The Model - Chapter Five

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#5 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Six to follow soon...

There is no surefire way of coming out to someone, but I probably picked the worst method.

Kurt knew what I'd done since he found me on the sofa looking almost comatose and holding my phone in my paws. "You okay bud?" I didn't answer but instead gazed down at my phone. "You told your parents about us?" Kurt asked. I nodded. "And they didn't take it well?" "No," I whispered. Kurt shifted uncomfortably before putting an arm around me. "I'm sorry bud," he whispered. "I know that sounds really hollow." "It's okay," I replied, although inside I was feeling far from okay. I closed my eyes, thought back to the conversation and began to relay it to Kurt.

Dad, I have something to tell you. Go on son? Dad, I'm gay and I have a boyfriend. There was silence at the other end, I could hear my father breathing heavily. Dad? What's wrong with girls? Nothing Dad, that's not what I'm interested in... I'm really disappointed to hear this. This is not what I imagined would happen, I expected better. But Dad... I'm not in the mood to discuss this right now Alec. I'm going to talk this over with your mother, I'm sure she won't be happy either. With that, my father hung up. I sat dumbfounded, not sure what to do. I had always imagined it would be bad, but the enormity of it had never struck me. Kurt then walked in a moment later.

I realised Kurt was trying to talk to me and I shook myself from my thoughts. "What did they say?" He asked. "Not very much, just my Dad saying he was very disappointed and was going to tell my mother," I sighed. I wasn't sure if I was going to get really emotional or just sit in silence. Kurt seemed confused as to why I wasn't sobbing or getting angry. "I guess I don't have the energy to get mad or feel upset, or I predicted this would happen and so I don't have a reason to be sad," I said flatly. Kurt reached out and pulled me into a hug. We sat on the sofa in silence as Kurt continued to hold me in his muscular arms. "I can't believe I told them," I mumbled. "I should have waited, I mean we've only been boyfriends for what, like an hour." "I was in love with you since I first saw you," Kurt admitted. "I count that as more than an hour." "I know, but still," I replied, not heeding the kind nature of Kurt's words. "I should have waited before I told them, I was acting on impulse." "And would that have made a difference?" Kurt asked gently. "I dunno, I guess I could have told them that you're a military guy, you're financially well off and live in a nice apartment. Maybe they would have seen that as respectable." "I introduced Hector as my best friend and roommate first, let my parents get to know him and then revealed he was my boyfriend," Kurt explained slowly. "Now you tell me" I replied tersely. "What did your parents say?" "Honestly, they were cool about it. They already had grandcubs from my brother and as you say, they were pleased I was dating another ex-military," Kurt explained. I felt a sudden flash of resentment. "I'm sorry bud," Kurt whispered, giving me a kiss on the muzzle. I pulled away from Kurt's hug and stood up. "I need, I need space," I said, trying to find the right word. Kurt didn't say anything, but his cropped ears splayed. I didn't know what to do, part of me wanted to leave. I also felt angry that Kurt had somehow caused all this. I knew at heart it wasn't his fault, but it felt good to wallow in anger at that moment. "Grrr, if I hadn't gotten into this relationship this wouldn't have happened!" I exclaimed. I marched to the bedroom and began gathering my clothes. "Alec?" Kurt called, before appearing at the bedroom door. "I need to go outside and get some air," I growled to myself. "Alec, please don't do anything bad," Kurt pleaded. "Please don't go." I could see desperation in his brown eyes. "I won't do anything bad, I just want to go outside for a while," I explained through gritted teeth. Kurt looked at the ground and sighed. I retrieved my sneakers and opened the front door to the apartment. "Alec," Kurt said behind me. I turned to see the muscular Doberman standing in the living room fixing me a concerned and desperate glance. "I love you." I didn't respond, but instead closed the front door behind me and made my way down the stairs.

