Dark Kat's Plan

Story by Neck41 on SoFurry

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This is a story to go along with a picture I had commissioned by a good artist by the name of How-did-we-get-here.

Here's a link to the original picture: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/24887936/

Dark Kat has a sinister plan after capturing the Swat Kats.

Slowly all of Razor's senses started to return to him as he stirred from the void of darkness around him. His eyelids were too heavy for him to open right now, but the weight started to lessen as the seconds ticked by. But then both ears twitched as his hearing then started to come back, a familiar voice coming to him.

"N-No...N-Not again...GYAHHHHHHH!" A loud strangled cry hit his ears as panting could be heard.

It was then Razor could finally open his eyes, only to be blinded by a bright light above him. The bright object caused the ginger tom to turn his head, but then his eyes widen as his partner could be seen...in more ways than one.

"T-T-Bone?" his raspy voice called out as he could fully take in the burly tom's appearance.

The larger cat is lying down on a metal table, metal manacles locking his wrist and ankles down. But what shocked Razor the most is that T-Bone is completely naked except for his mask, and fur matted with sweat.

Hearing his name, the burly tom looked over to his partner, the smaller tom not realizing that he's in the same position as himself. There were so many things that the blond tom wanted to say, but the only thing that came out was, "M-Make it stop...Please..."

Just then Razor looked down and gasped as he saw some kind of tube placed around his friend's dick, a quiet sucking and churning sound could be heard as T-Bone's hips seemed to be thrusting into the tub weakly.

It was then Jake looked down at himself and saw the same thing. He's completely naked except for his mask and had the same kind of tube enclosed on his dick, but unresponsive at the moment. What the hell was going on?

Hell, how did this happen at all? His memory was fuzzy at the moment. All he could remember is he and T-Bone checking out a tip on Dark Kat's whereabouts and when they got to the building nothing else.

Before anything else could be said a heavy screeching hit their ears as they both lifted their heads to look. Razor's eyes narrowed and T-Bone groaned as one of their mortal enemies appeared before them.

"Dark Kat...I should have known," Razor sneered.

"Finally, my other contributor is awake," the huge cat walked in, closing the door behind himself and locking it with a large key.

"C-Contributor? What are you talking about?" Razor asked, watching as the purple cat ignored the question and went over to T-Bone's side, watching as a massive hand patted the blond tom's exposed balls, causing him to groan in pain.

"And how are you doing there? Are they too sensitive?" he chuckles. "Maybe because of all the suction."

"S-Screw you Dark crud!" T-Bone managed to spat out.

"Actually, more like i'm screwing you," The large cat laughed heartily. "Maybe a small increase of power will help." Just then their enemy turned to what looked like a large pump. The tube that is attached to T-Bone's dick is connected to a black hose and it lead to the pump.

Both of the blond tom's eyes widened as he saw a large purple hand reach for a dial, "N-N-No Not that!" The hand then turned the dial to the left just a bit, and the tube around his dick then started to contract a lot faster than before, "GYARRRGHH!" His body thrashed about in his restraints, trying to free himself but to no avail.

"W-What the...You can't be doing what I think you're doing!" Razor shouted out as it all started to become clear in his mind what the plastic tubes on them was for. He too pulled at the manacles holding him down, not wanting to join his buddy in his tormented ecstasy...If that's what you call it.

"Oh don't worry, you'll soon be donating your essence too," Dark kat said as he moved away from T-Bone and came to Razor's side, both of those menacing eyes peering down at the bound tom like a predator about to eat their prey.

"This is sick, even for you!" Razor spat out, still not giving up.

"No it's not, you see I've come to realize something from you Swat Kats. You two are one of a kind, and no one else in this city possess the same skills that you two do. The only way to get that kind of skill...is locked right in here," Razor tensed as Dark kat then enclosed his fingers around his balls, giving them a small squeeze. It wasn't that tight, but gave enough force to cause the tom to squirm from discomfort. "That's why i'm going to engineer an army of clones...one of which requires the DNA of you Swat Kats...and what better way of getting top notch DNA than extracting your sperm?"

Razor could only stare at his foe in complete shock, his mind not being able to fully process what was just said. An army of clones? And he and his partner's sperm is going to be the catalyst for creating such an army. This has to be the most devious and sinister plan Dark Kat had ever had, and with both of them bound securely there's nothing they could do to stop him at all.

