The Model - Chapter Six

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#6 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Seven to follow soon...

That's awesome, keep doing just that!

The five of us were standing on the set posing and flexing while Carl snapped away. The briefs I was modelling were still a little sticky from getting frisky with Kurt and Doug, but as they had both assured me underwear like that are meant to be seasoned when worn. I had showered and shaken myself dry before the shoot, but my fully erect cock was still wet at the tip and causing a damp spot to spread in the front of the briefs. "Looks like someone enjoyed themselves," Doug teased as Carl paused to switch cameras. The Dingo reached over and gently groped my bulge. "Hey now, did I give you permission to touch him?" Kurt growled playfully. "Sorry mate," Doug chuckled as his paw retreated. Okay guys are you ready to go again? Carl shouted as he fixed his new camera to the tripod. "Yes!" We all chorused. Right, Doug could you turn to your side, present your ass to Kurt, now Kurt I want you to grab Doug's waistband like you're going to yank his underwear down and put on a growly face. Alec, if you could bend down slightly and sniff at Kurt's ass. We all got into position and I pointed my snoot at the bare patch of skin around Kurt's hole. Good! Now Jerry and Spencer, if you could make out in the background. Carl began snapping away and I sniffed at Kurt's hole, made easily accessible by the fact he was still wearing the jock. I decided once the shoot was over that I'd like to give it another lick. Awesome! I think that's a wrap for today, good job fellas. I stood and Kurt turned to give me a kiss on the muzzle. "That was fun," I smiled. "Awesome, I'm glad," Kurt replied, taking me by the paw as we got off the set.

I walked over to where I had left my clothes and dug my phone out from my jeans pocket. I didn't want to spoil the atmosphere of fun with any negative messages from my parents, but my curiosity was getting the better of me. There were no emails from anyone. "You okay bud?" Kurt called. "I am, just checking if my parents had said anything yet." "Oh?" "I think they're giving me the silent treatment for now," I sighed. "Don't let it spoil your day," Kurt replied, giving my paw a squeeze. "I'm looking forward to having wine with dinner later." "Same," I said, forcing a wag out of my tail although I wished my parents would at least say something. Instead, I picked up my clothes and went to get changed. Doug was already in the washroom still wearing just the Wolf & Coyote briefs. "Hmm, I think I'll keep the underwear and give the jock to Rex, I have quite a few jocks already," the Dingo mused to himself. "Doug may I ask something?" I said. "Sure mate," Doug replied, pulling a pair of cargo shorts on over the briefs. "Did you say you're father wasn't happy with you being gay, but is now kind of okay with it?" I asked cautiously. "Yup, he wasn't pleased at first, not like going ballistic over it but it took him a while to get used to the idea," the Dingo explained. "But now he's cool with it." "Interesting," I mused. "And does he know you work as a model?" "He does, although buying sexy underwear isn't his thing so I'm pretty safe knowing that he won't see any pics of me," the Dingo chuckled dryly. Perhaps there is hope yet. "Ready to go bud?" Kurt asked he walked in and began dressing himself. "Yeah," I replied. "See you tomorrow Doug!" "See ya mate," the Dingo called cheerily. He leaned over and gave me a friendly kiss on my cheek before I took Kurt's paw and we left the studio together.

We drove via my place first to pick up some extra clothes, as much as I preferred sleeping at Kurt's I didn't want to do the car ride of shame home again in the clothes I'd been wearing the day before. As we walked in the door I felt my apartment looked embarrassingly plain compared to Kurt's place. My roommate had predictably made a mess in the kitchen and I splayed my ears as Kurt walked in through the front door to see dishes piled up in the sink and empty pizza boxes on the counters. "Steve's mess," I explained, referring to the Stoat I had to share with. "I don't often cook in here since I barely have room to move with all this laying about." "Heh, I guess he likes to live like his ancestors did," Kurt chuckled. I remembered I had some wine which I found at the back of my cupboard. I'd better take it before Steve drinks it himself. My bedroom was also quite messy with clothes sitting on the floor and posters peeling off the walls. "This is home," I explained. "Nice posters, I love Blade Runner," Kurt mused, eyeing up the poster I had hanging on the back of my door. "We could have these framed at mine if you want?" "Yeah, that would work," I replied, although the idea of moving my stuff into Kurt's apartment still felt too premature in my mind. We've rushed into a lot. I pushed the thought away as I gathered some clean clothes and carried them out with the bottle of wine.

