The Practice Pony

Story by StrangeBreed on SoFurry

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#3 of Royal Punishment

Another chapter in the Royal Punishment saga for hunterkiller725 featuring his pony Hunter as he continues to wreak havoc with the lives of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. In this chapter he finds himself looking for a pony to practice his stallion breaking skills on, which only leads him to everyone's favourite big red beauty, Big Mac!

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of 18. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


Hunter let out a content sigh as he lay sprawled out on a giant bed, its comfortable form as fancy as could be. It was well furnished and lined with the finest silk, the dark red pony feeling right at home sprawled across the bed. There was a constant slurping sound that would ring out from behind him, the stallion letting out a few grunts and groans as the source of the sound continued its diligent work. His long pink mane was sprawled out over the sheets as he lay on the silk covers, his grin wide across his face. "I think I may be staining your sheets right now" he commented as he kept grinding his throbbing length against the bed.

"It's alright, they can always be washed Sir" the voice that spoke was kind, almost angelic.

Hunter let out another gasping groan as the slurping sound returned, the mare behind him resuming the gentle use of her tongue. "You're getting really good at that!" Hunter complimented the other pony, wiggling his rump so her tongue could slide deeper inside him.

"It-it's my pleasure Sir!" the mare said in response, her cheeks rosy red as she continued to plunge her tongue deep into the stallion's rear end.

Hunter reached back with a hoof and pushed her tighter against his rump, her muzzle nestled gently between his cheeks as she slurped her tongue up and down against the surface of his pucker, occasionally plunging it all the way back in and moving the slippery muscle in a smooth circle. "Such a good ass eater my little princess," he said as he looked back, loving how Cadence looked with her face in his flank, "You make the perfect slave!"

"Th-thank you Sir!" she replied graciously, contently worshiping the stallion's rear with her lips and tongue.

Hunter looked around once more at his surroundings, still finding it hard to believe he was able to claim the royal bed chambers as his own. He had claimed Princess Cadence as his own personal slave, the royal mare now demoted to a simple play thing for him. Her husband was furious with the situation, especially on nights such as this when he was unable to enter his chambers until Hunter was done with his wife. It was primarily her kingdom however, the monarchy leaving as the primary member of the hierarchy. Shining Armor greatly regretted ever having involved himself with Hunter. The pony had originally been under punishment for the damage in his shipments for the kingdom, but Shining's choice in punishment had more than come to bite him in the ass, Hunter having turned it around on the stallion and stolen his wife from him. There was little he could except keep his post, and savour what little times he still got to spend with his wife.

Hunter let his mind stray as he lay on the bed of the royal chambers, Cadence still lapping at his rear as he sighed and moaned, "You know... I'd really like to fuck your husband sometime... return the favour!"

"Mmm, you should," the mare said with a sigh, a long strand of saliva trailing between her lips and the stallion's asshole, "He's not used to it, so I'm sure his ass would be nice and tight for your cock Sir!"

"Mmm, that it would," Hunter agreed with his slave's sentiment, his tail swishing about as her tongue dived back up his rear, "I really wanna give it to him good though, make sure he really remembers it!"

Cadence kept slurping her tongue along Hunter's backside before offering some advice, "Maybe you could practice with me."

Hunter chuckled at the thought, "Though I'd love to pound that lovely ass of your any day, I'd rather practice with a strong stallion like Shining, really learn how to work their prostate." He paused to moan deeper as the mare wiggled her tongue in quite deep, "Fuck you're good at that!"

Cadence grinned as she kissed his pucker once more, keeping her lip sealed to his pucker for a lingering moment before adding, "Thank you Sir... you know, I may have a stallion in mind."

Hunter's eye raised slowly at her words, "Oh really?"

"Mmmhmm," she half replied, half moaned, tickling the depths of his tailhole with her tongue once more before pulling out to speak more, "His name is Big Mac, lives in Ponyville..."

"Strong like your husband?" Hunter asked, invested in the details of the other pony his slave spoke of.

She grinned back at the stallion, "Stronger!"

"Stronger? Than your husband?" Hunter sounded quite impressed, still wiggling his butt all over the princess' face, "This I'd like to see..."

