
Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry

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By Kimono-Box-Fox

The man stumbled into a small cave, and was immediately shocked by the sight he saw. A fox the size and stature of a man, bearing a cross of dark brown fur across its back, and bearing human-like hands, was stooping down to lick the clit of a naked girl with long, pink hair. Only, the disturbing thing was that with each lick, the girl became less a girl, and more a man, her tits stiffening, and gradually shrinking, flattening to her chest, her cries deepening. She opened one eye, her tongue hanging out as she panted pleasured gasps, and laid her eye on the man: a deep, chocolate brown eye, which contracted its pupil into a thin slit as the fox-man before her continued to make his masterpiece out of the girl, not even bothering to turn to look at the new stranger. The girl spoke, between gasps of pleasured arousal.

"You want this too, I know. It's why you were able to find him. --Ahhhhhh!" She moaned, longingly, as her clit expanded out into a thick nub, and began swelling out, red, pointed. She reached for it with one hand, in mild awe, sweat rolling down the side of her face.

"Just give us a second, though, my hubby's making some improvements."

The room filled with a musky, skunkish reek. The girl screamed, and there was a ripping noise, as the skin on her rump began to stretch, pushing, threatening to break open as it struggled to keep up with each lick, each added vertebrae. Her violet gland grew, secreting its volatile terpenes, making her reek like a beast. Finally, the girl moaned a sigh of relief, as the three-and-a-half foot long tail completed its stretchy growth, and lay curled out slightly between her legs. She winced as the fox-man dug his claws into the side of her thighs for a better grip, dipping his wet snout down to poke at the soft, warm skin between her pelvis, teasing her before continue to lap at her growing red fox cock, which by now had nearly displaced her tightening, disappearing girl cavity. Still, her body continued to try and cling to its feminine physique.

The man could smell the girl's newfound musk, and it scared him, because, with this vile, alien new addition, the process of the change had suddenly grown arousing for him to watch. He began panting, watching her servicing continue. His greatest desire was to run, but his legs felt like cement. Instead, he clawed at his cheekbones with his fingers, trying to close his eyes on the sight. He did not see it, but his eyes had begun to match the woman's; contracted into vulpine slits. He groaned, a sudden cramp in his stomach, and began to feel for the clasp of his belt autonomously. _What's happening to me?! I can't control my body!_He suddenly realized, in shock. It was as if something had come alive beneath his skin, and was directing the movements of his arms, legs, and waist toward stripping down. He dropped his pants, tears rushing down his cheeks as he tried to resist what he was fast becoming.

"Hurry, hun," the once-girl said, in a soft, but princely voice. "Our guest is getting impatient. Can't you see it in him?"

Red and yellow fur had begun to prickle across the more sensitive regions of the shemale's skin. First fine, and then spreading, thickening, until it covered her rump and began pushing its way up her stomach, changing to a creamy white, corrupting her twisted, brown pubic hair, which fell out, replaced by the rising sea of velvety white. She bid a last farewell to her tits, tickling them with fingers whose nails were darkening and elongating into claws. She pinched the nipples, stimulated the areolas, shifting her breasts in every direction to get that fleeting pleasure that merely teased suggestively about what was to come. Finally, as the sensation from her dick overtook everything else, her breasts accelerated in their contraction, and finally, her chest was smooth, flat, and lean. A young man's bust, not a maiden's. She got up on her hands, lifting her torso so she could see the beautiful new addition between her legs, her vision unimpeded by the cumbersome mounds she had once born.

