Raccoon's Grip (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#51 of Short Stories

A gryphon's attentions come at a price.

~ The raccoon's fingers gripped tightly around the gryphon's ears and head as though to guide the attentions of his beak to precisely to best spot. His annoyance with her disregard for the fragility of feathers manifested as a hungry rumbling growl, once mixed with the inertia of libido and scents of her shuddering moans.

~ This only seemed to enthrall her to the attentions, her grip firming as she rapidly approached her climax. His beak kept to its dutiful dance amongst tender flesh even as he thought he heard a feather break.

Questing Log

~ The fox slipped sheepishly into the doorway, his mind focused on how silly of a ranger costume he wore and giggled a bit at the whole notion of this fiction. His eyes laid upon the raccoon's druid costume, her scent reminding his body of just how...

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Slice of Life (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Roland's shift at the theater had run into the early hours of morning, and the kobold looked forward to his quaint apartment a number of subway stops away. He settled into place while the subway car rumbled and jostled its way along the path, a...

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Beagle's Orders (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The gathered fleet of Admiral Sligh hung in orbit over the old colony world, calm but for the flights of shuttles running circuits planetside to their frenzied evacuation of civilians below. Aboard his potmarked and tarnished flagship, Josiah Sligh...

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