A Storm of Passion

Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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A little something that I fancied writing, I know it is something among the lines of what I have written in the past but a bit of what you fancy can help.

It is a nice little story about an unusually coloured tigress ostracized for her differences and an injured wyvern who come together in unusual circumstances. Will friendship bloom or will hearts be shattered?

A storm brewed as a red scaled wyvern winged its way across the skies. "Come on, I can outfly this storm easily!" He cried to the skies in a confident tone that belied his exhaustion. FlameWing as he was known by had just come back from his migration with the rest of the group.

Male and female wyverns lived in separate groups as they would grow violent if around together for too long, but once a year they would make the migration to find a mate and impregnate them before returning to their own nest. Flamewing felt very proud of himself as the lithe dragon had scored a prime green female and got her with egg with his show of speed and agility.

But he had grown impatient waiting the long storm out and wanted to see home back up in his mountain so had ignored the warning of his older dragons and decided to brave the weather. A choice he was now regretting as he was buffeted time and again as the winds threatened to knock him from out of the sky. "Come on, I rule these skies! I am not afraid of you!" He cried out before releasing a gout of fire in defiance.

As if to punish him, the wind blew him hard down, forcing him to beat his tired wings to keep from smashing into a mountain cliff face and just as he gained altitude, a white flash of lightning tore into the thin, fragile membrane of his wing. With a roar of pain, he passed out and plummeted to the ground below.


"Wh-wha?!" a furred form cried in alarm, jolting from its curled position straight, black fur on end. "No it's okay it's just a storm...just a storm," she said to herself in a shaky voice.

Cerilis looked out to the storm from the empty cave she had made her temporary home. It had belonged to a bear but the scents were old so thought herself safe. The name Cerilis meant in the wild tongue, 'cursed'. She was a tiger, but with one unusual difference; she was born black furred, with her stripes hardly visible amongst the dark fur with her red eyes only seeming to make her more ominous. Rejected from birth she had found a home with a mother panther who thought she was an orphaned black jaguar until she became older and was chased out.

The rest of the animals shunned and avoided her, or tried to kill her thinking she brought ill fortune to her surrounds. She'd always hated her luck in life and quite often wondered why she didn't just let herself die.

Least up here in these dark mountains she blended in well enough with her pelt making hunting what she could kill easy enough, though water was scarce and had to drink whatever rain water collected on the rocky surface.

A sudden crack of lightning lit the sky up, causing her pupils to form slits before clenching her eyes tight, a shock of pain burning the iris as though her eyes themselves had been struck. A sudden thud from just outside the cave had her try to see what had fallen, but her vision was blurry and murky tears formed with pain, forcing her to close them again.

Going by smell instead, the black tigress walked cautiously into the night. As she neared the object, a strong burning smell assaulted her nose. Whatever it had been was toast she was sure of that. But another scent began to rise over the smell of burning flesh, making her freeze. Taking two more steps slowly towards the scent; yes. Yes, she had smelled it on the breeze before. Leathery smelling, rancid breath and..."

She stopped, her mind frozen as she thought she heard a breath just in front of her. Forcing her still stinging eyes open, she saw just in time as a giant lizard opened a large yellow eye almost at the same time.

With a yowl of fright, she shot off into the cave just as the lizard roared and opened its maw to spew a gout of flame her way, narrowly missing her.

As she poked her head cautiously round the wall, her red eyes glowing in the dark she quickly ducked again as he growled at her. "Come on out demon, your tricks won't work on me," he said through a voice laced with pain as his ruined wing smoldered.

"I'm not a d-demon," she said, her voice breaking in fear. "Please can't you all just leave me alone?" she whimpered more like a whipped dog.

Cerilis heard him take a few deep sniffs of the air before he rumbled in satisfaction. "You smell just of a normal tigress," he observed. But a demon can mask its scent, how can I trust you?"

