is played by/belongs to SilentReaderDragon (

Tia Episki is played by/belongs to Jak8714 (

Welcome students, welcome to the second year Comodor High, a place of learning and of second chances. Here, you will be given everything you need to make whatever sort of life you desire, all you need do is put in the effort. We've even managed to get rid of most of the superstitions that plague most schools of our pedigree, so all that remains is a pure learning experience. Now, the curtain raises as the Homeroom class begins.

Standing behind his desk is the Electives Teacher, Lugh "Jack-of-All-Trades" Iffies. A bespectacled man of Asian decent, he stands at just under six feet tall with a willowy build and effeminate features, features not aided by his long blue-black hair stretching down to his lower back. His sharp, brown suit tailored to his frame and pressed to crisply it's wonder he can dress himself without slicing his hand open. Clearing his throat, he greets his class with a surprise announcement in his rich baritone voice, "Now, class, welcome back to your second year here at the school. The first thing we need to cover is the arrival of the transfer student, Jacob McAllaster. Would you please step forward and greet the class?"

Jacob trudges to the front of the class, before turning and looking at his new 'peers'

"Hi, m'names Jacob. My friends call me Drake. I'm new in town, came here with my family. I like to build stuff...." trails off after his rather monotonous delivery. He glances at the teacher to see if that's enough.

"That will do Jacob, please return to your seat."

"kay...." Drake sits down and slouches somewhat, attempting to divert attention from himself.

Iffies gathers up his papers and holding them in front of himself like wall between him and the students before returning to his morning rhetoric, "Now, as for the rest of the announcements, we've had an increased amount of students caught having forbidden relationships on campus. I know, you're only young once, and youth's passion burns hot and fierce, but here at this school you will learn some self-control."

"Second, someone has defaced many of the school's murals and monuments. A full investigation has been launched, headed by me. We will find the student or students responsible for this, and they will be punished. If any of you are guilty, rest assured that I will find you, and that you stand to lessen your punishment if you turn yourself in before we catch you."

Lugh stares at the class over the top of his paper wall, his glasses catching the light with a menacing shine. "Which we will."

"Third, this year we will be introducing a rewards system for high achievement in class or school activity, such as scoring 110% on a test. So strive hard, the rewards are more than worth it, and even if you don't succeed, no learning ever goes to waste."

Iffies settles into his routine from there, handing out schedules and explaining the ground rules, before the digital bell rings out over P.A. system, signaling the end of his time.

Iffies adjusts his glasses as he stares at the clock, surprised at how much time has passed. "Oh, and one final announcement to the clubs Summoner's Circle and Dark Pentacle, if they cannot acquire more members, will be shut down. I'm sorry Silden and Egraar, but those are the rules. You both have 1 month."

And with that, Home room ends, and Mr. Iffes takes his leave. The class relaxes, many of the student preforming stretches and some others eating snacks. One student in particular stands out for heavily modified uniform that's right at the outer limit of what the regulation will allow. The changes giving it an air of what the love child of High Gothic style and a traditional Miko's outfit would look like. If said child was also forced to be a school uniform. But this is hardly the strangest thing about Megan Mabry, as she's the only student to have proved too weird for either of the now failing clubs. A faint smirk crosses her face as she revels in the fact that both clubs would likely welcome her back with open arms at this point, but she has no intention of giving_them_ a second chance.

Drake, meanwhile, apathetically doodles in a spare notebook while waiting for the next teacher to arrive. Nothing much, just sketching out a few new ideas for things to build and ideas for a program he has been working on. But something is nagging at him, trying to get his attention off his work. Looking up, he spots what is easily the largest girl in class as she waves wildly at him.

"Hey, hey!" Tia Episki, as he would later learn she was called, stage whispers until he finally looks over at her. "Welcome to Comodor! You're gonna have so much fun here!" She shoots him a smile, and tosses over a small Styrofoam box, causing a student, who for some reason is dressed like a pirate, to duck, clinging on to a tri-cornered as she does.

Drake is startled that someone is talking to him already, and catches the flung box with far too much ease considering how abruptly it was thrown at him. "Um, thanks?" "First one's free," Tia says with a wink.

"Oy!" Objects the pirate, "You scurvy dog best be watchin' me hat!"

But before she can get much into her grievances, the Math Teacher, Simon Willright steps into the class. "Alright class, let's get those noggins moving!" he shouts as he passes out his welcoming math test. As Drake looks over his, he sees that it's really not that difficult, mostly a rehash of what he learned at his previous school the year before, so neither he nor most of the class should have much issue with it, but it does take up most of the allotted class time.