Cadence continued to moan and sigh between each smooth slurp of her tongue, giving her master an offer as she took short breaks for a breath, "I can tell you how to find him, mmm, you can t-take our private train, straight away if you'd like."

Hunter nodded with a long sigh, getting up to his hooves a moment later, "That's my girl!" He looked between his legs at his own hair shaft, his cockhead flared up somewhat with precum dripping from its slit, "Look how hard you got me!"

Cadence licked her lips as she looked over his length, grinning up at him, "We should take care of that Sir!"

Hunter grinned ear to ear as he stepped around behind the mare, sniffing around her flank to catch the strong scent of her arousal, "Yes we should!" He slowly lifted his legs up over the mare's shoulders, carefully mounting her. His thick cockhead pressed against the damp slit of her pussy, wedging itself in inch by inch into her tight warm sex, "Mmm, fuck, you're tight as ever I see!"

Cadence nipped her lip as the stallion started to thrust in and out of her, his entire length pounding down hard, "I-I like to keep myself tight for your pleasure Sir!"

Hunter ginned as he continued to thrust wildly into the mare, his long pole flesh forcing her pussy to spread for its magnificent size, "Good girl, you're certainly done a good job at it!" His cockhead continued to flare as more and more precum drizzled from his slit into the mare's soft inside, Hunter nipping his lip as he spoke once more, "Fuck, after all that rimming I may not last too long today my slave!"

"It's alright Sir," Cadence moaned, grunting lightly from the painful stretching that the stallion's shaft was causing, "Your pleasure is all that matters!"

Hunter grinned down at the mare with a twisted smile, rutting hard into her pussy until his cockhead had fully flared, "Th-that's my girl!" He was only able to give a few more rough slides into the mare before the slit on his cock fired its full load, painting the mare's royal womb white.

Cadence sighed softly as she felt the stallion's cock throb inside her, more squirts of cum quickly painting the inside of her in his thick seed. "Th-that was wonderful Sir! Thank you."

Hunter let out a gentle exhale as he lay himself down, resting with his flared cock still buried in the mare's snatch, "You're very welcome." He paused for a moment as the two enjoyed a brief afterglow, eventually returning to their subject from earlier, "I may need to take you up on that offer my little play thing..."

Cadence nuzzled Hunter's side as she responded in a gentle tone, "For the train to Ponyville?"

The stallion nodded, "Yeah, I may have to meet this stallion you told me about."

Cadence chuckled as she began to tell Hunter more, "Yes he's quite the specimen... and I know he likes stallions. It likely wouldn't take much force to get him to... play nicely. Plus, he knows my husband... quite well."

Hunter raised his eyes as he nodded slowly, "Good to know." Hunter slowly got to his hooves when his cock finally softened enough to slide out of the mare, the stallion taking a long stretch as he stepped off the bed of the royal chambers, "I have to prepare for my visit then."

Cadence nodded, "Yes Sir, return to me before you leave and I'll give you some items that may help."

Hunter smiled as he approached the door to the chambers, "Alright then, see you soon my pet." Hunter stepped through the doors and made his way down the hall, a sadistic grin returning to his face as he saw Shining Armor passing by. He looked up to him for a brief moment before looking away in disgust and anger, his body shaking with rage as Hunter spoke to him in passing, "She's ready for you now!"

It was such a horrible thing to say, the stallion giving the prince permission to see his princess. The whole thing was just wrong, the stallion feeling helpless in his own home. He was grateful for any time he still got to spend with his wife however, and quickly rushed towards his bed chambers. He looked rather happy as he entered the room, seeing his wife once more. The state she was in however, quickly soured his expression, a look of defeat on his face as he saw his wife somewhat disheveled. Her hair was matted, fur untidy, and the obvious scent of sex lingering off of her. "Hello honey!" Cadence said quite lovingly as she saw her husband, the stallion slowly approaching her up on the bed.

"How are you doing my dear?" Shining Armor asked softly, trying to wear a smile despite feeling absolutely humiliated. His wife was no longer his, instead a possession of some interloper.