She pulled her all black ears back in anger, "Yeah I know I look horrible," she growled in anger. "Not like I wanted to be born a freak, and as everyone knows the pattern and colour goes through to the skin so even if I pull all my fur out I would still look the same."

Closing his eyes shut, the Wyvern looked as though he would fall asleep before snapping his yellow eyes open to see the tigress poking her head round the corner to look at him, seeing fear in her eyes as she whipped back under cover. "I believe you mean me no harm, my name is Flamewing," he grunted before walking to the cave, the tigress shooting off to the far back wall of the rocky shelter. "Relax, I will not hurt you. I can see you are more fearful of me than I am of you," he said with something that passed for humour in his voice.

Taking a shaky step forward, she said in a shaky voice, "C-Cerilis...or that is what people call me. I have no real name," she said with a dip of her head.

At her name Flamewing faltered before asking quietly, "Are you really cursed?" before regretting his judgement at her pained look, followed by a low growl. "I am sorry, you must get pissed off at others assuming that," he said with a dip of his head and a fold back of his wings before crying out in pain from the singed flesh.

"You're hurt..." she said, taking a cautious step towards him then looked at his drenched body, then to the storm raging before finally looking at his stubby legs. Nodding her head she seemed to come to a decision. "Okay, if I let you shelter here with me your scent will keep any other threats away. In return I'll hunt for us whilst your wing heals. Deal?" she said before holding a paw up in the air, not fancying getting too close to that brimstone spewing muzzle.

To her surprise he leaned in and licked her paw, his breath hot and tongue warm and wet. "It's a deal then, Cerilis," he said before she moved over for Flamewing to lumber on inside.


The next couple of weeks just seemed to fly by for the black furred tigress as she first of all struggled, then started learning to refine her hunting tactics to better provide for two. Not to say there wasn't complications because the largest one was the wyvern's inherent aversion and aggression to been so close to a female for so long, even one not of his kind. The first few days he would wake up feeling aggressive straight away, even nearly scorching poor Cerilis once which caused her to shoot off outside.

On that day he thought with a sinking heart he had chased his only hope for survival away and vowed to master his instinct, using a clump of her fur for the female's scent to master his instinct if she did come back. He was delighted when she did but then immediately felt sickened by the fear in her red eyes.

Using his long tail he dragged the surprised tigress towards him before burying his muzzle into her fur and inhaled deeply to show he wasn't going to attack her again.

After that day they began to grow closer, fast becoming friends who told each other their past. By contrast Flamewing found himself warming to the tigress and wanting to give her something to help chase her tormented life away but at a loss what he could do.

As the wyvern's wing membrane slowly grew back, the pain in his wing became more acute as raw nerves were replaced. Seeing his distress, Cerilis decided he could help her hunt by bringing him out with her to help scare prey towards her with his scent even if he just lumbered on his legs.

That night saw them feasting on a large black boar that night, filling their stomachs up for a change instead of the usual scraps or small animal Cerilis could bring alone. They slept that night happily and with full stomachs, until Cerilis was awoken by a moan of pain by the wyvern. "Flamewing?" she said softly in concern, craning her head around to look at him, only to see his face twisted in pain in sleep as he grunted and huffed.

"That must be causing him some pain..." she said, looking at the small hole in his wing, noting how red and angry it looked. "If it is left alone...it will heal poorly and hurt him even more," she said softly to herself before instinct seemed to take a hold.

Stepping quietly to his wing, she leaned cautiously forward and stuck a tongue out before taking the plunge and ran the tongue gently over the jagged hole.

A growl escaped Flamewing's muzzle at the action, but he didn't wake up. So after a pause she went back to gently lapping at the wound, pausing now and then to stop from making it more sore and spit the puss that was flowing readily now from the wound.

After about ten minutes of her tender care, the black furred tigress made a face as the taste made her muzzle go numb. Looking at the wound she noticed in pride how much healthier the hole looked before padding out into the moonlit night to find a puddle to wash her mouth in.