"Okay, good work everyone, I'll get your results tomorrow." Booms Simon as he gathers the tests.

"I'm sure I did well!" Tia declares, bouncing in her seat.

Drake is still a bit unsettled by the shift in scenery, so doesn't do nearly as well as he could. Apparently, it's still good enough though, so he relaxes as the lunch bell rings, taking the time to between classes to peak in the box the friendly girl threw him. He's surprised and pleased to find a cupcake, somehow still pristine despite its rough handling, staring back at him"I'm going to have this with lunch." He mutters to himself.

Tia, having somehow heard him, gasps at his statement, and gives him another wave. "You're welcome!" She grabs the nearest student and gives them a firm hug, saying, "He likes my cupcake!"

The class slowly empties as students make their way to the cafeteria, and Drake is among the last to leave as he gathers his things.

Without word or warning, a medium sized student with shockingly white hair grabs him from behind before slamming his fist into Drake's gut, driving the air from his lungs. Drake grunts this the blow comes out of nowhere, and is stunned by this random assault.

Derrick Rissim, one of the school's bullies, looks down on the hunched over Drake with a self-satisfied grin. "What's up Furfag? You'd better not spread that shit around here, or I'll be back." smirking as he turns, he walks off to the cafeteria, calling out without looking back, "See you at lunch, if you can still eat."

"Whaaaaaaa.......????????" Drake wheezes, before he continues into the cafeteria, looking around for a bit before finding a seat near the corner which offers good lines of sight and keeps his back to two walls. "crazy idiots attacking people at random. Did he mistake me for someone else?......" He mutters as he eats his lunch in contemplative silence, unsure how to react to this.

Tia spots the lonely newcomer, and starts waving wildly at him. "Hey Drake, Drake! Come sit with us!"

"Actually, don't." Commands a prideful looking teen, her rich brown hair styled to fan out behind her in a unique look that highlights expensive earrings and designer clothes. "Tia, I thought we hand an understanding." She proclaims, looking down her nose at the larger girl as her three friends fall in behind her.

"We told you last year, that the girls of this school have an image to maintain, and porkers like have no business here. So, hit the yard, fatty!" Commands the teen, Rosalia Coltain, leader of one of the most exclusive cliques in the school.

Tia looks up at Rosalia, and closes her eyes to take a deep breath...then explodes. "You want a piece of me, huh?!" she shouts, shooting to her feet so hard that the bench behind her shudders from slamming against her gigantic ass. "You want somma this?! Bitch, I sat on you last time you wanted a piece of me! I sat on you and squished you flat, and then you decided that you didn't want a piece of this after all!"

"Now, you can either sit your butt down, or we can take this outside and we can see if you can take all of this, but you don't you be dissing my charms, girls! You ain't nothin' but a skinny little bitch compared to all this!" She runs her hands down her sides, shimmying gently to emphasize her size, and shoots the petty bully a smug smirk.

Rosalia snorts at Tia's display. "Oh, so the piggy can squeal! Come on girl, the noise she's making might attract the teachers." She states as she withdraws, turning briefly with an evil glare. "See you next time, piggy."

Tia blows them a raspberry.

Drake observes the entire exchange in bemused silence, before shrugging and sitting at the end of their table, close enough to talk without shouting, but far enough away to not be included as a part of their 'group'. "Thanks for the cupcake. It was good." He manages to say, not quite managing to look her in the eyes before a disturbance catches his attention.

"Miss Mabry, are you still here? I thought we told you, we aren't happy with your performance." Declares a tall well-muscled man with hair that's an amethyst shade of purple. "We're just about to get rid of the Freaks of the occult club and the geeks at the ritual club. Once your club is gone, we'll have finally cleansed the school of its old fashioned and hide-bound oddities." He, Alec Carmine, intones with menace as he spectacles catch the light. "So how dare you return to the mystics in your so called 'club'? If you just it, they won't be able to continue, at long last freeing this school of its shackles."

Megan seethes inwardly. What's this asshole think he has any right to decide anything for freaks... "You already know I'm out of both those clubs. Do you have an actual reason for being here?" She casts her gaze around the room, trying to figure out what he's after...

Alec Carmine huffs at Megan's stubbornness. "We're glad that neither club accepted you. That speak to your favor. What we don't like is that you've joined that joke of a club, Classic's Cornier was it? It should just be an extension of the library club. It would stop you from being the next Ritual Club. Don't become garbage. You'll get thrown out with the rest of the trash."

Megan raises her voice until it cuts through even the din of the cafeteria. "JOKE of a club? What kind of uncultured MORON would think learning about the greatest and most important cultural legacy our forebears have left us is a JOKE? Are you going to try to tear down Mount Rushmore next because who cares about some stupid old faces on a rock!?"

