A battle of possession 2

Story by Vex on SoFurry

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#5 of The Life of Ven: a human slave

('ello there again! Another post. I was a bit tired writing this so it might not be so good, but I'm hoping you'll enjoy ^_^. Comments be loved. Oh and thanks to BabyDragon for my first fan letter! woot! Twas great! 18 and over please of course :P )

"Krista?" Rachel said, looking at the small army of furs heading towards them.


"We're pretty much fucked aren't we?"

Krista was silent at this, and she glanced around, trying to find something they could use. Then she spotted a tree that she could climb, one with thick branches that could hold her weight... A plan came to her mind now.

"Rachel, remember how we took on that pack of non-anthro wolves when we got cornered in the valley?" Krista asked as she pulled the bear girl towards the tree. "Yea you got up on a good sized boulder and shot all you could manage. The little that got to us I gave a knock on the head and they were out for the count," she replied, "but what does that have to do with anythi- oh I see!"

Krista grinned at her and scrambled up the tree, settling herself on a high branch and stringing her bow. Rachel tightened her gauntlets and got in a fighting stance. They were ready.


"Aww look at those little girls play." Mocked Shazeem as she saw Krista climbing up the tree. The anthro cheetah seemed quite please with herself, and wore a smug look on her face. However she didn't notice what he did. She didn't see the grin on the anthro wolf's face.

Ven noticed her smirk disappeared rather quickly when Krista starting picking off her troops.

One by one they fell with each arrow the beautiful wolf fired. Looking at her Ven saw her expression of fierce determination. She picked off ten men before they got to the tree but even then she was still winning. For as every soldier came forth Rachel came at them with a raised fist before they could so much as touch the tree.

He shook his head warily, all this fighting over him and he had no say in the matter. Though he'd rather be with the bounty hunters then with Shazeem. Something was so intriguing about the wolf girl, something that was like what his Ariona had.

"Stan, tell your troops to get their asses moving! Those bitches are actually starting to make a dent!" Shazeem howled. Stan nodded and yelled an order. All at once the troops started swarming over Rachel, their number over whelming her now. The men weren't armed, Shazeem usually only gave them real equipment in a time of war. They were big though and were reaching for the bear girl's neck as they pinned her down. Krista couldn't help her, she wouldn't be fast enough...

"GET OFFA HER!" Roared a voice from where the girls had come. Wielding a long slender sword a somewhat muscular jackal jumped from where the girls had been hiding and lashed at the men on top of the bear girl. His long dark hair whipped in the wind and his tight shirt strained against his body. He wore dark breeches and boots similar to what the females had. He came at Shazeem's men like a hurricane and screamed like a banshee, slashing the two on top of Rachel before they so much as fought back.

"Good to see ya Jared!" Panted Rachel, getting up as Jared covered her.

"Couldn't leave without saying good bye, it was a pain in the ass to track ya though. The king's commander won't be pleased; this blade was going to him."

"If he gives you any trouble money wise for it just put it on my tab."

"Don't I always?"

They grinned at each other and turned to face the remaining soldiers. Sword flashing and gauntlets gleaming.

Krista herself was now starting to get tired. She never had to shoot out this many targets before and her arms were growing stiff. She was determined to get the slave though. In her mind it was for the pride, but in her heart it was- no she couldn't think about that! She had to focus. She took her confusion out on the furs below her, launching arrow after arrow into thier bodies with new energy.

Shazeem was in shock. They had slaughtered three fourths of her army already. "STAN! Get Yittle! Have him fire at the wolf girl!" She commanded, smiling at her own brilliance. Stan nodded to Yittle and the hyena man yanked out a butcher's knife from his belt, taking careful aim...

"Oh no you don't!" Ven screamed and wrenched himself from Shazeem's grip, tackling Yittle to the ground. He wrenched the belt of knives away and ran into the battle, his feet beating against the ground.

"Jim! Get your bare ass back here!" He heard Shazeem call. He turned around, and she gasped. His face was contorted in fury, and suddenly his muscles didn't seem so fake anymore.

"I'm not your bitch anymore Shazeem," Ven thundered, "I'm no longer the slave who did whatever you asked, who obeys your every order. Ariona gave me back my soul, and you killed her! Until I avenge her, I'm not Jimmy-boy, Jimmy, or even James. No until then... call me Vengeance!"

