Birthday Dragon

Story by Kargrash on SoFurry

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#17 of Stories for others

A gift for my sweet dragon pup over on FA.

Birthday Dragon

Marto yawned and shifted slightly in his bed, the light shining through his window making him stir. "Mmm it's too early." He muttered and reached up to close the blinds a bit better before closing his eyes again rolling over in bed. He rumbled softly as he nodded off, the next time he opened his eyes the world was dark, when he tried to move he found his body held snug in a warm fleshy tunnel. "Hello?" He sniffed about catching a familiar scent before hearing the big bear speak.

"Happy birthday pup." Rider said lightly clenching his doughy rump cheeks over his pup's head. "Mmm I hope you are cozy back there." He teased before slipping a paw down into the back of his shorts to start rubbing over his pup's head.

"I was supposed to work today." He said with a soft yawn only to yip when the big bear's paw pressed his head inside, he'd blush and wiggle as the warm musky flesh pulled him in deeper into the big bear's bowels.

"If your boss is angry I'll handle it and if I can't make him see reason I'll see if spending a few days under a polar bear's butt might change his attitude." He said with a chuckle while patting over the small bulge his pup made on his gut.

Marto wiggled a bit to tease before settling down as the big bear walked him along, the thump of the bear's foot steps and the gentle throb of Rider's pulse nearly had the dragon snoozing again before his eyes would open wide at the sound of a loud metal door opening up followed by the sounds of folks on rides. "Where are we?" He yelled out to be heard.

"I brought you to the fair so you could see your other papa today." Rider chuckled as he made his way through the fairgrounds, more than a few folks were eyeing him up looking for the 'prize' label on him as he made his way to the fun house.

"Papa Kiros is here today?" Marto asked only to yip when he felt the warm fleshy walls start to push on him easing his head free from that musky pucker only to spot the hefty tanuki seated in front of him, his vision framed by fatty white furred cheeks.

"Hello pup." The tanuki leaned in and gave the dragon a kiss on the lips "Hehe well now that you are here." He tapped the ground making a large table pop into existence with a cake on it "Happy birthday pup." Kiros smiled and gently pulled on his pup.

"Aww papas." Marto blushed and wiggled as he was freed and helped into a seat, that like the table had popped into existence when the tanuki willed it. He looked over the large cake. "I don't think I can finish all of that." He chuckled softly as candles sprouted up on it before lighting themselves.

After a quick song of 'Happy Birthday' Rider leaned in"Go ahead and blow out your candles sweetie and make a wish." He said before taking a seat next to Kiros.

Marto wiggled slightly in his seat, looking over the large cake. He took a deep breath before starting to blow, at first nothing seemed to happen but as the last of his breath washed over the flames the erupted with candy confetti making him eep lightly to catch some.

Kiros quickly sliced up the cake and dished up some for the three of them before handing two tickets over to his pup. "An I know you are supposed to play the game for em but I figured since it's your b-day I can give you two freebies. Hope ya have some fun with them." He teased.

The three quickly finished up their slices with Marto peeking over the two prize tickets of Dave and Ryan. "Um who am I looking for, for these?" He asked while trying to memorize the names.

"Ryan is a big croc fella, he looks all gruff but he's a big sweetie, like your papa bear. Dave is a charizard, a big dragon fella just like our birthday pup." KIros smiles and moved to give his son a kiss on the lips "Now if they both somehow turn out not to be any fun we can arrange for ya to spend some time in us." Kiros teased lightly.

Marto's muzzle was a soft orange color from his blushing as he got up. "I think I'll go find out." He said having spotted the big croc in a speedo and darted towards him his heart racing slightly as he approached the large fella. He went to sneak in a grope on the croc's rump only to yelp when he found himself pressed against that large scaly back as a large warm belly pressed against his back.

"Looks like you got a bit of a fan their Ryan." The figure said while grinding against the dragon.

"Oh it feels like I do Dave." Ryan smirked and starts to grind his rump back against the little dragon. "Though I wonder if he won any games."

"I-I got a ticket for you Ryan... and Dave?" Marto asked while peeking up to see the big charizard peeking down at him while he held up both tickets.

"So should we tease you one at a time or do you want to play with us together hm?" Dave asked while lightly grinding and smooshing his big belly against Marto's frame.

Marto's face was a bright orange as he blushed looking between the two. "I can have you both?"

The two chuckle "I think we have our answer." The croc reached back to grip the dragon to his backside as he started to walk. "Just this way and we will see about getting you teased and pleased proper." Ryan said with a grin.

Marto buried his face against the croc's back as he was hoisted up and carried along against that well rounded rump, only to let out light meeps when his own rump would be groped and teased by the following charizard.