The thought was still gnawing at my mind when we arrived back at Kurt's place. I checked my phone but there was still nothing from my parents. I've gone through a lot in the past few days; become a model, been fucked for the first time, got frisky more times than I ever imagined I could, got a boyfriend, found out my cousin is gay and now my parents are no longer talking to me. The thought made me want to lay down on the bed as all the conflicting emotions coursed through me. "You okay bud?" Kurt asked. "You seem kinda distant." "Yeah, just feeling tired," I replied, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I can start dinner, you just relax there for the time being," Kurt replied, kissing me on the muzzle before heading to the kitchen. I lay on my back and contemplated everything. Could I move into Kurt's place just yet? It would certainly be nicer than my old place, offer an escape from my roommate and Kurt was the guy I had always dreamed about being with. Yet, the speed at which everything was going was starting to sap my energy. I need to do something fun, perhaps alcohol will help. I got up and walked to the kitchen where Kurt was already making the spaghetti we had discussed earlier. "I'll pour us some wine!" I announced, opening the bottle I'd brought with us and retrieving two dry glasses from the rack near the sink. "And put some music on," Kurt added with a grin. I poured the wine and noticed Kurt's phone was already sitting on a set of speakers. "Let's see what you have on here," I murmured as I scrolled through the music. A grin spread across my muzzle. I selected I Believe in Miracles by Hot Chocolate. "Ha! I had to strip to this," Kurt chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Here, watch the stove." He added, handing me the spatula. I watched as Kurt gyrated and danced to the rhythm. "Are you going to?" I began, but my question was answered as Kurt's shirt flew past me. I couldn't help but grin as the Doberman kept gyrating before he effortlessly dropped his jeans to reveal he was still wearing the jock. "Thanks for keeping watch over the stove," Kurt chuckled as he took the spatula from me and added the sauce to the minced beef. I couldn't help but watch his black and tan ass flex as he stirred the ingredients together. "How about that wine?" Kurt suggested. "Oh, sorry," I replied in alarm, reaching out and handing a glass to Kurt. "Heh, it's okay. I could tell you were preoccupied with something," Kurt chuckled, perking his rump out for me to get a better look.

I remained transfixed until Kurt asked me to drain the spaghetti. "You should host a cooking channel, in just your jock or underwear," I suggested as I tipped the spaghetti into the colander. "You think it would get much attention?" Kurt asked, flexing his butt as I tipped the pasta back in the pan. "With a host that has a body and looks like yours? Hell yeah," I laughed. "Heh, if you say so," Kurt chuckled. "Oh and be sure to show them your ass a lot," I continued. "The wine sure went to your head quickly," Kurt laughed. "But the question is, why are you not in your underwear too?" I removed my jeans and shirt as Kurt stirred the meat and sauce into the spaghetti. "It's ready!" He announced. I grabbed the knives and forks as Kurt carried the plates to the table. The spaghetti smelled wonderful and I could feel my mouth watering as I poured Kurt more wine. "Go on, dig in," Kurt grinned as he pushed the pan in my direction. "You can cook, you're handsome and great at modelling. Is there anything you can't do?" I laughed as I spooned some spaghetti onto my plate. "It's only spaghetti," Kurt laughed. "I guess I could never become a rocket scientist." "Pfft, neither could I," I replied as I began eating. It did indeed taste good.