The night air was cool and the waves lapped against the sand. I sat on a bench not far from Kurt's apartment building and gazed out over the water. No one else was around and the town was quiet. The Victorian street lamps cast out their pools of light and the moon shone down on the sea. It was hard to think that only a couple of hours ago I had been driving along looking out at the sights and feeling contentment and happiness. I felt a sudden sense of jealousy towards Kurt, he was someone who had it all; military career, handsome looks, a new career as an underwear model and a family who seemed to accept him. I pushed the feeling away, anger at my boyfriend was certainly not something I want to feel. Instead, I tried to think of what I could do next, but my mind was blank. No doubt my father would tell my mother, who would then proceed to tell everyone in my family. News always travelled fast through gossip. I recalled the last time something scandalous from their point of view had happened. My cousin Christine had become pregnant after a one night stand. Cue a lot of disapproving muttering and bitching. However, once she had her cub everyone cooed over it and their moods softened.

Could they do the same when they meet Kurt?

I recalled Doug saying the same about his father wanting to meet Rex. As I sat and listened to the distant sound of the waves, I began to contemplate the situation more rationally; even if I felt what my family was doing was depressing, fucking depressing to say the least, they were still my family. They had their views on me even if I didn't like them, and raw anger wouldn't change that. Kurt was my mate, and he had shown me nothing but kindness. I couldn't simply throw him away to appease my family.

If only I could reconcile the two halves somehow.

_ _ I sensed someone behind me, and I turned to see Kurt. "I was worried so I had to come looking for you bud," the Doberman explained, taking a seat on the bench next to me. "Thanks," I replied softly. Kurt gazed out to sea and sighed. "I really wish I could do something to help, but I don't know what." "For now I just want to wait and see what happens," I said quietly. "I'm still not sure how to feel if I'm honest. Part of me feels angry towards my parents, but also sad, and that I should consider the reasons as to why they think the way they do, and to be honest, part of me feels angry at our relationship. I feel bad for saying that, but I think if I hadn't got messed up in this, my parents wouldn't be mad at me." "Your parents are dicks," Kurt suddenly growled. "Huh?" "I mean, they have a wonderful son who is a great guy. Why can't they see that?" Kurt continued, his hackles rising. "My parents are not dicks, they are just very set in their ways," I replied, my tone suddenly becoming defensive. "Why are you defending them?" Kurt demanded. "Because they're my parents!" I snapped back, instantly regretting my tone. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down. "I'm sorry Kurt, I love you. I didn't mean to shout." Kurt took a deep breath before continuing. "It's okay bud, I understand this is tough. You're going to be up and down emotionally, but all I can say is I'm sorry too," Kurt sighed, splaying his ears. "I didn't mean to lash out either and curse at your parents. I guess I also wanted to rush into things with a relationship. I really miss Hector and whenever I saw you or the other models, I was weighing up each of you in my mind as a potential new lover to fill the hole in my life. It's why I left the shoots quickly at the end, I guess seeing all of you reminded me of him." My resentment towards Kurt gradually melted away as I considered things from the Doberman's perspective and I felt guilty. Kurt gingerly reached out and placed an arm around me. I shuffled over until I was pressed into his muscular body, but I shivered despite the warmth coming from Kurt. In my haste I had only put on a t-shirt with my jeans and a cold breeze was blowing in from the ocean. "Let's get you inside," Kurt said, taking me by the paw and leading me back towards his building. I didn't say anything, but allowed my strong boyfriend to lead me home.

As soon as we got back into the apartment I stripped out of my clothes and climbed beneath the sheets. Kurt slid in next to me. "Remember, whatever happens I'm here for you bud," Kurt whispered. "Thank you," I replied. "Carl has a shoot planned for tomorrow afternoon, but if you don't wanna do it I'll call him and say we can't come in," Kurt continued. I responded with a nod, modelling wasn't something that was on my mind at that point. "Why are you so good to me?" I sighed. "Because you're a genuine, that's why," Kurt replied, giving me a kiss on the muzzle. "And because I love you." "I love you too," I whispered, before letting out a yawn. "I'm going to try and sleep." "Okay bud, I hope you manage to rest well," Kurt whispered. "Wake me if you need anything." He rolled over and fell asleep. I turned over several times before a black but restless sleep finally came to me.