"I'm doing wonderful" his wife replied softly, reaching in for a kiss. Shining Armor graciously accepted it, but quickly regretted the decision as their lips locked. Her tongue lingered over his, the two slippery muscles intertwining. Saliva wasn't the only thing passed back and forth, as the flavour of her previous acts were made obvious. He could tell Cadence's tongue had previously been up Hunter's ass, the single act of devotion now just another reminder of his place. Shining tried to hold back a heavy sigh as he kept kissing his wife, wearing a weak smile when the kiss broke. "Hey hon..." Cadence said as she slowly turned, raising her flank in the air to show off her cum dripping pussy, "I think Hunter left you a little treat!"

Shining gulped anxiously as he fought back more rage, letting out a grumbled, "Great." He was obedient however as it was one of the few ways he could be with his wife in that way, his lips slowly reaching for her pussy and pressing to it tightly. He slowly ran his tongue along her wet folds, the tip of his tongue lingering over its surface. He dug his tongue deeper as he was treated to more of her lovely taste, her sweet feminine scent something he had been desperately missing in his life. He dug his tongue in to enjoy what he could, whilst swallowing a growing amount of cum from the other stallion. It was thick, sticky and salty, Shining Armor whimpering as the flavour became slowly overpowering. "You taste so good!" he whimpered as he tried to focus on her taste alone, barely able to as more and more of the stallion's seed entered his mouth.

Cadence simply held a hoof to her husband's head as she kept him locked over her dripping sex, loving the sounds he made as he was forced to swallow her master's seed, "Good boy, that's it." Shining Armor closed his eyes as he simply lapped away at his wife's sex, shuddering as he heard her utter one last set of words, "Soon you will learn to love this!"


It was getting late the next day when Hunter finally arrived in Ponyville, the devious stallion approaching Sweet Apple Acres with a freshly packed back in tow. Sure enough the handsome red stallion was still hard at work, carrying with him a large wheelbarrow to catch apples that fell from each tree he kicked. His sisters were already in the house as he would often be the one to work the latest, the sun clearly starting to set on the horizon as he worked away.

Hunter slowly approached the pony with a longing stare, watching as his big, thick legs continued to collide against the trees around him. A good pile of apples would fall each time, the stallion making sure to catch all her could before kicking once more. Big Macintosh made rough grunts each time he kicked his powerful legs, rump shaking and tail swishing from the force. Hunter grinned from the sounds and sights the powerful stallion was giving him, the devious pony stepping closer to get a better look. Big Mac was so busy he could barely even sense the presence of the other pony slowly approaching him. Hunter got just close enough to creep behind the stallion, leaning up on his hind legs to get as close a look at the other pony's backside as he could.

His cheeks were red and fuzzy, bubbly and firm all at once. His cutie mark looked quite handsome on the side of his flank, the big green apple contrasting well with the rest of his red fur. He took a peak in between the crack of the stallion's cheeks as he kicked the next tree, the crack opening just enough for Hunter to get a brief look at Big Mac's dark pucker. He could see the firm orbs of the stallion's balls just under his flank, licking his lips as he internally remarked on what a lovely specimen the stallion was. Hunter could feel his shaft start to grow harder as he watched the stallion, having trouble hiding the excitement between his legs. Big Mac kicked one last tree before he could sense somepony behind him, the stallion turning around with a short jump as he saw the dark red pony, "Oh err, hello there fella, h-how can I help ya?"

Hunter wore a cocky grin as he replied to the strong, handsome stallion, "I just came to visit a handsome pony I was told about."

Big Mac looked back a little puzzled, just wondering who Hunter was and what he was talking about, "Wh-what's that yer sayin'?"

"A handsome pony I was told about," Hunter repeated, flashing his eyes at the stallion, "Strong, powerful, bold, I think his name was Big Mac?"

"M-Me?" the red stallion brushed the back of his head with his hoof, looking very surprised at the clearly sensual approach of the stranger.

Hunter put on as much charm as he could, knowing some details of the stallion's secret tastes thanks to Cadence, "Well, is your name Big Mac?"

The stallion's cheeks were quite red at that point, the pony simply responding with a trademark, "Eyup!"

Hunter stepped a little closer to Big Mac, moving to the side so his growing erection could brush against the stallion's side, "Well I guess I'm looking for you then."

Big Mac gulped as he felt the unmistakable stiff object that brushed against his leg, looking down slowly to see the thick ebony length swinging between the stranger's legs, "Th-th-that's awful forward of ya... a-ah mean, ah don't even know yer name."