It wasn't long before we'd both eaten the lot. Being a canine I had a natural inclination to lick the remains off my plate, something my parents had lectured me about not doing. I glanced over at Kurt to see he was thinking the same thing. "Aw, what the hell," the Doberman chuckled. We both licked our plates clean before Kurt carried them to the sink. I walked to where I had left my jeans and checked my phone; still nothing from my parents. I was starting to wish they would message me with something negative, just so I could hear from them. "Wanna join me on the sofa?" Kurt asked. I smiled and sat beside him. The Doberman placed a strong arm around me and we watched the sunset outside as the fading rays shone over the marina. The feel of Kurt's arm and the calming light made my troubles start to melt away. Perhaps it doesn't matter if you're moving quickly if you're with the right guy. Who else can you sit with and enjoy a sight like this? I relaxed and nestled my head on Kurt's shoulder as I sipped my wine. "Mmm, this is good, what kind is it?" Kurt asked as he took a sip of his. "It was Romanian," I replied. "I had never heard of Romanian wine, but an exchange student in one of my classes bought it to the US as a gift." I involuntarily splayed my ears as I spoke. "Is there a story behind this?" Kurt asked. "Yeah, the one time I almost got laid before you. I had a sort of girlfriend," I explained. "A sort of girlfriend?" "Yeah, a Romanian exchange student called Olga. She was a nice Jackal and we went on a few dates, I told my mother and she was quite pleased. I think she thought we were going to get married." "But you didn't feel right underneath?" Kurt asked. "No, I mean I knew I was probably gay for some time, and going to college kind of confirmed it. I remember walking back from class one day I went totally the wrong way because I was following this cute Wolf from my class I had a crush on. I mean, I walked almost four blocks from my dorm until I wondered what the hell I was doing." "Then you got the job at Wolf & Coyote," Kurt added wryly. "I did," I chuckled. "But before then Olga and I went on a date, and I went back to hers and I knew she was expecting to get laid, but I literally insisted on watching through the whole of Doctor Zhivago because I knew she'd be too tired at the end to want sex." "Oh boy," Kurt sighed. "Yup," I replied. "But I think after then she released something was off, but we stayed friends and she gave me the wine. I'd rather us drink it together than me on my own, or Steve getting his paws on it." Kurt nodded before giving me a kiss on the muzzle and I shuffled up closer to him.

The sun was almost gone over the horizon and the sky was a deep shade of crimson. I turned to face Kurt and marvelled how well his soft brown eyes always reflected the light. "What a perfect view, you that is not the sunset," I joked. "Aww, you're sweet. I'm glad you can always maintain your sense of humour," Kurt replied as he kissed me. I glanced down and saw in the half-light there was a bulge in his jock. "Y'know, I like the idea of having dinner in just our underwear," I mused. "Heh, I spend half my life in my underwear anyway. I don't see why not," Kurt grinned. "Plus any excuse to see you in yours." I reached out and began stroking Kurt's bulge. The Doberman huffed as I squeezed it and felt the outline of the tip of his cock as it poked free from its sheath. "Okay bud, I think I know what you want," Kurt growled. I yelped with delight as Kurt picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the bedroom. The Doberman growled as he threw me down on the bed before pinning me down by my wrists. "Right champ, here's the deal. If you give my hole some attention like you did earlier, I'll get you off?" "Seems fair," I replied, squirming with glee under Kurt's muscular body. Kurt grinned and then kissed me, sliding his tongue into my muzzle and stroking the roof of my mouth. He then turned so his tail hole was once again facing my snoot. I kissed the bare patch of skin around the hole before Kurt arched his rump, stretching the hole out so it opened further. I began kissing and licking, trying to get the tip of my tongue into the hole itself. "Damn, for someone who has only just picked this up you're a natural," Kurt growled. I kept licking intently, making sure his hole was wet before trying to French kiss it again. Kurt pushed back slightly, making sure his black and tan ass engulfed my face. "I think that's good," the Doberman moaned, before shuffling forwards. "Okay, now it's your turn." I lay down as Kurt began pawing the bulge in my briefs before sliding them down my hind-paws. My cock was already part the way out of its sheath, and Kurt grabbed the shaft and started jerking. I moaned as Kurt kept jerking while licking the tip of my dick with his tongue. The Doberman then slid my shaft into his muzzle and began working his way up and down while fondling my balls. "Hnng, this is..." I began, but I was interrupted by the sound of my phone buzzing.

