The Scenic Route

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Another commission. Hey, maybe the quality on these is getting better!

Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains scenes of an EXPLICIT SEXUAL NATURE between an ADULT MALE and a CUB, including ORAL AND VAGINAL, with RISK OF IMPREGNATION. If any of this offends you, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you have waived your right to be offended by my work, because YOU HAVEN'T LEARNED HOW TO TAG FILTER YET, AND THAT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT. For everyone else... enjoy!

Orange yawned and stretched as much as he could in the passenger seat of the car. The long weekend for the convention had taken far more out of him than he had anticipated (helped in no small part by the naughty fun he had gotten up to with Vlakara, his feline companion). Ordinarily, he'd do the driving, but when Kara offered to drive them home, he'd been all too willing to comply.

Thus, he found himself relaxing in the passenger seat, watching the countryside zoom past from the motorway. How Kara was so awake after the previous night they had spent together, he had no idea. He vaguely registered a paw coming to rest on his thigh, and he pet it, then glanced over at the demon cat.

"Sure you don't want that on the wheel?" he asked.

Kara gave him a wink as her paw moved in toward his groin. "Traffic's going smoothly right now. I think we'll be fine for a little bit."

The fox murred, then whimpered as her paw pulled back. "Tease," he said, leaning over and giving her a kiss.

"You know it," Kara said, bringing her paw to the gear shift as she eased onto an exit ramp.

This caught the fox's attention. They were still a few hours' drive from home. "Stopping for fuel?" he asked.

The feline winked at him. "Taking a little detour... a friend of mine texted the other day, asked if I could stop in, and I couldn't refuse. You don't mind if we're out another day, do you?"

The fox raised an eyebrow. Technically, he had taken the next couple days off work, too, so they weren't really in a rush to get home. He shrugged and sat back. "Suppose that'll be fine," he said. "Where are we headed?"

"You'll see," the feline responded, giving another wink.

Orange shrugged and sat back. Something was telling him that he should be suspicious of the feline's secrecy, but he trusted her. If nothing else, this would be another day to relax and maybe sneak in another romp before they had to head home.

Grey clouds filled the sky as the feline drove further from the motorway. If the fox's sense of direction was right, they were headed in quite the opposite direction to home. This little detour would almost certainly end with them spending another night out. Might as well make the best of it.

Most of the drive continued with silence between the two, the only noise the soft music Kara had playing through her phone on the car's speaker system, and the hum of the engine. As thoughts floated through the exhausted fox's brain, he'd strike up a brief chat, but they were few and far between. Finally, Kara turned off the main road, and pulled up outside a small shop on the edge of a little village.

"Here we are," Kara said.

The fox rubbed sleep from his eyes and looked around. Wherever this was they had pulled in, it seemed quite isolated. Despite the proximity to the main road, the shop was deserted. He opened the door and stepped out, stretching his arms and legs, and looked across the car at the feline as she got out. "Here? And where, pray tell, is here?" he asked.

The demon cat giggled and shut her car door, then grinned at the fox. "Oh, a little curio shop my friend owns. The castle nearby attracts a few tourists now and then, but this time of year it's usually pretty empty. Come on, let's go inside," she said as she walked to the door.

Kara looked over her shoulder at the fox, then passed through the door. Orange shrugged and shut his car door, then followed her inside and looked around. The shop was certainly quaint, he'd give it that much. There were a few rows of shelves in the middle of the floor making aisles. They were filled with little knick knacks -- models of castles and cathedrals, a few books here and there, novelty t-shirts, stuffed animals. He imagined that during tourist season, they could make quite the killing. They'd certainly need to in order to stay afloat during this time of year.

Orange spied his companion by the desk along the left wall, leaning against the counter next to the register. As he approached her, a husky emerged from the back room and greeted them.

"Kara!" he cried, throw his arms out wide. "Ye dinnae call like ye said ye would to let me know when ye'd be arrivin'!" he said as he threw his arms around her in a huge embrace, which the feline returned fondly.

"Sorry about that," she said. "I was just so excited to see you it slipped my mind. John, this is Orange," she said as she pulled back from the hug and presented her companion.

"Pleased ta meetcher," he said, offering a paw to the fox. After a quick, firm shake, he turned his attention back to Vlakara. "I hope ye don't mind if we retire to the back room... personal matters to discuss," he said, more for the fox's benefit than for the cat's.