"It's Hunter," the darker furred stallion said with a vicious grin, reaching down to nip Big Mac's neck, "But you can call me 'Sir'!"

Big Mac recoiled as he was nipped, the stallion overwhelmed by the notions and words of the complete stranger, "Ah ain't callin' you anything, you need to leave!"

Hunter chuckled as he licked his lips once more, looking between the stallion's legs as his dark shaft began to emerge, "You sure about that big boy, looks like part of you wouldn't mind me staying..."

Big Mac gulped as he fell back against a tree, trying to hide his shaft with both hooves, "Ah-ah don't know who ya are, how ya got here, who told ya 'bout me, but it ain't alright to just show up and put a move on someone like this!"

Hunter chuckled as he circled around the tree that Big Mac lay against, making sure to so in a way that allowed his thick black shaft to be on fully display the entire time. "I guess you're right, but can't blame a pony for trying, especially when you're so handsome." He noticed that Big Mac was peeking at his shaft, gulping as his heart bear wildly in his chest. "What ya lookin' at?" Hunter asked as he looked down, nodding to his hard cock, "This ol' thing? You like it?"

Big Mac was lost in its shape for a moment, mumbling more to himself than to the other stallion, "Eyup." He looked up suddenly to Hunter, surprised at his own answer, "Ah-ah mean..."

"Shh, it's ok," Hunter said, changing his tactic temporarily to try and get in good favour with the stallion, "You can look at it." He stood there for just a moment, swinging his shaft back and forth. The blush reddened even deeper on the stallion's face as he watched, Big Mac clearly unable to hold back a natural attraction. After a short few moments had passed by, Hunter asked with a gentler tone, "Say... could I look at yours too?"

Big Mac closed his eyes as he got really shy, slowly removing his hooves, "Ah-ah guess so..."

Hunter took a long look at the jet black shaft as it was uncovered, the long fleshy pole looking glorious in its form. It was thick, large and dark, perfectly proportionate and appetizing. "Damn, that's a nice cock you got there Big Mac!" Hunter complimented his handsome target, "Real nice..."

"Err, Th-thanks," the stallion said with slight hesitation, nodding as he was appreciative for the stranger's slower pace, "Y-yers too." He gulped as he thought for a moment anxiously, his hoof rubbing the side of his shaft for just a moment, "W-would ya maybe like to play with ourselves a little, w-watch each other as we umm, y-ya know..."

"Hmm, tempting," Hunter said with a grin, stepping up to the stallion as he had him inadvertently pinned against a tree, "But I'd rather feel those handsome lips around my cock!"

Big Mac looked alarmed once more, realizing he hadn't much time to scramble away a second time, "A-and what if ah don't wanna suck yer cock?"

Hunter's smile grew even darker as he moved closer, making a point to further reveal just how sizable his own length was, "Then you won't have any lube, for when I shove this thing up your asshole!"

Big Mac's eyes grew big and wide as he felt very afraid, his form too trembling to have enough time to stop Hunter from opening his bag and pulling an item from it, "N-no!"

Hunter chuckled as he countered the stallion with his own trademark phrase, "Eyup!"

Just as the word left his lips he tossed a rope forward, one of many objects that had been charmed for him by one of Cadence's spells. The rope quickly intertwined around the stallion's body, leaving him trapped in position against the tree he was leaning on, "Wh-what's happening?!"

"Nothing to worry about," Hunter laughed as he leaned his leg up onto the wood of the tree, letting his cock slap down over Big Mac's face, "Now let's see how good a cocksucker you are!"

Big Mac tried to look away, but was unable to do much more than pant his breaths over the strange stallion's shaft. He let out a half moaned whimper as a salty drop of precum dripped down from the slit of Hunter's cockhead, dripping down onto Big Mac's tongue slowly. Big Mac was still overwhelmed, frightened, not wanting to go through with the stranger's demands, but also finding Hunter very attractive nonetheless. He felt violated and helpless, but knew there was no way out of it, only one last question leaving his lips as his nose sniffed at the gentle musk of the other pony's shaft, "What if my sisters come out and see us?"

