
Story by afril on SoFurry

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SlaveRabbit2 - M/M, Human/AnthroRabbit - August 08, 2006

By Afril

(cl) 2006 gay Furry Association

Someone wanted to know how I get my ideas - A rabbit fetish and a too-hot bedroom.

"That one? He is scrawny but tight."

Feet stopped in front of me. One pair belonged to my owner, the other set was a strangers. I spread my legs a little, hoping to be worthy. Master had a way of making one ache without diminishing his slave's value.


I did so, keeping my head down. I am a slaveboy. I squat/sit in a line with other males and females of various races, waiting for tourists to use us for however long they wish. We are mostly sex toys but we can also carry things, be gifts for others. I once watched the kits of a rich male for a night. The square of wood I stand in front of is one of many such pegs, about neck high, Our collars attached to them with chain. This line is not long as we are on the outskirts of the main City, maybe 20 of us. I have heard of places in the city where dozens of slaves stand in rows for Masters to decide on.

"Turn and show the customer your scrawny ass, Rabbit."

Technically I am not an earth creature called Rabbit. I have never seen the planet. I hear it is beautiful. But my race resembles these beings, So I am called by that name. I turn, putting my paws on the wood, and lift my tail, showing off my clean hole. Combing and cleaning is something one does before one eats - If one wishes to be picked. And one very much wished to be picked - As I said, Master has ways of showing his displeasure.

A finger slid along my rump, touched my tail. One always hopes to be taken for a day.. A time of Not having to show oneself off to bored customers who squeeze, sniff, and walk off as if one was a spoiled piece of fruit.

I turn again, head down, arms to my side.. Then gasp. A hand grips my balls, and my cock slaps my belly. It has been Forever since a hand touched me there. Most grab my ass or head, use me and toss me back into the line. And it doesn't just grab.. It stays, caressing my too full balls. I bite my lip so I won't moan like a male in rut.. Although some like me to be vocal, I do not assume anything.

The hand slides off me and I slowly allow my feet to touch the ground again, having been perched on my toes as the caress made me so damn horny.

"Is he oiled?"

Common, with a Spacer accent.

"Of course. Do you want to take him now?"

Shame, Pride.. These are things Freebeings have. Nothing shames me, and the only pride I have is making my Master happy. Even so I can feel the others eye me with envy. The male is an exotic.. Not one of the local types who come out to see the wares. I wait - A flick of a finger and I will grip the pole my back has leaned on since waking.. A few grunts, some semen spurting in my guts and I will have the excuse to wash, eat, get out of the heat.. For a while. The more coins Master gets for our hides, the happier he is - As he reminds us every time the sun rises.

Another day of life purchased with little more than some pleasurable friction. If the male lasts a while, I get to cum too. I am not so jaded that I have to pretend to enjoy sex - Not yet.


A moment's disappointment. I will have to earn his seed. But I always enjoy challenges. The clink of coins and the chain is released from my collar. I stretch to show off my body for my new if temporary Master, waiting to see what the male's pleasure is. A hand lifts my chin and I look into blue eyes. Beautiful, rare as WaterPearls Blue. A pat on the block that has been my daily perch for as long as I can remember, and we head off for the Rooms Quarter, where a bed can be had cheaply - By the candlemark, or by the day.

"My room is warm, but cooler than standing out in the sun."

I do not care - I am used to the heat. But to lay on a bed.. That is worth much for one who sleeps on hard packed dirt. The clerk doesn't even bother noticing me as he gives the key to my Master. A short walk down the open hall to a door. The room is the same one I have seen many times, but I still looking longingly at the bathing tub.

Perhaps too longingly, because a hand smacks my rear. Immediately I lower my head, spreading my legs, tail up, waiting my Master's pleasure.

"Can you speak?"

I nod.. "If Master wishes."

"What is your name?"

"Whatever Master wishes."

I speak without thinking. And immediately regret it. I can feel his disappointment. I was momentarily lifted above my station.. And now I am but a sex-slave again. Slaves should not forget they are only slaves, no matter what their Masters think. The hand smacks my rear again.

"Wash, No Name."

I step over to the tub, filling it with cool water, then grab the cloth. As I said I have no shame. If my Master wished to watch me lick the wall, I would do so.. Squeezing the cloth I step into the tub and slowly let it slide over one arm. Then the other. A dip and I stroke my long ears, enjoying both the coolness of the water and the heat of the gaze watching my movements. Over my face, always keeping my eyes down.

