The Dream of an Average Dreamer Chap 2

Story by Lucafire on SoFurry

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This chapter takes place right after the first one.

Please be nice to me I never really liked writing, constructive criticism ok

I woke up looked at the alarm clock and turned it off thinking "you god damn mother fucker, why did you have to go off now." I looked under the sheets "my god another wet dream, what the fuck, well here we go again." I got up striped my sheets and threw them in the wash and then went to the bathroom to take a shower to once again clean off all the cum that had gotten on me.

I got to the bathroom striped my underwear and proceeded to clean my body. Once done with that I got out and started to dry myself off but then looked in the mirror again. "oh great my eyes are silver again how I'm I suppose to hide this while at school," I thought to myself but began looking closer and notice the my pupils were no longer round but slits that ran diagonal. "oh my god I'm really going to have a problem if someone notices me like this," I thought. Then I also noticed something else. My body seemed thinner but, how I've been sleeping so much. I stepped on the scale sure enough I had lost 15 pounds of fat. "wow," was the only word that I could think of.

I got off the scale and proceeded to dry myself and get dress just thinking that maybe I was going through some sort of puberty again and didn't think much of it. I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat but strangely I wasn't hungry so I said "o well" and headed out the door to go to school. I got in my car and on my way to school I pondered how I was going to keep my eyes hidden from people. I thought "Maybe ill just try to look at the ground all day people don't notice me that much at school." So that's what I decided to do. Looking around as I was driving to school I noticed that my vision had increased in clarity and I could see much further than before. "man what is happening to me," I thought to myself.

I recalled a bunch of movies that had strange things happen to people right before there 18th birthday and was wondering if that's what was happening to me. My 18th birthday was indeed only a few days away and was it possible that something really is happening to me. I started to get scared of the fact that I was changing but then later shrugged it off saying to myself "don't be ridicules that stuff only happens in movies and what not."

With all the strange things going through my head I didn't even notice that I was at school. My school was relatively small with no more than 150 students in it 7th through 12th grade. I got out of car and reached for my backpack and noticed that I still had my sun glasses. "man I could wear these and just tell the everybody that I had a huge headache and the light bothered me to much," I thought to myself with a huge grin on my face. I put them on and proceeded into the school quietly as to try and not catch anyone's attention. That was a failure.

"Alex there you are do you have an excuse as to why you didn't show up yesterday?" the principle of our school said.

"Crap I forgot to stop by grandmas house to grab the paper excusing my for yesterday," I thought to myself. "no Mr. Smith I forgot to grab it as I was leaving, sorry sir," I said to him.

"That's alright I was just jerkin you, your grandma called and left a message yesterday. Hmmmm quite the headache huh," he said and with that I began to calm down.

"Yes, that's why I have the sunglasses on, the light is still bugging me," I said to him quickly that why he would question the sunglasses that I had on.

"Ok, well you better get off to your classes before your late," he said and with that I said "see you later" and went to my classes.

I day went on as normal and nobody really questioned the glasses. I thought that I was going to make it all day through school until the last five minutes of the last class. One of my friends was messing around and through a wad of paper at me causing my to flinch and have my glasses fly off. "Omg omg omg omg what I'm I going to do I cant let people see my like this," was the only thought that was going through my head. So I quickly put my hands over my eyes and said "owe, fuck the light hurts, thanks asshole now my headache is back." This only caused the teacher to look up momentarily as he didn't care it was almost time to go home anyway.

"Sorry dude didn't mean to do that I was just playing around," was all he could say. So, he picked up the glasses and handed them back to me.

"its fine," I said as I put the glasses back on. A moment later the bell rang for us to go home we all scattered out the rooms and halls ways to get out of school. I got in my car and drove home. When I got home I threw my keys on the counter and my books on the couch and went to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror closed my eyes and took the sunglasses off. When I reopened my eyes they were still silver. "oh god damn it," I said to myself wondering how I would hide this again and again. I stopped worrying after awhile "when it happens it happens but maybe I wont go to bed tonight to keep from having that dream," I thought to myself as I sat down a began watching TV.

Soon 10 o clock rolled around and that was the time I usually go to bed but I was staying up all night took some energy drinks and was wired as fuck ready for anything. Soon it was 11 then 12 and still no sleep for me and still wirey as fuck but then something weird happened and at 12:30 my heart slowed way down and everything just became slow like I was faster than everything. Then I fell and passed out.

I woke up and I was back in my dream. "God damn cant do anything to prevent this can I," I said to myself. Just then there was that rustle in the bushes I turned my head and looked in the direction that it came from. I stared intently for what seemed like hours and then a smaller dragon popped out. I nearly fell over from the sheer surpires it gave me but was able to regain my balance.