Hunter laughed at the question, adjusting his posture so he could force the head of his cock into Big Mac's mouth, "Well, then I guess I'll just have to fuck them too!" Big Mac shuddered at the response he was given, but wasn't able to respond at all as Hunter began sliding his shaft in and out of his muzzle. "That's it, close those lips for me now" Hunter coaxed him on, the big red stallion, grunting as he did so. Big Mac gently pressed his down as Hunter continued to slide his cock in and out of his muzzle, his lips sealing around it as he buried his shaft deeper. "See, that's nice," Hunter sighed as he kept pushing his length into Big Mac's throat, the stallion groaning as he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling in his throat. It was a rough, strong shape, very masculine in the way it tasted, the scent lingering off it, and the size of it. He was still so frightened and ashamed of the situation he found himself in, but couldn't help but find himself attracted to his attacker. It was almost like some sort of Stockholm syndrome, Big Mac finding an infatuation in the assailant as he kept pushing the thick cock forcefully down his throat.

Hunter steadily kept rocking his hips back and forth, keeping up a steady pace in which he slid his thick rod into the other stallion's muzzle, "Fuck, these feels good, might have to shoot a load down your throat first!" Hunter reached down between the stallion's legs, feeling out Big Mac's hard shaft with his hoof, "Wow, look at how hard you've gotten, you like being forced to suck stranger's cocks don't you?" He chuckled as the stallion clearly made some mumble of protest, the vicious pony only thrusting harder in response, "Oh come on, don't kid yourself, you love worshiping my fat cock!" Big Mac tried not to think about it, but there was some truth to Hunter's words, the stallion keeping his throat relaxed as the stranger kept riding his muzzle. He barely made a gag despite Hunter's big size, proving that Hunter wasn't the first stallion Big Mac had been with before. "You've done this before haven't you?" Hunter couldn't help but state the obvious, "I can tell you've had this lips around a stallion before." He let the stallion suckle him a few moments longer before pressing a hoof down on Big Mac's balls, only a loose threat at first, "Tell me how much you love my cock!"

Big Mac let out a hiss of pain as his balls were pushed, the dull ache already noticeable, "Ah-Ah love it, Ah love yer cock..."

"Sir!" Hunter corrected the pony with one big stomp.

"Oww, S-Sir, sorry Sir!"

He gave the stallion's balls another kick, having to hold back a chuckle as the stallion's face soured, "Thank you?"

"Thank you Sir, oh thank you Sir, f-fer lettin' me worship yer beautiful cock!" Big Mac was forced to close his eyes as he dealt with the pain, nearly crying as Hunter smacked his firm orbs a few more times for fun.

"Let's see how big we can swell these suckers!" he said with a laugh, each hoof dropping down one at a time, colliding hard against the sensitive orbs until Big Mac was nearly in tears. The devious pony could soon feel the swelling of them in his hoof, cackling at the pathetic sight of the stallion whimpering in misery, "There we go, I bet you'll play nicely with me now!" He leaned a little higher once more, saliva soaked shaft dripping above Big Mac's head as he dipped his own balls onto the red stallion's lips. "Suck on those nuts boy," he instructed his new slave, reaching down to rub his sore sack as he added, "...and in case you get any funny ideas of returning the favour... I don't need this to enjoy that sweet ass of yours, so don't make me have to make a pretty gelding out of you!"

Big Mac was nearly crying as fear struck him to his core, the stallion shaking his head before graciously licking the firm orbs offered to him, "No Sir, n-never Sir!" He gently spread his lips over the firm sack, letting it fill his mouth as he began to suck on it gently. His tongue slid over their surface as he added pressure to each suck, smoothly pleasing the firm sack of balls as he began to moan softly.

Hunter let out a satisfied sigh as the stallion continued to please him, loving how his lips felt wrapped tightly around his nuts, "Good boy, mmm I'll bet you love those musky things huh?"

Big Mac wiggled his tongue over the firm orbs as he let out a muffled, "Mhmm..." his tone actually quite believable despite the clear fear in the stallion.

Hunter's travels had been long that day and he had worked up quite a sweat, nothing overwhelming or unpleasant, but he definitely carried a musk with him. "You like musky stallions don't you?" he asked his slave, given a very similar grunted moan in response, "You love to worship them don't you?" He smiled as the stallion groaned even louder at the question, his tongue tapping Hunter's balls in a teasing tickle, "Well, I'll bet you'll just love eating my ass then!"