I lift my chin and expose my neck submissively.. But there is no growl as there would be in a predatory species. Ah well. I slide the cloth along my sides, bending to dip it again before doing my chest. My nipples are hard as is my dick, but I only wash the bumps in case Master wishes to play with them. I rub my belly, waiting for a commant to stop.. Or to do more than wash. But silence is my only answer.

After a moment, I grip my cock and caress it. It is a nice one, reddish along the shaft, darker at the tip. My white fur stops in a ring at the base. Lower I dip the rag, tugging my balls, letting the soft fur slide around to show the pink skin underneath. I hear him breathing a little faster but still no commands or much else to tell me he likes the show.

Again I dip the cloth, then I turn and work on my back, moving the cloth down to my hip, where my brand stands out. It has been there since I can remember. Now I bend a little so I can show off my butt, caressing it with cloth and paw, combing the fur, showing him my pink hole. I know it is clean but I caress it anyway, wondering if I should slide a finger in.. No, Master only said to wash, not to play with myself. I bend over, washing my legs and feet, giving him a good view of both. It never ceases to amaze me what body parts a Master thinks is sexy.

I dip the cloth one last time to remove any shed fur and whatever dust I got from the walk, and drained the tub. Of course I stole glances at Master while I was washing. Human. Exotic indeed. Enough that when I return I will have to tell everything we did.. What he looked like, how he felt against me. Gossip is the only coin a slave may trade in, and I will have a sackful when I return to the Line.

I wait for the next command, feeling the eyes roam over my naked body. It always makes me shiver and stand a little straighter when my Master does this. I can't help it. I enjoy being desired. And when the Master is not of the ordinary species one sees every day, it is felt that much more.

"Come here."

I pad over, showing myself off as much as I dare. A slave should be proud of his body, but not so much so it lessens his Master. Lessons learned at the end of a whip, but also learned over time. A slave must be alert to his Master's desires. Be intelligent enough to understand the signals, and to act on them. The problem is, I have no idea what he wants.. He looks at me and I can smell his desire, his need. My body responds in kind, telling Master I am his to do with as he desires.. And so far all he desires is to look.

A finger, strong and obviously used to work, strokes my erection.. And it is all I can do not to beg, not to cum just from his touch.

"Have you eaten?"

What? I dare a quick glance up. Is Master asking if I want to kneel between his legs, or is it food he speaks of. And how can he think of food when I am so in Rut, Masters walking outside can smell me... Suddenly he is standing, my ass is shoved hard against the rough cloth that covers his lower body. One hand grips my balls roughly, yanking them taut as the other squeezes and strokes my maleness. I would scream if I could, but I can only shudder, hold onto his strong arms as semen blasts from my needy cock, the rough handling of my eggs only fanning the flames until I melt against him, barely able to breathe. One last semi-painful squeeze on my now empty balls and a finger scratching at my too sensitive tip, makes me stand on my toes and shudder.

An arm wraps around my belly, holding me in place, else I would have slid down his legs and puddled bonelessly at his feet. Creator Gods.. I have not been so weak in many months. And this from just a casual stroking? He is asking something.. My mind refuses to work, my body rebels against moving. If only Master was a naked as me... Come on Slave! Your Master is asking you a question.. I try to stammer an apology. A finger touches my lips, sticky with my seed.


We sit, me in his lap, my eyes closed, pushing as much of my body against his as I can. A tin of water was handed to me and I drain it gratefully. An idea forms..

"Is Master Hungry?"

A finger caresses my still-hard cock and I stiffen, not daring to think Master might wish to take it in his mouth.

"This unworthy slave.."

I grimace as my dick is thwacked by a strong finger. Teeth bite my ear and I moan, squirming a little. Then I am dumped on the bed, and Master stands. Leaves me to wonder what I did wrong.. I touch my still throbbing dick. There is a red line where Master's finger impacted my flesh. My mind slides back over the moments leading up to the punishment. The Bath? No. Cumming for Master? He enjoyed it as much as I did, if my nose and what I felt press against my butt is an indication. The idea of getting food? No. Being Unworthy...

Master thought me worth taking from the Line. Taking to a room and not just using. Putting my need above his. And I insult him. Unworthy indeed.. No excuses, Slaves are not allowed any. Gods, what a puddle I made! I could clean it with my tongue, but the boards are rough and I don't think Master would like splinters on my tongue if I am allowed to pleasure him orally. At least I am not sure.. Damn exotics. One can't read them as well as the locals.

