Friends Change Together

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by CrazedHuskyDragon, we have this little story of a pair of roommates taking a strange injection that'll turn them both into sexy ladies. Cue a lot of bro talk as they go through it together.

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Friends Change Together

For CrazedHuskyDragon

By Draconicon

Oscar looked down at the injector in his hand, and then over at his friend on the opposite side of the room. The two dragons had shared a dorm for the last year, and both of them had become great friends with each other. Friends with benefits, even, considering how many times they'd struck out for dates. It was always a handy thing to have someone else that could get you off, or you could help get off as well.

Winter had found this stuff, though, and they were thinking of taking something to the next level. Oscar looked down, the golden dragon wondering if it was a good idea, but he didn't let the hesitation stick in his head for long. Instead, he smiled, turning the little needle and its attached vial around.

"You sure that this is gonna work, man?"

"Only one way to find out," Winter said. "Heh, you chicken?"

"No way. I'm just worried about whether it'll make your dick die off, if it doesn't actually turn us into girls."

"Heh, don't worry. My friend tells me it'll do just that."

He smiled, getting to his feet and pushing his robe off. The pair of them had been just sitting and thinking for a while, but if they were going to do it, it was time to do it. His cock was already rising, thinking of how hot his friend was going to be as a chick, and he imagined Winter was thinking the same thing about him.

They pulled the injectors up, holding the needles to each other's arms. He smiled at the more furred dragon, nodding towards their needles.

"On three?"

"You got it."



They jabbed the needles in, and he groaned at the sudden heat of the fluid going in. They pulled the shots out gently, putting them down by the window, and then looked at each other again. It was...difficult to think that this would work, but the pair of them were committed now.

Despite themselves, they were already rock hard, thick cocks standing out from their groins. He had a good ten inches himself, and Winter looked like he was rocking something pretty damn close. They'd never measured together, but they weren't that far off. He grinned, reaching down and groping his buddy's dick, grinding their uncut heads together a few times.

"Heh, gonna miss these, but hey, at least we'll have more stuff to play with."

"Hey, you never know. Maybe we'll have long clits, too."

"Yeah, that'd be fun," Oscar said with a chuckle.

Suddenly, Winter leaned back, arms wrapped around his chest.


"What? What's happening, are you - ugh!"

He groaned, not in pain, but in a sudden hit of pleasure that was running through his chest. Like a lightning bolt going through him and hitting all his pleasure nerves at once, the feeling almost knocked him to his feet, his cock throbbing and drooling at the feeling. He pulled his arms down, slowly, and saw the beginning of...of curves, pressing out from his chest. Curves that were all too familiar.

Whipping his head up, he saw Winter was sporting the same thing, his set a few inches further on. Oscar dragged himself to his feet, still groaning as the aftereffects of the pleasure shock were still rushing through him. He looked at his chest, then Winter's, and then back again, and grinned wide.

"Dude, we're getting boobs!"

"Yeah, man, seriously. Look at this!"

Winter jumped up and down, his breasts bouncing with him, and Oscar grinned, grabbing hold of his dick, stroking it a couple of times. His other hand went up to his chest, giving his growing breasts a squeeze, even pinching one of his nipples as he groaned.

"Mmmph. That is so hot."

"Hey, you're hotter."

"Nah, you got the bigger breasts."

"You're catching up, though. Go on, give it a shot. Jump for me so I can see it."

"Heh, anything for you, man."

With a grin, the gold dragon jumped, and felt the surprising weight on his chest as his breasts swung up with him, already passing B cups and getting up to Cs, and still growing. He hit the ground hard, his breasts swinging down with a surprisingly loud impact, but there was more than that. As they hit down again, he felt a sudden thump through his hips. Accompanied by another lightning bolt of pleasure, he thrust his hips forward, spurting pre out of his cock.

It hit Winter a second later, and Oscar got to see what had happened to him. Winter's hips suddenly flared out, poofing out on one side, then the other, as if he was suddenly packing pads under his fur and scales. The dragons panted, looking at each other, and then at themselves, and continued to grin.

Winter reached out first, grabbing him, and Oscar tilted his hips to the side, letting his friend get a good handful. Even as the other dragon reached around to his ass, it didn't bother him. It was like what they usually did, just more in-depth.

He could see that some of his muscle in his thighs had been converted, taken away and put into his hips like padding, and he wondered -


He slumped over against the wall, arms against it as his ass started shaking. He swore that he was going to get an ass-full of dragon cock, but no sooner had he started than Winter did, too. The pair of them were just barely out of sync with their transformations, just a little past together.

But he could feel his own transformation, and see Winter's out of the corner of his eye. They'd both had big asses, partially from a lot of exercise and partially because they were big guys, but they were getting bigger. Rounder. He could feel the bouncing through the cheeks, even as they rippled with the new weight behind them. He thrust his hips back and then again, almost like he was fucking himself on an invisible cock.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could just make out Winter rolling onto his back, thrusting into the air, grabbing his cock and fucking his fist with it. Every time that the other dragon came down, he saw that big ass flatten out more, soft and smooth and ever so squishy. There was so much cushion for the pushing down there.

Slowly, even that came to an end, though he could tell he was lugging around a lot more junk in the trunk than he had been. The gold dragon turned, leaning against the wall, panting as he looked at his friend. Winter was still stroking himself, his fat cock getting wetter and wetter with pre, and he chuckled as he watched the other dragon's foreskin hide and expose his cockhead by turns.

" still got your cock."

"Yeah, and you still got yours."

"Gonna lose 'em soon, you think?"

"Not before our balls, if what the guy said was right."

Losing his balls. That'd be weird. He sat down on his bed, looking at the other dragon, and grinned.

"Looks like it's starting!"

"You too!"

"Come on, come on..."

They moaned, this time in sync with one another. He groaned, feeling a sudden sucking feeling inside of his crotch as his balls started to pull away, dragging themselves inwards almost on their own. Across the room, Winter's sack was obviously emptying, the hanging balls getting smaller and smaller while the sack stayed the same size. It looked like it was withering, getting drained from the inside like a balloon going flat.

Soon, he felt nothing between his legs, and saw nothing between the other dragon's. Their ballsacks started pulling up, grinding up against their crotches, and in seconds, their balls were gone completely, leaving them with nothing but a hell of a hard-on sticking out from their crotches.

"Mmph...almost time, man."

"Gonna miss that dick of yours, Oscar."

"Heh, I'm gonna miss yours, too."

They tapped their dicks together in a little farewell, and that was when the next lightning bolt of change hit. They both flopped back, gasping and panting as they thrust up against nothing, their hips going crazy as the pleasure flooded through their bodies. It was like getting the best blowjob in the world, except having it go all the way through his body at once. Groaning, he had to force himself to look down, not about to miss the changes that would rip through him and make him a woman.

Both dragons stared down at their own dicks, watching as it shrunk away. The foreskin pushed up, almost like it was swallowing their cock down like food, but even that was slowly dragged down into them. Their cocks stayed hard all the way in, eaten away by the strange serum that they'd taken. Inch by inch, it disappeared, the remainder getting more and more sensitive until the very motion of it was turning him on.

He couldn't see his cock after a few seconds, and leaned forward even more, staring at Winter's instead. It had gotten less than three inches long, curling down and pointing only slightly forward. It was staring at a puzzle piece being slotted into place. Another inch lost, and then half -


They both came together, crotches unzipping as pussies grew in, their juices flooding over the other person as they 'came' into their new lives at the same time. The former dragons, now dragonesses, flopped back on their beds, grinning happily in their drenched, tired states.

The End