Big Mac stopped the lapping of his tongue all of a sudden, going quite still and silent. A moment passed and he inquired further, "Y-your ass Sir?"

Hunter pulled away to look the captured stallion in the eyes, wearing a devilish grin as he stared him down, "Yes, my ass, I want to feel your sweet tongue scraping across it, digging deep... I'll bet I won't be the first stallion you tongue-fucked either..."

Big Mac gulped, noticeable bullets of sweat dripping down his forehead, "Well no, Ah mean, Ah may have, n-no what Ah'm saying is-"

"Shh," Hunter cut the stallion off, placing a hoof on his lips, "You belong to me now, and all good sluts of mine have to be good at polishing my hole." He turned the other way and lifted his flank, wagging his rump close to Big Mac's face.

Precum dripped from the captive pony's cockhead as he looked at the swishing pink tail of the stranger, his lips salivating as the plump rear of the stallion wagged over his head. "S-Sir..." he whispered faintly, feeling his cock throb at the thought of such a devious act.

"The more you protest, the more pain you'll receive," Hunter said as he backed up, rear now inches from the other stallion's muzzle, "So why don't you just give in and enjoy serving me?"

Big Mac had so many other things to say, much more protest, much more anger, confusion and fear, but as Hunter back up, he felt his nostrils resting over the crack of Hunter's ass, gently inhaling the masculine musk of his backside. It was faintly noticeable, strong in its manly quality, but not off-putting. There was a hint of the day's sweat mixed in, but that only further enticed the stallion, Big Mac attracted to strong stallions such as himself, and all the gritty qualities that came with him. He finally decided what words to say, taking another deep breath through his nose as he mumbled out, "Yes Sir!"

Hunter wore a big grin as he replied to the stallion's submission, leaning back until the red stallion's muzzle was buried into his crack, "That's the spirit, dig in slut!" Big Mac did just that, the captive pony's muzzle soon nestled in between both of the other stallion's cheeks. He let his tongue glide over the other stallion's pucker just once, curiously sampling his musky rear at first. He let his tongue slide up and down smoothly, before circling around the warm hole, flicking at it until it started to spread just a little for him. He sighed happily as he began to snake the slippery muscle inside, feeling the tight hole clutch at his tongue as he buried it deep inside the musky hole. "Fuck yeah, that's a good slut!" Hunter moaned out, gasping hungrily as he felt the slick tongue plunge deep inside him, "Show me how much you love that hole!"

Big Mac was nearly whimpering as he gave the smooth pucker a kiss, sealing his lips over it as his tongue remained deep inside, circling around in the depths of the stranger's rear. Hunter was all grins and sighs as he started to push back against Big Mac's lips, his butt bouncing over the stallion's face with gentle bumps. Big Mac simply relaxed so his tongue could slide all the way in, letting out a low gasp as Hunter used him like he was just some toy. "Ooo yeah, just like that!" Hunter groaned out as he kept bouncing his flank back against the stallion's muzzle, soon demanding more from his slave again, "Mmm, you better thank me for this privilege slut!"

Big Mac let out a long sigh as the stallion pulled forward, a long line of saliva trailing between his lips and the other pony's rear, "Th-thank you Sir!"

"Good slut!" was all Hunter had to say in response before leaning back, forcing Big Mac's tongue to wedge back up into his backside. The red stallion let out a long gasp into his captor's hole, his tongue sliding around hungrily as he gave into his current situation. He was beginning to find a strong lust in his current affairs, unable to hide the fact that despite being violated and used, the whole situation had a strong erotic quality to it. "Oh yeah, don't stop!" Hunter groaned as Big Mac kept sliding his tongue all around inside him, his own shaft throbbing as precum continually dripped to the ground. He pushed all of his weight back against the other stallion's muzzle one last time, completely pining him between his ass and the tree he lay against.

Big Mac let out a long groan into Hunter's ass, his tongue wiggling about in one last long lap before Hunter pulled away, moaning deeply as Big Mac huffed and panted from all the work he had been doing. "Th-thank you, thank you Sir!" Big Mac gasped as he took a deep breath, his own shaft throbbing as it squirt out long strands of precum.

Hunter looked down joyfully at the sight, his slave quickly bending to his will, "You're really good at eating ass my little play thing, now I'd like to see how good you are at taking cock!"