Slapping myself for daring to think such things I get the wash rag and clean the floor, licking my fingers clean as I scoop the bigger blobs up. I love semen.. The smell, the taste, the feel as it slides across my tongue and down my throat. I can perform for females, but males make me rut much more. The nice thing about long ears is one can hear footsteps from a ways off.

I hastily finish, clean the rag and am sitting in the exact spot on the bed as before when the door opens.

Head down, hands at my side I apologize for my careless words.. And explain I have no name. I was sold into slavery when I was young, and do not know anything else. Not even my Owner calls me anything but Slave - Unless he is annoyed with me. Again I was silenced. This time with a kiss that was a hot as it was short. His lips were soft, much thicker than mine, and chapped in the way those who work for a living are. I idly wondered why Master chose me.. I am cheap in price, as is the room. But Spacer wages are not plentiful either.

Again I mentally kicked myself - Master could be spending his money on anything.. He chose to spend it on me. And spend it on food for his slave. There was no table, and I was not given the privilege of feeding Master. We sat on the bed and ate the sandwiches, drank the weak but flavorful wine.

"A Name. Slave is too generic, Cums-like-a-broken-hose is too long."

I actually blushed, holding the cup of wine.

"Rabbit. You look like one, you act like one. So you shall be named."

He touched my nose and I closed my eyes, now having a Name. He also touched my erection and I gasped softly, arching a little, ready to perform for Master again.. If he wished. I may walk funny for a while, but if Master wanted me to whitewash the walls, I would do so. Fingers gripped a nipple, twisting it slowly. And if Master kept teasing his slave so, Rabbit would be doing just that!

Then Master got up, stretching.. Unlatched his belt, letting the cloth puddle at his feet. Never have I seen such a butt - Smooth, round but masculine. No tail of any kind. I longed to touch it, lick it.. Then he bent over and I did gasp.. Slid to my knees.

"Please Master - Let Rabbit do."

He sat and I moved to take a foot between my legs, undoing the fastenings. Sex is not the only functions of a slave.. We sometimes clothe and unclothe Masters. And many like me to rub my balls on their feet and toes, as well as massaging them with my paws. It took but a moment to uncover a foot as I have never seen before. Again no fur, some hair running up the leg but I glanced up no farther.. 5 toes, the first bigger than the others. I wanted to spend more time with it between my legs, but there was another boot. And I removed it gently. Put them to the side of the bed so they would be out of the way. Then the cloth - Pants he called them - were off and folded, put with the boots.

The top piece - Shirt - was handed to me and I folded it as well. I dared a look.. A thatch of hair with a small tube of flesh poking out of it. Disappointed? Masters come in all sizes, as do slaves. I do like the bigger ones, as they can really fill my ass and mouth. But slaves can not be choosy either. Big or small I would do my best to to bring it's owner pleasure..


I move to my feet, then sit beside the male, waiting again for whatever Master desired. Which was to lift my leg. This time I did moan as his fingers caressed my calves, ankles.. Giggled as my toes were caressed. Despite not wearing shoes my foot pads were still sensitive enough to make me giggle as he rubbed them.. Gasp as a tongue wet them, warm and soft. Then the other leg was lifted and slid along his shoulder.. Now on my back I awaited what I hoped would come next. And was not disappointed.

Something that stiffend against my butt from a small tube to a nice worm to a very nice cock.. Up and down my cheeks, slipping between them, with a soft noise from it's owner as I wriggled a little, squeezing it with my furred rear. I admit Master's was more padded but I prided myself on having a muscular rump that made many a male cum rapidly.


The head opens me, slipping inside my lubed hole. I squeeze it, and feel him shudder, hands gripping my waist. Neither of us are in a hurry.. Even if I wanted to move, his grip doesn't allow it. All I can do is tug on him with my internal muscles, anal ring clamping on his shaft. All of it! Please Master, Give me all of itt.. I arch, fingers gripping the rough sheet, as his groin and balls press into my ass, and I can't help but groan and wriggle, wanting to feel them empty their load inside me. The male shifts, letting my legs slide along his arms, his sides, pushing me up on my shoulders.. One big hand rubs my belly, moving up to my chest, the other slides under my head and I inhale sharply as my nipples are teased, scratched, squeezed..

I squeeze his length, feeling every bump, every vein pulse. The way his head flares, stretching me as warm pre oozes down, coating my walls. The tip is so different from anything I have ever felt - I squeeze him again.. He groans and strokes an ear, lifting it to bite the tip, making me shudder under him. His weight feels nice, holding me against the bed as his hips rock against my rump, Finally sliding out a little. Not that I mind being hilted, but I also like the thrust, the feel of it sliding in and out of my tail-hole.