I awoke as the sun peered in through the blinds. It looked like a bright day outside, but my mood still felt hollow. The clock beside the bed stated it was ten am and I could hear Kurt in the kitchen. A moment later the naked Doberman appeared carrying a tray with toast and orange juice on it. "I really need to go grocery shopping," he sighed. "I wanted to make you a nice breakfast, but I got some oranges and a new juicer as a gift last year so I thought I'd put it to work." Kurt handed me a glass of juice and I took a sip. I had no appetite or desire to drink anything, but I appreciated Kurt's gesture and the juice did taste good. Kurt lay beside me and ate a piece of toast. "We could go and get groceries today, if you feel like it bud?" "I guess we could," I replied. "Perhaps getting out will help." I wondered if I should move my belongings into Kurt's apartment, but that seemed too soon. The Doberman seemed to have the same thought. "We could go to yours and think about moving stuff, but only if you want to," he explained. "We could," I replied, but I was interrupted by the sound of my phone buzzing as two new messages came through. I slid off the bed to investigate. Two messages had come in, the first was an email from my mother's address.


My father and I had been discussing your phone call last night.

We are both very disappointed by this news and need time to think this through.

Your parents.

"Is something wrong bud?" Kurt asked. I didn't reply but handed him my phone. "Basically the same as last night," I huffed. "Hmm, I guess I wouldn't do anything to aggravate them further," Kurt suggested. "Wait for them to mellow out." I took my phone back and glanced at the second notification. It was a Facebook message from my cousin Chadwick. Great, what does he want to say? I hadn't seen him in over a year, but we were best friends as cubs and Chadwick was usually a cheerful Coyote. Chadwick's parents had a habit of sending out family newsletters to say what everyone was doing. I knew from the last one Chadwick was currently in his second year at college at Bay State University which wasn't far from San Amador, and played for the football team. Although Chadwick had the appearance of a typical jock (he had also spoken about joining the marines once), he was generally a chilled, friendly guy who enjoyed hanging out when his family came to visit. However, I knew his mother could be just as strict as mine and no doubt he had heard the latest family gossip which would have travelled at light speed. I gingerly opened the message to see what it said.

Hey Alec,

I've heard some news through the grape vine. I just wanna say that if I heard correctly, I think it's cool and I'm really happy for you dude!

I also wanna come and see you, there's something I want to tell you. You around this week?

A smile spread across my muzzle. If Chadwick's message was genuine it was a nice thing to read after the email from my mother. "What is it?" Kurt asked. "My cousin," I explained. "He says he's happy for us and wants to meet." "Wants to meet?" Kurt repeated. "Yeah, Chadwick was a nice guy for the most part, so I don't think he'd have any bad intent," I explained. "I guess after we got groceries we could meet him?" Kurt suggested. I nodded and typed back a message to Chadwick asking if he wanted to meet today. The other Coyote began typing back instantly.

Sure dude, I'll drive over. Is it okay if I bring someone?

I typed back_Of course_ and went to find Kurt who was now getting dressed. "I guess if we get groceries first and then meet my cousin, it'll give him time to get here." "Give him the address for Sam's place, y'know where we went the other day," Kurt replied as he pulled on a red pair of Wolf & Coyote briefs. Despite all the previous turmoil with my family, I admit the sight was refreshing and sparked a hint of arousal in me. Kurt noticed and for the first time that morning fixed me one of his typical grins. "Perhaps modelling could take your mind off things," he chuckled. "In all seriousness, I could request Carl just do something with the two of us?" "It could take my mind of it, we'll see," I replied. "No pressure man," Karl said, before he pulled on a shirt and leant down to give me a kiss on the muzzle. "I need to go around mine to get some fresh clothes," I sighed. "Perhaps moving some stuff over here would be a good idea." I pulled on my clothes from the previous day before while Kurt grabbed his car keys.

We stopped by my place so I could change my clothes before heading on to the store. Grocery shopping was something I had a particular dislike of owing to the sense of always being in someone's way or feeling agoraphobic, but having the tall and muscular figure of Kurt near me made me feel confident as I walked around. "What should we make for dinner tonight?" Kurt asked. "Spaghetti?" I suggested. "Good choice," Kurt grinned. I glanced down at my phone and saw a message from Chadwick to say he was in town.

After dropping the groceries off at Kurt's place we walked to the café along the Boardwalk. I glanced over at Kurt and saw something close to a nervous expression in his eyes. "You all right?" I asked. "Yeah, but I'm a little apprehensive about meeting your cousin." "I could tell, is it to do with the way my parents have acted and the influence they might have on others in my family?" I asked. "Yeah, if I'm honest bud," the Doberman replied. I reached out and squeezed his paw. "I'm sure it'll be fine," I said calmly. I admit I felt nervous too, but Chadwick had seemed nice in his messages. I was also wondering who his friend could be, I assumed someone from his college or even a girlfriend.