Unknown to her though, the wyvern had stirred from his sleep before looking from the now slightly sore, but much better feeling healing wing in wonder then to the swaying tail of Cerilis.

With a nod to himself he made his mind up and followed her out into the night, making sure to keep a good distance behind her and follow using his nose.


Stopping a mile away from the cave, Cerilis found herself a puddle large enough for her to drink from. Retching, she cleared as much of the puss out from her muzzle as possible before gratefully lapping at the fresh water, savouring the cool liquid as it cleared the vile taste away.

Eventually after half drinking half the water in the shallow pool and she started to get grit in her muzzle she finished off with a wash of her muzzle in the remaining water to rid the puss off her fur, giving her head a vigorous shake before grooming herself. Satisfied, the black furred tigress stretched out and leapt onto a rocky outcropping, settling her haunches as she took in the glory of the night. A full moon, stars just visible and crisp, clean air. Plus she now had someone who actually needed her, if not just for now.

"It will be strange getting used to how things were before," she whispered to herself, "but I'll be fine. I can readjust..." she said, more to keep the nagging doubts away than any confidence.

Approaching her downwind, Flamewing looked upon her as she sat in the moonlight. The blueish, white light seemed to turn her fur a deep shade of blue, seeming more majestic than imposing or cursed. The young wyvern had to admit, he had yet to meet another of his kind that made him feel this way.

With the wind blowing her scent into his face he could get a good lungful of her scent, causing him to become a little lightheaded with her scent. She wasn't a wyvern no...but she smelled intoxicatingly feminine all the same and plus he had come to fall for how she looked. There was something no one else seemed to see; a quiet beauty that spoke to him and a caring soul.

Quietly he padded to her side on his stubby legs, the tigress not even noticing him until she opened her eyes and looked to her side, that lost in her world was she. "F-Flamewing?" Cerilis stammered, falling off the rock she was on and onto her back.

Hardly able to stifle his laughter, he looked over her form with a smile running his muzzle, "Well that was a reaction," he said before the tigress growled, swatting his snout with a sheathed paw before righting herself, giving a groom of her fur as she regained her composure. "You just caught me by surprise was all," she said, the tips of her ears slightly darkening in a blush before looking at him. "You should be resting yourself better Flamewing," she said with genuine concern in her voice, "you will heal quicker and then...and..." she trailed off before looking away from him, her ears pulling flat as her gut twisted at the thought of been all alone in the world again.

A soft sigh blew out through his nose, "I have to be with my own kind Cerilis," he said with a soft lick across her cheek. "But that doesn't mean I will never visit you again. We are pretty much neighbours of the same mountain range after all," he said smiling softly before it faltered as the tigress remained downhearted. "Hey, I know what will pick you up," he said before nudging her back to the cave.

"What?" she said, grudgingly letting herself be coaxed back inside the stone walls of her borrowed cave.

Suddenly she felt his head leave her rear; turning her head around she saw his head dip under her tail to lick at her feral slit, coaxing a cry of surprise out of her as she spun around and kit him across his head. "Wh-what the hell?" she cried with her red eyes wide in alarm, "where did THAT come from?"

Raising a forepaw up to rub his head he grumbled an apology, "I was just trying to cheer you up. And well...I thought you felt what I felt for you, just us wyverns are not so good at expressing feelings like love," he said before he realised he'd said the word.

Her alarm quickly became one of surprise, "L-love...?" she whispered before her muzzle lips twitched. "You love me huh...?" she said as she looked him over, weighing him up. His sleek shape with that long neck and muzzle, the way his scales gleamed in the filtering moonlight and the sleek, refined muscle underneath. He was only a little larger than she was if you excused that long, whiplike tail and wings.

She found herself heating up the more she thought about him, "But I've never...mated," she said meekly, although her open, panting muzzle spoke more than she was letting on to.

"Then please, let me ease you into it," he said, muzzle splitting into a grin as the tigress swallowed and turned around to present her already wet pussy to him. "No not like that," he said before nudging her over. "We wyverns like to play a bit and make mating fun, let me show you how we do it," with that he pressed his sleek muzzle into her rear, flicking his thick tongue out to lap at the juices gathering.

