Wooed in the Woods

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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As a sequel to "The Counsel of Dibella", found here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1224463 FA: JCFoxman commissioned this story, showing what happens to Shiala now that things have changed, and she has more of a desire for...other things. It seems, though, that someone else has taken an interest in her new power.

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Wooed in the Woods

For JCFoxman

By Draconicon

She dreamed, and somehow, Shiala knew it for a dream. There was life here, magic, power, and something that she hadn't seen in a dream for too long. Love.

The Argonian walked with another of her kind, another, yet not. She didn't know why, but perhaps the glow meant something. Telanna, as the other Argonian called herself, smiled often, and whispered loving things in her ear as they passed from one place to another. None were interesting or as engaging as the Argonian at her side, so Shiala never noticed the details of them.

They walked, and walked, spending time in each other's company that was enjoyable and pleasurable at once. Shiala, more than one, reached down and touched the shaft of the other Argonian, and had her own touched in turn. They would embrace, their breasts pressed together, little moans escaping their lips at the same time before they would separate and walk again.

She was vaguely aware of a clearing in the woods, a slight place where the moon shone through the trees and the grass was soft under her feet. Shiala could just make out the sight of the idol - the idol - between her and Telanna, and the other Argonian stroked her cheek.

"Bring it here...just outside...bring it here...and find your gift."

Shiala woke, her breath coming in soft pants and her body tense with the familiar feeling of impending pleasure, of a near-orgasm. She shivered, the Argonian taking her time to come down from the bliss that was left to her after the dream. It took her almost five minutes to have the confidence of being able to move without pushing herself over the edge to an orgasm that she didn't feel ready for.

The blankets came down as she shifted position, revealing an erection that throbbed with eagerness over her belly, and her breasts which seemed to have shifted in the night. Almost like certain hands had pressed them, and lifted them. She smiled at the thought, unable to quite resist the warm feelings that came from thinking of Telannna in bed with her.

She looked to her side, seeing the idol on her nightstand. The small thing still seemed to have power, if it could bring these dreams to her. Or...visions, she supposed.

"Heh...well...if you think that I need to do that, Telanna, I won't doubt you."

She remembered her more accurately, now. Telanna wasn't an Argonian, but had merely taken the shape of one, taking the form of someone that she would find beautiful in order to share Dibella's message. That had been what happened at the shrine, and likely the same thing as had happened in the dream. And she was grateful for the repeat visit. Very, very grateful.

The Argonian got to her feet, but paused in the middle of reaching for her clothes. While she did have a few pieces of clothing and armor that would fit her expanded bust and rump, she doubted that it would be comfortable. And besides, it was night, and she was going to be discarding them anyway when she got to the forest...

I'm thinking of running around Whiterun in the nude.

She thought it, just to make sure that she realized what she was considering doing. It was something completely undignified, something that not even Aela had done at her drunkest, and something that she doubted that any of the Companions would do. Not even Skjor or some of the others that wandered around in their lewder ways.

I'm thinking, seriously, of running around Whiterun and the countryside without armor, protection, or the slightest bit of modesty.

Rather than making her reconsider the situation, the concept...turned her on. Not in a painfully slutty way, but more in the way that...it was natural. Natural to let others see what she was like. Natural to allow others to see what she had, to share her love. Her body was hers, sacrosanct, but the sight of her was something that others could be allowed to see until they were proven unworthy.

It seemed like a thought that came from someone else, and considering her recent dream, she didn't put that possibility out of her head. But at the same time...well, it wouldn't hurt her or anyone else in the city to see a little bit of tits and ass.

She smiled, tucking the idol under her arm before stepping out of her house.

It was deep into the night, past midnight but not much. The torches of the guards were the only lights in the city, and she could track where they were easily enough. The Argonian flitted from shadow to shadow, moving slowly towards the city gate. The guards never saw her, though she felt a guilty thrill every now and then when it would have only taken one of the guards turning to his left for a moment to see her naked body. She blushed as she finally reached the gate, stepping through and pushing her erection back down between her legs as she reached the wilds.

It was a quick run from there. Nobody bothered to walk the roads at night; it was too dangerous with bandits running around. Bandits themselves seldom conducted night raids, as a result, which meant that the pair of them essentially rendered the roads empty and safe for those that bothered to give them a try.

