The Model - Chapter Seven

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#7 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Eight to follow soon...

"C'mon mate, keep up!"

I puffed as I jogged behind Kurt and Doug. Although I wasn't unaccustomed to running, it's something I did a lot as a student, I had fallen behind so I could look at Kurt and Doug's asses in their running shorts. Kurt's butt flexed about as he ran and the black tank top he was wearing emphasised his muscular chest. His military dog tags were also bouncing up and down. I was running beside Doug's boyfriend Rex, a black and tan Alsatian who was my high albeit with a more athletic build. It was the first time I had finally met Rex in person and I was surprised he hadn't become a model too. Rex grinned at me and I immediately knew he was looking at his mate's rump. "Oi, you pair of bloody pervs, catch up!" Doug called with a wink and a grin at us. "I know you're starring at our arses." Rex and I laughed and caught up with Kurt and Doug.

Kurt had suggested we go for a run since I had spent the whole morning glued to my phone and laptop waiting for any kind of sign from my parents. "I thought they said they would call around five pm?" Kurt asked. "They did," I sighed. "Let's do something in the meantime, it'll be good for you," Kurt reasoned. "We could go to the gym, I probably need to work out some more before our next shoot." "I'm not sure I like the idea of being in another confined space," I admitted. "Hmm, let's go for a run and then a swim afterwards?" Kurt suggested. "Actually, that sounds like a good idea," I replied as my tail thumped against the sofa. I appreciated that Kurt wanted to do something fun for me and going for another swim sounded appealing. Kurt opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted as his phone started buzzing. "Hey Doug," he said, answering the call. I could hear the faint Australian twang of the Dingo's voice at the other end. "Awesome idea, in fact I'd just suggested the same to Alec. We should swim after. Yeah, we'll see you outside then." "He had the same idea I'm guessing," I chuckled. "Yup, he was asking us to go on a jog with him and Rex is coming too, you'll like him. He's a nice Shep," Kurt explained. "According to Doug he was quite interested to meet you." "I wonder why?" I teased. Kurt merely grinned before taking my paw and leading me to the bedroom to get changed into our gym clothes.

An hour later we were running along the beach with Rex and Doug. We had driven to a secluded patch of coastline in the Lotus where Doug and Rex were waiting, left our sneakers under a fallen palm tree trunk and were running barefoot. It felt nice to have the sand under my hind-paws and it made me think of how my ancestors had walked around. "This part reminds me of Australia," Doug explained as we ran along. "I'd like to take you all guys someday." "Christmas in Australia sounds cool," Rex mused. "Just to warn ya it's bloody hot at Christmas," Doug laughed. "I promised Rex we'd go in about three months' time, then we'll all go." Kurt turned to me and winked. I realised he was probably thinking the next time we all go on a big adventure abroad would be the shoot in France. The thought still brought up mixed feelings in me.

It's not every day you get to go to Europe I told myself.

"Let's run back," Rex suggested. "I'm dying to get in the water." We turned and jogged back in the direction to where we had left our cars. "This looks like a good spot for a swim!" Doug announced after a few minutes of running. I glanced up and down the beach and saw were on a deserted stretch away from the town that was hemmed in by palm trees. "Perfect," Kurt observed as he tugged off his tank top and placed on the trunk of the palm tree where we'd left our sneakers. "However, there's something I want to do first," he added. Kurt put his arm around me and pointed his phone at us. "I wanted to have some more photos of us at home." He explained. I smiled as Kurt snapped several before putting his phone under his tank top. I had put my Wolf & Coyote speedos on under my running shorts and as well all undressed I noticed the other three had had the same idea. Kurt was sporting his red and black pair which almost matched his fur while Doug's were turquoise and Rex's were navy blue with red trim. "Oi, are those mine?" Doug asked with a laugh as he gestured at my pair. "Technically, but Kurt says you never claimed them back," I replied. "Hmm, well I guess you can have them," Doug shrugged. "I've got plenty more of these." He added, gesturing at his own swim briefs. "I'll race you all to the sea!" Rex announced. Without a warning, the Alsatian sprinted off. I ran behind as Kurt and Doug followed. "What does the loser have to do?" I shouted. "Lick everyone's asses," Rex called back before laughing. His mirth was short-lived as he tripped over and fell on his face. "I should probably help my boyfriend, but I don't wanna loose," Doug shrugged. "Oh I've touched the sea, now I can help." He added, after dipping a hind-paw into the waves. I reached water and turned to watch as Doug rushed back to help his boyfriend up.