"Of course," Kara said, looping her arm in his and starting off toward the door from whence the husky came. "We shouldn't be too long, dear. Look around the shop while we're chatting. I bet you'll find something you'll like," she said.

The fox shrugged and watched the two furs leave, then turned his attention to the shelves. There was certainly an eclectic selection, he'd give them that. He wandered down the next aisle and began perusing the t-shirts, a little smirk crossing his face. So many stereotypically British tourist bait logos, mixed in with some genuinely witty captions.

Orange flicked his ears as he heard a soft click noise, and glanced toward the door. Almost immediately, he was greeted by a young girl who ran up to him, her tail wagging wildly behind her. The top of her head just reached over the half-way point up the adult's chest, and that wagging tail behind her curled up in a very husky-like fashion. Her fur, mostly on display around the short t-shirt and shorter shorts she wore, was a mixture of white and gray with orange highlights. Probably a fox husky mix. Her tight t-shirt showed off a pair of modest breasts, which caused a bit of a tightening in the fox's pants. He was alone with a girl who was probably in her early teens. Not good.

"Hey there," she said, beaming up at the fox. "Can I help you find anything?"

The fox cleared his throat and turned his attention back to the shelves to avoid ogling the young girl's chest. "J-just browsing," he said. "And who might you be," he asked, feigning interest in what was a very touristy shirt.

"I'm Autumn," she said, giggling as she watched the fox idly pawing the shirt. "My dad owns the shop," she said. "Don't think you'd be interested in that one. Here, let me show you some of our better shirts," she said, hooking her arm around the adult's arm and leading him around toward the next aisle.

"B-but I... I..." Orange stammered. Words failed him as the beautiful girl dragged him around to the next aisle. He had to admit, the shirts in this aisle were far more up his alley. Cynical catch phrases, a few with geek references -- not a bad selection. Of course, there was something in the aisle far more tempting to the fox than the swag...

"Maybe you'd like this one," Autumn said as she bent down to pick a shirt off the lower shelf. As she did, she hiked her tail up and pressed her bottom against the fox's pants. There was no mistaking the tent pole inside there.

Be cool, Orange. Yeah, you have a cute young teen pressing her butt against your crotch, but surely she doesn't mean anything like THAT. Stop perving on the girl. Besides, her dad is just in the next room!

The fox stammered as the fusky stood up, trying in vain to make out a coherent thought. The shirt the girl was holding up for him had a rather rude saying printed on it, but he did have to admit, it fit his style. Not that he could focus on the shirt, given who was holding it...

The fusky girl giggled. "Or maybe there's something else you'd like to see," she whispered, hooking an arm through his and leading the fox to the back corner of the store.

Orange was completely at a loss. He could barely think straight with this sexy little thing teasing him. Had she intentionally rubbed her bottom against his groin? Surely not. Sure, she wasn't exactly a cub, at least from her looks, but she wasn't an adult, either. He must just be reading too much into her behavior, though the blood rushing to his engorged member certainly wasn't helping him think clearly.

Of course, the fox was about to find out just how wrong he was. As soon as the fusky girl had guided him to the corner of the store, she lifted her shirt up, showing off those perky little breasts. Orange's jaw dropped. This couldn't be real.

"Guess I did find something you like," Autumn whispered as she pulled her shirt off. Once she was free of the garment, she pressed her chest up to the male's, and brought a paw to his groin. "Let's see if I can find something I like..."

Fog clouded the fox's brain as he watched the girl unzip his pants. He was easily twice this girl's size, but he was powerless to stop her as she reached a paw into his fly and pulled out his throbbing manhood. He bit his lip to keep from moaning as the girl wrapped a paw around his shaft and gave it a few strokes.

"It's so big," she whispered.

"W-we shouldn't do this," Orange hissed. It pained him to say that, since he wanted nothing more right now than to do anything and everything with this beautiful young girl. But her father was just in the next room, and if they were caught, he was a dead fox!

"Don't worry," she whispered. "Dad will be busy for a while, and the shop's closed up... no one will interrupt us." She nuzzled the male's chest, then got down on her knees in front of Orange. Her paw squeezed his shaft as she stroked it, rolling his foreskin back and forth against his tip. On her sixth go, with his skin rolled back, she brought her muzzle forward and closed her lips around his tip, her tongue rolling around that warm fox flesh.

