Chapter 28: Finding Some Potentials. - Part 1

Story by rsareal on SoFurry

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#31 of D.M.O.N.

First off I don't own any chars in Digimon Series or any other names or nicknames, however I do own chars named Al, Soul, and Sarah. I apologize first hand if there are spelling and grammar errors since my English is second. I try to make it 50% furries but please note that EVERY DIGIMON SERIES HAS AN INTERACTIONS WITH HUMANS whether they were outside or inside the Digivice, so with appreciation: please no whistle cause I hate rewriting the whole story again. And If I got one more whistle in this album I will stop writing until further notice.Anything else, please enjoy.

Chapter 28: Finding Some Potentials. - Part 1

Kari, Jake and Al left the arcade and rest up at the food court. All of them are having some headache after playing the arcade with Glitches incident. Jake is commenting about the incident. "Do all people have a headache after playing that game?"

"When there are Glitches, then yes." Kari replied.

"Not me, I got tired after the Glitches incidents." Gatomon replied with a yawn inside the D - Server.

"Looks like I've jump to a next level. My back's hurt." Al grunted feeling his sore back.

"Really, where does it hurt?" an unfamiliar voice asked Al. Al raised his head to looked at his surroundings and found no one.

"Where are you...?" Al asked.

"I'm inside the Digivice, remember?"

Al took his Digivice and looked at the inside. He saw another Digimon almost similar to Ken's Wormmon or is it really his. "Wormmon, how did you get in there?"

"Wormmon...? Right, I completely forgot how gullible humans are." The Wormmon comments inside the Digivice.

Al somehow recognized the tone of Wormmon. "Soul, is that you?"

"The one and only, who do you think it was?" Soul the Wormmon answered with a smile.

"Soul, you've evolved."

"Really, I never knew that I have evolved." Soul looked at his own body. "No wonder, you have mistaken me with Ken's Wormmon."

"That is why names are important." Al commented with a smile.

"Let me see." Gatomon asked and Kari replied by taking the D - Server and put the screen into view. She rubbed her chin. "He is quite a healthy fellow, Al."

"Thanks, Gatomon." Al smiled from his sore pain. "By the way, must we write these incident reports?"

Kari gave him a give up look. "Anyone who patrols in the arena must write the report because every day the Glitches always appear in the arena."

"I never heard that before." Jake protested.

"That's what happened when we encounter the Glitches. We have to write a report so Gennai will research it."Al explained.

"I understand, but all of us?" Jake asked grumping.

"Not quite... Only one person that will write the report since that person is leading the patrol team." Kari explained which gave Kari, Jake, and Gatomon looked at Al grinning.

Al saw it and annoyed. "Don't you dare looking at me like that!" Al warned. "The one who suggested it was Ms. Kari. So she is the one who wrote the report."

"That is true, but you're the acting leader of the Junior Destinies." Kari stated with a grinned which gave Gatomon a sly grin as well.

"Aw... No fair." Al protested.

All of them except Al laugh for his childish acted which makes Al grumpy. "If you want to be a leader, you have to act like a leader." Kari said after her laugh died out.

"As if I have a choice," Al said in sarcasm.

"Tell you what, how about I treat you a dinner?" Kari bribed him.

Al wanted to say no at first but his stomach growling in hunger. 'Stupid stomach, you gave her your own weakness.' "Fine, I'll have a double deluxe supreme burger set at Burger Queen. And some fruits will do nicely for Soul."

"Alright, could you keep an eye on Gatomon?" Kari asked him and he replied by taking the D-Server and held it tight. Kari left to order some food and Jake followed.

"You feed him fruits all this time?" Gatomon asked.

"He asked for it and I comply. I see that he is enjoying it." Al answered.

"He is right. I tried the food vender and it's tasteless so I asked Al some fruits and I like it." Soul explained.

"You got a point. We never like that food either. So Al, is name really important to him?" Gatomon asked.

"To me it's important. Just now, I have mistaken Soul with Ken's Wormmon."

"Good point but it never happened to us because we always stick around with our partner."

"I guess you are right. I'm sorry Gatomon, Soul."

Soul shook his head. "It's all right, Al. I don't mind and besides, having a name is cool though."

"Out of interest, if I want to have a name, what will I have?" Gatomon asked in interest.

Al smiled at that question. "If you must know, giving a name is the hard part."

"Al asked me with names he can think of and I have to choose one." Soul explained to her. "Unless if you have one in mind, of course."

"I don't have names yet, and I don't think I need it."

"How about Lite, that name really suits you perfectly."

"True but that name is already taken."

"Not a problem, many people have that name. The only problem is that they were mistaken."

"Then Lite it will be, if I want to."

"Then I will be Takeo, because it rhymes with Takato." Guilmon stated from behind. Al was surprise and looked behind him. He saw Takato with Kari and Jake bringing the food tray. Al didn't see Guilmon around which means he is inside the D-Server.

"Jeez, Guilmon, I really hate it when everyone sneaks up behind me." Al protested which gave him laughs from others.

Kari brought his order and fruit salad for Soul but he can't eat it here so it have to be packed. Al enjoys his soft drink and the fries and Jake enjoys his coffee and doughnuts. They were discussing about today's incident which gave Al a back slap from Takato for a job well done. Al yelled in pain while Kari, Jake, Gatomon and Soul laugh. Takato wondered why and Kari explained to him which gave an apologetic face to Al.

Al was been driven home by Kari. Once he is inside the house, he released Soul from the Digivice. Al explained to Sarah that Soul has evolved into Wormmon after giving another heart attack. Al told her that he brought food for Soul and him which gave him a disappointed face from her. He didn't want to make her sad so he stashed the burger to the fridge and enjoyed the dinner together.