Rex turned out to be fine and not especially phased that he had lost either. I couldn't help but laugh as the Alsatian walked over. "Sorry man, that was pretty funny," I chuckled. Rex responded by scooping up water and throwing it in my direction. I splashed out of the way while Doug and Kurt launched themselves into the water and swam around gracefully. "I always have trouble swimming in the sea," I observed as Kurt swam by. "Yeah, Doug is always great. I just act like a cub," Rex chuckled. "I was in the lifesavers as a teenager," Doug explained as he rolled on his back and floated by us. "That's pretty common in Aus for young blokes on the beach. It was also how I knew I was gay. I spent the whole time looking at Damian Brisby's arse, bloody hell that Akita looked good in a speedo, but not as good as Rex here." Doug paddled over and gave the Alsatian a kiss on the muzzle. "Salt water is pretty good for swimming, just lay on ya backs and float." The Dingo added as he rolled over again. I tried copying, and after splashing about for a moment, found I could float on the surface. The blue sky lay up above and the sun was shining.

This feels good. I can just lay here and forget about the call with my parents for the time being.

My tail began thrashing around in the water and caused me to roll over. I stood up spluttering as Kurt swam over and stood on the bottom next to me. "Hey handsome," he grinned. "Hey," I replied. "This is probably the most fun I've ever had exercising." "I'm glad to hear that," he replied, giving me a kiss. I closed my eyes and our tongues met to caress each other. "Ew, get a room!" Doug teased as he swam by. "Pfft, you can talk," Kurt replied. "Speaking of which when was your mate going to lick our butts?" "Hey give me time, when we get out and dry off!" Rex called. I found myself laughing and grinning absurdly.

I don't think I've had this much fun in a long time period.

"I love seeing you laugh," Kurt grinned. "It's cute." "You're the first person to say that," I replied. "I used to think my laugh was too loud and silly." "You should take more confidence in yourself," Kurt replied. I wasn't sure what to say in response, but I smiled and kissed him on the muzzle. Kurt kissed me back before swimming off and I waded back to the beach where Rex was waiting. "I'm glad I could finally meet you," the Alsatian said as we sat down on the sand. "Doug had mentioned you'd started modelling with them." "Heh, I did," I replied, wondering how much Doug had told him. The cheeky grin on Rex's muzzle answered my question for me. "That's awesome though," Rex continued. "It's something I like to try but I dunno how confident I'd feel." "I don't know, I think you'd be good," I said sincerely. The Alsatian was certainly handsome and athletic, he certainly had a more muscular build than me. "What do you do, if you don't mind me asking?" "I started out as a cop," Rex explained. "That didn't work out, so I'm currently working as a clerk at a shooting range. I met Doug there as he was preparing for a movie role, he was playing a US Navy Seal and wanted to practice firing live rounds." I'd forgotten Doug was also a regular actor, he appeared in a sitcom called Sorry I'm Your Roommate although shamefully I'd never watched it, as well as a few movies. "And from then on it was history I guess," Rex continued, beating his tail against the sand. We sat and watched our mates swim around gracefully in silence. "This is going to sound like a weird question," I eventually sighed. "But how do you and Doug make things work?" "How do you mean?" "In your relationship, knowing that everything will work out, doing things together?" My words stumbled about as I tried to phrase the question correctly. "We just naturally clicked, chatted a lot, went on a few dates and found had similar interests, similar life goals like travelling abroad, above all we just had a desire to look out for each other," Rex explained. "He also says I make him laugh a lot, probably unintentionally." "I guess I'm still figuring these things out for myself," I replied. As cute as Rex's speech was it didn't make me feel any clearer about the thoughts running through my head. "Well, I'd say you bagged yourself a fine looking Doberman," Rex chuckled as Kurt and Doug emerged from the water. Kurt flexed his muscles as he walked and I could see the defined outline of the Doberman's sheath in his swim briefs.

Damn he is handsome. Most people would give their right arm to have a mate with those looks.