Oh gods. This girl wasn't innocent at all! His member twitched as half of his shaft disappeared between the girl's lips. Oh, how he wished he could take his time playing with her! But that element of danger, the risk of being caught by her dad, that was... fuck, that was HOT.

Orange grabbed onto the girl's ears and grunted, battling hard to keep quiet as he gently humped her muzzle, using how far she had taken him as a guide. He wasn't going to last long at this rate, and as far as he was concerned, that was a good thing. Get off before getting caught. But gods, was this girl talented. Her tongue was rolling all around the shaft buried inside, and she was keeping up such pleasant suction on his member. And no teeth! She must have had quite a bit of practice with boys her own age. Maybe with some adults, too. Ooooo, an experienced little girl... how great would that be?

Autumn wrapped a paw around the fox's knot, and that was it. The male bit down hard into his lip, almost drawing blood, as he fought back a moan. His dick twitched wildly as he flooded the girl's mouth with his thick, potent semen.

Much to his... well, mild disappointment, half way through his orgasm, the girl pulled back, his cock slipping from her muzzle with a slurp. She immediately opened her mouth, both paws gripping his shaft to milk the rest of his semen into her waiting muzzle, though a couple squirts hit the top of her muzzle, earning a giggle from the girl. Once he finished squirting, she swallowed down his semen, then took his shaft back into her muzzle, suckling it to make sure she got all of it.

"Ngh... t-too much," he muttered.

The girl pulled back with another audible slurp, and brought a paw to her muzzle, gathering up the bit of his spunk that hit her there. "Naughty foxie," she said as she licked her fingers clean, then picked up her discarded t-shirt and put it back on.

Orange leaned back against the wall, panting. That was one of the most intense orgasms of his life, despite how quickly he had achieved it. After a few moments, though, he realized that the girl was still standing in front of him, wagging her tail, and his dick was still very much out. He heard a door open, and scrambled to return his manhood to his pants.

He had just finished zipping up when Vlakara and the husky returned.

"Och! I see ye've met me bonny wee lass," John said.

Autumn giggled and grinned at her father, then looked back at the fox. "I was just showing him some of our wares," she said.

"Find somethin' ye like there, did ye?" John asked.

"Oh yes, he seemed very interested in this t-shirt," Autumn said as she showed her father the shirt she had showed the fox earlier. She handed it to him, and the fox dumbly accepted it.

"Oh, I'm not surprised he found something he liked," Kara said, giving the fox a wink that went unnoticed by the husky.

Had Vlakara planned this? Surely she wouldn't have set him up for something out of the blue... it had to just be a coincidence that the girl had approached him.

"Well, c'mere, I can ring ye up," John said, waving to the fox as he crossed the store toward the register.

Wordlessly, the fox followed the husky. As he passed Kara, he could have swore he saw a glimmer in the feline's eye. What was she up to?

"Not much of a talker, eh?" John asked as he rang up the shirt.

"I'm sure he's just still exhausted from the weekend," Kara said.

Orange jumped as the demon cat's paws came down on his shoulders. He hadn't expected her to be behind him so quickly. His reaction only earned another giggle from his companion.

"O' course, o' course," John said. "Will ye be stayin' long?"

"We'll probably be spending the night in town," Kara said. "I saw a cute little B&B a little ways back. Thinking I might stop in there, see if they've got a room."

"The ol' farm house? That's right near me new home!" the husky said, letting out a hearty laugh as he accepted a ten pound note from feline.

"Fancy that!" Vlakara said. "Perhaps I can stop by for tea and we can do a little more catching up."

"Sounds like a plan!" John said, and bagged up the shirt, then handed it to the fox. He paused as he considered the fox's flushed face. "Ye may want te be gettin' thar soon. Yur companion here looks like he might be gettin' ill!"

Vlakara laughed and nodded. "Oh, I'm sure a little bed rest and he'll be just fine. I'll see you this evening, John," she said as she grabbed the fox's paw and led him out of the shop.

"Cheers!" John called to the retreating furs.

The bell jingled as Kara opened the door. Orange noted that it was unlocked, and the fusky girl had disappeared. He shook his head as he climbed back into the car, and let out a little sigh as the engine roared to life.

"So... looks like you had fun with Autumn," Kara teased as she pulled the car out of the parking spot.

The fox flicked his ears. "W-was I that obvious?"