Alec Carmine grins as he responds, "Yes, actually. It's a meaningless monument in the long run. But I see you're not willing to listen. Come on, we need to get lunch before time's up."

Megan snorts as Carmine walks away. Narrow-minded idiot can't even bother sticking around to defend himself. She turns back to her food, prodding it angrily.

"Oy, you. You said you like to build stuff?" calls a new voice from behind Drake. It takes the voice a few more tries to break his concentration on his notebook. "What? Oh, yeah, I did. Why do you want to know?" Drake hastily responds as he wonders who this girl is and why she is talking to him. Can't she see he was busy drawing ideas for his next build?

Tia rolls her eyes and snaps, "Hello Octavia." She gives Drake a sharp elbow to the ribs and mutters, "She runs the Tinker's Haven, where all the build geeks go. She's a decent girl, if you don't mind listening to her jabbering," she continues, apparently oblivious to the fact that the club leader is well within earshot.

Drake, his interest peeked, looks up and sees a tall tomboy in Victorian pants, metal jangling everywhere as her odd attire is the picture-perfect Steampunk tinkerer.

Octavia Anna Heaton huffs at Tia, "Excuse you, we don't like the term geeks. How would you like it we called The Baker's Dozen a bunch of fatties?" She enforces her words with a glower before she turns to Drake. "But yes, we like to build things. If you want a place to build with tools are resources, let me know and we'll see if we can't work you in."

Drake smiles for what feels like the first time today as replies, "That sounds nice. I guess. Where is the workshop?"

Octavia grins back, "It's on the second floor. Just look for the door labeled Tinker's Haven."

Tia smirks at Octavia and retorts, "Calling us fatties would be truth in advertising, girl!"

"I'll tell that to Zoelle, I'd like to see what she thinks." Octavia fires back, grinning as she does.

It is at this point that Drake quietly points out that the girl who gave him the treat still hasn't introduced herself to him yet.

Tia flushes when Drake points out her rudeness. "Oh, I'm Tia! Tia Episki, nice to meet you!" Her smile is as sweet as when he first met her, her previous bad mood already forgotten, apparently.

Drake takes a moment to organize his thoughts before turning to Octavia to say, "Okay. Um, see you after class at the club then? Oh, and nice to formally meet you Tia." Drake is uncomfortable with all these people. While he has been getting better, all of this is quite overwhelming for him.

Surrounded by uninteresting conversation, Megan picks up her food and huffs off to sit next to Maddox, her club's head, dropping her tray clatteringly as she sits. "Some people need to learn how to just leave things alone. Stupid smug moron. How'd that ass even get in here?"

"Bribery!" calls Tia from a few seats down, waving when Megan turns back to look at her. "That jerk got in cause his parents bribed the school! You know, a 'generous donation to the school' sorta thing."

Maddox Merriwether shakes his head as he corrects Tia's statement. "Second chance scholarship. He was raised on the streets and in juvey. Ever since he got here he's been trying to make the school his territory. He probably doesn't know how else to ack. He's like that guy Machiavelli used as an example on page. . ." Maddox stops himself as he realizes he's the only one to have read the book. "Tia, he doesn't have parents."

"He doesn't? Then who the heck am I talking about?"

"Bri- Carmine? Seriously? He's so touchy about that he's probably never even met his stupid parents." Megan grumbles.

"Nope, hasn't for years, or at least that's what the word is." Maddox continues.

Tia looks puzzled. "Weird. Then how did he get into this school?"

Maddox blinks a few times at Tia's question. "Like I told you, second chance scholarship."

Tia blinks incredulously herself. "Seriously? That idiot? Mr. 'Art is a waste of time, who needs to use math, I talk like redneck hillbilly' got in on a scholarship?"

Megan haruphms, "Dumb school thinks they can turn a sadistic bully into a model member of society. Obviously, whoever decided that never met the Purple Terror."

Maddox shakes his head once more, "The one offered to teens in juvenile with good grades."

"Fureaky!" Tia cries, unable to believe that.

The impromptu group settle into finishing their meals, but before long the school bell rings, signaling the beginning of the next class. Drake and his classmate soon drift back into their seats just before Moonbeam Fairchild, the art teacher, floats into the room like a silver breeze. Her light and airy voice drifts into the room, "Welcome to Art class everyone. Since this is your first day back, let's begin with some free form painting, using your summer vacations as your inspiration."

