Simba vs Sin fall the love for Nala New scat ending requset by P-Leo

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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Simba Vs Sin - For the love of Nala

Well an A/u of my falling for a lioness Story

What if Simba decide he wanted Nala as his mate ,and not mine.

And he changes me to a fight to the death for the love of Nala.

So who will win and take Nala as there mate.?

Contains : Soft vore.death ,blood,Digestion to scat. Transformation, Sex ^.^lol.

Simba and the pridelanders own by diseny

Sin own by me.

Chapter Sin vs Simba

After Scar was defeated Simba been king for 3 weeks.

In the grasslands

I smiled as I looked down at the love of my life Nala ,who was sleeping with her mother lying down on her tummy. I then was lying down ,putting my head on a darker fur lioness,looking up ,I felt a lick on my face ,as I smiled at sister.

" Moaning Zira ." I said ,to my adopted sister.

" Moaning Stu how are you ." Zira asked kindly to me,licking my long red human hair.

" im ok though getting some sleep ,after Simba aggression lately,what has got into him." I asked her.

" Don't know bro ,just don't know ." Zira sighed,deeply,as she kept grooming me.

I sighed ,as Zira cleaned me,as I was thinking,about Simba change of attitude ,with me Since and were born. It like he was still envy of me being with Nala like ,he believe Nala belong to him like some kind of thing. When we been alone , Simba had showed me down and ,given me a few claws marks,for no reason. Luckily Nala or Zira would chased him away,and he would get yelled at by Sarabi for his action.

I was just worried ,for my and Nala cub safety,because I knew that what a full aggression male lion,could do,to me or cubs and we wouldn't stand a chance. I didn't want that to happen to my cubs,they meant as much to me ,as Nala did. As Zira finished, my bath ,I thanked her ,as I crawl over to Nala kissing her own her lovely nose. Nala slowly woke up from her little sleep ,as she open her eyes showing her blue eyes.

" Moaning my love ,how are you." Nala said yawning,opening her jaws showing her large sharp teeth.

" Im ok how are you ." I asked her.

Nala giggle, and,purred as she was remembering last night fun.

" Hmm yeah I love be your loo." I smiled,looking at her dirty ass.

Nala giggled let out a smelly fart,towards me making me moan in delight. As I cuddle her cream fur and, was about to fall a sleep .When I felt a heavy paw coiled to my face, sending me back 5 meters.

" Stuart ." I herd Nala screamed,in panic.

I groaned deeply trying to get my bearing back ,filling blood leak from my face ,as I moaned in pain. Looking up I saw Simba with a bloody red paw ,caked in my blood. I then herd a roar ,knowing it was Zira seeing her standing in the way of any more Simba abusement on me.

" Leave my bro alone Simba ." Zira snared darkly, getting in a attack potion.

" Get out the way you witch, im an the King ,I do want I want." Simba snared at Zira

But Zira didn't not ,as she let out her claws,as sent simba a death glare at him.

" No if you want my bro, you go threw me first ." Zira snared deeply

Simba roar and was about to attack,when Sarabi stood in the way ,glaring at her son.

" Go away Simba leave ." Sarabi snared at her son.

Simba snared ,telling her to move but Sarabi held her ground looking at Simba, in till he gave up roaring angrily .

" Fine , But this will end tomorrow,we will battle human to be Nala mate,and you will be my food. " Simba snared to me,as he turned an walked back to Pride rock.

Nala was crying,as she was by my side after cleaning my face would ,which Simba gave me with his claws. On the left side of my cheek where 3 deep claws marks on my face,as I kept hold on to the love of my life.

" Stuart im so sorry,it all might fault." Nala cried, in to my arms.

" It ok love shhh. " I told Nala.

Nala sniffed in my arms ,as I held on to my lover. I then looked at Sarabi how looked, like she wanted to talk to me.

" Stuart I think ,I know how you can beat my son. " Sarabi said to me .

" How I do anything " I told her looking confused, with Nala in my arms.

At Rafiki Tree

After 20 mints , of walking we had reached Rafiki tree, Sarabi had walked up to it knocking on the tree,to call for the strange mandrill. Suddenly Rafiki had pop out from no were next to Zira, making her jump in freight and snared at Rafiki because of it.

After Sarabi and Rafiki had the talk,Rafiki had then diaspeard,for a few seconds before returning with a wood made bowl with some purple fluid in it,as he handed to me.