The demon cat laughed. "You aren't exactly subtle about it," she said, resting a reassuring paw on his thigh. "But then, I'm sure she wasn't, either."

"Nope," Orange said, gulping. "H-how old is she, anyway?"

"She's nearing fourteen," Kara replied. "And lord has it been showing lately. Do you have any idea how how horny fox husky mixes get during puberty?"

The fox blushed. "I remember how horny I got..."

"It's worse for her," Kara said, giving the fox's thigh a squeeze as she pulled out onto the road. "That's why I stopped in. She's been itching for a real man to play with her, and I just wanted to make sure that she was safe when she did it. Getting to catch up with an old friend is just a bonus to helping out his daughter."

"But she's still so young!" Orange protested.

"And I'm sure she enjoyed playing with you," Kara said with a wink. "Don't worry. John's a sweetie, but a bit dense. Sometimes I wonder if he really doesn't know what his daughter gets up to, or just chooses to ignore it. Either way, just treat her with the same respect you show me, and you'll be fine."

The fox nodded and fell silent. In that moment, he thanked his lucky stars that he had Vlakara looking out for him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Orange stretched out on the double bed. He was still a little shaken from his earlier encounter with the girl. It seemed almost surreal. After all, how often do you get accosted and blown by a teenager in a souvenir shop? Surely he must have just hallucinated the whole thing while waiting for Kara to finish up her chat with her friend about... whatever it was they were discussing. It wasn't his business, and he wasn't about to pry.

As the fox made himself comfortable, his feline companion emerged from the washroom, her hair freshly done up for a night on the town.

"How do I look?" Kara asked as she posed for the fox.

"Splendid, as always," Orange replied, giving her a weak smile.

The demon cat giggled as she walked up to the bed and patted the fox on the shoulder. "You look so worn out, sweetie. I shouldn't be more than an hour or two," she said, walking to the door. "Though I'm sure you'll be able to keep yourself entertained while I'm out."

The fox picked up the remote for the TV off the bedside table and waved it at her. "Trust me, I'll be fine. Enjoy your evening," he said.

Kara giggled and rolled her eyes. "See you later," she said, giving the fox a little wink as she slipped out the door.

That wink gave the fox pause. Was she planning something else? Probably best not to think on that. Though given the treat she gave him at the convention, he imagined that this evening might be another one short on sleep...

Shake it off, Orange. It's nothing. You're reading too much into her actions. Just relax, watching something on TV, you'll be fine.

The fox had just turned on the TV when he heard a knock at the door. Now who could that be? Maybe Kara forgot her key. That would be just like her, wouldn't it? Orange heaved a small sigh and pushed himself out of bed, pausing for a moment to stretch as he got to his paws, before heading over to the door.

What he had been expecting was to see Kara there, or perhaps the proprietor of the B&B to ask a question. What he did NOT expect was to see the fusky girl from earlier standing there, wagging her tail, wearing the same outfit from earlier.

"Hey there, handsome," Autumn said, grinning up at the fox. "Heard you were gonna be alone for a while. Want some company?"

Orange was dumbstruck. He stared at the fusky girl in awe. This couldn't be real. He must be hallucinating. But the little push she gave as she slipped past him... that was definitely real. He wanted to tell her to get out. No, he KNEW he should tell her to leave. Instead, he shut the door behind her and watched the sway of her hips as she crossed the room to the double bed. Gods, she was sexy...

The young teen picked up immediately on the fox's ogling (not that he was being subtle about it). She grinned and wiggled her rump at him, giving him a little wink over her shoulder, then sat down on the bed, her knees parted just enough to give him a glimpse up her short shorts -- enough so for him to surmise that the girl wasn't wearing panties underneath.

"Well, then... why don't we get a little more comfortable? You must be so warm in all those silly ol' clothes," Autumn said, giggling a bit at the blush her words brought across the fox's face.

This couldn't be real. It had to be a dream. There was no way that he was standing in a rented room with a horny thirteen year old girl. If it was a dream, though, he might as well enjoy it. Orange took a step forward... and immediately tripped over his own two footpaws.

The fox let out a grunt as he hit the floor. Pain. He looked up to see the fusky girl still on the bed, her paws covering her muzzle to hold back her giggles. She was still there. Definitely not a dream, then.

"Are you alright?" Autumn asked, still shaking with mirth.