Both Kurt and I gazed at the phone for a second before I slid off the bed to get it. "We'll have to make up for this later," I breathed as I went to answer. I felt like my heart was in my mouth as I weighed my phone in my paw, took a deep breath and swiped the screen to accept the call. "Hey dude!" Chadwick's voice called. "I did indeed have your number." I let out a sigh, whether it was relief or disappointment I didn't know. "Hey Chadwick," I replied. "How has your afternoon been?" "Well, it's been interesting to say the least," the Coyote sighed. "I have something to tell you." "Go on?" I probed. "I told my mom!" Chadwick announced. "Like you did with yours, that I'm gay and I have a boyfriend. Reggie said it was probably a good idea." "You did what?" I replied. "I told my mom," Chadwick repeated. "What did she say?" I asked, shifting on my hind-paws with anticipation. "Not very much," Chadwick sighed. "She said we're gonna have to discuss this later." "I see, very similar to mine in that case," I mused. "Anyway, I'm glad I told her. Reggie and I have been together, for what, like a year and a half now. Between you and me, I feel like I want to ask him to marry me sometimes, probably once I leave college. I have a feeling inside me dude which tells me the right time to ask is coming up. We both want to go into the military together, or if not get a job working as sports teachers, whatever helps us be together. But I had to tell mom first and I was nervous, then you and your boyfriend helped me to do that!" "Thanks Chadwick, I'm glad I helped in some way," I replied, feeling my tail start to wag. "Anyway dude, I'm glad we got to speak. Our parents must be talking to each other right now," Chadwick continued. "They can't ignore you any longer now there is two of us." "Yeah, that's a good point," I replied. "Anyway I gotta go, but we'll talk soon. You take care dude, say hi to Kurt for me!" Chadwick said before hanging up.

I sat down on the bed while Kurt fixed me a quizzical expression. "What happened?" He asked. "It was Chadwick, he told his mother who will no doubt be discussing it with mine right now," I explained. "Woah, good on him," Kurt grinned. "That means they can't be silent on you for much longer." "I doubt it," I replied thoughtfully. Another thought was running through my mind, spurred on by something Chadwick had said. Though I hadn't put much into it at first, I was now reflecting on his life plans, joining the military or working as a teacher. Whatever helps us be together. Modelling was fun, but I wondered if I could do it for the rest of my life. It was not something I had planned to do, part of me still wondered if I should pursue my original ambition to become a set designer. I had uploaded a portfolio of my Wolf & Coyote work online in the hope someone working for a Hollywood studio would find it, but so far no one had noticed. After telling my parents I'm gay and introducing Kurt as my lover, they would no doubt ask how we met and what he did for a living after leaving the military. The thought of them finding out the truth filled me with dread. What about Kurt, would quitting Wolf & Coyote harm our relationship? I pushed the thought away. Significant others always had different careers. Then again, doing the modelling had brought me a social circle, people who made an effort to cheer me up when I felt down and a ridiculously fun amount of sex. I could remain a model and find a way to conceal it. "Alec, you feeling okay bud?" Kurt asked. "I'm worried about you." "Yeah, I'm feeling quite happy about Chadwick's news," I claimed, leaving the other thoughts to myself. My phone buzzed and I opened it to see an email. My heart jumped as I saw it was from my mother's address. Kurt glanced over my shoulder and I saw his eyes widen. Gingerly, I opened the email and read it aloud.


We have received some news from your Aunt Alexandra. She told us you and Chadwick had been talking.

Your father and I would like to discuss this tomorrow. Will you be available to talk at five?

Your parents.

I glanced up and looked at Kurt. The Doberman looked relieved. "Well, they want to talk at least," he reasoned. "Yeah, although her tone is still a little too formal, which means she's fairly annoyed. She did that with me when I was a cub," I explained. "Hmm, well I hope she's civil and has calmed down at least," Kurt mused, looking concerned. "I wonder what she's going to say?" "I don't know," I replied, holding Kurt's paw and giving it a squeeze.

I guess there is only one way to find out tomorrow.