" Drink it drink it ." Rafiki repeated to me .

I sighed ,glad the blood had stop thanks to the make leaves badge by Zira, to stop the bleeding. As I took a sip of the purple liquid,it tasted of mixed fruit,when I then drank the rest of it. After couple seconds after drinking it nothing, had happen ,in till I felt a tingly, filling in my stomach. But then it got more hotter like pin and needles. Then the pain acres, as I fell to ground in pain, dropping the bowl as I felt my bones moving inside my body.

" Ahhh the fucking pain ,what going on ahhhhhhh." I screamed in pure pain ,as I felt bones reshape them self in my body.

Nala seeing I was in pure pain , ran at full speed ramming Rafiki into the tree . Her claws were on his neck pinning him.

" What have you ,done to my mate ." Nala snared angrily at the mandrill.

" Eeee nothing he fine he just, changing into his new form." Rafifki said panicking ,for his own life.

" What. " Nala yell at him.

" Ahhhh Nala ." I screamed in pain.

Nala than ran over to me,drooping Rafiki to the ground,as she came up to me her eyes went big. Instead of my white human skin ,there was know was soft orange fur!, with Red like tiger stripes on the fur as well. Also coming out from my bum was a tail with the same fur paten colour with a red tip on the end. Though,as I scream in pain as I transformed, with Zira trying to keep me in calm licking my face. Nala so my bone brake crack and reform, and then fur covering then, as well making paws ,and sharp razor claws.

¾ of my body was transformed from human,as my hair started to grow longer and hair ,stated to grown on my chest. In till the meet making a dark red brown main . Finally with few more screams I felt my teeth change as well,as well becoming shaper,as I felt with my tongue. Also my face,cheek bone and nose change as well causing me to scream on final time as they reformed,as fur coloured on my face as felt whisker form on my across my nose.

The pain then stop I felt ,in bit pain, but surprised to see the wounds Simba gave me had gone .As I looked up,I so I shocked look on both Nala and Zira face.

" Guys im ok I told them ." nuzzling them both.

" It not just that, love it that your a." Nala tried to say .

" A lion. " Zira said surprise rubbing ,her eyes with her paws.

" What ." I screamed ,running over to the river to look at my reflection.

An instead of seeing my Human self, I saw the new me .

" I M a Lion ." I said to my self, in shock.

( what I look as a lion )

As I tried to get my self back together, like Nala and Zira,, Sarabi and Rafiki walk over to us.

" Well my boy it a potion I made when I was younger, to help some human out. You bee able to turn back into your normal self and in lion form ,with no pain though. Though if you get hurt in lion form, don't turn back to your human self,since your wound will be worst." Rafiki explained to us.

" But why ." I asked Sarabi .

" Stuart Simba isn't my son any more he change,for the bad ,and there only way to stop him. Which I will teach you with your sister,to bring down Simba." Sarabi told me, as she was nuzzling me.

I let out a purr nuzzling her ,as I looked at my sister who had strange smirk on her, as she was giggling a bit knowing what Sarabi meant.

" Oh this bee fun ." Zira said to us.

" When do we go ." I asked Sarabi .

" Tonight. " She told me .

I nod my head walking over to Nala ,putting my new paws on her ,licking her nose,which she return it.

" Be careful my love. " Nala told me .

" I will." I said to her, kissing her on the muzzle.

Nala purred deeply braking our kiss,as I walk with Sarabi and Zira into the forests.

Next day Battle day

Simba snared as he was walking up down the grass, the lioness ,had formed around for the battle ground. Simba then snared at Zira who was smirking evilly at him,who had quite big bely from our last night training same with Sarabi.

" Where is that human Zira ." Simba snared at her.

" Oh my bro be here soon." Zira smirked at him ,rubbing her belly.

Just then I jump in mid air knocking Simba to the ground,as he groaned .As he was looking up in freight and anger ,at me, as I was looking at him.

" Who are you . " Simba snared,having his claws out,at me.

" Don't you remember, me, it me Stuart ." I laughed ,showing my large sharp teeth.

The group of Lioness gasp seeing the new form of me , as they were looking at my body. Then asking Nala stuff making her blush deep red, I caught one thing they said.

" Nala how big is his, cock then ." one lioness asked Nala.