"F-fine," Orange said as he got to his feet. Certain in the knowledge that he was awake, his confidence plummeted. Sure, Vlakara had assured him that as long as he treated her with same respect as he showed his adult partners, he'd be fine, but he still wasn't quite sure if he was comfortable with this. Confronted with his biggest fantasy, the fox was unsure if he'd be able to perform.

It wasn't until the fusky girl stood up and walked over to him that Orange realized he had been rooted to the ground since he recovered from his spill. He stared, dumbfounded, as she slipped her paws up his shirt and rubbed his chest.

"Well? Why don't we get rid of this?" she asked.

Why not, indeed? Orange grabbed onto the bottom of his shirt and lifted it up and off, revealing his light furred chest to the girl. As he dropped his shirt, he felt her paws move to his belt. He could only watch in mute fascination as this pretty young thing undid his pants, and slowly slid them down, boxers and all, his member stiffening before her eyes.

"Looks like someone's happy to see me," Autumn said, grinning up at the fox as she let his pants and undies fall the rest of the way to the floor. She took a step back and began to lift her shirt, then paused. "Would you like to undress me?" she asked.

Orange swallowed and nodded, his face burning bright red in a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. Funny, he was the adult in this situation, and he was the one mortified to be naked around this girl! His paws shook as he reached out and lifted up her shirt, the fusky girl raising her arms to allow him to pull the garment up and off. Once it was free, he kicked away his pants and undies and dropped to his knees in front of her. With tender care, he unbuttoned the front of her shorts, then slid them slowly down her legs, the fox taking his time to feel all along them as he revealed the fusky girl's nude body. He slipped his thumbs toward her sex as the top of her shorts passed it, and shivered as he felt the heat radiating from it. At this distance, he could pick up the scent of her arousal. He licked his lips at the thought of burying his muzzle down there and getting his first real taste of some young teen pussy...

As he got near to her ankles, Autumn stepped out of her shorts, her movements exaggerated to display her sex to the male before her. Once she was free, she took a step back, and laid down on the bed, scooting over to the far side to leave room for the adult, her legs spread just enough to give the fox a good view of her treasure. She patted the bed next to her, then tucked her paws behind her head. "C'mon, big boy... join me," she said, giving him a little wink.

Oh gods. For a moment, Orange could only stare, his eyes taking in this icon of beauty spread before him. His senses quickly returned, and he closed the distance to the bed, lying down next to Autumn, his eyes continuing to roam all over her body as he laid back, his member standing at full attention between his legs.

Autumn giggled as she watched the fox, and snuggled up against him. She felt him shiver as their bodies made contact, and she brought a paw over to rest on the fox's tummy, earning another shiver. For a moment, she felt a twinge of doubt. Sure, Orange wasn't the only male she had played with, but he was the first MAN. It felt so different, feeling someone so much larger against her. But Auntie Kara had assured her that he was a good male, and that he'd treat her right. From his body language, she could tell he was into it, but nervous. She'd have to take the initiative.

The fusky girl grinned at the adult, and leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. At the same time, she slid her paw lower and wrapped it around Orange's shaft, giving his flesh a gentle squeeze. His flesh throbbed in her grasp, sending a little shiver down her spine. It felt so big in her paw! Unlike at the store, where she had to be quick, here she could take her time. She let her paw roam up and down the adult's member, her fingers exploring the contours of his penis, from the bulge of his knot at the base to his foreskin-covered glans.

"M-may I touch you?"

Autumn flicked her ears and giggled. Such a gentleman! She smiled at the fox, and whispered, "Touch me wherever you want."

Orange reached over and grabbed the remote off the bedside table and turned up the volume on the TV, then put it down and rolled onto his side facing the girl. He smiled back at her, and brought his paws to her sides, his fingers making contact just shy of her breasts. "Gods, you're sexy," he whispered, and leaned in to plant a little kiss on her nose.

The fusky girl giggled mischievously. At the last second, she angled her muzzle up, catching his kiss on her mouth, her lips slightly parted. She shut her eyes and murred as she found that, as she had hoped, he didn't pull back. Quite the contrary! He pressed his tongue forward, greeting hers before pushing past it into her muzzle. A real kiss from a real man! She brought her free paw up and grabbed one of his, moving it from her side up to her breast.