The feeling of the night air on her body was...freeing, in the most bizarre of ways. She felt like she was doing the right thing, like she was going somewhere, like she was spreading the rightness of life as she walked without obstruction. Her bare feet kicked up dust from time to time, and the heavier bouncing of her boobs and butt were always there to remind her of what she was showing off to anyone that might decide to go for a midnight stroll.

Her confidence never faltered, though a part of her blamed the idol under her arm for that. She felt like she might have been drawing something from it, some power or confidence that allowed her to do what she did. If that was the case, she was thankful. Dibella was a kind Aedra for that.

It didn't take long to reach the woods, and the clearing that she found a few minutes into it was just as she had dreamed it. It was small, just big enough for a tent and a campfire if one was so inclined to set up there, and with an opening in the trees above her that allowed the moon to shine down and glimmer off of her scales. She smiled up at it, and slowly set the idol down, and waited.

When nothing happened, she sighed.

"That would have been too easy, wouldn't it?"

Shiala looked down at it, wondering how she was supposed to handle something like this. There was the possibility of waiting longer, but the idol had waited in the shrine for years before anyone had found it. Nothing had happened when she arrived until Telanna had started doing something, and then...


She remembered, she'd been channeling and using a great deal of magicka on the way to the idol, either healing herself or using flame to get past traps. And Dibella was the Aedra of magic as well as the one that gave power to the relationships of the world, and encouraged the love of others. Was that the path that she had to take?

It was worth a try. She forced some magicka, rather than flame, into her hand. It was hard to hold it tight that way without the purpose that came with the burning heat, but she didn't want to damage the idol by accident. She knelt down by it, holding the blue energy in her hand and slowly rubbed it into the head and down the back of the little figurine. She forced more down, and then a bit more, as she noticed the blue light was starting to settle into the idol proper.

It ran down the idol in blue streaks, and she smiled as she realized that something was happening. The clearing was starting to fill with a strange fog, almost like it was a bank of mist rolling in, and she stood up as the trees started to fade around her. The grass was still soft, a little wet with rain from earlier, and the smell in the air was entirely that of a wet nature scene.

Slowly, through the fog, she saw something moving. Something long, sinuous, maybe heavy but not moving like it was. She held herself still, almost straddling the idol with her feet on either side. She held herself proudly, standing with her head tilted back and looking down her snout with as much pride in herself as she could manage. It was hard, considering she was naked, but she did it.

The shape emerged from the fog, and she realized that it was another of the tendrils that she had seen in the shrine, something big and thick, heavy and used for very specific things. It approached her, almost seeming to hesitate before her face as she looked at it. She hesitated in turn, remembering what they had done before. It had felt...good, then, though it had been a surprise, and she hadn't been sure what they were doing. It wasn't a bad thing to have them back again.

Slowly, she arched her back, opening her mouth for the tendril. Her breasts rose in the movement, and as she sucked in a breath, her belly pulled in with it. The tendril took the invitation.

It thrust forward, not aggressively like a snake, but with the eagerness of a lover for its partner. She gasped as it slipped over her mouth, sliding down her throat and pulsing. It didn't release fluid, but warmth, spreading through her body as it started to fill her with an intense sensation of...compassion, of being loved, of being treasured. She arched her back further as it pressed down into her, filling her and pressing against her in an intangible, yet firm way.

More of the tendrils started to rise from the ground around her, none as large as the thing that held her by the face. One wrapped round her belly, lifting her off of her feet so that she floated in the air above the idol, and others swayed around her, slowly swinging back and forth as she was held aloft. She didn't say anything, only enjoyed the feeling of being held and touched, and filled, by the tendrils around her.

The fog started to glow, and she realized faintly that the idol beneath her was glowing, pushing out some strange yellow light that surrounded her in short order. It was like a bubble, warm and fluid, encapsulating her. The tendril withdrew from her throat, and others pushed in, slow and distorted by the bubble around her. They lifted her breasts, pushed at her butt, nudged them to lift and lower. Never did they fill her, never did they try and make her feel like she had to serve or offer herself. They just stroked her admiringly, as if trying to make her see that she was a treasure to them.

She loved it, and moaned in the bubble, arching her back again, her breasts shoved forward against the tendrils. They seemed to struggle slightly with the weight of her breasts - no, her boobs - and pushed them up with additional numbers, reminding her of the sheer heft of her breasts. She moaned softly, feeling other tendrils rubbing along her hips, her curves, her butt, making her feel and be aware of every little thing, like they were helping her into the proper, arching position for...something.