Kurt sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. "You okay bud?" He asked, giving me a kiss on the muzzle. "I am," I replied as my tail wagged. "We should do this again," Doug added as he sat beside Rex. "That's the best workout session I've had in a long time." "Speaking of working out, is Rex now going to give our holes a good working with his tongue?" Kurt teased. "Fine, I'll do that now," Rex huffed, although I could see him trying to keep a grin off his muzzle. "Down with those speedos dudes." "Good boy darling," Doug teased, stroking his mate between his ears before pulling his swim briefs down. Rex knelt behind Doug and shoved his muzzle into the Dingo's rump. I heard Doug huff followed by the sound of slurping and wet kissing. "Y'know bud, we should go for lunch after we shower at home," Kurt suggested as he dropped his speedos. "Yeah, good idea," I replied over the sound of Rex slurping Doug's butt. "Where you thinking?" "There's two places I've been meaning to show you, there's Italian or Japanese?" "Hmm, Italian sounds good," I admitted. "I like it there, it's... ahhh!" Kurt moaned as Rex's tongue pushed its way into his tail hole. I looked down and felt my cock stiffen at the sight of Rex's muzzle beneath Kurt's nub as the Alsatian kissed and lapped at his hole. "Fuck, your boyfriend is good at this," Kurt groaned. I could feel my dick already emerging from its sheath as I watched a thick glob of pre-cum form at the end of Kurt's cock and drip onto the sand. Doug squeezed the sides of Kurt's ass over his face as he kept licking. "Too right mate, he's very talented," Doug panted. "I think he fell on purpose so he could show off." I heard Doug pull away from Kurt and a second later I felt the Alsatian's snoot press into the wet material of my swim briefs and sniff. "Ahem, didn't I tell you to take those off mister," Rex chuckled. "Here, let me help." I felt my speedos descend as Rex tugged them down and I readied myself. Rex's tongue suddenly burrowed into my butt without any warning. I moaned out loud as the Alsatian made out with my tail hole as if it were my mouth. His tongue lapped intently, caressing the skin around my hole before the tip forced its way inside. "Put a paw behind his head, show him who is boss," Doug encouraged. I tried holding Rex in place but I felt my hind-paws start to buckle as Rex's licks became more intense and he pressed the tip of his tongue back into my hole. "There you go, you're done," Rex chuckled as he withdrew. I collapsed on my knees and panted.

Damn, that was good.

Kurt extended a paw and helped me to my feet. "Woah, that was," I couldn't find a single word to describe it. "Heh, that's my Rex everyone," Doug beamed with pride. I pulled my swimsuit back on walked with Kurt to retrieve our shorts and tank tops. "We should definitely do that again," I said as we pulled our clothes on. "I used to find working out boring, but not if I do it with you guys again." "How about same time next week?" Doug suggested. We all nodded in agreement. "Anyway, see ya guys tomorrow. We've got another shoot planned," Doug added as he unlocked his Porsche. "It was great to meet you too!" Rex added, waving his paw at me. "And get acquainted with your ass." He added with a chuckle. "Take care guys," I replied as Kurt unlocked the Lotus. I climbed into the low slung interior and Kurt fired up the engine. "I'm glad you had fun," the Doberman smiled as we drove back to town. I gazed out the window and watched as the Victorian buildings of San Amador slid by as we drove down the main boulevard and out towards the marina. "There is a new gym that just opened nearby," Kurt explained. "I'd like to try it, but you're right. Jogging down the beach is more fun, and trying to get frisky at the gym is harder than it looks in porn or photoshoots." "We could still try," I teased. "Heh, if I asked Doug and Rex no doubt they'd be game for that," Kurt chuckled as he parked the car outside the building. I knew I should start referring to it as our building, even if that would take some getting used to.

As soon as we got into the apartment we stripped off and made for the shower; I did my usual routine of admiring Kurt's butt in his speedo before he grinned and slid them down, showing me his ass. "With you I never say no to crack," I chuckled. "Heh, I call that so bad it's good," Kurt replied, giving me a kiss. "You are cute, you know that." "I never used to like the word cute, but when you say it I don't mind," I admitted. "How come?" "I dunno, I guess it made me think of a dopy cub that everyone coos over," I replied as Kurt turned the water on. "Alec you are certainly not dopy," Kurt said tenderly. "You are amazing, and that's what I mean by cute. Now, here you go." Kurt took me by the paw and led me under the running water. The Doberman picked up our clothes to move them and I watched as he picked up my speedo and pressed it to his nose. "I ain't gonna put those in the washing machine in a hurry," he chuckled. "What do you mean?" "I might sniff them and make you to sniff them when we're next getting frisky, although we swam I can still smell your musk on them," Kurt grinned. "Heh, that sounds like a plan," I replied as my dick stiffened slightly at the thought. Kurt climbed into the shower, wrapped me in his arms and we shared a kiss as the water cascaded over us.

Once we felt clean I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked to the bedroom. My laptop was sitting on the bed and my ears stood up as I saw an email waiting for me.