Hell, he couldn't find the words to say anything as he watched the huge kat go over to another pump, which wasn't active at the moment. The ginger tom's breathing increased as the same massive hand went to a dial and turned it a bit. The long finger then moved to a switch.

"Just lay back and enjoy the pleasure," he mocked before flicking the switch. The machine then hummed to life as mechanical cylinders started to move as a pump started to suck. The hose leading to the plastic tube started to move, causing a small vibration to lead to the tube.

Jake let out a gasp as the tube started to contract, removing all the air from inside and gripping his dick, almost as if a hand had enclosed around it. A sucking sensation started to shoot through the tube as it started to move up and down, making the tom feel as if he was being given a hand job, but yet the suction made it also seem like he was being given a blow job.

Either way Razor's body shuddered as a wave of pleasure engulfed his body, the tube providing an amazing sensation to his dick. The pleasure managed to fully engulf his mind to the point where he started to thrust his hips into the tube, trying to get more of that wonderful feeling to wash over him.

Dark kat couldn't help but chuckle at seeing the tom, humping the tube like an animal in heat. "That's it, give into your needs and give up your seed, you'll be much happier doing so."

Just like the switch that had turned on the machine Razor suddenly came back to realization as both of his eyes widen as he stopped thrusting his hips.

"No!" He said to himself, "no I can't give into the pleasure...I have to hold out, Dark kat can't get my sperm!" The ginger tom willed himself not to give in, but it proved difficult as the machine continued to suck away at him. He tried to think of something else, anything to get his mind off of the sickening action, but with every suck of the machine Razor's walls were starting to crumble. It was only a matter of time.

Meanwhile Dark Kat chuckled as he watched the smaller tom struggle to resist. The large cat knew resistance was futile, he'll give in and give over his sperm, just like his partner. Speaking of which, he turned his attention back to the burly tom, just in time to see him cry out in bliss as he shot out another load of his sperm. The white substance flowing through the tube and dropped down into a clear container on the side of the pump. The blond tom slumped against the table, panting after such an orgasmic high, but then groaned in pain as both eyes squeezed shut as the machine continued to suck away at him again.

The machines were going to be running all the time, the two cats would get no rest for a long while. They would be in agony as their balls will soon ache from the constant stimulation and draining. He set things up like this, partially as revenge for all the times the Swat Kats interfered with his plans.

Taking another look at the collection jar he saw that it was only nearing a fourth full. This brought a frown to the kat's face. Mainly since it made him realize that it's going to take much longer for the jar to be filled. Now normally he would inject the two with a hormone to increase sperm production, but the thought of using chemicals made him realize that the purity of the sample could become contaminated from them. So, the collections would have to be produced as normally as possible. Despite the amount of time it would take, it would still be fine. After all, he wasn't doing any of the work.

Try as he may there was no way Razor could hold back his impending orgasm. The machine just induced way too much pleasure to his system to resist. He could already feel his balls churning the sperm and getting ready to release it. There was no going back now as his eyes squeezed shut and his teeth gritted as a strangled cry left his mouth as it came out. Rope after rope of sticky sperm shot of the tip of his dick and into the hungry vacuum of the milking machine. The substance flowed down the black tube, traveling all the way and dropped down into the empty collection jar.

And just like his partner Razor's body went laxed as his breathing turned rapid, along with his heart rate. It felt so good, but yet the realization of what happened just followed. He allowed his sperm to be extracted, and now it belonged to Dark Kat. All these thoughts were wiped from his mind as he felt the suction from the machine continue on his dick, which is sensitive from having an orgasm. Both eyes squeezed shut as a bit of pain could be felt as it kept going. He couldn't keep going on, he needed a break, but he knew that one wouldn't come. His body started to squirm as the machine kept sucking him.

Dark Kat then moved, standing just between the two, looking down at the struggling toms were being forced fed pleasure. The two writhing in sexual agony only brought glee to his face. With due time, he'll have enough DNA to start his clone army, and there will be no one who will be able to stop him.

"Enjoy my little sperm donors, I'll come back and check on you two in a few hours." He ignored the orgasmic cries from the Swat Kats as he headed for a door out of his prisoner's view, one that is heavy duty and thick. More tubes that lead to the pumps were sticking through the wall and towards the other side. An electronic keypad mounted on the side of the door, a red light showing that it's locked. Using his massive finger, he entered in a long code, which then followed by a loud beep, and then the door opened.

