Styve's Old Flame

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A basic if fun story for catsithx, done during the stream yesterday. A sergal finds an old flame of his from college at his door, and the two of them have a quicky for old time's sake. It turns out just as good as they remember.

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Styve's Old Flame

For Catsithx

By Draconicon

Styve was relaxing when he heard a knock at the door. Not expecting anything or anyone for the next week, the sergal stood up and went to check who it was. He didn't bother with pants or a shirt. If nothing else, he would give a mailman a pretty good show.

The sergal stopped at the door, opened it, and immediately found himself wondering why he thought this was a good idea.

"Oh, hi, Styve. I thought that you might, well, be ready for going out sometime soon."

"Hi, Melody."

The sergal would have thought about what he was doing a bit more if he'd bothered to look through the peephole, but it was a little late for that. Standing on the stairs just outside his door was a familiar enough otter woman, her tail swaying slightly with the tip just barely passing behind her heels again and again, and she smiled at him in that knowing way that had driven him so crazy back in college.

With his cock already rising as his eyes flicked over her breasts on his way back up her body, he stepped to the side and extended an arm inside. She took the unspoken invitation, stepping in and letting him close the door. He shook his head, chuckling.

"You know, you could have given me a call."

"And missed out on the eye-candy surprise? Never."

"Yeah, well, I didn't think it'd be you coming around."

"Why? You got a new girlfriend?"

"Nah, just thought I'd freak out the mailman."

Melody laughed, flopping on his couch in the living room. He watched her settle, webbed feet in sandals pointed his way as she took up the whole thing. Her breasts threatened to bounce out of her tight white shirt as she kept shuffling one way and then another, edging herself down into the cushions until she was almost buried among them.

He leaned against the frame, shaking his head as he looked at her. He hadn't seen Melody for...what, three or four years? Having her suddenly turn up on his doorstep was not what he thought would happen for the day. For that matter, he still didn't know why she was here.

She finally seemed to get comfortable, smoothing out her pants as she finally caught him staring at her. She chuckled.

"You going to put on a pair of pants?"

"You've seen it enough times."

"Tasted and felt it, too."


He walked over, sitting on the top of the couch, his long, fuzzy feet laying over her belly. As she wrapped her arms around them, he cocked his head to the side.

"Why are you here? Really?"


He nodded.

"Because...well, because I'm starting my life over again. And I thought, why not start it with a quickie?"

"You're hitting me up for a booty call?"

"Why not? We had a lot of fun in college."

"...Eh, I got nothing better to do."

"Nothing better to do? Is that the line you give your old girlfriend?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, is that the line you give your old fuck-buddy?"

"Heh, does it stop you from wanting to fuck me?"

"Not really."

"Then I don't see the problem."

"Fuuuuuck you, Styve. Now, you wanna do it here, or -"

"Bedroom. A lot more roomy and comfortable."

She nodded, and they made their way there, Melody stripping off her clothes as she went. The sandals went first, followed by her shirt, and then her pants. He smiled at the whole show, enjoying the reveal of the otter as her body came into the light. Lots of brown, complete with a bunch of little white splotches all over her body. Sometimes, he liked to pretend they were little cumstains, things that he and other lovers had left behind on her.

They reached the bedroom just as she was throwing off her bra, and she whipped around with it pulled between her hands like a rubberband. It went soaring over his head as he ducked at the last second, and she chuckled.


"Heh, tease."

"Come here, and I'll show you who's teasing."

She grabbed him by the hand, and he happily fell in bed with her. Just like always, there was the same warmth from her that pressed against him and consumed him, somehow wrapping around him in an all-consuming way despite her being smaller than him. The sergal wrapped his arms around her, his sheath already throbbing and filling as he ground against her panties. She groaned against him, starting to thrust and hump against his cock.

It didn't take him long to get hard, and neither of them were in the mood to come apart to let him get her panties off. She just pushed them to the side, and he slipped right in. The otter moaned over him, and he panted as he closed his eyes to savor the sensation.

Mmm, just as hot and tight as ever.

They rolled, her under him and him above, her legs wrapped around his hips as he looked down at her. She smirked, patting his cheek in unspoken permission to start, and he went to town on her. She was moaning at the first thrust, and so was he as she started squeezing down on him, pulling his cock deeper, faster.

In and out, in and out, the bed squeaking under them with each thrust. She bucked back, her hands clenched in the covers, her eyes closed as she arched her back up, her breasts shaking slightly as she did.

He grinned at the tightness, his claws stroking down her shoulders, rubbing over her breasts. She was already so sweaty, her fur clinging to the flesh beneath in a beautiful way, showing off the shape of her body. Everything was beautiful on her, everything lovely.

In, out, in, out, her pussy clenching down on him constantly, that hot, wet texture of her inner walls driving him up the wall. There was nothing like fresh, hot sex.

" turn...let me...on top."

"You got it."

He pulled out and threw himself onto the bed, and the otter pounced him immediately. She growled as she sunk her fingers through his chest fur, stabilizing herself before dragging his cock between her legs. He could smell her need, her arousal dripping from her sex with all the eagerness he could imagine, and he grinned as she started sliding herself around, teasing him by rolling her hips around his tip.

He bit his lip to hold back his groan, but she was determined. Melody smiled down at him, trapping his cock between her pussy lips and gyrating over it as she brought her hands up to her breasts, squeezing them and rubbing her nipples as she rode him, grinding right over his cock head and nothing else. The sergal groaned, his toes curling and his tail thumping as she kept teasing him, working him up into a frenzy.

Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, she leaned forward, her hands falling against his shoulders, and she kissed him on the nose.

"Ah ah. No going feral on me here."

"Mmmph. Then stop teasing..."

"You want an otter ride? Very well. I'll give you -"

"Don't you dare!"

"An experience otterly beyond compare."

His groan was stifled in a sudden moan as she slammed herself down on his cock, riding him hard right from the start. Her rudder tail slipped between his legs, slapping down on the bed beneath them as she started bucking her ass back, sucking his cock right into her pussy with every thrust. He moaned, his fingers curling into fists as he laid there, moaning at her assault on his cock.

She wasn't slow, or gentle. She fucked herself on his cock like it was something that needed to be beaten into submission, slamming herself down so hard that he felt the impact through his hips and into his tail, even into his spine. He grunted every time she came down, sucking in breaths of air between her hard thrusts, and felt her splashing every time that his cock slipped into her depths.

In, out, in, out, she rode him, her breasts rising and then falling, smacking against her chest. She panted over him, and he panted under her.

In, out, in, out, her pussy clenching and squelching around his cock constantly.

In, out, in, out, his cock throbbing and right on the verge.

In, out, in -

And it stayed in as he grabbed her hips and yanked her down, cumming hard into her. Her fingers tightened in his chest fur, squeezing him hard as she did the same, clenching around his cock and milking him for everything that he had. She spasmed, squeezed, released, and spasmed again, and he kept shooting for as long as she kept doing that.

Eventually, she stopped, flopping out on him, both of them panting to catch their breath. He slowly turned his head to the side, chuckling as he spotted the clock.

"Three minutes...that's a new record."

"Yeah...shower and lunch?"

"Shower and lunch."

"Awesome...carry me."

"Come on..."

"You know I can't walk after I do that."

"Then why'd you do it?"

"Because it feels fucking awesome."

"...Can't argue with that."

The End