Tapering, slick, raw, and red. It had none of the semblance to a mushroom that a human's penis maintains. No, it was an instrument of beauteous penetration... a penile spear, so streamlined and flawless, not even the former female could find flaw in it. Her mate gave her a moment's relapse to touch it herself, clasped in her hand thickening with fur, inflating with dark brown fox pads, stinking of new musk from her altered sebaceous glands. Did she want to be a beast? Yes... there was no better way, it seemed. She had come willingly, unlike her new guest. She tired of sameness... she particularly tired of vapid, egotistic males who thought of her as an icon, an object, or a whore. She was tired of the fame her feminine beauty had given her as a human being... she would return the negative stigma she had received from men, by making them her bitches. In due time, they too, would enjoy primal, unabashed, simplicity, mixed with the cunning duplicity of their retained human part. She was only glad she had found this corruption in HIM, in the fox monster, who she had willingly surrendered her future to.

This IS what I want to be, she thought to herself. She watched her shaft in pride as she allowed her new knot to subdue itself... just for the time being, and let it shrink humbly back into the thick, fur covered sheathe that was knitting itself up her length, formed from the transformed skin on her belly. She was a fox from the waist down, now. Thick, bushy fur covered her tail now, and she whisked it playfully in her mate's face, enjoying the sensation of her brand new limb. Her feet had swollen and given up any human resemblance, shifting, elongating and growing thick pads. Hard nails clicked the cavern floor, fox musk wafted from her footprints. Not yet wishing to let go of the bliss of masturbation, she allowed the resurgence of her red rocket from its sheath, cheering herself at how she could now control its appearance. She was ready to be a man. She lay down with a content smile on her face, her fox cock standing straight up in the air, and her tail lying to the side, and felt her mate lick her new, leathery pair of testicles as they dropped down firmly from the remains of her vaginal orifice. She felt new hormones race through her body, changing her through and through. Her, or rather--by this point--his mate returned to pleasuring the male fox to be. The new prince turned his thoughts, however, to another: his mate to be.

The newcomer fell to his knees, his member hanging out stiff, his pants abandoned. He clutched at his stomach, feeling a strange, ominous sensation of growth within him. He could feel his insides stretching, pulling against his skin, hot and tight, as if something was trying to grow inside of his body. He felt used, felt like he was no more than a spectator for the events that were taking place, as his body revolted, changed. His life was no longer his own, but another's. "Damnit," he muttered, as he heard his ribs crack, his torso swelling. He could feel his skin stretched taught, ready to give way. He knew what would be underneath. He had been hiding it since he saw the woman's change, and could not hide it much longer.

"Does it hurt?" the prince intoned, with but a mere sliver of sarcastic intent. He was not the type to make a sinner out of just any stranger. There were good people too, who had been beaten down; just as his old self had been. Not all men were pigs, or else he surely would never have chosen to become one. He would give this one a chance. He was special, just like the prince. Retracting his newfound fox penis, he stood, and strode toward his guest, shedding his rose hair casually, thinking little of the loss, as his newfound species took its dominance in his visage. Short, but thick, the prince sported a scruffy head of orange fur, which rose from his back and shoulders, over the slope of his forehead, and began threatening to engulf his countenance. His soft, graceful ears let go of their pride and expanded tenfold in size, stretching, and triangulating, sprouting velvety, brown fur on their tips, and thick white tufts within. A smiled curved on his lips, which remained human, but his eyes shone cunning and yellow. He knew it was inevitable, what was happening--to both of them, and not merely his guest. The man had long since become a part of this place, and had but to realize its glory. He knelt down behind his guest to help him disrobe, both of his clothing, and his old self.

Despite the calm nature of the gesture with which the prince helped the man out of his clothes, he shot into a state of hysterical panic. He screamed to the prince: at first threateningly, cries like "No, get away from me, woman!", "I don't want to be a monster, like you!", or "What the fuck are you doing to me?!", but as the vulpine snout pushed its way out from the remains of the once-female face, lips blackening, nose moistened, scaly, and upturned on the end, and as its tongue unfurled broad, velvety, and hot against the skin on the back of the man's neck and shoulders... yes... as the prince: The virgin he-fox, reached his completion, and began to demonstrate his love to the man, then did the man's cries soften, and become more pleading, imploring sympathy from the prince: "Please... no... why like this?" or "Do I have to?" and finally, as the musky beast stood with him in tight embrace, its moist, hot cock grazing the inside of his thighs, its whiskered snout brushing firmly against the side of his neck, he resigned himself to his fate and with one last final utterance, said: "Just don't make it hurt..."