"Rawr!" she cried out at the sensation, the feeling setting her body trembling from head to tail. "Ah that feels different to...when I..." she panted at the feeling.

Pausing in his work, he said with some degree of smugness, "Well it will feel better. After all us wyverns like our dragon cousins are horny things and experience is passed down through the genes it would seem. That and well, our tongues are coated in small bobbly parts as opposed to sandpaper rough."

Cerilis opened her muzzle to defend her species before suddenly he swung his rear around so that his dragon cock, fully emerged from its housing just about entered her muzzle. "I didn't say it was a bad thing, maybe you can practice it on me whilst you're down there huh?" he said with a smug edge to his voice.

The poor tigress stared at the knotted appendage, hanging just within reach of her muzzle and felt her ears burn, she was at such a loss after been so inexperienced and isolated to the rest of the world.

Flamewing knew what to do however to help her open up...and that was by opening her up, he thought with glee. Stabbing his tongue through her wet, pussy lips his tongue seemed to just burrow its way deep inside her hot feral tunnel.

Gasping in a shock of pleasure, Cerilis's muzzle dropped open, arching her back from her laid position before she suddenly was choking on something long and thick plunged into her muzzle. "Ah don't...that would kill the mood," he said, quickly withdrawing his tongue from her as he felt sharp teeth against his wrymhood. "I know it's strange but just let yourself adjust...roll it around in that nice, broad muzzle of yours and bob your head a bit. Close your muzzle around without biting. Th-that's it," he instructed her, his speech becoming more slurred as she acted out his instructions.

Warming to the treatment, he returned his attention back to her now leaking vagina, wanting to give her a good first time. Though soon as he put tongue to pussy, he felt her teeth at his cock again before giving her a warning growl, to which she gave an apologetic look with her red eyes before controlling muzzle. Opening his own muzzle wide, he plunged his tongue into her wet folds, wriggling his tongue inside her as he pushed slowly in.

Chuffing in pleasure, Cerilis began arching more of herself off the floor, her ministrations becoming more heated and sloppy as he drover her mad with his tongue and skill. She managed a look at him and her eyes widened. His muzzle was wrapped over her rear just about, looking like he would devour her with just about all of his tongue in her feral tunnel, scraping repeatedly over her cervix.

Pulling her muzzle off of him she cried out, "S-something is...something is happening in me! I-I feel...!" she cried and panted as she could feel something building. There was no words for it, just an intense pressure that added to the pleasure she was feeling before going to town on his cock. Hugging and holding the large appendage to her furred chest, licking all over the shaft with her rough tongue. Focussing over the leaking tip she enjoyed the salty flavour as he leaked like a never ending stream onto her tongue before she part roared, part growled and part chuffed as she felt the pressure inside her explode like a mountain geyser, her juices spraying and coating every bit of Flamewing's long mouth.

Cerilis lost all self control, her muzzle leaving his cock as her pleasure was roared out into the night, head and top part thrashing as her lower half was held so he could eat her out, his strong front talons holding the legs until her geyser slowed to a small stream of fluids.

"Ah...rrrhh," she grunted, shaking and shivering as the orgasmic rush died down. Opening her eyes, she saw Flamewing curled around her, his sinuous body warm around her. "That was...intense," she breathed out, rumbling and giving his muzzle a loving lick kiss, making him smile before standing up with a realisation; "wait. I didn't give you your release," she said, feeling bad with a downcast look.

"Well, I know how you can make it up to me, if you want to?" He chuckled before nudging her upright. "You're technique could do with improving but that is to be expected with your first time. But this should come naturally," he said, a dragon grin spreading across his muzzle as he got over her, forcing the black tigress to crouch slightly.

"W-wait, this is a bit far isn't it?" she said, suddenly unsure if the large cock would even fit her without hurting.