I looked at the smaller dragon from what I could tell it was a male. He had dark blue scales on his upper body and lighter blue scales on his lower body and just like me he was sleek and shiny in the scales. He was about 20 or so feet tall at the shoulder (28 feet from the top of his head) and about 78 foot long. His eyes were a bright blue, if it where dark out I would say that his eyes would give off light. I continued to examine his body as he continued to examine my body. I didn't know what to expect I didn't know weather or not he was friendly or not.

He started to walk closer to me and stopped just a few feet in front of me and said "hello."

I looked back at him and backed up a little bit he was in my personal space and I didn't like it, even though he was my favorite creature in the world. I said "hello" to him after I sat back down.

"do you know what is happening to you Alex C. Charles," he said to me

I was shocked that he knew my name "how do you know my name?" was all I could say.

"I know everything about you Alex, I am in your dream but I am not a dream," he said.

"so your real in other words and you can get into my head?" I asked.

"yes that is correct," he replied.

"then why are you hear?" I asked back, kind of scared of what the answer would be.

"I am hear to teach you your new abilities." he replied

"new abilities?" I asked, as I looked at him with confusion on my face.

"Yes your new abilities, you have wanted to become a dragon for a long time now and your wish was granted," he said. All I could do was look at him with a blank expression on my face. So, he continued "I have been assigned to you to train you to use your abilities before your 18th birthday, witch is when you will gain your full power of the dragon. As of right now you cant control them that much while you sleep that is why I made you pass out because if you were to go to school and fall asleep horrible things could happen."

I looked at him not believing a word he was saying. I was in a dream I knew I was in a dream and I had to wake my self up. Without thinking I opened my mouth and chomped down on my arm. I yelped from the pain coming from my arm. Blood began to trickle down my arm to my paw it was also ending up in my mouth with the taste of salty bitterness.

Almost as instantly as I did that the other dragon jumped up and said " what the hell are you doing." he ran over to me and told me to let go, as soon as I did I glowing light came from his paw. Took his paw and put it on the spot I bit myself. At first it hurt but then it tingled and then nothing. He removed his paw and I was complete healed. He looked back up at me and said "what are you, retarded. What were you thinking."

I looked back up at him with a look of pure amazement and replied "well I was thinking that you were completely crazing and I didn't believe what you were saying, I also knew that I am in a dream so it thought that in order to get away from you would be to wake up so I hurt myself in hopes of waking up," I looked down for a moment ashamed of what I did and the asked "how did you do that?"

"dragon powers remember," he said point at his head.

"oh that's right sorry," I said

"no need to be sorry just think," he said in the tone of a mother cooing over her new born.

"ok," I said blushing a little. To tell you the truth I thought that my trainer was kind of hot even though he was smaller than me. I had lost my train of thought by just looking at him then realized something "how are you suppose to do all of my training my birthday is the 8th and today's the 4th wait its morning 5th."

He looked at me and chuckled a little and said "dragon powers I can control time, you will be able to after your training, actually you will be able to do much more, you are going to be a powerful dragon."

"really why I'm I going to be a powerful dragon?" I asked him

"because you wished for it," he replied

I just looked at him a little bit longer and then realized that I was getting aroused a little. Noticing that I was showing a little I immediately laid down on the ground. I blushed a little thinking that he had seen it.

"why did you lay down on the ground?" he asked me.

"hmm what, what did you say," I said pretending that I didn't hear his question.

He got up and walked over to me and laid down right up against me and said "remember I know everything about you, I really wasn't assigned to you I asked if I could teach you."

I looked at him then I realized I was blushing hard, you could probable see it through my dark black scales. So I looked away then back down at him to ask him something but before I knew it he had me in a deep kiss. I retaliated at first but then gave in, giving him a deep kiss back that made both of us moan in unison.

I twirled my tongue inside of his mouth entwining it and wrapping around his as he too explored my mouth. We were lip locked for almost 5 minutes before I started to get really horny. I was getting uncomfortable cuz my cock was digging into the ground and that was an unpleasant feeling. I could also tell that he was getting restless to because he was moving around as much as I was, I could only guess that it was for the same reason for why I was moving to.

I stopped kissing him and asked " how would you like to.... Um... do it?"

He looked up at me and then got really close to my face and whispered. I looked back down at him and just nodded in approval.