With this resignation, the man's inhibitions shattered, and his entire body was filled with lust. He had never been fucked. If this was the end of his life... if he was going to become something else, what better way to end it all? Slowly, once the inevitability of his fate had set in... he realized it was not so terrible. He would live again, even if it was as another being. He began rocking against the fox, until he had to fall to all fours to brace his naked body against the great, humping strides it put out to enter him. Its vermillion member sought not his anus, however, but aimed for a tight stretch of flesh just beneath his balls. The man tried to readjust so that it could enter his tight ass, but to no avail. What was the creature seeking? It stabbed, jabbed, poked at that taught tissue, putting pressure on it as if to needle through. Finally, to his dismay, the skin gave way, painlessly, as if it were plastic lining, and the red cock penetrated into some new opening beneath. There, it began to lodge itself, hump after hump, widening the newfound cavity inside the man's body, until it was dug up to the hilt. There, the fox continued to hump, arousing its member to its full size. As if in direct reaction to this penetration, the man's belly became swollen, and his hips realigned. He felt the skin on his chest stretch, forced tight by two large somethings that had ballooned out, and were pressing ever tighter by the hump against his skin. By this point, he needn't wonder what was happening; it was all a mirror of his new mate's transformation. Soon, he deducted, he would become a fine, female specimen. The difference in his change from hers had merely been by a degree of resistance: a desire to hide what was happening by any means, even to the end, beneath his dying human guise.

As the prince rammed his rocket into his newest mate, he gave a silent smile to the other, soliciting his contribution to the wild orgy that would soon begin. The cross-fox smiled, and padded its way over on hands and paws alike, strangely comfortable in the mutant, quadruped stance. It teased its tongue against the visitor's cock, enticing forth the first and last orgasm it would ever know. With but a lap, the scent of the man changed completely. Thin tears spread across the sinewy skin as the stress of what was beneath mounted up, and the vixen began to win out over the man. From these tears, stinky black fur peaked out, its musk amplified by the merciless containment from the skin it had grown beneath. The tears mounted up around his shoulders and backside, small at first, but pulsing and spreading wider with each hump the prince made, until finally there was an opening spreading its way from his navel to his bosom, parted by ivory white fur.

The man's cock continued to stand prostrate, ready to enter the woman whose body it would never find, for instead, it found the maw of the fox from before; who it seemed had come to join the fun at the behest of its lover, to initiate him into the harem to be. It spared no time in sliding beneath the man's chest and closing its maw over his member, its rows of teeth threatening penetration of the skin, and just barely offering mercy. It was all the man could do to hold himself up on his hands as this pleasuring continued, in order to avoid crushing the poor thing. The cross-fox snuffled, licking hard along the length of the man penis, its furry back pressing against his swollen chest as he mustered to remain standing on all fours. The fox continued its assault as its lover's dick swelled up inside the man, its knot the size of two human fists, filling the man's new vulva.

The man simply cried. He was in a state of utter bliss, and he barely had to make any effort now. No, it was better this way... effortless. He let his inhibitions roll away, just stood as best as he could on all fours, which was suddenly becoming much easier, and facilitated the transformation with the most minor of humps back and forth, from the fox behind to the fox in front, steadily increasing his pace. Even the pain from the cross-fox's teeth was tantalizing as it bit into his shaft to tighten its grip as it continued licking him over. Soon, the pain was gone, and there was just a sensation of tingling in his loins, as he felt himself preparing for release. His stomach churned, he felt his new womb open to receive his prince's hot, sperm-filled semen--to carry his babies. He took a whiff of the cross-fox's tail, feeling the changes finalize as his gender changed, and "he" became a "she", yearning harder now than ever for impregnation.