Drake considers his what to paint for some time, before he begins to try and sketch out the D&D moment that gave him his name, but progress is slow. Ms. Fairchild sees Drake struggling, glides over to offer him advice. She leans over his shoulder as she does, her small chest pressing into his back as she does. Drake is mildly uncomfortable at the feeling of his teacher's chest pressing into his shoulder, but ignores it for the most part while continuing to struggle to move the picture in his head onto the canvas in front of him.

As for the rest of the class, art projects are many, but few standouts as actually good. Though Steven earns a stern talking too because he drew girls in bikinis, despite him saying he spent most of his summer swimming by the beach.

Seeing the time, Ms. Fairchild calls out, "Okay class, it's time for your break before you go to P.E. Have fun out there!"

Drake uses the washroom before heading to the lockers, changing into the P.E. Uniform

Scythia Harlocke claps her hands together, her generous chest jiggling despite the sport's bra's best efforts to contain it. "Alright, it's your first day back, so I'm going to put you through the wringer a bit, first, the warm up exercise. Girls on this side, boys on that side."

Megan's been slacking over the summer - her breath goes short much more quickly than she'd expected. She ends up on hands and knees.

Scythia Harlocke pulls Megan back up to her feet, a bit too hastily as she plant's the girls face in her cleavage briefly along the way. "No slacking Young lady, I know what you can do, and it's better than this."

Megan staggers to her feet. "Yuh. Be'er inna week. Jus' gotta -" She goggles for a moment at the P.E. teacher's breasts right in her face and then stumbles back to the task.

Drake deals with the exercise easily enough, his martial arts training helping him out here

Scythia Harlocke guides the class through basic exercises, like vaulting and rope climbing. It's a tough exercise than most would give on the first day back, but she shows no mercy as she verbally whips the class back into shape. "And stop looking at my boobs Gregory! I'm watching you!" Said boobs are far from the only ones on display, though the dress code encourages modesty, by the end of the session everyone's in cloths made skin tight by sweat, leaving many a set on full display. This stretches to include the more athletic boys' muscles, especially Gregory's, on full display. But the open getting the most attention is Madison; her costume's (the one she lobbied the school into letting her wear all day to help the drama club captain 'get into character') open top is clearly not enough to hold her girls in.

Drake subtly enjoys the view as the girls get sweaty and the shirts get sticky. He makes sure never to stare at them though, only looking out of the corner of his eyes.

Looking to the clock, Scythia Harlocke calls, "Okay, that's all for today. Go take a shower and get some dinner. And Madison, if you show up in that outfit tomorrow, you get detention. No arguments young lady."

Drake is tired, sticky and desperate for a shower. Fortunately, the schedule was designed with that very thought in mind, so he gets to enjoy the hot water for a short time before cleaning himself off as quickly as possible. He totally ignoring the other males in the shared shower/change room. Though not all of them ignore him, he's gone before any can comment as he hurries out to go get dinner and head for the club rooms.

Cautiously, he enters the room labeled 'Tinker's Haven', unsure as to what he will find. Upon beholding the vast array of machinery, tools and raw materials available for club members to use, he genuinely smiles and mumbles "I'm going to like this club." Drake adamantly refuses to think about the other club he joined at this moment, as while D&D, Pathfinder, FATE and other systems are fun, right now he just wants to BUILD. 'Beyond the Dungeon can wait for today, as they are only just setting up a new campaign. I'll spend some time with them tomorrow to make a character and get to know everyone'

His mumbling is enough to get the attention of the only person in the room, the club captain Octavia. Smiling, she calls out to him, "Welcome. Let me show you around." Stepping forward, she grabs Drake by the arm and pulls him into the room., determined to show him the sights. "In this corner, Jack and Sam are making a Gyniod. They're been at it for over a year, and they have a left foot. I doubt they're going to get more. Here's the main supply dump, here's the tool racks, and I think you can tell that those are the work stations. Rules being what they are, you've got to build us something by the end of the month if you want to stay."

Drake takes a few moments to process her enthusiastic explanation before the latching on to the part that he might get kicked out. "Anything in particular needed, or just a nebulous 'something' is all I'll get?"

Octavia smiles as she answers, "Yep. No pressure, but it's got to be something good. It can be anything, though. Since folks call you drake, how about a dragon robot? a good quality sculpture would do, but that's more Moonbeam's fair."

It is at this time the door slams open to let in a just over four-foot woman in a slightly too big lab coat. "I hear we've got a new member. Where is he!?" She cries in a surprisingly deep and commanding voice.

Drake looks askew at the strange and possible mad women who literally just barged into the room, demanding information. Looking to the leader of the club, he ask, "Who is she?"

Octavia doesn't respond to Drake, but she does gently push him behind her as she addresses the strange woman. "Oh, Miss Alchimi, this is Jacob. He's the new recruit."