"Don't worry, I don't think we are compatible for giving you young and I promise to be careful," he said as though soothing a frightened cub, running his smooth tongue over her nape in a wet line eliciting a pleasured growl from her.

Inching his hips into her, she felt a last prickle of fear as the tapered tip pressed against her entrance before slipping in, causing her legs to quake at the incredible feeling. "Okay n-never mind," she panted out, her feral cunny wrapping around the cock as he slid more of himself into her.

"Ooh, I told you...and you feel so lovely and tight; tighter than any I have taken," he rumbled in pleasure, licking across her head before taking a round ear into his muzzle and sucked around it experimentally, his efforts rewarded by an increased moan from her and a tightening if her walls around him.

He began in earnest, thrusting into her with increasing strength and speed, his motions starting to rock her with their breathing growing heavier and more heated. "Uh Flamewing?" she panted out as his thrusting became too intense, having to fight just to stay upright as every thrust had him up to the hilt with a loud wet sucking sound.

Breathing hard, he opened his eyes, pausing briefly to see her legs shaking from the effort. "Sorry..." he said before an idea came to mind. "I want to try something," he said before wrapping his front legs around her and stood up on his much thicker hind legs, holding the feral tigress upright.

"Wait!" She cried out in protest at the treatment but not giving her time to think it over, he began thrusting hard up into her, his front limbs gripping tight as he roughly mated mated her, his knot finally popping in with a loud squelch.

Circumstances forgotten, she leaned her head back and in reach of his muzzle, lick-kissed him for all she was worth with each fast, hard thrust bringing an even louder roar of pleasure from her as their building juices streamed down to the ground before a wyvern and tiger roar echoed around the mountainscape.

They cried out each others names between the constant orgasmaic high until his strength gave in and was all he could do to fall sideways with his wings tucked to save falling on her.

Trembling on their side, Cerilis felt him slowly shrink inside her as sweat soaked her fur, leaving his front all wet from her. "Flame...that was amazing," she chuffed softly. "Is that how you mate every female wyvern?" she said in a voice of wonder.

"No...I haven't felt the same passion I did with you," he said tiredly before they both shared in a tender nose to nose nuzzle as the sun began creeping over the mountains. The unusual mated pair basked in the afterglow, feeling troubles were so far away for the moment.

"But...you will have to go when your wing is healed won't you?" she said finally in a sad tone, breaking the silence.

"Yes...it will look bad if I stay. Our mateship is forbidden, even if it is what we both want," he said before licking the corner of her muzzle. "But I promise I will come and visit you every week at night he whispered."

Together they shared tongues before napping together as one.


When they next awoke, it was to find Flamewing's wing all healed up, not without a bit of scarring of the membrane though. "Do you have to gooo?" Cerilis whined like a puppy as she held onto his tail with her muzzle, grounding him.

The pair had found a good sized rock pool to wash her scent off with the wyvern testing the healed skin out to make sure it supported him in the air. "I'm afraid so, it is where I belong. But do not worry Cerilis, I promise I will be back," he said, flicking his tongue out to catch her on the cheek. "Besides, I have to help you get better with your technique after all for when you meet a mate of your own."

"What...oh" she trailed off blushing at her ears as understanding dawned on her. "I'll look forward to it then," she said before giving him a roar to wish him a safe flight to his nest.

When he got back there was a lot of questions, chief among what took him so long which he provided a strong alibi for, though he did suffer a good bit of ribbing from the other males on him to learn his lesson about listening to more experienced fliers.

The days passed with them thinking only of the next time they could be together. When the week came the black tigress was waiting with a surprise for him.

As he landed at her cave he found a dead bear inside, still fresh from the day. "Well looking after you I found I had become a lot stronger, so when the bear tried chasing me out I stood my ground," she said, inviting him in with a flick of her tail.

"Well, this is a nice treat, and much appreciated," he said before they both dived into the flesh. After all, they would need their energy for the practice to come.