We neared the café and I could see Chadwick standing outside. We have the same grey and tan markings although he is slightly taller than me with a more athletic build. He was dressed in cargo shorts and a grey varsity hoodie with the Bay State logo on the front. There was a black Wolf of a similar, if not more muscular build wearing jeans and a white t-shirt standing next to Chadwick. The Wolf looked just as uncomfortable as Kurt had looked earlier. "Hey Alec, long time no see," Chadwick said as his tail wagged. "How are you?" I replied as we hugged. "I'm good man, so is this your boyfriend?" He asked. Kurt stepped forward and extended a paw. "Kurt Hauser," he introduced himself. "Woah, dude if you don't mind me saying you've got yourself a badass looking boyfriend. Although Reggie here is pretty badass too, if he doesn't mind me saying." I frowned, not sure what Chadwick was getting at. "This is Reggie, my boyfriend," Chadwick explained. "Oh," Kurt and I replied in unison. "I had no idea you were gay," I said in disbelief. "I had no idea about you either dude," Chadwick chuckled. "Until I heard my mother mentioning it this morning." "My family gossips a lot," I explained to Kurt. "Why don't we go inside and grab a drink?" Kurt suggested. The three of us nodded in agreement and followed the Doberman inside.

I ordered a green tea, Kurt and Chadwick had coffee while Reggie had a milkshake. "I'm guessing your mother has no idea?" I asked Chadwick. The Coyote shook his head. "Nope, Reggie's parents know and they're cool about it, he told them I'm the football captain and they approved," Chadwick explained. "I would like to meet Chadwick's parents though," Reggie sighed. I looked at the two of them across the table and admitted in my mind they made a cute couple. Chadwick and Reggie glanced back and I could tell they were thinking the same about us. "So what do you do sir?" Chadwick asked Kurt. "I was in the marines and now I work as a model, oh and you don't have to call me sir," Kurt chuckled. "Sweet! I wanna join the marines, and what kind of model?" "An underwear model," Kurt elaborated. "Heh, I thought I'd seen you somewhere before. Wolf & Coyote right?" Reggie piped up. "He's on the front page of their website." "Oh cool, like those underwear. Reggue got me some in fact, they're super comfy" Chadwick grinned. "But that is seriously amazing though." "Well, if Alec doesn't mind me saying he might be joining me in the photos of the underwear soon," Kurt continued, digging me in the ribs. "He's been doing great so far." "That's awesome, my cousin is gonna be famous! Better not tell your parents that part though," Chadwick laughed. My ears instantly splayed and Chadwick looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up. "I'm sorry dude, that was bad timing," he sighed. "It's okay," I replied, forcing a smile onto my muzzle, although I did feel a pang of sadness inside. "Actually, one reason I really wanted to meet you guys was because I have the same problem as Alec. I wanna come out to my parents, but I'm worried they won't be happy, but now that they know Alec is gay it might be easier. We could be a kind of united front," the Coyote explained as his tail wagged. "That's a good idea," I mused. "I mean, if two of us can speak against what our parents are saying we have more strength, especially if it ends in a fight." "If I may offer some advice," Kurt said gently. "I've been considering what Alec said last night with them still being your parents, you shouldn't see it as a case of you two vs them. Remember, they've still got to meet Reggie and me, and getting in a fight with them won't make your parents want to meet us in a hurry. Both of you can stand together and explain calmly that you are both gay, you don't have to agree with it per say, but it is what both of you are and you are very happy. Presenting an unhappy image will reinforce an idea something is wrong with you." "That's a good point," I replied, mulling Kurt's words over. "Heh, you have a boyfriend who is really badass, but also clever, and you are too," Chadwick added to Reggie, putting his paw on the Wolf's arm. "I think we should arrange to meet my parents when they talk to me again, and yours too," I continued. "When did you speak to them last?" Chadwick asked. "I saw a message from my mother, basically saying she was very disappointed," I sighed. "Ouch, I'm sorry dude, that does suck," Chadwick replied with splayed ears.

