Dusty Road Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#42 of Short Stories

A skunk wanders the blasted landscape looking for something.

~ The skunk's motorcycle kept up its loud croon of a rumble as he made progress along what was left of the main roadway across the region. All in all, the trip had been going well so far. Though his saddle bags were nearly emptied of the nutri-bars, medicines, and novels he'd brought out for barter, the concealed hollow in the fuel tank contained a chunk of the processing core out of one of those drones that went down some months earlier.

~ He occupied his mind with a recollection of the rest station he'd most recently stopped at, "...if the birds call that stuff coffee, no wonder they lost the war..."

~ Spotting the rusted out hulk of a landmark he'd been advised of, Nathan consulted his watch and nav-stat in turn as his expression settled into a calm smile. He'd make the salvage settlement where he hoped for a lead on another drone's memory core before nightfall easily. The motorcycle seemed to rumble a bit more calmly as he let off the throttle and settled into a more relaxed pace.

The Priest is Summoned (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The foundry was, as it was most any time of day, a place of heat and learning. The priests who worked here found a place where they could push themselves, the materials, and their faith to the limits. Priest Garmeny carefully navigated the compact...

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Possum Laundry (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The possum paused in his transfer of clothes from washer to the basket, the sounds of the laundromat all around him. One red tinted sock. One perfectly blue tinted sock. Confusion was afoot, but the possum steeled himself to the task at hand. ~...


Fennecs are Short (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The gas station smelled strongly. She couldn't quite untangle the mess of odors, but the fennec was pretty sure that stale coffee, burnt hot dogs, cheap cigs, and some amount of milk were the prime constituents. She looked over the six pack of beers...

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