"Hehe you look like you are gonna be a lot of fun to play with." Dave said leaning in to steal a kiss or two from the dragon's lips while Ryan lead them into a shed like room that was padded on all sides. "I got the door." Ryan said slamming it shut leaving the three in privacy.

"So what do you want to do first hm? wanting to have a bit of fun?" He asked while shaking his rump at Marto after letting go of the dragon. "Or do you just want to get into a belly or the like?"

Marto wiggled as he looked between the two "Maybe both? have you both go for me to try and stow me away and see who wins?" He shifted a bit more as the two ease out of their speedos, he'd lean in to give Ryan's rump a light nuzzle only to yip when something hard would prod his rump and force his head between those cheeks.

"I think I got what he's looking for." Dave said with a chuckle as he started to push a little more, working his quickly stiffening cock up and into Marto while pushing the smaller dragon's head up and into the croc's pucker.

"Hehe I got it too." Ryan said with a wide grin as he starts to grind back working all but the dragon's legs and tail up into him. "But let's make sure he is ready to blow before he goes inside." He said teasingly as he started to rock his hips working Marto in and out of his rump again and again with the help from Dave's thrusting.

Marto moaned and licked about in the warm fleshy passages he was being worked in and out of, squirming and panting as his own length started to throb heavily. He'd clench and wiggle a bit to tease the charizard back only to feel the beads of pre dribbling into him. "I-I donno h-ow long I'll last." He panted out.

Dave chuckled and started to buck and thrust harder working the little dragon in and out again and again before pushing in deep and starting to cum, his thick warm mess filling Marto's gut while he hugged tight to Ryan. "Mmm he is so tight."

"hehe only you would know at this point. " The croc said with a grin his own length dribbling pre onto the ground before he'd pull forward, clenching his cheeks to pull the dragon of the charizard's length.

Marto moaned as his rump was slowly pulled off the larger dragon's length his own spent length pressed against his belly by the fleshy walls as he accepted where the croc was pulling him in to. Only to yelp when he felt his feet and tail tip being shoved into somewhere moist.

"Who said I'd let you take him hm?" Dave said with a grin before thrusting hard, easing his length up and into the croc while is slowly slurrped Marto down and into it, the musky rump flesh doing it's best to try and grip and keep the dragon in him but to no avail.

"Oh hey you made a mess in him he should be mine now." Ryan chuckled before leaning back to relax in the dragon's embrace letting his passenger slide out of him. He'd let out a light moan when he felt the dragon's paws reach around to rub over his length, causing him to shudder and spurt a bit of pre into the air.

Marto shuddered and wiggled on his way down into the mess soaked insides of the larger dragon's cock the slimey walls lightly clenching and squeezing over his form as he slipped inside giving a few soft kisses on the fleshy walls around him before he'd slip fully out of the croc's rump. He softly rumbled and started to relax, his musky scent and warmth causing him to stir a bit before nodding off inside.

Marto woke with a soft yawn lightly wriggling and feeling about, expecting the tight warm flesh that he had fallen asleep to, only to yip and open his eyes wide when he felt paws rubbing over his sides and back. He blinked a bit before getting a good look at the four staring down at him, Kiros, Ryan, Dave and his papa bear, all rubbing him over. "Hehe I guess I slept the rest of my tickets up hm?" He said only to meep as they all stepped in closer to smoosh him between their bellies.

"You did, but your papa bear here asked if I'd like to stop by after work to visit ya. Can't say no to the bear that trained me." Dave said with a grin as he leaned in to steal a kiss from Marto's lips.

Ryan chuckled "and I visit Kiros' spa often enough, if you want to swing by sometime. I'd be happy to eat ya." the croc said with a grin.

Rider smiled and gently pulled his pup up from between their bellies. "Mmm now was that a better birthday than spending it at work?"

Marto nodded and blushed, his mind already whirring with questions and ideas before yelping at a grope to his rump.

"We'll see you around birthday boy." Dave said before wrapping an arm around Ryan to walk off with leaving the bear and tanuki to hug their pup tight.

Rider smiled before sweeping Kiros into his arms their pup rested on the tanuki's belly. "Hehe it's time to head home I think." He rumbled stealing a kiss from Marto's lips as he carried them home.

Marto blushed and held tight to Kiros' belly, sinking slightly into the soft doughy gut, he perked his ears up at the sound of the front door opening only to yip when Kiros was dropped into bed.

"We hope you had a wonderful birthday sweetie." Kiros said before pulling in Rider to lay on him to smoosh their pup tight between their bellies, the light wriggles slowly turning to a soft rumble as they got cozy for the night "We love you sweetie."