"........Hi." Drake manages to weakly force out.

Miss Alchimi's grin turns positively wicked as a menacing gleam fills her eyes. "So, you will the new test subject. You will help me test my new potions!"

Octavia steps forward indignantly as she tries to stare down the newcomer. "Ms. Abby, we've been over this, until they volunteer, no potions."

Undaunted, Miss Alchimi explains, "but he joined one of my clubs. That is volunteering, no?"

Octavia sighs, "No, it isn't! Please go back to your labs!"

"Fine. You, if you want extra credit, come to me and I'll help you out." Miss Alchimi walks out of the room.

Octavia turns to Drake, looking him dead in the eye, she issues him warning in the most serious tone she can, "Never take her up on that offer. Ever. You hear me?"

Drake is confused, but just nods

Drake shrugs off the odd encounter with the crazy teacher, and immediately claims a workbench for himself. Instead of rushing around grabbing materials, he simply grabs several sheets of design paper (which apparently are hardly ever used, given the amount of dust and detritus around and atop them) and begins to design. This occupies his entire attention the entire 'club time' period allotted, and by the end, he is happy with the rough idea he has planned out.

"Hey, um, what is your name?" Drake asks Octavia

"I'm Octavia. Octavia Anna Heaton."

Making a careful mental note of the name, Drake motions her over, "okay, Octavia, here's what I have planned. Is this good enough?" he asks as he shows her the 3/4 complete blueprints

Octavia shakes her head, "It's a little more than enough. Are you sure you'll have time?"

"I'm still fine tuning everything, but you can at least see the outline." Drake responds, confused by the question. "Uh, back in my old home I built something similar to this in about a month and a half with significantly less materials and tools. So it shouldn't be a problem."

Octavia looks uncertain. "If you're sure, I know I could get this done but few others could.

"Yeah, it won't be much of an issue. I mean we are allowed to work on our projects on the weekend, right?"

"Not many people do."

"Huh, I thought.... Never mind, as long as I'm allowed to use weekends to work on this, I should be finished it in two and a half, three weeks, barring any setbacks or delays."

Octavia nods, her reservations still present but giving Drake the benefit of the doubt. "Very well. I wish you luck"

Meanwhile, Megan Mabry slides into the Classics Corner, still achy from P.E. "I'll just sit over here with this." she says, finding a corner and pulling out a slim volume about Mesopotamian deities.

Maddox Merriwether, club head of Classics Corner nods, happy to let her read. It's what the club is for.

But the peaceful atmosphere is ruined as Rebecca "Candy" Turner walks into the club room. Well, not so much walks as struts her stuff, her high heels setting off every bit of jiggle she's got. It's a wonder she thinks she can keep her second job a secret with that walk. "Maddox, we've spoken before, but you've got to get the membership count up. You can't keep this if you don't work for it. and that applies to you too, Megan."

Megan looks up from her book. "But we just got back from summer break! And we have enough to keep the club on the roster, it's not like we're going to get broken up."

Rebecca leans forward, her clothes straining to keep her bust in line as she waggles a finger in Megan's face. "With that attitude, you'll not move until it's too late. Like the occult club and the ritual club. They said much the same to Mr. Iffies, you know, and now they're out of time."

Megan straightens as she rallies her thoughts. "Well, we haven't been kicking people out, so that's a problem those posers have that we don't. How are we even supposed to be trying to recruit people? Come on, we're the club where you can read about sex goddesses trying to horn in on the world's oldest gay ship and nobody cares?" She stiffens as she realizes what she's just said. Maybe it will... not be a thing anyone notices?

Rebecca "Candy" Turner gives Megan what can only be described as "The Look".

"Anyway, that's what I came here to say, though maybe I should be trying too hard to save this club. It might be good for you to not have this space, Ms. Mabry."

Megan's cheeks go red. "What? That is completely unfair! Come on I haven't even got into a big argument with anyone! Not even before summer! Why would you kick me out?"

Rebecca sternly shakes her head. "I'm not kicking you out, but if that's what you're reading in here, then I won't spend my time helping you out. You want this room, you can work to keep it." With that, Rebecca saunters her way back out of the club, pausing only long enough to say "good night" as leaves.

Megan Mabry truns to explain herself to Maddox, "But that's a real thing, it's in the Epic of Gilgamesh! Inanna comes to Gilgamesh, but he knows that kind of thing always ends badly so he leaves to go hang out with Enkidu. It's totally relevant!"

Maddox Merriwether looks world weary as he sighs, "You're not wrong, but she's gone, you know."