That made me blush deep red ,but also lost my confiscation from Simba ,who then swipe at my paws knocking me to the ground. As I looked up I saw Simba large mouth ,coming for my neck.

" Bro ." Zira yelled,in fear.

With quick thinking,I rammed my paw into Simba open jaw making yelp of surprised and pain.

" That dose it Human, your food. " Simba roared ,spiting out blood from his mouth .

Simba let out a deafening roar as he charge at full speed at me ,full intent to kill. Using a quick turning of the heals,I trip Simba using his own forward speed to take him over ,as I pounced and pinning him to the ground.

" Give in Simba , and I let you live ." I snared at him,holding him down with full force of my power and weight.

Simba tried to get up ,as a last resort,spat in my face,most of Lioness gasp at the dirt trick. Which made me piss of as, I head butted Simba head to the ground. I snared unhinging my jaw like a snake would , as I was opening my mouth giving one more look at Simba.

" I gave you chance to live Simba and know, you pay the price goodbye forever King." I said pushing ,his head in to my mouth.

" Noooooooo." Simba screamed seeing, his world do damp and sticky.

I mmmmm ,at Simba struggling body ,as I tasted his lovely face, as I gulp pushing him down to my stomach. Zira ,Sarabi and Nala came over,chuckling ,I was surprise by Sarabi reaction to her son being vored. But getting licked from all 3 of them on my balls ,made me carry on sending Simba to his doom.

Slowly with each gulp, as I lifting my neck up moving,as I push froward on Simba body Struggling a bit .As his muscle body bulged in my neck,as I gulp him down. I purred looking at Nala and Zira ,who lick over Simba fur making it easer to gulp him down. So fare as I moved his front paws in my mouth ,sucking on them , as I was hearing Sarabi moaning .As she was suckling on my erect cock making me moaned in delight.

" Oh Sarabi that nice. " I moaned ,using my tail to stroke her head ,as she sucking up down ,on my cock.

Sarabi purred deeply smiling at her naughtiness, as she watched her son struggle kick and screaming. He was clawing trying to stop himself to become food,but it was no use,as after gulp and gulp Simba body disappeared in my hungry mouth. As Nala and Zira rubbed,the bulge forming in my belly.

" Let me out know ." Simba roared in side me,as is front half enter,my stomach with a splash..

" mmmmm." I said gulping more,of his chest , tasting every part of his tasty belly,it was so strong.

Simba whimpered in fear,as after 5 mints,all left out side was his legs,and tail.. I yelp as Sarabi nip on my cock sending pre into her mouth. As I suckled deeply on Simba cock, hearing a moan from him before 3 more gulps, time more . Sending it down with his legs, and only his tail hang out of my mouth.

Nala purred nuzzling my face, giggling nipping at Simba tail ,before I suck his tail like spaghetti.

" Surrlp BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRP ,oh Simba you where tasty ." I purred deeply,looking at my large belly, which gain 4 time in Size with the Lion inside me know.


I moaned filling Sarabi suck and suck with her rough tongue,before I let out a large roar releasing my cum in the ex queen mouth. Making Sarabi purred deeply,as she suck on my cock to drink up my tasty cum,as she licked her lips happily.

" Mmm thanks Sarabi that was nice ." I purred to her,as she just smiled at me in response.

I then looked at Nala who was on her back showing of her goodness ,but I lie down on her with a shouting muting Simba in my belly, as I nuzzled my lover.

" I love you my love ." I said to Nala.

" And as Human or Lion ,Simba would never take you from me because, your my mate not him,or he is know a tasty meal for my lover." Nala said with love ,and laughter .

I smiled filling my cock become hard,as I press it on her wet pussy,as we herd Simba yelling in pure rage.

" Well let Show him our love ." I said seductive,before ramming, my lion barb cock in her sexy pussy.

Nala let out a roar of pain,hearing this , as I nuzzled her but she said she was ok. An she started to moan as , I pump into her sexy pussy. Simba was going crazy,as I felt Nala moved on my belly, as Simba felt me thrusting into her,making her call my name in pleasure.

" Oh Stuart fill your mate will our love ,tell Simba who I belong to. " Nala yelled dirty to me ,as she felt my rough thrust,as barbs scape her pussy walls.

I snared biting on her soft scruff which made Her snare in pleasure,which,Simba banged on my belly ,with no luck getting out at all . As I enter her Womb my cock begin to twitch ,filling my pre leaking from my cock.