The fox quickly took the hint, bringing both paws to massage those pert little teen boobies. His fingers explored her underdeveloped mounds. They felt so soft and tender, sticking out enough from her chest to feel them, but certainly not yet at their full size. So perfect...

Of course, wonderful as Autumn's breasts were, there was something else Orange wanted to get his paws on. As his tongue continued its dance with hers in her muzzle, he began to slide one paw lower, tracing little circles against her bellyfur, until he was just above her groin. Here he paused, and pulled back from the kiss long enough to whisper, "I-is it ok if I touch you here, too?"

Autumn grinned at the fox and spread her legs, shivering herself in anticipation. "Anywhere you want," she replied.

That was all the invitation he needed. Orange slipped his paw lower, his fingers seeking out and tracing her delicate folds, and dragged up across her entrance, feeling out the girl's sex. She was so hot down there! And moist, too! He pressed his middle finger in experimentally, his thumb rubbing in little circles at the crown of her sex to seek out her clit.

Both furs gasped as the fox's finger sank right into the girl's slickened sex. The fusky girl released the adult's shaft and threw both arms around his neck, pulling him down for another kiss as she rolled onto her side, her hips twitching as his fingers teased her sex. Gods, did she need this!

For nearly a minute, the two remained locked at the lips as Orange gently finger fucked the teen. From what he could feel, he would almost certainly be able to add another finger or two. Almost certainly his dick, too, though how much of his shaft would fit they'd have to discover through... experience. He pulled back from the kiss, grinning at the little trail of saliva still connecting them, then pulled his finger from the fusky's snatch, earning a little whimper from her.

"Aww! Why'd you..." Autumn began. Her question was answered as the fox brought his paw to his muzzle and slipped his finger in, licking it clean of her juices.

After a few moments, he pulled his finger from his muzzle and moaned. "You taste delicious," he whispered.

A flutter went through Autumn's stomach. She'd performed oral with several boys from her class, so she was no stranger to sucking dick, but the boys had all refused to try licking her. From the looks of it, this adult held no such reservation about sampling her pussy. She grinned at him, and whispered, "There's more where that came from..." A stroke of inspiration flashed across her mind, and she pushed herself up on her knees and scooted toward the fox's head. "You're an excellent kisser. Wanna show me what else your tongue can do?"

The fox grinned and rolled onto his back. "With pleasure," Orange said, looking her up and down as she approached. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that he'd actually get to have sex with a young teen, let alone one as beautiful as the fusky before him. He licked his lips as his eyes came to rest on her groin. Oh, was he going to enjoy this...

Autumn giggled as she watched the fox's eyes, then threw her leg over his chest, easing herself back before lying down on top of him, her groin mere inches from his muzzle, her own muzzle at his tummy, close enough for her to see his cock up close. She gave her hips a wiggle as she grabbed onto his shaft and eased it back, bringing his tip to her muzzle. "Whenever you're ready," she said, her breath washing over the fox's tip as she spoke.

Oh gods. Here it was. A thirteen year old's pussy, mere inches from his face. Orange took a few moments to admire it. It was so pretty... not yet the folded flower of a mature adult, but neither was it the flat slit of a preteen. Just a hint of the womanhood it would grow to be. It looked good enough to eat! He brought his paws up and grabbed onto her hips, his thumbs reaching in and spreading her lips as he closed those last few inches between his muzzle and her sex, his tongue slipping out as he gave the fusky's lower lips a very intimate kiss.

A soft gasp escaped the girl's lips as she felt the adult's muzzle at her genitals. She wiggled her hips, letting out a soft moan as his tongue probed her depths. This felt goooood. For a few moments she reveled in the feelings, closing her eyes to focus on the gentle teasing. A throb from Orange's penis, still held in her paw, reminded her of her partner's needs, and she brought her muzzle down, taking the tip inside and swirling her tongue around it.

As she began to blow him in earnest, the fox pulled his tongue from between her folds and flicked it across her clit. She let out a surprised gasp around his member. He did it again, and again, and again. This was an entirely new feeling for the fusky girl, and she was very much enjoying it. She moaned around the adult's member and pressed her hips back against his muzzle, and took more of his member into her mouth, her paw squeezing his knot as she filled her maw with his member.

Orange moaned into the fusky's cunny. His cock twitched in her muzzle as she took him deeper than he had expected her to be able to take him. Was she trying to deep throat him? Oh gods, that would just be divine! On top of getting to taste a delicious teenage pussy, having his cock down her throat, even if just a little... the thought sent shivers down his spine. He flicked his tongue across her clit a few more times, then dove it back into her folds to lap up more of her juices. Such a tasty pussy...