Something from my parents?

Gingerly, I opened it and began to read.

Dear Alec,

My name is Justin Vannucci and I work at KQS Studios in Los Angeles. I have seen your portfolio online where you mention you are looking for a job as a set designer.

I am interested in giving you an interview based off the work I have seen. Would you like to attend on Thursday? I will send you our address.



After wondering whether anyone would see my portfolio online it seemed my question had been answered. "News from your parents?" Kurt asked, walking naked into the bedroom. "Not exactly, a studio over in LA said they were wanted to talk to me about a set designing job," I explained. Kurt smiled, although I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Oh, awesome," he replied. "Does that mean you'll be working in LA?" "I'm not sure yet," I replied. "Well I guess that means all the more reason to go to lunch." I felt a pang of guilt as I heard the Doberman's voice crack slightly at the end. I stood and hugged Kurt, pressing my head to his muscular chest. "I ain't going to run off on you," I said. Kurt smiled and nuzzled me between the ears. "I'm glad to hear that bud," he whispered. "I was planning to tell my parents about us too. I know they'll want to meet you." I suddenly realised I hadn't asked much about Kurt's parents. "What do they do?" I asked as we sat on the bed together. "Well, my father is called Ralph, he also served in the marines and is now a security consultant. My mother is called Mia and she works as a high school teacher. Wait here," Kurt gave me a kiss before rushing off to the living room. He came back a second later with a couple of framed photographs in his paw. "This is them," he explained showing me the first photograph which was in a silver frame. The photo depicted a Doberman couple sitting on a bench in what I assumed was there backyard since there was a white painted house in the background. Ralph was wearing a white shirt but I could tell he had a muscular build underneath; no doubt where his son had got his from. Mia was thinner with soft brown eyes, another aspect passed onto Kurt. Both had the typical attributes of Doberman Pinschers; black and tan fur with cropped ears. Although Dobermans have a reputation for being imposing and fierce, both Kurt's parents looked gentile and friendly. His mother had a similar smile to Kurt's which she was giving the camera. "I'd like you to meet them sometime soon, if you want to. They'd like you," Kurt said.

Meeting his parents, another big step to take, then again my parents know about him so it's only fair.

Kurt handed over the second photo which depicted another male Doberman in black and white. I instantly knew I was looking at Kurt's grandfather; the resemblance he had to Kurt and Ralph was almost a mirror image. This Doberman was wearing a suit and had quite mournful expression on his face. "My grandfather Heino," Kurt explained. "He was born in Germany, but left in the thirties and moved to Switzerland before coming to the US." "Why did he leave?" I asked. I of course knew of the history of Germany in that era, but I wondered what could have prompted his grandfather to leave given that he was a pure-breed Doberman. "His wife was of Jewish descent, with a Swiss mother. They left together as they didn't want to be separated, and then moved to the US since she already had family here," Kurt replied. "I love tracing family history though." "Same here, even if the stories can be sad," I replied. Knowing that Kurt enjoyed doing that prompted a rush of affection for the Doberman. It was something I had enjoyed doing with my grandmother when I asked her to get old family photos out.

I put my arm around Kurt's and snuggled up to him. "Oh, we should look at the photos I took at the beach earlier," Kurt said excitedly. "I wanted something of the two of us to frame and hang up." He grabbed his phone and scrolled through them. In the past I was not keen on having my photo taken shirtless, but I was pleased with how they came out. Kurt and I were both smiling nicely and I couldn't complain about seeing some of Kurt's pecs and abs in the shot. Kurt scrolled along and then rolled his eyes. "That damn Dingo, I'm going to make sure we devise a fitting punishment for him at our next shoot." Doug and Rex must have realised we were taking pics since they had decided to do something ridiculous in the background the final three; in the first they were both pulling silly faces with their tongues out, in the next they were giving the camera the finger and in the last they had both pulled down their speedos and were flashing their bare asses. "I dunno, I like the last one," I joked. "I'm sure Doug will like it when I post it on Facebook, although that'll probably encourage him," Kurt chuckled, before glancing at the time. "I suppose we'd better get lunch if your mother was calling you at five." He sighed. The Doberman stood and helped me to my hind-paws before we dressed ourselves. I had forgotten about the call during the run at the beach, but the reminder filled my stomach with a feeling of dread.