Abby: Storms over to the oven, headless of the pleas Zoelle reigns upon her to wait at least until they've made enough for the bake sale.

As Drake and Megan face their club's greetings, Tia claps her hands before her prodigious belly, standing just behind her technical 'leader' as she faces the rest of her own club. "Okay people, it's the first day of the semester and we know what that means!" she says with her usual cherubic smile.

"Bake sale, bake sale!" the other students all chant.

"That's right, it's the first bake sale of the year, to help fund our little home away from home!" she continues, her eyes twinkling.

Zoelle Wilson, The Baker's Dozen Head Chef's hands are on her hips, a fire building in her eyes. "Tia, I know you're eager, but I'm the one in charge, I make those calls. But yes, Ms. Alchimi blew up another oven over the break, so we need to run a sale to replace it. We have tools, equipment, and time, so just so long as Ms. Alchimi doesn't show up with a new recipe, we should be just fine."

Tia brakes out in a broad grin as she all but bounces in place. "Wonderful! All hail our commander in chef!The usual criteria will, of course, be in play!"

This is, of course, when the door crash into the walls, admitting the diminutive mad scientistAlbertyne "Abby" Alchimi into the room in her blazing fervor. "I HAVE MADE A NEW RECIPE!"

The omen of doom crosses Zoelle's face as she cries out, "Oh g-ds!"

Tia blinks as her speech is interrupted by her teacher's entrance, mourning to face the older scientist with her hands on her hips. "Now Ms. Alchimie, you know what we've discussed. No sharing recipes with the class until you've don animal testing!"

Abby pays the students as she hastily and forcibly gets baking. Amazingly, nothing explodes this time, and to Zoelle's relief, what comes out of the oven isn't the purple mass of the oven destruction, but cherry tarts. Her work done, she finally answers Zoelle's concerns. "That's fine, we're all animals after all! You can have the first one!"

Tia waddles up with a single upraised eyebrow and counters, "Animals that aren't students, Teacher." Abby turns to her with a grin, and the two begin to debate in earnest. A debate that ended with Tia agreeing to try a pastry, and no one quite understanding how.

As Tia eats it, a wonderful flaky crunch gives way to hot, melty, buttery goodness followed by a mix of sweet sugar and a tart cherry kiss. "Mm, yum! Good recipe!"Tia exclaims happily, but also prematurely as the sweet buttery goodness suddenly becomes cold lead in her stomach. Tia has had worse and is able to power through, but one thing is certain. They can't sell this. She spits out the second tart and adds, "Never mind, still needs work. Good try though. But seriously, use those lab rats I got you for Christmas, and test your recipes in them first. We can't afford another rumor about food poisoning from the teacher...again."

Abby stamps her foot indignantly. "But, they died from over eating! But I take your point."

Zoelle Wilson exhales, glad that the storm has passed as she gets the students to get back to work on the bake sale. With no more distractions, they are able to get a lot done. "Woo, good work Tia! We've made excellent progress! This weekend's bake sale may just be the best one ever! Now, everyone, go get some sleep! I need you all at your best tomorrow!" she exclaims as she ushers them out of the clubroom just in time to be greeted by the lights out warning sounds. They join with everyone else and make their way to the third floor.

Drake unpacks his clothing and effects, and after taking a quick shower before lights out, gets into bed and meditates for a bit to relax, climbing under the covers and passing out afterwards, tired, but hopeful that things will settle down tomorrow.

Megan makes a jury-rigged tent out of her sheets on the bed, then changes inside that. She also leaves the tent up as she goes to sleep. Having a nice cozy ceiling so close is so soothing...

Tia all but bounces up the stairs, full of energy after a pleasant afternoon working the ovens. Her roommates are already busy getting ready for bed, so she ignores them to throw herself onto her bed, making the springs creak dangerously. "Welcome back to heaven, Tia," she tells herself as she reaches under her bed to pull out a bag of chips. "Welcome back."

Three mighty tolls sound in the empty halls, a sound not heard before. Its presence is made all the stranger by the school's lack of a clock tower. The tolls carry enough force to mute cannon, but not one of the sleepers awaken. A select few, however, begin tossing and turning in their sleep, their dreams invaded by the sounds of creeping vines and rushing feathers. The sounds of the vines trying to digging into their minds, seeking to put down new roots, while the rushing feathers keep trying to push them back. As the night wears on, the vines seem to gain strength, and the feathers seem to be losing ground. The battle continues for hours, but just before the sun rises you see a man in your dreams. Or is it woman? You try to get a better look, but you can't. the only thing coming in clearly Is the blindfolded face, which rises and gives the feeling of looking you in the eyes through the cloth.