Walking in, Dark Kat found himself in a darkened room, but the sound of bubbling could be heard. Once he stepped in further the lights flickered on. Side by side in many rows were many large cylinder glass tanks, which towered over the evil cat. Each one held some kind of green liquid and secured shut by a strong lid. But on every lid are tubes, which all joined into one and lead to the ones feeding through the walls.

Dark kat then walked over to a nearby console and typed a few commands, which in turn caused the tubes to move as another suction sound could be heard. He smiled at this and approached the first two tubes in front of him. The smile only getting bigger as a small jet of the Swat Kat's sperm entered the tanks. This mechanic was rigged to bring the donor's sperm and inject them into the vats. All there is left to do is wait. Yes, things were going according to plan. An evil laugh left his mouth once more as he heard his prisoners give another "Donation" of their sperm.


It had been days since any sightings of Megakat city's masked duo were seen. No truly heinous crimes had yet to occur but they begin to flare up over time with no response given to the minor thefts and violence that occurred. Days turned into weeks and slowly more chaotic responses were given but were fortunately curbed by the enforcers swift response to their mask vigilantes.

Rumors began to surface that something nefarious was afoot for the city. Some of Feral's underworld informants hinted that Dark Kat was cooking something truly vile up. Feral knew that he had to beat the Swat Kats to the punch on this one, he had to find Dark Kat first and put an end to whatever scheme was being brewed.

Then came the tip, late at night a phone call came into Feral's personal residence. The voice quickly rasped out where the location of Dark Kat's base was and nothing more. After that he was awake and ready to move. The Enforcers were mobilized in a moment's notice, geared up and ready to tackle the Dark Kat threat.

The Enforcers had the place surrounded within the hour as the compound was stormed. Dark Kat didn't see it coming as he and his creeplings were taken down by the ambush. He even watched as his cloning vats were destroyed.

After Dark Kat was captured the Enforcers searched the building and the two-bound toms were found strapped to the machines. Large tanks of harvested sperm were seen throughout the room as the two-lay strapped to the table with almost glazed over expressions. Exhausted from the intense continuous harvesting from the past week.

Once the facility had been cleared out the Enforcers then worked to free the Swat Kats from their restraints. Both of them couldn't even move for a while, and even cried out in pain as the milking tubes were removed from their dicks. Some found the sight of Megakat city's most heroic duo in such a state amusing or sad. Still the two expressed their gratitude for helping them out.

Once all was done Feral ordered his men to leave as he wanted a word with the vigilante duo as they regained their senses. They sat up on the tables, hunched over as they were still tired from their ordeal. They needed some time to recover before they could walk, which was bad. Because the last thing they wanted was to be alone with Commander Feral, especially during the state they are in.

"Well Well, it seems that this time the mighty Swat Kats didn't have what it takes to eliminate the threat and needed some rescuing by the Enforcer's." Commander Feral scoffed down to the two toms, both whom wanted to make a remark but were still too drained and mentally scattered to do so. They just had to let Feral rant like he was still doing.

Seeing this Feral added more into the fire. "If it weren't for me, you two would be nothing but mindless husks in Dark Kat's plan to take over the city. But that leads us to our next dilemma.... Not only am I taking one criminal into custody...but I see the opportunity to take in two overdue vigilantes as well." A triumphant smirk slowly formed on the commander's face as he knelt down to the exhausted duo. Both of them stood stiff in shock as this happened, and in their exhausted state there would be no chance of them escaping.

"Y...You wouldn't..." Razor rasped out as fear started to swell up inside him.

It's then the smirk turned into a frown, as the commander's whole demeanor changed. "I should...especially with all the hell you two caused for me....but I won't."

That one statement shocked the two toms big time, and confused them. Why wouldn't Feral be arresting them? Was he going mad, as he would never get a good chance to do so again. But they got their answer.

"I made it my mission to bring you two in personally...If I am to arrest the Swat Kats it will be on my own effort, I don't want you two handed to me on a silver platter." He then folded his arms. "And you two are lucky I don't unmask you while I can...But that moment will come when I arrest you two by my own hand."

Both Swat Kats looked at each other, somewhat released, and the other part not sure what to say. They were being given a huge amount of luck now and didn't want to ruin it. Still something had to be said as T-Bone looked over, "Ok...that works for us."