"Th-thank you Sir," Big Mac first responded to the compliment that Hunter had made, before approaching the second subject, "It-it's been a while since the last time, c-could you maybe take it a bit slow?"

Hunter chuckled as he whistled for the enchanted rope, Big Mac falling forward with a thump as he was freed from his bondage. He looked into the stallion's eyes as he hissed his reply, "No promises." Big Mac looked around at his freed self, unable to shake the thought of possibly making a break for it. Hunter seemed to catch this train of thought and quickly had an answer, "I have all sorts of neat trinkets in here, so if you're thinking about running away from me... I'd advise against it."

"N-no Sir," Big Mac lied, "Ah was thinkin' no such thing..."

Hunter chuckled as he furthered the conversation away from the topic, "I've decided to be rather kind my slave, tell me where you'd best like me to fuck your ass!"

The red stallion wasn't sure how to reply, he wasn't sure he was ready to just accept an anal onslaught by his dominant captor, but he also didn't wish to have either of his sisters just walk out and see him in such a state. He took a deep breath before giving the other stallion an anxious answer, "Th-the barn, please."

"Please?" Hunter probed for something more.

Big Mac gulped, embarrassed for the next part, "P-please sir."

Hunter grinned ear to ear as he stepped away, the other stallion following him obediently as he had been given a veiled threat as to what repercussions would ensue if he didn't listen. "You're a fast learning Big Mac" he complimented the stallion.

"Thank you Sir..." the red stallion muttered once more, eventually stepping ahead of his superior to lead him into the barn.

Hunter looked around for a suitable spot before nodding to the big bundles of hay in the corner, "We can do it there, should be gentle enough."

Big Mac gulped as he stepped over, his cheeks somehow even redder than before as he felt rather shy all of a sudden, "Y-yes Sir." He approached the bundle of hay and low down on it softly, starting to shake a little for nervousness.

"Ass up my slave!" Hunter commanded, watching as Big Mac did as he was told. He leaned in slowly to get a better look at the pucker between his furry cheeks, the soft black button soft and beautiful. "That's a lovely hole," Hunter said gleefully, taking a whiff of its gentle musk, "How many stallions have you had up there?"

Big Mac gulped, nipping his bottom lip as he felt ashamed to say, "Th-three Sir..."

"Three huh?" Hunter laughed, "You really are a slut aren't you?" Big Mac nodded, but Hunter didn't find it quite enough, "Say it!"

"Ah-Ah'm a big slut, S-Sir!"

"You like being a slave for stallion cock don't you boy?"

Big Mac gulped as he responded once more, "A-Ah love being a slut Sir, Ah love taking big stallion c-co-oh!" The stallion trailed off as Hunter began lapping at his tight pucker, his slippery muscle teasing his soft flesh before probing in. "S-Sir, my goodness, th-thank you Sir!" Big Mac gasped as Hunter kept probing his tongue in deeper, loving the musky scent of the stallion after his day of hard work.

Hunter kept sliding his tongue around in smooth circles, loosening the stallion up until he believed he was ready. He gave the tight pucker one last, long lap before pulling his muzzle away, leaning up to press his thick cockhead against the smooth rippled flesh, "Ready for your fourth? You little slut!"

"Yes Sir!" Big Mac cried as he tried his best to relax, whimpering a little as the thick head forced itself in.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff," Hunter groaned, pushing harder as inch by inch his sizable shaft made its way into the tight clutch of the stallion's warm flesh, "Such a big, beautiful ass! I can feel it hugging my cock, begging for it!"

Big Mac was panting as his precum kept squirting out onto the hay, the stallion physically in joy as his body was experiencing its favourite pleasure. "Deeper Sir please, h-harder!" Big Mac begged as he leaned his rump up higher for the other stallion, Hunter's cock soon sliding the rest of the way in. There were several bloated stings as the stallion's body adjusted to Hunter's size, but they became easier to deal with as Hunter's cockhead slid against the other stallion's prostate.

"Well look at you," Hunter said with sadistic glee, "You take my cock better than most mares! You must really like it!" Hunter nipped the stallion's neck as he uttered those words, starting to thrust his length in and out of the stallion at a quickened pace.