I rolled to my side and was relieved to not have my cock digging in the ground. He too rolled to the side, this was the first time that I had seen him with an erection and it was a good size. 10 foot long the same shape as mine and a little less thickness. He then turned around to revile to me his cock. I was a few inches away from my face warm and wanting attention. I took in a deep breath I could smell the musk and almost see the heat waves coming off of it.

I opened my mouth and licked it, I could hear him moan in the background. I couldn't hold off any longer I wrapped my mouth around his cock and started sucking at the tip and slowly went down to the base. I could feel him shiver under that move. I started to suck him off as best I could playing with his cock in my mouth with my superb tongue skills. I could hear him murring and I knew he was getting close so I started to bob my head faster and faster licking up and down with my tongue as I went up and down. To add to the moment I took a claw and started to circle his tail hole feeling it pucker under my claw, then I took I my claw and shoved it in his tail hole and began to move it around to feel up his prostate. I knew he enjoyed that cuz he was clenching my finger. He was so close he was thrashing around a lot and my finger was rubbing up on all the right spots. Then, it happened he roared loud enough to shake the trees and loads of thick gooey cum was shot into my mouth load after load. I tried to swallow it all but couldn't and chocked then I just let it shoot all over my face and chest. I just laid there and waited for him to finish. Several thick gooey shots later he was done and I was covered in cum from chest up.

He turned around and said "that was .....pant pant ..... The best that ......pant ... I have ever had it ..pant." After he was done gasping for air he got close to my face and started to lick the cum off cleaning my body with his skillful tongue making me moan while he was doing that. My cock was still throbbing wanting attention. So while he was licking my body clean of cum he kept getting closer and closer to it until he was licking it. I started moaning more and more but then he stopped.

I looked down at him and he had a smile on his face. He said "I want you in me."

"are you sure I'm quite bigger than you it might hurt?" I asked I little concerned that I would rip him open

He looked at me with the are you stupid face and said "dragon power duh."

I rolled my eyes but with that said I got up and approached the back of ........... "um what's your name?" I asked kind of embarrassed that I did not know this information before we became................... Really good friends.

He looked at me and said "oh damn I guess I have not introduced my self, I am Sky Wing of the North."

I looked at him kind of funny "can I call you sky for short?" I asked

"yeah I don't care." he said.

"that's good," I replied.

With all that said sky got on all fours and put his rump up into the air. With that motion I proceeded to his tail hole. I pushed up on my front paws and mounted sky. I moved his tail to one side and started teasing him with my member. He looked back at me with a face of pure evil and I chuckled. With that I pushed forward into his tail hole getting a moan from him. I could feel his tail hole enveloping my cock and I felt like there was no better place on earth. I continued to push deeper and deeper until I couldn't go further. I started to pull back out feeling a shiver as the cold air now hit my uncovered shaft. I was still getting a moan from him as I was rubbing up and down his prostate causing him to get hard again.

After a few more times I found a rhythm going in and out. I was getting close to an orgasm and started to pump faster and faster and he began pushing back as I pushed forward causing me to hit harder and harder. I pulled my cock almost all the way out and slammed it into him causing me to hit his prostate just right. We both roared and orgasmed at the same time he just unloaded his cum all over the ground in front of him some shots had enough power to hit him in his lowered chin. While I unloaded into him. My white hot thick gooey cum going deep into his anal canal. I continued to unload into him I knew that I was filling him up. I pulled out and the last shot went all over his tail hole and back side. Cum was leaking from his hole. I went to his tail hole and began lick it to clean up all the cum that had leaked out then on his back as well. He turned around and there was still some on his chin and I liked that up and then kissed him in a deep passionate kiss. I got done with the kiss and we both just laid back done on the ground to soak up the after glow.

After a few minutes of laying there I looked up at Sky and asked "can you teach me how to heal my self."

He looked up at me and said "sure its really easy just hold your paw up to something that needs to be healed and think......heal."

"really that's it, wow um listen I have silver eyes as my human form and for reasons of not standing out is there any way I can get rid of that for now?" I asked.

"yeah just hold your paws over you eyes and imagen them as they were before and they will go back to the way they were before," he said.

I looked at him kind of dumbfounded and said "really that simple?"

"yep," he replied

"so how far does my power go. I mean what can I do?" I asked him wondering if this was still even possible.

"you can do anything that you want its just I could be dangerous if you don't know what it is your doing and that is why I am hear to train you," he said.

I looked at him and asked "so does that mean I can do anything that I wanted to do with the proper training?"

"yes," he said

I started think of all the things that I could do to make my life better so a asked "can I dooooooooooooo ........ Mmmmm," Beep Beep Beep Beep "wait what nnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

End of Chapter two