"It should, especially with what we found here. He had quite the setup this time. Dark Kat planned to make copies of you for whatever diabolic reason. Due to my peerless resolve, I had my units destroy the tanks that these clones were being cultivated in, and will have this placed burned so no traces will be left. It's bad enough having just you two around, so more would be worse." Feral would pace back and forth between the two vigilantes as their eyes trailed him in worry. "Just wait until media gets wind of this. Think of all the interviews about the Swat Kats being captured and defeated, in such a disgraceful manner."

Seconds after Feral had said that his radio started to beep, frowning he reached down and answered it, "Feral here."

"Sir," one of his troops reported in. "The media here, they must have found out something happened because they are here in full force. They are demanding to hear a statement from you, and are not letting up" The commander sighed heavily, and was about to respond, but didn't as something just occur to him. A sinister smirk then appeared on his face as a small plan of revenge formed in his mind. "Copy that, I'll be out in a moment." Returning the radio to his belt he then turned to the two toms, watching them trying to get to their feet.

"Well that's our cue to leave then," T-Bone said, Razor nodding in agreement.

"We best slip out through the back so no one will see us," the ginger tom responded as stood up.

"Not so fast," Feral reached out and grabbed each one by the shoulder. Turing them around, so their backs were facing him Feral then shoved the two so they were bent over one of the tables they were strapped to. Both were caught off guard as they were pushed into the table. And In their weakened state the two couldn't stop the commander as he pulled their hands behind their backs and snapped handcuffs around their wrists.

"Commander, what are you doing!" T-Bone shouted, anger flowing through him as the thought of being lied to came first to his mind.

"You said you weren't going to arrest us!" Razor said next, the two now struggling even though it was futile.

Feral just laughed as he lifted up the masked toms by the arm and start moving them to the exit of the facility. The two's resistance is weak, since they haven't walked in a long while.

"Now you two are going to put on your best faces and come with me to greet the press. Too bad there's nothing for you two to wear during your perp walk." he just gave another laugh as the two toms mouth dropped open.

"Y-You can't do this...this is cruel!" Razor shouted out loud, both knowing that Feral planned on taking them out in public...naked.

"Kat's alive, this is low, even for you Feral!" T-Bone cried out as he continued to walk. Both toms knew that the press are going to have a field day seeing the Swat Kats in their current state, and apparently being arrested by the Feral himself.

"Don't worry I'll still let you two go...but not until you two have your media exposure...pun intended," he gave a laugh and then before exiting he leaned in and whispered to them. "Consider this payback for all the times you humiliated me. "They then reached the exit of the facility.

"Now shall we gentlemen?" He gripped their arms tighter and ushered them to the exit. As they emerged from the darkened facility. As they reached daylight, both T-Bone and Razor instinctively recoiled from daylight as they had not seen in a week. But soon their eyes got adjusted to the light, but this only made them pale in horror. Before them was a sea of reporters and journalists, all with camcorders and cameras. All of who turned towards them as the three came out of the building.

A strong wave of camera flashes and exasperated gasps could be heard washing over the crowd as they saw the two heroes in all their glory. Only their masks remained and they did not hide the expressions well of the shamed pair as they marched out behind Feral. Even through their fun they could see the two-blushing deep red in embarrassment.

What is worse, for them, is there happened to be major fans of the vigilantes as a few female reporters blushed at seeing them naked. Hell, even some males couldn't help but stare as well. Some even forgot that they were supposed to be capturing news and tried to get a different view of the two. Many rumors pertaining to the two now being solved, which include how big their dicks were.

Feral made his way to the row of microphones being pointed at the Chief Enforcer and two Vigilantes. The commander making sure that both toms were still on display for the press, even though they were trying their best not to look at anyone, and couldn't even say anything.

"Citizens of Megakat City, Today is truly a triumphant day for the Enforcers. We have thwarted both Dark Kat and his ploy to take over the city along with capturing these two vigilantes!" He motioned to T-Bone and Razor as he pushed them forward. Shying away from the cameras they didn't move much. "With all three of these criminals in custody, I personally believe that a new age of peace can begin. An age where the Enforcers can maintain the peace and sanctity of our majestic metropolis." Many reporters and Television crewman chattered quietly to themselves as they recorded what may be the most shameful end for the Swat Kats and the rise of Commander Feral.