"Ah-Ah love it sir, please don't stop!" Big Mac's own cockhead was near flaring as Hunter pounded into him, the constant slamming into his prostate leaving the red stallion a blubbering mess.

"You can't cum until I tell you!" Hunter hissed to the stallion, thrusting harder until his balls slapped against the other pony's firm rump. He made sure that each thrust was done as a heavy slam, the stallion putting all of his weight into it to make sure it wouldn't be an easy ride for his slave.

Big Mac was lost in ecstasy as his captor had completely gone into overdrive, his breaths hissed from the painful lunges inside him. The hay under him was a sticky mess as he leaked buckets of pre, the big red stallion no longer shy of his submissive nature and love of other stallions. "S-Sir, thank you! Thank you for letting me worship your cock, allowing me to polish your flank, thank you f-f-oh goodness!" Hunter was in even more of a frenzy as the stallion fully submitted to him, "Th-thank you Sir for pounding my slutty ass, please fill me with yer hot cum!"

Hunter was overjoyed as he kept pounding away, feeling his cockhead begin to flare out as his own orgasm was nearing, "That's the little bottom bitch I was looking for, doesn't it feel so much better when you stop fighting it?"

Big Mac whimpered as Hunter kept finding new ways to make it hurt, driving his length heavily down into the pony's sore ass, "Yes Sir! Ah-Ah want to be a good slave for you Sir!"

Hunter growled as he shoved his entire length in, Big Mac nearly crying as his entire shaft throbbed, his cockhead flaring to its full length, "Oh yeah, I know you do!"

The red stallion let out a loud cry as the flared head hit the deepest part of the stallion's rear, Big Mac's legs shaking as he felt the other stallion's thick ropes of seed fill his backside. He let out a long, desperate moan as he felt the slickness inside him, his bloated rear feeling even fuller as the stallion's entire load emptied inside him, "Oh Sir, S-Sir that feels so good!"

"Fuck yeah!" was all Hunter had to say as he slowly rested, recovering from the vicious rutting as he left his flared cock inside the stallion.

He let the red stallion do the rest of the talking, for which he clearly had less trouble doing than before, "Th-thank you Sir, ah ain't never felt a cock quite like yers before, it was, in-credible!"

Hunter smiled at the stallion as he began to speak to him again, his tone stern but caring, "You belong to me now do you understand?"

"Yes Sir!" Big Mac replied obediently.

"You will serve me when and as I see fit."

"Yes Sir!" the stallion replied once more.

"I will return at some point in the near future for more and you will be obedient. If I ever wish for you to visit me in my own home, you will come at once, is that understood?"

Big Mac thought over the terms for some amount of time before finally responding with an even heartier, "Yes Sir!"

"Good," Hunter said as he slid his cock out of the stallion's ass, smiling at the pool of white that trailed from it, "Now that you are my property... I must mark you as such."

"Mark me?" Big Mac asked in confusion, only having to question the term for the briefest moment before he felt the warm trickle of urine over his fur. He let out a shocked gasp as the acrid waste poured out over him, the heavy stream of urine washing over him in a strong jet.

Hunter watched as the gleaming dark cock between the stallion's legs started to get harder from the humiliation, Big Mac inhaling the scent of his new owner's urine as it continued to splash over him. "You like getting pissed on, don't you boy?" Hunter growled, the long stream of piss still splashing from his slit into the stallion's fur.

Big Mac nodded, blushing from the admittance but unable to hide the fact one of his kinks had been outed, "Yes Sir, ah love it!"

"Yeah you do," Hunter chuckled as he kept pissing, "Open your mouth for me slave!" Big Mac nodded before doing so, Hunter adjusting his aim so the trickling stream filled up the stallion's muzzle. Big Mac sighed as the warm, salty pool filled up in his mouth, gulping it all down once it was full to be able to collect more. He managed two big gulps before his master was done, soon sucking on his shaft once more as Hunter leaned down, "Mhmm, that's it, bet it's still warm from your asshole too!" Big Mac simply groaned as he swallowed the shaft down, his master right about the temperature. He rode the stallion's throat gently for a few moments before pulling out, chuckling at the sight of him completely drenched in his piss. He said to the stallion with gleeful venom in his tone, "Tell me my pet... how well do you know Shining Armor?"