Then Master's fingers are on my cock, his teeth are on my ears and I can't stifle the screech that drags it's way out of my chest, followed by an orgasm as intense as any I have felt, making me float above us for a long moment.. Hard thrusts and a rough palm mashing my semen into my nipples return me in time to hear Master grunt as he slams his dick as deep as it will go, mashing my butt against his strong belly, his seed spurting hot and sticky inside my guts.

"Rabbit.." he moans, grinding his cock into my rear, panting heavily, giving his slave a few more squirts as I squeeze him, trying to milk his throbbing maleness for as much of his cock-sap as I can.

"Master.." I inhale his scent, feet pressed into his muscular cheeks, hands touching as much of his skin as I dare. Ducking my head, I tongue a nipple, kissing the bump of skin. He rubs his body against mine, dick mashed between us, which only keeps me hard and wanting him all the more. He growls and turns me onto my side, his still erect rod sliding in me as he nestles beside me, a leg flung over mine, balls firmly in his grip.

"Rest Rabbit.." he nips my ear and I squirm, trying to remember when I have felt so randy. Perhaps because the past days I have not been chosen as a sex-toy, but as a laborer, I desire this more. As I feel him grow soft inside me, I squeeze his maleflesh again, feeling it leave a trail of liquid as it shrinks. But now I know it will grow fat and hard again, Unlike many which simply slide out or go up and down, as mine does. I rub my back against my Master, feeling his sweaty skin slid against my fur, wishing to lick every inch of it clean.

* * * *

I swear I had only closed my eyes for a moment, but time has passed rapidly. The shadows say that the sun has passed zenith and is going to rest wherever it does when night comes. Master still holds my balls, and my cock is still hard. I listen to him breathe, feeling his erection press between my cheeks and I squeeze it softly. But even a slave can not stop what his body demands he do.. So I remove his hand from my body, and slip off to the curtained corner where a pot awaits. I sigh as his seed passes from me, along with some excrement. Urinating is not as easy, as my dick still wishes those strong fingers on it, but I make sure I am completely emptied and cleaned as Master may wish to use his slave again.

It takes but a moment more to wash out the pot in the hole dug just for such purposes, and then return it. I dare a small cup of wine to drink, a larger one to sit beside the bed should Master wish it. Then I lay again beside the large, mostly hairless body. Pushing his legs gently apart I lick the sweat and dust from his sack, kissing his nuts, sucking first one then the other into my mouth so I can 'wash' them clean. Nor do they leave until they are covered only in my saliva. A hand rubs my head, mashing my face in his crotch fur, the hair tickling my nose as I inhale his scent deeply.

"And what is Rabbit doing?"

I slide the skin back from his cock-tip and kiss the little lips. "Cleaning Master.. He has less fur than Rabbit and from the looks of his thighs, chafes when he is too sweaty."

I cradle his head on my tongue, rubbing it gently, but not allowing it inside my muzzle, much as I desire to. When he only grunts, I lick down the wrinkled shaft, kissing the skin, again working every inch to make sure it is cleaned well.

"You could use a cloth and water.."

In reply I engulf his little shriveled stick to the thatch, still only licking and sucking to get the sweat and anything else off Master's skin. Even the bitter taste of pee only makes my saliva run that much stronger, and all too soon for my wishes, I finish. Sliding a paw around to caress his butt, I move up his waist, licking along his belly.

"Would Master prefer a cloth and water to Rabbit's tongue?"

The flesh shudders under my muzzle as I kiss a scar on his abdomen, gently working the puckered edges with my lips and tongue. A moan is all I get in reply, along with his cheeks squeezing my fingers as I continue my caresses. I stop at his chest and move to his rear, looking at the strong, round cheeks. Mine are not nearly as beautiful, and I gently touch them, from waist to thigh, rubbing my cheekfur against them.

"Master has a very nice ass.."

He laughs as I start licking the sweat and dust from them, starting where a tail would grow if he had one and working over the expanse of skin. I kiss his rear, working the muscle, moving my face along until I have covered the outer mounds. Then I pry therm apart and wait a moment as I hear his indrawn breath. When I hear nothing that sounds like 'No', My tongue darst in to touch his round bud of a hole. Slowly lick one side, pulling my tongue back in to recoat it, kissing the skin under my paw. Another flick of my tongue along his anal ring. And again I slide my tongue along the skin surrounding it, pressing my lips to the warmth when my tongue gets dry.