Letting out a terrible, eerie wail, she began pounding harder than ever into both of her beloved mates, the skin covering her chest and belly ripping away to reveal a row of six fox teats beneath two full, fur-covered human breasts. Two of these teats, between her legs, dripped milk over what remained of her human cock, which shot a long, hard load into the cross-fox even as the member shrank away into an empty husk. As it shrank, the cross-fox tugged at it, swallowing down cum and pulling as hard as it could to help rip the condom of human flesh from the creature that was being born beneath. Its companion, her prince, began tugging from behind, at the shoulders, even as he began to climax to the sound of the vixen's cries. At last she was ready. A long, bushy black tail ripped its way from the seat of her rear, unfurling and releasing the strongest reek of the night, the reek of female sex. Finally, her still human head recoiled, raised to the cavern roof. From beneath the mask, her muzzle pressed its way out of the human mouth, lurching forward grotesquely from inside the dying man's throat, black, whiskered, open--fangs glistening, tongue hung out--her new nose glistened and twitched, seeking fresh air, and new life. For but a second, she stood there in this absurd position, a creature on the verge of birth, tearing off the ugly human being oppressing her from without... humping it off, fighting it with raw, animal sex. Then, with one final push from her lover, and an inhuman mess of grunts and pants that could only be taken for "I love you," her taught human suit snapped altogether, like a broken balloon, and was left dangling in shreds from her exposed, vixen-woman body as her prince's seed pumped into her. At the instant of release, her fox belly pooched out fat, filling with sperm, and ripping away the impinging skin covering it in faux modesty. Her breasts dribbled, full with milk, all eight of them now. Her entire frame shuddered as she shook off clammy, cooling shreds of human flesh, swaying her tail in the air, even as her lover pulled a leg over her rump and began rubbing butt to butt with her.

The cross-fox was thrown back by the force of his own pulling as the human man's crotch tore away, its balls and penis now empty flaps of skin clasped in his mouth, which he promptly discarded--it was no longer interesting to him. He got up, and accompanied his yiffing mates, lapping their tie with his tongue to ease the tension. In truth, he had always loved being the subtle one, the enabler, even during his human days. Now, he could be content, knowing that his purpose had been fulfilled. His gentle laps soothed the prince's engorged knot, and it gradually shrank to where he could pull out from the newly reborn vixen. Released, the she-fox scrambled away, shaking the warped, stretched human face from her head like a Halloween mask. She stared at it solemnly, on the ground, for just a minute, then took it in her mouth, stepped on it with her forepaw-like hands, and shredded it to pieces like a chew toy. It wasn't her now--just a piece of meat.

* * *

Over the months ahead, she would leave her den at times, when she was not indulging in the company of her newfound mates, or nesting, preparing for the coming of the children that now kicked around inside her belly. There, outside the hollow she would squat and leave her acrid scat, marking her new home. It was filled with the pips of mulberries--just like those she had tasted as a man, outside the den, before this had all come to pass.

You want this too, I know. That was what her love had said. And she was right. But what price? What price...? Her human thoughts lulled off, and she was left with only animal sentiments. She pondered her fate, a creature trapped between two worlds. Perhaps she would never know. Perhaps it was alright not to know.

On some days, when the winds were not too cold or too lonely, she would see a human passerby, a man or women, sometimes both; couples, who would watch the mysterious black creature, neither quite human, nor quite fox, as it tended the bushes, reaching out its snout to the mulberries, and plucking them from the branches to fill its hungry maw. On occasion, a passerby would reach for a berry from the bush, to taste for themselves. The vixen would attack such passersby with furious vigor, until they relented their attempts. Then, she would sit like an animal, and stare at them, with an adamant expression, as if telling them not to follow in her footsteps.

After all, it was not a life for just anyone, hers.