The Bouncer’s Heart

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Living alone in the city can be rough. Sometimes you need someone to hold onto, to keep you sane among scum.

Night struck the city streets in a curtain of bruised black and blue that was cut off by the lights playing along the concrete sidewalks. Neon signs and bright street lights obscured the stars and lit the way for the people who traveled during the late hours, the people wandering around with hollow eyes and slumped shoulders with expressions devoid of dreams and arms drawn tight at their sides to take as little space as possible. Orn city was where the poor and the destitute made their homes along with the underworld and those who sought a place where the law wouldn't dare touch them. Tall buildings like faded and cracked mountains crowded the area with alleyways lining the spaces in between in winding mazes that hid wonders for those who knew where they were, and dangers for the few who were stupid and innocent to the ways of the city. Occasionally, the crack and pop of a gun punctuated the night time buzz of people chatting amongst themselves while walking, but no one seemed to care, nor did they care about the occasional body that appeared with it.

Among the humans of the city, hybrids walked alongside them with various animal shapes and sizes. They were considered monsters by most humans and they had made their home in the cities where few people would have the gall to bother them, and where they could find themselves some sort of job; even if the job was something illegal.

People traveled the alleyways with hands and paws in coat pockets and eyes on where they needed to go and nowhere else. The shadows of the alleyways engulfed all who entered and only a few lights flickered on walls that seemed to travel endlessly to the bruised sky above. A building sat near the center of the maze of alleyways where a line of people waited their turn to be admitted to a club where booming music could be heard vibrating through the door. A fat man stood there with tattoos lining his face and a foul look in his eyes. He held a clipboard and grumbled as he let some folk in, and told others to look for some other place to stalk. While the crowd outside the club waited their turn, the door opened and a white furred hybrid with caprine eyes and a long tail stepped out with arms crossed and a cigarette in her mouth. The man looked down at the short hybrid and without a word tossed her the clipboard. She caught it with one paw and leaned against the wall next to the door as the man stepped inside. Already a few people gave quirked brow looks to the hybrid standing at the door, and one brave soul decided to challenge her. There was always one.

Rikka was a short hybrid. She had a bit of curve at her hips and thighs, but other than that she seemed scrawny beneath a heavy hoodie that made it seem like she wasn't wearing anything underneath. Most who didn't know her assumed that she was a pushover and some even presumed that she was a whore as hybrids were often selling their bodies for the pleasures of others if they couldn't find themselves with a normal job. Rikka was different, Rikka herself was strong enough to take care of herself and take care of anyone who bothered her including the idiot stepping up to her right now.

A gruff voice came from some nameless patron with the urge to get in early, "Hey, goat bitch, let me in and I'll give you something nice."

Someone tried to grab his shoulder and pull him away politely, but the smell of alcohol was thick on his breath and he yanked his arm away with a stumble and the sort of anger flashing in his eyes that only came from drunk stupidity and a lack of self-preservation thanks to far too much alcohol. He was exactly the type of person that Rikka had been told to lay flat on their asses if they decided to make trouble, but still, she waited for the chance that maybe he'd back away. Instead of responding, she crossed her arms and shook her head, standing in the doorway, adamant and unflinching even as she felt his putrid hot breath slapping against her face.

The man sneered and took a step towards her, "Come on, y'telling me that yer not letting me in? A little money is what y'want right? Bet you get a ton for suckin'."

Still silent she kept her arms crossed and tapped her foot as if she were dealing with an impertinent child. The man did not take kindly to this and moved with finger ready to jab at her. This time Rikka responded by grabbing his finger and yanking him down with a sickening crunch that echoed in the night. Too drunk to feel pain, or too stupid to try and pull away, the man brought his free hand in the air, balled it into a fist and let it fly.

As he formed the fist, the man doubled over as Rikka's own fist met the man's gut. Air huffed out of the man's lungs and he coughed as he doubled over. The hybrid let go of his finger and reached to grab his chin to yank him down with her claws sinking into skin, "I make good money keeping idiots like you out of here. You're too drunk. Come back when you're sober and you're not gonna cause problems."

Even a drunk idiot could be humbled. He nodded with a tear falling from one of his eyes, no doubt from the pain of having his kidney's punched. She gave his side a gentle pat and flicked a wrist to show him where he could go. He walked off holding onto his gut and his pride and the people who had backed away formed back up to make a line. Rikka looked out towards the crowd and reached down to pick up the clipboard she had dropped.

Other than the little mishap with the drunk, the night had gone well. The people who came to the club were mostly regulars and they knew not to mess with Rikka. There had only been one or two people that she had to turn away for reasons of being too drunk, or too doped up to be in the club. Most of those types were the sort to make trouble and her boss didn't like trouble. The city itself was a den of shit and he had always said that he'd prefer if his club was a peaceful place. Sexed and buzzed clients were perfectly fine, but anyone who got violent or had the possibility of being violent needed the boot. Rikka's shift had gone well enough, and as usual, there was someone waiting for her, someone she considered a good friend if not a bit annoying.