Nice as the adult's tongue felt, Autumn wanted, no, NEEDED more. His tongue teased her so wonderfully, but her body ached to be stuffed with his penis. She needed to feel him inside her. Reluctantly, she pulled her muzzle off the fox's cock, and rolled off of him, both furs whimpering as Orange was robbed of the girl's pussy.

"Y-you ok?" Orange asked, pushing himself up to look at the fusky girl.

Autumn blushed and eased herself back, spreading her legs. "I.... I need you," she whispered.

The fox blinked. It took his lust addled mind a few seconds to catch up with her meaning. Once it hit him, though, he was all too happy to oblige. He scrambled up on top of her, and lined up his throbbing member with her pussy, his tip just kissing her lips as he looked down at her. "A... are you sure?"

The girl looked down, locking eyes on the massive adult member pressed to her sex. Once again, that twinge of doubt hit her. Here she was, in a hotel room with a complete stranger, about to have sex. But he wasn't REALLY a stranger. If Vlakara trusted him, she knew she could, too. And besides, she'd been needing this for so long! Masturbation just wasn't keeping her satisfied, and neither were the boys her own age she'd been getting in bed with. Was she sure? There was only one way to know.

Sandy arms snaked up around the adult, followed immediately after by her legs hooking around his waist. Autumn looked up and locked eyes with Orange, then pulled him down, her mouth dropping open in a silent "oh" as his member sank between her folds.

This was it. Gods, she was even tighter than he would have imagined! And so hot! Orange moaned out, his body trembling as inch after inch of his cock sank into the girl's snug passage. Everything was perfect in this moment -- the girl's pleasured gasps, the heat of her sex, the way her pussy squeezed his cock in all the right places.

Of course, the fox had no intention of just stopping here. He grabbed hold of the girl's hips, and pressed his lips to hers for another kiss as he pulled his cock back, and thrust back in. His ears flicked as he heard her squeak with that first thrust, and he repeated the movement, once, twice, again, working into a slow, steady rhythm. Damn, she was tight, but her slickness was more than enough for him to comfortably thrust into her. What a perfect little angel...

Beneath the fox, Autumn was having quite the time taking his dick. While she had gotten an idea of what to expect earlier in the day, feeling the adult's member inside her was a whole other experience. She felt more filled than she had ever felt before. It surprised her how oddly natural it seemed. His girth and length were a little uncomfortable, but for the amount of sheer carnal pleasure his pistoning member was giving her, she could certainly take it. And the way he had locked lips with her when he pushed in... it was so romantic. She could feel his tongue again seeking out hers as he mated with her, and she greeted it in kind. So THIS is what sex with a real man was like!

Before long, Orange broke the kiss, the two furs panting as they were suddenly separated. The fox wrapped his arms tighter around the young teen beneath him as he drove himself home in her snug pussy, his hot breath washing over her shoulder as he bore down on top of her. His tail swayed behind him as he worked his member between the fusky girl's folds, her sex bringing him to heights of ecstacy he hadn't thought possible.

"Oh, Orange," Autumn gasped, her arms and legs tightening around his chest. "Oh, oh, oh.... ooooooh!" She cried out as her body was wracked by a powerful orgasm, her small frame trembling wildly against the adult as liquid fire passed through her veins, centered around her pussy, each inward thrust sending another wave pounding through her core. None of the boys her age could do THIS to a girl!

Orange gasped himself as he felt the girl climaxing below him. He could feel her pussy spasming around his cock, desperately trying to milk him for his seed. He gently bit down on her shoulder as he kept hammering away, his peak not yet imminent, but certainly on the rise as he felt the girl's sex squeezing down on him. A grin spread across his face as the reality sunk in: he had made this beautiful teen girl orgasm while he was fucking her.

His thrusts slowed as he felt the girl loosen up. "Doin' ok, sexy?" Orange whispered.

Autumn let out a breathy, contented moan. Was she ok? Of course she was ok! She'd just had the best orgasm of her life! The fusky nuzzled the fox and loosened her arms and legs around him, and whispered, "C-can we try it in a different position?"