The media all watched and continued to film and take pictures as the commander marched the naked toms to his car. Opening the back door, he personally shoved the two in and slammed it shut. This at least caused a huge relief to come to the Swat Kats as they were no longer exposed, although they sense this wouldn't be the last that their naked forms would be seen.

Just as Feral was about to get into his car one of his soldiers ran up to him, carrying two large evidence bags. "Sir, we finished going through the whole facility."

"And what did you find?" He responded, now focusing on him.

"Nothing else from our initial raid on the place, although we managed to find the Swat Kat's clothes," the soldier finished as he held up the bags.

Oh, this was just getting better and better in the commander's head, as another thought came to mind. Why should his fun end here? Why not prolong their humiliation some more. "Thank you, I'll take those into evidence personally," he reached out and took the bag, and placing them into the front passenger's side.

"Alright boys, The show is over. It Is time I personally see to the long overdue incarceration of these two 'heroes'." Feral got in the front seat of the car and adjusted his rear-view mirror, getting a final look at the defeated duo with a satisfied smirk. With a twist of a key the car is turned on as he put it into gear and put the pedal to the metal and drove off.


For the most time nothing was said, not even from the Swat Kats. Feral would look in the rear-view mirror and see the two toms not even looking in the commander's direction. They were still embarrassed over what transpired, and they should be. It seems like his action of public humiliation worked big time, and the best part is that it's not over with yet.

Most likely the pictures of the toms in their full glory will somehow leak out and end up in transit and maybe online. Anyone would be able to see them, thus humiliating them for a long time. And Feral loved it. "What's wrong? I thought you two didn't mind being exposed to the media?"

That one comment caused the two to look over into the reflection of Feral's eyes, the embarrassment gone and replaced with anger. "You went too far Feral," Chance sneered.

"I didn't think you could sink so low," Razor seconded.

"You think this is sinking low? It was by my good graces that you both were allowed to exist as what you were this far. I bided my time, waited for the perfect opportunity to turn this in my favor. Now it has finally paid off." Feral remarked gruffly as he glanced back to the backseat periodically. "Besides i'm letting you two go anyway, you should be happy."

"Wait...where are we?" T-Bone asked as he looked out the window, finally paying attention to his surroundings. Originally when they exited the facility they found it to be on the outskirts of town, and judging by the lack of buildings and the car driving on a dirt road they weren't going back to the city.

Feral then stopped the car, leaving the engine running as he opened his door, taking a moment to look in the rear-view mirror. "You didn't think I would let you go in the middle of the city, did you? That would ruin my credibility of your capture."

The commander then exited from the car and opened the rear car door, reaching in and grabbing Razor by the arm first, pulling him out. Then doing the same with T-Bone. The two toms weren't sure if they should be glad or worried by this fact. One good thing is that they won't be seen by anyone else, which is a relief. The worst part is that they are still at Feral's mercy, since they are still cuffed.

Thankfully that issue was resolved as Feral then took out the key and unlocked the cuffs from them, much to their relief. The two then took a moment to rub their wrists and then started to stretch. From being rescued, marched out from the facility and the car ride, the two didn't have a chance to stretch their bodies out. They were too distracted from this that they didn't hear the crunch of Feral's footsteps heading away from them, but what got their attention is the slam of the car door.

Both of them were startled at this and shocked at the commander's actions. No, he couldn't...he wouldn't do what they were thinking he was going to do. "Commander...you just can't leave us like this!" Razor shouted out.

"You know...you're right," turning his head the two then saw him reach for something and the saw him toss out two water canteens. "There you go."

"That's not what he meant!" Chance shouted. "What about our clothes!"

At the mention of that Feral just smirked, "Oh I would, but your clothes are considered evidence, and giving them to you would be breaking so many laws and regulations...which I know you two are against." Closing the door to his vehicle as he turned one last time to T-Bone and Razor and gave them a dismissive salute.

"Until next time Swat Kats." He sneered as he began to laugh to himself as his engine started and he began to drive away. Leaving the two toms still completely naked out in the middle of nowhere.

Road Rovers: Captive and Bared (Prologue)

**_A Road Rovers story that involves two of the Rovers getting into an interesting situation. _** * * * Things couldn't have been going better for the one named General Parvo, criminal mastermind and the main foe of his most hated group of canines,...

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