Rikka waited until the door opened and another bouncer took her place to start walking. She took a fresh cigarette out of her hoodie pockets while she moved down the alley with eyes closed, ignoring the smiling feline that was waiting for her. That smile turned into a small frown as she walked past him and he followed along to pluck the cigarette from her mouth and huff as she stopped with a small smile of her own, "Rikka, hey girl, don't just ignore me."

Rikka opened her eyes and looked to see her friend Del standing there. He was a tawny furred feline with frosted paws and ears and eyes that were a soft green that reminded her of green tea. He was wearing a tanktop and shorts and he was leaning in with one paw on his hips and the other one holding her cigarette pinched between two digits. Rikka took hold of her cigarette with two claws and turned to him. She was about to greet him when she paused as she noticed something off. Much to his dismay, she leaned in close with narrowed eyes. Instantly, his ears drew back and Del tried to back away, but he was against the wall and he could do nothing.

Gingerly, she muttered while touching his cheek, "You're hurt?"

Del tried to turn his head away, but instead, he leaned against her touch while she looked closer. She could see that the area around his eye was bruised black beneath the fur. She plucked the cigarette away from his grasp and planted it between her lips before taking her other paw to feel over his other cheek, "So, tell me, they pay extra to do that?"

The feline looked away with a small frown, "No."

Rikka ran a thumb underneath his eye softly and he flinched. For a moment, she was quiet and the sound of the city was drowning everything out. She felt a pang of anger and concern mixing together, but she didn't dare show it on her features knowing it would upset him. Instead, she kept massaging his face gently to let him know it was okay. She was only concerned. Rikka knew that Del sold his body for money, it was the only thing he said he was good at and she was fine with that, but she wasn't okay with people taking advantage of him.

Quietly, she sighed, "You could move in with me and skip doing these odd jobs."

Del shook his head, "Why would I do that? I'm perfectly fine."

Rikka smiled just a bit, "That so?" She said dryly.

Del nodded, even though his ears were drawn back and his tail was curled around his own leg. Rikka knew better than to push him, but she gave both of his cheeks a soft pat and asked, "Mind if I walk you home at least then?"

The feline's shoulders sagged a bit and he sighed, "That'd be great."

Rikka took her paws off of her friend's face and reached into her pockets to retrieve her lighter. She flicked it a few times until a little flame puffed out and against the tip of her cigarette. Once it was lit, she took a deep pull and put away her lighter before starting to walk. Del followed along while mumbling, "You know those things are terrible for you."

Rikka took the cigarette from her mouth and let out a puff of smoke, "Yeah, talk to me when you eat a salad for once."

Del huffed, but he stayed quiet. Rikka could only smile as she walked with her friend. The only bad habit health wise that Rikka had was smoking, and sure it was bad but at the very least she ate right and exercised, unlike her darling friend. She thought to ask him how his evening had gone, but she had seen the black eye and knew better than to pry. She still felt concern, but she hid it well. Del wasn't the sort to enjoy talking about his problems even if they had known each other for a while, but as of late Rikka had been growing more concerned. More often than not he would show up during or after her shift hanging by the wall trying not to look shaken, but she could see that his job had been taking a toll on him. At the very least he would let her walk him home. If anything happened then she could easily defend them both, but still, she worried and still, she thought of some sort of way to get him to come home with her.

The winding alleyways led to the open street where she could hear animals yowling off in the distance. It was late enough now that even the nightlife was dying down and getting ready for the morning. There were a few people here and there, but most of them were heading home for the evening or passed out by a gutter. Smoke trailed behind the pair as they walked down the sidewalk and headed to Del's apartment complex. They soon arrived at the building and Rikka flicked her cigarette off into the darkness. It was mostly hybrids gathered about in one place. One would think that meant that they were supportive of one another, but that would be too much to ask.

Through the door and upstairs they headed all the way until they reached his floor. The walls of the apartment hallways were cracked and peeling. Various noises played out as they walked through, the sounds of abuse in one apartment, the song of lovers fucking and other sounds that only served to remind her that this place wasn't good for her friend. When they arrived at his door, they saw a hybrid standing there, a bull of all things with furrowed brow and dark eyes. Rikka let her friend move to get his keys to unlock the door quietly, hoping above all else that hybrid was just there for show, but he slammed his hand on the wall and grunted, "Hey, whore, y'got some cash to spare?"

Rikka resisted the urge to leap into action and instead watched with narrowed eyes as she let her friend handle this, for now. Her feline friend stood in front of his door with key in paw and eyes averted from the large brute as he mumbled, "No..."

Again a hand slammed onto the wall and the bull snorted, "What?! C'mon now, I told you it's good to share. Unless..." Now the bull's lips pulled back into a fat grin that shadowed his features as he leaned in to grope the feline's rear, "Unless you wanna share something else."