The bubble sparked around her, and she jumped at the sudden tingle that ran from her head to her toes. It almost seemed to make her nipples jump with it, becoming more obvious, more prominent, and her weighty shaft did the same thing, leaping with the sudden spark.

Another went through, and then another, each one feeling both sensual and powerful at the same time. She couldn't get enough of it, writhing within the bubble happily, feeling the beautiful sensation of magic running through her. Raw magicka, she realized, holy and divine from the Aedra herself, was being gifted to her. It was something that she had never imagined, and wondered if this was how the high elves felt, the golden Altmer that were said to be blessed directly by the Nine with their power over the ancient art.

She didn't know, nor did she entirely care at that point. She just gave thanks for the wonder that she was allowed to have, for the gift that Dibella had handed her.

The bubble continued to ripple with sparks, filling her with the warm glow of the magicka, and she smiled as she rolled her head from side to side. Some of the tendrils passed by, stroking her face, and she turned her head to kiss them as they did. Others swayed back and forth, almost like the reeds of the sea in tune to the waves of the bubble, and they stroked and rubbed along her thighs, her butt, and her boobs. They rubbed, they nudged, they lifted, all in tune to the sparks of magicka running through her. They never fondled, only stroked, almost like they were pushing her back into position every time the sparks made her arch too far or squirm too much.

Bit by bit, it filled her, until she could take no more. She was moaning louder and louder, the sounds held within the bubble, and she knew that it would soon be more than she could tolerate. The Argonian threw her head back, her belly sucked in with a deep breath, and her shaft and her breasts rose up high.

Oh, Dibella, I need it...give me that...that little bit more...

A final series of sparks shot over her, the bubble almost completely opaque for a moment with the sheer level of magicka that was being channeled through it, and she screamed in utter bliss. Her moan echoed through the bubble around her, transformed from a gasping, rasping thing of pleasure to the sweetest sounds of the most loving woman that she might have ever imagined. She panted more and more as she came, her shaft bouncing in the magic, spitting against the tendrils, her nipples hard enough to be pinpoints of pleasure, her sex glistening and spasming on nothing.

She was lowered, the bubble popping and leaving her in the grip of the tendrils. She landed over the statue, her sex spread just around the head as she drooled her juices around it. The idol seemed no worse for wear, but Shiala could hardly summon the energy to breathe, let alone check it more thoroughly.

A voice whispered to her. At first, she thought that she was no longer alone, but no. It was in her head.

I give you the gift of the Mage Blood. Henceforth, you carry the power of my divine love, and the magic of the Aedra. Carry this blessing with you, and use it well.

It was like the voice of a lover and a mother at the same time, with all the kindness and compassion that family should have for someone, with all the intimacy and sensuality and knowingness that came from one's bedmate. She smiled, slowly lowering herself to all fours, her head falling to the ground in a moment of rest and worship combined into one.

She could feel the magicka still running through her veins, more of the energy than she'd ever felt in her body before. It was like she had found some font of energy that refused to go away, some power that refused to be contained. It tingled, almost crackled at her fingertips, begging to be used. When she could open her eyes and look, she saw little fingers of smoke rising from the backs of her hands, almost like the fire of the magicka inside of her was trying to get out that way.

Well...I should...experiment.

The Argonian lifted her hand, looking around for a suitable thing to try the spell on. There was a fallen log not too far off, and it was far enough from the rest of the forest to not risk setting off a bigger blaze. She pointed at it, letting loose a small bit of candle light, just enough flame to burn a leaf.

Or, so she'd thought. The sudden blaze consumed the leaf, the branch, and scorched a good portion of the side of the log before she put it out again. Shiala stared at the sudden damage, then looked down at her hands, hardly believing that she'd put out that much magic without even trying.

This...this is the power that the Altmer have? she thought to herself. This is impossible magic...this is immense power...

She could hardly believe it, but at the same time, she felt...right. Like she deserved this. Like she could...use it. Use it to make things better. Use it to make things good for people again.

There was a warmth in her heart as she thought that, and she imagined that Dibella approved.

Someone comes...

It was the last voice in her head, the last part of Dibella that was gradually fading away. Shiala stood up, shaking her head to clear it of the last of the pleasurable tingles that were left behind from the bubble. If someone was coming, she needed to be ready, particularly as her armor was gone. But let them come; she had power beyond anything that they were expecting, she imagined.

Silence reigned for a few minutes more, her attention focused on the woods around her, her ears searching for any sound of a twig breaking or a leaf crunching underfoot. She would not be taken unawares...except that she was.