The fox grinned and kissed the girl's nose, then pulled back, his cock slipped from her snug pussy. A shiver ran down his spine as he left behind that snug passage, but he knew he'd be back in there shortly. "Sure thing, sweetie. What do you have in mind?"

The fusky lay sprawled out on the bed for a few seconds as she caught her breath. She grinned as she watched the fox looking over her, his eyes trailing from her sopping wet pussy to her pert breasts. She took a moment to admire him, too, the rise and fall of his chest, his cock jutting out, shiny with her juices. What a sight. But her body was still crying out for more. With a soft grunt, she rolled over onto her belly, then got up on her paws and knees and wiggled her rump at the fox, her tail raised high. "Doggy style?"

"Mmm... don't mind if I do," Orange said as he crawled over behind her. He lined up his dick up with her pussy and pushed his tip right in, grabbing onto her hips as he pressed the rest of his shaft inside, until the top of his knot was kissing her lips. There was no need for ceremony this time. Now, he was going to make her his.

The girl let out a soft squeal as she was penetrated again, and she rested her head on her arms. She gasped as he started thrusting into her, starting off nice and slow. "D-do it hard," she pleaded.

Well, that was a request the fox just couldn't pass up. But first, he had to make sure she was comfortable. He reached over and grabbed a pillow, then tossed it down to her, before grabbing hold of her hips again. "Let me know if it's too much," he said, and squeezed her hips as he let himself go, his thrusts coming fast and hard as he mated the girl with wild abandon.

Autumn squealed as the adult picked up his pace. She gathered up the pillow and bit down on it to muffle her cries. Oh gods, this is EXACTLY what she needed! The tender loving earlier was nice, but THIS is what her body craved: a good, hard fucking. She could feel her second orgasm already on the way. There was only one thing missing, one thing the fox was denying her... and she was going to have it.

Orange looked down, his eyes locked on their union as he watched his shaft sliding in and out of that snug, engorged teenage pussy. The way her flesh stretched around him, hugged his shaft with each withdrawal -- it was intoxicating. He barely noticed the girl pushing herself back up. But he DID notice when she pressed herself back against him, forcing his knot into her pussy.

"Ah! Oh, fuck!" Orange squeaked. He hadn't planned on tying with the girl! As he felt her flesh squeezing him, reality struck him hard. He was knotted... with a thirteen year old girl... who was in heat... and he wasn't wearing a condom! Fuck! He could get her pregnant!

Much to the fox's surprise, that mere thought sent him over the edge. He collapsed on top of the fusky girl and moaned out, his maw closing on the nape of her neck as he ground his hips forward. There was no escaping her pussy, so he might as well enjoy it. His cock twitched and spasmed inside her as he flooded her fertile sex with his seed.

Autumn opened her mouth wide in a silent scream. He was cumming inside her! She could feel it! Every twitch of his penis, each new spurt of seed, sent shivers all through her, pushing her over the edge to a second orgasm. Her pussy spasmed around his cock, milking it again, this time getting what her body craved: a nice, thick deposit of semen.

For several seconds, the two furs quivered against each other through their orgasms, their hips grinding back against each other of their own accord as their animal instincts took over. The fox had a bitch in heat stuck on his dick, and his body was doing its utmost to ensure that she was well seeded. Though they had no way to know it, they shared the same thought: 'I wish this moment would never end.'

But end it did. Orange collapsed fully on the bed, bringing himself down on his side and pulling Autumn with him. He let out a deep, contented sigh as he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing the girl to his chest as he rocked his hips, his cock drooling the last of his load into her puss, his knot keeping the whole mess from spilling out. His paws wandered up to grope the girl's breasts, earning a little giggle.

"Th-thank you," Autumn whispered, her tail wagging against the fox as she leaned back against him.

Orange licked her ear. "M-my pleasure," he whispered, putting out of his mind the thought that he may have just knocked up a thirteen year old.

The two had just gotten settled down when the door opened.

Vlakara smirked as she entered the room, closing the door quickly behind her. "Well, well, what have we here?"

"Hi, Auntie Kara!" Autumn said, giggling and waving to her from the bed. "I found a new playmate!"

Orange could feel his face burning. Here he was, balls deep in a thirteen year old, caught by Vlakara. What would she think of him?

The demon cat beamed as she locked the dead bolt on the door. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist her," she said, and with a quick twirl, transformed before their eyes into her tween form. "So, Orange... ready for round two?"