We all sat in silence for a moment and finished our drinks. "Well, despite the circumstances I'm glad I could meet you both," Kurt smiled to Chadwick and Reggie, "Likewise dude, I'm gonna have to look out for your modelling work, although no offense to Alec but it's gonna be kind of weird seeing him on there. Maybe Reggie and I will download the pic of Kurt and crop Alec out." "Hey!" I cut in. "Heh, I'm just messing with you, anyway Reggie and I have probably gotta go. We promised Reggie's parents we'd pick something up for them," Chadwick explained, before signalling for the Husky behind the counter for the check. "Here let me get it." Despite our brief protests Chadwick insisted on paying. "That was really cool, we should meet up again. In fact can I call tomorrow, I think I've still got your number?" Chadwick asked as he got to his hind-paw. "You do, and yeah please call me. I want to hang out again," I replied, feeling a warm sense of relief in my stomach. Not only is my cousin also gay, he'll be a good guy to have on my side. "It was great to meet you and Kurt," Reggie said, extending a paw. "Likewise," I replied, taking the Wolf's paw and shaking it. Reggie seemed shy but likeable, and I wanted to get to know him better with being my cousin's signification other. We walked out the door and Chadwick gave me a hug and then one to Kurt. "I can't wait to hang out again, take care dudes!" He called. "You too Chadwick, look after yourself," Kurt replied. "He seemed nice." the Doberman added as we began walking off. "He is, and I feel relieved and quite happy he's gay too," I admitted. "Well, as he says you guys are a united front now," Kurt chuckled before glancing at his watch. "We're supposed to be over at the studio for the shoot in an hour, I need to get Carl to give you the timetable. If you feel like taking part we could shower at mine and then head over, but if you don't that's fine?" I pondered for a moment before grinning and wagging my tail. "I'll take part today," I replied. "Let's shower and head over." After feeling on a positive high from my conversation with Chadwick I wanted to prolong the feeling and not focus on negative things. Kurt fixed me his grin and we walked back to his apartment paw in paw.

As the water ran down us a few minutes later, I was tempted to do our usual routine of getting frisky in the shower, but I knew we were probably pressed for time. Still, the sight of Kurt's pecs and abs with the water cascading over them was a sight to behold. "Wait, and good things will come to you," Kurt teased. "You'd better clean yourself out real good." "Why, what's going to happen?" I asked, feeling my cock stiffen at the thoughts that entered my mind. "I don't know, but it's more of a case that anything could happen," Kurt chuckled. "Now are you ready?" I nodded and Kurt shut off the water before grabbing our towels. "What are we modelling today?" I asked as we shook ourselves dry. "Some briefs and jocks for an updated design on a current range," Kurt grinned. "They're called TopDawg." "Nice," I smiled and wagged my tail. "Now let's get dressed, we're supposed to be there soon!" Kurt announced, darting back to the bedroom.

Fifteen minutes later we were walking into the studio where Carl, Spencer, Jerry and Doug were wall waiting. I glanced at the set and saw to my amusement it was made up to look like a basement. "Hey mate!" Doug called to me. "Like the set? We're doing a pretty raunchy one today." "Ah, nice," I replied, although the naughtiness of the set was bringing back worries about my parents. Good grief if they saw this... "You all right mate?" I shook myself from my thoughts and looked up to see Doug glancing at me with an expression of concern. "Alec had a bit of a rough morning," Kurt explained. "Oh, so do you want us to help ya get hard?" Doug chuckled. "Would that help?" "Doug," Kurt said sternly. "Actually, I would like that," I smiled. "That would be fun and it would help take my mind off things." "Hey, guys!" Doug called to Spencer and Jerry who walked over with quizzical expressions. "As you know this is a raunchy shoot today, we gotta show off how this latest range enhances a man's attributes as best we can, but Alec here has been feeling blue. I say we all help to put a wag in his tail," Doug explained. "And a bulge in his briefs." He added with a snicker. Kurt grinned and led me over to where Carl had placed the new pairs of underwear. "Hi Alec, these are yours," the Jackal explained, pointing to two pairs of underwear; briefs and a jockstrap as Kurt had explained earlier. They were blue and black and material on each was a kind of mesh design. Kurt and I picked up the underwear and made for the washroom with everyone in tow.