He slipped his way through the troops, touching nerves and smashing heads then, finished with all he had to say. Shazeem stared, at a loss at what to do. Stan however came to his senses quick. "I hate to admit it but we're screwed here Shaz." He whispered, "We best be pullin' out now!" She nodded weakly, still confused.

Ven squeezed out from Shazeem's men and whipped around, his back to the tree the wolf was in, but the furs were leaving already. His anger flared but all he could do was let it simmer as his former owner walked off. He turned around to say "thank you" to the furs that saved him, but before he could he felt something smash into his skull, and he blacked out.


"Jared! What the fuck do you think your doing? Why did you smash your hilt into his head?!" screeched Krista, jumping from the tree and going to check on Ven. "What? I didn't know what you were doing with him, I figured you wanted to give him a bound and gag then get the reward for him." The Jackal protested. "That WAS the owner, it was a point of pride this time, not money," said Rachel, patting his back, "but it's appreciated anyway."

He shook his head in weariness. "My god, you took on an army for pride? You girls are fucking nuts!" Rachel simply grinned then kissed him. "Mmm...does that mean you don't want your reward for the help? I'm so grateful I'll even stick to one round since I know your package is probably still a bit tired." She whispered seductively.

He grinned and led her to his caravan, mentioning a large bed inside of it. "We can all settle in for the night, and then figure out what to do in the morning. Krista I hate to leave you out but am it alright if you and the human stay out here for an hour so me and Rachel have the bed to ourselves for a bit?" He asked.

Krista smiled and waved him off. "I'll be fine. I'll just wait here with this little guy and make sure he isn't too concussed." Jared nodded and they headed into his caravan. She had been telling the truth. She didn't know why but a part of her really did want to stay with this human all night and make sure he was alright. She shook her head hard. She didn't know him! Why was she so infatuated?

Sighing she laid his head in her lap and sang gently, thinking in her mind about what was to come the next day.


The bed was a nice mat, stuffed with goose feathers. "It's going to a nice duchess out in Kulok," Said Jared, "She wants her slaves to have good bedding." Rachel nodded then grinned, pushing him down on it.

"What I'M interested in is how much pressure it can take." She said, looking down at him hungrily. She pushed him on his back and began unstringing the vest he wore. Then tossing it aside she pressed her muzzle to his, kissing him fiercely while running her claws along his chest.

Breaking off the kiss with a deep breath she took off her own leather shirt, letting her well formed breasts bounce gently. Jared moaned and reached up, stroking the side of her breast, running his hands along the brown fur. She ran a hand through his dark, long hair and smiled toothily at him, now reaching for his pants.

Rachel moved away from his hand, slipping off his pants with a grunt. "As big as always." She whispered, taking the pink cock that was slipping out of its sheath into her hot, eager mouth. She licked at it gently; smiling as the rest of his cock slid out, rock hard.

The muscular bear girl then hooked her thumbs into her shorts and slipped them off, revealing her slit. She pulled Jared's under her, aligning his cock with her awaiting sex. Then she grinned wickedly at him, pushed her short, blonde hair back, and slowly lowered herself on the excited shaft.

They moaned together as she slipped his entire member in, not stopping until their stomachs touched. Then she placed her hands on either side of his head, and began pumping her hips, her muscled legs moving like pistons.

With every slam of their groin Jared moaned loud. Harder and harder she rode him, panting in pleasure. He slid his hips with hers, groaning as he felt his orgasm coming. Both he and Rachel came together, screaming loudly as their fluids flowed out. She kissed him deeply and lay next to him, snuggling against him gently, then falling asleep.

Jared sighed unhappily. He just had great sex, sure, but he would have to leave tomorrow. How he managed to get the affection of someone as great as Rachel he would never know. Silently he wished for someone better than him to be with her, someone who would give her the attention she needed. He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts he didn't even notice Krista and Ven coming to lie in the bed as well.


"You said your name was vengeance now, huh little one?" Krista whispered to his comatose form, "Well I'll be here for you when you wake up Vengeance, and I'll help you out. Don't worry." She then lifted his body up in her arms and brought him to the caravan. Nodding curtly at Jared she laid him down and rested close, hugging the human to her body as she slept. This was going to be awkward when he woke up... but she slept blissfully unaware, a smile on her wolfen face.