Fifteen minutes later Kurt drove us to the restaurant which was on Arcadia Boulevard. Like the other places he had taken us it was small looking, but the interior was cosy and the smell of pizza hit my nostrils. A Lioness waitress handed us two menus. "I already know what I'll have, ham and mushroom," Kurt grinned. "You know what, I'll have the same," I replied. "Makes it easier for me," the Lioness laughed. I chuckled too but the feeling of humour didn't last long as the thought of the phone call loomed in my mind. Kurt kept talking to me as we waited for the food, but I found it hard to concentrate. I was mildly relieved when it arrived and I busied myself by cutting up the pizza. The pizza was indeed good as Kurt had promised, but I couldn't concentrate. Kurt noticed and sighed. "I'm sorry bud, I wish there was something I could do or say," he sighed. "No I'm sorry, I shouldn't be all gloomy," I replied, glancing around the restaurant. "I should be associating a place like this with happy memories." "In that case we'll come back," Kurt replied, fixing me a smile.

I finished the rest of my pizza in silence and got the check despite Kurt insisting he'd pay. The drive home was also quiet and as soon as we got in I glanced at the clock; it was three thirty. I spent the next hour and a half pacing up and down, politely refusing Kurt's offers of going out for a walk or watching a movie until the time came. I felt guilty, but I didn't think anything could distract me. Kurt eventually splayed his cropped ears and sighed. "I'm sorry bud, I feel like I'm failing," he said. "It's not you," I replied, giving him a hug. "I just want this over with." I went back to pacing while Kurt took off his shirt and dropped to the floor to do some push-ups. I thought copying him would be a good idea, so I dropped beside him and tried pushing myself up, although Kurt was a lot faster. "You'll get there," he encouraged. I nodded and glanced up at the clock; it was now five minutes until the call was due.

It's sad that I'm dreading speaking to my parents of all people.

"Would you like me to stay or go in another room?" Kurt offered. "Please, stay with me," I replied. I sat down on the sofa and waited. The clock showed it was five. I took a deep breath and as if on cue my phone began buzzing. I swiped to accept the call. "Hello," I said, noticing my voice was shaking slightly. "Alec," it was my father's voice, recognisable by its deep and gravelly tone. "We have something to discuss. Your mother and I have been talking this over." My father paused and I could hear him breathing at the other end. "We've decided we still want you in our family, and although this is for us to process you are still our son, however you are not to mention this to anyone else. Only your mother, Aunt Alexandra and Chadwick know. I also don't want you going around telling your friends." My father continued, his tone was not angry but cold. "We don't want their parents asking us is your son is gay." Most of my friends work at Wolf & Coyote I wanted to snort, but I refrained myself. I knew getting angry was not a good idea. "Son, have you perhaps tried not being gay?" My father continued. I wanted to laugh at how absurd the question seemed, but I forced myself to remain calm. "I don't know Dad," was the only answer I could think of. "Well," my father said, I could tell he was struggling to find something to say. "Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?" "Uh, I got an email about a new job interview," I said hopefully, wondering if that would defuse the tension. "I see. Where at?" My father asked curtly. "For a company in Los Angeles," I replied, trying to tread carefully. "Hmph, well. We'll speak to you again soon," my father said before hanging up.

I sunk back down on the sofa and sighed. Kurt immediately took my paw. "How did it go?" He asked gently, putting an arm around me and stroking my face with his paw. "You were impressively calm." "He wasn't mad, but cold," I replied. "I guess I'm not too distraught since I was waiting for this all day and knew he wouldn't be happy, but at least he wasn't yelling at me, and said they're not disowning me." "I guess it's not as bad as it could have been," Kurt tried to reason. "They're still getting used to it, and time is a healer. They'll come to terms with it sooner or later." I didn't reply, but buried my head into his muscular chest. "It's okay," Kurt whispered. "You have me, Doug, Rex, Chadwick. All of us will look out for you." I nodded and gazed outside at the setting sun casting its orange and red rays over the marina. Once again, the light reflected in Kurt's soft brown eyes. Kurt smiled and kissed me. At that moment I wanted nothing more than to stay with him.

I don't want to be anywhere else.

"I feel like some wine, and music," the words escaped from my muzzle. "Okay," Kurt smiled. He took my paw and led to me to the kitchen where the bottle from the other day was still standing half-full on the counter. Kurt poured us both a glass before selecting a track on my phone. The sound of Stand By Me by Ben E King filled the kitchen. I gazed into his brown eyes once again as they reflected the fading light.

When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we'll see No, I won't be afraid Oh, I won't be afraid Just as long as you stand Stand by me...