After enjoying his dinner, he wrote a report about the incident and submitted to Kari in the morning including the homework he had done. Al was told to do a medical check up again to see the damages the Glitches caused and turns out nothing except a good physical health. Kari gave a special gift for Soul from Gennai and it was a slot special for his Digivice so Soul can join the game without any problem.

At home, Al starts to plug the new slot and placed the Digivice to it. Al also put his Digivice game and logged in. Inside the game, Al stretched out his claw for relaxing and looked around the city. A Wormmon approach him with a happy face. Al recognized that happy face, it was Soul.

"Soul, looking good except your body is bigger than Minomon." Al commented.

"I am and I'm happy with it. So, where should we go first?" Soul stood his pride.

"Well, since you are still a beginner, I think we should go hunting to increase your level."

"How do we do that?" Soul asked and Al helped him out.

"There, come on lets go to the portal." Al invites Soul to the hunt. But he was stopped by a SnowAgumon and a Guilmon. Al didn't recognize them at first, but after seeing the red eyes, black armband and jade green eyes, he knew who they are. "We meet again Zero, GreenGuilmonX. How is everything?"

"Green told me everything about yesterday. Everything is okay thanks to you, except I had a major headache." Zero replied.

"That's good to hear. I'm sorry that I hit you hard back then." Al sighs in relief.

"On the contrary, I am the one who should apologize for hitting you real hard." Zero lowered his head to avoid eye contact.

"There is no need for that. I'm doing what is right to me even it means got smashed to the ground." Al grunted in pain if he was reminded about that incident. Then he looked at Zero's body and spotted a small Glitch fragment on his chest.

"But how can we repay you?" GreenGuilmonX asked.

'Oh no, the glitches is still inside his body.' Al said in thoughts. "There is no need for both of you to repay me. I'm just doing my job, nothing more, nothing less."

"But we insist." Zero said forcefully.

"Alright, if you insist, would you help me to raise this new kid that I just meet?" Al asked and showing Soul to them.

"Al...!" Soul yelled in whispers.

"It's all right, just play along okay." Al whispered back.

"Add us to your group." Zero asked.

Al did what he was asked by inviting them to the team and then headed to the Loop Swamp. The area is pure damp like a swamp with some dry land. The waters were divided with shallow and deep which acted as a road and wall. To make it more confusing, the area had several whirlpools that acted as a passage to different area. The area consist mostly aquatic type and insect/plant type.

Al and the team were helping Soul leveling up by slaying every clone monster they see. Al also intend on leveling up the status by evolving and devolving every time his level reached its limits.

Al and the team are taking a break at one of the dry land. Al and the rest are starting to chat together and found out they were on the same situation like him especially GreenGuilmonX, of course exclude the hate of human part.

Zero saw that Soul is very attach to Al very much. "He likes you very much."

Al didn't know what Zero meant at first but he knew what he means. "Yes, he is my little brother after all."

"Your brother, tell us more how do you met him?" GreenGuilmonX asked.

Al made up the story about how he met which of course gave a small laugh from Soul. They bought for the lies and congratulate Soul for having a great brother. The team is about to continue the hunt again when suddenly, Zero starts trembling.

GreenGuilmonX and Soul saw his trembled body. "Is there something wrong?" GreenGuilmonX asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing." Zero lied while relaxing himself. Al remembered that there are Glitches fragments planted inside his PC. He looked at the Glitches and saw that the Glitches shaken. He felt something bad will happen and just to be cautious, he called for help that Glitches will show up at Loop Swamp.

The team continued forward to the deep of the swamp. Al told Soul to stay close to him. Al looked at his surroundings to see the anomalies. 'None so far.' Al looked again at Zero and the fragment shaken really hard. Finally what he feared has come, he saw the anomalies distortion. One of the toads-like Digimon that had a horn or similar to tuba was blurry and had red eyes like he saw at Tokomon. 'Oh no... the Glitches was closer than I thought. Better get the rest to safety.' "Soul, I sense danger here, we should leave this place immediately." Al told Soul through whispers which frighten Soul. "I'm bored, let's go hunt elsewhere." Al suggested to the others.

GreenGuilmonX nodded to Al's suggestion, but Zero is looking elsewhere. "What the heck is that?" Zero asked which caught Al's attention.

"What is what?" Al asked him and he saw that Zero is looking straight at the infected monster.

"That red eyes and blurry vision on Geckomon?" Zero asked again still focusing the infected Geckomon.

"You can see it...?"


That's it for this chapter. Again the plot gets weirder and weirder for me. I hope the results were good. I do accept any comments or critics. Also I thank you for those who fave, watch, and rate the stories so far. I also thank to those who help me to make this a great story series.

Chapter 29: Finding Some Potentials - Part 2

First off I don't own any chars of Digimon series or any names that involved in this story. However, I do own Albino and Soul in this story. I apologize first hand if there are spelling and grammar errors since my English is my second. The stories...

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Chapter 27: Determination! Altered Evolution!

First off I don't own any chars in Digimon series or any name that include in the story, however I do own Albino/Al. I apologize first hand for any spelling or grammar errors since my English is my second. This part of the story contain 100% pure...

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Chapter 26: Arena Patrol - Part 2.

First off I don't own any chars in Digimon series or any name that involved in this chapter, however I do own a char by the named Al/Albino/Alphonse. I apologize first hand if I had grammars and spelling errors because it's my second. Once...

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