A sudden sigil burned in the clearing beneath her, the symbol of Oblivion, dark and evil. It surged upwards, trapping her in a magical cage, and as she lifted her hands to cast her own magic against it, chains fell from the skies. They wrapped around her wrists, pulling her arms upwards and outwards, and as they lifted her from the ground, other chains grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her legs apart. Her sack and her shaft fell down, her arousal fading away as she was captured.

From the darkness of the forest and the diminishing fog came several figures, all wrapped in the dark robes of the more evil magic users. She recognized them immediately, their horned heads and black-red skin labeling them as the dremora of Oblivion. Shiala glared through the force that held her back as the four females walked up to her. Three of them started muttering, waving their hands and summoning more magic, while the fourth looked up at her with a soft, if demonic, smile.

"You have been gifted with the old blood."

"I've earned it. Dibella chose me."

"And my master, Mephala, felt it."

She shivered. Mephala. That was not a good name to hear. Not when the world was already shaking with the power of demons. Mehrunes Dagon had been a threat in years long past, but he was stupid, too eager for destruction to be subtle. Mephala...well, that would be a different matter if that one was taking a direct hand in things. The dremora continued.

"We have been sent to extract the power that you've been given. If you cooperate, it won't take you very long to lose it. All we need is to...milk it from you."

The ground erupted around her, dark tendrils that were far less friendly-feeling than the light ones that she had embraced only a short time ago. They lashed up at her like snakes, several slithering their way up her legs, while others struck right for her chest. Shiala arched her back at the sudden impacts, feeling them crashing down like blows along her sides before slithering up to her breasts. They coiled around her rounded globes, and she felt them squeezing already, drawing distracted moans from her as they slithered further and further down.

Another reached up to her shaft, wrapping around it slower but no less firmly. She bit her lips, trying not to think about how it felt, but it was so hard to ignore as it teased her flaccid appendage back ot hardness. She shook her head, trying to clear it again, but it was so hard to think when she'd been given an orgasm already, and her body was still so sensitive.

The dremora laughter was the one thing that grounded her, and she shook her head, turning to glare through the barrier once more.

"I am...I am Dibella's chosen. I won't surrender her power."

"Then we will take it. Mephala has spoken."

Suddenly, the tendrils began working her, squeezing her breasts, rubbing them and stroking them with such an intensity that it felt like she was getting milked for real. The tips stroked and flicked over her nipples, adding to her arousal, and they pushed her breasts up so much, turning the lovely epitome of beauty that they were into something slutty and whorish.

The tendril on her cock was no less horrifying and arousing at the same time, giving her firm strokes and teasing her with little flicks along the opening of her shaft. The darkness in the magic left its own tingle behind, a hint of the corruption that it would deliver if she gave in to the pleasure. She shook her head, forcing herself to close her eyes. She had to shut out the world, the stimulation that she was getting, if she was going to survive this.

The magicka is mine, she thought, even as she bit her lips. I can...I can use it against -


She gasped aloud as the tendrils suddenly slammed into her, the ones around her breasts grabbing her by the nipples and squeezing them, almost trying to wiggle their way inside. The one at her cock already had, the darkness diving into her body. She arched her back forward, the pleasure coming regardless of her will on the matter. Shiala bit her lips, holding back her moans, even as she felt the tendril wiggling deeper and deeper inside of her, trying to bring its corruptive power with it.

Her nipples were pulled harder, bigger by the tendrils, trying to corrupt the beauty that Dibella had given her into something else. The Argonian shook her head, growling in her throat, her rage getting hotter and hotter as the tendrils worked her more and more.

The dremora taunted her, too. The words floated in through the barrier, over the pleasure.

"You could have surrendered and kept this...fine body. But if you keep fighting, we will take more than just the magicka. We will take your dignity. We will leave you with nothing but the urges that we daedra have. Nothing but the need to rut. If you don't give it to us -"

"I'll give you nothing!"

But it was hard. She had to focus, had to tune it out. Even as the first tendril slipped inside of her breast, even as she felt it wriggling against her insides, she had to push it all out and focus on nothing but the magic. It was there, the heat of the power, and she just had to use it. She shivered, feeling her pre running along the tendril in her shaft, feeling her magic stirring up more and more as they continued to try and milk her.

Finally, she had it. Fire. Fire of the gods. She forced it down her body, the fire turning to a brilliant light that burst not from her hands, but from every scale on her body. The dremora shrieked, and the tendrils burned away. She fell, hitting the ground hard and rolling as she blinked away the blindness.