You hear, though there are no words, the face slowly lowering, tears dampening the cloth, staining it a dark crimson color.

Was that


A new day dawns, and it is time for Breakfast.

Drake wakes up, still groggy after both a poor night's sleep in an uncomfortable bed, and a very weird dream. He stumbles to the shower, cleans himself up, and gets dressed for the day, before meandering his way downstairs for breakfast.

Tia wakes up in a huff, left foul-tempered by a night of odd dreams. A quick shower cures most of her ills, and she is soon bounding down the stairs in a clean uniform, her usual quiet smile settled on her face.

Megan Mabry jolts awake in the darkness of her sheet-tent. She ransacks her still-packed belongings, pulling out a dogeared book and flipping through it even in the bustle of activity headed to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is huge, stocked with enough supplies for a student population three times its current size. It's large enough to hold almost the entire student population at the same time, and with the outside patio to share the load there is always plenty of room and spare sheets to share.

Tia is, as usual, one of the first people to arrive, and she wastes no time claiming a spot closest to the food.

Students pay a hefty fee for three square meals a day, and fortunately the school has a loose definition of what constitutes a 'meal'. Students are encouraged to take as much as they like, and so Tia wastes no time filling up her corner of the table with multiple trays of food, gorging herself with a speed that defies her spotless table manners.

She goes back for seconds as the other students start trickling in in earnest, and is working her way towards thirds when she spots 'Drake' in the crowd. "Drake!" she calls, giving him a wave. "Over here, over here!"

Drake pauses on the way to a vacant table, food in hand, before moving towards the strident voice of Tia. "Morning. Sleep well?" Drake mumbles as he begins to mechanically eat his food.

Megan continues flipping through the book on the way to joining the lunch line. Flowers and roots, that could be a lot of different things, that it was at the beginning of the dream means it's probably supposed to be an instigator... Distracted as she is, in such a busy place, she gets bumped by a passerby and reaches out to steady herself, shoving her hand directly into a plate of Tia's food.

Tia looks down at the mess, then up at the culprit. "I slept terribly, actually," she replies, raising an eyebrow at Megan. "Odd dreams, restless thoughts..."

"Ah, how rude of me," she continues, looking back down at Drake. "Drake, meet Megan Mabry, the girl who's infamous for weirding out the occult club singlehandedly."

Megan holds her hand away from herself, finally broken out of her focus on the book to instead look at the dripping food. "Yuck! Oh man, I'm so sorry I messed up your of your food. Plates."

"Hi." Drake manages to say, this is more female attention and social interaction than he's used to dealing with.

Tia sighs and says, "No offense taken, but you know the rules. Bring me a new plate, or I take one of yours."

Drake isn't really interested in the byplay going on, and continues to eat his boring, but healthy, meal.

Megan huffs in frustration, "I've just been trying to figure out what the dream I had last night was and didn't see you. Or anything really." She waves the book; it's titled 'Guideposts to Holistic Prophecy and Dream'. "And what do you mean weirded out! Egraar was being stupid about widdershins focus diagrams."

"Not taking sides, just saying the truth," Tia counters, her hands raised. "For what it's worth, I think Egraar was being oversensitive."

As the students, slowly poor into the cafeteria, there are a few who have clearly slept better than others. Out of the corners of their eyes, Megan and Drakenotice that Abner, who Megan knows is the Ritual Club Leader, is looking sickly, shaken and weak. This is normal, but today he's somehow looking even worse. Ioviflux, the occult club head, isn't looking much better. It might be because of their clubs, though. Drake also sees that some of the more fit looking students and a few others are looking a little shaky too.

"Now," Tia continues, oblivious to the other students as she focuses on Megan and her breakfast, "are you going to sit down, or are you going to get me a new plate? I don't want to keep talking up at you like this, you know?"

Megan notices Abner Silden and Ioviflux Egraar wobbling in. Must be having trouble with recruitment. Then she carefully sets the book on the table. "I'm going to go clean my hands. Can you keep an eye on this book for me while I'm gone? I was just about to look up blindfolds and blood."

Tia blinks, and says, "I'll watch the book, but I'm serious about that food. So, bring a plate on your way back, please."

"Sure, sure." Megan grabs a pile of paper towels and heads off to the bathroom, wiping off the worst as she goes. When she exits she heads to the lunch line and gets two meagerly outfitted plates. She returns to the table, putting one in front of... well, near the ones in front of... Tia, and slowly nibbles on the biscuit and cup of fruit on hers.

Ioviflux Egraar chooses that moment to apperate behind Megan and begin speaking. "You know, Widdershins is the proper way to do it. It's just that simple. We'll talk more later; last night's vision must be interpenetrated."