" Im gona cum Nala." I roared deeply.

" Then fill me love fill your mate." Nala roared to me.

I let out a powerful roar,that echo threw the Pride lands,as I climaxed into my love filling her with Hot Lion seed. Nala moaned as she climaxed deeply shaking ,as her womb mixed with cum and juices. After 5 mints of pumping of seed I collpaced on Nala ,watching the other Lioness doing lesbian action on each other,as Zira and Sarabi was in a classic 69 potion.

" Well you are know, king my love ." Nala purred nuzzling me .

I purred deeply,filling my belly fill up with acid so the can start to digested the formal King.

" I know I am ,and see ya Simba ,next time when your poo." I chuckled with Nala falling a sleep.

Simba screamed as felt his fur burning of his body ,as my acids in my stomach slowly digested the formal king.

1 week later after turning Simba too poo ^.^

I Moaned deeply, it had been a long week ,as my body did it work ,on the Ex king body. I hadn't been able to move about because of the extra weight ,or being used to 4 legs. So I just listen to Simba being, digested into poo.

" Mmm I think it time, to let your out ,do you agree Simba ." I chuckled ,to my belly.

A grumble and a released or strong egg gas , came out my ass, replying to my question .

" I glad that ,you agree Simba. " I chuckled deeply.

I grunted ,slowly walking out the cave,as I went down the path into the grasslands to go loo. As I walk I felt my stomach grumble,as I let out a few more sticky farts out my well built ass.

" We almost there Simba ." I chuckled to myself.

As I got to my spot I crotched down lifting my tail. As I grunted as I was, about to push Simba out when?

" Giggles look tasty don't mind, if I eat what left of Simba do you ." I herd Nala asked,filling her tongue like my balls.

I moaned deeply ,turning around seeing Nala under me . Her face under my bum , taking in my smelly farts.

" No I don't , mind at all, love ." I moaned deeply ,as she licked my balls.

I grunted deeply moaning ,deeply as my ass crack open up and started to push out Simba remands. As juices drip on Nala muzzle,who happily licked it up.

" Umm tasty love. " Nala purred in delight, as she licked the dropping poo like a lolly pop.

I chuckled grunted,and farted as I pushed 3 thick brown smelly wet pieces of scat .Which fell on Nala who happily ,tocked into her muzzle and chewed in delight.

Nala munched and chewed on the scat reminds ,of her formal mate. An friend and king as she look ,at the sexy ass crack of mine.

Nala burp with lust ,as she chewed up the scat,like meat. As she stained her white fangs to a mucky brown ,as she breathed in my farts.

" Prfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft ,Oh year ,that was a good one ." Nala moaned in delight, taking a huge with of mine sulphate fart.

I chuckled as I moved over to Nala stomach sporting her sexy pussy, I press,my tongue easily ,over her pussy. Running my rough like sandpaper like tongue , over it making her gas in pleasure.

" Oh good Stu ." Nala moaned in pleasure, panting in lust as she clawed the ground.

I giggle ,as press,my tongue deep, in to my lover pussy licking her inner walls. As I then felt my ass realised liquefy poop, came out my ass witch surplice Nala as it hit her.

Nala gasp at the pleasure, as she was getting close on both sides. As she felt the diarrhea of Simba coat her head, then nose and then her muzzle was caked in brown Simba shit. I then moved my ass , over her open mouth, as it poor like water into Nala mouth .Who drank it like water gulping, into her stomach as it filled up with her ,ex mate.

Nala panted filling my tongue pound her inside womb, as it was getting faster and faster in till.

" Rooooooar." Nala screamed, as she climaxed heavy into my mouth. As drop bit of scat, on her brown face .Making her my loo,and Simba new home.

I moaned drinking up my mate juice ,as my muzzle was drenched in Nala juices. As I grunted moaning and let one large wipe ol fart. As I pushed a huge log of a last bit of Simba, as it lay on Nala head to her neck. As I then turned my body over as I looked at Nala with love . As I begin to eat the last bit of Simba,as did Nala . In till our Muzzle meet in the middle ,as Nala gave me a scaty muzzle which I loved.

" I Love you. " I said ,to Nala.

" Burrp I love you to Sin. " Nala said purring, rubbing her messy scat face .

On me, making me purr in response, as I licked her face with love.

The end

Well I hope your like the ending of this