Have to be fast, have to be fast, she thought, knowing that the trick wouldn't hold them back long. Four spellcasters was more than she could handle without a weapon, normally...but tonight...

Dibella, guide me.

She couldn't see, so she had to use something that covered an entire area. A fireball might have worked, if she could see well enough to aim, but the dremora were demons. They might resist a simple fireball if it didn't explode almost right on them. But there was another spell, and the way to cast it filled her mind as she took a stand.

Turning her hands this way and that, she called on the power of the goddess and pulled it to her. Fire ran down her arms, coalescing in her hands, as a sigil of flame wove itself into existence beneath her feet. The burning heat pushed away the arousal once more, leaving her with just the intent and purpose...and no anger.

My anger is my flame...and with this spell, I purge it. She threw her flaming hands down, and felt the heat explode in waves outwards from her. It was a spell beyond anything that she had cast before, the fire in her veins going with it as the holy empowerment of Dibella gave her the strength to do something that she would have considered impossible.

She blinked away the rest of her blindness, and saw that the daedra had been banished back to Oblivion. There was no way to kill them permanently on this plane, she knew that much. What pain she had inflicted had only sent them back to their home dimension, away from the people that they could harm here. Away from her.

All but one, that was.

She saw the fourth dremora, the one that had been taunting her, still alive and slumped on a half-burnt log. Shiala paused only to collect the idol - which had somehow withstood the firestorm - and walked over to the demon. For a moment, she started to pull more of the magic to her hand to finish her off, but stopped herself.

The demon is beaten. I don't need to kill it, she thought. I could...and I will defend myself...but I don't need to kill it.

She lowered her hand, and the dremora chuckled slightly.

"You are...just as foolish as your mistress."

"I don't think anyone can call an Aedra foolish, particularly the highest of them," she said. "Dibella has given me what you wanted. Stop being a sore loser."

"It's more than that, little lizard. You have the power of a god in your veins, beyond even the faded magic of the Altmer. Your body contains it now, but how long will you have this power before it corrupts you? How long before you go searching for revenge, and become the monster that you see us as?"

Shiala shook her head, even as the image of the firestorm remained in her mind. That power would kill many bandits, and if she had had it back in her time in Black Marsh, those that had banished her and her family would have been as cinders before her. The dremora must have guessed what she was thinking, and chuckled.

"You already feel the temptation. You know that it is there. There is no hiding from what you will become. You should have let us take the power to Mephala. Now..."

The dremora slumped back, her body broken. Even in the fading light of the firestorm, Shiala could see that. It had burned her robes, taken much of the demon's vitality to hold herself together for this long. The creature shook her head.

"I almost pity you. The monsters that Mephala will send for this power will rend you apart to get it. If you had surrendered...but you didn't. And now...it is too late. I look forward to seeing your mind burn with the power you hold. One day, it will happen. One day."

The dremora faded away, leaving nothing behind. Shiala almost wished that she had thought to say something else, to come up with something to counter the many fears that the dremora had planted in her mind.

For it was true. The power that she had was something that she couldn't predict. Even now, it was burning in her veins, filling her mind with the potential of what she could do with it. With Dibella's calmness, she wasn't consumed with the thoughts of burning through the bandits that haunted the hills around Whiterun, or of calling down fire on the Black Tongues that had sent her fleeing from her homeland, but the thoughts remained. They burned for attention at the edge of her awareness, seething in their own flames just outside of the layer of calm that rested on her.

She took a deep breath, pulling the idol from under her arm to between her breasts. She hugged it to herself, whispering a small prayer of desperation before turning around.

I will not fall to this. I will not become the monsters that they are. Not even close.

"Mephala. If you're listening, I have a promise for you.

"I promise that, from this day forth, I will hone my skills and my power to be a shield against you. Not a weapon, not a blade that will one day break, or be turned on someone that doesn't deserve it, but a shield against those that will bring harm to those that can't fight back. I will be the fiery wall that stands between you and the rest of this land. I will be the barrier that breaks your siege on this world.

"By the fire that runs through my veins, I swear by Dibella and to you, I will never be a monster, but the one that stops them."

She lowered her head, as if ending a prayer of a different sort, and turned from the clearing. She knew that she had a long walk back to Whiterun, and knew that the sun would be coming up in a few hours. Communing with a goddess was incredible, but it had taken a great deal more time than she had expected.

The End