Rikka stepped in now to grab the bull's wrist and tug it from her friend's rear. Self-control came naturally to the caprine hybrid, but she was ready to lose it. The bull tried his chance at complaining and turning to threaten her, but Rikka had enough of being controlled. She stepped close and hugged the man tight around his waist and brought a knee up into his groin. Her eyes were narrow and her nostrils flared as she drove her knee into his groin two more times while the man coughed and sputtered. When she pulled back he was doubled over on the floor and wheezing. Rikka's eye twitched and she brought a foot up to kick him in the chest. While her foot was still moving on its own she huffed out, "Get. A. Bag of clothes."

Del winced with every kick that sounded off with a solid thud and he opened his mouth thinking to complain for a moment, but after a solid kick floored the bull completely, he simply turned to his door and opened it to step inside.

Rikka stood there over the groaning bull with a look of fire in her green eyes. She passed a paw over the fur of her head and let out a breath to try and calm herself. Nothing pissed her off more than seeing one of her friends suffer at the hands of their own kind. It made no sense to her why hybrids would try to make each other's lives miserable, but here this one was trying to take advantage of Del, and that she couldn't allow. Sighing, she turned and sat on the idiot's back, ignoring his groans for mercy and watching the door to Del's apartment. She wouldn't let him come back to his place, even if she had to tie him up at her home. He had promised that his home was safe, but that had obviously been a lie. Rikka wasn't sure if he would complain or not, but if he did she would just have to convince him otherwise.

Eventually, her friend strode out of his apartment with his ears flat against his head and a duffle bag over his shoulder. Quietly, he mumbled, "You really don't have to do this Rikka. I'm fine, I swear I really am. I woulda just given him a little service and he woulda left me alone."

Rikka got up and dusted herself off as if sitting on the bull had somehow gotten her dirty and she shook her head, "No. I do have to do this. I want to do this Del. He would have just been back for more and more every other night and you know it. In fact, he probably already had this loop going on and you didn't tell me. Either way, you're coming home with me. You can still work and pay me rent if you'd like, but I just want to keep you safe."

The caprine hybrid saw that he was going to complain, but she grabbed his shoulders firmly, but not roughly, and she whispered shakily, "Please Del, just let me do this. You're one of my only friends in this forsaken place. So let me take care of you."

Del was on the verge of tears. She could see by the quivering in his eyes and the way they seemed to grow wet. Instead of bawling or complaining or even trying to worm his way out of this he brought his arms around her tight and squeezed with all his might for all it was worth. He let out a shaky sigh and whispered, "I'll repay you somehow."

Rikka smiled and returned the embrace before pulling him at arm's length to speak, "C'mon, let's go home. We can get the rest of your stuff later. Right?"

Del nodded, and though he seemed reluctant, he followed when Rikka began to walk away. They left the faded halls behind along with the crumpled body of the groaning bull who was regretting his rude nature and holding onto his jewels for dear life. Rikka hoped that she could keep her friend happy at her apartment, happy and safe. At the very least it would be safer than staying around people like that, and so back into the night, they went to head to her apartment.

Rikka's apartment building was a bit nicer than the one Del had been staying at, but not by much. The light above the door flickered and buzzed as the pair stepped inside. Rather than walk upstairs, they took the elevator since Rikka lived on the top floor. Sliding metal doors opened to let them through and into the metal box that served as the elevator. Both hybrids stepped inside quietly and leaned against the wall after Rikka pressed the button to take them to the top floor. The doors shut with a squeak and the hum of the elevator rising began. Neither Rikka nor Del spoke to each other while they rode the elevator. Del's eyes were somewhere far off as he stared at the door and Rikka herself simply kept her own eyes shut as she let him have his peace. She could press him all she wanted later, maybe after a hot shower.

When they got to her floor, the doors opened with a creak and they stepped through just as quiet as before. The hallways was kept better than the one at Del's apartment building. The lights inside weren't flickering and there wasn't a single sound of violence to be heard. At her door, she began to unlock it while not failing to notice her friend shifting from side to side uncomfortably. She pulled back the door and looked to him with a small reassuring smile, or at least, as much of a reassuring smile as she could put on. She left the door ajar and watched as Del returned the smile as best as he could before stepping inside. He looked like a lost child unsure if he was in the right place or not.

Rikka noticed that he had stopped just in front of the door and his eyes were facing down. His body was shaking and she heard little sniffles. Slowly, she stepped inside and shut the door before wrapping her arms around his waist ever so gingerly. She squeezed him softly even as he began to sob, "I'm sorry..."

Rikka whispered quietly, "Nothing to be sorry about...We're friends, let me take care of you. Even if it's just for a bit."

Resigned to what was happening, lost against her touch, the feline dipped back against her and shut his eyes as he hiccuped and continued to let it all out against her. She would try her hardest to keep her friend safe and try her hardest to see that he would never cry again.

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