Then I push my face in, giving his treasure a slow wet kiss, noting it is cleaner than most of my brethren on the line. And finish by following the long bump that lies between his sack and his rear, making sure his nuts have not gotten dirty in the meantime. I do not need to look to see if he is erect.. I know I am always hard after I am cleaned by one of the others.. And they are moaning when I am done with the chore.

He pulls me away as I start to wash his thigh, moving my head between his legs instead. I kiss his straining member, licking the pre from the tip. But I do no more than that until..

"Go ahead.."

Eagerly I slip it between my lips, sucking and licking the flared end, squashing it gently against the roof of my mouth, and getting more pre as a reward. One paw cradles his balls, letting them rest on the side of my face as I bob softly on the few inches I have inside my maw, the other strokes the shaft. Unless he humps my mouth or grabs my head, I intend to do no more than this, as I hunger for his seed.. I want to taste it, feel it slide along my tongue before I swallow. He does move his hips in a slow circle, seemingly in no more of a hurry than I am..

I turn Master onto his back so he can watch more easily, paw still cradling and fondling his balls as I work the bulbed head, even scratching the flesh very lightly with my teeth. And it has the desired effect - His hips arch, his cock throbs in my grip and hot cum blasts into my muzzle, coating my tongue, making me swallow. My nose is filled with his spicy scent as his maleness pulses, pushing more seed out the slit that my tongue teases. More flavors that I may never get to savor again. Not a drop gets past my lips as I linger over each offering, gulping it down only when another shoots into my mouth. I gently stroke the tube on the underside, tugging the last mingled semen and pre out, sucking softly but firmly on the tip, keeping it hard for just a little bit longer.

But even as I am enjoying the fullness of his dick in my muzzle, I can feel it soften. And slowly it slides into itself, with me following until it is again nestled in the thatch of hair, just the tip cradled on my tongue. I hold it there for a moment, making sure I can coax no more from it.. Then kiss it and move back, listening to Master pant. Swallowing one last time, I move up his chest to continue my cleaning, but he stops me.

"As much as I want to pound your hot ass into the bed, and cum in your talented mouth again.. I do have a ship to catch. but not right away.."

He pulls my butt into his crotch and holds me against him, sipping the wine I left on the sideboard, stroking my body, making me wriggle. When the shadows have gotten long, He gets up.. Then makes me stand at the foot of the bed and cum.. First by his hand jerking me off rapidly, then my own paw, a finger drilling my tail-hole. Again and again my jism flies to splat on the sheets, until there is no more to give. His hands firmly squeezing my balls make sure of it, and I am only standing because of his grip.

"Bastard charged me too much - Let him spend his profit on the cleaning bill."

Finally the human half drags, half carries me back to my place in the line again, where eager paws help me stumble to the sleeping area, gave me food and water.. Even Master is pleased, and only slaps my ass. Then darkness takes me, and I know only dreams...

* * * *

Once again I stand with my back against the wood pole. One of many naked slaves who wait for a Master or Mistress to use them. But I am different. I have a Name. Given to me by a Master whom I knew but a day, but would gladly spend my life with. My tale whispered into eager ears as paws washed my body for the days work. And I would whisper it yet again tomorrow.. And for some days to come - Exotics are something one never tires of hearing about. Even now if I close my eyes I can feel every inch of skin, every vein on his erection in my paws.. Wha...?

*Slap* goes the leather strap beside me.

"Wake up lazy one.. A customer wishes to see you."

Something stands before me.. Something with scales instead of skin. No hair or fur or even ears adorn the bejeweled creature.

"You are recommended, a good time to have with."

Coins pass from hand to hand and my chain is released.. I almost shake my head, not understanding.. Who would put in a word for me? Another hand grips my naked rear, exploring it.

"Shipmate. Lifemate. Always do things in pairs."

As I watched, more of the beings came to take others of my line away. Grins secretly exchanged promised many whispers when we returned for the other un-picked males to growl at. Then I was being moved towards the Rooms quarter and I hear one whisper to the other, "Human right. Named Rabbit one has sexy ass. Wonder if both penis fit inside, or have to use one then other? Finding out will be enjoyable experience.."

I could hear the spacer's voice in my ears even as a slim clawed finger stroked me into hardness. And I shivered... Yes, a very enjoyable experience. But that is a tale for another time.

The End ?