As soon as we were in I shed my jeans, shirt and underwear and pulled the new briefs up my hind-paws. As always, they felt silky and the fabric caressed against my balls as I walked around. "Sit yourself here mate," Doug said, placing a paw on my shoulder and guiding me to the chair by the shower. The Dingo grinned as he began stroking my sheath and balls through the soft material. Kurt leaned over and kissed me. "You enjoying that?" Doug grinned as Kurt pulled away. The Dingo then leaned forwards and began kissing me while Kurt pulled the front of my briefs down. Even if Chadwick and I were to present a united front against my parents, mentioning my new job as an underwear model where the other guys jerk me off was is not a good idea... I was tugged away from the thought as Doug slipped his tongue into my mouth. The Dingo continued to French kiss me, gently tweaking one of my nipples while Kurt ran his tongue over my sheath and balls. I opened my eyes to see Jerry and Spencer making out in the background and pawing each other's bulges in their briefs. I could feel my cock starting to emerge from my sheath. "Here, you give his dick some attention," Kurt instructed Doug. The Dingo gave me one last kiss on the lips, grinned and pulled away. Kurt reappeared and gave me a kiss. "You okay bud?" He whispered. I was about to reply, but I gasped as I felt Doug licking the tip of my cock. The Dingo placed his mouth over the tip and began working his way up and down the shaft, before getting off to jerk me again and fondle my balls. Kurt crouched down and I watched as the Doberman and Doug began licking my shaft from both sides.

I rested my head against the wall and moaned at the sensation of having two rough tongues teasing my dick. "Okay bud, I think it's time you gave me some tongue action too," Kurt chuckled. "Doug you keep sucking him." Kurt stood and I saw he was wearing his jock rather than briefs. The Doberman lifted his leg over my lap and turned so his butt was facing me. "Go on, I think you know what I'd like," Kurt teased. I reached out and massaged Kurt's firm and perky ass before he eased himself backwards so the bulge in his jock was sitting between Doug's ears. I strained myself forwards as Doug kept working his muzzle up and down my dick, I could feel pre-cum leaking from the tip and hitting the Dingo's tongue. The pinkish, bare batch of skin around Kurt's tail hole was right in front of my snoot. I sniffed at it before leaning forwards to plant a wet kiss right on the hole. My tongue then extended outwards and met with the hole. I began planting wet licks against Kurt while Doug kept sucking me off. Damn, that Dingo knows how to tease without getting me off too soon. I kept licking Kurt's hole, before making out with it as if it were my boyfriend's mouth, pushing my snoot further into his rump. Kurt was letting out satisfied grunts as I kept licking and kissing his hole, getting it wet with saliva. Kurt reached around and held my head in place with his paw as I kept licking.

Eventually my jaw grew sore and I stopped . "Good work bud," Kurt said as he carefully climbed off, making sure not to kick Doug with his hind-paw. Doug was still sucking away and I began squirming as his motions grew more intense. "Okay Doug, you'd better put him out of his misery," Kurt chuckled. Doug sucked intensely at the tip while jerking my shaft. I groaned, bucked forwards and came into the Dingo's muzzle. Doug stayed in place, making sure he took the load down his throat. I sat back panting, vaguely aware of Spencer and Jerry getting frisky in the background. The Wolf's briefs were around his hind-paws while the Fox was earnestly sucking him off. Spencer tipped back his head and let out a soft howl as he filled the Fox's muzzle up. Doug then stood and licked his lips. "Bloody hell, you sure do pack a lot of ammo in that barrel," he laughed. "As puns go, that was okay," Kurt chuckled. He reached down, smoothed the fur between my ears and gave me a tender kiss on the muzzle. Spencer meanwhile had pulled his cock from Jerry's muzzle and was shooting the rest of his load over the Fox's face. "Ahem!" A voice came from the door. We all glanced around to see Carl standing in the door with his paws on his hips and a faux-annoyed expression on his face. "Don't let me stop you guys," he said, barely containing his grin. "Heh, we just need to get Alec and Jerry clean and then we'll be ready," Kurt explained. The Doberman then turned to me. "Did you enjoy that bud?"

"Yes," I whispered as I basked in the afterglow. "Never felt better."