"Hello Ioviflux," Tia says as she pulls Megan's offering closer. "He's the leader of the occult club," she adds as an aside to Drake.

"Bit pompous, sometimes, but polite and well meaning."

Drake nods at the guy in the weird outfit, mouth full of food

Megan Mabry raises to Egraar's challenge, "Widdershins is for inverted callings, you still have to make them sunwise if you want to use your focus diagram for your own weal."

Ioviflux Egraar shakes his head pityingly. "We use the group's weal. Widdershins calls in collective power before directing it to our own designs."

Tia can see the fight brewing, tries to deflect it to sometime when she's not eating. "Good to know, Ioviflux, but I suspect that you two are the only ones who care about the details." She shoots them a smile to soften the sting, and continues, "It's the experts curse that they are ever alone in considering the journey; all others focus on the destination instead. Still, that's no reason not to be did you sleep, Ioviflux? Was it as tempestuous as mine?"

Megan cringes as Ioviflux describes the magical setting. "Listen, if you want to bring a curse and its threefold echo on yourself, that's fine, just... I'm out of the club, OK? None of that is mine. Just to be really clear. I'll get back to my dream readings, thank you. I was at... the blindfold, I think..." She grabs her book and opens it.

Ioviflux tired face lights up with a zealot's fervor. "Feathers and plants, noise and fury, the fallen one calling for aid, his sight blocked, our time is NOW! We must rip the blockage from his eyes, so that he may see the world! Megan, Please, do not stand in our way, we've work to do."

With that, the first bell rings, signaling that classes will soon begin. Everyone is now too busy finishing their meals to continue the conversations as they hasten to finish and get to class. but as they walk through the halls, something catches attention, but also doesn't. If you could think about it, your head would hurt, but fortunately it's trying to prevent you from thinking about it.

As Tia and walk through the halls, they could swear they could see the murals of "The Lady of the Rose" moving, the vines shifting, and did she just wink at them? On closer inspection, they are still as ever. Tia leans over towards Drake and murmurs, "I'm going to be honest, I'd swear that I just saw the Lady of the Rose, sorry the lady on the poster, moving."

Drake looks a little creeped out as he answers with, "same."

"Well then, this is going to be an interesting day, isn't it!" the portly chef says with a quiet smile.

They arrive in class mere seconds before Iffies, who gestures for them all to sit. "Welcome students to another new day were we shal-"

The sounds of the teacher's voice slowly fade from awareness, as the group's senses leave them as they fall, fall, fall, into the abyss.

"Welcome, my KINGDOM!"

The three of them awaken, restless, hours later, sweat dripping from their bodies as they find yourselves in the middle of the track field.

Looking around, the three of them notice that bushes have begun to grow in the field, prominent thorns glistening in the light. Megan and Jacob also notice the students running track aren't dressed normally. It's as if the dress code became much less discreet. They're running through the roses, dodging the bushes like they've been doing it for years. As you ponder just what is going on, you hear a wordless voice.

"My servants need forms more suited to my will."

Dark magics take root in their flesh, molding them into something new. Instinctively, they fight back, their will clashing with the lady's, but her will is great and terrible. It is all they can do to only just hold back the changes affecting them.

Megan's hair grows rapidly, filling out into beautiful locks that reach halfway down her back. This goes largely unnoticed as a sudden heat and pressure builds in her pants, growing and building on itself as new set of nerves wire themselves into her brain, leaving a trail of white fire in their wake. Megan goes to her knees, hands jamming themselves into her pants as they grab - something new. The brush of hands over her new sensitive flesh pushes her over the edge, and warm cum fills her panties while she whimpers softly.

As Megan raises her hands, she can see the liquid shimmering in the evening sun sink into her flesh, fuzz sprouting from where it was before growing into full on dark brown fur that covers her arms and hands. An old saying comes to mind.

Tia can feel herself growing, her hips, belly, and especially her ass expand as the ground gets further away. As she struggles to believe her eyes, her iris begins to burn, tears forming in her eyes. Once it stops, a glance in her phone's reflection shows that they are now a flaming purple. Actual dancing flame patterns in all shades of purple encircle her pupils.

Drake can feel his testicles burn, growing denser, firmer, more potent. His own scent thickens to the point that it's affecting him, his dick rising in his pant to answer the challenge of his own musk, growing hard, harder, and harder still. He can tell that it's never grown this size before without having to look, and it still growing. As it surges to its new size, the fire in his balls burns brighter, running up his full length in an explosive burst, nearly three times what he once could shoot and thicker than any load he's ever had before.